Newspaper Abstracts, recent additions (last 12 months)
- Hamilton Freeman, Webster City, Iowa, 5 Aug 1874
Departed this life on Saturday morning last, Mrs. Caroline Halsey, the good and aged mother of Mrs. T. A. Conklin.
Short funeral services were held at the house of Mr. Conklin, one and one-half miles southwest of this city, on Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Rev. G. R. Ransom, who has been the good mother in Israel's pastor for several years, officiated sympathetically and timely. A large concourse of the citizens accompanied cortigue [sic] from Mr. C's residence to the depot, when, on the 10 o'clock train, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin accompanied the deceased to Ottumwa [sic], Ill., for interment. The funeral sermon will be preached at the Congregational church by elder Ransom, on Sabbath morning, the 16th inst.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - The Ottawa Free Trader, Ottawa, Illinois, 15 Aug 1874, p 1
Obituary.—Mrs. Caroline Halsey, relict of A. Halsey, dec'd., a former resident of Ottawa, died on the 31st ult, at Webster City, Iowa. She was 70 years of age.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, 7 Mar 1891, p 5
Sackett—Friday morning, at the family residence, East Norwood, Ohio, March 6, at 4:30 A. M., William Augustus Sackett, aged 82, of paralysis. Funeral Sunday, March 8, 2 P. M. Burial private. Please omit flowers. Interment at Spring Grove. Friends of the family invited. Train leaves C., L. and N. R. R. Depot at 1 P. M.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 8 Sep 1899, p 3
Will Move to Heyworth.
Rev. Myron Sackett, of Randolph, on Thursday last sold to Mr. Sylvester Peasley, a portion of his farm, consisting of 31 acres, for $2,000. Mr. Sackett will move to Heyworth to spend the remainder of his days. He is now 90 years old, but is still in full possession of his mental and physical faculties. His wife, who is in her eighties, also remains remarkably vigorous. Mr. Sackett has lived in Randolph since about 1840. Years ago he was a Methodist circuit rider.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - News Herald, Port Clinton, Ohio, 13 Jul 1900, p 1
Alvah Sackett, formerly of Lakeside, a well known fruit grower, was killed by lightning at Barnesville, Ga, Monday morning. The remains were taken to Sandusky for interment; Rev. Mr. Hull, of Marblehead, conducted the services.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 10 Jan 1902, p 5
Stories of the Aged.
People of Advanced Years Who Are Now Living in Different Towns of McLean County.
Heyworth and vicinity claims the honor of being the abiding place of some of the oldest people in McLean county.
Mr. Myron Sackett was born in Livingston county, New York, September 3, 1809, went from there to Kentucky with his parents, then came to Illinois in 1818 and settled near Belleville came to Randolph township about 1856 and has lived in the vicinity ever since. He is getting feeble and his eyesight is failing, but is pretty rugged for one of his age. He was a local Methodist preacher for a number of years some thirty-five years ago. His wife is living, and they are the parents of several children.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 2 Oct 1903, p 9
Death of Myron Sackett
Mr. Myron Sackett died at his home in Heyworth Tuesday morning at 6:30 from the infirmities of old age. He was born Sept. 3, 1809, in Livingston county, N.Y. He moved with his parents to Kentucky in 1813, to Missouri in 1819, and to Randolph county, Ill., in 1820. He was married March 24, 1833, to Miss Elizabeth Hill. There were born to them nine children; two died in infancy, Sarah A. and Harriet E.; Jonathan H., Phoebe C., who grew to manhood and womanhood and afterwards died; Mrs. Mary C. Tyre of Heyworth; Sadie C. Miller, who lives in Winfield, Kas., and John H., who lives in Trinsdale, Kas. His wife died Jan. 12, 1851. He was again married July 31, 1853, to Miss Drucilla Brawnin. To this union three children were born, all of whom died in infancy. He moved to McLean county in 1856 to a farm four miles northeast of Heyworth, where he lived until about three years ago, when he moved to Heyworth. He joined the M. E. church in 1828 and was an ordained minister and was a circuit rider for a number of years. He also taught school for some time. He never held or aspired to any public office, but was a strong Republican from the time the party organized. His wife and three children survive him. He was grandfather to twenty-one grandchildren, twenty-two great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. He was always honest and upright in all his dealings. The funeral will be held at Shiloh church, four miles northeast of Heyworth, near his old home, where he used to preach. Rev. F. M. Harry will have charge. His wife is in poor health.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 6 Nov 1903, p 9
Will of Myron Sackett.
The will of Myron Sackett, of Heyworth, was admitted to probate Wednesday. To the wife, Drucella Sackett, is left the house and lot and all income therefrom and the personal property. At her death the real estate is to be sold and the money divided among the children—Zadie Catherine Miller, John Henry Sackett, Martha Humphrey, or her heirs, the grand children; Myron Tyree and Mrs. Etta Walden and a foster son, Alvah Gray. C. W. McComb is named as executor and the will bears the date of February 27, 1903.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 13 Nov 1903, p 8
To Set Aside a Deed.
A suit was entered Saturday by John H. Sackett, Zadie C. Miller, Mary Tryee, Martha Dufrene and William H. Horn against Granville Browning and Driscilla Sackett asking that a deed made by Myron Sackett on Feb. 6, 1903, be set aside. The plaintiffs allege undue influence of Mrs. Sackett and her brother and claim that the deed was given when Myron Sackett was in no condition to execute business.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - San Francisco Bulletin, San Francisco, California, 2 Dec 1906, p 35
Sackett—In this city, November 30, Olga E. Sackett, beloved wife of Harry Edward Sackett, loving daughter of John and Hannah Falk, and sister of Emma, William, Helen and James Falk, a native of San Francisco, aged 30 years, 9 months and 26 days.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 3 Dec 1906, p 2
Winters Waifs.
Mrs. Harry Sackett was taken to the city last week to undergo a surgical operation. It was said she was near the point of death, but last reports are that she is recovering."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 12 Dec 1908, p 2
Weddings of Recent Date
H. E. Sackett and Miss Bryce Married at Winters
Harry Edwood [sic] Sackett and Miss Lena Bryce were married Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Bryce, of Winters. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. W. Coates of the Baptist church. The home was beautifully decorated with evergreens and hollyberries. Only the relatives of the.couple were present. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sackett. The ceremony was performed under a pretty wedding bell of holly and mistletoe.
Miss Lena Bryce, for a number of years past, has been agent for the Sunset Telephone Company at Winters and proprietor of the telephone store which was purchased by Ed Dunnigan.
Mr. Harry Sackett is a prosperous fruit grower of Winters, and a son of B. R. Sackett of Alameda.
After the ceremony the happy couple went to their future home on one of the Sackett farms. The Citizen joins with their many friends in congratulations.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Call and Post, San Francisco, California, 1 Apr 1912, p 10
Sackett—In Alameda, March 30, 1912. Buel Ruthvan Sackett, beloved husband of Florence A. Sackett, and loving father of Louis A., Chester H., Harry E. and Florence M. Sackett and Mrs. R. Dinsmore, Mrs. F. W. Avers and Mrs. Roy Wyatt, a native of New York state, aged 78 years 2 months and 26 days.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services today (Monday), April 1, 1912, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., at his late residence, 1121 Lafayette street, Alameda. Incineration Oakland crematory (private).
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 7 Dec 1933, p 8
From the Files—25 Years Ago. A marriage license was issued this afternoon to Harry Edward Sackett and Lena Brice, both residents of Winters.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 14 Oct 1935, p 2
Miss Chamberlin Weds Harry Sackett In Sacramento
Miss Dorothy Chamberlin of Capay and Harry E. Sackett, Jr., of Davis, married Sunday in the Sacred Heart church at Sacramento.
Miss Chamberlin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Chamberlin, Capay Valley ranchers. Mr. Sackett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sackett, prominent Davis residents.
The bride wore a navy blue dress with white trimmings and navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias and lilies of the valley.
Miss Patricia Weaver of Esparto, a cousin of the bride, was the maid of honor. Miss Weaver wore a rust outfit with brown accessories, and carried a bouquet of salmon baby roses.
Albert Ichtertz of Winters, a school friend of the groom, was best man.
The couple plan a ten day honeymoon in San Francisco, after which they will return to their new home in Davis.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Winters Express, Winters, California, 23 Oct 1942, p 1
Last Rites Held for Harry Sackett
Final rites for Harry E. Sackett Sr. were largely attended, Saturday a. m., at the Presbyterian church, with committal in the local cemetery. Rev. Monroe Drew brought a brief message of comfort, closing with recital of the Shepherd Psalm, the deceased's favorite Seripture. C. P.Culton sang "Abide With Me," and "Sometime We'll Understand," Mrs. H. E. Mermod, pianist.
Casket-bearers were life-long friends, E. E. Baker, Francis McGarr, Roy Wyatt, Fred Moody, Buell Dinsmore, A. C. Sullivan. Autumn flowers were lavish and beautiful, mute tributes of esteem.
Out-of-town relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wyatt, Esparto, Mrs. Brock Dickie and daughter, Mrs. Nellie May Crisp, Davis; Mrs. Harold Dickie, Dixon.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Winters Express, Winters, California, 23 Oct 1942, p 8
Card of Thanks
We extend our sincere thanks for expressions of sympathy, also for floral tributes offered in our bereavement in the loss of husband and father.
Mrs. H. E. Sackett
Harry Sackett
Buell Sackett
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri, 8 & 9 Apr 1943, p 28
Tendick, Myrtle E. (nee Sackett)—7116 Ravenberg, Thurs., April 8, 1943, beloved wife of Oliver Tendick, mother of Ruby Mae Hopkins, our sister, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother and aunt.
Funeral Sat., April 10, 1 p.m., from Jay B. Smith Funeral Home, 7456 Manchester, to Valhalla Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The St. Louis Star and Times, Missouri, 10 Apr 1943, p 6
Mr. [sic] Myrtle E. Tendick, 52, of 7116 Rabenberg pl., who died Thursday, was buried today in Valhalla Cemetery following funeral services at the Jay B. Smith Funeral Home, 7456 Manchester av., Maplewood.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Illinois, 2 Apr 1946, p 17
Mary Vera Lenra [sic] Sackett, daughter of Clarence Sackett and Katherine nee Schrumpff, was baptised Sunday. Her sponsors were Mary Schrumpff and Llenora Sackett.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California, 27 Jun 1946, p 11
Nevada Marriage Licenses, "Buell Arthur Sackett, 31, and Theresa O. Gonzales, 24, both of Vinters [sic], Calif."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Union, Sacramento, California, 29 Apr 1948, p 4
Lena Sackett
Woodland—Mrs. Lena Sackett, 70, long-time resident of the Winters district, died early yesterday at the Yolo General Hospital. She was a native of Kentucky and was married 38 years ago to Harry E Sackett.
Kraft Brothers are making funeral plans.
Mrs. Sackett is survived by two sons, Buel Sackett of Winters and Harry Sackett of Sonora.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Longview Daily News, Longview, Washington, 24 Oct 1952, p 8
Cowlitz General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sackett, 603 Cowlitz Way, Kelso, boy on Oct. 23.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 20 Jun 1954, p 24
James L. Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louise Sackett of 5 Gaylord Street, is training as an Air Force technician at Warren Air Force Base, near Cheyenne, Wyo. He is an airman, third class.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Evening Times, Sayre, Pennsylvania, 6 May 1965, p 8
Marriage Licenses, Towanda, Melvin H. Sackett and Jane Louise Bensley, both of Nichols.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana, 13 Nov 1963, p 24
Jefferson High School graduates, Miss Linda Jo Sackett and James H. Flett plan to be married Dec. 28 in Grace Evangelical Brethren Church.
Announcement of their upcoming wedding is made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sackett of Rt. 3. Mr. Flett is the son of Mrs. Jack Cox, 412 S. 7th St.
Miss Sackett was graduated from Indiana Business College.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana, 31 Dec 1963, p 8
Sackett-Flett Nuptials Read
Grace United Brethren Church was the setting at 2 p.m. Saturday for the wedding of Miss Linda Jo Sackett and James H. Flett.
The Rev. John E. Chambers read the double-ring ceremony for which the bride wore a gown of white satin brocade. The empire-style dress featured a Sabrina neckline and a draped bow at the back of the dome-shaped skirt, which had a separate chapel-length train. The bride's veil fell from a double crown of crystals and her flowers were red roses.
Miss Nancy Ann Ferguson of Lebanon, the bride's niece, was maid of honor and Miss Shellie Cox, the bridegroom's sister, was bridesmaid. They wore street-length dresses of red velvet styled with scooped necklines, and carried e-shaped arrangements of red and white carnations and wore red velvet bows in their hair.
The bride's niece and nephew, Kathy and David Sackett, were flower girl and ring bearer. Kathy wore red accessories with her white nylon dress.
Attending the bridegroom as best man was Bob Skadberg of Fort Wayne. Ushers were Tom Wray of Fort Wayne, Gene Wilcox of Delphi and Ronald Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sackett of Rt. 3 are the parents of the bride. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Jack B. Cox of 412 S. 7th St., who was hostess for a rehearsal party in the home of Mrs. Lilian Howard on Road 25 North. A reception in the church basement followed the ceremony.
The couple were graduated from Jefferson High School. The bride also is a graduate of Lafayette Business College. They will make their home at the Cor-Dale Trailer Court.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York, 1 Jan 1978, p 11
The Tioga County (N.Y.) Sheriff's Department said a passenger was injured about 8:25 p.m. Friday when an auto driven by Melvin H. Sackett, 45, of Lockwood, went out of control on the Day Hollow Road in the Town of Owego.
Deputies said the vehicle travled 270 feet off the road until coming to rest on a lawn owned by Raymond Hallett.
The passenger Mrs Jane L. Sackett, 35, was taken to Ideal Hospital in Endicott for treatment of minor injuries and was released.
Deputies said Sackett was ticked for failure to keep right.
The Campville Fire Department Emergency Squad assisted at the scene.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Leaf-Chronicle, Clarksville, Tennessee, 4 Aug 1996, p 11
Muriel Pratt
Muriel Joan Pratt, 68, Erin, died Friday, Aug. 2, 1996, at her home.
Funeral arrangements will be announced by Nave Funeral Home, Erin.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 6 Aug 1996, p 9
Muriel J. Pratt of Binghamton
Muriel J. Pratt, 68, passed away Friday, August 2, 1996 in Erin, Tenn. She was predeceased by her parents, Arthur and Margaret Collins. She is survived by her husband, Harold B. Pratt, Binghamton; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Judy and James DeVaul, Binghamton, Margaret Middleton-Sackett and Edward Middleton, Binghamton, Danielle Pratt, Binghamton; one son, Harold Sackett, Fla.; three special grandchildren, Stephanie Beale, Justin Finch and Aminah Shabazz; also several other grandchildren; four great grandchildren; several nieces, nephews and cousins; one uncle; two foster daughters, Tina Turner, Binghamton, LuAnne White,, Binghamton; and many close friends.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. from the Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, 44 Exchange St., Binghamton, with the Rev. Gary Doupe officiating. Burial will be in the Islamic Cemetery of the Southern Tier, Maine, N.Y.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Journal and Courier, Lafayette, Indiana, 5 Dec 2011, p 7
Norman E. Rudder, 84
Norman Earl Rudder, 84 years old of North Salem, IN, died Sunday, December 4, 2011 in Hendricks Regional Health.
He was born July 17, 1927 in Hendricks County, son of the late Tullie H. and Pearl E. Rudder.
He married Jean Susanne Pepper on February 2, 1951. She preceded him in death.
He was preceded in death by 2 brothers and 6 sisters.
He served in the US Navy during World War II.
He was a member of American Legion in Lafayette and attended North Salem United Methodist Church.
Surviving are daughters, Nancy (Ron) Kneeland of North Salem, and Lori Rudder of Jamestown, Companion, Linda Flett of Lafayette and daughters, Jetta (Mike) Balsar and Jill Flett, 3 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
A memorial service will be held at North Salem United Methodist Church, Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. with Pastor Ann Spahr officiating.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the North Salem United Methodist Church Elevator Fund, PO Box 238, North Salem, IN 46165.
Online condolences may be made at
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- Rutland Weekly Herald, Rutland, Vermont, 29 Nov 1831, p 4
The Proprietors of the 4th division of lots of Land in the Town of Underhill, in the county of Chittenden and State of Vermont, who are delinquent in the payment of Tax of one Dollar and thirty-four cents on each of said Lots, voted by said Proprietors on the 3d day of January, A.D. 1831, to defray the expense of alloting said fourth division, are hereby notified that so much of each of said Lots will be sold at Public Vendue at my dwelling house, in Underhill, on the first day of January next, at nine o'clock, A.M. of said day, as will pay said Tax with costs, unless prevented by previous payment. The names of the delinquents are as follows:
Joseph Sackit, jr., James Sackit, Peter Sackit, Joseph Sackit, … James Sackit, 3d, Samuel Sackit, John Sackit, … Wm. Sackit, ….
William Barney, Collector.
Underhill, Oct. 25 1831.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Litchfield Enquirer, Connecticut, 11 Oct 1832, p 3, "Married, In New Haven, Mr. Cephas Clark, to Mrs. Betsey Sackett, both of North-Haven." [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- Plattsburgh Republican, 8 Jan 1853, p 2
In Plattsburgh, (at Salmon River,) on the 10th ult., Patty Martin, wife of Mr. Levi Martin, aged 46 years. Mrs. M. was a native of Colchester, Vt., and was for many years a consistent and exemplary member of the Baptist Church.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Syracuse Evening Chronicle, 29 Jun 1854
The Cholera.—A case of Cholera which terminated fatally last night, has created some excitement among our citizens, and in order to correct any misapprehensions we have taken particular pains to learn the whole particulars; and we are glad to be able to show that in every particular the cautionary words of our authorities and of the press in general, deserve implicit attention.
