New York marriages
484 records
- 1699, New York, Richard Sackett & Marjory L Sleade. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1710, New Town, Queens County, Hannah Sackett & Benjamin Moore. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1711, Elmhurst, Queens County, Joseph Sackett Sr & Mary Samway. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1711, Prebyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Joseph Sackett & Massah Betts. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1718, Elmhurst, Queens County, Abigail Sackett & John Alsop. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- Dec 1718, Prebyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Alsop & Abigail Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1719, Elmhurst, Queens County, John Sackett & Elizabeth Field. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 11 Jan 1719, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Sackett & Elizabeth Field. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1720, Elmhurst, Queens County, Patience Sackett & John Lawrence. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- Dec 1720, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Lawrence & Patience Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1725, Newtown, Queens County, Sacket, Hannah & Whitehead, Thomas. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1729, Jamaica, Queens County, William Sackett & Mary Janes. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1730, Jamaica, Queens County, Joseph Sackett & Millicent Clowes. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1732, Elmhurst, Queens County, Samuel Sackett & Hannah Hazard. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 6 Apr 1732, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Samuel Sackett & Hannah Hazard. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1737, Oct. 28. Sacket, Deborah and James Stringham; v. I, 7. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 1741, Elmhurst, Queens County, Sacket, Susannah & Leveridge, John. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1743, Elmhurst, Queens County, Sacket, Elisabeth & Leveritch, John. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1749, New York City, Sacket, James & DeKay, Frances. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1750, Newtown (Elmhurst), Queens County, Elisabeth Sackett & Jonathan Fish. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 5 Oct 1750, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Jonathan Fish & Elisabeth Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1759, Amenia, Dutchess County, Sacket, Ezekiel & Artherton, Mary. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1759, Jan. 3. Sackett, Nathaniel, and Mary Rogers, II, 145. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 1759, Aug. 31, Sackett, William, and Sarah Fish. II, 405. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 1760, Amenia, Dutchess County, Sacket, Mary & Makay, Alexander. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1762, Newtown (Elmhurst), Queens County, Sacket, Thomas & Alburtus, Phebe. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1762, Sept. 21. Sackett, Thomas, and Phebe Albertus, VI, 234. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 6 Jan 1763, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, Josiah Beardsley & Marjory Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 21 Mar 1763, Lutheran Church, New York, Thomas Thows and Rosine Saket. [NEHGS: Lutheran Church, NY]
- 1764, June 27. Sackett, Samuel, and Mary Betts, VIII, 239. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 26 Oct 1769, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, John Sackett & Prudence Atherton. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 15 Apr 1771, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, Richard Sackett & Chloe Atherton. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1772, New York City, Sacket, Francis & Laight, William. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1772, Nov. 2. Sackett, Frances, and William Laight. XIX, 29. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 11 Nov 1773, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, Benjamin Sackett & Phebe Davis. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 7 Jan 1779, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, Reuben Delano & Joan Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1779, Feb. 24. Sacket, Hannah, and John Ruggles, XXVII, 49. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 1780, Oct. 12. Sacket, Sarah, and Elna Hayt, Marriage Bonds, v. XXX, p. 63. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 1782, New York City, Sacket, Sarah & Woods, John. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1782, Sept. 11. Sacket, Sarah, and John Woods, XXXVI, 144. [NY Marriage Licenses to 1784]
- 22 Jun 1784, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, Reuben Willcox & Chloe Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 22 Mar 1789, Reformed Dutch Church, New York, NY, Richard Sacket and Ellenor Holland. [NEHGS: Reformed Dutch Church, NY]
- 4 Dec 1793, Trinity Church Parish, New York, New York, Oliver Goodwin & Sophia Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 19 Dec 1793, Dutch Reformed Church, Fishkill, Dutchess, New York, Joshua Arkels & Hannah Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1796, New York City, Sacket, Joseph & North, Sarah. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 7 Jan 1796, Trinity Church Parish, New York, New York, Daniel Tingley & Elizabeth Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 26 Dec 1799, New Lebanon, NY, 63:158, "Married, 1799 Dec 26, Mr. Isaac Sackett to Miss P. Hammon". [Berkshire Athenaeum: Cooke Collection]
- 1807, Newtown (Elmhurst), Queens County, Jacob Sackett & Hannah Pettit. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 7 Nov 1807, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Jacob Sackett & Hannah Pettit. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 16 Jan 1814, First Presbyterian Church, Utica, Oneida, New York, Eli Burt & Harriet Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 18 May 1814, New Lebanon, NY, 63:159, "Married, 1814 May 18, at my house, Titus Parker to Betsey Sackett, both of Pittsfield". [Berkshire Athenaeum: Cooke Collection]
- 19 May 1821. This morning, Grace Church, Rev Mr Wainwright: William Beach Lawrence to Esther Rogers Gracie, dau of Archibald. New York Evening Post, Saturday, May 19, 1821. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 2 Apr 1822. Last eve, Rev Mr Soule: William H Sackett to Elethea A Higgins all of this city. New York Evening Post, Wednesday, Apr. 3, 1822. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- Methodist Episcopal Church, New York City, "2 Apr 1822, Sacket, William H & Elethea Higgins. By Joshua Sowle." [Ancestry: NY, NJ, CT United Methodist Church Records]
- 4 Jun 1822. 4th inst., Rutherford Co., N.C.: Samuel Greenlee of Morganton, Burk Co. to Minerva Sacket dau of Augustus formerly of Sacketts Harbor, N.Y. New York Evening Post, Wednesday, June 26, 1822. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- "Halsey, Amos of Junius m 6/19/23 Caroline Sackett of Aurelius in A. Rev. Lane." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- 1824, New York, Niram Sackett & Catherine Thorn. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 24 Oct 1824, Marcellus, Sarah Sackett & Horace Blakesley. Syracuse Gazette. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Notices]
- "Sackett, Theron of Stanford (Dut. Co.) m 12/17/25 Jerusha Smith of Clinton; Rev. Birch (8-12/28)." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834]
- 6 Feb 1826, Aurora, G V Sackett & Harriet Haig. Onondaga Republican. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Notices]
- "Sacket, G.V., Esq, of Seneca Falls m 2/6/26 Harriet Haig of Aurora in A." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- Dec 1826. Brooklyn, Rev H Obderdonk: Clarence D Sackett to Gertrude O Tredwell dau Adam. New York Evening Post, Wed, Dec 20, 1826. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- "Kennedy, William m Maria Sacket in Bath (3-5/20/29)." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- 1830, Watertown, Jefferson County, Ervin Sackett & Lucinda Bacon. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- Marriages Register, Smithfield Presbyterian Church, Amenia, New York, "21 Jan 1830, Colvill Case, 24, farmer, of Saratoga, & Minerva Sackett, 17, spinster, Stanford." [Abstract from Ancestry image, Presbyterian Church Records]
- 15 Jul 1830. This morning, St. George's Chapel, Rev. Mr. Henderson: James H Sackett to Jerusha Post dau of William. New York Evening Post, Thursday, July 15,1830. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 17 Sep 1833. Last eve, Rev B Cutler, at St Ann's Ch, Brooklyn: Clarence D Sackett to Emeline Fleet dau of Samuel. New York Evening Post, Wed, Sept 18, 1833. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 20 Nov 1833. Bedford, Westch. Co, NY, wed 20th inst, Rev Mr Butler: Charles Hicks of this city to Jane Ann Sackett dau late Nathaniel of former pl. New York Evening Post, Monday, Nov 21, 1833. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- "9473. Warren, Emory F., Esq. of Kennedy m 12/24/33 Timandea Sackett of Fredonia in F; Rev. Joy Handy (4-1/1/34)." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- 5 Oct 1835, at Seventh Presbyterian Church, New York, Zener Haight & Sarah Ann Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1837, Newtown (Elmhurst), Queens County, Anna Sackett & Peter Gorsline. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 27 Jul 1837, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Peter Gorsline & Anna Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 27 Jul 1837, at New York, Peter Goresline, of Newtown, Long Island, to Anna Sackett, of Newtown, Long Island, father John Sackett. New York Herald, 28 Jul 1837. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 28 Jul 1837, New York City, Anna Sackett & Peter Goresline. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- "Sackett, H.A. (Rev.) of Henrietta m 6/25/39 D.E. Gray, dau of Hon. John D. of Sheridan, in S. Rev. A.F. Gray." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- 25 Jun 1839, All Saints, New York, New York, Albert M'Nulty & Augusta R Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 25 Jun 1839, at New York, Albert McNulty to Augusta R Sackett. New York Herald, 27 Jun 1839. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 25 Jun 1839, All Saints Church, New York City, Albert M'Nulty & Augusta R. Sackett. [NEHGS: All Saints register]
- 27 Jun 1839, New York City, Augusta R Sackett & Albert McNulty. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 18 Jul 1839, at Seventh Presbyterian Church, New York, Francis Clark & Mary Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- "13 Sep 1839, New York, Benjamin Sackett, of Gov Island, NY, & Sarah Smith, of NY. By Rev N Kellogg. Witnesses: Chas C Hull, Sarah Post." [Ancestry: United Methodist Church records]
- 30 Nov 1842, All Saints Church, New York, New York, James Bates & Maria H Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 30 Nov 1842, All Saints Church, New York City, James Bates & Maria H. Sackett. [NEHGS: All Saints register]
- 1843, Watertown, Jefferson County, Sacket, Edward & Beckwith, Cornelia E. [Morse: Marriage Index]
- 1844, Newtown (Elmhurst), Queens County, Elisabeth Sackett & Sackett Leverich. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 6 Jun 1844, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, Sackett Leverich & Elisabeth Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 4 Dec 1844, All Saints Church, New York, New York, Henry Owen & Catharine Ann Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 4 Dec 1844, All Saints Church, New York City, Henry Owen & Catherine Ann Sackett. [NEHGS: All Saints register]
- 25 Dec 1845, Sackett, John Dempster, and Clarissa Searl, both of Copenhagen. [Ancestry: Northern Journal (Lowville, NY)]
- "28 Nov 1848, Nathan B Sackett and Gertrude V Raynor, both of N York. By N Mead. Witnesses: David B Palmer, Lorinda Ingersoll." [Abstract from Ancestry image, United Methodist Church Records]
- 6 Sep 1849, Sackett, Curtis, of West Martinsburgh, and Elizabeth Blow of Lowville. [Ancestry: Northern Journal (Lowville, NY)]
- "Morris, John m Lucinda Sackett in Jersey (3-10/22/28)." [Ancestry: 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850]
- 10 May 1852, New York, William Post Sackett, of Brooklyn, New York, to Margaretta E Garner, of Brooklyn, father Henry Garner. New York Herald, 12 May 1852; The Brooklyn Eagle, 12 May 1852. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 10 May 1852. May 10, Rev Mr Shackfield: William Post Sackett to Margaretta E dau Henry Garner all Bklyn. New York Evening Post, Wednesday, May 12, 1852. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 12 May 1852, New York City, William Post Sackett & Margaretta E Garner. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 13 Oct 1852, Seneca Falls, Fanny Sackett & Pliny Dickinson. [Newspaper title blank]. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Notices]
