- Abbey, Clifford C to Beels, Martha E
- Beers, Evelyn Bernadette to Case, Susan
- Caslake, Ann to Crouch, Romain
- Crow, Ambrose to Edwards, Roulston L
- Eggleston, Nellie to Gleason, Sally
- Glennon, Shep to Hill, William F
- Hinds, Albert Newton to Jenkin, William
- Jennings, Penny Harris to Loomis, Melissa T
- Loraine, Patricia Anne to Mockett, Sarah
- Mockett, Sarah to Pamflett, William
- Pamphlet, Ann to Robinson, Tim
- Rodriguez, Debbie to Sacket, Jerusha
- Sacket, Jerusha to Sackett, Ada Blanche
- Sackett, Ada Christine to Sackett, Anna Alice
- Sackett, Anna Belle "Annie Belle" to Sackett, Birdie Margaret
- Sackett, Blair B to Sackett, Chris
- Sackett, Chris to Sackett, Diane
- Sackett, Diantha H to Sackett, Eli
- Sackett, Eli to Sackett, Emeline Elizabeth
- Sackett, Emerson to Sackett, Frances A
- Sackett, Frances A to Sackett, George S
- Sackett, George Samuel LLD to Sackett, Harvey John
- Sackett, Harvey Leander to Sackett, Ida
- Sackett, Ida to Sackett, Jeremiah
- Sackett, Jeremiah to Sackett, Jon
- Sackett, Jonathan to Sackett, Leo William
- Sackett, Leodah Olive to Sackett, Madjeska Arvilla
- Sackett, Magdalena to Sackett, Mary
- Sackett, Mary to Sackett, Natalie A
- Sackett, Nathan to Sackett, Prudence Nettie
- Sackett, Queeto Ruby to Sackett, Ronald Lee
- Sackett, Ronald Ty "Ron" to Sackett, Sarah J
- Sackett, Sarah J to Sackett, Thomas Francis
- Sackett, Thomas Francis to Sackett, William Edward
- Sackett, William F to Scott, Vera
- Scovill, Alathea Ruth to Stoddard, Nelson Ernest
- Stollings, Jessie to Voogd, Anthonie
- Voorheis, Steven to Winchell, Orville H
- Winebrenner, Amanda to ___, Mary A