Yesterday afternoon, a farmer named Harmon Van Buren, with a friend named Schermerhorn, arrived in this city from the west, and put up at the Hotel of Mr. Baker, corner of Fayette and Salina streets. Setting in the doorway, he was suddenly seized with diarrhoea and remarked that his sight was beclouded and he was faint, yet chilly. Dr. Shipman was sent for, and at once pronounced the case a fatal one, collapse having ensued upon the rice-water evacuation, & c. Dr. Samson was called in, and concurred with Dr. Shipman in tracing the identity of the symptoms with those of the cases occurring in 1832, under their observation and treatment.
Mr. Van Buren died at 9 o'clock last night—aged 62 1-2 years—only eleven hours after his first attack. The deceased had been formerly a farmer, at Gouverneur, St. Lawrence county, and had been to Illinois to purchase a farm; returning through Canada, he was among the passengers who were imperilled by a mishap at Princeton, C.W.; and, passing across the Lake, he took the Central Railroad at Rochester, taking no regular meals, but upon an empty stomach he ate some cold pie at a Saloon. On arriving here he was faint and exhausted, and sat in the draught at the doorway, where the first manifestation of the consequence of his persistent violation of nature was made. The long suspension of the natural course he had pursued as a farmer, under the aggravations of accumulated excitements—all of them sufficient separately to endanger any man's health under ordinary circumstances—are forcible arguments for quiet, orderly, cleanly and regular attention to nature's laws, and an avoidance of excitement. A studious regard to food, selecting supplies according to physical condition, are items of the utmost importance.
The Cholera has been here, in a fearfully retributive form, and it will be well for all to heed its lesson, avoiding the excesses which have in this instance been so signally chastised.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Rochester Daily American, 1 Jul 1854, p 2
A farmer by the name of Harmon Van Buren died of Cholera in Syracuse, on Wednesday. He had been very irregular in his habits for three or four days, and had eaten improper food. He died in 11 hours after the first attack.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Vermont Chronicle, Bellows Falls, Vermont, 6 Feb 1864, p 8
In Bradford, on the 2d, inst., by Rev. S. McKeen, D.D., Mr. Thomas Staunton Brownell, of Colchester, and Miss Angie L. Baldwin, daughter of Hon. George P. Baldwin, of Bradford.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, Indiana, 23 Apr 1874, p 4
Mrs. Martha Sackett, an aged pioneer, and the mother of C. O. Sackett, the typo, died Monday last near Irvington, aged 88. She was a life-long member of the Society of Friends, and a lady of culture and refinement. Her husband, Dr. Sackett, settled in Wayne county in 1810, and held the office of County Recorder for 21 years.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Burlington Standard, 17 Apr 1880
In Burlington, on Tuesday, April 13th, 1880, Mr. J. R. Hart, aged 82 years 10 days.
The relatives of the deceased wish to take this opportunity to express their heartfelt gratitude and thanks to their many friends for their kindness and aid in this sudden bereavement.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - The Reedsburg Times-Press, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, 22 Apr 1880, p 1
Wisconsin State News.
Mr. J. R. Hart, eighty-two years old, was struck by a passenger train a mile east of Burlington on the morning of the 13th, receiving injuries from which he died in half an hour.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Leader, Bloomington, Illinois, 3 Mar 1881
Randolph. Feb. 26.—John H. Sackett, of Cowley county, Kan., has returned with his sister, who was also living in Kansas. His sister is now at her father's, Rev. Myron Sackett, where she is prostrated with that dread disease, consumption.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Chittenden Reporter, Jericho, Vermont, 28 Aug 1883, p 4
Dr. Cilley has been appointed guardian for Mrs. Nancy Martin.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Recorder, Fayetteville, New York, 31 Oct 1889
Mrs. Harriet Sackett died Saturday evening about half past nine o'clock after a long illness.
Mrs. Sackett, better known as Mrs. Upham Williams, found rest at her home, corner of Seneca and Cherry Sts, Oct. 26, 1889. She was born near Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 29, 1814. In 1832 she was married to Erastus Upham. From this union there were four children. She was married to Joseph Williams April 2nd 1856 at Fayetteville. Mrs. Williams had one daughter. In 1881 she was married to Harry C. Sackett.
[Extracted from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Wisconsin, 6 May 1891, p 4
Hartt—At her home in this village on Saturday morning, May 2nd, 1891, at ten minutes past ten o'clock, of old age and general debility, after an illness of several weeks, Mrs. Nancy S. Hartt, aged 86 years and 4 months.
The funeral occurred at the house, corner of Lewis and Conkey streets last Sunday afternoon, Rev. L. A. Pettibone officiating.
The bereaved sons and daughters of deceased have the sympathy of the entire community.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Indianapolis Journal, Indianapolis, Indiana, 29 Dec 1897, p 2
Mrs. Emily Sackett.
Wabash, Ind., Dec. 28.—Mrs. Emily Sackett, one of the oldest residents of Wabash, died this morning of old age. She was born ninety-two years ago in New York, and until a few years ago made her home at Columbus, O., whence she came to Wabash. The funeral takes place Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Udall News, Udall, Kansas, 18 Dec 1908, p 1
Mr. Hilton Sidle and Miss Myrtle Sackett were married by Probate Judge J.G. Shreves at his home Saturday evening. The young couple succeeded in keeping the marriage a secret until today when the story leaked out.—Free Press.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Arkansas City Daily News, Arkansas City, Kansas, 10 Feb 1909, p 5
Winfield Courier, Winfield, Kansas, 11 Feb 1909, p 7
Marriage Licenses.
February 6.
Hilton Sidle, Winfield ... 18
Myrtle E. Sackett ... 17
(Parents consent for both.)
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Winfield Courier, Winfield, Kansas, 11 Feb 1909, p 7
Miss Myrtle Sackett and Mr. Hilton Sidle, both of Winfield were married by Probate Judge Shreves at his residence in Winfield the evening of Saturday, February 6, 1909.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Seattle Union Record, Seattle, Washington, 15 Aug 1925, p 1
Cafe Man Elopes With Stepdaughter
Declared to have eloped with his own stepdaughter, William B. Hopkins, restaurant man, of 5202 Ballard Ave., was being sought by law enforcement agencies throughout the state Saturday.
He left his home hurriedly Saturday at 5 a.m. in company with his wife's 16-year-old daughter by a former marriage, Ruby Seidle, according to neighbors.
The mother and wife, Mrs Myrtle Hopkins, called at the prosecuting attorney's office within a few hours of the disappearance of her husband and daughter and became the complaining witness to a warrant charging Hopkins with contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. Police officials also were notified, and a widespread search was in progress Saturday afternoon.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Seattle Union Record, Seattle, Washington, 17 & 18 Aug 1925, p 7
Marriage Licenses
William B. Hopkins, 27; Ruby Sidle, 19, both of Seattle.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Seattle Star, Seattle, Washington, 17 Aug 1925, p 1
Bride's Mother Says Bridegroom Belongs to Her!
Both Women Insist They Are Wives of William D. Hopkins When He Is Arrested by the Police
Seattle police Monday were called upon to solve the domestic problem of whether William D. Hopkins, 27, is the husband of Mrs. Myrtle McKinley [sic], 39, or her daughter, Ruby, 16.
Hopkins and the girl were arrested Monday morning in a downtown apartment after a two-day search, instigated by the mother of Ruby.
Mrs. Hopkins insists that she is the wife of Hopkins. He denies he married her.
"Ruby and I love each other; we were married Saturday morning," said Hopkins.
He produced a marriage certificate showing he and Ruby were married Saturday by the Rev. A. E. Greene, formerly pastor of the Emanuel Baptist church, 24th ave. S. and Main st. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bingston were given as witnesses.
"Ruby's mother has no legal right to my name," Hopkins declared, after his arrest. "I will admit that we left Wichita, Kan., last December as man and wife and have lived that way since, but everyone, including her friends and relatives, and even Ruby, knew that we were not sent to our marriage," said Hopkins.
Mrs. Hopkins insisted to Policewoman Sylvia Hunsecker that Hopkins had married her in Wichita last December. She explained to Mrs. Hunsecker her lack of a marriage certificate by saying she had torn it up in a fit of anger against Hopkins.
Hopkins told The Star his strange story of romance and domestic entanglement.
"Ruby and her mother came West with me last winter from Wichita, Kan. I told Mrs. Finney that I loved her daughter Ruby and that she loved me and asked for her consent to our marriage.
"She refused to let us marry. I then offered to take her back to Kansas and wait until Ruby was 18, but she would not hear of it.
"Saturday, Ruby and I got a marriage license and were married. She gave her age as 19. When we saw in the papers that we had run away we decided to stay and fight it out. We have done nothing wrong and we have a right to be married and to love each other."
Hopkins was charged with a statutory offense involving the girl. This charge will probably be canceled in the face of the marriage.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Seattle Union Record, Seattle, Washington, 17 Aug 1925, p 1, 18 Aug 1925, p 2
Love Dream Blasted By Policemen
Love's young dream was blasted Monday when detectives broke in on William B. Hopkins, 28, and Ruby Seidle, 16, his bride of two days, with whom he eloped from her mother's home, 5202 Ballard Ave., Saturday morning. The couple were occupying a suite in an apartment at Seventh Ave. and Madison St.
Police had been looking for Hopkins and the girl following her mother's action in swearing out a warrant for the man, whom she insists is her husband.
"There is nothing to that stuff about Mrs. Finney and me being married," Hopkins said from his jail cell, where he is being held while the police and the prosecuting attorney’s office determine the nature of a charge to be brought against him after the tangled affairs of the family triangle are investigated. He is held on an open charge, but the prosecutor has a warrant out in which the girl's mother charges him with contributing the delinquency of a minor.
"I am not the girl's step-father," Hopkins declared.
He calls the mother Mrs. Finney, and says she brought him west to Seattle from Wichita, Kan., two months ago in her automobile, knowing full well that there was never a wedding ceremony.
"It is just jealousy on the mother's part. That story she gave the morning paper is all the bunk."
Meanwhile the senior Mrs. Hopkins, or Mrs. Finney, as Hopkins speaks of her when talking to newspaper men, is seeking means of putting the young Lochinvar so far behind the bars that he will be years in digging out. Anger showed in every line of her face when she mentioned his name Monday at the police station, but they were lines that softened and curved into a smile when she spoke to her daughter. The girl, 16 and pretty, had stolen the mother's sweetheart and should be punished — still the mother could not find it in her heart to scold. At least not while the two were talking to the detective at headquarters.
Hopkins and the girl fled at 5 o’clock in the mother's flivver from the mother's home over a small restaurant which the mother had purchased on Ballard Ave. They were married four hours later by Alvah E Greene, 619 Thompson building, a sanipractic physician who holds a license to preach in the Baptist church. The car was found in front of Hopkins' sister's home 712 Fifth Ave.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Seattle Union Record, Seattle, Washington, 19 Aug 1925, p 15, 20 Aug 1925, p 7
Government Investigates Hopkins Case
Federal authorities began an investigation Wednesday looking toward prosecution under the Mann act of William B. Hopkins, former Wichita, Kan., man, who is held in the city jail here while Mrs. Myrtle Hopkins and her 16-year-old daughter, Ruby, both claim him as husband.
Women operatives of the department of justice, learning that Hopkins brought the older woman with him across four state boundaries to Seattle, took an interest in the case and began conferring with county authorities Wednesday.
Meanwhile Ruby, the child-bride of five days, was spirited away by the police. Policewoman Sylvia Hunsicker refused to disclose her whereabouts.
Charges and counter charges loomed in the tangled love case Wednesday when Hopkins admitted in his cell that he has another wife in the south. He married a Miss Florence Goble in Oklahoma, he said, adding that he believes she obtained a divorce after he came west.
Deputy Prosecutor Eugene Meacham said Wednesday that if the former marriage had not been legally cancelled, a charge of bigamy would be brought against Hopkins. He was unable, however, to get confirmation of the Oklahoma marriage.
Charges of lewdness may also be brought against "Mrs. Hopkins," it was hinted, if it develops that she was not the wife of Hopkins when he married Ruby, as the couple was living together.
The only charge on file against Hopkins at present is that of contributing to delinquency of a minor child, the count for which he was arrested on a warrant sworn to by "Mrs. Hopkins."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 22 Mar 1945, p 20
Pfc. Byron Sackett Hurt in Action
Less than two weeks after his nineteenth birthday, Pfc. Byron E. Sackett of the 275th Infantry Regiment was wounded in France on Jan. 15. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Sackett of 3010 Edgewood avenue. The parents recelved a telegram from the War Department Feb. 6 informing them their son had been wounded.
A letter written on Feb. 1 in France has been received by the parents, the only one they have had from Pfc. Sackett since he went overseas. He said he was all right and described his surroundings as "fine" but said nothing of having been hurt. He said he had had his feet frost-bitten. in December soon after arriving in France.
Pfc. Sackett attended Alton High School. The family moved to Pittsfield later and he graduated there. He was born at Meredosia. Before entering the army he attended Alton Vocational School. He entered the army May 16, 1944, and had trained at Camp Robinson, Little Rock, Ark. He went overseas last November after being stationed a short while at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 4 Apr 1951, p 9
Sackett-Taylor Wedding Friday, March 30
Miss Darlene Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taylor of 2121 Country Club drive, became the bride of Byron Sackett, son of and Mrs. Jonathan H. Sackett, 3010 Edgewood avenue, Friday, March 30, at 2 o'clock in Calvary Baptist Church, with the Rev. J. Curtis Martin officiatIng. Glenn Sackett was best man for his brother and Mrs. Maurice Elfgen, twin sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The wedding was attended by members of the immediate families. The double ring ceremony was used by the officiating clergyman.
Miss Taylor and her sister wore suits of blue and matching accessories. A corsage of white carnations was pinned to the bride's shoulder, and yellow carnations formed a corsage worn by the matron of honor.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, and later Mr. Sackett and bride left Carbondale where they are residing at 310 South Graham avenue.
Graduates of Alton High School, Mr. and Mrs. Sackett are students at Southern Illinois University. Mrs. Sackett will receive her degree in June but Mr. Sackett, who served in the Army for two years, will complete his studies next winter.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- Lynchburg Daily Virginian, Lynchburg, Virginia, 29 Apr 1854, p 2
Died on the 27th inst., after a painful illness of six weeks, Evalina Elizabeth Sackett, wife of Benjamin F. Sackett, aged 38 years, 2 months and 14 days.
East Tennessee papers requested to copy.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral services of the late Mrs. B. F. Sackett will take place at her late residence on Church Street, at half past 9 o'clock a.m., today (Saturday.) The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Examiner and Chronicle, New York, NY, 18 Nov 1869, p 5
In Bennettsburg, N.Y., Sept. 10th, Mrs. Gratia Sackett aged 82 years.
She became a member of the Baptist church in early life, and was permitted to witness the conversion of her husband and a large family of children. A mother in Israel has gone to her reward.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Press, Stafford Springs, Connecticut, 17 Oct 1889, p 1
The following are the lists of town officers elected by the several towns in this vicinity last week, not before published: ... Andover—Town clerk, Frederick A Sackett.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Press, Stafford Springs, Connecticut, 8 Oct 1891, p 3
Town meetings. ... Andover.—Town clerk, Fred A. Sackett, d; selectmen, M.S. Topliff, E.H. Cooke, A.P. Lathrop. No license. The town remains no license.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The News and Advance, Lynchburg, Virginia, 30 Nov 1895, p 6
Death of an Aged Man.
Mr. Benjamln F. Sackett Dies in Appomattox.
The sad intelligence of the death of Mr Benjamin F. Sackett, who died yesterday morning in Appomattox, reached the city yesterday, and was a grievous shock to his relatives and friends. Deceased was born in the State of Connecticut 87 years ago, and, though of such advanced age, retained to the last that strength and vigor of intellect that distinguished him throughout his long and useful career. Early in life he removed from his northern home and located at New Orleans, where he resided for many years.
At one time in his life, he made his home in Lynchburg, and one of the old landmarks, Sackett's Hill, now stands as a monument to his memory. Many years ago the building on the site of the present Hurt's Mill was used by Mr. Sackett for storing lumber. The latter years of his life, he passed in the county of Appomattox, where for several terms he filled the position of deputy treasurer. Mr. Sackett was a member of the Presbyterian church, and a man of consistent piety. His bright mind and store of knowledge rendered him a most interesting conversationalist, while his ready wit and courteous manner won him friends wherever he went.
He leaves two children—Mr. Charles H. Sackett, a prominent lawyer of this city, and Mrs. George T. Peers, wife of the county clerk of Appomattox.
The remains will be brought to the city for interment this afternoon by the 2.10 Norfolk and Western train.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The News and Advance, Lynchburg, Virginia, 1 Dec 1895, p 6
Funeral of the Late Mr. Sackett.
