Newspaper Abstracts, New York Upstate

165 records

  • New York Gazette, Orange County, New York, 3 Aug 1752
    Mine Found in Orange County
    Johannes Closson, formerly a workman of Mr. Schuyler's, about eleven years ago, came to me, and told me that he had found a mine on my land above the Highlands, at a place called Blooming-Grove, lying between Goshen and the river, in Orange County, where my eldest son Joseph Sacket, Jun. now lives. I made him several offers. He said it would not do, but if I would give him a lease for a term of years, he would carry it on at his own cost, and deliver me one half at the pit's mouth, and come to work in 6 or 8 month's time, and told me the ore was as good as Mr. Schuyler's. But he died before the time he was to come. About 4 years ago, I heard his widow made enquiry after a Sacket on Long Island, I went over to her, she said her husband had been dead 7 years, but he told her that on one Sacket's land, above the Highlands, on the west side of the river, he had found a mine, and that he dug very shallow, and could heave it out by bushels, but he covered it up carefully, and that it was near by a spring, and not far from a brook. There was an elderly Dutchman present then, and he said he had often evenings and mornings conversed with him, and he said he had often told him the same thing, and heard him say, if he had his leave, and lived 7 years, he should be a gentleman. Now if any person can discover the vein of ore, if it is on my lands, he shall have out of the first clear profits, 300 l., or he shall have it for a term of years, as Closson was to have it, or he shall have the 8th part of it for ever, as witness my hand, July 27, 1752.
    Joseph Sacket
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Poughkeepsie Journal, Poughkeepsie, New York, 22 Mar 1820, p 3
    Stanford Meeting
    At a very numerous and respectable meeting of the Electors of the Town of Stanford, friendly to the General and State Administrations, convened pursuant to public notice at the house of Stephen Dewel in said Town, on Thursday the 16th day of March, inst. Jehiel Sackett, Esqr. was chosen Chairman, and Silas Germond, Junr. Secretary.
    [Passed numerous resolutions relating to a County Convention to be attended by the Chairman, Secretary and four other named electors, resolutions expressing confidence in James Monroe, President of the United States, and in De Witt Clinton, Governor of this State, and a resolution expressing no confidence in late Governor Daniel D Tompkins as a result of his "recent unstable, inconsistent, and selfish conduct" and his "immense defalcation in his accounts".]
    Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed b the Chairman and Secretary, and published in the Newspapers printed in Poughkeepsie.
    Jehiel Sackett, Chairman.
    Silas Germond, Jun. Secretary.
    After the meeting had adjourned and many retired, those remaining, and whose names are hereto annexed, expressed an anxiety to have their names accompany the resolutions, as shewing their entire approbation of the proceedings of the meeting.
    Jehiel Sackett, [& 61 others, including] Samuel Sacket.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • New-York Commercial Advertiser, New York, NY, 8 Feb 1841
    Died. At Potsdam, Capt. Ethan R. Sackett, 34.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • New York Spectator, New York, NY, 10 Feb 1841
    Died. At Potsdam, Capt. Ethan R. Sackett, 34.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Daily Standard, Syracuse, New York, Friday Morning, Dec. 12, 1851
    The Yankee Card Writer.
    In our paper of yesterday morning we briefly announced the arrival of that erratic genius the "Yankee Card-Writer." He occupies rooms at the Globe, where he will be happy to see ladies and gentlemen who desire elegant wedding or visiting cards.
    A card case filled with tasteful and elegant visiting cards are an almost indispensable requisite to a lady or gentleman, and no one who mingles in refined society should be without them. Those written by the "Yankee Card-Writer" are quite equal in elegance and beauty to the finest engraving, and possess the important additional qualification of being the most fashionable style now in use. He will remain in the city but a short time, and those who desire to have their card cases filled with a beautiful article will do well to call soon. Specimens of his cards may be seen at the bookstore of L. W. Hall.
    [Orsemus Sackett]
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Hornellsville Tribune, Hornellsville, New York, January 24, 1852
    "The "Yankee Card Writer"—We are gratified to learn that our fellow citizen, Mr. O. Sackett, the "Yankee Card Writer," is highly eulogized by the press wherever he goes. The following which we clip from the Syracuse Daily Journal, is but one of the many favorable notices which have come under our observation. "Mr. S. has done a good business here, which he cannot fail to do everywhere. Indeed, he is without a rival or an equal in his line."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Hornellsville Tribune, Hornellsville, Steuben Co., N. Y., Saturday Morning, March 27, 1852
    Orsemus pic
    O. Sackett, the "Yankee Card Writer."
    O. Sackett, the "Yankee Card Writer."
    The above portrait of the "Yankee Card Writer," was engraved by Carson of Albany, N. Y., and though a poorly executed likeness, will serve to give our readers some idea of the personal appearance of this celebrated artist.
    Mr. O. Sackett was born near Rochester, N. Y., and at a very early age exhibited an extraordinary talent for portraiture and penmanship. His parents being poor, were unable to assist him, to either make progress in his favorite area, or in attaining an education. Through the kindness, however, of Professor Phelps, the principal of an academy in Sherburne, N.Y., he at the age of twelve years, commenced his education at that institution, paying all expenses except board by superintending the writing department two hours each day. After one year of close study, finding his wardrobe deficient in many important particulars, he became nearly discouraged, and seriously determined to engage in some kind of labor, which should furnish the means whereby he might procure books and clothes, and heprepared to prosecute his studies in a more respectable manner.
    A few days previous to that upon which he proposed putting his plans into execution, he was presented, by Prof. Phelps, with a teacher's certificate, and informed that a school had been engaged, which he could conduct (although then but thirteen years of age) as successfully as any person in the State, if he only thought so himself. This was advised by the Professor, who said:—"If you try to earn money by manual labor, your age, and lack of physical maturity will render it impossible for you to command such wages as would assist you in getting an education before you will become discouraged and give up altogether." The advice was taken—the first school successfully taught—after which, he for two years. alternately taught and was taught, until he arrived at the age of fifteen. At this time his talent for portraiture seemed to have gained the ascendency, and without instruction, or the advantage of witnessing the work of any artist, he boldly offered himself to the public, and for two years successfully practiced his profession in the different cities and large towns in his native State.
    His miniatures, for truthfulness, and delicacy of tint and finish, have never been excelled by any other artist in this country, and will be treasured, by those who possess them, as rare souvenirs, as well of the artist, as the original.
    At seventeen he had already enjoyed the patronage of large numbers of the most autocratic families, in different parts of the State, whose attentions soon brought him before the public, through the press. This so increased his business that he could not possibly execute miniatures as rapidly as ordered. Being ambitious, he unwisely applied himself day after day, and week following week, so closely to business, that he soon lost his sight.
    After careful treatment, in two months his sight returned but not sufficiently perfect to ever permit him to follow his favorite profession. Nothing discouraged, he immediately commenced giving instruction in penmanship,—arranged and perfected a new and beautiful system which he called the "Science of writing," by which he has successfully taught, in eight years, in this and several other States, about twelve thousand pupils, and left the field with a reputation far beyond any other teacher in the United States, not only as a professor; but as an original and most successful disciplinarian, and yet Mr. S. has never received a moments instruction in penmanship from any person—having already given instruction two years before witnessing the process pursued in any similar school.
    All the different professions in which Mr. S. has figured have been stamped with great originality and novelty. He seems never to have followed in a course, marked out by any but himself, and at present, and in every profession chosen, he has gained a higher position, and a more extended reputation than any person preceding him.
    Several years since, while carelessly using a metallic pencil, he discovered that a most beautiful impression was made by it upon enameled cards, he at once commenced presenting his young lady pupils (with whom he has always been immensely popular) with visiting cards written by himself.
    The result of this kindness to pupils free of charge, was such an increased demand of similar favors, that in order to stop it in future, the better to attend to the business of teaching, it became necessary to make a charge, and by demanding pay for visiting cards, Mr. S. thought to drive all orders away; but on the contrary, not only pupils, but those not under instructions were relieved of the delicacy which kept them from ordering cards for which no charge was made, and so great was the demand, and so numerous the orders sent, that a still greater, and more unreasonable charge was made, but with no better success, for the astonishing beauty and artistic perfection of his writing at once placed Mr. Sackett's cards far above Copper plate in the estimation of all persons of taste and fashion, and the extravagant prices charged were paid without reluctance.
    Mr. S., never blind to the attractions of money, decided to try card writing as a profession, and immediately commenced operations. Two years have hardly elapsed since, and yet the "Yankee Card Writer" (which cognomen has been assumed by Mr. S.) has effected the greatest revolution in the fashionable world, ever witnessed. —Wherever he goes he is thronged with orders from the most distinguished families, who notwithstanding they have already a supply of beautifully engraved cards, at a much cheaper rate, will use no cards except those executed by the "Yankee."
    In Albany, in seven weeks, Mr. S. executed with his own hand, and delivered to his customers, 30,000 cards.
    The rapidity with which he writes (every card is written by hand) is without parallel, and for splendor and perfection of execution, cannot be equaled by the most finished copper plate.
    Mr. S. is the originator of this profession, out of which he will easily realize a fortune if he does not, as a former case apply himself so closely as to destroy his sight.
    It will be seen that whatever Mr. S. has followed for a livelihood up to the present, has been suggested by circumstance, and developed and made valuable by personal effort,—hence, instead of exciting envy, it should secure for him the earnest "God speed you" of every friend of industry and genius."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Hornellsville Tribune, Hornellsville, New York, April 3 & 17, May 15, 1852
    "Hornellsville High School,
    For Ladies and Gentlemen,
    …During the term, Mr. O. Sackett, author of the Science of Writing, has kindly offered his services, and will lecture to the class, on this important accomplishment, gratis."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Plattsburgh Republican, 8 Jan 1853, p 2
    In Plattsburgh, (at Salmon River,) on the 10th ult., Patty Martin, wife of Mr. Levi Martin, aged 46 years. Mrs. M. was a native of Colchester, Vt., and was for many years a consistent and exemplary member of the Baptist Church.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Hornellsville Tribune, Hornellsville, New York, April 13, 1854
    "Drake & Bradford
    29 Wall Street, New-York.
    Stocks, Bonds, &c, bought and sold on commission only.
    …References in New York
    …Sackett, Belcher & Co
    Sackett, Lynes, & Co."
    [Researched by Chris Sackett]
  • Syracuse Evening Chronicle, 29 Jun 1854
    The Cholera.—A case of Cholera which terminated fatally last night, has created some excitement among our citizens, and in order to correct any misapprehensions we have taken particular pains to learn the whole particulars; and we are glad to be able to show that in every particular the cautionary words of our authorities and of the press in general, deserve implicit attention.
