Simon Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
MarriageMary McGaw1
Simon Sackett, son of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1678.1 He died aged about 40 in Hopewell, New JerseyG, in 1718.1,2 He married Mary McGaw.1
     On 23 April 1711 Simon's father gave him, "for the love, goodwill, and affection for my beloved son," 288 acres of land in Hopewell, bordering on the Delaware River.3
     Simon made his will in HopewellG on 24 January 1717/18, naming as beneficiaries his wife Mary, and his son Joseph. Simon also mentioned in his will a "child my wife now goeth withal" and made provision for the child, if a son, to share in the estate equally with Joseph, or, if a daughter, to receive a sum of £50 from Joseph upon reaching 21. Records of the Bucks County Orphan's Court reveal that the unborn child was also named Simon. (The records refer to the children of the younger Simon, who also died young, but they identify him as the brother of Joseph Sackett who was appointed guardian of Simon's orphaned children.)4
     In The Sacketts of America it is recorded that Simon Sackett and Mary McGaw had a son Thomas and two (unnamed) daughters. The terms of Simon's will (which had not been seen by Weygant) indicate that at the date of his death Simon had only one child, Joseph. His posthumous child is identified by orphan records as a son, also Simon. It is concluded therefore that Thomas Sackett of Hopewell of Hopewell was not a child of this family.
Abstract of will of Simon Sackett of Hopewell, New Jersey.
Date: Jan 1717.
Proved: 17 Mar 1717.
Source: Woodward & Hageman: History of Burlington and Mercer Counties, New Jersey, pub. 1883.
"Will dated January 1717 at Hopewell, New Jersey proved March 17, 1717 names wife Mary, son Joseph, "child my wife now goeth withal" if it be a son to share evenly with Joseph, if a daughter, Joseph to pay her £50 when 21. If either die before coming of age, the survivor to possess all that the other is to get, if both die before coming of age, "my brothers and sisters" to have all, equally divided except that the "children of my sister Elizabeth" shall have between them one portion."

Abstract of will of Simon Sackett of Hopewell, New Jersey.
Date: 24 Jan 1717/18.
Proved: 5 Apr 1718.
Source: Calendar of New Jersey Wills, 1670-1760, New Jersey Historical Society, 1901.
"Name: Simon Sacket. Date: 24 Jan 1717-8. Location: Hopewell, Hunterdon Co. yeoman; will of.
Wife Mary. Son Joseph; an expected child. Home farm of 306 acres. Personal property. The wife executrix with John Borroughs of Hopewell as overseer. Witnesses - Richard Scudder, Samuel Davis, Jonathan Davis. Proved April 5, 1718."

Children of Simon Sackett and Mary McGaw

22. Simon Sackett, 1678–1718, oldest son of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth Betts Sackett, was born at Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., and died at Hopewell, New Jersey. He seems to have been a wayward youth whose love of adventure was stronger than his love of home and kindred. The following record is based on tradition, which supported by recorded facts: "When about seventeen years of age he left home without the consent of his parents and became a sailor. After following the sea for several years, during which he visited many foreign lands, he married - presumably in Ireland - a comely young Irish girl, whose surname was McGaw. His marriage was not approved by his parents, and his cultured sisters treated his bride with great coolness, if not actual rudeness, when after his return to his native land, he took her to the Sackett mansion at Newtown. This action on the part of his parents and sisters he promptly, indignantly and emphatically resented, using language more suggestive of heat than ice is suggestive of cold. And when after a few hours sojourn he left his father's house never to return, he took with him a title deed to property in Hopewell, New Jersey, in consideration of which he agreed to forgo forever all claim to any other portion of his father's estate." His Irish wife proved to be a true helpmate and model mother. Their family life at Hopewell was all that could be desired, and when he died there in 1718, he left his wife and three children in comfortable circumstances. Capt. Joseph Sackett's will, which was executed a few months later, and probated the following year, contains no mention of his deceased son Simon's children. The reason for this omission has already been given.
     82. Thomas Sackett, m. Sarah Haywood.
     83. ___ Sackett, a daughter.
     84. ___ Sackett, a daughter.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "22. Simon Sackett, b. in 1678, d. in 1718; m. a Miss McGaw."
  2. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852), p345.
  3. Hunterdon [NJ] County Records 1701-1838 (), "Indenture dated 23 April 1711...Joseph Sacket of Newtown on Long Island in the province of New York for the love, good will and affection....for my beloved son, Simon Sacket of Hopewell, Burlington County deeds to him 288 acres in Hopewell bounded by the Delaware River, Richard Scudder, and Zebulon Heston. Signed. Witnesses: Ralph Hunt, Elizabeth Laning (with her mark) and Hanah Laning (with her mark). Recorded: 5 June 1718." [Page 18, No. 462].
  4. Orphan's Court records of Bucks County, PA, file #228 (abstract by Lynn Tinsley).
    Simon Sackett, taylor, of Bristol Borough: brother Joseph & John Wilkinson of Wrightstown appointed guardians of Simon's daughter's, all under age 14. Wm. Buckley, Bristol Boro., and Thos. Dowdney, of Bristol Twp., exrs. (same as will) but adds that Thos. Dowdney died soon after Simon & that Wm. Buckley was also the administrator for the widow Mary Sackett, deceased. Daughter Mary, about 6 years of age at the time, was placed with her aunt, the wife of William Wetherill (Rebecca Haines Wetherill). She remained with them for 7 years & 8 months i.e. until Aug 1756. Mary left to live with her uncle, Joseph Sackett. 16 Mar 1757: Mary, now aged 14, petitions for Joseph Sackett to act as guardian – granted. 13 Jun 1759: Mary, Rebecca & Sarah, all over age 14, petition for guardians; Joseph Sackett appointed.
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited6 Sep 2021
Sackett Database5552 Simon Sackett