- 11 Nov 1852, Trinity Church Parish, New York, New York, George K Brooks & Georgiana D Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 11 Nov 1852, New York, George K Brooks, of New York, to Georgina Downing Sackett, of New York, father Joseph Sackett. New York Herald, 16 Nov 1852. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 16 Nov 1852, New York City, Georgina D Sackett & George K Brooks. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 18 May 1854, at Brooklyn, NY, Adam T Sackett to Sarah Elizabeth O'Trander [sic], father F W Ostrander MD. The Brooklyn Eagle, 19 May 1854. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 29 Sep 1855, New York, Seaborn Goodall, of Savannah, GA, to Jerusha Sackett, former husband James Sackett. New York Herald, 30 Sep 1855. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 30 Sep 1855, New York City, Jerusha Sackett & Seaborn Goodall. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 13 Dec 1856, New York, Capt Usa Sacket, to Fannie A Williams, father Cornelius T Williams. New York Herald, 16 Dec 1856. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 8 Jan 1857, Gould, Seth, of Harrisburg, and Elizabeth Sackett of Lowville. [Ancestry: Northern Journal (Lowville, NY)]
- 28 Jan 1857, New York, New York, William Palmer Armstrong, of New York [City], to Mary A Sackett, of Brooklyn, New York, father James Sackett. The Brooklyn Eagle, 10 Mar 1857. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 28 Feb 1857. NY 28th ult, Rev Samuel W King, 2nd St M E Church: William Palmer Armstrong of NYC to Mary A Sackett dau late James of Bklyn. New York Evening Post, Tuesday, March 10, 1857. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 24 Nov 1857, North Hempstead, New York, Alfred Cobb, of New York, to Sarah E Sackett, of North Hempstead. New York Herald, 26 Nov 1857. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 1858, New York, John I Sackett & Henrietta Harrison. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 28 Jun 1859, New York, Guernsey Sackett, of New York, to Gertrude R Bertine, of New York, father Robert Bertine. New York Herald, 29 Jun 1859. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 6 Jul 1859, Brooklyn, New York, James A Sackett, of New York, to Addie A Lagrave, of Brooklyn, father Paul M Lagrave. New York Herald, 8 Jul 1859. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 20 Mar 1860, New York, E Wells Sackett, of NY, to Harriet M Willis, of NY. New York Herald, 22 Mar 1860. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 30 May 1860, at New York, Adolph Ebermayer, of New York, to Anna (Emma) Augusta Sackett, of New York, father Joseph Sackett. New York Herald, 1 Jun 1860. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 1861, New York, Semantha Sackett & Edward R Stiles. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 3 Nov 1861, First Presbyterian Church of Whitesboro, Whitestown, Oneida, New York, Marshal Sackett & Margaret J Jones. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 2 Jan 1862, New York, Adrian C Brooks, of New York, to Sarah Sands Sackett, of New York, father Joseph Sackett. New York Herald, 4 Jan 1862. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 7 Oct 1862, Lithgow, New York, Benjamin S Valentine, of ?, to Semantha K Sackett, of Lithgow, father A E Sackett. New York Herald, 10 Oct 1862. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 23 Oct 1862, New York, Charles E Sackett, to Caroline B Wilson, father John R Wilson. New York Herald, 25 Oct 1862. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 1863, New York, Jehial Sackett & Laura Sackett. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 20 Jan 1864, New York, Jr Sackett, of New York, to Frances Carnley, of New York, father Robert Carnley. New York Herald, 23 Jan 1864. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 9 Sep 1864, at Grace Episcopal Church, Buffalo, Erie, New York, Henry M Lane & Grace A Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1865, New York, Niram Sackett Jr & Arvilla L Bonney. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 24 May 1865, New York, J O Quibell, of England, to Sarah Morrison Sackett, of New York, father James H Sackett. New York Herald, 26 May 1865. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 24 May 1865. May 24, Rev J D Phillips: J G Quibell of England to Sarah Morrison Sackett dau late James H of NY. New York Evening Post, Thursday, May 25, 1865. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- [Nov 1866], New York, Oscar Sackett, of Connecticut, to Fannie Matthews, of New York. New York Herald, 10 Nov 1866. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 3 Jul 1866, Manhattan, New York, Albert A Lent, father William G Lent, mother Henrietta S Schneider; to Julianna Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Sarah Dodge. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1867, New York, Marcus Sackett & Henrietta Seaman. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 2 Jan 1867, New York, Elisha Pierce, to Jerusha P Sackett, father James H Sackett. New York Herald, 6 Jan 1867. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 1868, New York, John I Sackett & Jennie Watts. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1870, Manhattan, New York, George S Sackett & Mary A Slater. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 13 Aug 1870, Manhattan, George S Sackett, cert 4854. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 13 Aug 1870, Manhattan, New York, George L Sackett, father Rufus Sackett, mother Ann Parsons; to Mary Alexander Amtmenn Slater, father Frederich Amtmenn, mother Hortense Laverant. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 29 Oct 1870, Manhattan, New York, Hobart B Sackett, 43, father Butler Sackett, mother Louis Todd; to Maggie Bullis, 23, father Chester Bullis, mother Margaret. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1872, New York, Joseph T Sackett & Mrs Sarah M Canfield. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 31 Oct 1872, Manhattan, New York, Luke B Chesebro, father Albert Chesebro, mother Phebe Eight Colt; to Julia B Sackett, father Amos M Sackett, mother Sarah E Mead. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 31 Oct 1872, Holy Trinity Church, 125th St & 5th, New York, Luke B Chesebro, of Brady's Bend, Pennsylvania, to Julia B Sackett, of New York, father Amos M Sackett. New York Herald, 4 Nov 1872. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 18 Nov 1872, Kings, Joseph Sackett & Sarah M Canfield, cert 2261. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Jan 1873. Jan 15, Elizabeth, NJ, Rev J B Patterson: Harris Lyons to Marie Sackett dau late Wm, all Bklyn. New York Evening Post, Thursday, January 16, 1873. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 19 Feb 1873, Grace Episcopal Church, Buffalo, Erie, New York, Edward Tracy Johnson & Enenia Adela Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 5 Nov 1873, Port Jefferson, Long Island, New York, Gamaliel Bennett, of Techumsewogue, Long Island, to Lillie E J Sackett, of Brooklyn, New York, father William H Sackett. New York Herald, 9 Nov 1873. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 6 Nov 1873, Manhattan, New York, H Hoffman Sackett, father Artemas E Sackett, mother Laura Hoffman; to Emna S Snyder, father Anthony S Snyder, mother Frances Rogers. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 6 Nov 1873, New York, H Hoffman Sackett, of New York, to Emma S Snyder, of New York, father Anthony S Snyder. New York Herald, 8 Nov 1873. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 1874, Manhattan, New York, Charles Sackett & Bridget Digman. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 20 May 1874, Manhattan, New York, Charles Sackett, father John, mother Cornelus Ohnsted; to Bridget Drumm, father Patrick, mother Bridget Shandly. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1874, Manhattan, New York, James L Sackett & [blank], cert 4046. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 21 Jun 1874, Manhattan, New York, James L Sackett, father Alonzo R Sackett, mother May Anne Bunce; to Eliza Kersner, father George E Kersner, mother Annie Schlenburg. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 6 Jul 1874, Kings, Minnie Sackett & Delbert McDonald, cert 1390. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 20 May 1874, Manhattan, Charles Sackett & Bridget Digman, cert 3273. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Dec 1874, Kings, David Sackett & Eleanor Drill, cert 2543. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Jun 1874, Manhattan, James L Sackett & Eliza Kersner, cert 4046. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 24 Oct 1874, Manhattan, New York, Justin Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Jane Tayler; to Annie Applegate, father Charles Baun, mother Sarah Hunt. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 27 Jul 1876, Manhattan, Amy Sackett & William Warren, cert 3781. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Jul 1876, Manhattan, New York, William Warren, father Samuel, mother Sue Merick; to Amy B Sackett, father Irwin, mother Emy Briggs. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1877, New York, Marcus Sackett & Susan M Grand Girard. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1877, Manhattan, New York, Marvin Sackett & [blank], cert 1478. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 22 August 1877. Aug 22, 286 Sackett St, Rev T R Hewlett: Marcus Sackett of Bklyn to Mrs S M G Sloan of Williamsburgh. New York Evening Post, Friday, August 24, 1877. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 27 Sep 1877, Manhattan, Elizabeth K Sackett & Edward F Pratt, cert 4937. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Sep 1877, St Michael's Church, New York, Col Pratt, of Milwaukie, WI, to Elizabeth Kimball Sackett, of New York. New York Herald, 2 Oct 1877. [FindMyPast: NY City Marriage Notices]
- 27 Sep 1877, Manhattan, New York, Edward Fitch Pratt, father Oliver Pratt, mother Caroline Brickett; to Elizabeth Kimball Sackett, father Thomas Sackett, mother Sarah Bradly Kimball. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 23 Mar 1877, Manhattan, Marwin Sackett, cert 1478. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 23 Mar 1878, Manhattan, New York, Maross Jenkins, father Jinks Jenkins, mother Hannah Jones; to Marion Crumm Sackett, father Charles Crumm, mother Clarissa Wood. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 4 May 1878, Manhattan, James Sackett & Mary F Muller, cert 2443. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 4 May 1878, Manhattan, New York, James K Sackett, father Alanso, mother Cornelia Jones; to Mary F Muller, father Matthew Neal, mother Sarah Alice Hooks. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 7 Nov 1878, Manhattan, New York, Joseph Meier Jr, father Joseph Meier, mother Margaret S Da…; to Lydia Amelia Sackett, father Omer M Sackett, mother Sarah E Mead. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 9 Jun 1880, Kings, Tom R Sackett & Emma J Allen, cert 1735. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 9 June 1880. June 9, Rev J S Brookbridge: Wm R Sackett of Northampton, Mass, to Emma J Allen dau H G of city. New York Evening Post, Saturday, June 19, 1880. [Ancestry: NY Marriage Newspaper Extracts]
- 5 Oct 1880, Manhattan, New York, William Edgar Sackett, father William Edgar Sackett, mother Josephine Findley; to Annie Edith Freeman, father James Edward Freeman, mother Estelle. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- "Seventh Street Church, New York City, 5 Oct 1880, William E Sackett, of Jersey City, b. New York City, newspaper writer, 33; & Annie E Freeman, of Jersey City, b. Easton, Pa, 28." [New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, United Methodist Church Records (image)]