    Yesterday afternoon, a farmer named Harmon Van Buren, with a friend named Schermerhorn, arrived in this city from the west, and put up at the Hotel of Mr. Baker, corner of Fayette and Salina streets. Setting in the doorway, he was suddenly seized with diarrhoea and remarked that his sight was beclouded and he was faint, yet chilly. Dr. Shipman was sent for, and at once pronounced the case a fatal one, collapse having ensued upon the rice-water evacuation, & c. Dr. Samson was called in, and concurred with Dr. Shipman in tracing the identity of the symptoms with those of the cases occurring in 1832, under their observation and treatment.
    Mr. Van Buren died at 9 o'clock last night—aged 62 1-2 years—only eleven hours after his first attack. The deceased had been formerly a farmer, at Gouverneur, St. Lawrence county, and had been to Illinois to purchase a farm; returning through Canada, he was among the passengers who were imperilled by a mishap at Princeton, C.W.; and, passing across the Lake, he took the Central Railroad at Rochester, taking no regular meals, but upon an empty stomach he ate some cold pie at a Saloon. On arriving here he was faint and exhausted, and sat in the draught at the doorway, where the first manifestation of the consequence of his persistent violation of nature was made. The long suspension of the natural course he had pursued as a farmer, under the aggravations of accumulated excitements—all of them sufficient separately to endanger any man's health under ordinary circumstances—are forcible arguments for quiet, orderly, cleanly and regular attention to nature's laws, and an avoidance of excitement. A studious regard to food, selecting supplies according to physical condition, are items of the utmost importance.
    The Cholera has been here, in a fearfully retributive form, and it will be well for all to heed its lesson, avoiding the excesses which have in this instance been so signally chastised.
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Rochester Daily American, 1 Jul 1854, p 2
    A farmer by the name of Harmon Van Buren died of Cholera in Syracuse, on Wednesday. He had been very irregular in his habits for three or four days, and had eaten improper food. He died in 11 hours after the first attack.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Syracuse Daily Courier, Syracuse, New York, April 3, 1857
    "DESERVED IT—Sackett, the impudent puppy who styles himself the "Yankee Card Writer," and is most unfavorably known in this locality, was horse-whipped in New Orleans last week for insulting a lady, and made to leave town for the same offence. He deserved all he got."
    [Orsemus Sackett]
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Albany Evening Journal, New York, 15 December 1860
    "The "Yankee Card Writer" is in the full tide of successful operation at the Delavan House. His visiting and wedding cards are taking the lead in fashionable circles. The "New Year's Call Card" and "baby card" are great novelties. Doting mamas must send their orders."
    [Orsemus Sackett] [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, September 2 1879
    "Edwin SACKETT, proprietor of the Long Point Hotel, on Conesus Lake, died Monday morning of pneumonia. He was taken ill on Friday last, but had been in poor health for some time."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 26 Oct 1883, p 3
    East Ashford.
    Mr. Alonzo Sackett, one of the prominent citizens of Bergen, Genesee Co., N. Y., and daughter, Mrs. Jerome Feezlear, are spending a few weeks with relatives—the Hammonds, Williamses, Remmingtons, etc.—here. The picnic in their honor at the great railway viaduct on Tuesday at the Cattaraugus High Banks was largely attended, over fifty families of relatives being represented. The beautiful scenery, the bountiful repast, luscious fruits, the great work of science and art, the colossal railroad bridge, and the romantic highway bridge will long be bright memories.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 2 Nov 1883, p 3
    East Ashford.
    The family re-union at the residence of Mr. Albert Hammond on Monday night, though an impromptu affair was attended by over fifty persons. Oysters, fruits, and pastries were served and the occasion will long be remembered as one of the many entertainments in honor of A. Sackett, of Bergen, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett, researched by Debra Cagwin]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 1 Feb 1884, p 3
    Sackett—Williams—Jan. 29, 1884, at the residence of P. C. Williams, Springville, N.Y., by Rev. J. Johnson of East Ashford, Mr. Alonzo Sackett of Bergen, Genesee Co., N.Y., and Miss Eliza P. Williams of Springville, N.Y.
    Friends of the contracting parties to the number of about 30 were present on the happy occasion and all joined in good wishes for the happy pair.
    The following is a list of gifts presented to the bride: P. C. Williams and wife, 1 doz. glass sauce plates; R. C., H. A., and Riley Williams and wives, and I. E. Williams and E. A. Barnard and wives, $8.50 cash. Bridegroom, large arm chair. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hammond, Majolica fruit dish. Charlie and Ethel Williams, carved knife-basket. Floyd Barnard, match safe. Mr. and Mrs. Squires, one dollar cash. Mr. and Mrs. Lounsbury, pr. vases and flowers. Alva Williams, handkerchief. Mr. J. Johnston, handkerchief.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Avon Herald, Livingston County, New York, May 1, 1884, p. 1.
    "Stop the press! Unlock the Form! This office always recognized true patriotism. Latest from the seat of war! A bouncing 10 pound boy, says Grandpa Sackett, at the home of Charley Sackett. The youngster is kicking and mamma is doing well. Congratulations."
    [Homer Samuel Sackett s. Charles Sackett]
    [Researched by Thurmon King]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 14 Nov 1884, p 3
    Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, of Bergen, N. Y., are visiting their friends in this vicinity.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 2 Jan 1885, p 3
    Miss Alva J. Williams, daughter of Peter C. Williams of this town, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnard of East Ashford, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett at Bergen, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 29 May 1885, p 3
    Mr. P. C. Williams and daughter have gone to Bergen, N. Y., to visit his sister, Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, and other friends.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 25 Dec 1885, p 3
    Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, of Bergen, N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Williams.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 1 Jan 1886, p 3
    East Ashford.
    Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett of Bergen are visiting their relatives in this place.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 8 Jan 1886, p 3
    Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, of Bergen, N. Y., spent a pleasant holiday season with their numerous relatives in this vicinity. They attended the Christmas exercises at the Union Church, East Ashford, and were enabled to see that their friends remembered them, by the aid of a beautiful hanging lamp, which the tree bore for them. A family tree at the residence of Richard Williams bore 115 presents, for various members of the families who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett returned to their home last Monday, with pleasant memories of their visit and thanks for kind attentions.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Spirit of the Times, Genesee County, New York, April 10 1886.
    "Bergen Briefs. The familiar sounds of the mill north of the railroad are not heard at present, as it is closed for a few weeks. Charles Green has taken the place of George Sackett as engineer."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, June 19, 1886
    The board of School Commissioners of the village of Owego have made the following appointments of teachers who will have charge of our public school for the school year beginning September 1, 1886.
    … Miss Hattie SACKETT, 7th grade …"
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 7 Oct 1887, p 3
    Miss Alva Williams has returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, of Bergen.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 17 Feb 1888, p 3
    Mrs. Alonzo Sackett, of Bergen, N. Y., is visiting her brother, P. C. Williams.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 16 Mar 1888, p 3
    Mrs. Alonzo Sackett of Bergen has returned home after an extended visit to friends in this vicinity.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 5 Oct 1888, p 3
    Mr. Alonzo Sackett of Bergen is visiting friends in this vicinity.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 28 Jun 1889, p 3
    Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett of Bergen, N. Y., have been visiting at Franklinville, East Ashford, and at P. C. William's, Springville.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Courier, Erie County, New York, July 27 1889.
    "HOTEL ARRIVALS, THE GENESEE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Sackett, New York."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, August 20 1889
    Thomas B. GROVES died suddenly last night of hemorrhage of the lungs at his home, No. 92 Smith street, aged 63 years. When only 20 years of age he left his birthplace in County Kerry, Ireland, and in company with his widowed mother, came to Rochester, where he resided continuously for forty-three years. He learned the carriage trade at James CUNNINGHAM factory, and for a time carried on the business of carriage-making. For the past eight years, he has assisted his son, Thomas H. GROVES, in the shoe business. Deceased was always a Democrat of the old school, and was uncompromising in support of his political faith. He was a regular attendant at St. Patrick' church, in which he at one time served a sexton. In his large family he was kind and considerate, and, by diligence and energy, he succeeded in giving his children many social educational and business advantages. The immediate family consisted of the widow, four sons, Thomas H., and William E., of Rochester, G. W., of Buffalo and John L., of Chicago, and four daughters, Mrs. E. J. SACKETT, Mrs. C. J. MALOY and Misses Ida and Theresa GROVES.
    Funeral from late residence, ?92 street, Thursday, at 8:30 a.m., and St. Patrick's Cathedral at 9 a.m."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Weekly Recorder, Fayetteville, New York, 31 Oct 1889
    Mrs. Harriet Sackett died Saturday evening about half past nine o'clock after a long illness.
    Mrs. Sackett, better known as Mrs. Upham Williams, found rest at her home, corner of Seneca and Cherry Sts, Oct. 26, 1889. She was born near Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 29, 1814. In 1832 she was married to Erastus Upham. From this union there were four children. She was married to Joseph Williams April 2nd 1856 at Fayetteville. Mrs. Williams had one daughter. In 1881 she was married to Harry C. Sackett.
    [Extracted from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett]
  • Belmont Weekly Dispatch, Allegany County, New York, Jan 1890
    Death of Mrs. A. C. Hall.
    Died, in Belmont, Friday evening, January 24th, 1890, Mrs Hannah, wife of Anson C. Hall.
    Mrs. Hall had been an invalid for the past three years, but had been up and around the house. Three weeks ago she was attacked with erysipelas, a disease which had caused her much trouble for many years, and which finally caused her death. She would have been 69 years old, had she lived until yesterday.
    Deceased's maiden name was Hannah Sackett. She was born in Candor, Tioga county, Jan. 27, 1821. She was united in marriage to Anson C. Hall, at Phillips Creek, November 12, 1840, forty-nine years ago last November. Her husband survives her, and she also leaves six children: Richard Hall, of Elmira; Caleb Hall, of Wellsville; James and William Hall, of Phillips Creek; Mrs. Mary Fuller, of Phillips Creek, and Mrs. Elba Reynolds, of Belmont.
    The funeral was held in the Presbyterian church, in this village, at 2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. M. Bennett, pastor of the 1st Baptist church, officiating, Rev. Mr. Snyder being ill.
    Mr. Hall has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in his irreparable loss. He is 70 years of age, and the loss of his affectionate helpmate, after nearly half a century of wedded union, is a great affliction for him to bear.