Judge Joseph Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1680, NewtownG,1
Death26 September 1755, English Kills, NewtownG,1,2,3
Marriage23 May 1706Hannah Alsop1,4
Judge Joseph Sackett, of Newtown, Long Island, New York, son of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in NewtownG in 1680.1 He died aged about 75 at English Kills, NewtownG, on 26 September 1755.1,2,3 He married on 23 May 1706, Hannah Alsop, daughter of Capt Richard Alsop and Hannah Underhill.1,4 Hannah Alsop was born in 1690.1,4 She died aged about 83 on 17 June 1773.4,5
     On 19 August 1731, Judge Joseph was appointed attorney by his 14-year-old nephew Joseph S Sackett, son of Judge Joseph's deceased brother Simon.6
     Joseph was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. He was left "a certain lot of land and meadow bounded west by the land of Thomas Betts, north by the middle ditch, east by the land of Joshua Hunt, and north by the road", paying his sister Sarah £20 and his sister Patience £10. He was also to inherit, jointly with his siblings, but he having a double share, all his father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey. He and his brother William were executors of the will.
     Joseph advertised by way of an article in the New York Gazette on 3 August 1752 for persons having knowledge of a supposed vein of ore in a mine on his land in Orange County, New York, near where his son Joseph Sackett Jr was then living. He offered a share of profits, or a lease, if anyone could discover the mine.
     Joseph made his will on 31 March 1755, naming as beneficiaries his wife Hannah, his sons William, Thomas, Joseph, John, James and Samuel, his daughters Elizabeth and Hannah, and the children of his late daughters Frances Blackwell and Deborah Stringham. The will was proved on 22 October 1755.1

Children of Judge Joseph Sackett and Hannah Alsop

23. Judge Joseph Sackett, 1680–1755, of English Kills, Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., son of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elisabeth Betts Sackett, was married, May 23, 1706, to Hannah Alsop, 1690–1773, daughter of Capt. Richard Alsop and his wife Hannah. Judge Sackett was, says Riker in his "Annals of Newtown," "a man of probity, a Justice of the Peace and a Judge from 1749 to his death, Sept. 26, 1755," and it may be added that he was an office holder in the Presbyterian Church, took an active part in public affairs, and was ever held in high esteem by his townsmen. In 1724 he and his brother-in-law, John Alsop, purchased jointly the central portion of the "Chambers-Southerland Patent," located on the west shore of the Hudson River, in the town of New Windsor, Orange County, N. Y. There they built a substantial wharf, erected a commodious storehouse and established a sloop freight and passenger line, which ran at stated intervals to and from New York City. They also started and maintained for a number of years a flat-boat ferry at that place, which carried horses and cattle, as well as human beings to and from a point near what afterwards became Fishkill Landing, on the opposite shore. This ferry, which was the first of its kind established on the central Hudson, was extensively patronized previous to the Revolution. It is a matter of history that in July, 1775, Morgan and his famous body of riflemen crossed the river on this New Windsor ferry when hastening to join Washington's army at Boston. Not long after that date it was discontinued.
     John Alsop, who was by profession a lawyer, located at New Windsor at the time of the before mentioned purchase, but after remaining there a few years sold out his interest to Joseph Sackett, Jr., his partner's oldest son, and took up the practice of his profession in New York City, where he acquired marked prominence.
     The Sacketts, it would seem, did not long remain entirely content with their holdings in New Windsor. Colonial land papers show that on Jan. 11, 1727, a patent was duly issued to Nathaniel Hazzard and Joseph Sackett for 4, 000 acres in adjoining town of Blooming Grove; that on July 7, 1736, a patent for additional plots containing 2,000 acres located near that last mentioned, was issued to Joseph Sackett, Jr., and that on Sept. 1, 1737, a third patent for another 2,000 acres in same vicinity was issued to Joseph Sackett. The extensive grants covered a considerable portion of what is now one of the most populous and productive farming districts in Orange County, N. Y.
     In 1749 a land company, composed of Joseph Sackett, Jr., his brother John Sackett, and eight other men of local prominence, was organized under the title of "The Proprietors of New Windsor." To this company the Sacketts transferred all of their New Windsor real estate except the wharf and storehouse property. The "Proprietors" laid out the entire unimproved portion of their purchase in village lots and township plots, and a considerable number of new dwellings were added to the settlement; but already the importance of the village as a commercial centre had begun to decline, and to-day (1907), what was then the business portion of New Windsor is a veritable "Deserted Village," with a church in which no service has been held for years, dilapidated dwellings, and no signs of commercial life save the unsightly sheds of several brick yards at the river's edge. But the township plots on the western bounds of the tract have become the country seats of families of wealth, and constitute one of Newburgh's aristocratic suburbs.
     The original records, consisting of rude maps and transfer data of "The Proprietors of New Windsor," is in possession of the "Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands," at Newburgh, N. Y.
     Judge Sackett was never an actual resident of New Windsor. He died at English Kills, Sept. 27, 1755. His wife, Hannah Alsop Sackett, outlived him nearly eighteen years, her death occurring June 17, 1773, in the 83rd year of her age. Judge Sackett's will is recorded in the New York City records of probate and reads in part as follows:
Will of Judge Joseph Sackett.
     In the name of God Amen, Mar. 31, in the year of our Beloved Lord Christ 1755, I Joseph Sackett of Newtown, in Queens County, being in perfect health . . . My executors to pay all debts and clear my land that is mortgaged to the Loan Office at Jamaica in Queens County. My executors are to sell all my lands lying in the Patent of Goshen in Orange County, except the land that is to be laid out at Wawayanda, or the other lands belonging to the patent or a Round Hill, so called, and what land belongs to me joining the same. It lyeth between the land of Hezekiah Howell and Thomas Coleman. And what land I have lying between a brook called Perry's and a hill called Caar Matthews on said hill. Reserving in all the lands they sell three quarters of all mines and minerals with privilege to dig and carry off same, and to erect buildings for that use. They are also to sell all my lands in New Jersey, reserving the same privileges. And they are also to sell all my lands and Meadows in Newtown, except what I shall give to my wife and my son William.
     I leave my wife Hannah one half of the lands and buildings hereinafter named, during her widowhood, and the other half to my son William, viz - My Mansion house and all the buildings and lot of ground they stand on, and all my lands on the east and south sides of the road that leadeth from Newtown to New York ferry except a lot I bought of John Culver, and all my lands and meadows lying on the west side of said road as far as the lower end of Smiths Island. And also my land swamp at a place called Juniper swamp, and a piece of upland and fresh meadow bounded east by Francis Morel, north by the middle ditch, west by a ditch that runs through my meadow joining to John Ketcham and Rapalye and the creek above Cars Mill. And after my wife's death my son William to have the whole, and to pay his brother Thomas and his sister Elizabeth Fish each £100.
     I leave to my sons Thomas and William all my wearing clothing. To my son Joseph a silver headed cane. To my daughter Elizabeth Fish the choice of my Negro girls. To my son William, a Negro boy. I leave to my wife Hannah one half of the rest of my movables and the remainder to be sold to pay my debts.
     I leave to my six sons Joseph, John, James, Samuel, Thomas and William a hill called Round Hill, lying between the lands of Hezekiah Howell and Thomas Coleman (in Orange County) also a piece of land lying between the brook called Perry's brook on a hill called Car Matthews, but on condition that if there be any mines or minerals on said land or lands I have sold in New York and West Jersey, they shall pay to my daughter Hannah on thirteenth of the clear profit, and also to Elizabeth Fish and the children of my deceased daughter Frances Blackwell, and the children of my deceased daughter Deborah Stringham, and to my wife, two thirteenths.
     If my son William dies without issue then his lands go to the rest of my children. My executors are to sell so much cleared land joining the lot I bought of Jonathan Culver as will make it 40 acres with that lot, and they are to sell all my upland and fresh meadows, joining to Thomas Monell on the main ditch and the road.
     The above, signed by Joseph Sackett and witnessed by Richard Hollett, Jr., James Way, Jr., and Thomas Way, was probated Oct. 22, 1755.
Children of Judge Joseph and Hannah Alsop Sackett.
     85. Joseph Sackett, b. Mar. 5, 1707, d. in year 17__; m. Milicant Clowes.
     86. Richard Sackett, b. June 30, 1709, d. Feb. 11, 1726.
     [87 was skipped]
     88. Hannah Sackett, b. Aug. 7, 1711, d. July 26, 1762; m. Thomas Whitehead.
     89. Elizabeth Sackett, b. Aug. 15, 1713. d. Dec. 17, 1721.
     90. John Sackett, b. May 15, 1716, d. Mar. 2, 1783; m. Phoebe Burling.
     91. Deborah Sackett, b. Nov. 18, 1718, d. Jan. 10, 1754; m. James Stringham.
     92. Frances Sackett, b. Dec. 4, 1720, d. Feb. 4, 1754; m. Joseph Blackwell.
     93. James Sackett, b. Sept. 12, 1722, d. Sept. 12, 1784; m. Frances Dekay.
     94. Samuel Sackett, b. June 23, 1724, d. Sept. 29, 1780; m. Mary Betts.
     95. Thomas Sackett, b. Dec. 27, 1726, d. June 27, 1769; m. Phebe Alburtis.
     96. Elizabeth Sackett, b. June 25, 1729, d. Apr. 10, 1778; m. Jonathan Fish.
     97. William Sackett, b. Aug. 27, 1731; d. May 1, 1776; m. Deborah Fish.