- 1 Nov 1881, Kings, Robert Sackett & Virginia Dillon, cert 3259. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 18 Jan 1882, Manhattan, Charles Sackett & Mary A Townsend, cert 9759. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "13 Apr 1882, Geneseo, New York, Willis A. Sackett, certificate 1605." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "13 Apr 1882, Geneseo, New York, Addie A. Paul, certificate 1605." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 30 Apr 1882, Manhattan, Charlotte A Sackett & William Deveril, cert 12058. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 30 Apr 1882, Manhattan, New York, William Edward Dweril, father Alexander Dweril, mother Anna Theresa Smith; to Charlotte Ann Sackett, father Thomas Sachett, mother Elisabeth Hawkins. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 10 Jun 1882, Manhattan, George L Sackett & Mary H Loefflott, cert 13016. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Jun 1882, Manhattan, New York, George L Sackett, father Rufus Sackett, mother Frances Parsens; to Mary H A F Amtmann Loefflott, father Frederick Amtmann, mother Hortensia Savard. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- "2 Oct 1882, Cornwall, New York, Annie Bacon, certificate 5343." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "2 Oct 1882, Cornwall, New York, Annie Sackett, certificate 5343." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "2 Oct 1882, Cornwall, New York, William Harris, certificate 5343." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 26 Sep 1883, Manhattan, New York, Robert L Sackett, father Israel Sackett, mother Margaret Jane Allen; to Clara Augusta Wall, father William W Wall, mother Clara E Goodall. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 9 Feb 1884, Dutch Church formerly Rome, Wurtsboro, Sullivan, New York, Franklin C Concklin & Norah C Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- "19 May 1884, Greene, New York, Samuel W. Sackett and Hulda Utter, certificate 4666." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 26 Oct 1885, Manhattan, Mary Sackett & Luis Judd, cert 50845. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 26 Oct 1885, Manhattan, New York, Linein Judd, father Alson Judd, mother Cathrine Judd; to Mary Sackett, father John H Jackson, mother Julia H Jackson. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 2 Apr 1885, Kings, Frederick Sackett & Nellie Richardson, cert 987. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 25 Nov 1885, Manhattan, New York, Howard Alvin Sackett, father William Sackett, mother Minerva Driver; to Florence Belle Raymond, father William Raymond, mother Mary C Raymond. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 24 Nov 1886, Kings, Adeline A Sackett & S Frank Johnson, cert 4378. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 13 Jan 1886, Manhattan, Alice L Sackett & Charles Lynik, cert 64685. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 11 Nov 1886, Kings, Henry Sackett, cert 4075. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 26 Oct 1887, Kings, Charles Sackett & Fannie L Morse, cert 4127. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 28 Jun 1887, Manhattan, Charles P Sackett & Nina Morrison, cert 71369. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 28 Jun 1887, Manhattan, New York, Charles Race Sackett, father Elisha Wells Sackett, mother Harriet Mott Willis; to Nina Morrison, father George Downing Morrison, mother Annie Maria Barker. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 26 Sep 1887, Manhattan, Robert L Sackett, cert 27298. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 1888, Manhattan, New York, Adaline M Sackett & Major R Morgan, cert 13140. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1888, Manhattan, New York, Mary C Sackett & Joseph M Matteson. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 24 Apr 1888, Kings, George Sackett, cert 1423. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 25 Apr 1888, Manhattan, Josephina Sackett & William F Smith, cert 5047. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "25 Aug 1888, Brisben, New York, Sherman D. Lawton and Addie J. Sackett, certificate 12974." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "4 Oct 1888, at Windsor, Broome County, New York, Frank D Sackett, of Hallstead, PA, age 25, farmer, b. Liberty, PA, father Chas E Sackett, mother Hannah Osterhout; and Rose Gifford, of Great Bend, PA, age 22, b. Cortland, NY, father unknown, mother unknown, adopted by J Solson. By Rev B P Rifley. Certified transcript dated 18 Sep 2019, Windsor Town Clerk/Registrar." [Image provided by TSFA #43 Michael F Sackett]
- 10 Dec 1888, Manhattan, Mary Sackett & Joseph Matteson, cert 13814. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Dec 1888, Manhattan, New York, Joseph M Matteson, father William, mother Caroline Downer; to Mary C Sackett, father George, mother Anna Bella Keller. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1889, Manhattan, New York, George Sackett & Elizabeth Brown, cert 7106. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 9 Jan 1889, Kings, Louisa Sackett & Frederick Norris, cert 426. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 1889, Manhattan, New York, Howard A Sackett & Nettie J Raymond, cert 4189. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 18 Apr 1889, Manhattan, New York, Howard A Sackett, father Wm Sackett, mother Minarva Driver; to Nettie Josephine Raymond, father William C Raymond, mother Mary Abigail Raymond. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 19 Jun 1889, Manhattan, George Sackett & Eliz Braun, cert 7106. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 19 Jun 1889, Manhattan, New York, George Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Emma Floyd; to Elizabeth Brown, father John R Brown, mother Elizabeth Brien. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 18 Apr 1889, Manhattan, Howard A Sackett & Nettie J Raymond, cert 4189. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 12 Oct 1889, Canton, St Lawrence, New York, Henry A Andrew, 23, father William, mother Mary Cunn; to Emma Sackett, 20, father Wm L Sackett, mother Charlotte Hedding. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1890, Manhattan, New York, Edward A Sackett & Mary J Murray, cert 5332. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 1890, Manhattan, New York, Minnie L C Sackett & John A Rochford, cert 1198. [Ancestry: NY City Marriages]
- 13 Dec 1890, Stanfordville, New York, Georgiana Ward, cert 21764, Georgiana Sackett, cert 21764, Horace Hover, cert 21764. [Ancestry: NY State, Marriage Index]
- 27 Jan 1891, Manhattan, Minnie Sackett, cert 1198. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Jan 1891, Manhattan New York, John A Rochford, father William Rochford, mother Ann Demsey; to Minnie L Sackett, father Aloonzo Sackett, mother Cornelia O Jones. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 24 Feb 1892, Kings, Charles Sackett & Florence A Ruland, cert 770. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 23 Nov 1892, Manhattan, New York, William Alonzo Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Emma Floyd; to Joanna Morris, father Charles S Morris, mother Kate Mullen. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 13 Dec 1892, Sackett, Carrie M, Chenango, New York, 23337. 13 Dec 1892, Sedan, Carrie M, Chenango Forks, 23337. 13 Dec 1892, Stoddard, Lyman, Chenango Forks, 23337. [Ancestry: NY, Marriage Index]
- "9 Mar 1893, Scottsburg, New York, Leonard M Sackett, certificate 4492." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "9 Mar 1893, Scottsburg, New York, Fannie D Dunn, certificate 4492." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 21 Jun 1893, Manhattan, Jessi Sackett & Arthur R Barris, cert 8131. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Jun 1893, Manhattan, New York, Arthur Reed Barrus, father William Barrus, mother Maria Darling; to Jessie Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Enny Floy…. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 27 Sep 1893, Manhattan, Anna F Sackett & Herman J Haendle, cert 11901. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Sep 1893, Manhattan, New York, Herman J Haendle, father Conrad Haendle, mother Catherine Sunterwasser; to Anna F Sackett, father Frederick Sackett, mother Catherine Kahrs. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 12 Jun 1894, Manhattan, Maida Sackett & George A Lamb, cert 6888. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Mar 1894, Manhattan, Harry Sackett & Roberta Ray, cert 3369. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 12 Jun 1894, Manhattan, New York, George Alfred Lamb, father George Ocean Lamb, mother Charlotte Anne Pitt; to Maida Sackett, father Stephen W Sackett, mother Frances Gurney. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 27 Jun 1894, Manhattan, Oscar C Sackett & Ann C Marsh, cert 8343. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Jun 1894, Manhattan, New York, Oscar Charles Sackett, father John Sackett, mother Marie Smith; to Anna Cecila Marsh, father Michael Marsh, mother Sarah Harkins. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 9 Feb 1895, Manhattan, Alonzo G Sackett, cert 2170. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Feb 1895, Manhattan New York, Alonzo Guishard Sackett, father Alonzo, mother Cornelia Jones; to Elizabeth Kernig, father Henry, mother Katherine Dommer. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 3 Jun 1895, Manhattan, Georgiana Sackett, cert 8496. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 20 Nov 1895, Manhattan, Annie Sackett & Charles F Parker, cert 18225. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "31 Dec 1895, Pittsford, New York, Caroline Sackett, certificate 26909."; "31 Dec 1895, Pittsford, New York, Charles Batzel, certificate 26909." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 15 Feb 1896, Manhattan, Maurice Sackett & Lillian C Bearer, cert 3059. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "25 Jun 1896, Lishoskill [Lisha Kill, Albany County], New York, Grace I Sackett and Samuel C Murray, certificate 11867." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 20 Jul 1896, Kings, Leo Sackett, cert 3700. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Oct 1896, Manhattan, Frances G Sackett & Charles E Gregory, cert 16244. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Oct 1896, Manhattan, New York, Charles E Gregory, father Edward B, mother Julia W Morher; to Frances Gurney Sackett, father Stephen Wells Sackett, mother Frances Gurney. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 12 Apr 1898, Kings, Fannie B Sackett, cert 1576. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 26 Apr 1899, Kings, Cornelia L Sackett & Thomas Evans, cert 2499. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 8 Feb 1899, Manhattan, Charles B Sackett & Ellen F Egan, cert 3039. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 May 1899, Manhattan, Paul Sackett & Annie W Chiocchi, cert 7274. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 16 Mar 1900, Greene, NY, Howard W Sackett & Jessie M Campbell, cert 4526. [Ancestry: NY State, Marriage Index]
- 16 Apr 1900, Manhattan, Mabel Sackett & William Guernsey, cert 6240. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 16 Apr 1900, Manhattan, New York, William Gano Guernsey, father Daniel Webster Guernsey, mother Emily Jane Millard; to Mabel Agnes Sackett, father Steven Wells Sackett, mother Francis Gurney. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 25 Jul 1900, Kings, Harry A Sackett, cert 4830. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 1 Apr 1901, Manhattan, William H Sackett & Margaret McKelvy, cert 7183. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 1 Apr 1901, Manhattan, New York, William Sackett, 26, single, b. Weyauwega, WI, father Freman W, mother Anna Merklejohn; to Margaret Mary Mckelvy, 25, single, b. St Cloud, MN, father James, mother Margaret Garlington. [FamilySearch: NY City Marriages (database)]
- 9 Oct 1901, Kings, Robert L Sackett & Abbie Kingman, cert 6292. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "11 Feb 1902, Dunkirk, New York, Michael P. Toomey and Tyrella A. Sackett, certificate 2714." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "20 Mar 1902, Pittsford, New York, Anna C. Sackett, certificate 4764." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "20 Mar 1902, Pittsford, New York, John M Frederick, certificate 4764." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 12 Apr 1902, Manhattan, New York, Edwin White Gaillard, father Edwin Samuel, mother Mary E Gibson; to Clara Humphrey Sackett, father Stephen, mother Frances J Gurrey. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1 Jun 1902, State Street Presbyterian Church, Albany, Albany, New York, Clarence Frederick Sackett & Ida Maybelle Clapp. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 25 Aug 1902, Manhattan, New York, William Wallace Sackett, 33, b. ...field, Mass, father Andrew Rothland, mother Elnora Harrigan; to Hermine Marie Aruchambault, 24, b. Quebec, Can, father Joseph James, mother Sarah Louise Havidson. [FamilySearch transcript: NY Marriages]
- 12 Oct 1902, Kings, Clara L Sackett, cert 6950. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "19 Aug 1903, Fancher, New York, Gertrude E. Sackett, certificate 16563." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "19 Aug 1903, Francher [sic], New York, Will J. Davy, certificate 16563." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 14 Sep 1904, Manhattan, Harriet Sackett & Stanley M Dewey, cert 18265. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 14 Sep 1904, Manhattan, New York, Stanley Moore Dewey, father Theodore, mother Katharine Moore; to Harriet Sweetsen Sackett, father George Henry, mother Sarah Sweetsen Sheldon. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 27 May 1904, Manhattan, Leslie A Sackett & Bertha Kornbluth, cert 10799. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 May 1904, Manhattan, New York, Leslie A Sackett, father George E, mother Ella H Sloan; to Bertha Kornbluth, father Samuel, mother Katie Schafer. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1 Nov 1905, Kings, Edith Sackett, cert 8859. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Nov 1905, Manhattan, Leon A Sackett & Marie K Hein, cert 26878. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Nov 1905, Manhattan, New York, Leon A Sackett, father William E, mother Edith Sanford; to Marie K Hein, father Charles, mother Katherine Grimm. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 20 Jun 1905, Kings, Samuel Sackett, cert 519S. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Dec 1905, at Wayne, NY, Leland Sackett, of Keuka, s. of Mr & Mrs B H Sackett, to Belle Sumner. [FamilySearch: NY, Swann Vital Records Collection (transcript of image)]
