- Abbey, Clifford C to Bean, Angela
- Beavan, Sharon to Carter, Worthington
- Carver, Lillian Mary to Crandall, George & Elaine
- Cratty, Lance & Christie to Eaton, William Colgate
- Eddy, Margaret "Peg" to Glasser, Lois Jane
- Glaus, Glenn to Hazard, Marion
- Head, Bernice L to Iliff, William Wetherill
- Irving, Ann to Layfield, Patricia
- Leary, Joan to Metcalf, Sarah A
- Michael, Shannon Watts to Nichols, Wiseman Claggett
- Nickle, Ruth to Pritchett, Karen
- Procknow, Bette to Sacket, Electa
- Sacket, Electa to Sacket, Sarepta
- Sacket, Seth to Sackett, Ambrose
- Sackett, Ambrose S to Sackett, Barry
- Sackett, Barton Hill to Sackett, Charles Ebert
- Sackett, Charles Edgar to Sackett, Daniel
- Sackett, Daniel to Sackett, Edward
- Sackett, Edward to Sackett, Elizabeth "Betsy"
- Sackett, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kimball to Sackett, Eva Ophelia
- Sackett, Evaline to Sackett, Geneva
- Sackett, Genevieve to Sackett, Hannah
- Sackett, Hannah to Sackett, Henry Samuel
- Sackett, Henry Samuel to Sackett, James Ferson
- Sackett, James H to Sackett, John
- Sackett, John to Sackett, Kate E
- Sackett, Kate Florence "Kathleen" to Sackett, Louisa Alma
- Sackett, Louisa Ann to Sackett, Martha A
- Sackett, Martha A to Sackett, Maude Lytle
- Sackett, Maurice to Sackett, Orsemus Marvin
- Sackett, Orval Ephraim to Sackett, Richard (Colonel)
- Sackett, Richard (Rev) AM to Sackett, Samuel
- Sackett, Samuel to Sackett, Stephen T
- Sackett, Sterne W to Sackett, Walter John Samuel
- Sackett, Walter L to Sackett, Winfield
- Sackett, Winfield S to Smith, Francis S
- Smith, Frederick to Tlougan, Brian
- Todd, Beda to White, Shirley Louise
- Whitney, Ethel Grace to ___, Mary A