Mine Found in Orange County
Johannes Closson, formerly a workman of Mr. Schuyler's, about eleven years ago, came to me, and told me that he had found a mine on my land above the Highlands, at a place called Blooming-Grove, lying between Goshen and the river, in Orange County, where my eldest son Joseph Sacket, Jun. now lives. I made him several offers. He said it would not do, but if I would give him a lease for a term of years, he would carry it on at his own cost, and deliver me one half at the pit's mouth, and come to work in 6 or 8 month's time, and told me the ore was as good as Mr. Schuyler's. But he died before the time he was to come. About 4 years ago, I heard his widow made enquiry after a Sacket on Long Island, I went over to her, she said her husband had been dead 7 years, but he told her that on one Sacket's land, above the Highlands, on the west side of the river, he had found a mine, and that he dug very shallow, and could heave it out by bushels, but he covered it up carefully, and that it was near by a spring, and not far from a brook. There was an elderly Dutchman present then, and he said he had often evenings and mornings conversed with him, and he said he had often told him the same thing, and heard him say, if he had his leave, and lived 7 years, he should be a gentleman. Now if any person can discover the vein of ore, if it is on my lands, he shall have out of the first clear profits, 300 l., or he shall have it for a term of years, as Closson was to have it, or he shall have the 8th part of it for ever, as witness my hand, July 27, 1752.
Joseph Sacket

New York Gazette, Orange County, New York, 3 Aug 1752

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "23. Joseph Sackett, b. in 1680, d. Sept. 27, 1755; m. Hannah Alsop."
  2. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852), "Joseph Sackett, son of Joseph, received a considerable property from his father, and resided at the English Kills, on the premises late Judge Jones’. He was a man of probity, a justice of the peace, and a judge from 1749 till his death, which occurred at an advanced age, Sep. 26, 1755. His wife Hannah, dau. of Richard Alsop, survived till June 17, 1773. Their ch. were Joseph, John, James, Samuel, Thomas, William, Elizabeth, who m. Jonathan Fish; Hannah, m. Thomas Whitehead; Frances, m. Jacob Blackwell; and Deborah, who m. Jas. Stringham."
  3. Register of Deaths, Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., "1755, Sept. 26. Justice Joseph Sackett."
  4. Stuyvesant Fish, Ancestors of Hamilton Fish and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, His Wife ((Online image. WorldVitalRecords. From the Quintin Publications Collection), 1929), p. 85, "Children of Richard Alsop and Hannah Underhill were:
    4. Hannah, married Judge Joseph Sackett May 23, 1706. She was born in 1690 and died June 17, 1773. He was born in 1680 and died Sept. 26, 1755."
  5. James Riker, Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New York, "Joseph Sackett, son of Joseph, received a considerable property from his father, and resided at the English Kills, on the premises late Judge Jones’. He was a man of probity, a justice of the peace, and a judge from 1749 till his death, which occurred at an advanced age, Sep. 26, 1755. His wife Hannah, dau. of Richard Alsop, survived till June 17, 1773. Their ch. were Joseph,4 John, James, Samuel,5 Thomas, William, Elizabeth, who m. Jonathan Fish; Hannah, m. Thomas Whitehead; Frances, m. Jacob Blackwell; and Deborah, who m. Jas. Stringham."
  6. Hunterdon [NJ] County Records 1701-1838 (),
    "Power of attorney dated 19 Aug. 1731 of Joseph Sackett, aged ca. 15 years., son of Simon and Mary Sackett, of Trenton dec'd to "my dear beloved and honored uncle Joseph Sackett of New Town, Queens County, Island of Nassau" yeoman, "my guardian" dispose of any real and personal property "until I become twenty and one". Wit: J. Forster and Chas. Reilly. No date of recording."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Noel Armstrong & Annie Corbin Harper relationship chart
Last Edited14 Jul 2023
Sackett Database5864 Judge Joseph Sackett