- 3 Sep 1906, Manhattan, Arthur K Sackett & Marie L Stender, cert 23099. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 3 Sep 1906, Manhattan, New York, Arthur Kenneth Sackett, father William, mother Mary Jennings; to Marie Louise Stender, father John, mother Wilhelmenia …. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 11 Aug 1907, Richmond, Mabel A Sackett & Joseph Nelson, cert 338. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Sep 1907, Manhattan, Julie E Sackett & James F Sloan, cert 27436. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Sep 1907, Manhattan, New York, James Foreman Sloan, father Samuel Sloan, mother Mary Allen Adams; to Julia E Sackett, father Albert Sackett, mother Ginnett Sanderson. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 17 Oct 1907, Manhattan, Margret R Sackett & George F Miles, cert 26398. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 17 Oct 1907, Manhattan, New York, George Frederick Miles, father Geo Elmer Miles, mother Emma Niefen…; to Margaret Reeves Sackett, father Augustine Sackett, mother Charlette J Rice. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 25 Dec 1907, at Penn Yan, Yates County, NY, Cornelius Sackett & ___ Turk. Unidentified newspaper cutting, 1 Jan 1953, "Dundee Couple Celebrate 45th Anniversary Here. The 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Sackett of Dundee was celebrated on Christmas day with a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scofield of Penn Yan. Mrs. Scofiled, the former Cornelia Sackett, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sackett and their son, Major Sackett, was also among the 21 relatives present for the holiday anniversary occasion. / The couple were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Sackett of Penn Yan on Dec. 25, 1907, by the Rev. DeWitt S. Hooker, pastor of the Methodist church. / They have always resided in or near Dundee, where both taught school for several years, Mr. Sackett in the village and Mrs. Sackett in rural schools. For over 35 years Mr. Sackett has worked in the Dundee State bank of which he is president. / The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Turk of Dundee and the groom was one of seven sons born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sackett of Keuka. Mr. Sackett has four brothers living, Alvah, Clayton, Bert, and Nathaniel. / The couple are members of the Dundee Methodist church and are active in community affairs. They have two children, Mrs. Ralph (Cornelia) Scofield of 125 Clinton street and Major C.F. Sackett of Murphy Army hospital. There are two grandchildren, Gail Marie and Jan Scofield." [FamilySearch: NY, Swann Vital Records Collection (transcript of image)]
- 24 Jan 1908, at Parish, NY, George H Sackett, of Parish, NY, hotel prop., age 38, b. Kirkville, NY, father Henry C Sackett b. US, mother Helen M Worden b. US, 1st m.; to Lizzie E Crain, of Parish, occ domestic, age 28, b. Cincinnatus, NY, father Chas H Maycumbo b. US, mother Elnora M Terry b. US, 2nd m, widow. Witnesses: Minnie E Hall, Chas A Hall. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 11 Apr 1908, Silver Creek, Chautauqua County, NY, Sam Wright, of Silver Creek, machinist, age 19, b. Coppell England, father J D Wright b. England, mother Hepsabath Pool b. England, consent John D Wright father; to Edna M Sackett, of Irving, housekeeper, age 17, b. Irving, father George Sackett b. irving, mother Kate Burmaster b. Williamsville NY, consent George Sackett father; both 1st m. Witnesses: George Sackett, Winnifred Freeman. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 8 Jul 1908, at Waverly, Tioga Co, NY, Carl Berthold Paul Sackett, of Guilderland, NY, taylor [sic], age 50, b. Germany, father N A Sacket b. Germany, mother Catherine Vise b. Germany, 2nd m., widower; to Sarah May Slyter, of Waverly, housekeeper, age 41, b. Forest Lake, Pa, father John W Slyter b. America, mother Lodene Birdsal b. America, 2d m. divorced Feb 1908 at Towanda Pa. Witnesses: J P Rowley, M E McDonald. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 11 Aug 1908, at Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, NY, George Gorndt, of Silver Creek, NY, machinist, age 25, b. Silver Creek, father Henry Gorndt b. Farnham NY, mother Minnie Schultz b. North East PA; to Gertrude P Sackett, of Irving, NY, house keeper, age 22, b. Irving, father George Sackett b. Irving, mother Katherine Burmaster b. Williamsville NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Frank J Kollig, Mrs Anna Kollig. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 26 Dec 1908, Manhattan, Percy H Sackett & Bessie W Roman, cert 23616. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 26 Dec 1908, at Manhattan, New York, Percy Hamill Sackett, single, 26, b. New York City, father George W Sackett, mother Josephine Dorech; to Bessie W Roman, single, 24, b. New York City, father Walter C Roman, mother Carrie Decker. [Abstract from Findmypast transcript]
- 10 Oct 1908, Kings, Theodore C Sackett & Violet Franke, cert 7800. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Jan 1909, at Macedon, NY, Frank Henry Steinfeld, of 14 Morris St, carpenter, age 33, b. Pittsford, NY, father Frederick b. Germany, mother Minnie Suhr b. Germany; to Emma Sophia Sackett, of 14 Morris St, occ housework, age 20, b. Victor, NY, father Frederick Sackett b. Germany, mother Anna Peglow b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Lottie Years, Will Steinfeld. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 30 Jun 1909, at Herkimer, NY, Berthold Alexander Zechert Sackett, 26, father Karl Berthold Paul Zechert Sackett, mother Maria Magdalena Krause; to Juanita Beach, 25, father John Edward Beach, mother Elizabeth Christina Smith. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 1 Aug 1909, Manhattan, New York, Harry Sackett & Gussie Cohen, license 17146. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage License Indexes]
- 2 Aug 1909, Manhattan, New York, Harry Sacket, age 24, single, b. Russia, father Louis Sacket, mother Fanne Fru...; to Gussie Cohen, age 20, single, b. Russia, father Hans Cohen, mother, Annie Stafkoff. [FamilySearch: NY City Marriage Records (database)]
- 24 Nov 1909, Manhattan, James A Sackett & Aleste Dulaney, cert 23818. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 25 Dec 1909, at Geneseo, Livingston County, NY, Everett Gloyd Rogers, of Watertown, Jefferson County, NY, age 26, commercial traveller, b. Somerville, father Hendrick A Rogers b. America, mother Mary Etta Lamb b. America; to Stella M Sackett, of Geneseo, age 24, occ teaching, b. Conesus Lake, father Willis A Sackett b. America, mother Adelade Paul b. America; both 1st m. Witnesses: Delia B Sackett, M S Van Vleet. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 Feb 1910, at Manhattan, New York, Louis Sackett, 25, single, b. Vilna, Russia, father Lipel Sackett, mother Beckie Sackett; to Lillian Dvorkin, 25, single, b. Vilna, Russia, father Issak Dvorkin, mother Fruma B Sagsen. [FamilySearch: NY Marriages (database)]
- 20 Jun 1910, at Yonkers, Westchester County, NY, Herbert H Sackett, of Westfield, Mass, bookkeeper, age 21, b. Westfield, father Herbert L b. US, mother Fannie Sackett b. US; to Jeanette Dean, of Westfield, Mass, stenographer, age 20, b. Westfield, father Allen H b. US, mother Lillian A Gibbs b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Eva W Paisley, John Kent Paisley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 17 Oct 1910, at Rochester, NY, Eugen Sackett, of 46 Hortence St, contractor, age 22, b. Rochester, father Eugen Sackett b. Rochester, mother Helen Gross b. Rochester; to Grace C Leming, of 83 Columbia Av, occ at home, age 24, b. Rochester, father Frederick Leming b. Canada, mother Anna Fenre b. New York State; both 1st m. Witnesses: George Sackett, Ella Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 30 Nov 1910, at Cameron Mills, Steuben County, NY, Edward D Koon, of Cameron, NY, farming, age 29, 2nd m., widower, b. Woodhull, NY, father E G Koon b. US, mother Clara Palmer b. US; to Ina M Sackett, of Cameron, NY, housework, age 18, 1st m., b. Cameron, father R Sackett b. US, mother Mary E Cleman. Witnesses: Howard G Watrous, Anna L Watrous. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Dec 1910, Manhattan, Eva Sackett, cert 28853. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 29 Dec 1910, Manhattan, Gladys V Sackett & Charles H Courtney, cert 28657. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 22 Mar 1911, at Mendon, NY, Smith O Lewis, of Mendon, farmer, age 30, b. Mendon, father Luceas L Lewis b. US, mother Alice Smith b. US; to Bertha M Sackett, of Mendon, occ none, age 18, b. Mendon, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother M Behrus b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Ella M Sackett, Frank D Stagman. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 15 Jun 1911, Manhattan, Austin Sackett & Marie Good, cert 14938. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 19 Apr 1911, Manhattan, Robert L Sackett & Hannah Hickey, cert 9005. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 9 Aug 1911, at Afton, Chenango County, NY, John C Dimorier, of Afton, age 33, lumberman, b. Sanford, father Robert H Dimorier b. Colesville NY, mother Phebe Titus b. NY; to Zilpha J Sackett, of Afton, age 31, nurse, b. Afton, father O E Sackett b. Unadilla NY, mother Mary E Ottman b. Schoharie Co NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Flora B Ireland, Jennie E Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 12 Sep 1911, at Burdett, Schuyler County, NY, Ralph B Sackett, of Bennetsburg, farmer, age 21, b. Bennetsburg, father Seneca B Sackett b. New York State, mother Lucy B Wright b. New York State; to Susie May Rosebrans, of Burdett, farmer, b. Breesport, father Edgar Rosebrans b. NY State, mother Christina Teeter b. Tompkins Co NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Lawrence Rosebrans, Ethel R Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 7 Feb 1912, Kings, Gladys M Sackett & Arthur Applegate, cert 1096. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 4 Apr 1912, at Port Chester, Westchester County, NY, Charles E Sackett Jr, of Port Chester, manager, age 29, b. East Port Chester Conn [sic], father Charles E Sackett b. Greenwich Conn, mother Amelia Bell b. Babylon NY; to Lila Wilson, of Port Chester, occ none, age 20, b. Port Chester, father Joseph Wilson b. Pennsylvania, mother Fanny Bircham b. Millville Mass; both 1st m. Official Levi Rees. Witnesses: Chas E Riker, Margaret Rees. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 29 Jun 1912, Buffalo, New York, Sackett, Herbert I, Buffalo, Hoov, 46843. 29 Jun 1912, Buffalo, New York, Hoover, Florence, Buffalo, Sack, 46843. [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 6 Jul 1912, Manhattan, Ethel Sackett & Jose S Graca, cert 16721. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 1 Aug 1912, at Watkins, Schuyler County, NY, Willis P Sackett, of Burdett, farming, age 57, 2nd m., widower, b. Bennetsburg, NY, father John C Sackett b. America, mother Rebecca Bloomer b. America; to Ollie Beach Foreman, of Burdett, dressmaking, age 43, 2nd m., widow, b. Danby, NY, father Alonzo Beach b. America, mother Elenor Star b. America. Witnesses: Mrs W H Sobey, Mrs J T King. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 Aug 1912, at Hastings-on-Hudson, Westchester County, NY, Reginald George Wilson, of Hastings-on-Hudson, machinist, age 30, b. Stroud, England, father Thomas b. England, mother Amelia Voyce b. England; to Helen Ray Sackett, of Hastings-on-Hudson, occ home, age 24, b. Tarrytown, father George Thomas b. USA, mother Nellie Taylor b. England; both 1st m. Witnesses: Pearl L Sigafoal, Cecil E Mogert?. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Aug 1912, at Milo, Yates County, NY, Nathaniel Palmer Sackett, of Penn Yan, Yates County, NY, age 26, shoemaker, b. Kenka, NY, father Bert H Sackett b. USA, mother Emma Jessup b. USA; to Anna Margaret Dewan, of Penn Yan, age 31, bookkeeper, b. Dundee, NY, father Michael Dewan b. Ireland, mother Anastasia Whalen b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Edward J Donahue, Mary Ellen Donahue. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Sep 1912, at Addison, Steuben County, NY, Maurice E Miller, of Rathbone, farmer, age 22, b. Chicago, Ill, father Charles A Miller b. US, mother Ida Faulkner b. US; to Carrie L Sackett, of Addison, age 39, b. Addison, father Charles W Sackett b. US, mother Ida Cowles b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Eda May Sackett, C Arthur Miller. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "6 Nov 1912, Rochester, New York, Fred W Sackett and Minnie Spetsker, certificate 50953." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 6 Nov 1912, at Cleveland, NY, Fred W Sackett, of Fairport, NY, laborer, age 21 on May 30 1912, b. New York State, father Fred Sackett b. Germany, mother Anna Pecklow b. Germany; to Minnie Spateker, of 221 Ames St, occ at home, age 24, b. New York State, father John Spateker b. Germany, mother Caroline Hiltness b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: George Sackett, Clara Pett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Aug 1913, at Gouverneur, NY, Harley Alvingine? Sackett, of Potsdam, NY, shoe merchant, age 28, b. Potsdam, father George Herbert Sackett b. Potsdam, mother Charity Hale b. Pierrepont NY; to Gertrude Catherine Griffith, of Gouverneur, book keeper, age 26, b. Gouverneur, father John Wesley Griffith b. Gouverneur, mother Agnes M Floor b. Vankleek Hill Ont; both 1st m. Witnesses: Floyd W Burroughs, Irene J Brooke. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Aug 1913, at Guilford, Chenango County, NY, Earl A Westcott, of Bainbridge, NY, age 26, bookkeeper, b. Bainbridge, father Austen E Westcott b. NY, mother Julia D Ogden b. NY; to Frances H Sackett, of Guilford, NY, age 26, schoolteacher, b. Carverton, PA, father Charles H Sackett b. NY, mother Arebella Wood Crandall b. NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Geo S Wheeler, Cora A Wheeler. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Oct 1913, at Avon, Livingston County, NY, Ralph Harrison Culley, of Avon, age 24, lawyer, b. Avon, father Alexander Culley b. Ireland, mother Mary A Bridgeland b. US; to Margaret Elizabeth Sackett, of Avon, age 24, b. Avon, father Charles Homer Sackett b. US, mother Harriet Robinson b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Harriet M Sackett, Mary A Culley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 11 Jan 1914, at Chatham, Columbia County, NY, William L Ryan, of Westfield, Mass, age 18, grocery clerk, b. North Brookfield, Mass, father [blank] Ryan b. US, mother Ida Gray b. US; to Hazel R Sackett, of Westfield, Mass, age 19, occ at home, b. Westfield, father George Sackett b. US, mother Emma Sanford b. US; both 1st m. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 21 Jun 1914, at Sullivan County, NY, James E Sackett, age 72, father James W Sackett, mother Nancy Biers; to Harriet L Decker, age 59, father Henry L Porter, mother Harriet E Pomeroy. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (image not available)]