The funeral services of the late Mr. Benjamin F. Sackett, who died on Thursday at Hotel Appomattox in West Appomattox, took place yesterday afternoon at 2:10 o'clock from the Union station. The remains had been brought up from Appomattox, and upon their arrival were conveyed direct to the Presbyterian cemetery. The services at the grave were conducted by Rev. Dr. R. H. Fleming and were of a touching character. Deceased was laid to rest beside his wife, who preceded him to the grave many years ago.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Jno. W. Harvey, J. M. Armistead, John C. Woodson, F. S. Kirkpatrick, A. F. Thomas and E. G. Hix.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Transcript-Telegram, Holyoke, Massachusetts, 29 Dec 1897, p 8
Golden Wedding at Westfield
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sackett of Westfield celebrated their golden wedding anniversary yesterday. Mr. Sackett is 80, and was born at Westfield. He was the son of Russell Sackett. His ancestors were among the original settlers of the town, and the early records show that citizens of that name were among the prominent property owners of the settlement. Mr. Sackett lived as a boy on the north side of the Westfield river. As a youth he worked on the old canal and drove a horse while the feeder at Salmon Falls was being constructed. He is one of veteran whip makers of Westfield, and in the early days worked in various shops. He was one of the earliest retailers of beef in Westfield, and was engaged in the meat business for thirty-seven years, retiring in 1888. Mrs. Sackett is sixty-seven and was also born at Westfield. Her maiden name was Sophia Hanchett, and her father was Samuel Hanchett. She was seventeen when married. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Minor Raymond, a Methodist minister, afterward principal of Wesleyan academy at Wilbraham. Mr. Sackett's sister, Eliza Sackett, and a man named Sanderson stood up for the couple. Mr. Sackett is the last of a family of ten children, while Mrs. Sackett has a brother and three sisters living. The sisters are: Mrs. Mary A. Meeker of Northampton, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen of Westfield, and Mrs. Sarah M. Brown of Springfield. All three were present at the anniversary yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett have but one child, Frederick H. Sackett, cashier of the National bank of Westfield.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Newark Star-Eagle, Newark, New Jersey, 7 Oct 1915, p 17
Bioren—At Irvington, N.J., October 6, 1915, Rose Bioren, mother of William Clark and Lulu Sackett, in her 81st year.
Funeral service will be held at her late home, at 127 Nesbit terrace, on Friday, October 8, at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 28 Jul 1932, p 4
Frederick A. Sackett.
Andover, July 27.—(Special.)—Frederick A. Sacket, 89, town clerk of Andover for 35 years until his retirement in 1927, died at the home of Mrs. George T. Platt in Andover Wednesday. He was born in Cabotsville, Mass., a son of Edward and Mary C. (Janes) Sackett. He leaves his wife and two step-daughters, Mrs. Verna Rose, of Columbia and Mrs. Bertha Combs, of West Hartford. He had lived in Andover since 1888 and operated a general store there until 1927, when he sold the business to the late Edward Standish. He was a Democrat and besides being town clerk held other town offices at various times. Funeral services will be held at the Andover Congregational Church, Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. Wallace I. Woodin will officiate. Burial will take place in the Cedar Hill Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 14 Feb 1981, p 6
On dean's list
Martin Alan Temple of Cummington and Russell Dean Sackett Jr. of 476 Crane Ave. are among students at the University of Maine at Orono who have been named to the dean's list for the fall semester.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 30 Jun 1991, p 10
Russell D. Sackett Sr.
Pittsfield — Russell D. Sackett Sr., 69, of 476 Crane Ave. died Friday at his home of cancer of the pancreas and liver and hyperparathyroidism.
He was born in Springfield on Oct. 16, 1921, the son [of] Herbert H. and Jennetta Dean Sackett. He graduated from Springfield Technical High School in 1940, after which he entered the GE apprentice program.
Mr. Sackett retired from GE as a manager of computer and control drafting with 42 years of service.
An Army veteran of World War II, Mr. Sackett served with the 307th Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, Company F. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on Okinawa. Mr. Sackett was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a charter member of the Springside House Greenhouse Group. He was also a member of the GE Quarter Century Club and the Retired Drafting Organization and was Boy Scout Troop 1 committee and merit badge counselor.
He was an avid gardener and was known for his flowers and tomato plants. He enjoyed fishing for trout and woodworking.
He leaves his wife, the former Faith E. Jillson, whom he married Sept. 25, 1954; a son, Russell D. Sackett Jr. of Pittsfield; a daughter, Miss Rebecca D. Sackett of Pittsfield; two sisters, Mrs. Janet S. Meacham of Westfield and Mrs. Ruth S. Thomas of Columbia, S.C., and five stepgrandchildren.
He has donated his eyes to the New England Eye Bank and has donated his body for research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Cremation will follow.
There will be no funeral. A memorial gathering will be Tuesday from 7 to 9 at First United Methodist Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 13 Mar 2008, p 14
Faith J. Sackett
Pittsfield—Faith J. Sackett, 81, formerly of Crane Avenue, died Monday afternoon, March 10, 2008, at Hillcrest Commons after a long battle with diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease.
Born June 17, 1926 in Gardner, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Jillson, she was a 1943 graduate of Gardner High School. She also graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a degree in medical technology in 1946.
After graduation, she began her career as a medical technologist in the laboratory at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, Conn. Faith worked in Leominster Hospital before moving to Pittsfield in 1954. She was employed at the former Pittsfield General Hospital and Hillcrest Hospital in the chemistry department of the lab for many years, retiring in 1982.
Mrs. Sackett was a member of the First United Methodist Church. She was member of the American Guild of Organists and was a substitute organist for many area churches.
She enjoyed gardening, bowling, traveling, baking pies for church dinners, singing in the choir, playing bells in the Aldersgate bell ringers and playing the organ and piano. After retirement, she assisted her daughter with running a home daycare.
Her husband, Russell D. Sackett: Sr., whom she married on Sept. 25, 1954 in Gardner, died in 1991.
She leaves a son, Russell D. Sackett Jr., and a daughter, Rebecca D.,Sackett, both of Pittsfield; a sister, Janet Morse of West Hartford, Conn.; five step-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren.
Funeral notice: Faith has donated her body to the University of Massachusetts Medical school. A memorial gathering will be held Wednesday, March 19, 2008, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 55 Fenn St.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- The Daily Graphic, New York, NY, 27 Jun 1873, p 6
The Death Penalty.
Execution of the Westfield Murderer.
Springfield, Mass., June 27.—Albert H. Smith, the murderer of Charles D. Sackett at Westfield, last November, was hung here to-day at 11 a.m.
Second Despatch.
Springfield, June 27.—Smith was visited yesterday by a large number of persons, including his brother Charles, who arrived to take the body to Baltimore. No other relative of the prisoner was here. His so-called confession contains nothing new, but is simply a narrative of the murder and the causes leading to it, which Smith has been writing for a week. All has been admitted by Smith, except as to the deliberate intention to commit murder, and on this point he confesses nothing, but still asserts strongly that the murder was the result of an insane passion which he could not control, and for which he believes he never was morally responsible. He says that it was on that fatal 28th of November night that he went to Westfield to see Jennie Bates, not knowing that she was at the theatre at the time. He startted up to her house, but on the way he found out she and Sackett had gone to the theatre. "There I was," he says, "and felt like one that could die, and all the feelings that ever animated human breast were in mine. I was like one that was mad, and in fact I must have been partly so, from what was said on trial against me. I know nothing after that hour. Sackett was with Jennie. I know nothing of what Boderay or the two night watchmen said I did at the depot. All is new to me. If I was in the condition they say I was in, I was a wild or crazy man. I remember meeting Jennie and Sackett together on the sidewalk. Then, as a wild man still, I shot down Sackett; but as for the shooting of the girl I will say and always have said it was through an accident. When I heard she was shot, I felt sorry, and have shed many tears for her, because she was shot by me. I knew not what I was about or doing." On hearing the order given yesterday to get the cap for the execution, Smith remarked, "Get any old cap; one or two sizes too large will do just as well, and save the county two dollars."
Last night he partook of a hearty supper, and read the paper containing the account of Wagner's escape from the jail at Alfred, Me. It seemed to make no impression on him. His conversation ran on Jennie Bates, and he said: "I don't want to live if I can't have her." Also, "I would rather be hung than be in jail for life."
Those who conversed with him during the last few days noticed that he sometimes betrayed considerable agitation and nervousness. A prayer meeting was held in his cell last night.
The gallows was tested yesterday with a sand bag weighing 200 pounds, and worked all right. The platform was about ten feet high, giving about nine feet of a fall.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 10 Dec 1937, p 18
Delhi — Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Sackett, 50, were held Thursday at the Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. W. D. Bostron, pastor. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. As Emma Pearson, she was born at Mount Pleasant, Wis., June 6, 1887, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearson. She was married at Cedar Rapids Feb. 1, 1911, to Thomas C. Sackett, who survives with two sons and one daughter, Laurence Sackett of Delhi, Orville Sackett of Manchester and Mrs. Almeada Foss of Forks, Wash.; one sister, Mary Townsend of Ainsworth; and two grandsons.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 17 Oct 1946, p 4
Thomas Chester Sackett
Shawnee—Thomas Chester Sackett, 57, who moved here from Sulphur about a month ago, died Tuesday night in his home. Services had not been completed Wednesday.
Sackett was a salesman for a milling company at New Richmond, Wis., and had lived at St. Paul, Minn., until about a year ago. Thereafter he lived at Maud and Sulphur. He was a member of the Methodist church at Monticello, Iowa.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Irene D. Sackett, Shawnee; two sons, Lawrence Sackett, Delhi, Iowa, and Orvil Sackett, Hopkington, Iowa: and one daughter, Almeada Baldwin, Iowa.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Shawnee News-Star, Shawnee, Oklahoma, 17 Oct 1946, p 2
Rites Pending for Thomas Sackett
The funeral arrangements for Thomas Chester Sackett are still incomplete. Sackett died Tuesday at his home, 509 North Broadway. He had lived in Shawnee one month.
The body will be shipped to Earlsville, Iowa, for funeral services and burial.
Roesch Brothers are in charge of arrangements.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa, 3 May 1984, p 21
Irene D. Sackett
Irene D. Sackett, 91, of Parkridge Manor, 4755 Parkridge Ave. in Pleasant Hill, died of a heart ailment Wednesday at Mercy Hospital Medical Center. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Hamilton's Funeral Home, and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery in Pleasant Hill.
Born in Greenfield, Mrs. Sackett lived in Des Moines many years and was a retired saleswoman for Wallaces Farmer magazine. She was a member of American Legion Auxiliary.
Survivors include three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Friends may call after 1 p.m. today at the funeral home.
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett]
- The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington, 11 Mar 1952, p 26
A. Sackett, Kittitas Valley Resident, Dead
Ellensburg, Wash., March 10.—Alonzo Sackett, 82, a Kittitas valley resident since 1889, died after a long illness.
He had operated the Union hotel since 1936 after farming on the west side for many years.
Surviving are his widow, Margaret, and three sons, R. C., Corvallis, Ore.; E. B., Seattle, and J. D., Prosser.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Belleville News-Democrat, Belleville, Illinois, 22 Jun 2007, p 15
Highland business owner dies
Highland — Billy G. Sackett, owner-manager of Oberbeck Grain Co. in Highland, died Tuesday at Anderson Hospital following a brief battle with cancer. He was 76.
Besides operating one of the most well-known businesses in Highland, Sackett was also an active community member.
"He was one of the best guys in the community and did a lot for the community," said Dale Rinderer, a longtime friend of Sackett.
Sackett had served as a director of the Highland Area Community Foundation and First National Bank of Highland.
He was a member of Highland Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5694, the Helvetia Sharpshooters, Highland Rotary Club and served on the School Land Acquisition Group. He was also active in his church, the Evangelical United Church of Christ. For his community involvement, Sackett was awarded the Highland Chamber of Commerce’s Bob Hardy Citizen of the Year Award in 2002.
One of the things Sackett did was display a Christmas tree atop the feed mill tower at Oberbeck. The tree could be seen for miles atop its lofty perch, and was the first thing many people saw when visiting or passing through Highland during the holidays.
Also around the holidays, Oberbeck stored commodities other than grain. Sackett allowed the Rotary Club to warehouse all the oranges and grapefruit there for the club's annual citrus sale.
Sackett was a Highland native and graduated from Highland High School in 1949. After serving in the Marines on the front lines in Korea, he returned to Highland to join his father-in-law, Clarence Oberbeck, working at Oberbeck Feed Store.
A grain elevator was added to the store operation in 1959 and a feed mill in 1965. Also in 1965, Oberbeck's Highland and O'Fallon locations were split, and Sackett became manager of the Highland branch—a job he continued until his death.
"He never would have retired," said Jack Klaus, who was friends with Sackett since boyhood. "He was still down there every day at six o'clock in the morning. I golf, but he didn't golf. He didn't like most any type of sport, because all he liked to do was work."
Visitation is 3 to 8 p.m. today at Spengel-Boulanger Funeral Home in Highland and 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday, with a 10 a.m. funeral at Evangelical United Church of Christ in Highland.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa, 25 Jun 2012, p A5
Ray Sackett
Schaller, Iowa | Ray Sackett, 71, of Schaller died Saturday, June 23, 2012, in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Services will be 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Schaller. Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery, Schaller. Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, with a rosary at 5 p.m., at Fratzke & Jensen Funeral Home in Schaller.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 14 May 1914, p 2
Mrs Frederick Sackett.
Mrs. Mary Sackett, aged 45 years, wife of Frederick Sackett of West Lebanon, N, Y., died this morning at the House of Mercy hospital. She was a native of Brainard, N. Y., and had resided in West Lebanon for some time. She came to this city Tuesday and underwent a serious operation at the hospital yesterday. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, the Misses Maud, Eva and Edna Sackett, and her father, George Marshall, all of West Lebanon.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the home of her father and burial will be in West Lebanon.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 25 Jan 1940, p 13
Mrs. Eva Stanton Of Tyringham Dies at Hospital
New Lebanon, N. Y.,—Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton, 47, a native of this town, more recently of Tyringham, died this morning at Hillcrest Hospital, Pittsfield, following an operation.
She was born Jan. 3, 1893, the daughter of Frederick G. Sackett and the late Mittie (Marshall) Sackett. She was twice married, her first husband, Herbert Owens to whom she was wed in 1916 having died in 1921. Later she married Junius Stanton of Tyringham who survives her.
There are also two sons, Herbert and Eugene Owens, a son, Robert Stanton, her father, two sisters, Mrs. Maude Drowne of New Lebanon, Mrs. Edna Sackett of Pittsfield, Mass., two uncles and an aunt.
For over 12 years Mrs. Stanton was a telephone operator at West Lebanon.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The body has been taken to the Wellington Funeral Home, 220 East Street.
Members of the family will meet friends at the funeral home tomorrow afternoon from 2.30 to 4 and tomorrow evening from 7 to 9.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 26 Jan 1940, p 6
Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton
Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 at the Wellington Funeral Home, 220.East Street. Burial will be in the Evergreen Cemetery, New Lebanon, N. Y.
Members of the family will meet friends at the funeral home this afternoon from 2.30 to 4 and tonight from 7 to 9.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio, 23 Jun 1961
Sackett Cards Ace
Pete Sackett is a cool and collected golfer, almost.
The Amherst resident, playing in the Elyria City League at Cherry Ridge Country Club last night, walked off the par three No. 3 hole and calmly stuck up one finger to his partners.
He had scored the first hole-in-one of his links career, using nine-iron on the 130-yard hole.
Without the usual hollering and excitement, he treated his playing mates after the game and went home, seemingly unaffected by the entire event.
Upon reaching home, however, the building contractor couldn't find his clubs. A call to the country club revealed he had left them standing in the parking lot – cart and all.
Who wasn't excited?
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20 Jul 2004, p 53
John Sackett, 82, of Las Vegas, N.M., died Thursday at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Albuquerque.
He was a former resident of Amherst, Ohio. He was born to the late Salvatore and Nancy Leone Sackett in Shamrock, Pa. He was married to the former Connie Mary Montoya in 1947 in Las Vegas, N.M. He was a World War II veteran of the 1136th Quartermaster Co., Air Service Group where he received a Good Conduct Medal, Meritorious Unit Award, World War II Victory Medal and the European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. He was a self-employed masonry contractor for over 50 years. He loved spending time with his extended family. He enjoyed fishing and hanging out with his coffee buddies at many local establishments. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church in Las Vegas, N.M.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Joe, Pete and Tony Sackett; and sisters, Josephine (Jay) Dario and Mary Condito, all of Ohio.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Grand Rapids Press, Michigan, 21 Apr 2009
Joyce S. "Joy" Hitchcock, aged 86, a lifelong resident of Grand Rapids, left peacefully on Sunday, April 19, 2009.
Joy was an avid Contract Bridge Player. She enjoyed traveling around the world with her husband of 58 years and spending the Michigan winters on a beach in Maui, HI.
Joy was preceded in death by her husband, Craig, and youngest son, James.
Joy is survived by sons, David (Jean), LaJolla, CA, Curt, Costa Mesa, CA; grandchildren, John, Evanston, IL, Kathryn (Eric), LaJolla, CA; great granddaughter, Kora; and very special friend, Barbara Deppe, Wyoming, MI.
Funeral services will not be held at this time. A memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Michigan. The family is being served by: Metcalf & Jonkhoff Funeral Service.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett] - The Morning Journal, Lorain County, Ohio, 14 May 2014
Rose V. Sackett
Amherst – Rose V. Sackett (nee: Gentile), 99 years of age, and a resident of Amherst, passed away Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at Autumn Aegis Nursing Home in Lorain following a brief illness.
A resident of Amherst for twenty five years, Rose was born on May 10, 1915 in South Amherst and made her home there until 1984.
Rose was employed as a cafeteria worker at South Amherst School Systems for twenty years before retiring in 1982. She was a member of Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in South Amherst. Rose was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society. Her greatest joy was spending time with her family and raising her children.
Survivors include her daughters and their husbands De Etta and Harold Hayes, Rosemarie and Bobby Pettry both of Amherst; her son and his wife Raymond and Rebecca Segetti of Hartville, Ohio; nine grandchildren, several great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
Rose was preceded in death by her husband of forty four years Joseph Sackett in 1979; her brother Albert Gentile; her sisters Mary Laury, Sarah DeTillio, Angelina Tomazine, Melvinette Wetzel, and Violet Knipper and by her parents Giuseppe and Francesca Gentile (nee: Zuccoli).
Private family services will held later this week. Burial will be at St. Joseph Cemetery, Amherst, Ohio. The family suggests that memorial contributions be made to New Life Hospice; 3500 Kolbe Road, Lorain, OH 44053 or to the charity of the donor's choice.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett] - Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA, 29 Nov 2020
Frances "Nancy" Sackett, of Collier Township, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. She was 95 years old - and what an amazing, rich 95 years they were!