Anne Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1681, Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG,1
Death30 September 17571
Marriage27 December 1710, Newtown, Long IslandGBenjamin Moore1,2,3
Anne Sackett, daughter of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1681.1 She died aged about 76 on 30 September 1757.1 She married at Newtown, Long IslandG, on 27 December 1710, Benjamin Moore, son of Samuel Moore and Mary Reed, and brother of Joseph Moore who married Anne's sister Elizabeth.1,2,3
     Anne was named as a beneficiary in her father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. She was to share with her siblings the residue of her father's personal estate after specific bequests.

Children of Anne Sackett and Benjamin Moore

  • Lieutenant Samuel Moore+ b. 5 Dec 1711, d. 7 Apr 1788
  • Mary Moore b. 10 Jan 1713/14
  • Anne Moore b. 5 Nov 1715
  • Sarah Moore b. 17 May 1718, d. 22 Mar 1750
  • Benjamin Moore b. 23 Nov 1720, d. c 1745
  • John Moore b. 28 Jan 1722/23
  • Elizabeth Moore b. 10 Jan 1724/25
  • Patience Moore b. 18 Oct 1727
  • John Moore b. 5 Jul 1730, d. 18 Oct 1827

24. Anne Sackett, 1681–1757, oldest daughter of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth Betts Sackett, was married Dec. 27, 1710, to Benjamin Moore, of Newtown, Long Island, N. Y., son of Capt. Samuel Moore and grandson of Rev. John Moore, both of whom were men of prominence, whose records are closely interwoven in the early history of Long Island.
     Rev. John Moore came to Massachusetts from England about the year 1636. He was at the time unmarried and a comparatively young man. He had evidently studied for the ministry in England. On Dec. 8, 1636, he was sworn a freeman and recorded as a resident of Cambridge, Mass., "where in the following year he purchased from Humphrey Vincent a house and garden on the southerly side of Winthrop Street, between Dunster and Brighton Streets, together with sundry lots of land." This property he did not dispose of until during or after the year 1642. The records of Cambridge show that at one period during these years he was a magistrate. He was also associated with and deeply interested in the founding of the school at Cambridge which became Harvard College and is now America's most renowned university. Early in the year 1641 he removed to Long Island, N. Y., and in April of that year was recognized as a resident of Southampton. Previous to changing his place of abode from New England to Long Island, he became engaged in the securing of subscriptions to a fund for the education of divinity students at the Cambridge school, and continued his efforts in that direction after his removal to Long Island. Riker says "he was an independent * * * having been permitted in New England to preach but not allowed to administer the sacrament. After this mode he officiated for many years. * * * He was reputed to be a good preacher." The early colonial records of New York and Connecticut show that on reaching Long Island he took an active and influential part in secular as well as religious affairs. At a convention held in Hartford, May 30, 1644, looking to a union of Long Island with the New England Colonies, his name appears as that of a delegate from the "Third Ward of Southampton." A little later in the same year he was in attendance at a meeting of the General Court of Massachusetts, evidently on the same business. About the same period he began preaching regularly to the congregation to Hempstead. About the year 1646 he was married to Margaret Howell, daughter of Edward Howell, colonist, who came to America from Buckingham, England, in 1637. In 1652 Mr. Moore removed to Newtown, L. I., and there became the first regular minister of that settlement, and continued preaching there until his death in 1657. Some 20 years later the town, in recognition of his valuable services, in negotiations with the Indian owners for the purchase of Newtown plot and in the building of the settlement, awarded 80 acres of land to his surviving children.
     Capt. Samuel Moore, son of Rev. John Moore and his wife Margaret Howell, was married to Mary Reed, 1651-1738, daughter of Capt. Thomas Reed. Capt. Moore served his town as Constable, Assessor, Commissioner of Town Court, Supervisor, and on several important commissions. He served also in the ranks, as Lieutenant, and as Captain of the Newtown militia.
     Benjamin Moore, son of above and husband of Anne Sackett, was a man of marked influence in Newtown, but unlike his father and grandfather, took but little interest in public affairs and did not acquire official prominence.
Children of Benjamin Moore and Anne Sackett Moore.
     98. Samuel Moore, b. Dec. 5, 1711; m. Sarah Fish.
     99. Mary Moore, b. Jan. 10, 1714; m. James Renne.
     100. Anne Moore, b. Nov. 5, 1715; m. Thomas Hollett.
     101. Sarah Moore, b. May 17, 1718; m. Samuel Moore.
     102. Benjamin More, b. Nov. 23, 1720, d. in year 1745, unmarried.
     103. John Moore, b. Jan. 28, 1723, d. in childhood.
     104. Elizabeth Moore, b. Jan. 10, 1725; m. William Hazard.
     105. Patience Moore, b. Oct. 18, 1727; m. [136] Joseph Lawrence.
     106. John Moore, b. July 5, 1730; m. Hannah Whitehead.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "24. Anne Sackett, b. in 1681, d. Sept. 30, 1757; m. Benjamin Moore."
  2. Website New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Register Book for Parish of Jamaica kept by the Rev. Thomas Poyer (New England Historic Genealogical Society), "Ben: Moore & Hannah Sackett both of New Town 10ber 27, 1710 at New Town, publish'd."
  3. "New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s" (Ancestry transcript), "1710, New Town, Queens County, Hannah Sackett & Benjamin Moore."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Debra Blake May and Rebecca Lewis.
Last Edited29 Apr 2023
Sackett Database6451 Anne Sackett