- 18 Aug 1914, at Roch[ester], NY, George A Robb, of 54 Hillside St, occ R F Dept, age 27, b. City, father Lawrence W Robb b. NY State, mother Anna R Burke b. Webster NY; to Ruth M Sackett, of 207½ Adams St, clerk, age 26, b. City, father Wm J Sackett b. City, mother Lema Chamberlain b. Clyde NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: F T Raab, C Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 26 Aug 1914, at Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, NY, Earl Le Roy Sackett, of 119 Lion St, Dunkirk, NY, silk weaver, age 22, b. USA, father George M Sackett b. USA, mother Ida Dildine b. USA; to Estella Dorothy George, of 119 Lion St, Dunkirk, telephone operator, age 21, b. USA, father Lewis George b. USA, mother Dorothy Tilly b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Miss Clara Baker, Thos A Johnston. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 2 Sep 1914, at Roch[ester], NY, William C Sackett, of 207½ Adams St, dentist, age 28, b. City, father William J Sackett b. City, mother Lema Chamberlain b. Clyde NY; to Evelyn A Egan, of 52 Tremont St, house keeper, age 26, b. City, father James D Egan b. Lima NY, mother Elizabeth Monoghan b. Munda NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: H J Sackett, A H Collins. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 3 Nov 1914, at Schenevus, Maryland, Otsego County, NY, Homer Sackett, of Hobart, Delaware County, NY, age 22, occ in creamery, b. Afton, NY, father Chas Sackett b. USA, mother Lizzie Gurnsey b. USA; to Hattie Decker, of Maryland, age 18, occ farming, b. Jefferson, NY, father Grant Decker b. USA, mother Electa Mattice b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: C W Steven, Mrs C H Colegrove. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 2 Mar 1915, Queens, Leon Sackett & Emily K Willmann, cert 460. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 2 Oct 1915, at Jasper, Steuben County, NY, Charles L Sackett, of Jasper, NY, farmer, age 42, 2d m., widower, b. Rathbone, NY, father Rochambeau Sackett b. US, mother Frances Peck b. US; to Annetta Hoosa, of Westfield, PA, housework, age 33, 2d m., divorced Jan 6 1913 at Tioga Co, PA, b. Westfield, PA, father Mark Hoosa b. US, mother Hulda Weeks b. US. Witnesses: Anna S Moore, C Schoonover. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 22 Jan 1916, at Chatham, Columbia County, NY, Norman Smith Roney, of Austerlitz, NY, age 20, farming, b. Hillsdale, NY, father Chauncey Roney b. US, mother Minnie Wilber b. US, consent Mr & Mrs Chauncey Roney; to Grace Sackett, of Malden Bridge, NY, age 21, housekeeping, b. Albany, NY, father George Sackett b. US, mother Mallie Sackett b. US; both 1st m. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 1 Mar 1916, Kings, Walter L Sackett & Louisa Tucker Mooney, cert 2669. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Apr 1916, at Caledonia, Livingston County, NY, Samuel Leo CRumo, of Pittsford, Monroe County, age 25, electrical eng., b. Pittsford, father Shelly G Crump b. USA, mother Marie E Baughton b. USA; to Ella M Sackett, of 1183 Monroe Ave, age 24, occ cottage mother, b. Pittsford, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Behrens b. Germany. Witnesses: Genevieve Mason, Earl K Manhold. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 30 May 1916, at Albany, NY, William Cogswill, of 430 State St, City, laborer, age 21, b. Riverside, NY, father William b. America, mother Ida Scott b. America; to Ethel Sackett, of 417 State St, City, occ none, age 18, b. Binghamton, NY, father Frank b. America, mother Rose Gifford b. America; both 1st m. Witnesses: R G Scott, Marie Lounsbury. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 7 Jun 1916, at Roch[ester], NY, Thomas H Sackett, of 46 Hortense St, marble & tile business, age 25, b. Roch, NY, father Eugene Sackett b. USA, mother Ella Groves b. USA; to Madeline J Curran, of 314 Park Ave, organist, age 23, b. Roch, NY, father Daniel Curran b. USA, mother Joanna Hartley b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: James E Hartley, William Byrne. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- License, 13 Jul 1916, at New Lebanon, Columbia County, NY, Herbert John Owens, of West Lebanon, age 23, mechanic, b. New York City, father Herbert Owens b. US, mother Adelaide Davis b. US; to Eva Marshall Sackett, of West Lebanon, age 23, operator of telephone, b. West Lebanon, father Fred G Sackett b. US, mother Mary J Marshall b. [blank]; both 1st m. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "20 Jul 1916, Huntersland, New York, Herbert J. Owens, certificate 14285."; "20 Jul 1916, Huntersland, New York, Eva M. Sackett, certificate 14285." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 9 Aug 1916, at Alexandria Bay, NY, Porter Sackett, of Alexandria Bay, laborer, age 23, b. Oswego Co, NY, father Gideon S Sackett b. Oswego Co, mother Minnie Reise b. Oswego Co; to Marjorie Snell, of Alexandria (Town), occ none, age 17, b. Alexandria, father Wm Snell b. Lorraine NY, mother Addie Warner b. Theresa (Town), consent by Wm Snell, father; both 1st m. Witnesses: Mrs L L Curtiss, Mrs E A Ackerman. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Apr 1917, at Bergen, Genesee County, NY, Walter Charles Parmelee, of LeRoy, farmer, age 23, b. LeRoy, father John H Parmelee b. LeRoy, mother Angelica Le Baron b. LeRoy; to Grace Lilla Sackett, of Bergen, house keeper, age 30, b. Bergen, father George W Sackett b. Bergen, mother Mary A Field b. Bergen; both 1st m. Witnesses: Ira J Keller, Mary E Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 Jun 1917, at Potsdam, NY, George C Sackett, of Potsdam, NY, farmer, age 36, b. Potsdam, father George H Sackett b. US, mother Charity H Hale b. US; to Delia C Clark, of Potsdam, teacher, age 24, b. Potsdam, father Edwin Clark b. US, mother Elvira Gilson b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Edwin Clark, Gilbert Clark. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Jun 1917, at Bainbridge, NY, Russell D Pickering, of Endicott, laundryman, age 20, b. Gelatt, PA, father Orion B Pickering b. US, mother Dora Basket b. US, consent O B & Mrs Dora Pickering, parents; to Mildred B Sackett, of Endicott, teacher, age 21, b. Schnevne?, father Charles H Sackett b. US, mother Belle Crandall b. US; both 1st m. Official C H Sackett, Clergyman. Witnesses: Herbert Bliss, Charrie E Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 Jul 1917, at Bainbridge, Chen[ango] County, NY, Howard G Isby, of Niagara Falls, NY, pharmacist, age 26, b. Clarke Summitt, PA, father Sylvester H Isby b. Penn, mother Emma J Casterlin b. Penn; to Martha M Sackett, of Bainbridge, NY, teacher, age 30, b. Lehman, PA, father Charles H Sackett b. NY State, mother Belle Crandall b. NY State; both 1st m. Official C H Sackett, clergyman. Witnesses: Lucy B Sackett, Belle C Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 Aug 1917, at Watertown, NY, Leon S Sackett, of Smithville, farming, age 42, b. Turin, NY, father Geo Sackett b. US, mother Ida Bowman b. US, 2nd m., widower; to Margaret Parker, of Adams Center, occ domestic, age 20, b. Watertown, father Alfred Parker b. Canada, mother Martha Brown b. Canada, 1st m. Witnesses: Frank Bush, Catherine Parker. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 6 Oct 1917, at Rochester, NY, Herbert J Sackett, of 207½ Adams St, clothing cutter, age 27, b. City, father William Sackett b. City, mother Lena Chamberlain b. USA; to Caroline M Bess, of 2 Ronda Pl, clerical wk, age 21, b. City, father John Bess b. USA, mother Caroline Coughlin b. City; both 1st m. Witnesses: Laura M Hawkin, Alfred A Melody. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Oct 1917, Kings, Grace Sackett & Edward P Deertz, cert 14590. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 21 Feb 1918, at Mumford, NY, John Lemuel Sackett, of Churchill, NY, farming, age 25, b. Clifton, father James L Sackett b. USA, mother Margaret Mustard b. USA; to Lillian H Hadley, of Mumford, NY, age 17, b. Mumford, father George C Hadley b. USA, mother Clara O Munson b. USA, consent Clara O Hadley; both 1st m. Witnesses: Clara O Hadley, James L Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 3 Apr 1918, Watkins, Schuyler County, NY, Clarence F Murphy, of Ovid, NY, farmer, age 24, b. Lodi, NY, father Burt Murphy b. USA, mother Mary O'hary b. USA; to Ethel R Sackett, of Watkins, school teacher, age 25, b. Bennetsburg, father Seneca Sackett b. USA, mother Lucy Wright b. [blank]; both 1st m. Official: William Guillan. Witness: Mrs Wm Guillan. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 8 Jun 1918, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, George J Sackett, of Ridley Park, Delaware County, [PA], age 26, ship fitter, b. City, father E J Sackett b. City, mother Ella Groves b. City; to Marie M Hennessey, of 1542 Lake Ave, age 23, occ at home, b. City, father Patrick R Hennessey b. USA, mother Mary O Heron b. Ireland; both 1st m. Witnesses: Chas J Sackett, James J Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 16 Jan 1918, at Lima, Livingston County, NY, Clyde A Sackett, of Lima, NY, age 26, farmer, b. Rush, NY, father John Sackett b. Germany, mother Mary Wardell b. US; to Muriel F Jopson, of Lima, age 22, housekeeper, b. Willard, NY, father Edward Jopson b. US, mother Alwilda Worden b. US; both 1st m. Official: Leon L Sackett. Witnesses: Mildred I Jopson, Ralph B Plimpton. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 29 Jun 1918, Kings, Evelyn Sackett & Benj Barnett, cert 7528. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 5 Sep 1918, at Watkins, NY, Clayton Gerity Sackett, of Keuka, NY, farmer, age 28, b. Keuka, father Bert Sackett b. US, mother Emma Jessup b. US; to Mary Valena Mothersell, of Wayne, housekeeper, age 33, b. Vine Valley, NY, father Marcenus Mothersell b. US, mother Elizabeth Quackenbush b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Minor E Swarthout Jr, Laura L Swarthout. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 11 Sep 1918, Kings, Leon Sackett & Eily K Willmann, cert 10478. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Oct 1918, Manhattan, Robert L Sackett & Mary F Manning, cert 34492. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 12 Mar 1919, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, Carl George Sackett, of Fairport, NY, farmer, age 22, b. Mendon, NY, father Fred Sackett b. Germany, mother Johanna Peglow b. Germany; to Bertha M Ochler, of 169 Harold St, occ B & R Co, age 20, b. City, father Chris Ochler b. Germany, mother Christina Schiger b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Lillian Ochler, Arthur Yanty. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 May 1919, at Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY, Winfield Scott Sackett, of Penn Yan, NY, shop labor, age 40, b. Michigan, 1st m., father Philetus Sackett b. US, mother Susan A Owens b. US; to Elevy J Pritchard, of Canandaigua, housewife, age 46, 2nd m., widow, b. South Bristol, father Artemus Alford b. US, mother Louisa Smith b. US. Witnesses: Charlotte A Baker, Mrs C C Baker. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 10 Jun 1919, Bronx, Jessie Sackett & Herman M Greenman, cert 1996. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "10 Jun 1919, Bronx, NY, Herman M Greenman, 25, single, b. Russia, father Max, mother Gussie Rosenthal; and Jessie Sackett, 24, single, b. Russia, father Lorlis, mother Fannie Frankel." [Abstract from FamilySearch NY City Marriages transcript]
- 6 May 1919, Kings, Curtic Sackett, cert 4642. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 14 May 1919, at Presby[terian Church], Canandaigua, Ontario, NY, Winfield Scott Sackett, of P[enn] Y[an], to Mrs Elwy Pritchard, of Canandaigua. [FamilySearch: NY, Swann Vital Records Collection (transcript of image)]
- 25 Jun 1919, Manhattan, Harry De M Sackett & Miriam Breen, cert 21423. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 2 Aug 1919, Queens, Elizabeth S Sackett, cert 1880. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 10 Aug 1919, at Afton, Chenango County, NY, J Harry Carr, of Afton, laborer, age 36, b. Afton, father Justus H Carr b. Afton, mother Harriet Hyde b. Afton; to Florence D Sackett, of Afton, teacher, age 32, b. Afton, father O E Sackett b. NY State, mother Mary E Ottman b. Carlisle NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Lilian K Lord, Bert Lord. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "19 Aug 1919, Guilford, Chenango, New York, Henry C Lawton, of Guilford, age 22, occ lumbering, 1st m, b. Oxford, NY, father Sherm Lawton, b. US, mother Addie Sackett, b. US; & Armanella M Fineout, of Guilford, 19, 1st m, b. Little Falls, father George Fineout, b. US, mother Hanah Hawkinson, b. Sweden." [Abstract from Ancestry image]