Nancy was born in Fort Pitt in 1925. Sadly, she was raised in foster care in what is now called South Side Slopes from age 5 to 17, then lived with an aunt and uncle in Glendale, Scott Township. She graduated from Clark High School in 1944, and from the Mercy School of Nursing in 1948. Nancy worked at the VA Hospital in Aspinwall until her marriage in 1956. When she and her husband separated, she went to work at Shadyside Hospital to support herself and her son. She eventually returned to the VA, working at their Oakland hospital for the rest of her career. Her energy and determination were boundless during the years she raised her son. She worked full-time, took care of household chores and cooked actual home-made dinners. She really appreciated the relaxed conversation over those dinners after a long day. Her love and devotion for her son were endless, right up to her last day. Her son didn't always necessarily reflect his good upbringing, but Nancy gets credit for doing an excellent job nonetheless. Nancy was loved by many for her intelligence, interesting conversations, sense of humor and infectious laugh. She was admired for her personal strength and resourcefulness. The world is a better place for her having been here, and she will be sorely missed. "So long for now!"
She is survived by her son, Leroy "Lee" Sackett, numerous nieces, nephews and cousins, and many, many friends spanning several generations.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Arthur Minton and Julia Kaczmarczyk Barnovich; stepfather, Anthony Barnovich; her brother Bill and sister Lil; and her beautiful dogs, Daisy and Rusty.
She was the last surviving member of both her high school class and her class at nursing school.
Arrangements have been entrusted to the Szafranski-Eberlein Funeral Home, Inc., where family and friends will be received on Saturday, December 5, 2020, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 101 Third St., Carnegie. A blessing service will be held at 1:30 p.m. following the visitation. Frances will be laid to rest in Jefferson Memorial Park Cemetery. Masks are required for the visitation, blessing service and burial.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett]
- The Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio, 3 Oct 1946, p 8
Marriage Licenses, "Peter Sackett, 31, R.D.1, Amherst, quarry worker, and Margaret Bogardy, 31, R.D.1, Amherst."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Casper Star-Tribune, Casper, Wyoming, 6 Apr 1947, p 5
Country Club Scene Of Pretty Wedding
Jean Brunk Becomes the Bride of Robert Sackett
The Casper Country club was the scene of a charming wedding on Saturday afternoon, April 5 at 2 o'clock, when Miss Jean Louise Brunk, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brunk, of 228 West 11th, became the bride of Robert M. Sackett, Jr., popular son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sackett of CY avenue. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. Fr. Thomas F. O'Reillv in the presence of many of the friends of the couple.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. James Spencer sang "Because" and Schuman's "Ave Maria," accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Stearns, who also piayed the wedding marches. The bride was given away by her father, who escorted her to the improvised altar arranged before the south fireplace in the club lounge. Pink and white snapdragons and stocks together with ferns and palms were used in combination with tall candelabra holding burning tapers to form the setting for the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of NCHS, class of '44, and following her graduation she accepted a position with the Ohio Oil company. For her wedding she wore a smart spring suit of atomic blue made with the new bat sleeves; with it she wore shell pink accessories. She carried a white prayer book upon which were arranged Easter lilies with streamers of satin ribbons and orange blossoms.
Miss Shirley Brunk, sister of bride, was her only attendant, wearing a grey suit made with a cutaway front. She chose accessories of chartruese, and wore a tiara of yellow daisies in her hair and a corsage of yellow roses.
The bridegroom is also a member of the graduating class of NCHS, '44. Following his graduation he served with the U. S. Signal corps, spending 18 months in the Pacific theater. He is now attending Casper Junior college, and holds a part-time position with the Midwest Outdoor Advertising company.
Colin Kennedy, life-long friend of the bridegroom, was his best man, and George Scott and Waco Hill were the ushers.
Mrs. Brunk chose for her daughter's wedding a beige and black costume suit accented with aqua jewelry, and black accessories with a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Sackett, mother of the bridegroom, dressed in a light green costume suit, with accessories of pink and a corsage of pink roses.
The wedding reception was held in the club rooms following ceremony. The wedding cake was arranged on the bride's table in the dining room, with pink roses and stephanotis and candles as decorations for the table.
Mrs. Colin Kennedy and Mrs. Paul Jacques served the cake after the bridal couple had cut it, and the punch was served by Mrs. Daniel A. Scott. The bride's book was in charge of Miss Roberta Cooper and Miss Dolores Frost.
Out-of-town guests included and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mayfield of Fort Collins, Mrs. Ray Ireland, Mrs. J. M. Teeters, and Mrs. Lawrence Parks, all of Shoshoni.
The couple left after the reception for a honeymoon to be spent in Denver. The bride was smartly attired in a black and white checked suit with accessories of red and black and she wore a corsage of white roses and stephanotis.
Upon their return to Casper they will be at home at the Ardmore apartments.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 30 Jul 1949, p 12
Mrs. Carrie Batzel, 70, of Honeoye Falls
A funeral service for Mrs. Carrie Batzel, 70, of Quaker Meeting House Rd., Honeoye Falls, who died Thursday (July 28, 1949), will be held at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow at the home. Burial will be in Honeoye Falls Cemetery.
Mrs. Batzel, an active member of the Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls for many years, and her husband, Charles, observed their golden wedding anniversary Dec. 31, 1945.
Besides her husband, she leaves two sons, Raymond and Burton; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Fredericks and Mrs. William Batzel, both of Avon; three brothers, Fred Sackett of West Bloomfield, George Sackett of Honeoye Falls, and Carl Sackett of Rochester; five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 2 Oct 1949, p 11
Robert M. Sackett
Word was received here Saturday of the death of a former resident, Robert M Sackett, 58, superintendent of the Rocky Mountain division of the Ohio Oil company at Jasper, Wyo.
Born at Central City, Neb, Sackett moved to Council Bluffs 50 years ago where he lived until after he returned from service in world war I. He was a member of Masonic Excelsior lodge 259 in Council Bluffs, and of the Casper American Legion post.
Survivors are his widow, Mary, a daughter, Mrs Mary Denes of Chicago; a son, Robert, jr, of Casper, two brothers, A. V. Sackett of Waterloo, ard Dwight P Sackett of Sunnyside, Wash.; a sister, Mrs Hazel Sackett Young of Council Bluffs; and two grandchildren.
Funeral services and burial were at Casper.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 28 Dec 1961, p 24
Sackett—Entered into rest Monday, Dec. 25, 1961, Ruth Tillman Sackett of 250 Renouf Dr., Gates, N Y. She is survived by her husband, Carl G. Sackett; two daughters, Mrs. James (Marie) O'Neil ond Mrs. Timothy (Elaine) Doyle; her mother, Mrs. Sarah Tillman; two sisters Mrs. Charles (Clara) Haslip, Mrs. Ted (Phyllis) Mocny; five grandchildren; also several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Semper Fidelis Class of Trinity Lutheran Church and the Altar Society of St. Helen's Church.
Friends may call from 2-5 ond 7-10 p.m at the funeral home of Norbert E. Vay, 604 Maple St. (cor. Calvin) where services will be conducted Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment Riverside Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Berwyn Life, Berwyn, Illinois, 7 Apr 1965, p 8
The department of speech at DePaul University will present its third production of the year, "Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thomas, on April 22 at the DePaul center theater, 25 E. Jackson blvd., at 8 p.m.
Listed as a member of the cast is Vincent A. Sackett, 6831 W. 31st st., a sophomore in the college of liberal arts. He was active in drama, forensics and language clubs at Morton High School and is a member of Phi Eta Sigma fraternity and a recipient of the Sol R. Crown scholarship at DePaul.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Berwyn Life, Berwyn, Illinois, 28 Jun 1968, p 9
Marriage Licenses, "Vincent Anthony Sackett, 6831 W. 31st st., and Barbara Ann Lukasik, 2427 N. Mason, Chicago."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 Jul 1968, p 16
Sackett, Mrs. George (Emma) B.
Emma Sackett of Heath Markham Rd., Honeoye Falls, N.Y. In Rochester, July 23, 1968. Survived by her husband, George; two daughters, Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; one sister, Mrs. Ethel McCarthy of Victor; one brother, Herman Leizert of Prescott, Ontario, Canada; ten grandchildren; one great-grandson; also several nieces and nephews.
Friends may call Wed. and Thurs. 2-5, 7-9 at the Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, 59 Monroe St., Honeoye Falls, where services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. Arthur Guild officiating. Interment, Honeoye Falls Cemeterv. Those wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 4 Feb 1973, p 50
Sackett, George
George Sackett of Lima, N.Y. In Geneseo February 2, 1973. Survived by two daughters Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; ten grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Anna Frederick of Honeoye Falls; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia; Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; several nieces and nephews.
[:TAB:]Friends may call Sunday and Monday 2-4 ond 7-9 at The Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, 59 Monroe St., Honeoye Falls, where funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m., Rev. Arthur Guild officiating. Interment Honeoye Falls Cemetery. Friends wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund or the Memorial fund of the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, N.Y. in his memory.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Livonia Gazette, 8 Feb 1973
George Sackett
George Sackett, of Lima, passed away on Friday, Feb. 2, 1973 in the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, where he had been a patient for the past six and one-half years.
Mr. Sackett was born in Mendon to Frederick and Johanna Peglow Sackett. He married the former Emma Leizert of Ontario, Canada on Jan. 5, 1915. They celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in January of 1968. Mrs. Sackett passed away in July of 1968.
The early part of his life he lived in Ionia, later moving to their home on the Gilbert Mills Rd., residing there until 1924, when they moved to their farm on the Heath-Markham Rd., which Mr. Sackett farmed until ill health forced him to retire from active farming.
He is survived by two daughters Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; ten grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Anna Frederick of Honeoye Falls; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia, Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; several nieces and nephews.
Mr. Sackett was a member of the Honeoye Falls Grange for over 50 years. He also enjoyed playing cards, especially the game of euchre, with several of his friends and relatives.
Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 6 at the Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, Honeoye Falls, with the Rev. Arthur Guild, pastor of the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church officiating with interment in Honeoye Falls Cemetery. Friends wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund, or the memorial fund of the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, in Mr. Sackett's memory.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, 19 Jun 1998, p 100
Sackett, Annabelle, 79, of Hollywood Florida died Tuesday at home. Born in Syracuse, she lived in South Florida for 45 years. She was an engineer at Coulter Electronics in Hialeah Florida until her retirement in 1984. Her husband Donald died in 1979. Survivors: Two sons, Robert of Laguna, California, William of Mattydale, NY, four daughters, Dona DeLaura of Camillus, Patricia Heath of Cicero NY and Mary King of Hollywood and Joni May of Hollywood Fla, 7 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Services: Private. Arrangements by Lithgow Funeral Home, N. Miami Florida. Contributions: Hospice of Broward County, 309 SE 18th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Lorain Journal, Ohio, 16 Sep 2011, p 5
South Amherst - Christopher "Chris" P. Sackett, 59 years of age, and a resident of South Amherst, passed away Friday, October 14, 2011, at his home.
He was born December 27, 1951 in Amherst. South Amherst has been his home for many years.
Chris was employed for over thirty years as a teacher with the Berlin Milan Middle School system where he also served as the girl's basketball coach. He enjoyed reading, yard work and watching sports on TV, especially golf.
Survivors include his brother and his wife Jon J. and Penny Sackett of Lorain.
He was preceded in death by his parents Peter James and Margaret Eleanor Sackett (nee: Bogardey).
Friends may call Monday, October 17, 2011, from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Hempel Funeral Home; 373 Cleveland Ave., Amherst. Graveside services will be held Tuesday, October 18, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Cemetery, corner of Middle Ridge and Pyle South Amherst Roads in Amherst. The Rev. Fr. Lawrence Martello, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Amherst, will officiate.
The family suggests that memorial contributions be made to Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Resource Development; 1275 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309-3506.
[Researched by Alvin Oglesby] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 16 Apr 2016, p A19
Sackett, Mildred B.
Avon: On April 14, 2016 at age 87. Predeceased by her husband, Herman; her brother, Harold Rountree and niece, Bonnie Peffley. She is survived by her children, Beverly (Michael) Hallett, Raymond (Donna) Sackett, Suanne (Jim) Kretchmer; 7 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The family would like to thank the staff at the Avon Nursing Home for their wonderful care of Mildred.
Friends may call Sunday 4-7PM at the Stephenson-Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc., 350 Genesee St., Avon where her Funeral Service will be held Monday at 11AM. Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneseo. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, 5605 E. Avon Lima Rd., Avon, NY 14414 or Teresa House, 21 Highland Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454. To share a memory, please visit;
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Tribune, 15 Dec 2023
Vincent Sackett Obituary
Vincent Anthony Sackett, 78, passed away of cancer at his home in Oak Brook, IL on Thursday, December 7, 2023. Vincent grew up in Berwyn, IL with cherished childhood summers in Boston, MA. He met his beloved wife, Barbara, at DePaul University and continued his education to earn a medical degree from Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. He practiced psychiatry for more than fifty years, attending Harvard School of Public Health approximately mid-career to obtain his Masters in Health Care Management and make friends with a charmingly rambunctious group of doctors. Vincent will be remembered for his generosity and love for his cherished family, colleagues, and friends. He gave his most valuable possessions, time and love, freely, unconditionally, and without expectations. Vincent is survived by his beloved wife, Barbara, his three children, Jennifer Sackett Pohlenz, Antony Sackett (Susan Connor), Olivia Sackett (Alex Cotter), and six grandchildren to whom he was known as "Baba": Maximilian, Oliver, V. Jupiter, and Wolf Pohlenz; Pia Cotter; and Rosalie Sackett. He is also survived by his sister, Florence Albrecht, sisters-in-law Mary Sackett, Kathleen (Terry) Andrews, Judith Langoni, and brother-in-law Jerome (Gail) Lukasik. A funeral mass will be held for Vincent at Notre Dame Church at 64 Norfolk Ave., Clarendon Hills, IL on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 10:00 am, followed by internment at Bronswood Cemetery, 3805 Madison St., Oak Brook, IL.
[Transcribed from Chicago Tribune online edition by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Northwestern online, Evanston, IL, 10 Jan 2024
Schieber: Remembering my teacher, Mr. Sackett
Daniel P. Sackett (Communication ’78 ’79), revered English teacher, theater director and speech team coach at Carl Sandburg High School, died Dec. 8, 2023. Beloved husband for 47 years to Lynda Miles, he was a father, grandfather, brother, son, uncle, mentor, coach and friend. He is already missed by so many. He was 67 years old.
Mr. Sackett taught at Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park, Illinois, for 33 years, from 1983 until his retirement in 2016. At Sandburg, Mr. Sackett taught his English students how to write with a voice. Mr. Sackett taught his drama students how to act with ardor. Mr. Sackett taught his speech students to speak with precision. Mr. Sackett taught every one of his students that they have worth. Mr. Sackett taught.
The impact Mr. Sackett had on his students was determined. Mr. Sackett insisted you saw value in yourself, even if you yourself didn’t see any yet. Mr. Sackett laughed at the absurd, even when the other adults in the room held a straight face. Mr. Sackett was incisive, and knew exactly how powerful his words were. And he wielded his words with so much love. There is currently a memorial page on Facebook where Mr. Sackett’s former students, friends and colleagues are sharing their memories, and the outpouring of love and grief makes it so clear what a life Mr. Sackett lived.
I know all of this because I was one of Mr. Sackett’s students. My life’s trajectory changed when I met him. He was my freshman year English teacher, speech coach and biggest cheerleader at Carl Sandburg High School. During my time on the Sandburg speech team under his mentorship, I learned how to speak in front of large groups without fear; I learned how to stand up and make a point when it seems no one else is willing to; I learned how to set my sights on something big and to just keep chipping away until I get there. I learned how to write! I owe so much to Mr. Sackett. I found passion, self-worth and confidence because I had him in my corner.
I now see a direct link between Mr. Sackett’s lessons and the life I have led since. I teach some of the largest courses at Northwestern University with thousands of undergraduates having taken my classes. I regularly give talks on my research, and I can hold my own in any room I’ve ever found myself in.
My wife Kathleen, who I met on the Carl Sandburg High School Speech team, and I recently celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary with our 9-year-old son Elias and 7-year-old daughter Anna. My and Kathleen’s first kiss was on a bus ride coming back from a speech tournament at Downers Grove South High School. Mr. Sackett would joke that Elias and Anna were his speech grand-babies.
As an Assistant Professor of Instruction at Northwestern, I now have students who I get to watch as I build up their confidence and worth in the same way Mr. Sackett built up mine. Mr. Sackett taught me so much, and I try every day to be more like him. I am crying writing this obituary.
After graduating from Northwestern University in 1978, having majored in theatre, Daniel P. Sackett led a life worth following. He went on to build educators, inspire screenwriters, produce leaders, mentor musicians, train scientists, shape poets, create at least one sociologist and bring joy to those around him.
To my students: Never underestimate the impact you have on the people around you. Ripples turn into waves. Your impact is profound.
To Mr. Sackett: Thank you so, so much. From the tip of my toes to the top of my head, I’m alive! And darn it, I’m a winner!
David Schieber is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Sociology at Northwestern University. [Transcribed from The Daily Northwestern online edition by Chris Sackett] - The Chronicle online, Lorain County, Ohio, 16 Jan 2024
Jon Sackett
Jon Sackett, 69, of Lorain, passed away peacefully at his home, with his loving wife and faithful dog, 'Annie' by his side, on Thursday, January 11, 2024. He fought a valiant battle with numerous illnesses for eight years.
He was born June 12, 1954 in Amherst, grew up in South Amherst and proudly graduated from South Amherst High School in 1972. After high school he attended Lorain County Community College. Then, later in life, at the age of 50, he attended Youngstown State where he ended up earning his Bachelor's Degree. The love story between him and Penny, beginning when they met as an EMT and nurse, is heartwarming. Their adventures from Texas to Washington, and finally back to Lorain in 1997, showcase a life well-lived and shared.