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1683, Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG,1
DeathSeptember 17161
Marriageabout April 1705Joseph Moore1
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1683.1 She died aged 33 following the birth of twins Sackett and Benjamin in September 1716.1 She married about April 1705, Joseph Moore, son of Samuel Moore and Mary Reed, and brother of Benjamin Moore who married Elizabeth's sister Anne.1 Joseph subsequently married Elizabeth's sister Sarah. He died on 10 July 1756.2

Children of Elizabeth Sackett and Joseph Moore

  • Sarah Moore+ b. 24 Sep 1706, d. 17 Mar 1790
  • Joseph Moore b. 28 Sep 1708, d. Nov 1757
  • Nathaniel Moore b. 1 Jan 1709/10
  • Mary Moore b. 19 Nov 1712
  • Abigail Moore b. 10 Apr 1715
  • Sackett Moore b. 3 Sep 1716, d. c 1752
  • Benjamin Moore b. 3 Sep 1716, d. c 1792

25. Elisabeth Sackett, 1683–1716, daughter of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elisabeth Betts Sackett, was married, about April, 1705, to Joseph Moore, of Newtown, N. Y., son of Capt. Samuel Moore and his wife Mary Reed (see No. 24).
     107. Sarah Moore, b. Sept. 24, 1706; m. Benjamin Fish.
     108. Joseph Moore, b. Sept. 28, 1708, d. in November, 1757.
     109. Nathaniel Moore, b. Jan. 1, 1710, d. in childhood.
     110. Mary Moore, b. Nov. 19, 1712; m. John Davis.
     111. Abigail Moore, b. Apr. 10, 1715; m. Samuel Washburn.
     112. Sackett Moore, b. Sept. 3, 1716, d. in year 1752.
     113. Benjamin Moore, b. Sept 3, 1716, d. in year 1792; m. Mary Hart.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "25. Elizabeth Sackett, b. in 1683, d. Sept. 1716; m. Joseph Moore."
  2. Sacketts of America.
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited12 Nov 2022
Sackett Database6510 Elizabeth Sackett

Rev Richard Sackett AM

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Marriageabout 1705___ ___
Marriage1710, Greenwich, Fairfield County, ConnecticutGElizabeth Kirtland1,2
Rev Richard Sackett AM, Congregational minister, son of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1686.1 He died in Greenwich, Fairfield County, ConnecticutG, on 8 May 1727.1,2,3 He married first about 1705, ___ ___. His first wife died soon after the birth of their only child Richard.1 He married second in Greenwich, Fairfield County, ConnecticutG, in 1710, Elizabeth Kirtland, daughter of John Kirtland and Lydia Pratt.1,2
     Richard became a member of the Presbyterian Church in Newtown sometime between 1708 and 1724.4
     Richard was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. He was to inherit, jointly with his siblings, all his father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey.
     Details of Rev Richard Sackett's ministry are given in Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies.5
Rev. Richard Sackett ... entered Yale College and studied for the ministry. He graduated with honor in 1709. ... In 1711 he was preaching to the congregation of Maidenhead and Hopewell, NJ. In 1712 his residence was Saybrook. Early in 1714, he succeeded Mr. John Jones in preaching to the first church in Greenwich, but in 1716 changed to the supply of the pulpit at what was then called Horse Neck in western part of the town. His ministrations there were so acceptable that the General Assembly in October 1717, granted an application for a church, and accordingly a church was quickly formed (perhaps in the following months) and Mr. Sackett was ordained pastor. He remained in this office until his sudden death in Greenwich May 9, 1727. A notice of his death in the New England Weekly Journal says that he was so well the day before that he preached both parts of the day. He is reported to have been of a mild temper and pleasant manner and much beloved by his people. His children remained in Greenwich. The inventory of his estate dated Aug. 15, 1729, amounted to about two thousand pounds—fifty pounds being in books.

—Weygant, The Sacketts of America, citing The Yale Graduate, 1860.