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 11 Jul 1890, p 3
    Miss Alva Williams is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sackett at Bergen, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Times, Buffalo, New York, 14 Feb 1891, p 2
    Robert Parker and wife of Buffalo have been recent guests of Alonzo Sackett of this village.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Syracuse Standard, Syracuse, New York, Wednesday, March 11, 1891, p. 7, col. 2.
    "The People of the State of New York. By the Grace of God free and Independent. To Harry Howard and Delia Howard, severally of Watkins, N.Y.; Harry Sackett and Marvin Sackett, severally of New Lebanon, N.Y.; Abigail Ketchum of Fair Haven, Vermont; Solon P. Sackett of Ithaca, N.Y.; Mary E. Miller of Farmer Village, N.Y.; Clark Sackett of Bennettsburg, N.Y.; Buell Sackett of Havana, N.Y.; Sarah Haight of West Lebanon, N.Y.; Delia Davis, Esther Sackett and Mary Drownes, severally of Eash Chatham, N.Y.; Sophronia Sackett and Charlotte Sackett, severally of Hudson, N.Y.; Norman B. Sackett of Mendota, Illinois, Roxana Becker of Trumanburg, N.Y.; Mary Sackett of Burdette, N.Y.; John B. Sackett, David A. Sackett, Alonzo Sackett, Nathan C. Sackett and Sarah Z. Givens, whose several places of residence are unknown and cannot after dilligent inquiry for that purpose be ascertained, and to all persons interested in the estate of Harry Sackett, late of the town of Manhus, in the county of Onondaga, New York, deceased, either as creditors, legatees, next of kin or otherwise, send greeting: You, and each of you, are hereby cited to appear before George R. Cook, Surrogate of the County of Onondaga, New York, at his office in the city of Syracuse, in said county, on the 28d day of April, 1891, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to attend the final judicial settlement of the accounts of Solon P. Sackett and Francis B. Gill as administrators with the will [---] of the estate of Harry Sackett, deceased, and then and there to show cause why said Solon P. Sackett and Francis B. Gill should not be permitted to resign their trust as such administrators of the estate of said deceased; and if any of the aforesaid persons, so interested in the estate of said deceased, are under the age of twenty-one years, they will please take notice that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, or if they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceeding. The personal property remaining in the hands of said administrators will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the Surrogate's office in the city of Syracuse at the time stated above.
    Given under the hand and seal of office of said Surrogate, at Syracuse, in the county of Onondaga, this 9th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety one.
    George R. Cook, Surrogate."
    [Testator: Henry C Sackett (1805–1886, son of Major Buell Sackett]
    [Transcribed from Fulton History by Jeanette M Otis]
  • The Record, Tioga County, New York, March 12, 1891
    "On account of the illness of Rev. C. H. SACKETT there was no preaching service in the Methodist church last Sunday. This seems not to have been understood by all for report says that one man heard a very fine service there that morning."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Tioga County Record, Tioga County, New York, March 19, 1891
    Died, at Brooklyn, Thursday March 12, 1891, Caroline, widow of David JOHNSON, who formerly resided at No. 45 Front street. The remains arrived on D.,L.& W. No. 5 at 9 p.m. Saturday and were taken to the LOVEJOY residence on Front street. The funeral was held at St Paul's church at 8 p.m. Sunday and the remains interred in Evergreen Cemetery. She is survived by her son, Burdell JOHNSON, her daughters Mrs. Richard SACKETT, Mrs. William MABEE and two other daughters."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Times, Buffalo, New York, 31 Mar 1891, p 2
    Alonzo Sackett died of heart disease Sunday morning while sitting in his arm chair. He was an old and valued resident of Bergen, having moved into this village from his farm last fall. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Jerome Feezlear of this village.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 11 Mar 1893, p 4
    —Last Thursday at Scottsburg took place the wedding of Fannie, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dunn, and Leonard M. Sackett, of Conesus. The ceremony took place in the Methodist Episcopal Church and the ushers were Messrs. W. W. Boies, of Scottsburg, J. L. Brownell, of Honeoye Falls, Professor C. S. Williams, of Livonia Station, and H. Hiler, of Brockport. Mrs. J. B. Arnold presided at the organ. The best man was Fred Dunn, of Caledonia, and the bridesmaid was Miss Edith Herrick, of Dansville. Rev. J. B. Arnold, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. After a reception and lunch at the bride's home the bridal couple left for a short wedding trip.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Daily News, Batavia, Genesee County, New York, Friday, September 15 1893.
    "Loren B. Sackett is at Arkport this week, as delegate from the Elba charge. He goes instructed to bring back Rev. A.L. Stinard, as pastor for another year, if the annual conference consents."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Evening News, Buffalo, New York, 9 Nov 1894, p 18
    The Latest Engagement.
    Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Huck of Summer street gave a delightful dancing party last evening at which they formally announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lillian Huck, to Mr. Herbert Irving Sackett.
    Mr. Sackett was a member of Yale's class of '93, and the dance cards bore Yale's emblem of two hearts bound with a lover's knot done in Yale's peculiar shade of blue.
    A half a hundred people participated in the festivities, an elaborate supper being served at 10 o'clock. Yellow and white chrysanthemums, palms and smilax ornamented the room.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 Mar 1895, p 5
    A Western New York Pioneer.
    Fredonla, N. Y., March 24.—Judge Emory Warren, a well-known pioneer of Western New York, died last night, aged 84. Mr. Warren was a resident of Chautauqua county since 1819. He was a member of the state legislature in 1841 and 1842.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Courier, Erie County, New York, November 9 1895.
    "Better Fire Fighting Facilities
    For a long time past the north end of the city, which is in the third fire district, has complained with good reason because firemen there could not hear alarms of fire. It has now been decided to place a bell on the new fire building on Niagara Avenue and last night the fire and water committee of the Common Council made a contract with McShane Bell Company of Baltimore, through the local agent, O. R. SACKETT, to furnish the bell for $1,050. The bell will weigh 2,000 pounds and is to be ready for use about December 1. The Revere Rubber Company through Mr. SACKETT, also, was given an order for 1,000 feet of rubber hose and the Fabric Fire Hose Company of New York, through its local agent, Samuel G. CHASE, was given an order for 1,000 feet of cotton hose. The cost of the hose will be about $1,400."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Daily News, Batavia, Genesee County, New York, June 10 1896.
    "Mrs. Mary Sackett, wife of John B. Sackett, ex-County Treasurer and ex-Postmaster of Buffalo, died yesterday at East Aurora. Her age was 73 years.
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, June 18, 1896
    "Mrs. Jesse SACKETT has returned to her home at Great Bend."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Highland Democrat, Peekskill, Westchester County, New York, Saturday, December 19, 1896, column 6, near bottom
    "Governor Black's Staff — The Official Announcement Made at Last — Some Radical Changes Washington, Dec. 12th — Aides-de-Camp — Henry W. Sackett, New York"
    [Transcribed from Fulton History by Peg Eddy]
  • Buffalo Evening News, Buffalo, New York, 24 Mar 1897, p 13
    Death of Dr. Sackett.
    After a Long and Painful Illness He Passed Away Yesterday at His Home.
    Dr. Willis A. Sackett of 53 Wadsworth street died yesterday after a long and painful illness. He had been connected with the World's Dispensary Medical Association for a number of years. He was born in Geneseo, Dec. 28, 1857. He was graduated from the University of Buffalo in 1891.
    On Oct. 15 he was stricken with pneumonia and in December he went to Asheville, N.C., for his health. He returned to Buffalo two weeks ago and from that time his decline was rapid. Dr. Sackett was married and leaves a wife and three daughters. A short service will be held at the family home this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock and the remains will be taken to Geneseo for interment.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, August 21 1897
    Norwich, Conn., Aug. 20—The national croquet tournament was practically concluded here to-day, Sackett L. DURYEE, of Washington, D. C., winning first place in the first division and with it the championship. He is but 16 years old and this is his second year at the national tournament. He lost one game only, out of 11. W. H. WAHLY, also of Washington, takes second place."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, January 26, 1899
    Died, at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon. H. Austin CLARK, 814 Main street. Owego, NY, Thursday, Jan. 19, 1899, Mary T. GILBERT, widow of Charles R. SACKETT, in her seventy-sixth year. She was born March 19, 1823, at Hartford, CT. and is survived by one son, Richard Gilbert SACKETT of New York and by one daughter, Mrs. H. A. CLARK. The funeral was held at St. Paul's church at 2 p.m. Saturday; interment at Evergreen cemetery."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, January 26, 1899
    Miss Mary and Miss Fannie SACKETT attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary SACKETT at Owego, Saturday."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 10 Aug 1899, p 4
    Mrs. Fannie Dickinson, relic of the late Pliny Dickinson, died at Seneca Falls, Tuesday evening, aged 91 years, of heart failure. Deceased was the daughter of the late William Sackett, who came from Vermont, settling in Cayuga county many years ago, and was born in Aurelius in that county. She was the sister of Hon. Garry V. Sackett, of Seneca Falls, and of the late Hon. William A. Sackett, who died at Saratoga, and who was twice elected to congress.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, October 12, 1899
    "Mrs. L. F. DURPHY of 35 Lake street has left town to pass some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fred M. SACKETT of Waterbury, CT, and Mrs. H. D. BEACH of Bridgeport, CT."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, January 4, 1900
    "Asa SACKETT, who has been visiting in Minnesota the past year, has returned to Candor."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, January 11, 1900
    Frances SACKETT, May ROSE, Rule LEET, Neta FESSENDEN and Bertha ALLEN visited Mrs. Fred BURT at Canatonk Thursday evening."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, May 3 1900
    "The annual meeting of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union will take place Friday afternoon at Watson House, the polls to be open from 1 until 5 p.m.
    The inspectors of election are Mrs. D. E. SACKETT, [& 4 others]."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Owego Record, Tioga County, New York, May 10, 1900
    Asa SACKETT of Grand Bend has been visiting friends in town."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York, 24 Sep 1900, Mon, Page 7
    Something of Interest Concerning Frank E. Sackett.
    He Possesses All of the Qualifications Which Entitle Him to Hold the Office—His Able Business Career.