His career choices, starting as an EMT and later with Vision Quest, reveal a deep sense of purpose. Jon's passion for working with troubled youth and his wagon train journeys to expose them to the better parts of life, reflect his caring and nurturing nature. He was working for the Ottawa County Juvenile Court and then the Boys & Girls Club, becoming a mentor and counselor which further emphasizes his dedication to helping others.
Jon's love for his wife, Penny, and his devotion to animals, especially his dog, 'Annie' speaks volumes about his kind and compassionate heart. His connection with nature, whether tending to his vegetable garden or finding joy in watching and feeding birds, highlights a profound appreciation for the simple pleasures in life.
In commemorating Jon Sackett's life, it's evident that he touched the lives of many through his kindness, mentorship, and love for both people and animals. May his memory be a source of comfort and inspiration for those who knew and loved him.
He will be dearly missed by his wife, Penelope 'Penny' (nee Keron) and his beloved dog, 'Annie.'
He is preceded in death by his parents, Peter and Margaret (nee Bogardy) Sackett; and a brother, Chris Sackett.
The family will receive friends Tuesday, January 16, 2024 from 5 to 7 p.m. in Dovin & Reber Jones Funeral & Cremation Center, 1110 Cooper Foster Park Road, Amherst.
In lieu of flowers, and to memorialize Jon's love of animals, the family suggests making a donation to the Friendship Animal Protective League, 8303 Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 44035.
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett]
- The Montrose Democrat, Montrose, Pennsylvania, 30 Sep 1909, p 4
On Sept. 21, 1909, at Hallstead, by Chas. L. Crook, Esq., Burt Sackett and Miss May Sweet, both of Hallstead.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 1 May 1914, p 13
Egypt Farmer Hit By R., S. & E. Car
Said to Have Been Staggering Along the Track.
Fairport, April 30.—Fred Sackett, 55 years old, an Egypt farmer, was struck by a Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern car at a point between stops 19 and 20 this afternoon and almost instantly killed. The car was stopped and members of the train crew went back to investigate. They found the man dead with his head badly crushed by contact with the front of the car.
Coroner Killip was notified, and ordered the remains brought to this village. The motorman told the coroner that when he first saw Sackett he was staggering ahead of the car in an apparently intoxicated state. He staggered off the tracks, after a warning whistle had been sounded, but just as the car was about to pass him he stumbled and fell over upon the tracks. The car threw him to one side. The coroner will hold an inquest.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Monroe County Mail, New York, 7 May 1914
Killed By Trolley.
Fred Sackett Walks in Front of Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern Car.
Fred Sackett of Egypt, fifty-five years of age, was struck and instantly killed by a Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern car, between Stops 19 and 20, in the eastern part of this town, Thursday afternoon. The car was quickly brought to a stop after the man was hit and the crew found the man dead with his head badly crushed by contact with the front of the car. Coroner Killip, who was notified, ordered the body brought to Relyon's undertaking rooms. The motorman stated that the man was walking on the tracks and that he blew a warning whistle. The man left the track, but just as the car was about to pass, he stumbled and fell in front of the car.
The funeral was held from the German Lutheran church at Pittsford, Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, with burial in the Pittsford cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 14 Apr 1938, p 29
Sackett—Entered into rest Tuesday morning, Apr. 12, 1938, at Dr. Madsen Hospital, Honeoye Falls, Johanna Peglow Sackett, widow of Fred Sackett, aged 80 years. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church since her confirmation by the late Dr. Gomph, 60 years ago. Surviving relatives are four daughters and three sons, Mrs. Caroline Batzel. Mrs. Anna Fredericks, Mrs. Minnie Batzel and Mrs. Enna Steinfeldt; Fred, George, Carl Sackett: 26 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
Funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Fredericks, Wilkinson Rd., Honeoye Falls, Thursday, Apr. 14, at 1:30 p.m., and at 3 p. m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Pittsford. Interment in Pittsford Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Minneapolis Star, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22 Nov 1939, p 32
Sackett—Services for John J. [sic] Sackett, 66, 268 S. Milton street, St. Paul, were today.
He was superintendent of Riverview postal station, St. Paul.
Surviving are the wife, two sons, Harlan and Raymond; a daughter, Lucille; the mother, Mrs. Ida Sackett Porter, St. Paul, and a brother, Clinton W., Minneapolis.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 31 Aug 1945, p 17
31 Tier Soldiers and Wacs Coming Home From Europe Aboard the Queen Elizabeth
Among the 14,800 men and women aboard the Queen Elizabeth due in New York harbor today from Europe are listed the names of 31 Southern Tier soldiers and Wacs.
They include nine from Binghamton, three each from Endicott and Johnson City, four from Cortland and 12 from the rural areas.
[incl.] Cpl. Bert E. Sackett, 8 Afton Street.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 25 Nov 1949, p 30
Mrs. Mae Lillian Sackett, 54, of 10 Montour Street, died at 3 a.m. Friday at the Wilson Memorial Hospital. She is survived by her husband, Bertie Edward Sackett of Binghamton; three sons, Bert of Binghamton, Floyd of Susquehanna and Edward of Worcester, N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Lottie Mott of Hallstead, Pa.; three brothers, Lewis of Tunnel, Archie and George both of Cadosia; several nieces and nephews. The body was removed to the J. F. Rice Funeral Home, 150 Main Street, Johnson City, where friends may call Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evening.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 21 Nov 1953, p 12
Bert Sackett, 62, of 29 Seminary Avenue, Binghamton, died at 8:30 a. m. today at Wilson Memorial Hospital. He is survived by three sons, Floyd of Susquehanna, Pa., Edward of Worcester, N. Y., and Bert Sackett of Binghamton; his father, Frank D. Sackett; one sister, Mrs. Ethel VanDusen, both of Kirkwood; several nieces, nephews and grandchildren. He was an Endicott Johnson Corp. employe. The body was moved to the J. F. Rice Funeral Home, 150 Main Street, Johnson City, where friends may call Sunday evening and Monday afternoon and evening.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Minneapolis Star, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 23 Aug 1957, p 21
St. Paul
Marriage License Applications
Edward J. Kartheiser, 1396 Bayard; Sandra C. Sackett, 980 St. Clair.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 11 Jul 1971, p 26
The Conklin Forks United Methodist Church was the setting yesterday for the 1 p.m. marriage of Mrs. Carolyn Ann Sackett Ralston and Fred Eugene Gregory. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Sackett of Muckey Road, Binghamton RD 1, are the parents of the bride. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Gregory of Binghamton RD 1.
The bride was given in marriage by her father.
The Misses Linda and Sue Gregory were maid of honor and bridesmaid. Both are sisters of the bridegroom.
Richard Tripp was best man and Francis Shields ushered. Junior ushers were Paul Sackett, brother of the bride, and Grant Russell, cousin of the bridegroom.
A garden reception was given at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins of the Town of Binghamton.
The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Susquehanna Valley High School. Mr. Gregory served with the U.S. Air Force and is employed by New York State Electric & Gas Corp.
The Gregorys will live in Binghamton after a wedding trip to Lake George and the Adirondacks.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 15 Apr 1973, p 52
Frederick, Anna Caroline
April 12, 1973, Anna Caroline Frederick, aged 89, of Avon. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Pearl Wood and Mrs. Grace Gunn, both of Rochester, and Mrs. Oakley (Pauline) Barnhardt of Avon; two sons, Arthur of Avoca and Chester of Mendon; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia and Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; nine grandchildren; twenty-nine great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
Friends may call Friday 7-9 and Saturday 2-4, 7-9 at the funeral home of Stephenson and Son, Inc., 350 Genesee Street, Avon, where services will be held Sunday at 2:30. Interment, Plttsford Cemetery. [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 20 Aug 1991, p 56
Sackett, Herman G.
South Lima: Suddenly, August 19, 1991. Survived by his wife, Mildred; his daughters and sons-in-law, Beverly and Michael Hallett of Avon, Suanne and James Kretchmer of Conesus; his son and daughter-in-law, Raymond and Donna Sackett of Geneseo; 7 grandchildren; his sisters, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia and Mrs. Leonard (Wenonah) Prescott of Farmington; nieces and nephews.
Friends may call Wednesday and Thursday 2-4, 7-9 at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc., Rt. 15, Livonia, where Services will be held Friday at 11 am. Burial Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneseo. Memorials to the First Presbyterian Church, Avon, NY 14414.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 19 Feb 1993, p 12
Timothy F. Sackett of Binghamton
Timothy F. Sackett, 42, 8 Carey St, Binghamton, died Wednesday, February 17, 1993 at Lourdes Hospital after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his mother Ruth Sackett; his two brothers, Frank and Michael Sackett, Binghamton; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Shirley and Robert Williams, Binghamton; Susan and. Charles Wagner, Binghamton; and his sister Donna Sackett, Binghamton. He served in the Vietnam War. He was employed by the City of Binghamton.
Funeral services will! be held Saturday, 10 a.m. at the Frank L. DeMunn Funeral Home, 36 Conklin Ave, Binghamton, with United Methodist Minister Rev. Robert G. Patterson, Sgt. 1st Class, officiating. Visiting hours will be Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the DeMunn Funeral Home. Burial will be at Vestal Hills Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Lourdes Hospice for American Cancer Society.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 4 Feb 1997, p 9
Bert E. Sackett of Conklin
Bert E. Sackett, 74, died Sunday, February 2, 1997 at the Binghamton General Hospital. He is survived by his wife Edith Sackett, Conklin; his children, Edward Sackett, Whitney Point, Lewis and Linda Sackett, Whitney Point, Carolyn Gregory, Scranton, Pa., Paul and Amy Sackett, Portsmouth, Virginia, Cheryl and Ronald Seaks, Red Lion, Pa.; seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He was a member of Local #203 United Slaters, Roofers and Tile Setters, an Army Veteran of WWII in the 82nd Airborne Division and was a recipient of the Silver Star.
Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the Barber Memorial Home, Inc., 428 Main Street, Johnson City. Burial will be in Floral Park Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the Barber Memorial Home on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Livingston County News, online, 31 Jul 2023
Beverly “Bev” Sackett Hallett
Beverly “Bev” Sackett Hallett was born Aug. 28, 1948, at Highland Hospital in Rochester, New York. Her beautiful life ended at the same location on July 24, 2023, at the age of 74, following complications from the cancer she fiercely battled on and off for nearly 12 years. She is survived by her devoted husband of 54 years, Michael; her children, Chad (Amy) and Carrie (Michael Paris); her grandchildren, Fisher, Will and Senna; her brother, Raymond Sackett (Donna); her sister, Sue Kretchmer; and many loving brothers- and sisters-in-law, cousins, and nieces and nephews on both the Sackett and Hallett sides of the family.
She is predeceased by her parents, Herman and Mildred Sackett of South Lima, N.Y.; her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Wilton and Dorothy Hallett of Caledonia, N.Y.; and her brother-in-law, Jim Kretchmer of Conesus, N.Y.
Bev graduated from Livonia Central School and started her career with the Rochester Telephone Company. Bev and Mike were married on June 14, 1969, and built their home on Dutch Hollow Road in Avon, N.Y., where they raised their children and became active members of their community.
While their kids were young, Bev provided support and assistance to Mike and his trucking business. Later, she returned to working outside of the home and worked for XLM/Hon Industries; Essex Investments; and lastly, Bryant and Stratton, where she was a receptionist/friend of everyone who walked in the door. She retired in 2014, allowing more time for her passions.
Bev was a devoted gardener, reader, and most importantly, a friend. She was always available for a call or visit, made connections easily and readily with everyone she met, and like her gardens, cherished and nurtured her life-long friendships. She enjoyed Friday-night suppers with her friends and family, as well as breakfast gatherings with the ladies of Dutch Hollow Road and former colleagues.
A special thank you goes out to all our friends and neighbors who have been behind the scenes supporting the family. Additionally, we are extremely thankful to the medical teams that provided her with care and support during her nearly 12-year cancer battle: Dr. Balaji and the Avon Medical Group, UR Gynecologic Oncology (Lattimore), the Highland Hospital Infusion Center; and the staff at 5 East of Highland Hospital.
A celebration of Bev’s beautiful life will take place on Friday, Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church of East Avon, 5605 East Avon-Lima Road, Avon, N.Y., with a reception following at Willow Creek, 3100 Rochester Rd., Lakeville, N.Y.
[Transcribed from Livingston County News, online edition, by Chris Sackett] -, Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Services, Boiling Springs, South Carolina, 17 Oct 2023
Carolyn Gregory Obituary
Carolyn Ann Sackett Gregory, 71, passed away unexpectedly on Friday, October 06, 2023 while at her home. She was born in New York to the late Bert Sackett and Edith Romaine Sackett.
Left behind to cherish her memories are her two daughters, Angel Szabo and Dawn Morris; sister, Cheryl Seaks; brothers, Eddie Sackett, Lewis Sackett and Paul Sackett; 6 grandchildren, Heaven Jones, Christian Ralston, Domonic Gregory, Devyn Gregory, Gabrielle Heriegel and Daniel Gregory; great-grandchildren, Brendan Jones, Wyatt Jones, Kaylyn Heriegel, Issiah Heriegel, Mila Heriegel, Conner Ralston, Arya Ralston, Jason Gregory-Boyd, Lydia Gregory, Kaidence Gregory-Hollifield and Camdam Gregory.
Carolyn worked as a Manager in Food Service for most of her life. She enjoyed spending time with her friends and family, especially with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was a wonderful mother, sister, grandmother and great-grandmother that will be missed by those who knew and loved her.
Private Family Services will be held at a later date.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Services, LLC is honored to serve the Gregory Family. Memorial tributes may be made at
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Carolyn Ann (Sackett) Gregory, please visit our floral store.
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett] - Voices, Southbury, Connecticut, 10 Jan 2024
Marian Sackett Whiting
Southbury — Marian Sackett Whiting of Southbury, formerly a longtime resident of Bethany, died peacefully on December 26, 2023, at the age of 94.
Born on May 30, 1929, in New Haven, Marian grew up believing that the Memorial Day parades and picnics were in honor of her birthday. She was one of the nine children born to the late Charles Sackett, Sr., and Florence Riley Sackett in New Haven.
She was predeceased by the greatest love of her life, her husband, Leonard C. Whiting, Jr. Theirs was a fairy tale romance with Leonard announcing to her parents that he would marry their daughter even before their first date.
Family was everything to Marian. Left to treasure her memory are her daughters, Darcey DiMenna (Daniel) of Texas and Brenda Beard (Geoffrey) of Connecticut, and the grandchildren, who called her Nani, Jeffery Surprise (Sarah) and Gayle DiMenna-Maus (William), both of Texas, Leonard Beard (Valerie) of Connecticut, Laura Conte (Chad) of New Hampshire, Andrew Beard (Brooke) of Massachusetts and Rebecca Beard of Pennsylvania, as well as 10 great-grandchildren, all of whom brought her the greatest joy by calling her Great Nani.
Marian is also survived by her sister, Betty LaCroix; her brother-in-law, Joseph Massini, and her sisters-in-law, Ann Sackett and Barbara Whiting. Also to remember her are more than 40 nieces and nephews who lovingly called her Aunt Mare.
Growing up in Woodbridge, Marian worked as a clerk for Yale University prior to her marriage.
After raising her two daughters, she taught bowling to children with special needs and volunteered her time at Partnership in Hamden helping the senior residents to make crafts.
Marian excelled at arts and crafts and many benefited from her talent. From handmade dresses to quilts, dolls and doll clothing, beaded Christmas ornaments and knitting, there was no limit to her interests and talent. During her last years, despite having lost most of her vision, she continued to knit squares that were combined to make crazy blankets for her 10 great-grandchildren.
Her philosophy for life was kindness, always reminding us that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. “While we were often embarrassed as children by her chatting with strangers in the grocery store, we find ourselves doing the same thing.” It never hurts to be nice to people.
She welcomed everyone to her home and was a great listener, imparting her wisdom and humor when someone needed it.
A service to celebrate this charming, loving woman will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, January 13, at the Middlebury Congregational Church, 1242 Whittemore Rd., Middlebury. Time for visiting with the family will follow the service in the church meeting hall.
The service will be live-streamed for those unable to attend:
In lieu of flowers, donations are sought in Marian’s name to the Southbury Food Bank, 88 Main St. South, Southbury 06488;
To leave a message of remembrance, visit
[Transcribed from Voices, online edition, by Chris Sackett] - Pioneer Press, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, online edition, 1 Nov 2023
Sandra Kartheiser Obituary
Beloved Wife, Mother, Nana, Dear Friend Age 88 Passed away on October 28, 2023. Preceded in death by husband, Edward; son, Stephen. Survived by children, Karen Kartheiser Schaaf (Tom). Kathy Kartheiser-Paal (Jim), Paul (Amy Ursano); grandchildren, Marielena (Brian), T.J. (Sarah), Megan, Jack, Kate, Nate; great grandchildren, Gavin, Logan, Madilyn; brother, Stephen Sackett (Jane); sister-in-law, Char Miller; and numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Funeral Service 10AM Friday, Nov. 3, 2023, at Roseville Memorial Chapel, 2245 Hamline Ave. N., Roseville. Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Special Thanks to the caregivers at New Perspective – Columbia Heights and Hospice of the Midwest for their care and compassion. Memorials preferred to Hospice of the Midwest or your local hospice provider.
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett]
- Litchfield Enquirer, Litchfield, Connecticut, 21 Aug 1873, p 2
I. Chronicles, Chapter II.
1. And it came to pass in the reign of Ulysses, the son of Jesse, and in the fifth year of his reign, that Simeon, the son of John, the son of Samuel of the tribe of Ford, who dwelt on the plains of Judea to the southward of Mount Rat, opened his mouth and spake unto Malinda, his wife, who was the daughter of Moses, the son of Benjamin of the tribe of Sackett, saying:
2. Behold, have not these two sisters journeyed from a far city, where smoke ascendeth continually, even unto this land in which their fathers dwelt? and, behold, are they not yet with us?