- 3 Nov 1919, at Seneca Falls, Seneca County, NY, Fred Hiram Sackett, of Seneca Falls, age 41, engineer, 3rd m., widower, b. Seneca Falls, father Albert C Sackett b. USA, mother Emma Trans b. USA; to Eva Emma Easton, of Seneca Falls, 33, occ none, 1st m., b. Seneca Falls, father Emmett E Easton b. USA, mother Louise Salter b. USA. Witnesses: Dorothy May Kreutter, Ruth D Merrill. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 Dec 1919, at Perrysburg, NY, Lawrence C Sackett, of Silver Creek, NY, farmer, age 23, b. Hanover, NY, father M J Sackett b. USA, mother Susan Codling b. USA; to Gertrude F Wells, of Perrysburg, NY, clerk, age 24, b. Perrysburg, father E O Wells b. USA, mother Minnie Slawson b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Floy M Sweetland, Charles L Stebbins. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 22 Dec 1919, at Binghamton, Broome County, New York, Carl F Van Dusen, of 417 State, 24, carpenter, b. Greene, NY, father Edwin b. US, mother Julia Cahoon b. US, 1st m.; to Ethel M Cogswell, of 417 State, 21, telephone opr, b. Bing, NY, father Frank Sackett b. US, mother Rose Gifford b. US, 2nd m., 1st husband dead. By Andrew J Comerford, Catholic priest. Witnesses: C R Nimmons, K M Walsh. By license 20 Dec 1919. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 24 Mar 1920, at Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, NY, Joseph Sackett Jr, of Mendon, Monroe County, farmer, age 25, b. Mendon, father Joseph Sackett Sr b. Germany, mother Minnie Behrens b. Germany; to Ethel Bond, of Mendon, occ not any, age 21, b. Mendon, father Milton Bond b. NY, mother Rosa Webster b. NY; both 1st m. Witnesses: Maude E Sackett, Arthur W Gonnerylle. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Aug 1920, at Geneseo, Livingston County, NY, Edgar G Sackett, of Avon, NY, age 46, 2nd m., widower, farmer, b. Avon, father Edgar G Sackett b. NY State, mother Adelaide Brayton b. Albany NY; to Kathleen McCormick, of Geneseo, NY, age 45, 2nd m., widow, housekeeper, b. Geneseo, father Michael Buike b. Ireland, mother Katherine McMahon b. Ireland. Witnesses: Timothy J Mahoney, Margaret Mahoney. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 Nov 1920, at Afton, Chenango County, NY, Theodore E Hendrickson, of Binghamton, carpenter, age 55, 2nd m., widower, b. Pike Co, PA, father Hamilton Hendrickson b. NY State, mother Katinah Wells b. NY State; to Cora A Sackett, of Afton, milliner, age 59, 2nd m., widow, b. Afton, father Lucius Hunt b. NY State, mother Clarissa Landere b. Afton. Witnesses: Erwin Knight, Mrs Erwin Knight, Miss Maude Knight. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 Nov 1920, at Clarkson, Monroe County, NY, Gordon E Sackett, of Mendon, NY, age 20 Sep 19 1920, farmer, b. Lima, NY, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Berne b. Germany; to H Louise Gerald, of 1183 Monroe Ave, age 12 [sic: 21] Mch 17 1920, office work, b. Brockport, NY, father William Gerald b. Canada, mother Harriet A Seaton b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Rufus S Seaton, Roy Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Nov 1920, at Pittsford, Monroe County, NY, Arthur W Zonnerylle, of 2052 or 2852 Main St E, age 25, steel worker, b. Mendon, NY, father Adrian Zonnerylle b. Holland, mother Casoline Heng b. USA; to Maude E Sackett, of 1183 Monroe Ave, age 21, cottage mother orphanage, b. Honeoye Falls, NY, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Behrens b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Floyd Whitbeck, Minnie E M Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Nov 1920, at Pittsford, Monroe County, NY, Floyd Whitbeck, of 643 University Ave, age 27, occ Roch Gas & Elec Co, b. Mendon, NY, father Berton Whitbeck b. USA, mother Martha Gibson b. USA; to Minnie E M Sackett, of 1183 Monroe Ave, age 24, cottage mother, b. Honeoye Falls, NY, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Behrens b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Mrs Arthur Gonnevylle, Arthur W Gonnevylle. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 2 Feb 1921, Manhattan, Marie K Sackett & William Frooks, cert 15319. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 19 Feb 1921, at Brockport, Monroe County, NY, Harold Martin Hoy, of Spencerport, age 21, student, b. Spencerport, NY, father James Eugene Hoy b. USA, mother Jennie Castle Arnold b. USA; to Josephine Margaret Sackett, of Churchville, NY, age 19, teacher, b. Churchville, father James Lemuel Sackett b. USA, mother Margaret Mustard b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Miss Le May Clark, Mrs Catherine A Wells. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 23 Apr 1921, Manhattan, Hubert Sackett & Elizabeth B Halpin, cert 13091. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 25 May 1921, at Chili, Monroe County, NY, James Linn Sackett, of Riga, age 25, farmer, b. Riga, father James Sackett b. Michigan, mother Margaret Mustard b. Penn; to Mary Emma Carpenter, of Chili, age 16, at home, b. W Henrietta, NY, father John Carpenter b. Chili, mother Sarah Miller b. Chili; both 1st m. Witnesses: Miss Beatrice Weeks, J M Carpenter. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 19 Jul 1921, at Grenell Isle, Jefferson County, NY, Thomas Markham Talmage, of 36 Church St, Hornell, age 33, clergyman, b. Leonia, NJ, father David Talmage b. US, mother Lottie G Talmage b. US; to Julia Cowles Sackett, of 73 Genesee St, Hornell, NY, age 25, school teacher, b. Gouvernour, NY, father Martin Russell Sackett b. US, mother Marion Cowles b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Martin R Sackett, Marion J Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 3 Sep 1921, at Oneonta, Otsego County, NY, Harvey C Sackett, of 43 Maple St, Oneonta, NY, teller in bank, age 28, b. Schenevus, NY, father Charles H Sackett b. USA, mother Belle Crandall b. USA; to Florence Irene Loudon, of 10 Columbia St, Oneonta, NY, clerk, age 26, b. Town of Middlefield, NY, father Eugene Loudon b. USA, mother Ella Mahoney b. USA; both 1st m. Official Stephen H Wood, Minister of the Gospel. Witnesses: Lewis J Rose, S Estella Wood. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 3 Sep 1921, at Rochester, NY, Frederick E Bassett, of Ithaca, NY, Associated Press operator, age 37, b. Sherman, Texas, father Millard I Bassett b. USA, mother Sarah J Harris b. USA; to Minerva E Sackett, of Ithaca, NY, dental hygenist, age 33, b. Avon, NY, father Samuel Sackett b. USA, mother Jennie L Robinson b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Ralph H Cully, Jennie L Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 Feb 1922, Genesee, New York, Mary Elizabeth Sackett, (index entry, vol 3, p. 171, no. 4040). [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 14 Feb 1922, at LeRoy, Genesee County, NY, Ira J Keller, of Bergen, Genesee County, farmer, age 31, b. Bergen, father W J Keller b. NY State, mother Minnie Page b. NY State; to Mary Elizabeth Sackett, of Bergen, 30, housekeeper, b. Bergen, father Geo W Sackett b. NY State, mother Mary Field b. NU State; both 1st m. Witnesses: Walter C Parmelee, Mrs Grace S Parmelee. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Feb 1922, Genesee, New York, Leland Dunn Sackett, (index entry, vol 3, p. 170, no. 4038). [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Feb 1922, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, Leland Dunn Sackett, of Geneseo, NY, age 27, contractor, b. Arkport, father Leonard M Sackett b. Michigan, mother Frances Dunn b. NY State; to Gladys Ruth Archibald, of Cohocton, NY, age 21, teacher, b. Buffalo, NY, father J A Archibald b. USA, mother Helen Hill Weston b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Doris E Woodruff, Harold E Cole. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 19 Apr 1922, at East Rochester, Monroe County, NY, Roy Sackett, of Mendon, NY, age 24, farmer, b. US, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Benst b. Germany; to Mildred Waterstraat, of Mendon, NY, age 22, b. Henrietta, NY, father August Waterstraat b. Germany, mother Clara Smead b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Harold Mance, Lucille Waterstraat. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Jun 1922, at New Baltimore, Greene County, NY, Leo Cashman, of New Lebanon, NY, hotel man, age 32, 2nd m., widower, b. New Lebanon, father Patrick Cashman b. US, mother Mary E Sullivan b. US; to Emeline M Sackett, of Lebanon Springs, NY, occ Lady, age 25, 1st m., b. Lebanon Center, father Frank Sackett b. US, mother Lydia M Baker b. US. Witnesses: Berta G De Meester, Peter De Meester. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 21 Jun 1922, at Alden, Erie, NY, Bert H Sackett Jr & Hazel Patterson. [FamilySearch: NY, Swann Vital Records Collection (transcript of image)]
- 2 Sep 1922, at Jamestown, Chautauqua County, NY, Irvine Lakeman Nobbs, of 913 Prendergast Ave, Jamestown, NY, electrician, age 21, b. Jamestown, father Milford A Nobbs b. Penna, mother Marrian Irvine b. Penna; to Arline Bernice Sackett, of 310 Jefferson, Jamestown, NY, at home, age 19, b. Mayville, NY, father Asa A Sackett b. NY State, mother Chloe Spink b. NY State; both 1st m. Witnesses: Clifford A Shellberg, Minnie T Shellberg. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 16 Sep 1922, at Buffalo, New York, George A Sackett and Marie E Rattigan. [Abstract from Ancestry images, NY Marriage Index]
- 6 Dec 1922, at Cameron, Steuben County, NY, Hiram L Reynolds, of Rathbone, NY, age 32, machinist, b. Rathbone, father Charles Reynolds b. US, mother Martha Lewis b. US; to Mary B Sackett, of Rathbone, age 25, housework, b. Rathbone, father William Sackett b. US, mother Susie Spencer b. US; both 1st m. Official: Winfred C Pero. Witnesses: Fred Wormley, Clara M Pero. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "19 Feb 1923, Oyster Bay, New York, Julia Sackett, certificate 44743."; "19 Feb 1923, Oyster Bay, New York, Charles Sterling, certificate 44743." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 22 Mar 1923, Manhattan, Eleanor Sackett & Russell Cowles, cert 9407. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 30 Apr 1923, Poughkeepsie, NY, Benjamin J Sackett & Ruth M Spencer. [Ancestry: NY State Marriage Index]
- 19 May 1923, at Pittsford, Monroe County, NY, Elliot S Crump, of Perinton, NY, age 42, nurseryman, b. Pittsford, NY, 3rd m., former wife Mary Rowland dec'd, father Shelly G Crump b. US, mother Maud Boughton b. US; to Florence M Sackett, of Honeoye Falls, age 21, housework, b. East Bloomfield, NY, 1st m., father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Behust b. Germany. Witnesses: Reva Sackett, Joseph Sackett. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 18 Jun 1923, at Grahamsville, Sullivan County, NY, Henry J Sackett, of Parksville, NY, carpenter, age 40, b. Claryville, father Joseph Sackett b. Canada, mother Harriet Beardsley b. Canada; to Lena Jones, of Neversink, NY, housework, age 18, b. Fish Eddy, father Frank Jones b. Claryville, mother Hattie Lloyd b. Hancock; both 1st m. Witnesses: Frank A Jones, L Sheeley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 29 Jun 1923, at Clarence, Erie County, NY, John Lemuel Sackett, of Churchville, NY, age 31, farmer, b. Monroe Co, NY, father James L Sackett b. US, mother Margaret Mustard b. US; to Florence Minerva Wells, of Gowanda, NY, age 30, teacher, b. Gowanda, NY, father J N Wells b. USA, mother Grace Wright b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: J U Wells, Mrs J U Wells. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "8 Sep 1923, at Liberty, Sullivan County, NY, Madison H Sayles, of Oxford, NY, farmer, age 33, b. Pharsalia, NY, 1st m., father Henry Sayles b. USA, mother Ida Sperry b. USA; to Addie Sackett, of Ferndale, NY, age 48, b. Greene, NY, 2nd m., widow, father Charles Sackett b. USA, mother Emma Bailey b. USA. Witnesses: Mrs H W Gildersleeve, Irwin E Thomas." [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 24 Oct 1923, at Candor, Tioga County, NY, Wm B Smith, of Owego, age 65, banker, b. Candor, father Wakeman B Smith b. US, mother Emaline Barager b. US; to Fannie Forman Sackett, of Candor, age 58, retired teacher, b. Canisvaga, NY, father Asahel S Sackett b. US, mother Cynthia Forman b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Ella F Smith, James H Jennings. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 31 Oct 1923, Queens, Carmella Sackett & Edward Norbeck, cert 2555. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 7 Nov 1923, at Dansville, Livingston County, NY, Carl Van Zandt Sackett, of 15 E Main, Avon, NY, age 23, accountant, b. Avon, father Wm V Sackett b. USA, mother Jessie Bristol b. USA; to Esther Belle Denton, of 21 West Ave, Dansville, age 20, clerk, b. Ossian, NY, father James Denton b. USA, mother Stella Bonner b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Helen Cornelia Sackett, Courtney S Bradley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "16 May 1924, Kirkwood, Broome County, NY, Ernest E Stoddard, of 16½ ?ayntot Ave, Binghamton, Broome County, NY, 22 yrs, wood worker, b. Hallstead, PA, father Lyman b. US, mother Carrie maiden name unk b. US; and Isabella Irene Lindeley, of 30 O?change St, Binghamton, 20 yrs, chair worker, b. Binghamton, father George b. US, mother Florence Wendall b. US. License issued Binghamton 10 May 1924. Both first m. By George J Musk JP. Witnesses: Katherine French, John M Celesta." [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 13 Jun 1924, Richmond, Calvin B Sackett & Maisie C Sanford, cert 327. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "13 Jun 1924, Staten Island, New York City, Sackett, Calvin B, cert 406; 13 Jun 1924, Staten Island, New York City, Sanford, Maisie C, cert 406." [Ancestry, NY City, Marriage Indexes, abstract from images]