    There is no reason in the world why every resident of the county should not vote for the Democratic nominee for county treasurer. On the other hand there is every reason why each voter of Chemung county should cast their ballot for him. Frank E. Sackett, the man whom the Democrats of this county have selected for this office, possesses every qualification which should fit a man for just such an office. He is a thorough business man and has been allied with the business interests of this county all his life. He is quiet, unassuming and strictly business, and has a most complete knowledge of business methods and how financial matters matters should be conducted. If he is elected to the office of county treasurer—and every indication points to the fact that he will be the successful candidate—the taxpayers of the county may rest perfectly contented that the finances will be cared for in the best possible manner. Mr. Sackett at the present time holds the responsible position of note clerk at the Chemung Canal bank, which institution conducts one of the largest banking businesses in the state. For twenty-seven years he has been connected with the banking business and for that reason has a most complete business knowledge of financial matters end complicated financial accounts. Mr. Sackett has lived in Elmira all his life and his excellent reputation is too well known to every Elmiran to need discussion. It was on July 22, 1855, that Mr. Sackett was born—it also being the same year that Democratic nominee for governor was born—and they will go into office together. The Democratic nominee for treasurer's birthplace was at No. 28 East Water street in what was then the old Fourth ward. He is a descendant of one of the very oldest families in the county and comes from a family whose sterling worth has always been a matter of Chemung county history. Elisha Sackett, grandfather of the Democratic Democratic nominee, came to Elmira about 1825. He was a builder and at that time the present city of Elmira was known as Newtown. He moved here from Spencer and before that time had lived in New York. He was associated with Major Riker in the building business and in 1812 was called to Buffalo to build the first frame building in that city. Mr. Sackett's father was Caleb W. Sackett, who in 1855 conducted a bakery business at the corner of Lane and Carroll streets, the present location of Bundy's grocery.
    His death occurred about thirty-three years ago. Mr. Sackett, the Democratic candidate for treasurer, received his preliminary education in the public schools of this city. He attended both the Sullivan street and William street schools.
    On January 13, 1872, he entered the employ of the Pittston and Elvira Coal company, and remained with them just one year, lacking a few days. In 1873 he resigned that position to enter the Second National bank and remained with that institution until about the time of the big flood of 1859. In June of that year he accepted a lucrative position with the Chemung Canal bank and ever since that time has been one of their valuable attaches.
    Mr. Sackett is a prominent member of the Royal Arcanum, being a member of Chemung council, No. 208, of this city. He is prominent socially as well as in business circles and particularly happy in his home life. He was married twenty-two years ago and with his wife and daughter resides in their pretty home at No. 612 Maple avenue. Last spring the residents of the Eleventh ward showed their appreciation and confidence in the Democratic nominee for treasurer by electing him alderman, and his excellent record n the common council shows how well he has justified their selection. When a young man Mr. Sackett was a member of the Elmira volunteer fire department and served efficiently as a member of company No. 2, being at that time but nineteen years of age. Members of the department remember well his popularity in the company. Mr. Sackett has always been alive to the interests of the city and has assisted in more than one enterprise. He has always been one of the enthusiastic of the local base ball "fans" and has year after year aided liberally in maintaining every team Elmira has put in the field. He was such an earnest supporter that the members of one team took his name and called themselves Sackett's pets. Mr. Sackett takes much interest in all athletic sports and out door exercises and in his younger days was himself a good base ball player. He is well known and very popular with all classes alike and any one who knows him can not fail to like him. With his genial and pleasant ways he makes friends wherever he goes. There is not the slightest suspicion of a point that could ever be raised in opposition to Mr. Sackett's candidacy and the election to the office of county treasurer would be but a just honor. He is a gentleman and thorough good fellow and adds material strength to the strong county ticket. Sackett, Lynch, Weeks, Green and Colegrove make a quintette (sic) that is hard to equal and with the Hon. John B. Standfield to head the ticket should carry the county with a handsome majority."
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, January 14 1901
    The trial of Loren SINK, a well-known young man of North Chili, was held before Justice Julius C. CASE at Chili Center, Saturday. Mr. SINK was charged by his wife with assault and battery. Charles S. ROBERTS appeared for the prosecution, and Supervisor James SACKETT, of Riga, appeared for the defendant. After deliberating a short time, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty and Mr. SINK was then sentenced to pay a fine of $15 or serve fifteen days. Mr. SINK paid the fine. As soon as this verdict was brought in Mr. SINK was rearrested, and will be brought before Justice CASE and placed under bonds to keep the peace. The crime with which Mr. SINK is charged was committed one night last week."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, March 22 1902
    Marriage of Miss Anna Sackett and John M. Frederick in Perinton.
    The marriage of Miss Anna SACKETT and John M. FREDERICK, both of the town of Perinton, took place yesterday afternoon at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pittsford, the official clergyman being Rev. George H. GOMPH, D. D., the pastor of the church. It was a very pretty, quiet wedding, the bride being attired in a gown of dove colored albatross with trimmings of white satin and white applique.
    She was attended by her sister, Miss Minnie SACKETT, of Perinton, and by Miss Bertha STEFFEN, of Pittsford, each of whom wore suits of light gray with trimmings of pink silk. Their flowers were pink and white carnations with smilax. The groomsmen were Fred BUHOLTZ, of Rochester; Frank YEARS, of Pittsford, and George FREDERICK, of Perinton. Mr. and Mrs. FREDERICK left on a wedding journey and on their return will reside in Perinton."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Evening News, Buffalo, New York, 14 Jun 1902, p 3
    Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stevens of Harvard Place announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Mae, to Mr. Herbert Irving Sackett of this city.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Evening News, Buffalo, New York, 2 Jul 1902, p 3
    At noon today the marriage of Miss Lillian Mae Stevens to Mr. Herbert Irving Sackett was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stevens, No. 131 Harvard Place. A reception will be held this evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. At home after the wedding journey at No. 12 Brantford Place.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York, 3 Jul 1902, p 5
    After Wedding Reception Was Attraction for Friends Last Evening.
    The wedding of Miss Lillian Mae Stevens and Mr. Herbert Irving Sackett, which took place last evening, was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens, in Harvard Place, from 8 until 10 o'clock.
    Palms, trailing vines, roses and marguerites were effectively used in the house decorations. The stairway was wound in ropes of marguerites. The dining room decorations were entirely in pink and green. The table, with pink candelabra, was showered with pink roses, and each corner of the cloth was caught with a rose.
    The bride wore a handsome reception gown of pale blue crepe over taffeta, and carried pink roses. Her mother, who assisted in receiving, wore pale green liberty satin, sprayed with forget-me-nots. Mrs. Susan Pierce Sackett, mother of the groom was gowned in black silk.
    The other women receiving were Mrs. Stephen Le Faiver, Mrs. Edward Glor, Mrs. A. B. Weaver, Mrs. L. Georger, Miss Jean I. Howlands, Miss Helen Scott, Miss Jennie Allen, Miss Mildred Georger, and Miss Mildred Stevens.
    From out of town were Mme. Yulisse, London, Eng., cousin of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Lalor of Dumville, Ont., and Miss Bernice Sackett of Geneseo.
    After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Sackett left for an extended wedding journey, going first to the Adirondacks, where they tour for two weeks in their automobile; thence to Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Boston.
    They will be at home after September 1st at No. 12 Brantford Place.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, June 8 1903
    Elba, June 7—Isaac S. BARBER, an old resident of this town, died at his home in this town to-day at 2 o'clock, aged 76 years. He was born and always lived in this village. Besides his wife he leaves a brother, William, of this town, also three children, Mrs. Loren SACKETT, Corydon J. BARBER and Lincoln BARBER, all of this place. His death resulted from heart failure."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York, 29 Jun 1903, p 5
    John H. Sackett.
    The death of John Henry Sackett occurred yesterday morning at his home, 958 Walnut Street. The deceased was in his seventy-sixth year. He had lived in this city for forty-one years. He was born in Cornwall-on-the-Hudson July 9, 1827 and was united in marriage with Augusta Jones in Seneca Castle on February 3, 1858. For four years after that their home was in Geneva. They then moved to Elmira and had lived here ever since. For some time Mr. Sackett was engaged as a carpenter and builder, being associated with the late John Pickering in contracting under the firm name of Pickering & Sackett. When but twenty years of age he was converted by the Rev. Dr. Crawford in the Washington Street Church in Brooklyn and during the remainder of his life, led an exemplary Christian life. Upon coming to Elmira Mr. and Mrs. Sackett joined the First Methodist Church, and for six years Mr. Sackett was a trustee of the church. His family is of Norman descent. Two years ago the deceased suffered a stroke of apoplexy since which his health has gradually failed until the end came yesterday morning. The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the house, 958 Walnut Street. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery and will be private.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, July 2 1903
    TERRY–SACKETT—Tuesday, June 30, 1903, at Meadville, Pa., by her uncle, Rev. Jenkin Lloyd JONES, of Chicago, Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Ward SACKETT, and Seth Sprague TERRY, of New York city."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York, 16 Jul 1904, p 10
    Addie A. Sackett in favor of Addie C. Allen (Benjamin W. Hall, atty.) ... 113.27
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York, 23 Aug 1903, p 33
    Wedding Celebrated in Batavia
    William J. Davy Married Miss Gertrude Sackett
    Batavia, Aug. 22.—William J. Davy, a well-known and popular young man of Bergen, and Miss Gertrude Electa Sackett, formerly teacher in the high school, were married on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Sackett. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. James Beecher Arnold of Scottsville, assisted by the Rev. John R. Adams of Albion, the Episcopal ring service being used. A wedding supper was served to 100 guests, after which Mr. and Mrs Davy left for a two weeks' trip to the Thousand Islands. Guests were present from Buffalo, Lockport, Batavia, Corfu, Bergen, Brockport, Albion, Holley, Clearendon, Glenvale and Kingston, Ont., Napanoc, Mechanicsville, Scottsville and Scottsburg.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, March 18 1905
    Matters Heard in Surrogate's Court at Albion
    Albion, March 17—A decree was issued in the matter of proving the will of A. BEACH, and letters testamentary to issue to Persenna B. SACKETT and Martha A. HATTER."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, March 20 1905
    Le Roy, N. Y., March 20—This afternoon at her late home in Bergen was held the funeral of Mrs. Abigail J. FIELD, widow of Charles FIELD. Mrs. FIELD died on Friday night quite suddenly. While she had been an invalid for some years her death was not expected. On Friday morning she was not as well as usual and a physician was called. In the afternoon her condition appeared to be much improved, but about 6 o'clock she suffered a stroke of apoplexy and death followed in a few hours. Mrs. FIELD was born in Byron on June 11, 1929, and she was married to Mr. FIELD on November 20, 1849, and began housekeeping on the farm where her death occurred. She was a member of the Congregational Church, in which she was very active while health and strength permitted. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. George SACKETT of Bergen, and Mrs. Henry A. ARNOLD of Le Roy."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, March 20 1905
    "Entertainment Given for the Old Ladies of St. Ann's Home
    The old ladies of St. Ann's Home Main street east, enjoyed a delightful entertainment yesterday afternoon through the courtesy of Misses Minnie F. O'LAUGHLIN, Martha C. COSGROVE, Alice J. MURPHY, Messrs. Eugene J. SACKETT, Thomas E. CROUCH, P. J. McCRACKEN and P. J. McARDLE."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Rushville Chronicle, Yates County, New York, May 19 1905.