3. Therefore, is it not meet that we should assemble together the remnant of thy tribe and kindred that we may make merry with our friends?
4. And she answered and said, as it seemeth good unto my lord, so do.
5. So they sent forth and summoned all the tribe of Sackett who dwelt in the region round about.
6. And in the eighth month and thirteenth day of the month, this people said one to another, come, let us arise and go unto the house of Simeon, and we will prepare food for the feast to take with us.
7. And there came Orpha and Minerva, daughters of Benjamin, who dwelt together to the southward, and their charioteer was Frederick, of the tribe of Brinsmade; and with them three daughters of Marilla, the widow of Henry, the son of Benjamin, the son of Benjamin.
8. From the northward, even from the country of Warren, came Eliza, widow of Myron, the son of Achsah the daughter of Benjamin.
9. And Mary, the daughter of Justus, the son of Benjamin, and wife of George, who was a tiller of the soil, bringing their children and children's children.
10. Also, Emily a sister of Mary, who dwelt where her forefathers had lived for many generations; now the husband of Emily was Henry, the son of Silas, and they, together with their household, journeyed southward.
11. And Charles, the son of Achsah the daughter of Benjamin, drove in his chariot alone, for Phebe, his wife, was ill at home.
12. Now, Lucy, the daughter of Justus, the son of Benjamin, who dwelt far to the southward, even by the sea coast, came with Louis, her husband, who was a skilful player of instruments, together with their children.
13. Lucinda, the wife of Edgar, son of Sheldon, came also with her husband to the feast.
14. And all the sons of Simeon, yea, and his whole household, together with all that had come from far were numbered, and their number was thirty and three.
15. And it came to pass that when all the people were assembled, they had much pleasant discourse together, and Lois, a little maiden of the tribe of Ford, who had journeyed from a far country, even from beyond the sea, lifted up her voice and sang in an unknown tongue, making sweet music before all the people.
16. Now, when the set time was come, the wives and daughters prepared the feast quickly from the many baskets full which were gathered in store; for they had all things pleasant to the taste and goodly to the eye.
17. Now Darius, the son of Clark, the son of Benjamin, who was a learned man among the people, had sent a present to Orpha, a little tea, from beyond Jordan, even from China, and Orpha brought this present, and other goodly things to the feast, saying, let us all drink of it; and the fragrance filled the whole house where they were sitting.
18. And when they were seated at the feast, Simeon, who was a ruler of the synagogue, arose and spake unto Henry, saying, it is meet that we call upon the name of the Lord; so Henry gave thanks unto the Lord; then all the people ate and were filled, and the fragments were many.
19. Now it came to pass that Charles, not being in the presence of his wife, drank mightily of the tea, until he arose in his cunning and craftiness and seized upon all the sweets which were reserved for the hand-maidens who had served, and a fierce strife arose among the people; then the women arose and bound him with sinewy cords and the contention ceased not till all the sweets were devoured.
20. When the even was come, the people departed from the house of Simeon and journeyed to their own homes.
[Researched by Jeff Randall & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Washington Herald, Washington, DC, 2 May 1920, p 25
Postoffice Department.
Harry L. Sackett, of Nampa, Idaho, an employee of the division of money orders, and Miss Hilda Schamber, of Rapid City, S. Dak., were recently married at Alexandria, Va., by Rev. William J. Morton, pastor of Christ Church.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon, 5 Jun 1925, p 8
Miss Sadie Elizabeth Pratt became the bride of Mr. Sheldon F. Sackett on Tuesday evening, June 3, in Portland. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock before an altar of roses, at the Vernon Presbyterian church, Reverend C. L. Dark, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of McMinnville, assisted by Reverend H. E. Edgar, officiating. Baskets and lattices of pink roses and azure delphinium, transformed the church into a bride's garden, with tall white tapers burning at the altar.
Immediately preceding the ceremony, Mrs. David Lawson (Marguerite Cook ) sang "Because." Mrs. Stuart Pratt of Seattle presided at the organ for the accompaniments and the wedding march, the bridal party taking their places to the strains of the impressive Mendelssohn processional.
The bride was charming in white satin, ornamented with Spanish lace. Her filmy veil, worn in empress fashion and caught with sprays of orange blossom, fell along a full court train.
Mrs. Willard Lawson (Helen Mclnturff), as matron-of-honor, wore orchid flat crepe with rows of narrow lace, while Miss Lorlei Blatchford, as maid-of-honor, wore a lovely gown of pale pink georgette with ostrich. Miss Norabel Pratt, a sister of the bride, Miss Lois Lapham, Miss Estella Martin, and Miss Carolyn Bushnell were bridesmaids. Miss Pratt and Miss Lapham wore lovely modes of poudre blue georgette while Miss Martin and Miss Bushnell completed the procession of pastel colors in their frocks of honey-dew crepe de chine. The bridesmaids carried arm bouquets of snapdragons and sweet peas, while the bride's bouquet was a shower of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley.
Mr. Vernor Sackett, brother of the groom, was best man with Mr. Clarence Gillette as groomsman. Ushers were Mr. Bruce E. White. Mr. David Lawson and Mr. John Lucker.
Little Betty Sackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sackett, was a dainty flower girl, with a tiny arm basket of Cecil Brunner roses.
The bride, daughter of Dr. and Mrs George B. Pratt, was given in marriage by her father. Immediately preceding the benediction Miss Kathleen La Raut sang "At Dawning."
One hundred and fifty guests were invited to the formal receptlon which followed at the Pratt home at 1007 East Fifteenth Street, N. The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Melvin Johnson.
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Pratt and the members of the bridal party received. In the dining room Mrs. Bruce E. White (Grace Brainerd) presided at the urn, while Miss Thelma Mills cut the ices. College friends of the bride assisted about the rooms. Miss Thelma Mills caught the bride's bouquet.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Sackett are graduates of Willamette University, Mrs. Sackett with the class or 1923 and Mr. Sackett with the class of 1922. Both were unusually prominent in campus affairs. Mrs. Sackett was a member of the Delta Phi sorority and of the Adelante literary society, while Mr. Sackett was a Websterian and a Sigma Tau. Mrs. Sackett was senior scholar in French, and Mr. Sackett, upon his graduation was elected to membership in the honorary scholarship fraternity Alpha Kappa Nu. Mr. Sackett also edited the Willamette Collegian during his senior year. He is a member of the Bar-W forensic organisation.
Mr. Sackett is the son ot Judge and Mrs. Sackett of Yamhill county. After a two weeks' honeymoon trip to Yellowstone National park, the trip being made by motor, Mr. Sackett will take his bride to McMinnville where the young couple will make their home. Mr. Sackett will edit the McMinnville paper, the Telephone-Register.
The past year Mr. Sackett has been principal of the high school at Raymond, Washington, while Mrs. Sackett has been on the high school faculty at Klaber.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The World, Coos Bay, Oregon, 1 Jan 1932, p 6
Sheldon Sackett Weds Secretary of Gov. Meier
A wedding which came as a startling surprise to a large circle of acquaintances and which is of interest throughout the state was that which united Miss Beatrice Walton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Walton, and Sheldon F. Sackett, son of Judge and Mrs. Fred B. Sackett of McMinnville, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the Walton home in Salem.
Even the best friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sackett were given little warning of the wedding's approach, and because of the prominence of the couple its occurrence will no doubt be the topic of conversation wherever society congregates today.
Relatives Present
Rev. Thomas Hardle, pastor of the McMinnville Methodist Episcopal church, read the simple wedding service in the presence of Mrs. James Walton, mother of the bride, Judge and Mrs. Fred B. Sackett of McMinnville, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. William Walton, the former a brother of the groom, and Mrs. Thomas Hardie.
Mrs. Sackett is a graduate of Mills college in California, and at one time was employed as an instructor of the Astoria public schools. She later was secretary in the state department of education. Three years ago she accepted the office of private secretary to the late Governor Patterson and served throughout his administration. She then went to Europe, but returned to Salem early last January, when she again was appointed private secretary by Governor Meier, which position she now fills.
Publisher of Times
Mr. Sackett is managing editor and co-publisher of the Oregon Statesman, Salem, and publisher of the Coos Bay Times at Marshfield. Prior to locating in Salem he was engaged in the newspaper business at McMinnville for a number of years. He is a graduate of Willamette university, and took a post graduate course at Columbia university.
Mr. and Mrs. Sackett left Thursday night for a beach resort where they will remain until Sunday. Both were at their business posts until noon Thursday.
Mrs. Sackett Thursday presented her resignation to Governor Meier, subject to his pleasure. Friends of Mrs. Sackett indicated that the resignation had not been accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. Sackett will make their home in the Royal Court apartments, Salem.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - La Grande Observer, La Grande, Oregon, 2 Jan 1932, p 6
Local Interest In Wedding—
The many friends in the valley of the bridegroom and interest in the bride because of her official position in the state capltol, made news of the marriage on New Years eve of Sheldon F. Sackett, co-publisher of the New Oregon Statesman, of Salem, and publisher of the Coos Bay Times, at Marshfield, and Miss Beatrice Walton, private secretary to Governor Julius Meier, of considerable local interest. The marriage was celebrated Thursday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. James Walton in Salem. Mrs. Sackett is a graduate of Mills college in California. She served as secretary to the late Governor Patterson and later of the present chief officer of the state. Mr. Sackett is a graduate of Willamette university. and after having taught a year, purchased the McMinnville Telephone-Register, going after the sale of that sheet to Salem to be associated with Charles A. Sprague In the management of the Salem daily.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Seattle Star, Seattle, Washington, 19 May 1947, p 2
Last rites for Mrs. Sackett Set Tomorrow in Coos Bay, Ore.
Private funeral services will be held in Coos Bay, Ore., tomorrow for Mrs. Beatrice Walton Sackett, wife of Sheldon F. Sackett, Oregon newspaper and radio owner who recently entered into an agreement to purchase The Seattle Star. Mrs. Sackett, 48, a member of the Oregon state board of higher education, died Saturday at McAuley hospital in Coos Bay after an extended illness.
Death was caused by cancer.
Born in Salem, Ore., of a pioneer Oregon family, Mrs. Sackett was educated in Salem schools and was a graduate of Mills college, Oakland. After teaching two years, Mrs. Sackett became secretary to the state superintendent of public instruction and later became executive secretary to three Oregon governors, I. C. Patterson, A. W. Norblad and Julius E. Meier.
Invited to remain as secretary to Gov. Charles H. Martin, who succeeded Meier, Mrs. Sackett elected to return to private life. She was appointed to the state board of education in 1934 by Meier, a position she held continuously until her death.
For many years she was the only woman member of the state board and had been vice president since 1940. She was an active member of the Episcopal church, the American Association of University Women and Phi Beta Kappa.
She was married to Mr. Sackett Dec. 31, 1931, in Salem moving to Coos Bay in 1936. Besides her husband, Mrs. Sackett is survived by two children, Marcia Anne, 12, and John Walton, 9; her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Walton of Salem, and two brothers, William S. Walton, Salem banker, and Brig. Gen. Leo Walton, commanding general, U. S. army air corps at Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Sackett requested there be no flowers and the funeral private.
Because of Mrs. Sackett's illness, transfer of the properties of The Seattle Star has not been made, but will take place within two weeks.
Snell Pays Tribute To Publisher's Wife
Salem, Ore. —(UP)— "One of Oregon's most talented and accomplished women has been called to her final reward," Gov. Earl Snell of Oregon said today in commenting upon the death of Mrs. Beatrice Walton Sackett.
"Hers was a brilliant career, marked by high intelligence, loyalty to trust and duty, love and appreciation of home and fireside, and high standards of service to community and state truely unsurpassed," the Oregon governor said.
"The passing of Mrs. Sackett is a loss irreparable to Oregon," he added.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon, 20 May 1947, p 4 [Editorial comment column]
Beatrice Walton Sackett
To the many virtues for which Mrs. Beatrice Walton Sackett was justly famed must be added one of heroism. With great courage she battled in recent years the encroachment of mailgnant disease, underwent numerous operations which served only to prolong life yet she held herself to her public and private duties with unconquerable fortitude until finally she had to yield to her physical infirmity.
Here was a woman who could be described as the ideal modern woman: of fine intelligence, strong character, yet truly feminine, who renderd exceptional service in public position and maintained her home and cared for her family. Her work as private secretary to governors of the state and as member of the state board of higher education was regarded as outstanding. Her personal charm and graciousness of manner won for her a host of friends who share with relatives genuine grief over her passing.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, 3 Aug 1948, p 6
Sackett Weds
San Francisco, Aug. 2 (UP)
Sheldon F. Sackett, publisher and broadcaster, was married here today to Mrs. Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe of Portland, Ore. Sackett published the Coos Bay Times and operates radio Station KOOS in Coos Bay, Oregon. In addition he has radio station KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver, Wash. He is an applicant for a television license for the bay district.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Daily News, Los Angeles, California, 3 Aug 1948, p 6
Sheldon Sackett weds
San Francisco, Aug. 3.–(U.P.)
Sheldon F. Sackett, 46, prominent West Coast publisher and broadcaster, was married here yesterday to Mrs. Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe, 38, of Portland, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, Washington, 3 Aug 1948, p 12
Sackett Weds
San Francisco, Aug. 3. — (U.P.) — Sheldon F. Sackett, West coast publisher and broadcaster, was to leave on a Hawaiian honeymoon today with his bride, the former Mrs. Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe, of Portland, Ore. The couple was married here yesterday afternoon. They will make their home in Piedmont, Calif., on their return from the islands.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 6 Aug 1948, p 19
Wedding News
Amidst the standard amount of clatter and ado that inevitably accompanies his big moments, whether they be marriages or mergers, Sheldon Sackett, radio station owner and publisher of an Oregon newspaper, was married again early this week. His first wife, Mills College Grad Beatrice Walton, had died several months previously.
The new Mrs. Sackett was formerly Mrs. Evelyn Schwabe, the divorced wife of a Portland attorney. Sackett has three children of his own and the new Mrs. Sackett brings him three more, thus increasing the population under the Sackett roof to enough to make two tables of bridge, with the parents.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon, 19 Jan 1950, p 6
Invitations Received
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Contee Worthington of Piedmont, Cal., have sent out invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Shelton F. Sackett of Oakland, formerly of Coos Bay and of Salem.
The wedding is to be an event of Monday, January 30 at four o'clock at the Piedmont Community church. A reception will follow at 172 Estates drive.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 31 Jan 1950, p 10
Sheldon Sackett Weds in Piedmont
Sheldon Sackett, former newspaper publisher and now a Bay area radio station operator, was married in Piedmont yesterday to Elizabeth Worthington, Piedmont.
It was the third marriage for Sackett, part owner of radio station KROW in Oakland. The bride is a former Broadway actress, and a well known portrait and landscape painter.
Sackett, former publisher and part owner of the Oregon Statesman, lives at 171 Estates Drive, Piedmont.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois, 22 Sep 1950, p 21
Phyllis Van Theemsche, D. S. Sackett, Jr., To Wed; Bride-Elect Feted
The First Baptist church. Rock Island, will be the scene Sunday of the marriage of Miss Phyllis Lorraine Van Theemsche and Duaine S. Sackett, Jr. The ceremony will be performed at 2:30 p. m. and a reception in the Moose home, Rock Island, will be from 4 to 10 p.m. Hugo Beckman's orchestra will play for dancing from 5 to 9 p. m.
No invitations are being sent but all friends and relatives are welcome to attend both the service and reception.
Parents of the betrothed couple are Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Van Theemsche, 1627 Fourteenth street, Rock Island, and Duaine S. Sackett, Litchfield, Ill.
The bride-elect has been honored at several prenuptial events recently. Mrs. Vila Rea, Edgewater place, Rock Island, was hostess at a linen shower. Mesdames Hazel Seaton and Jane Cooper entertained at a miscellaneous shower in the former's home, 4422 Ninth street, Rock Island, and the bride-elect received miscellaneous gifts at a party in the home of Mrs. Ray J. Griff, 4005 Eighteenth avenue, Rock Island, when Mrs. Charles E. Van Theemsche was the assisting hostess.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa, 25 Sep 1950, p 16
Wed Sunday — Miss Phyllis Lorraine VanTheemsche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanTheemsche, 1627 Fourteenth street, Rock Island, became the bride of Duaine J. Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duaine S. Sackett, Litchfield, Ill., at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the First Baptist church, Rock Island. Rev. Vernon MacNeill officiated.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Charles E. VanTheemsche, wore a gown of lace and net over satin, fashioned with a long train. Her fingertip length veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of white carnations.
Mrs. Charles Brotherton, Washington, Ia., sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Mrs. Al Cooper, Rock Island, was bridesmatron and Miss Pauline Oches was bridesmaid. Ginny D. Nierengarten, Rock Island, was flower girl, and Johnnie Kisk, Rock Island, was ringbearer.
Charles Brotherton was best man. Guests were seated by Thomas Martzahn, Davenport, and Clifford Schade, Rock Island.
A reception for 200 guests was held from 4 to 10 p. m. at the Moose home, Rock Island. For traveling on a short wedding trip, the bride chose a blue suit with blue accessories.
Mrs. Sackett attended Rock Island high school and is employed at J. J. Newberry Co., Rock Island. Her husband was graduated from Litchfield high school and served three years in the army. He is employed at the National Tea Co., Bettendorf. The couple will reside at 924½ Fourteenth-and-a-half street, Rock Island.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 29 Mar 1957, p 6
Vinton — Oscar Anderson announces the marriage of his daughter, Marcia, to Martin Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sackett, Brandon. The wedding was Sunday in Vinton Presbyterian church. The couple will live on a farm near Walker.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Times, San Mateo, California, 6 May 1959, p 30
Sackett Sued For Divorce
Oakland (AP) — Mrs. Elizabeth Sackett sued publisher Sheldon Sackett for divorce Tuesday and obtained a temporary order preventing him from liquidating any more of his holdings.