Child of Rev Richard Sackett AM and ___ ___

Children of Rev Richard Sackett AM and Elizabeth Kirtland

26. Rev. Richard Sackett, about 1686–1727, of Greenwich, Conn., son of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth Betts Sackett, was married before reaching his majority. His wife died shortly after the birth of their only child, who was named for his father. Mr. Sackett then entered Yale College and studied for the ministry. He graduated with honor in 1709, and the following year was married to Elizabeth Kirkland, daughter of Lieut. John Kirtland and his wife Lydia Platt. The "Yale Graduate," in issue of 1860, contains the following:
"Richard Sackett, son of Joseph Sackett of Newtown, L. I., was born about 1688. He studied theology and married before Nov., 1711, Elizabeth, daughter of Lieut. John Kirtland of Saybrook, Conn. In 1711 he was preaching to the congregation of Maidenhead and Hopewell, NJ. In 1712 his residence was Saybrook. Early in 1714, he succeeded Mr. John Jones in preaching to the first church in Greenwich, but in 1716 changed to the supply of the pulpit at what was then called Horse Neck in western part of the town. His ministrations there were so acceptable that the General Assembly in October 1717, granted an application for a church, and accordingly a church was quickly formed (perhaps in the following months) and Mr. Sackett was ordained pastor. He remained in this office until his sudden death in Greenwich May 9, 1727. A notice of his death in the New England Weekly Journal says that he was so well the day before that he preached both parts of the day. He is reported to have been of a mild temper and pleasant manner and much beloved by his people. His children remained in Greenwich. The inventory of his estate dated Aug. 15, 1729, amounted to about two thousand pounds—fifty pounds being in books."
     Mead in his "History of Greenwich," published in 1757, says: "In 1717, the Second Society was provided with another minister, the Rev. Richard Sackett. Little seems to be known of him even by his immediate descendants. He is spoken of as a kind, mild man, and universally beloved by his people. Mr. Sackett graduated in middle life at Yale College in the Class of 1709."
     Mr. Mead doubtless drew his conclusion that Mr. Sackett was in "middle life" when he graduated from Yale, from the fact that he was a widower when he entered. Riker, in his "Annals of Newtown," giving a record of children of Capt. Joseph Sackett, simply states that "Richard married and died at Greenwich, Conn."
     An old book which was probably included in the before mentioned inventory, is entitled, "The First Epistle of St. John the Apostle." It was written, as shown by the title page, by Nathaniel Hardy, minister of the gospel and preacher to the parish of St. Dionecius, and printed in London in 1659. This ancient volume was, in 1905, in possession of the heirs of Daniel Gott, Esq., of Syracuse, N. Y. Written in it, unquestionably by the hand of Rev. Richard Sackett, is this note:
"My honored father, Joseph Sackett, left this world September 23, Anno Que Domini 1719."
     On another page, in the same hand, the following names appear: "Elisabeth, Nathaniel, Richard, Joseph, Mary, Abigail."
     The Greenwich Town Records contain the following: "Richard Sackett, of Greenwich, and his wife Elizabeth had: John, b. Nov. 14, 1713; Elizabeth, b. evening next after Dec. 28, 1717; Nathaniel, b. June 8, 1720; Abigail, b. Aug. 29, 1722; Joseph, b. Feb. 11, 1724-5."
     Nathaniel Kirtland, 1616-1678, the grandfather of Elizabeth Kirtland Sackett, came from Count Bucks, England, to Massachusetts Bay, in the ship Hopewell in the year 1635. For several years he resided at Lynn, after which he removed to Southold, L. I., where he was married. Previous to the year 1658 he returned to Lynn, of which town he was for several years a Selectman.
     Lieut. John Kirtland, 1659-1716, son of Nathaniel Kirtland, and father of Elizabeth Kirtland Sackett, was married, May 16, 1679, to Lydia Pratt, daughter of Lieut. William Pratt. Lieut. John Kirtland was a man of prominence in Saybrook, and during the years 1702 and 1703 was the commandant of the Government fort there.
     The following is as nearly complete a list as we are able to give of Rev. Richard Sackett's
     114. Richard Sackett, b. about 1706, d. about 1767.
     115. John Sackett, b. March 14, 1713, d. March 15, 1713.
     116. Elizabeth Sackett, b. Mar. 28, 1715.
     117. Mary Sackett, b. Dec. 28, 1717; m. ___ Lockwood.
     118. Nathaniel Sackett, b. June 8, 1720, d. before 1768; m. 1st, Ann Bush.
     119. Abigail Sackett, b. Aug. 29, 1722; m. Jehial Hubbell.
     120. Joseph Sackett, b. Feb. 11, 1724; m. Hannah Budson.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "26. Richard Sackett, b. in 1686, d. May 8, 1737 [sic: 1727]; m. Elizabeth Kirtland."
  2. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852), p345 "Richard m. and d. at Greenwich, Ct."
  3. American Antiquarian Society, "Newspaper Extractions from the Northeast, 1704–1930" (Ancestry image), Boston, various newspapers, 8 May 1727, death, "Sackett, Richard, Rev., at Greenwich, 8 May 1727. Jour."
  4. Records of the Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., received into membership, "1708, Joseph Sackett, Sr."
  5. Frederick Lewis Weis, The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 1628–1776, American Antiquarian Society, digital image, (, "Richard Sackett, A.M.., b. Newtown, L.I., N.Y., son of Captain Joseph and Elizabeth (Betts) Sackett; A.B., Y.C., 1709, A.M.; sett. Hopewell (Mercer) N.J., Pennington Chh., 1711–1712; Lawrence (Mercer) N.J., Maidenhead Chh., 1711–1712; Greenwich, Conn., 1st Parish, 1714–1716; Ord. West Greenwich, Conn., 27 Nov. 1717; sett. West Greenwich, Conn., 1716–1727; Cong.; d. Greenwich, Conn., 8 May 1727."
Appears inSacketts in the Church
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Noel Armstrong & Annie Corbin Harper relationship chart
Last Edited27 May 2022
Sackett Database6523 Rev Richard Sackett AM

John Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1688, Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG,1
Death31 December 1728, NewtownG,1,2,3
Marriage11 January 1718/19, NewtownGElizabeth Field1,2,4,5
Marriageabout 1725Susanna Field
John Sackett, son of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1688.1 He died there aged about 40 on 31 December 1728.1,2,3 He married first in NewtownG on 11 January 1718/19, Elizabeth Field, daughter of Elnathan Field and Elizabeth Bullock.1,2,4,5 He married second about 1725, Susanna Field, sister of Elizabeth. After John's death, Susanna married second at Newtown, Long IslandG, on 14 October 1741 John Leverich.6,7
     John was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. He was to inherit, jointly with his siblings, all his father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey.

Child of John Sackett and Elizabeth Field

Child of John Sackett and Susanna Field

27. John Sackett, 16__–1728, of Newtown, L. I., son of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth Betts Sackett, was married, Jan. 11, 1719, to Elisabeth Field, after whose death he was married to her sister, Susanna Field. They were daughters of Elnathan Field, son of Robert Field, of Newtown, who was the son of Robert Field, a patentee of Flushing, L. I.
121. Elizabeth Sackett, b. in year 1720, d. Sept. 6, 1809; m. John Leverish.
122. William Sackett, b. Dec. 29, 1727, d. Apr. 28, 1802; m. (141) Anne Lawrence.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "27. John Sacket, b. in 1688, d. Dec. 31, 1728; m. Elizabeth Field."
  2. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852), p345.
  3. Register of Deaths, Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., "1728, Dec. 31. John Sackett."
  4. "New York, Marriages, 1686–1980" (FamilySearch transcript), "11 Jan 1719, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Sackett & Elizabeth Field."
  5. "New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s" (Ancestry transcript), "1719, Elmhurst, Queens County, John Sackett & Elizabeth Field."
  6. Website Brooklyn Genealogy, Marriage Index New York 1600s–1900. (Steve Morse), "1741, Elmhurst, Queens County, Sacket, Susannah & Leveridge, John."
  7. Register of Marriages, Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., "1741, Oct. 14. John Leveridge & Susannah Sacket."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
William Sackett & Anne Lawrence relationship chart
Sackett Family Association descendants
Brian William Sackett and Jason Donald Sackett.
Last Edited10 May 2022
Sackett Database7034 John Sackett

Sarah Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Marriage1717Joseph Moore1
Sarah Sackett, daughter of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1689.1 She died in 1766.1 She married in 1717, Joseph Moore, son of Samuel Moore and Mary Reed, and widower of her sister Elizabeth.1 Joseph died on 10 July 1756.2
     Sarah was named as a beneficiary in her father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. She was to inherit, jointly with her siblings, all her father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey.