    The Junior class [of the High School] is composed of fifteen members, the largest in the history of the present school. The members are as follows: … Cornie[sic] SACKETT, …"
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express, Buffalo, New York, 17 Jul 1905, p 6
    Woman Accused by Her Employer
    Mrs. Addie Sackett of Delaware Avenue Boarding-house must plead to petit Larceny.
    Smith Gone Ten Months
    During that Time, so he says, Mrs. Sackett shook him down for about $1,000.
    Mrs. Addie Sackett of No. 393 Delaware avenue will be arraigned in the Police Court this morning to answer a charge of petit larceny. While the theft alleged in the warrant of arrest involves only $17.50, Mrs. Sackett's accuser charges that she has stolen about $1,000 from him. Mrs. Sackett denies taking any such amount as that, and says there was no criminal intent in what she did.
    Her accuser is George D. Smith, owner of a large boarding-house at No. 33 West Tupper street. Last July Mr. Smith hired Mrs. Sackett as housekeeper to take charge of his boarding-house while he went to Saint Louis to open a temporary hotel during the fair. He was gone for six months, then went to Florida and was gone four months more.
    Upon his return he discovered, so he alleges, that his housekeeper had been juggling the accounts to her profit, and he then began the investigation which resulted in his swearing out the warrant.
    "While I was at Saint Louis and in Florida," said Mr. Smith to a reporter for The Express yesterday, "I received letters from her saying that the house was losing money, that the business was dull and there were very few boarders. As a matter of fact, as I learned when I got back, the house was practically full all the time, and she was pocketing money she collected from the boarders.
    "To cover up her misappropriations, she doctored the account books. In some instances she collected money from new boarders who stayed only a few weeks and never made a record of their being there at all; in many instances she made false entries of the date of their arrival so as to make it appear that they had been there a much less period than they really had been there.
    "For instance, take the case specified in the warrant I swore out for her arrest. In this case she had a roomer named Thomas entered in the book as having arrived on March 7th, whereas, in fact, as she afterward confessed to me, and as I can show by his laundry account, he came on January 17th. That is a period of seven weeks during which she collected $17.50 from him, not one cent of which she turned over to me, and no part of which was entered in the book.
    "I have a list of 80 different boarders or roomers on whose accounts Mrs. Sackett knocked down from a few dollars to as high as $45 during my absence. It has taken me weeks to untangle her accounts and get the proofs against her, and I am now prepared to show that she did me out of about $1,000 during the ten months I was away."
    "When I first confronted her with my accusation," continued Mr. Smith, "she confessed that she had made some of the collections that she ought to have turned over to me, but declared that the total wouldn't exceed $400. The next day she told me the amount of her shortage wouldn't be over $300, and the next day after that, in the presence of my lawyer, Louis E. Desbecker, she cut it down to $200, but I can show by boarders and other proofs that she got away with about $1,000 if not more.
    "I asked her what she had done with the money. She said she didn't know. I have reason to believe, however, that she bought a dictionary, a sewing machine and other things which she apparently intended to give as wedding presents to one of her daughters who is about to be married."
    Mrs. Sackett is about 40 years old, a widow with three daughters, and is well known in Geneseo, where she lived up to about three years ago, when she came to Buffalo.
    Mrs. Sackett's Story.
    "I confess to what I have done, but protest against being charged with more than I have done," she said last evening. "Mr. Smith has accused me unjustly. His house will accommodate 60 boarders. I have his own statement in writing that there were only seventeen in the house when he went to Saint Louis, and the house was never anywhere near full while he was away.
    "I never intended to do anything wrong. It was a complicated system. I had to keep three sets of books, and I had never kept books before. The laundry accounts alone were enough to set anyone crazy. It was a bewildering task to keep track of the accounts, and I can mention dozens of payments I made for the house that are not in the books. Where the money went I don't know, but when I came to figure it up I found I was short $85. I had no money to replace it and I became frightened and it was in that state of mind that I tore out some of the pages and made the accounts over, changing the dates and so forth. But I never intended to wrong Mr. Smith, and it was I myself who was first to let him know of my deficit. I claim now that it cannot possibly exceed $300, including even the $100 that he wants to charge me for entertaining my relatives, although he had agreed to let me have a room for them.
    "He offered to settle the whole matter if I would pay him $300, my own figures. I agreed, but he changed his figures, and my attorneys advised me to have no further dealings with him. He has used me meanly, and I say now that I'll go to jail before I'll pay him a cent, although I stood ready, up to the time he raised his figures, to pay him every cent I owed him."
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Commercial, Buffalo, New York, 1 Dec 1905, p 7
    Accused of Forgery.
    A Woman Bookkeeper Is Under Arrest Upon That Charge.
    An adjournment until next Monday morning at 10 o'clock was granted by Judge Murphy in police court this morning in the case of Addie A. Sackett, a bookkeeper, of 215 Allen street, who is under arrest on the charge of forgery in the third degree. George D. Smith of 33 West Tupper street is recorded as the complainant in the matter.
    The Sackett woman was formerly in the employ of Mr. Smith. He alleges that she, while in his employ between June 16th, 1904, and April 15th, 1905, "falsified, altered, erased, obliterated or destroyed" certain accounts contained in the books in her charge and that by so doing was able to and did defraud him of a certain amount of money. How large the amount was is not mentioned in Mr. Smith's affidavit.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Times, Buffalo, New York, 4 Dec 1905, p 6
    Woman Held for Grand Jury.
    Addie A. Sackett, a bookkeeper, who was arrested several days ago on a charge of forgery on complaint of George D. Smith, her former employer, was arraigned before Justice Murphy this morning. She was held for the grand jury.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 22 Mar 1906, p 13
    Sackett—At Fowlerville, N. Y., Tuesday, March 20, 1906, Miss Cornelia Sackett. Funeral Friday at 11 A. M. at residence of Mr. J. W. Howe. Interment at Avon, N. Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Holley Standard, Holley, New York, 30 Dec 1909
    Jerome T. Feezlear died a week ago today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. N. H. Hogg of Seattle, Wash. His home was at Edmonds, Wash., but, with Mrs. Feezlear, he went to Seattle expecting to return home the following day. Mr. Feezlear was born at Murray, Orleans county, on February 6, 1845, the son of John H. and Elizabeth A. Bradford Feezlear. His mother was a direct descendant of William Bradford, one of the early governors of Massachusetts. February 20, 1867, was married to Miss Sarah E Sackett, two children were born to them Jerome, on March 14, 1870, and Jennie on March 11, 1873. The son died on July 1 1889. He is survived by his wife and daughter.
    [Find A Grave]
  • Daily News, Batavia, New York, 26 May 1911
    Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Hogg of Seattle, Wash., arrived in the village on Wednesday evening. They brought with them the body of Mrs. Hogg's mother, Mrs. Sarah B. Feezlear, who died on May 13th at Seattle, aged 64 years. They also brought the ashes of Mrs. Hogg's father, Jerome T. Feezlear, who died on December 17, 1909, at Seattle, aged 64 years, and whose body was cremated. The funeral was held from the Methodist church at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Feezlear was the only daughter of Alonzo Sackett and was born in Bergen.
    [Find A Grave]
  • Union Advertiser, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, April 2 1912
    Miss Clara Ide Leaves Land and $20,000 for the Purpose
    The will of Miss Clara IDE, admitted in probate by Surrogate BROWN yesterday provides for the establishment of a model farm on her 60-acre estate in the town of Riga, Miss IDE bequeaths $20,000 for the purpose and $1,000 additional to found a library on agricultural subjects.
    The "IDE farm" will be a corporation in charge of a board of managers composed of the master of Riga Grange, the supervisor of the town of Riga, the chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the two executors, John D. and George T. LYNN and four others selected by the executors for a year and thereafter elected so that the term of one shall expire each year. The managers will fill vacancies and will serve without compensation.
    (Will Help Farmers—part didn't get)
    Parrot Provided For
    Miss IDE died on March 17th in Los Angeles, leaving an estate valued at $36,000. The sum of $-,000 is left to the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to be known as the "Li-y and Clara IDE Fund." $500 to the Fourth Congregational Church of Riga and $200 each to Mrs. Caroline REED; Mrs. E. J. HENRY, James L. SACKETT, Mauri- - G. LYNN; Miss Jennie ?. GRIMM and Mrs. Samuel MELLVAINE; $100 to Mrs. Nellie HANSEY.
    The sum of $500 is left by Miss IDE for the care of her pet parrot. Her favorite horse is to be kept on the farm as a pensioner, doing no work at all. When he dies he is to be buried at the side of another equine named "Bizzie" on the southeast corner of the woods on the farm. The graves are never to be plowed over.
    In her will Miss IDE provided that if her plans for the model farm could not be carried out that the estate should go to the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima to endow a memorial fund to the memory of her father, Erastus IDE, who was a student there.
    It is said, however, that no difficulty is expected in carrying out the provisions of the will."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Courier, Buffalo, New York, 7 Jul 1912, p 59
    Announcement is made of the marriage of Florence A. Hoover and Herbert I. Sackett, both of this city, which took place Saturday, June 29, at the Lafayette Presbyterian church, the Rev. Harry Hopkins Hubbell performing the ceremony in the presence of the two immediate families. At home after July 15 at No. 12 Brantford place. No cards.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Avon News, Livingston County, New York, September 10 1913.
    "Miss Margaret E. SACKETT gave a welcome party Saturday afternoon in honor of the Misses Elma and Elsie CARTER, and Miss Lucy HOVEY who have just returned from abroad. Those present from out of town were Miss Minnie SACKETT, Miss Marion CULLEY and Miss Margharita HARMAN of Rochester. Miss Harman also spent the summer abroad."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Buffalo Enquirer, Buffalo, New York, 3 Nov 1913, p 1
    Sackett—In this city, November 2, 1913, Florence A., wife of Herbert I. Sackett, daughter of Elsie M. and the late John H. Blanchard, mother of Mrs. Robert W. Gallagher, Perry B., Harry H. and John R Hoover. The funeral will take place from the family residence, No. 12 Brantford place, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. Burial at convenience of the family.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 1 May 1914, p 13
    Egypt Farmer Hit By R., S. & E. Car
    Said to Have Been Staggering Along the Track.