Mrs. Sackett's suit said the publisher had sold radio stations KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver, Wash., for $1,900,000 the last 60 days. Superior Judge Thomas W. Caldecott granted a temporary restraining order and set May 14 for a hearing on whether to make it permanent.
Mrs. Sackett charged extreme cruelty. She asked custody of an 8-year-old son and division of community property she valued at $3,600,000. She estimated her husband's debts at one million dollars.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Albany Democrat-Herald, Albany, Oregon, 7 May 1959, p 21
Sheldon Sackett Sued for Divorce
Oakland, Calif. (UPI) —Sheldon Sackett, 57, Oregon publisher and radio station owner, is being sued for divorce by his wife, Elizabeth, 40, in Alameda County Superior Court.
Charging her husband with extreme cruelty, she asked for custody of an eight-year old son Schuyler, equitable division of $2,562,500 in community property, and $2,410 a month for temporary support.
Mrs. Sackett's complaint said her husband has business interests worth $3,600,000 in addition to the community property, but that his debts total one million dollars.
Along with filing the suit, Mrs. Sackett obtained a temporary order restraining her husband from selling his assets.
The couple was married Jan. 30, 1950, and separated last April 4, the suit said. A hearing was set for May 14.
Sackett publishes the Coos Bay (Ore.) World and a group of 13 labor weeklies in northern California. He also owns a Coos Bay radio station. Last Saturday he announced plans for establishing new publications in Oakland and Portland, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The World, Coos Bay, Oregon, 14 Sep 1961, pp 10-12
[Verbatim report over 3 pages]
p 10
A Day In Court With Sheldon F. Sackett ...
[Report prefaced by "(Editor's note — Herewith another "day in court" with Sheldon F. Sackett, who is being sued for divorce and whose wife is asking that he be cited for contempt of court, for non-payment of alimony, and that a receiver be appointed to handle his business affairs until the divorce is settled.)"]
p 11
... Wife Argues Publisher Is In Contempt
p 12
Court Day With Sackett
[ image researched by Chris Sackett, not transcribed] - Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, 8 Dec 1961, p 32
Sackett Pays Up Alimony and Fees
Contempt of court proceedings against Sheldon F. Sackett, publisher of a group of labor papers, were dropped today after he obeyed a court order to pay $15,445 in back alimony and attorney fees.
Sackett is being sued for divorce by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Sackett, 171 Estates Drive, Piedmont.
Superior Judge Marvin Sherwin ordered Sackett Nov. 15 to make payments covering the period up to Aug. 8.
Time for payment expired today. Myron Harris, attorney for Mrs. Sackett, notified the court that Sackett paid up yesterday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Spokane Chronicle, Spokane, Washington, 2 Sep 1968, p 2
Publisher Dies of Long Illness
San Francisco (AP)—Sheldon F. Sackett, 66, newspaper publisher and broadcaster with properties in Idaho, Oregon and California, died yesterday after a long illness.
Sackett's holdings included the Valley Cable System of Twin Falls. He also was former owner of the World of Burley, now the South Idaho Press, in Burley.
Sackett had been in poor health for several years. He entered the Pacific University Medical Center July 2.
A native of Jefferson, Ore., Sackett is survived by three sons, David of Spokane, Wash,; John of San Francisco, and Schuyler of Piedmont, Calif.; a daughter, Marcia Ann Kimball of Berkeley, Calif.; four grandchildren and a brother, Leland Sackett, Sheridan, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, 2 Sep 1968, p 55
Sheldon Sackett, Publisher, Dies
Sheldon F. Sackett, a flamboyant publisher who owned newspapers in three western states, is dead at 66.
He succumbed yesterday in a San Francisco hospital, following a lengthy illness.
Mr. Sackett, owned the Olympic Press in Oakland, the Valley Cable System in Twin Falls, Ida., and was president of World Newspapers Inc. of San Francisco and Daily World in Coos Bay, Ore. He also headed radio station KOOS in Coos Bay.
During his colorful career, in which he bought newspapers the way some people collect antiques, Mr. Sackett had owned papers in Alameda, San Leandro and Vancouver.
He also owned the old radio station KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver.
After leaving the high school in 1925, he purchased his first paper, the McMinnville Telephone-Register in Oregon.
Mr. Sackett was a co-founder of the Oregon Statesman in Salem and later bought the Coos Bay World, which he published for 38 years.
He lived for several years in Piedmont until his divorce from his second wife, actress Elizabeth Worthington, after a drawn-out and stormy legal battle that spanned six years, ending in 1965. During the court fight he revealed that his fortune was in excess of $3.5 million.
He is survived by three sons, David of Spokane, John of San Francisco and Schuyler of Piedmont; a daughter, Mrs. Marcia Kimball of Berkeley; a brother, Leland R. Sackett of Sheridan, Ore., and four grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Halstead & Co. mortuary, 1123 Sutter St., San Francisco.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Petaluma Argus-Courier, Petaluma, California, 3 Sep 1968, p 12
Cotati World Publisher Dies
Sheldon F. Sackett, 66, publisher of the weekly World of Sonoma County and several other West Coast papers, died Saturday in a San Francisco hospital after an illness of two months.
Sackett a newspaper publisher since 1925, was born in Jefferson, Ore., Aug. 2, 1902, the son of Judge Fred R. and Mrs. Sackett.
He was graduated from Willamette University, Salem, in 1922, and took graduate study at Columbia University, New York and the University of Oregon.
He purchased the Mc-Minneville, Ore. Telephone Register in 1925. In 1930 he purchased the World of Coos Bay (Oregon), which he still owned at the time of his death.
In addition to the Coos Bay newspaper he owned The World of Sonoma County; The Olympic Press, Oakland; the Valley Television Cable System, Twin Falls, Idaho; Radio Station KOOS, Coos Bay, and several labor papers in the East Bay Area.
Sackett was well known in Sonoma County, having purchased the former Rohnert Park Press, the Cotatian, the Santa Rosa News and the Sentinel, all county weekly newspapers, which he combined into the weekly World of Sonoma County in 1967. He continued publishing the local weekly up to the time of his death.
He was married twice, both marriages ending in divorce. His first wife was the former Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe, Portland, Ore., whom he married in 1948. His second marriage, to Elizabeth Worthington, took place in 1950. He was divorced from his second wife in 1965.
He was a member of the Commonwealth Club, the San Francisco Press Club, the University Club of Portland, Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, the Coos Bay-North Bend Rotary Club, the Elks, the Masons and the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association.
He is survived by three sons, David Schulyer, Spokane, Wash.; John Walton, San Francisco, and Schulyer Worthington, Piedmont; a daughter, Marcia Anne Kimball, Berkeley; a brother, Leland R. Sackett, Sheridan, Ore., and four grandchildren.
Funeral Services were held today at 3 p.m. at Halsted & Co. 1123 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Interment will be at Albany, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Times-Advocate, Escondido, California, 31 Mar 1981, p 21
Sara Gillette
Escondido — Sara Gillette, 79, of Escondido died March 27 at a local convalescent home.
She was born March 25, 1902, in the Arizona Territory and had lived in Escondido for 40 years. She was graduated from Willamette University at Salem, Ore., and taught in the Oregon schools. She and her husband, Clarence J. "Jeeter" Gillette, operated a newspaper in Oregon before they came to Escondido.
Mrs. Gillette was a former member of the Garden Club, Woman's Club and Methodist Church, all of Escondido.
Surviving, besides her husband, are a son, David Sackett of La Jolla; three granddaughters; one brother; and one sister.
No formal service is planned. The family has suggested that those who care to do so, in lieu of flowers, make contributions in her memory to the Escondido Public Library.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 8 Sep 1985, p 22
Ina B. Sackett, 80, died Saturday at her rural Center Point home following an extended illness.
Ina Winch was born July 15, 1905, at Buck Creek. She married Roy Sackett on Nov. 30, 1929, at Monticello. Mrs. Sackett was affiliated with the Walker United Methodist Church and was a former member of the Presbyterian Church of Hopkinton. Surviving are her husband; three sons, Martin of Walker, Norman of Center Point and David of Central City; three daughters, Jennie Smith of Palo and Carol Poyner and Jean Whitehead, both of Cedar Rapids; three sisters, Ethel Marugg and Gretchen Allen, both of Monticello, and Jennie Winch of Hopkinton; 21 grandchildren; and three great-granddaughters.
Services: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the United Methodist Church, Walker, by the Rev. Lee Wiley and the Rev. Mark Tuttle. Burial: Walker Cemetery. Friends may call at the Murdoch Funeral Home in Walker after 4 p.m. Monday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 27 Aug 1993, p 10
Roy F. Sackett, 90, of Sunnycrest Nursing Home, Dysart, formerly of the Walker and Urbana area, died Wednesday evening, Aug. 25, 1993, in Virginia Gay Hospital, Vinton, after a brief illness. Services: 10 a.m. Saturday, Murdoch Funeral Home, Center Point, where friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. today. The Rev. Mike Townsley will officiate. Burial: Walker Cemetery.
Survivors include three sons, Martin of Walker, Norman of Center Point and David of Central City; three daughters, Jennie Smith of Palo, and Carol Poyner and Jean Whitehead, both of Cedar Rapids; four brothers, Bill of Walker, Ellis of Monona, Jim of Cedar Rapids and Leonard of Hopkinton; and two sisters, Grace Rickels of Anamosa and Dorothy Frank of Wyandotte, Mich.
Also surviving are 21 grandchildren, 20 great-granddchildren, and many nieces, nephews and friends.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ina; his parents; a brother, Walter; and a sister, Marie Hoch.
Born Feb. 1, 1903, in Anamosa, to Matthew Dunham and Bertha King Sackett, he married Ina Beatrice Winch on Nov. 30, 1929, in Monticello. She died Sept. 7, 1985. An avid fisherman, Mr. Sackett was a retired cream hauler and farmer.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 22 Feb 2011, p 10
Martin M. Sackett (1933-2011)
Walker — Martin Matthew Sackett, 77, died Wednesday, Feb. 16, at Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House, Hiawatha.
He was born Aug. 1, 1933, in Monticello, son of Roy and Ina Winch Sackett. He married to Marcia Anderson on March 24, 1957.
Mr. Sackett graduated from Urbana High School, then served in the U.S. Navy in Japan. He was a farmer for 53 years and was the mayor of Sackettville (population 6).
He was a member of the Hawkeye Antique Tractor Pullers, Walker American Legion, the Hawkeye Vintage Farm Machinery Association and Farm Bureau.
Survived by: his wife; three sons, Mark, Mitchell and Monty (Kaylene), all of Walker; eight grandchildren, Aaron and Ella Sherman, Martin Sackett II (Heather Dake), Madison Sackett (Kalli Wittenburg), Cody Sackett (Courtney Lappe) and Chase Sackett, all of Walker, Jessica Sackett of Minneapolis and Morgan Sackett (Grant Kocer) of Rochester, Minn.; three great-grandchildren, Charli and Jake Sherman and Hayden Drake; two former daughters-in-law, Sherry Sackett, of Walker and Robyn Sherman of Cedar Rapids; two sisters, Jennie (Frank) Smith of Palo and Jean (Ron) Johnson at Atkins; two brothers, Norman (Zelda) Sackett of Center Point and David (Helen) Sackett of Anamosa; two brothers-in-law, Tommy Poyner of Cedar Rapids and Otis Anderson of Ankeny; and many nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by: a sister, Carol Poyner; a brother-in-law, Mick Hilleshiem; a sister-in-law, Delva Sackett; a nephew, Jeff Smith; and close friend, Phil Airy.
Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Walker United Methodist Church, Walker, with visitation from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. until services Saturday. Burial will be in Walker Cemetery. Reiff Funeral Home & Crematory, Independence, is in charge of arrangements.
Condolences may be left at under obituaries.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Victoria Advocate online, Texas, 29 Nov 2023
Jeffery "Jeff" Sackett
Victoria — Jeffery “Jeff” Scott Sackett, 66, of Victoria, Texas, passed away on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, in Victoria. He was born in Ventura, California on July 3, 1957, to Helen Isabell Shankles Sackett. Jeff worked as a Senior Extrusion Operator for Inteplast for many years.
Jeff is preceded in death by his mother; Helen Isabell Shankles Sackett.
Jeff is survived by his loving wife, Liu Guiying, stepdaughter, Liang Ying; two brothers; Glen and Mike, and one sister; Tammy.
Celebration of Life service will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 1:00 pm at Colonial Funeral Home.
The family of Jeff wishes to extend their sincere thanks to the staff at Hospice of South Texas Dornburg Center of Compassion, for the excellent care that they have.
Words of comfort, condolences, and fond memories may be shared with the family at
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett]
- The State Journal Register, Springfield, IL, 28 Dec 1999, p 32
Duaine J. Sackett Jr.
Litchfield — Duaine J. Sackett Jr., 78, of Litchfield died Monday, Dec. 27, 1999, at St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.
He was born Sept. 30, 1921, in Litchfield, the son of Duaine R. and Clarise Marie Lawrence Sackett. He married Phyllis Lorraine VanTheemsche in Rock Island.
Mr. Sackett was employed as a radio dispatcher with the Litchfield Police department before his retirement and he also owned and operated Sackett Cab Company for several years.
He was a World War II Army veteran having attained the rank of staff sergeant. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Litchfield and had served as a Sunday school teacher and youth counselor.
Survivors: wife, Phyllis; two sons, Robert Duaine Sackett of Worlan, Wyo., and Dennis Lee Sackett of Peoria; a daughter, Linda Lee Fry of Chasks, Minn.; three grandchildren; and a sister, Darlene Murray of Pana.
Services: 10 a.m. Thursday, Plummer Funeral Home, Litchfield, the Rev. Gary Allen officiating. Burial: Cedar Ridge Cemetery, South Litchfield.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The State Journal Register, Springfield, IL, 13 Jan 2000, p 34
Phyllis L. Sackett
Litchfield — Phyllis Lorraine Sackett, 71, of Litchfield died Monday, Jan. 10, 2000, in her home.
She was born July 10, 1928, in Rock Island, the daughter of Fred and Edith Putman VanTheemsche. She married Duaine J. Sackett Jr. in Rock Island; he preceded her in death in 1999.
Mrs. Sackett, a homemaker, was a high school graduate. She worked at J.J. Newberry Co. in Rock Island as a sign painter, designed window displays and was a dispatcher for Sackett Cab Co., the family business.
Survivors: two stepsons, Robert Duaine Sackett of Worlan, Wyo., and Dennis Lee Sackett of Normal; a daughter, Linda Lee (husband, Richard) Frey of Chasksa, Minn.; five grandchildren; and a brother, Charles (wife, Irene) VanTheemsche of Rock Island.
Services: 10 a.m. today, Plummer Funeral Home in Litchfield, the Rev. Gary Allen officiating. Burial: Cedar Ridge Cemetery in Honey Bend.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, 4 Oct 2023
Margaret Sackett Obituary
Margaret Ann Sackett, born May 24, 1932, daughter of the late Margaret Carey Sackett and William Lloyd Sackett, passed away at the Hearth in Glastonbury, CT on September 30, 2023.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday October 6th, at 10:30 am in St. Paul Church of SS. Isidore and Maria Parish at 2577 Main St., Glastonbury, CT. There are no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, 8403 Colesville Rd. Suite 400, Silver Springs, MD 20910. The family sincerely appreciates all those who assisted and brought comfort to Peg in recent years, especially Lisa, Carole, Tina, Jess and Jill. To extend condolences and for full obituary, please visit
[Transcribed from Hartford Courant, online edition, by Chris Sackett] - Herald-Standard, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 9 Nov 2023
Richard Douglas Sackett
Richard Douglas “Dick” Sackett passed away Nov. 2, 2023, surrounded by immediate family, at the Mon Health Medical Center in Morgantown, W.Va. He was born Jan. 3, 1939, in Smithfield, Pa.
He is survived by his loving wife of 65 years, Alberta, and their four children: Skip Sackett,
Lora Hornberger, Melissa Scoles, and Mollie Wilburn. Other survivors include seven grandchildren (Tiffany, Katrina, Joseph, Eryn, Thomas, Tristan and Lindsey) and eight great-grandchildren.
Mr. Sackett was a U.S. Navy veteran, honorably serving from 1957 -1961 during the Vietnam War. During that time, he was a sailor aboard the crew of the USS Putnam (DD 757). After his discharge from the service, he spent much of his professional life as a Class A welder and Certified Welding Supervisor. He belonged to the Local 154 Boilermakers.
A lifelong lover of the outdoors, he was an avid hunter, fisherman and gardener. He also enjoyed woodworking and refurbishing furniture and attending auctions with his wife.
A private family service was held at the Dean C. Whitmarsh Funeral Home in Fairchance, Pa., on Sunday, Nov. 5.
In lieu of flowers, the family kindly asks that donations be made to the American Cancer Society.
The family also wishes to thank everyone who reached out and helped in various ways during Mr. Sackett’s illness.
[Transcribed from Herald-Sandard online by Chris Sackett]
- Westfield News-Letter, Westfield, Massachusetts, 23 Aug 1872, p 2
The Heaviest Tax Payers.
The following list includes, we believe, the principal tax payers of Westfield. [List of about 500 names includes:] Marshall A Sackett $55.83; Sackett Est of H $53.65; Sackett Noah $102.42; Sackett James M $71.17; Sackett & Cadwell $78.45; Sackett Roland $97.80; Sackett Martin $91.40; Sackett George $67.26; Sackett Enoch $101.60; Sackett Henry $132.65; Sackett Chas D $ 92.57.
[Transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett] - The Saratoga Sun, Wyoming, 18 Aug 1891
An affray, that may turn out to be a murder, occurred in Sheridan county over the use of water for irrigating purposes, between Lee Sackett and a Swede, employed by Abraham Zullig, near Big Horn. The Swede is said to have attacked Sackett with a shovel, whereupon the latter drew a pistol and shot the Swede twice. Sackett got a doctor to attend his victim and gave himself up to the sheriff. He was discharged because it was not supposed the wounds were serious. But the Swede is reported as now being in a dangerous condition.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress Chronicling America image by Chris Sackett] - Bill Barlow's Budget, Douglas, Wyoming, 6 Jan 1892
Sheriff Willey, of Sheridan county, passed south Saturday bound for Laramie with a prisoner named Lee Sackett, who will "do time" for a year for being too handy with a gun.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress Chronicling America image by Chris Sackett] - The Cheyenne Daily Leader, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 10 Mar 1892, p 3
Attorney Metz writes from Denver: "I am on my way back to 'God's country' and will be with you soon. I have been at Cheyenne several days, interceding with the governor in behalf of Lee Sackett and I feel assured that he will soon receive a full pardon and return to his home in Big Horn, a joy to his parents."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Cheyenne Daily Leader, Wyoming, 13 Mar 1892
Bill Barlow's Budget, Douglas, Wyoming, 16 Mar 1892
Lee Sackett Pardoned.
Lee Sackett, who was convicted of assault with intent to commit manslaughter (a rather remarkably stated offense, it must be confessed) and sentenced a few months since to the Laramie penitentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Barber.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress Chronicling America image by Chris Sackett] - Wyoming Weekly Republican, Sundance, Wyoming, 16 Mar 1892
Gov. Barber has pardoned Lee Sackett who was sent to the Laramie penitentiary for an attempt to commit man slaughter.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress Chronicling America image by Chris Sackett] - The Morning Journal-Courier, New Haven, Connecticut, 28 Sep 1895, p 2
Divorces Granted.
Mary E. Sackett was granted a divorce from her husband Seymour A. Sackett on the ground of intolerable cruelty, and was also awarded the custody of two minor children. The couple were married August 17, 1887.
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Morning Journal-Courier, New Haven, Connecticut, 27 Aug 1897, p 3
Mrs. M. E. Sackett of 26 Garden street and E. J. Balbier of 91 Ashmun street were quietly married at the Howard avenue Congregational church parsonage at 7 o'clock Tuesday night. On account of the absence of Rev. Mr. Mutch the ceremony was performed by Mr. Countryman of North Branford. Mr. and Mrs. Balbier will reside at No. 91 Ashmun street.
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hampden County Leader, Westfield, Massachusetts, 1 Feb 1907, p 1
Attendance of 1,000
With Many Odd Costumes and Local Hits of Masked Variety
There were a thousand people in attendance and 164 couples in the grand march at the 13th annual masquerade of the Young Men's Social club in Columbia Hall Wednesday evening. ... The grand march was lead by Geo. M. Clark and Miss Gertrude M. Sackett. ... The following prizes were awarded: Best dressed couple, George M. Clark and Miss Gertrude M. Sackett; ...
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett] - The Valley Echo, Westfield, Massachusetts, 2 Feb 1907, p 1
Merry Dancers in Costume
Young Men's Social Club Masquerade a Success.
... Under the leadership of George Clark and Miss Gertrude Sackett the maskers marched around the hall finally ending up in rows of eight. It was a beautiful sight and brought forth considerable applause from the spectators. The judges were L. R. Sweatland, Parker Montgomery and Walter J Smith, and after some time they announced their awards as follows: Best dressed man, George Clark, leader of the grand march; best dressed woman, Miss Gertrude Sackett, with Mr. Clark in the march. ...
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett] - The Valley Echo, Westfield, Massachusetts, 29 Feb 1908, p 1
Masquer's Great Hit
Young Men's Social Club Scores A Great Success.
... best dressed couple, Gertrude M. Sackett and George M. Clark. ...
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 3 Mar 1910, p 16
City News in Brief.
Chief-of-Police William F. Gunn has received a letter from Harold P. Moseley of Westfield, Mass., inquiring as to the whereabouts of Bertha and Gertrude Sackett, children of Seymour A. Sackett, formerly of Westfield and sometimes known as S. Arthur Sackett, who are supposed to be living in this city. Chief Gunn is having the matter investigated.
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hampden County Leader, Westfield, Massachusetts, 11 Mar 1910, p 8
Searching for Sackett Girls.
Atty. Harold P. Moseley is trying to locate Bertha and Gertrude Sackett daughters of Seymour A. Sackett, sometimes known as S. Arthur Sackett, who lived in Westfield more than 30 years ago. The two women are heirs to the estate left by Mrs. Ellen Shattuck, who died a short time ago. When last located they lived in Hartford, Conn., but are believed to have married and left that section, as no information concerning them has been secured.
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 22 Sep 1932, p 11
Wedding Plans Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lesizza ol Gilbert Street, East Hartford, announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Miss Anna Cathryn Lesizza, to Mr. Owen Lincoln Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Central Avenue, East Hartford. The weddng will take place Wednesday morning, October 12, at 9 o'clock in St. Mary's Church, East Hartford.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Fort Collins Coloradoan, Fort Collins, Colorado, 31 Dec 1935, p 7
Former Resident of Poudre Valley Dies
Information has been received in Fort Collins concerning the death recently of Leo Burt Sackett, 64, former resident in the Cache la Poudre valley who had lived in Manila tha last 37 years. He was a brother of Carl Sackett, United States district attorney of Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mr. Sackett spent a short time in Colorado as a child and then accompanied his parents to Wyoming. Two brothers, Hugh O. and Ross O. Sackett live at Mayworth Wyo., and a sister Mrs. Ursula J. Gatchell, is in Buffalo, Wyo.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 15 Aug 1937, p 48
Loretta Gille Is Bride.
A gown of while mousseline de soie was worn by Miss Loretta Marjorie Gille of St. Paul, at her marriage on Saturday evening to Mr. Richard Roman Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Sackett of 3849 Pleasant avenue. The service was read at 8 o'clock at the Sackett home by the Rev. R. J. Berlis, assistant pastor at Westminster Presbyterian church. Ferns, palms and garden flowers formed the setting.
The bride completed her costume by a coronet in her hair and a bouquet of white roses, sweet peas and gladioli.
Mrs. William F. Miller, Jr., of St. Paul, was matron of honor, and Miss Lucille McLeer, also of St. Paul, bridesmaid. Both wore pale pink mousseline de soie and their flowers were pink sweet peas, roses and larkspur. Mr. Sackett was his son's best man.
A reception followed the ceremony. The bridegroom's mother wore yellow organdy with a shoulder bouquet of yellow roses. Mr. Sackett and his bride are going to Douglas Lodge in northern Minnesota on their wedding trip. For travel Mrs. Sackett is wearing a black and white ensemble. After September 1 the couple will be at home at 5035 Chowen avenue.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Columbia Record, Columbia, South Carolina, 17 Jan 1964, p 2
Richard Sackett Dies at Age 54; Rites Saturday
Richard Roman Sackett, 54, of 1203 Jackson Ave., died early this morning in the Columbia Hospital.
He was born in Bentonville, Ariz., the son of P. A. Sackett and Bessie Roman Sackett.
Mr. Sackett was engaged in public relations.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Loretta Sackett; a daughter, Katherine S. Sackett and a son, David A. Sackett.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the graveside in Elmwood Cemetery. The Rev. Joseph E. Sturtevant will officiate.
Active pallbearers will be Herbert Upchurch, Jack Keefer, Jim Madden, Ellis MacDougall, John Nash and Charles Wickenburg.
Friends may call at Paschal Funeral Home and the residence.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 1 Oct 1969, p 25
Mrs. Gertrude S. Clark
Mrs. Gertrude Sackett Clark, of 355 Capitol Ave., died Tuesday at a local convalescent home. Born in Westfteld, Mass., she lived in Hartford for several years. She leaves two sons, Owen Clark of West Hartford and Burgess Clark of Rocky Hill; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Nief of Granby; eight grandchildren. The funeral will be Thursday at 11:30 a.m. with a graveside service in Pine Hill Cemetery, Westfield, Mass. Friends may call at the James T. Pratt Funeral Home, 71 Farmington Ave., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations may be made to the charity of the donor's choice.
[Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, 29 Jul 2003, p 14
Nief, Virginia (Clark)
Virginia (Clark) Nief, 89, of Granby, beloved wife of the late Robert C. Nief, died Sunday, (July 27, 2003) at her home. Born in Hartford, daughter of the late George M. and Gertrude (Sackett) Clark, she had lived in Granby for the past 51 years. She leaves a daughter, Gail A. Brannan of Westfield, MA; three grandsons, Keith Brannan, David Brannan, and Charles and his wife, Carol Brannan; and three great grandchildren, Joshua, Kahla and Derek. She also leaves a brother-in-law, R. Thomas Nief; two sisters-in-law, Edna Zimmer and Anna Clark; and several nieces and nephews. Services will be held at the convenience of the family. Memorial donations may be made to the Farmington Valley VNA, 8 Old Mill Lane, Simsbury, CT 06070 or to the Granby Ambulance Assoc., P.O. Box 617, Granby, CT 06035. Hayes-Huling & Carmon Funeral Home, Granby, has care of the arrangements.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
- West Kent Guardian, 27 Jun 1846
Births. June 21, at Yalding, Kent, the wife of Dr. Sackett, of the Priory, Blackheath, of a son, still born.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Norfolk Chronicle And Norwich Gazette, 16 Nov 1850
Died. On the 6th inst., at Sleaford, Lincolnshire, in the midst of a sorrowing church and family, after a short illness, the Rev. Edward Sackett, Wesleyan minister, formerly of this city, in the 39th year of his age. As a preacher, he was distinguished by originality and earnestness; as a Christian, he followed "peace with all men;" he was therefore highly esteemed in all his circuits, and in no place is his death more deeply lamented than in this city and neighbourhood.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Sussex Advertiser, Surrey Gazette and West Kent Courier, 22 Nov 1853
Deaths. Sackett.—November 14, at Yalding, aged 53, Hannah, the beloved wife of Dr. Sackett, L.L.D., of Counter-hill, New Cross.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Aris's Birmingham Gazette, 19 Apr 1858
Died. On Saturday last, John, infant son of Mr. W.J. Sackett.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Birmingham Journal, 11 Jun 1859
Died. On the 5th inst., aged 32 years, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Walter J. Sackett, bookseller, of this town.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Royal Leamington Spa Courier and Warwickshire Standard, 11 Jun 1859
Died. Sackett.—On Sunday last, aged 32 years, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Mr Walter J. Sackett, bookseller, of Birmingham.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 15 Sep 1860
Death. Ramsgate.—Sept. 2, Mr. Jeremiah Sackett, many years gardener to J. A. Warre, Esq., M.P., West Cliff.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 24 Nov 1860
Marriages. Sandwich.—Nov. 17, at Worth, John, only surviving son of Mr. Sackett, gardener at St. Augustine's College, to Miss Maria Smith, both of Worth.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 23 Nov 1861
Deaths. St Peter's—Nov. 10, Mr. Wm. Sackett, aged 90 year.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 6 Sep 1862
Marriages. Ramsgate.—August 24, Mr. J. Sackett, to Mrs. Redman.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Dover Express, 24 Oct 1863
Deaths. Oct. 16, at Dover, Mr. R. Sackett, Trinity Pilot, aged 80 years.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 16 Jul 1864
Marriages. Hythe.—July 5, Mr. Jabez Sackett, of Rye, to Miss Sarah Ann Young, of Hythe.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 1 Jul 1865
Marriages. Margate.—June 22, Mr. Thomas Wallett [sic: Willett], of Margate, to Miss Sackett, of Northdown.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 23 Dec 1865
Marriages. Ramsgate,—Dec 12, Mr. Adam Dickson, of London, to Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Edward Sackett, of Ramsgate.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 6 Jan 1866
Marriages. Margate.—Dec. 27, Mr. W. S. Sackett, to Elizabeth Robins.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Birmingham Journal, 30 Jun 1866
Died. On the 27th inst., in the 41st year of his age, Mr. Walter J. Sackett, bookseller, of Bull Street, in this town.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Aris's Birmingham Gazette, 30 Jun 1866
Deaths. Sackett.—On the 27th inst., in the 41st year of his age, Mr. Walter J. Sackett, bookseller, of Bull Street, in this town.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 7 Apr 1866
Marriages. Ramsgate—March 29, at the Congregational Church, Mr C Giles to Miss Julia K C Sackett.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Kentish Chronicle and Canterbury Weekly News, 10 Nov 1866
Births. Dover—Oct 31, the wife of Mr T. G. Sackett, of a daughter still-born.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser, 5 Feb 1870
Marriages. Jack—Sackett—February 3, at Horsforth Church, by the Rev. W. H. B. Stocker, M.A., Charles Jack, M.D., Horsforth, to Catherine, second daughter of Mrs. Sackett, Airedale House, Horsforth.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Dover Express, 16 Jun 1871
Births. June 7th, at Military Road, Dover, the wife of Mr. G. T. Sackett, formerly of Margate, of a son.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Essex Newsman, 10 Mar 1883
Deaths. Sackett.—On the 28th ult., at Orsett, Essex, Susannah, widow of Henry Sackett, aged seventy-one.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 27 Feb 1885
Deaths. Newark.—Feb. 22d, in Cherry Holt-lane, Sarah Sackett, 77.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Essex Newsman, 27 Sep 1890
Marriages. Heatherley—Sackett.—On the 18th inst., at St. Nicholas', Worcester, by the Rev. A. Gordon Greenhalgh, Francis Heatherley, M.B., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S. Eng., of New Ferry, Cheshire, only son of Thomas Heatherley, late of the School of Art, London, to Grace Edith, youngest daughter of the late Henry Sackett, of Orsett, Essex, and recently matron of the Hospital, Stratford-on-Avon. No cards.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - The Memphis Appeal-Avalanche, Memphis, Tennessee, 1 Oct 1891, p 8
Marriage Licenses. Filertus Sackett, jr., and Isabella Ross.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Liverpool Echo, 19 Aug 1893
Marriages. Sackett—Sandford—August 17, at West Kirby Wesleyan Church, by the Rev. Walter Sackett, assisted by the Rev. H. S. Sandford, the Rev. Alfred Barrett Sackett, eldest son of Mr. J. Sackett, of Manchester, to Lydia Anne, fourth daughter of Mr. William Yates Sandford, of West Kirby, Cheshire.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Liverpool Echo, 11 Oct 1893
Births. Sackett—October 9, at Little Sutton, Chester, the wife of the Rev. Walter Sackett, Wesleyan minister, of a son.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 7 Jan 1918
Roll of Honour. Sackett.—Killed in action on December 24th, 1917, Lance-Corporal G. L. Sackett, eldest son of F. and F. Sackett, 2, Suffolk-terrace, Suffolk-street, Hull, aged 20.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - The Butler Weekly Times and the Bates County Record, Butler, Missouri, 9 Nov 1922, p 2
Mrs. Sackett, Social Service Worker, Dead.
Mrs. Belle Ross Sackett, a leader in social service work for the last decade, died early yesterday at her home, 3511 Genesee street, aged 55 years, says Saturday's Kansas City Journal. Her death removes a familiar figure from Kansas City hospital wards and settlement houses.
Besides her social work, Mrs. Sackett was an active member of the Roanoke Baptist church, Daylight chapter No. 391 of the order of Eastern Star, the True Kindred Mizoah Conclave No. 1 and the auxiliary of the St. Andrew's society.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Roanoke Baptist church, Fortieth and Wyoming streets, the Rev. George W. Wise and the Rev. O. T. Joyce officiating. Burial will be in Butler, Mo.
Survivors are her husband, Filertus Sackett, and four daughters, Mrs. Hallie E. Cowles, 3505 Wyoming street; Mrs. Mildred S. Boyer, 508 East Seventieth Street terrace; Miss Marian J. Sackett of the home address and Mrs. Gladys S. Kinney, Ontario, Ore.
Mrs. Sackett was former resident of this city and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ross, well known early residents of this city. Mrs. Jno. Rook, Mrs. C. A. Miller and Miss Lizzie Ross are surviving sisters.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 13 Jul 1928
Marriages. Enevoldson.—Sackett. — July 11th, at Transfiguration Church, Albert-av., John, second son of Mr and late Mrs T. A. Enevoldson, of 214 Park-avenue, to Kitty, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. K. Sackett, 267, Alliance-av.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 2 Jan 1929
Deaths. Sackett,—Jan. 1st, at 3, Liverpool-terrace, Liverpool-street, Albert, beloved husband of Harriett Sackett.—At Rest.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 13 Sep 1929
Marriages. Clark—Sackett.—Sept 12th, at Church of the Transfiguration, Albert-avenue, by Rev Lawson, Frank, eldest son of Mr and Mrs T. Clark, 122, Westbourne-avenue, with Nancy, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Y. Sackett, 267, Alliance-avenue, Hull.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 2 Jan 1930
In Memoriam. Sackett.—In loving memory of my dear husband Albert, died Jan 1st, 1929.—A sad day to recall. —From his loving wife, Ettie.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 6 Sep 1937
Marriages. Sackett—Walker.—At Newland Congregational Church, by Rev E. Wardle, Sept. 4th, Robert, to Mary, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs George Walker.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Dover Express, 25 Jun 1943
Deaths. Sackett.—On 22nd June, 1943, George Ernest Sackett, late of 46, Dour St., Dover, passed peacefully away, aged 73 years.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett] - Hull Daily Mail, 27 Feb 1950
Deaths. Sackett.—Feb. 26, at 2, Suffolk Villas, Suffolk-st., Frederick, aged 78 years, beloved husband of Florence Sackett, and dear father of Lettie and Robert. Service at Newland Congregational Church, at 1.30pm, Wednesday prior to cremation. No flowers by request.
[Transcribed from Findmypast image by Chris Sackett]