Children of Sarah Sackett and Joseph Moore

  • Anne Moore b. 21 Mar 1717/18, d. c 1769
  • Elizabeth Moore b. 28 Mar 1720
  • Patience Moore b. 5 Feb 1721/22
  • Samuel Moore b. 15 Jan 1723/24, d. c 1781
  • Martha Moore b. 20 Mar 1725/26
  • Nathaniel Moore b. 15 Jan 1727/28, d. c 1781
  • Phoebe Moore b. 28 Mar 1730
  • Jemima Moore b. 18 Oct 1732, d. c 1758

28. Sarah Sackett, 1689–1766, daughter of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth Betts Sackett, was married in 1777 [sic: 1717] to her brother-in-law, Joseph Moore, who died suddenly July 10, 1756, aged 77 years. (See No. 25)
     123. Anne Moore, b. Mar. 21, 1718, d. in year 1769, unmarried.
     124. Elizabeth Moore, b. Mar. 28, 1720; m. Joseph Baldwin.
     125. Patience Moore, b. Feb. 5, 1722; m. John Moore.
     126. Samuel Moore, b. Jan. 15, 1724, d. in year 1781; m. Abigail Field.
     127. Martha Moore, b. Mar. 30, 1726; m. Joseph Titus.
     128. Nathaniel Moore, b. Jan. 15, 1728, d. in year 1781; m. Joana Hall.
     129. Phoebe Moore, b. Mar. 28, 1730; m. ___ Burroughs.
     130. Jemima Moore, b. Oct. 18, 1732, d. in year 1758, unmarried.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "28. Sarah Sackett, b. in 1689, d. in 1766; m. Joseph Moore."
  2. Sacketts of America.
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited28 Oct 2019
Sackett Database7196 Sarah Sackett

Abigail Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1695, Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG,1
Death8 December 17512
MarriageDecember 1718, Newtown, Long IslandGJohn Alsop1,3,4
Abigail Sackett, daughter of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1695.1 She died on 8 December 1751.2 She married at Newtown, Long IslandG, in December 1718, John Alsop, son of Richard Alsop and Hannah Underhill.1,3,4 John was born in 16975 and died on 8 April 1761.5
     Abigail was named as a beneficiary in her father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. She was to inherit, jointly with her siblings, all her father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey.

Children of Abigail Sackett and John Alsop

  • Ephemia Alsop
  • Frances Alsop
  • John Alsop b. after 1699, d. 22 Nov 1794
  • Richard Alsop b. c 1726, d. 10 Apr 1776

29. Abigail Sackett, 1695–1752, daughter of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elisabeth Betts Sackett, was married in December, 1718, to John Alsop, son of Capt. Richard Alsop, who it is claimed is a lineal descendant of the Richard Alsop who was Lord Mayor of London in 1579. John Alsop was by profession a lawyer, and a short time after his marriage to Abigail Sackett, whose brother (23) Joseph had married his sister Hannah, located at New Windsor, Orange County, N. Y., where he was largely interested in real estate. A few years later he removed to New York City and there practiced his profession for many years.
     131. Ephemia Alsop, m. Thomas Stephenson.
     132. Frances Alsop, d. unmarried.
     133. John Alsop, b. ___, d. Nov. 22, 1794; m. Mary Fragot.
     134. Richard Alsop, b. in year 1726, d. Apr. 10, 1776; m. Mary Wright.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "29. Abigail Sackett, b. in 1695, d. Dec. 8, 1751; m. John Alsop."
  2. Sacketts of America, Weygant gave date of death as 1751 on p23, 1752 on p38.
  3. "New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s" (Ancestry transcript), "1718, Elmhurst, Queens County, Abigail Sackett & John Alsop."
  4. "New York, Marriages, 1686–1980" (FamilySearch transcript), "Dec 1718, Prebyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Alsop & Abigail Sackett."
  5. Stuyvesant Fish, Ancestors of Hamilton Fish and Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean, His Wife ((Online image. WorldVitalRecords. From the Quintin Publications Collection), 1929), p. 85, "Children of Richard Alsop and Hannah Underhill were:
    3. John, born 1697; married December 1718 Abigail Sackett, daughter of Joseph Sackett. He died April 8, 1761. She died Dec. 8, 1752, aged 57."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited2 Jan 2020
Sackett Database7215 Abigail Sackett

William Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1696, Long Island, Queens County, New York StateG,1
Death29 August 1761, NewtownG,1,2,3
Marriage31 December 1729, Jamaica, Queens CountyGMary (___) Janes1,2,4,5
William Sackett, son of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, Queens County, New York StateG, in 1696.1 He died there aged 64 on 29 August 1761.1,2,3 He married at Jamaica, Queens CountyG, on 31 December 1729, Mary (___) Janes.1,2,4,5
     William was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. He was to inherit, jointly with his siblings, all his father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey. He and his brother Joseph were appointed executors of the will.