    Fairport, April 30.—Fred Sackett, 55 years old, an Egypt farmer, was struck by a Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern car at a point between stops 19 and 20 this afternoon and almost instantly killed. The car was stopped and members of the train crew went back to investigate. They found the man dead with his head badly crushed by contact with the front of the car.
    Coroner Killip was notified, and ordered the remains brought to this village. The motorman told the coroner that when he first saw Sackett he was staggering ahead of the car in an apparently intoxicated state. He staggered off the tracks, after a warning whistle had been sounded, but just as the car was about to pass him he stumbled and fell over upon the tracks. The car threw him to one side. The coroner will hold an inquest.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Monroe County Mail, New York, 7 May 1914
    Killed By Trolley.
    Fred Sackett Walks in Front of Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern Car.
    Fred Sackett of Egypt, fifty-five years of age, was struck and instantly killed by a Rochester, Syracuse & Eastern car, between Stops 19 and 20, in the eastern part of this town, Thursday afternoon. The car was quickly brought to a stop after the man was hit and the crew found the man dead with his head badly crushed by contact with the front of the car. Coroner Killip, who was notified, ordered the body brought to Relyon's undertaking rooms. The motorman stated that the man was walking on the tracks and that he blew a warning whistle. The man left the track, but just as the car was about to pass, he stumbled and fell in front of the car.
    The funeral was held from the German Lutheran church at Pittsford, Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, with burial in the Pittsford cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, February 16 1918
    Canandaigua, Feb. 15—Mrs. Caroline BOWER died at the age of 91 years at the residence of Peter WOLVERTON in Chanin(?) street this morning at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. BOWER leaves a brother, Jacob BOWER, of North Lansing, N. Y., and a granddaughter, Mrs. Augustine SACKETT, of this city. A daughter, Mrs. Peter WOLVERTON, died several years ago, and Mrs. BOWER'S husband died more than three scores of years ago. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the WOLVERTON residence with Rev. William H. YARD, Methodist pastor, officiating."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • The Dansville Express, Livingston County, New York, February 21 1918.
    "Mobilization Order
    Notice is hereby given that drafted men are ordered to report to the local board at Geneseo at ten a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1918 from whence they will entrain to Camp Upton.
    Dewey SACKETT, Rochester"
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, July 26 1919
    "Mrs. D. WHEATLEY, of Rochester, has returned from a two weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. SACKETT, at Lake Keuka."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express, Buffalo, New York, 7 Feb 1920, p 10
    Mrs. Ida May Sackett.
    Albion, Feb. 6.—The funeral of Mrs. Ida May Sackett, who died yesterday at the family farm home on state trunk line route No. 30, four miles east of Fancher, will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. William A. Harris of the M. E. church, Albion, officiating. Burial will be in Mount Albion cemetery. Mrs. Sackett was born in Albion 64 years ago and lived most of her life in this vicinity. She was a member of tbe Methodist church in Albion. She is survived by her husband, Albert H. Sackett; a daughter, Mrs. William J. Davey of Bergen, and a son, Leonard M. Sackett of Geneseo.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springville Journal, Springville, New York, 19 Jan 1922, p 1
    Peter C. Williams
    Peter Copeland Williams, the youngest child of Albert and Melinda Sackett Williams was born in the town of Ashford, N.Y., May 27, 1844.
    He was one of a family of seven, all of whom lived to a ripe age and crossed the Divide before him.
    He resided in Ashford about thirty-eight years, marrying Vashti Hopkins in 1863. After her death he returned to the old Williams homestead. In 1868 he married Miss Elizabeth Jones and to them were born three children, two of whom died in infancy.
    After the death of his father, Mr. Williams purchased the old Palmer farm near Springville where he resided until after the death of his wife in 1898. He spent some months in the West among relatives and in 1901, he married Mrs. Josie Jones of Great Valley, N.Y., and retired from the farm. Mr. Williams was genial, friendly and neighborly, he never grew old, was always a boy at heart.
    For a number of years he was Overseer of Poor for the town of Concord.
    He was a member of I.O.O.F. of Springville. The members of this order have shown, during the long period of his helplessness, that they do not forget a brother who drops from active life.
    Mr. Williams also belonged to Lodge No. 351, F. & A.M.
    Mr. Williams has been partially paralyzed for over six years and a complete "shut-in" for two years. He was very tenderly cared for by Mrs. Williams. He fell asleep Saturday evening, Jan. 7, 1922.
    His funeral was held at the Baptist church, Wednesday, Rev. Geo. K. Hamilton officiating. Burial in Fairview cemetery.
    Mr. Williams is survived by his widow and one daughter, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
    "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," was exemplified at his death. He had always been kind and helpful in time of need or sorrow, and every one came to comfort and assist the family in their time of bereavement.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, January 30 1922
    Honeoye Falls, Jan. 29—Mrs. Ethel BOND SACKETT, wife of Joseph SACKETT, Jr., died yesterday, 23 years old. Mrs. SACKETT was born and had always resided in the town of Mendon. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in this village. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton BOND, and two brothers, Vernon and Leonard BOND, of Mendon.
    The funeral will be held from the home of her parents on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in Honeoye Falls cemetery."
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express, Buffalo, New York, 17 Sep 1922, page 58
    Mrs. Jeannette Rattigan of Lancaster avenue announces the marriage of her daughter, Marie Eleanor, to George Arthur Sackett of Revere, Mass., on Saturday, September 16th, at Saint Joseph's cathedral. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett are taking a trip to New York and Boston and will be at home on their return at No. 72 Day's park."
    [Transcribed from by Ted Smith]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 28 Aug 1924, p 3
    Appendicitis Fatal to Soldier Patient
    Private Devillo Sackett of Port Crane, a veteran of the World War, and a member of Company K, Twenty-eighth United States Infantry, died last Saturday morning at the post hospital at Fort Ontario, Oswego, after an illness of three days with acute appendicitis. Private Sackett became ill while performing his duties and an operation was performed immediately by the post surgeon, Major John F. McGill, but he failed to rally.
    He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Jessie Sackett; his father, Howard Sackett; two brothers, Charles and William; a grandmother, two grandfathers, five aunts and several cousins. The funeral was held yesterday at the home of his grandparents in Chenango Forks. Burial was in the Rogers cemetery in that place.
    [Transcribed from by Ted Smith]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 30 Aug 1926, p 3
    Mrs. Grace Dimmock
    Mrs. Grace Dimmock died Sunday morning in this city. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her brother, Harvey Sackett at Hallstead Pa. Burial will be in Hallstead cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 31 Aug 1926, p 3
    Mrs. Grace Dimmock
    The funeral of Mrs. Grace Dimmock was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her brother, Harvey Sackett at Hallstead, Pa. Burial was in Hallstead.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 29 Sep 1927, p 4
    Albert H. Sackett
    Bergen, Sept. 28.—Funeral services for Albert H. Sackett, 81, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Davy, wife of Postmaster W. H. Davy of this place, took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home with Rev. A. E. Bloomfield, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this village officiating. He was a member of the Bergen Grange. Sackett leaves, besides his daughter, one son, Leonard M. Sackett, of Geneseo; three brothers, Robert E. of Chicago, Lewis D. of Marshall, Mich., and Fred S. of Richfield, Mich.; one sister, Mrs. J. G. Ruoff of East Bakersfield, Calif. Burial in Mt. Albion cemetery at Albion. Sackett had been a resident of this vicinity for over fifty-six years.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Poughkeepsie Eagle News, Dutchess County, New York, Nov 23 1934
    "Mrs. Mae Sackett Wilbur Creswell, wife of Supervisor John B Creswell of Bangall, died at her home Monday after a week's illness following an operation for appendicitis. Burial was in Smithfield. She was born in the town of Stanford, a dau of the late Frank & Mary Sackett Wilbur. With a few years spent in Georgia & Pennsylvania after her marriage, she had spent her life in the town. She is survived by her husband; dau. Mrs. Delmont Van Oxx of Hornell; son Wilbur Creswell, Bangall; 2 sisters, Mrs. George M Creswell of Oregon & Mrs. Henry Cornelius of Bangall."
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 28 Mar 1935, p 5
    Carrie M. Stoddard
    Carrie M. Stoddard died at her home on Hallstead R.D. on Wednesday. She survived by a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Ray of Hancock, and three sons, DeForest Wakam of Binghamton, Chauncey Stoddard of Kingsley, Pa., and Ernest Stoddard of Hallstead.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 31 Jan 1936, p 10
    Harvey Sackett, Jr.
    Harvey Sackett, Jr., 15 years old, died Thursday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sackett, Sr., New York avenue, Hallstead. Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Donald and Floyd Sackett, both of Hallstead, and a sister, Mrs. Willard Edwards of Kirkwood.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Lima Recorder, Lima, New York, 17 Jul 1936
    Death of John W. Sackett
    John Wm. Sackett, 84, well-known retired farmer of this vicinity, died Saturday in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Pearl LaMont, First College avenue, Lima. he was taken seriously ill Friday from a shock.
    Born Sept. 26, 1852, in Mecklenberg, Germany, Mr. Sackett came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sackett, to Mendon, when 12 years old. He was married Mar. 12, 1890, to Miss Mary Wardell of Rush. They resided in Lima and West Bloomfield during the past twenty-five years. Mrs. Sackett died Sept. 18, 1935. A son, Clyde Sackett, died in March of 1934.
    Mr. Sackett leaves three daughters, Mrs. Cora Harris of Honeoye Falls, Mrs. Esther Kerr of Nutley, N.J., and Mrs. Chas. LaMont of Lima; a son, Derwin Sackett, of West Bloomfield; a sister, Mrs. Mary Burmeister, Lima; also twenty-four grandchildren.
    Funeral services were held Monday at 2:30 at the LaMont home with the Rev. Jas. A. Hamilton of Lima officiating. The following nephews were bearers: Herman, Edw., and Joseph F. Burmeister of Lima; Henry Diedrick of North Bloomfield, Frank Sackett of Pittsford, and Fred Sackett of Ionia. Burial was in the family plot at North Bloomfield.
    [Transcribed by Ted Smith]
  • The Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, New York, 28 Oct 1937, p 7
    Stanley—St. Theresa's Church, Stanley, was the scene of a pretty wedding Oct. 23 when Miss Eleanor Bolger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bolger, Stanley, was married to Nathaniel P. Sackett, Penn Yan.
    The church was decorated with palms, yellow chrysanthemums and bitter sweet. The Rev. Edward Ball, rector, performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass. Mrs. Sidney Short, Penn Yan, played the wedding music.
    The bride wore Chateau Margeau velvet with matching accessories carried a shower bouquet of white roses. Mrs. John Bolger, Penn Yan, the bride's sister-in-law, was matron of honor, wearing tropical blue velvet with matching accessories and carrying a shower bouquet of pink roses.
    Edward Bolger, Penn Yan, the bride's brother, was best man, and Patrick Bolger, Rochester, and John Bolger, Penn Yan, also brothers of the bride, were ushers.
    Mr and Mrs. Sackett left for New York. They will live at 327 Elm Street, Penn Yan.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 14 Apr 1938, p 29
    Sackett—Entered into rest Tuesday morning, Apr. 12, 1938, at Dr. Madsen Hospital, Honeoye Falls, Johanna Peglow Sackett, widow of Fred Sackett, aged 80 years. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church since her confirmation by the late Dr. Gomph, 60 years ago. Surviving relatives are four daughters and three sons, Mrs. Caroline Batzel. Mrs. Anna Fredericks, Mrs. Minnie Batzel and Mrs. Enna Steinfeldt; Fred, George, Carl Sackett: 26 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
    Funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Fredericks, Wilkinson Rd., Honeoye Falls, Thursday, Apr. 14, at 1:30 p.m., and at 3 p. m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Pittsford. Interment in Pittsford Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 4 Jan 1939, p 28
    Native of Geneseo Dies in Car Crash
    Buffalo—(AP)—A family of three persons was wiped out here Monday night when a Toronto-Buffalo Lehigh Valley passenger train demolished their car at a suburban grade crossing.
    The dead were Herbert I. Sackett, 67, head of a large electrical supply firm bearing his name, his wife Kathleen, 41, and their daughter, Susan Barbara, 3.
    The crash occurred during a violent snow flurry, and the car was dragged nearly half a mile before the locomotive could be halted.
    Sackett was a graduate of Yale University and held a commission in the United States Army in 1901. He was a native of Geneseo, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 29 Apr 1939, p 8
    Mrs. Willis Sackett
    Geneseo—Burial services for Mrs. Willis Sackett, 75, who died in Potsdam several weeks ago, will be held at 2 p.m. today in Temple Hill Cemetery, the Rev. Joseph Hunter officiating.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Syracuse Herald-Journal, Syracuse, New York, 8 Apr 1940, p 22
    Mrs. Frances D. Sackett
    The body of Mrs. Frances D. Sackett of Geneseo, who died Sunday at the home of her son, John V. Sackett, 161 Hope Avenue, was taken to Geneseo by Frank C. Snyder, funeral director, and the funeral will be held there at 2 P.M. Tuesday. The Rev. Joseph Sunter of Geneseo Presbyterian Church will officiate and burial will be in Scottsburg. Besides her son, who is head of the music department at Nottingham High School, Mrs. Sackett is survived by her husband, Leonard M. Sackett, and two other sons, Leland D. and John Sackett of Geneseo; a sister, Miss F. Elizabeth Dunn of Syracuse, and a brother, Benjamin H. Dunn of Albany.
    [Transcribed from Fulton History by Peg Eddy]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 9 Apr 1940, p 30
    Mrs. L. M. Sackett
    Geneseo—Mrs. Frances D. Sackett, 69, wife of L. M. Sackett of Sackett's Harbor, Conesus Lake, died Sunday in Syracuse after a long illness.
    Mrs. Sackett was born in Scottsburg and was educated in Geneseo State Normal School following which she taught in Arkport and Napanoch high schools. In later years she assisted her husband in the operation of the Conesus Lake summer resort section, known as Sackett's Harbor.
    Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Leland D. Sackett, Conesus Lake, and John V. Sackett, Syracuse; a sister, F. Elizabeth Dunn, Syracuse, and a brother, Benjamin H. Dunn, Albany.
    Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the mortuary in Geneseo. Interment will be in Scottsburg Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 31 Aug 1945, p 17
    31 Tier Soldiers and Wacs Coming Home From Europe Aboard the Queen Elizabeth
    Among the 14,800 men and women aboard the Queen Elizabeth due in New York harbor today from Europe are listed the names of 31 Southern Tier soldiers and Wacs.
    They include nine from Binghamton, three each from Endicott and Johnson City, four from Cortland and 12 from the rural areas.
    [incl.] Cpl. Bert E. Sackett, 8 Afton Street.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Newsday (Suffolk Edition), Melville, New York, 4 Dec 1947, p 99
    Elizabeth Sackett, John Seeba Are Wed
    Newlywed Mr. and Mrs. John H. Seeba Jr are on their honeymoon following their marriage on Saturday in the First Presbyterian Church, Baldwin. The Rev. Frederick C. Maier officiated. A reception followed in the Baldwin Manor.
    The bride, the former Miss Elizabeth L. Sackett of Berkshire Road, Rockville Centre, wore a gown of ice blue satin. A band of satin and roses secured her fingertip-length veil and she carried a bouquet of roses and orchids.
    Miss Barbara Sackett of Bellmore served as maid of honor for her sister. The bridesmaids were Miss Ruth Stevens of Rockville Centre and Miss Barbara Seeba, sister of the bridegroom.
    Robert Anderson of Merrick was best man. Robert Simes and J. Gregory Cervini of Baldwin ushered.
    Mrs Seeba, daughter of Capt. Calvin B. Sackett, U. S. Army, stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., was graduated from Baldwin High School and Adelphi College School of Nursing. She is associated with Queens General Hospital.
    Mr. Seeba, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Seeba of Thomas Ave., Baldwin, was graduated from Hofstra College and attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. He served three and a half years in the Navy and is now with the Picker X-Ray Co., New York.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 2 Mar 1948, p 22
    Harvey O. Sackett, 79, died of a heart attack at 2:45 p.m. Monday at his home, Main Street, Hallstead. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Sackett of Hallstead; a daughter, Mrs. Willard Edwards of Binghamton; two sons, Donald of Great Bend and Floyd of Hallstead; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. The body was removed to the O. E. Tuttle Funeral Home in Hallstead, and was returned this afternoon to his home, where friends may call until Thursday morning, when it will be returned to the funeral home.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 30 Jul 1949, p 12
    Mrs. Carrie Batzel, 70, of Honeoye Falls
    A funeral service for Mrs. Carrie Batzel, 70, of Quaker Meeting House Rd., Honeoye Falls, who died Thursday (July 28, 1949), will be held at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow at the home. Burial will be in Honeoye Falls Cemetery.
    Mrs. Batzel, an active member of the Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls for many years, and her husband, Charles, observed their golden wedding anniversary Dec. 31, 1945.
    Besides her husband, she leaves two sons, Raymond and Burton; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Fredericks and Mrs. William Batzel, both of Avon; three brothers, Fred Sackett of West Bloomfield, George Sackett of Honeoye Falls, and Carl Sackett of Rochester; five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 25 Nov 1949, p 30
    Mrs. Mae Lillian Sackett, 54, of 10 Montour Street, died at 3 a.m. Friday at the Wilson Memorial Hospital. She is survived by her husband, Bertie Edward Sackett of Binghamton; three sons, Bert of Binghamton, Floyd of Susquehanna and Edward of Worcester, N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Lottie Mott of Hallstead, Pa.; three brothers, Lewis of Tunnel, Archie and George both of Cadosia; several nieces and nephews. The body was removed to the J. F. Rice Funeral Home, 150 Main Street, Johnson City, where friends may call Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evening.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Chronicle Express, Penn Yan, New York, 26 Oct 1950
    Worked in Movie Industry 42 Years — From Silent Films to Double Features
    If the big wheels of Hollywood should ever make Academy awards to some of the "little people" of the movie industry, Penn Yan will have a leading contender for an "Oscar" for long and faithful service.
    This man, who has lived with movies since their infancy—from the old nickelodeon days when slapstick comedy and tear-jerking "mellerdramers" were the feature one-reelers—is Nathaniel P. "Nat" Sackett of 327 Elm street, Penn Yan.
    Now the chief projectionist at the Elmwood theatre in Penn Yan, Nat started in the motion picture business in 1908 — and his main qualification was a fine singing voice and a knowledge of popular ballads of the day. It was at the old Theatorum on Main street (where the NYS Electric & Gas Corporation office is today) that Mr. Sackett was employed to fill in between reels with songs, while the ambidextrous projector operator rewound and changed reels.
    The songs were illustrated with colored slides and the audience was cajoled by young Nat to join in each chorus. Heart-throbbing accompaniment was provided on the piano by Miss Eunice Frame who also furnished the musical background for the silent films on the old stage upright piano.
    The Theatorum was owned by the Wickham brothers of Perry, and two years later when they opened a larger movie emporium on Elm street, Mr. Sackett went along. This building, located where Allen's lunchroom is now, was re-modelled from an old blacksmith shop to a motion picture house by simply lining the walls with ordinary building paper.
    By now, Nat had learned how to operate the crude projectors, wooden frame machines placed in stuffy booths where the loose film was left to coil in a basket until rewound. Also running movie projectors in Penn Yan at this time was a man who later became one of the key projectionists of the Schine chain in the eastern United States—Lewis M. Townsend. On many occasions, Mr. Townsend was manipulating the silent reels while Nat vocalized on the stage. Mr. Townsend died in Rochester on Oct. 16, 1950.
    Eager to step out in the movie business on his own, Nat purchased the Wickhams' interest in the two theatres, and introduced three acts of vaudeville between reels. The old Shearman house, where today the Elmwood theatre stands was the favourite stop-over for vaudevillians appearing in Penn Yan.
    Later, Nat was employed at the Cornwell theatre over the J. J. Newberry store, the Sampson theatre on East Elm street, and in 1923 started work at the Elmwood theatre owned by Harry Morse. Mr. Sackett has worked there ever since, continuing his work when the theatre was taken over by the Schine chain in November of 1937.
    In his 42 years in the business, Nat estimates he has run more than 75,000 miles of film through the projectors—including the old silent machines, the "synchronized sound" devices with phonograph records that frequently skipped their timing with ludicrous results for the audience, and today's modern arc-light sound-track-on-film machines.
    Aside from the wonderful progress in movie entertainment made possible through the introduction of sound, Nat believes the greatest single change since he began work in 1908 was the switch about 1920 from the one-reeler to the feature full-length picture. In one double-feature movie today, almost 20,000 feet of film will spin through the sprockets of the projectors in the Elmwood projection booth.
    The first sound movies in Penn Yan were introduced about 1927, and the opening picture with sound synchronization on the film was "Broadway Melody," Nat recalls.
    Nat's first wife, Anne Dewan, died in 1936. He remarried in October, 1937, to Eleanor Bolger, and they have two children, Natalie Anne, 11, and Leland, 10.