- 30 Jun 1924, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, George S Sackett, of 371 Maywood Ave, Maywood, NJ, age 27, accountant, b. Winsted, Conn, father Frank Sackett b. USA, mother Nettie J Dean b. USA; to Mildred K Steinkamf, of 100 Shelter St, age 26, occ Kodak Co, b. City, father Henry F Steinkamf b. USA, mother Katherine Walter b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Hazel G Steinkamf, Henry W Steinkamf. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 15 Jul 1924, at Lima, Livingston County, NY, William Derwin Sackett, of West Bloomfield, age 21/27?, trucking, b. Rush, NY, father John Sackett b. Germany, mother Mary Wardell b. US; to Elva Caroline Yorks, of Lima, age 22, teacher, b. Hemlock, NY, father Henry Yorks b. US, mother Catherine Spatsker b. Germany; both 1st m. Witnesses: Pearl Sackett, Elton Yorks. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Aug 1924, at Buffalo, Allegany County, NY, William B Fox, of Portville, NY, machinist, age 21, b. Portville, father William T Fox b. US, mother Mary L Paige b. US; to Mary J Sackett, of Bolivar, NY, school teacher, age 21, b. Wellsville, NY, father Harry N Sackett b. US, mother Mary L Lavick b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Charles Harris McKee, Marjorie E Daise. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 4 Sep 1924, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, Arthur Sackett, of 78 Sanford St, age 36, electrician, b. Detroit, Mich, 1st m., father Harry Sackett b. USA, mother Mary A McGill b. USA; to Mary A Kohlmetz, of 78 Jewell St, age 42, house keeper, b. City, 2nd m., widow, father John J Brucher b. Germany, mother Mary Nicholas b. Germany. Witnesses; Flora Brucher, Ernest Brucher. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 24 Sep 1924, at Mendon, Monroe County, NY, Joseph Sackett, of Pittsford, NY, age 29, clerk, b. Mendon, 2nd m., former wife Ethel Bond, father Joseph Sackett b. Germany, mother Minnie Behrens b. Germany; to Beatrice Smith, of Mendon, age 20, occ none, b. Mendon, 1st m., father Clarence Smith b. US, mother Alberta Lewis b. US. Witnesses: Delia Smith, C Laslye Smith. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Sep 1924, at So Canisteo, Steuben County, NY, Leonard C Campbell, of Fremont, NY, age 19, occ labor, b. Jasper, NY, father Frank Campbell b. US, mother Loella Dennis b. US; to Margaret Sackett, of Fremont, NY, age 18, mill operator, b. Rathbone, NY, father Ira Sackett b. US, mother Lida Wood b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Frank J Knight, Mrs Dorothy Knight. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 30 Sep 1924, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, George L Sackett, of 400 Melville St, Rochester, age 21 on Feb 9 1924, wood pattern maker, b. Bergen, NY, father Bert Sackett b. USA, mother Jessie Collins b. USA; to Avildah G Simpson, of 1059 Portland Ave, Rochester, age 21, clerical work, b. City, father Frank Simpson b. USA, mother Bertha Meyer b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Julius J Wiesner, Beata Kingsley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "15 Nov 1924, Bangall, New York, Donald L Wilson & Hilda M Cornelius." [, NY State Marriage Index]
- 22 Feb 1925, at Newark, Wayne County, NY, Robert Burroughs Clark, of 818 Fitzhugh St, Rochester, age 21, student, b. Casenovia, NY, father William W Clark b. US, mother Mabel A Burrows b. US; to Catherine Thorn Sackett, of Palmyra Road, Fairport, NY, age 26, student, b. Silver Creek, NY, father Smith T Sackett b. US, mother Josephine Burmester b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Gertrude A Knoepple, Wm S Sherwood. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 21 May 1925, at Canisteo, Steuben County, NY, Frank Lee Sackett, of Howard, NY, age 21, farmer, b. Jasper, NY, father Charles Sackett b. US, mother Phoebe Vawn b. US; to Bertha Mae Bettinger, of Hartsville, NY, age 22, housework, b. Hartsville, father C R Bettinger b. US, mother Clara Norton b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Walter R Bettinger, Leah Norton. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Jul 1925, at Utica, Oneida County, NY, Walter Lyman Sackett, of 450 Walton Rd, age 29, clerk, b. Brooklyn, NY, father Walter L Sackett b. USA, mother Julia N Mead b. USA; to Esther Lucille Barrett, of 1239 Walnut St, age 22, weaver, b. Oneida, NY, father Da… C Barrett b. USA, mother Carrie Sitterby b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: S M Dwyer, Mrs Stanley Dwyer. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Sep 1925, at Gates Center, Monroe County, NY, Stanley O Steele, of 164 McKinley St, Rochester, age 33, contractor, b. E Bloomfield, NY, father James H Steele b. USA, mother Nellie J Outhouse b. USA; to Jean F Sackett, of 133 Exchange St, Rochester, age 31, social worker, b. Churchville, NY, father James L Sackett b. USA, mother Margaret Mustard b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Allan Reid, Jessie Reid, both of 133 Exchange St. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Nov 1925, Manhattan, Ralph L Sackett & Alice Fowden, cert 30925. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 13 Jan 1926, at Binghamton, Broome County, NY, Charles H Sackett, of 203 Pennsylvania Ave, Binghamton, NY, age 21 Apr 7 1925, shipping clerk, b. Greene, NY, father Howard b. US, mother Jennie Campbell b. US; to Mabel F Woodruff, of 201 Pennsylvania Ave, Binghamton, NY, age 25, housework, b. Auburn Center, PA, father Charles b. US, mother Mattie Bennett b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Floyd Woodruff, Alice Cole. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 15 May 1926, at Rochester, Monroe County, NY, Homer Sackett, of Rochester & Caledonia, NY, age 29, bookkeeper, b. Jersey City, NJ, father Edward Sackett b. USA, mother Elizabeth La Bree b. USA; to Margaret O'Malley Burns, of 393 Court St, Rochester, age 33, clerical work, b. City, father John S Burns b. USA, mother Katherine O'Malley b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Margaret Curran, Rev E J O'Brien. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 20 May 1926, at Gowanda, Cattaraugus County, NY, Othie Sackett, of Leechburg, Armstrong County, PA, age 47, occ Evangelist, b. Armstrong Co, Penna, father Wm Sackett b. US, mother Levina Gray b. US; to Eliza J Allison, of Mercer, Mercer County, PA, age 53, occ none, b. Mercer, Penna, father John Allison b. US, mother Elizabeth Wilson b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Edna J Schaack, John C Meller. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Jun 1926, at Avon, Livingston County, NY, Harlow Isaac Hall, of Avon, age 24, dentist, b. Clarenden, NY, father George W Hall b. US, mother Adeline Fuller b. US; to Helen Cornelia Sackett, of Avon, age 23, occ blank, b. Avon, father Wm Van Zandt Sackett b. US, mother Jessie Bristol b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Dr G Alfred Hall DDS, Elizabeth B Adams. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 8 Sep 1926, at Cuba, Allegany County, NY, Harvey J Post, of Nornell, Steuben County, NY, age 38, civil engineer, b. Tonawanda, NY, father George Post b. USA, mother Mary Greaser b. USA; to Bertha A Sackett, of Cuba, Allegany County, NY, age 26, b. Niagara Falls, NY, father Geo Sackett b. USA, mother Hannah Dunning b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Dora M Forness, Eugene F Forness. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 3 Nov 1926, at Roscoe, Sullivan County, NY, Wendell L Martin, of Bloomville, NY, age 24, farming, b. Hazel, Sullivan County, father Frank Martin b. USA, mother Margaret Hoag b. USA; to Elizabeth Arlena Sackett, of Delancey, Hamden, NY, age 19, housekeeper, b. Delphi, NY, father Guy Hackett [sic] b. USA, mother Anna Van Alstyne b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: F W Duckman, Mary E Darbee. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Dec 1926, at Elmira, Chemung County, NY, Marcus Marcellus Cass, of Watkins Glen, Schuyler County, NY, age 26, farmer, b. Montour Falls, NY, father John L Cass b. USA, mother Edith M Henderson b. USA; to Lolita Ruth Sackett, of 54 Madison, Geneva, Ontario County, NY, lawyer, b. Geneva, father Frederick B Sackett b. USA, mother Julia Goetzman b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Helen P Merring, Esther H Merring. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 31 Jan 1927, Manhattan, Myrtle Sackett & Arthur Schmidt, cert 3819. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "17 Aug 1928, Rotterdam, New York, Alan D Murray and Dorothy E Bradt, certificate 25193." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- License, "18 Nov 1928, Dunkirk, Chautauqua, New York, Lawrence Eugene Graser, of 428 Woodrow Ave, Dunkirk, age 30, b. Dunkirk, 17 Feb 1898, school teacher, father Thos N Graser b. Germany, mother Catherine Gunther b. USA; & Alice Loretto Toomey, of 438 Washington Ave, Dunkirk, age 25, b. Dunkirk, 14 May 1903, father Michael P Toomey b. USA, mother Tyrella A Sackett b. USA. Both 1st m. Future address 138 Richmond Ave, Buffalo, NY." [Abstract from Ancestry image]
- "8 Mar 1929, Monroe, New York, Burt A Batzel, of Honeoye Falls, age 21, farming, b. Mendon, NY, father Charles Batzel, mother Caroline Sackett; & Helen P Felstead, of Honeoye Falls, age 20, b. West Bloomfield, NY, father George Felstead, mother Violet Earl. Both 1st m." [Abstract from Ancestry image]
- 16 Mar 1929, Manhattan, Mae Sackett & Charles Bransky, cert 5536. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 4 Sep 1929, at West Danby, Tompkins County, NY, Norman S Millspaugh, of Prattsburg, NY, age 58, b. Dec 6 1871, farmer, 2nd m., widower, b. Chemung, NY, father Daniel Millspaugh b. US, mother Mary J Scott b. US; to Ollie M Sackett, of Burdett, NY, age 57, b. July 14 1872, 3rd m., widow, occ not any, b. Tompkins Co, NY, father Alonzo Beach b. US, mother Eleanor Starr b. US. Witnesses: Fred Schonwertz, Edna Schonwertz. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "7 Sep 1929, Buffalo, New York, Russell P Sackett, certificate 30570." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "7 Sep 1929, Buffalo, New York, Louise E Scheffler, certificate 30570." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- License, Windsor, Broome County, NY, 21 Nov 1930, "Wm J Sackett, 3 Aldrich Ave, Binghamton, NY, age 22, b. Greene, NY, 5 Jun 1908, shipping clerk, father Howard Sackett b. USA, mother Jessie Campbell b. USA; and Mary L De Mun, 16 Elm St, Susquehanna, PA, age 18, b. Susquehanna, 14 May 1912, laundress, father Melvin A De Mun b. USA, mother Mand Bloat b. USA. Both 1st m." [Abstract from FamilySearch image]
- Certificate, "27 Nov 1930, at Binghamton, Broome County, NY, William J Sackett, of Binghamton, and Mary L De Mun, of Susquehanna, PA. By Rev R I Bunts, Minister, 14 Riverview Ave, Binghamton. Witnesses: F A Mitchell, Mrs F A Mitchell, 3 Orton Ave." [Abstract from FamilySearch image]
- 30 Jun 1930, at Brewster, Putnam County, NY, John Louis Ronan, of Brewster, NY, age 34, stock clerk, b. Brewster, father John Ronan b. USA, mother Ellen Pawer b. USA; to Vera Sackett, of Brewster, age 26/28?, school teacher, b. Findley, Ohio, father Peter Sackett b. Canada, mother Alice Miller b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Leonard Schneider, Mrs Leonard Schneider. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 1 Sep 1930, Manhattan, Florence L Sackett & Carl Holland, cert 20314. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 17 Sep 1930, Kings, Mae F Sackett & Kenneth F Gautier, cert 12977. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 3 Apr 1931, Kings, Beatrice J Sackett & Jacob Resnick, cert 3963. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- License, "15 Aug 1931, Genesee, NY, Clarence K Loghry, 7 Temple, Mt Vernon, Westchester Co, NY, age 28, b. Coudersport, PA, 14 Mar 1903, supervisory work, father James Loghry, mother Ida Cotton; & Norma Sackett Davy, 18 McKenzie, Bergen, Genesee Co, NY, age 26, b. Bergen, 6 Oct 1904, domestic science teacher, father Will J Davy, mother Gertrude E Sackett. Both 1st m. Future address 450 West 24th St, Manhattan, NY." [Abstract from Ancestry image, New York, County Marriage Records]
- "15 Aug 1931, Genesee Co, New York, Norma S. Davy, certificate 24784."; "15 Aug 1931, Genesee Co, New York, Clarence K. Loghry, certificate 24784." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "License, 22 Aug 1931, Lewiston, Niagara County, NY, David K Potter, of 6348 South Fourt Ave, St Petersburg, FL, age 36, b. Altoona, PA, 6 Dec 1894, civil engineer, father David L Potter, mother Katherine Myers, 1st m.; and Gladys Ruth Archibald, of St Petersburg, age 27, b. Buffalo, NY, 23 Sep 1903, school teacher, father Rev J W Archibald, mother Helen Weston, 2nd m., 1st husband, Leland Dunn Sackett, divorced at St Petersburg, 14 Feb 1931." [Abstract from Ancestry image, New York, County Marriage Records]