30. William Sackett, 1691–1761, of Newtown, L. I., son of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elisabeth Betts Sackett, was married, in 1727, to Mrs Mary Janes. He died without issue. Much of his time and attention was given to agricultural pursuits. He, however, served several years in the magistracy. By his will he conveyed his homestead at Newtown to Dr. Jacob Ogden, and the residue of his estate, including several slaves, to his nephews, Samuel and John Moore, sons of his sister Anna and to Joseph Lawrence, the husband of his niece, Patience, the sister of said nephews. Dr. Ogden deeded to the church at Newtown the property willed to him by William Sackett. It had evidently, says Riker, been left to him in trust for that purpose. These premises now (1907) contain, with other buildings, the Episcopal parsonage house and new church.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "30. William Sackett, b. in 1696, d. Aug. 29, 1761; m. Mary Jones."
  2. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852), 345, "William remained at Newtown, and in 1727 was appointed by the town the “general whipper.” In 1729 he m. widow Mary Janes, but had no issue. Having served some years in the magistracy, and survived his consort, he d. Aug. 29, 1761, in his 64th yr. He occupied the premises since known as the old Episcopal parsonage."
  3. Register of Deaths, Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., "1761, Aug. 28, William Sacket."
  4. Website New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Register Book for Parish of Jamaica kept by the Rev. Thomas Poyer (New England Historic Genealogical Society), "19:57, Wm Sackett & Mary Janes xber 31, 1729 at N.T. licens'd."
  5. "New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s" (Ancestry transcript), "1729, Jamaica, Queens County, William Sackett & Mary Janes."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited7 Jan 2020
Sackett Database7287 William Sackett

Patience Sackett

FatherCaptain Joseph Sackett (1655/56-1719)
MotherElizabeth Betts (c 1660-between 1700 & 1710)
Birth1700, Long Island, New York StateG,1
Marriage8 December 1720, Newtown, Long IslandGJohn Lawrence1,2,3,4
Patience Sackett, daughter of Captain Joseph Sackett and Elizabeth Betts, was born in Newtown, Long Island, New York StateG, in 1700.1 She died aged about 72 in 1772.1 She married at Newtown, Long IslandG, on 8 December 1720, John Lawrence, son of Capt John Lawrence and Deborah Woodhull.1,2,3,4 John was born in NewtownG on 9 September 16952 and died aged 70 on 7 May 1765.1,2
     Patience was named as a beneficiary in her father's will made in Newtown, Queens CountyG, on 20 September 1719. She was to inherit, jointly with her siblings, all her father's land and meadows at Hopewell and Maidenhead in New Jersey.

Children of Patience Sackett and John Lawrence

  • John Lawrence b. c 1721, d. 5 Aug 1764
  • Joseph Lawrence b. c 1723, d. c 1793
  • Richard Lawrence b. c 1725, d. c 1781
  • Nathaniel Lawrence b. c 1727, d. c 1761
  • William Lawrence+ b. 27 Jul 1729, d. 13 Jan 1794
  • Anna Lawrence+ b. 21 Nov 1731, d. 11 Apr 1798
  • Thomas Lawrence b. c 1733, d. c 1817
  • Samuel Lawrence b. c 1735, d. c 1810
  • Hon Jonathan Lawrence b. 1737, d. 1812
  • Daniel Lawrence b. c 1739, d. c 1807

31. Patience Sackett, 1700–1772, daughter of (7) Capt. Joseph and Elisabeth Betts Sackett, was married, December 8, 1720, to John Lawrence, 1695–1765, son of Captain John Lawrence and his wife Deborah Woodward.
     Major Thomas Lawrence, the grandfather of above mentioned John Lawrence, was born in Great St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. He came to America about 1645. According to Riker, "he lived awhile at Flushing, L. I., but in 1656 bought a house and lot in Newtown, to which place he removed and took part in buying the town lands from the Indians that same year. Afterwards, by purchase from the Dutch settlers, he became proprietor of a number of cultivated farms extending along the East River from Hellgate to Bowery Bay. On receiving the news of the Revolution in England in 1688, and the removal of Sir Edward Andres as Governor of Massachusetts, the family of Thomas Lawrence became decided in asserting the principles which had prompted his departure from England. Though advanced in years, Capt. Lawrence accepted the command of the forces of Queens County, to which he was commissioned by Governor Leisler, with the rank of Major, on Dec. 30, 1689. In February following he was intrusted with the raising of troops in Queens County to aid in defending Albany against the French: and again in the same year he was commissioned to proceed to Southold with a militia force to protect his Majesty's subjects against the apprehended attacks of French cruisers."
     Capt. John Lawrence, son of Major Thomas Lawrence, and father-in-law of Patience Sackett Lawrence, commanded the Newtown troop of horse in Leisler's time, with his brother Daniel Lawrence as Cornet: and was soon after appointed High Sheriff of the county, to which place he was also chosen in 1698. He was married to Deborah Woodhull, daughter of Richard Woodhull, one of the patentees of Brookhaven.
     John Lawrence, son of above mentioned Capt. John Lawrence and his wife Deborah Woodhull, and husband of Patience Sackett, was a wealthy farmer and for many years a magistrate of Queens County, N. Y.
135. John Lawrence, 1721–1764; m. Catherine Livingston.
136. Joseph Lawrence, 1723–1793; m. Benjamin Moore [sic: (105) Patience Moore].
137. Richard Lawrence, 1725–1781; m. Amy Berrien.
[138. skipped]
139. Nathaniel Lawrence, 1727–1761, d. unmarried.
140. William Lawrence, 1729–1794; Ann Brinkherhoff.
141. Anne Lawrence, 1731–1798; m. (122) William Sackett.
142. Thomas Lawrence, 1733–1817; m. Elisabeth Fish.
143. Samuel Lawrence, 1735–1810; m. Elizabeth Hazard.
144. Jonathan Lawrence, 1737–1812, m. Judith Fish.
145. Daniel Lawrence, 1739–1807; m. Eva Van Horne.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "31. Patience Sackett, b. in 1700, d. in 1772; m. John Lawrence."
  2. Website New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Gov William Beach Lawrence biography (New England Historic Genealogical Society).
  3. "New York City, Marriages, 1600s–1800s" (Ancestry transcript), "1720, Elmhurst, Queens County, Patience Sackett & John Lawrence."
  4. "New York, Marriages, 1686–1980" (FamilySearch transcript), "Dec 1720, Presbyterian Church, Newtown, Queens, New York, John Lawrence & Patience Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
William Sackett & Anne Lawrence relationship chart
Sackett Family Association descendants
Brian William Sackett, Debbie McDonald and Jason Donald Sackett.
Last Edited10 May 2022
Sackett Database7077 Patience Sackett

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven