- Sacketts in the military (480)
- Britain, Campaign, Gallantry & Long Service Medals & Awards (53)
- British Army service records (15)
- British Army World War I service & pension records (6)
- British Royal Air Force service records, 1912–1939 (3)
- British Royal Navy Registers, 1853–1928 (11)
- Muster Rolls for the Thanet parishes of St John, St Peter, & Birchington (6)
- Silver War Badge Roll, 1914–1920 ()
- See also England, The London Gazette (Official notices)
- Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, Record of Service of (16)
- George Washington Papers
- Illinois Veterans Index (2)
- Massachusetts, Berkshire County, Revolutionary Soldiers (Cooke Collection) (7)
- New York Military in the Revolution (31)
- New York, Military Service Cards, 1816–1979 (22)
- New York, World War I Military Service, 1917–1919 (4)
- New York National Guard Service Records (21)
- Orderly books of the Fourth New York Regiment, 1778–1780
- Ohio Soldiers in First World War (8)
- Pennsylvania, Veterans Burial Cards (22)
- Pennsylvania, Veterans Card Files (7)
- Pennsylvania, Veteran Compensation Application Files, WWII, 1950–1966 (4)
- United States 1890 veterans schedules
- United States Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798–1914 (11)
- United States Army Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1910–1939 (5)
- United States Civil War (Union) draft registrations records 1863–1865 (291)
- United States Civil War Service Records (44)
- United States Civil War, Headstones provided for Union Civil War veterans (20)
- United States Military Registers, 1862–1985 (3)
- United States Revolutionary War Military Service Records (65)
- United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917–1940 (1)
- United States Veterans Pension Records (23)
- United States, Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861–1985 (12)
- United States National Society Daughters of the American Revolution records (34)
- United States Spanish American War Volunteers Index (18)
- United States War of 1812 Service Records (95)
- United States World War I draft registrations records 1917–1918 (680)
- United States World War II draft registration cards (173)
- United States World War II army enlistment records (37)
- United States World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938–1949 (515)
- United States World War II Hospital Admission Card Files, 1942-1954 (7)
- See also United States Civil War, register of deaths of volunteers, 1861–1865
- See also United States Veterans Gravesites
- See also United States Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File
- See also US Military Cemeteries on Foreign Soil, 1942–1949
- Vermont, Rolls of Men in the Revolutionary War