- 25 Nov 1931, Bronx, Sally Sackett & Irving Pollack, cert 8953. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 15 Jul 1931, Bronx, Henry K Sackett & Augusta Kromberg, cert 5403. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 22 Oct 1931, at Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY, Herbert Irving Sackett, of 12 Brantford Place, Buffalo, NY, age 60, b. Aug 8 1871, electrical supply jobber, b. Geneseo, NY, father Edwin Sackett b. Talmadge Ohio, mother Susan P Pierce b. Waterbury Conn, 2nd m. widower; to Marion K Brown, of 1010 S 47th St, Philadelphia, Pa, age 40 b. Nov 19 1890, occ none, b. Philadelphia, father Kenny G Kepler b. Boyertown Pa, mother Mary Johnson b. Philadelphia, 2nd m. widow. Future address: 12 Brantford Place, Buffalo. Witnesses: Russell P Sackett, Louise E Sackett, both of 110 LaSalle Ave. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- License, Ripley, Chautauqua County, 23 Nov 1931, Carl Gibbs, of New Lime, O, age 41, b. New Lime, 13 Jan 1890, farmer, 1st m., father Forrest Gibbs b. New Lime, mother Ida Sackett b. Wayne O; and Mary I Kee, of New Lime, O, age 60, b. Buck, W Va, 9 Nov 1871, 2nd m., 1st husband dead, father Geo Kee b. West Va, mother Nancy Norman b. Clarksburg W Va. Future address New Lime. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 28 Nov 1931, at Avon, Livingston County, NY, John Sanford Smith, of 25 Berkshire St, Rochester, Monroe County, age 25, b. Avon, NY, 29 Oct 1906, State highway engineer, father Clarence E Smith b. US, mother Lola Morris b. US; to Doris Louise Sackett, of 4 High St, Avon, age 24, b. Avon, 20 Jun 1907, secretary, father John S Sackett b. US, mother Jane Boyd b. US; both 1st m., future address 1170 Genesee St, Rochester, NY. Witnesses: Robert Morris Smith of 25 Berkshire St, Rochester; Ruby Van Zandt Sackett of Avon. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- "12 Dec 1931, Tarrytown, New York, John B. Sackett, certificate 45185."; "12 Dec 1931, Tarrytown, New York, Emma L. Fisher, certificate 45185."; "12 Dec 1931, Tarrytown, New York, Emma L. See, certificate 45185." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 10 Apr 1932, at Bliss, Wyoming County, NY, S George Sackett, of Main St, Andover, Allegany County, NY, age 22, b. Burdett, NY, 2 Nov 1909, store clerk, father John E Sackett b. USA, mother Nellie Mathews b. USA; to Margaret May Holmes, of Greenwood St, Andover, NY, age 18, b. 10 May 1913, store clerk, father Frank Holmes b. USA, mother Edith Baker b. USA; both 1st m., future address: Greenwood St, Andover, NY. Witnesses: Gordon Cartwright, Lillian Cartwright. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 8 Sep 1932, at Ripley, Chautauqua, NY, Robert W Sackett, of North Kingsville, OH, age 21, b. Altoona, PA, 1 Jul 1911, fruit grower, father Denver W Sackett b. US, mother Mae Lloyd b. US; to Olive V Bean, of RFD#2, Dorset, OH, age 19, b. Linesville, PA, 18 Apr 1913, father Forest E Bean b. US, mother Bertha Hudson b. US; both 1st m. Witnesses: Mrs Pearl Otto, of Ashtabula, William Otto, of Ashtabula. By Albert P Fox, of Ripley. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 5 Nov 1932, Richmond, Arthur J Sackett & Julia Hopkins, cert 673. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 23 Nov 1932, at N Kortright, Delaware County, NY, Clifton A Sackett, of Bloomville, NY, age 21, b. Dec 13 1910, farming, b. Hamden, NY, father Guy Sackett b. USA, mother Anna Van Alstine b. USA; to Ida Gertrude Hinkley, of Bloomville, NY, age 21, b. Sep 27 1911, housework, b. Delhi, NY, father John S Hinkley b. USA, mother Susie Lott b. USA; both 1st m. Witnesses: Virgil M Crosby, Mrs Virgil M Crosby. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 25 Jun 1932, Manhattan, Ray P Sackett & Dorothy L Speer, cert 12451. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 3 Jul 1932, at Dansville, Livingston County, NY, Earl I Bower, of 506 N Tioga St, Ithaca, NY, age 22, accountant, b. Worchester, Mass, father Arthur L Bower b. USA, mother Emma Moss b. USA; to Helen E Sackett, of Burdett, NY, age 24, teacher, b. Burdett, father J E Sackett b. USA, mother Nellie Mathews b. USA. Witnesses: Thelma Sreeves, John Strowbridge. [FamilySearch: NY, County Marriages (transcript of image)]
- 27 Dec 1933, Manhattan, Evelyn C Sackett & William K Moss, cert 877. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 26 Jul 1933, Manhattan, George Sackett & Dorothy McCarthy, cert 15135. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 8 Nov 1933, Kings, Harold P Sackett & Margaret C Moore, cert 15864. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 19 May 1933, Manhattan, Norman D Sackett & Elizabeth M Gwinnell, cert 9366. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 27 Jul 1934, Manhattan, Beatrice R Sackett & George L Kensinger, cert 16109. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "26 Jan 1935, Manhattan, Katherine M Sackett & Ferdinand Ciccone, cert 3034." [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "6 Aug 1935, Ripley, New York, Gerald A Sackett & Ruth M Watson." [Ancestry: NY State, Marriage Indexes]
- "12 Dec 1935, Queens, New York City, Arthur Miller & Esther Sackett, license 7580." [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage License Indexes]
- "22 Dec 1935, Kings, Esther H Sackett, cert 259." [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "22 Dec 1935, at Kings, Saratoga County, New York, Arthur Miller, 30, father Abraham, mother Ida Stepalsof; and Esther H Sackett, 25, father Harry, mother Gussie Cohen." [Abstract from Findmypast transcript] [Kings, Saratoga County, seems unlikely. Brooklyn, Kings County, is more likely.]
- 11 Apr 1936, Ripley, New York, Nelson G Sackett & Marie T Jackson, cert 10467. [Ancestry: NY State, Marriage Indexes]
- 5 Jul 1936, Bronx, Murray Sackett & Ruth Stockman, cert 5819. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 31 Oct 1936, Kings, Isidore Sackett & Ruth Damsky, cert 19132. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 7 Nov 1936, Queens, Edna M Sackett & Robert W Eichacker, cert 5386. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- "31 Dec 1936, Syracuse, New York, Anthony Sackett, certificate 69888."; "31 Dec 1936, Syracuse, New York, Johanna M. Korejwo, certificate 69888." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- 7 Sep 1937, Manhattan, Dorothy Ford Sackett & Douglas A Rohan, cert 21771. [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage Indexes]
- 23 Oct 1937, at St Theresa's, Stanley, Ontario, NY, Nathaniel P Sackett to Eleanor Bolger. Unidentified newspaper cutting, 1937, "Sackett—Bolger / Miss Eleanor Bolger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bolger, of Stanley, and Nathaniel P. Sackett, of Penn Yan, were married Saturday morning, Oct. 23, at St. Theresa's Church, Stanley, Rev. Edward Ball, pastor, performing the ceremony at a nuptial mass. … / Following a trip to New York City Mr. and Mrs. Sackett will be at home after Nov. 1 at 327 Elm Street, Penn Yan. The bride has been employed on the office staff of the Multipost Company in Rochester and the groom is prominent in Penn Yan where he is chief projectionist at The Elmwood." [FamilySearch: NY, Swann Vital Records Collection (transcript of image)]
- "9 Jul 1938, Bergen, New York, Leland D. Sackett, certificate 24035." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "9 Jul 1938, Bergen, New York, Irma Myers, certificate 24035." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "11 Feb 1943, Queens, New York City, marriage license, Sidney A Sackett & Sadie Chipkin." [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage License Indexes]
- "22 Dec 1945, Syracuse, New York, John V Sackett, certificate 48084." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "22 Dec 1945, Syracuse, New York, Esther Vanselow, certificate 48084." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "25 Jan 1947, Binghamton, New York, Bert B Sackett, certificate 130." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "25 Jan 1947, Binghamton, New York, Edith C Romain, certificate 130." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "6 Sep 1947, Avon, New York, Herman Sackett, certificate 46419." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "6 Sep 1947, Avon, New York, Mildred Steffen, certificate 46419." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "29 Nov 1947, Hempstead, New York, Elizabeth Sackett, certificate 67892." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "29 Nov 1947, Hempstead, New York, John H Seeba, certificate 67892." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "24 Jul 1948, Stanford, New York, Charles H Sackett, certificate 26727." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "24 Jul 1948, Stanford, New York, Agnes R Donnelly, certificate 26727." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "1950, Bronx, New York City, marriage license, Lester Sackett & Lillian Rubin." [FamilySearch: NY City Marriage Licenses Index]
- "9 Aug 1950, Babylon, New York, Grant T Sackett, Murp, certificate 31902." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "9 Aug 1950, Babylon, New York, Ethel D Murphy, Sack, certificate 31903." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "8 Sep 1951, Rochester, New York, Merton J Lay and Doroth J Sackett, certificate 35753." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "2 Oct 1951, Queens, New York City, marriage license, Richard H Sackett & Mary T Baynes." [Ancestry: NY, NY, Marriage License Indexes]
- "1952, Manhattan, New York City, marriage licence, Maxwell Sackett & Gertrude S Kugel." [FamilySearch: NY City Marriage Licenses Index]
- "2 May 1952, Rochester, New York, Merle F Williams, certificate 12817."; "2 May 1952, Rochester, New York, Janice Sackett, certificate 12817." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "15 Aug 1953, Hempstead, New York, Barbar M Sackett, certificate 50028."; "15 Aug 1953, Hempstead, New York, Martin A Principe, certificate 50028." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "16 Apr 1955, Riga, New York, Joan K Sackett, certificate 9531."; "16 Apr 1955, Riga, New York, Ralph G Spaulding, certificate 9531." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "28 Apr 1956, Rochester, New York, John L Sackett, certificate 8844."; "28 Apr 1956, Rochester, New York, Jean E Lovejoy, certificate 884?." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "14 Sep 1959, New Lebanon, New York, Janice E Sackett, certificate 34655."; "14 Sep 1959, New Lebanon, New York, Raymon H Remillard, certificate 34655." [Abstract from Ancestry image, NY State Marriage Index]
- "22 Jul 1964, New York, Ronald B Sackett & Kathleen A McAllister, certificate 31220." [Abstract from Ancestry transcript, NY State Marriage Index]
- "4 Mar 1967, New York, Wayne A Sackett and Beatri L Shene, certificate 10747." [Abstract from Ancestry transcript, NY State Marriage Index]
- "1987, Bronx, New York City, Robert A Sackett & Mercedes Cordero." [Abstract from Ancestry transcript, NY State Marriage License Index]
Steve Morse. "Marriage Index New York 1600s–1900." Database. ( (Researched by Thurmon King).
"New York, New York, Marriage Indexes 1866–1937." Database. ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York Marriage Notices 1800–1855." Database. ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s." Database. ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York, New York, Marriage License Indexes, 1907–1995," digital image, (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York City, Marriage Indexes, 1907–1995," digital image, ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York, County Marriages, 1908–1935". Digital images. LDS FamilySearch ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York, Marriages, 1686–1980". Database. LDS FamilySearch ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York City Marriages, 1829–1940," database, FamilySearch. (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York, Yates County, Swann Vital Records Collection, 1723–2009". Digital images. LDS FamilySearch ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"New York City Marriage Notices, 1835–1880." Database. FindMyPast. ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
All Saints Church, New York City, Parish Register (New England Historic Genealogical Society) ( (Researched & transcribed from online typescript images by Chris Sackett).
"New York, Marriage Newspaper Extracts, 1801–1880 (Barber Collection)." Digital images. (Researched by Chris Sackett).
Cooke Collection of Massachusetts Genealogical Records (Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, MA) [Re New Lebanon, NY, marriages]. (Researched by Chris Sackett).
Early Records of the Lutheran Church, New York, 1697–1771 (New England Historic Genealogical Society) ( (Researched & transcribed from online typescript images by Chris Sackett).
New York, NY: Marriages in the Reformed Dutch Church, 1639–1801 (New England Historic Genealogical Society) ( (Researched & transcribed from online typescript images by Chris Sackett).
"United States Marriages," database, Findmypast ( (Researched by Chris Sackett).
"Marriage and death dates from the Black River Gazette of 1831-32 and the Northern Journal of 1838-45, 1847-53, 1855-59," digital image, Ancestry (
"New York City Marriage Licenses Index, 1950–1995," database, FamilySearch.
"New York State, Marriage Index 1881–1967" (Ancestry image). (Researched by Chris Sackett).
New York State, Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued by the secretary of the province of New York, previous to 1784, Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co (1860), digital image, ( (Researched by Ted Smith).
"New York City Marriage License Indexes, 1907–2018" (Ancestry transcript). (Researched by Chris Sackett).