    "Movies are better than ever," Nat agrees, but even today it requires an alert operator to maintain the intricate projectors, switching from one reel to the subsequent one without a break, and keeping the arc lights at a determined brilliance—and doing it all so smoothly that the average movie-goer is completely unaware of what goes on in the little projection booth upstairs.
  • The Post-Standard, Syracuse, New York, 25 Mar 1952, p 1
    Bodies of 3 Men, Woman, Recovered
    AMITYVILLE, March 24. (AP)—The bodies of three men and a woman, drowned when two small sailboats capsized, were recovered today from Great South Bay.
    The dead, all employees of the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp., of Farmingdale, were identified as:
    Mrs. Ethel Sackett, 33, Lindhurst, a nurse at the plant; her husband Grant T. Sackett, 35, head of quality control of the stratos division; George DeScheppcr, a junior administration engineer of guided missiles, Babylon; and Edwin L. Anning, layout draftsman of guided missiles, Babylon.
    Search for the missing boats was begun early today by the Coast Guard when Mrs. Anning reported them overdue. The four persons had put out in the two 15-foot boats Sunday.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 21 Nov 1953, p 12
    Bert Sackett, 62, of 29 Seminary Avenue, Binghamton, died at 8:30 a. m. today at Wilson Memorial Hospital. He is survived by three sons, Floyd of Susquehanna, Pa., Edward of Worcester, N. Y., and Bert Sackett of Binghamton; his father, Frank D. Sackett; one sister, Mrs. Ethel VanDusen, both of Kirkwood; several nieces, nephews and grandchildren. He was an Endicott Johnson Corp. employe. The body was moved to the J. F. Rice Funeral Home, 150 Main Street, Johnson City, where friends may call Sunday evening and Monday afternoon and evening.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 25 Jan 1954, p 20
    Frank D. Sackett, 88, of Kirkwood, died at 10:20 p.m. Sunday in Binghamton. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ethel N. VanDusen of Kirkwood; one granddaughter; three grandsons, several great-grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Alice Mason of Binghamton. The body was moved to the George H. Scholderer Home for Funerals, 269 Chanango Street.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 30 Apr 1954, page 31
    "MRS. ELIZABETH SACKETT, 75, of Hallstead, Pa., died at 2:26 a.m. today at Freeman Nursing Home, Great Bend, Pa. She is survived by two step-daughters, Mrs. Elna Ball of Factoryville, Pa., and Mrs. Bertha Loomis of Hallstead; one stepson, Herman Sackett of Endictott; four sisters, Mrs. Louise Rockewell, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Ethel Fowler, all of Johnson City, Mrs. Eith Hawley of Peoria, Ill.; three brothers, Albert Dawes of Nicholson, Pa., Samuel Dawes of Minooka, Pa., and James Dawes of Chenango Bridge; several nieces and nephews. The body was moved to the Tuttle Funeral Home, Hallstead, Pa., where friends may call Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon and evening."
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 May 1954, p 24
    Sackett—On Sunday, May 23, 1954, Leonard M. Sackett of 534 West Lake Rd., Geneseo, N.Y. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. William J. Dany [sic] of Bergen, N.Y.; two sons, Leland D. of Geneseo, N.Y., and John V. of Syracuse, N.Y.
    Friends may call at the Findlay Funeral Home, 129 Main St., Geneseo, N.Y., where Masonic service will be conducted Tuesday evening, May 25 at 8 o'clock and funeral service Thursday afternoon, May 27 at 2 o'clock. Interment Scottsburg Cemetery, Scottsburg, N.Y. The Reverend William H. Dilts officiating. Syracuse papers please copy.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 May 1954, p 19
    Conesus Lake's L. M. Sackett Dies
    The summer won't be quite the same at Conesus Lake this year. Leonard M. Sackett, known to cottagers past and present along the lake, died Sunday (May 23, 1954) following an extended period of poor health.
    About 50 years ago Mr. Sackett located at Conesus Lake and about 30 years ago opened up a business in what is now known as Sackett's Harbor on the west side of the lake. The business included a boat livery, cottages, an old-fashioned country general store, gasoline station, real estate and insurance.
    As one friend put it, "He was too busy for many hobbies." For years his store and other establishments were the center of activity for cottagers in the area. Until last year, when his health began to fail, Mr. Sackett personally ran the store.
    Only last week, Mr. Sackett returned to the lake after spending the winter with his son, John V. Sackett, in Syracuse. A few hours before his death, Mr. Sackett was taken to the Wyoming Community Hospital in Warsaw where he died.
    Mr. Sackett was born in Eckford, Mich., and attended Brockport Normal School (now Brockport State Teachers College). He held teaching posts in Geneseo and Conesus and at one time was principal of Margaretville High School as well as president of Margaretville Training School for Teachers.
    He was a member and past master of Margaretville Masonic Lodge, 389, and a member of the Odd Fellows. He was a charter member of Geneseo Grange.
    In addition to his son, John, Mr. Sackett is survived by another son, Leland D. Sackett of Geneseo, and a sister, Mrs. William J. Davy of Bergen.
    Masonic rites will be held at 8 p.m. today in the Findlay Funeral Home, Geneseo. Funeral services will be conducted there at 2 p.m. Thursday by the Rev. William H. Dilts, pastor of Geneseo Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Scottsburg Cemetery, Scottsburg.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 20 Jun 1954, p 24
    James L. Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louise Sackett of 5 Gaylord Street, is training as an Air Force technician at Warren Air Force Base, near Cheyenne, Wyo. He is an airman, third class.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 13 Mar 1955, p 67
    Joan Sackett to Be Bride
    Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sackett of Churchville announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Joan Katherine Sackett, to Ralph Grover Spaulding, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Chadwick Spaulding of Jamestown.
    Miss Sackett attended Genesee Junior College. Mr. Spaulding is a graduate of Alfred University, where he became a member of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. He is district executive of Genesee Council, Boy Scouts. The wedding will take place April 16.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 19 Jan 1956, p 41
    Victor Girl Engaged
    Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Jean Ethelind Lovejoy, daughter of Mrs. Charles Lovejoy of Victor and the late Mr. Lovejoy, to John L. Sackett Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sackett of Churchville.
    Announcement was made at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lovejoy in Victor last Saturday.
    Miss Lovejoy is a graduate of Cornell University. Mr. Sackett, who was graduated from Kansas State College, served in the Army.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Register Herald, Pine Plains, Dutchess County, New York, 29 March 1956
    "News has been received of the death of Mrs. Effie G. Wilbur Creswell, wife of George N. Creswell, of Hood River, Oregon, who died March 22, 1956, following a long illness. She had been a resident of Oregon about 35 years. She was born in Attlebury, in the town of Stanford, Oct 7, 1878, the daughter of the late Frank & Mary Sackett Wilbur, and was a sister of the late Mrs. John B. Creswell. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Georgia & Ruth, both married; 3 sons, Nevling, Ivar & Evans; one sister, Mrs. Henry Cornelius of the Bangall Road; 9 nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held March 26th."
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 29 Apr 1956, p 73
    Jean Lovejoy of Victor Weds Churchville Man
    A Rochester area couple were married in South Perinton Methodist Church, Fairport, at 3 p.m. yesterday, when Miss Jean Ethlelind Lovejoy became the bride of John Lemuel Sackett Jr.
    She is the daughter of Mrs. Charles E. Lovejoy of Victor, and the late Mr. Lovejoy, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sackett of Churchville.
    Spring flowers and forsythia formed the decorations for the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Frederick Savage.
    The bride wore a floor-length gown of Swiss organdy over taffeta made with a buttoned bodice and Peter Pan collar. A cap of matching organdy, and marguerites held her veil. She carried white marguerites centered with cymbidium orchids.
    Miss Adaline R. Lovejoy, maid of honor for her sister, wore violet organdy in waltz-length. Similar gowns in lavender were worn by bridesmaids, Miss Dixie Lee Lovejoy, niece of the bride, and Mrs. Albert J. Beard, cousin of the bridegroom. All carried yellow marguerites.
    Mr. Beard was best man. Ushers were Ruel Gruendike and Ralph Spauling.
    A reception was held at the bride's home. The couple will live in Churchville.
    Mrs. Sackett is a graduate of Cornell University and Mr. Sackett is a graduate of Kansas State College.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Reporter Dispatch, White Plains, New York, 29 Nov 1958, p 2
    Will J. Davy
    Will J. Davy, eighty-eight, died yesterday at 7 Ridgeview Ave., the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. K. Loghry. He and his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Sackett Davy, had been living with Mrs. Loghry for over three years.
    Mr. Davy was born in Bergen, N. Y., and from 1915 to 1940 was postmaster there. Mr. Davy was a 50-year past master of Hesperus Lodge No. 837, F&AM, in Bergen.
    Besides his wife and daughter, Mr. Davy leaves two grandsons and one sister, Miss Ethel E. Davy of Bergen.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The Reporter Dispatch, White Plains, New York, 26 Oct 1959, p 17
    Mrs. Will J. Davy
    Mrs. Gertrude E. Davy, who lived at the home of her daughter Mrs. Norma Loghry of 7 Ridgeview Ave., died yesterday at White Plains Hospital. She was seventy-nine years old.
    Born in Hindsburgh, N. Y., she had lived here about five years, and was a member of the Eastern Star, Bergen, N. Y.
    Widow of Will J. Davy who died in 1958, she is survived also by two grandsons.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The Reporter Dispatch, White Plains, New York, 26 Oct 1959, p 17
    Davy, Gertrude E., on October 25, 1959, mother of Mrs. Norma Loghry, also two grandsons survive.
    Private service was held today (Monday).
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Harlem Valley Times, Amenia, Dutchess County, New York, 19 May 1960 "Lucie Reynolds Sackett, 93, wife of the late John T. Sackett of Brooklyn and South Amenia, died Friday, May 13, after some years of invalidism. She was born in South Amenia on October 16, 1867, the daughter of Justus Powers Reynolds and Nancy Barlow Reynolds. She lived in South Amenia until her marriage in 1891, after which she resided in Brooklyn, spending her summers at the Sackett farm in South Amenia. She is survived by her daughter Justine Sackett [Ross] Miner of Brooklyn as well as several nieces and nephews."
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Millbrook Round Table, 8 Dec 1960
    Mrs. Charles Sackett, 32, who had lived in Millbrook since her childhood, died at Sharon Hospital on Friday, December 3. She had been ill for a few months. Mrs Sackett was the former Agnes Donnelly, daughter of Lee Donnelly of Millbrook and Mrs. Margaret Collins Donnelly of Newark, N. Y. She was born in Poughkeepsie on May 1, 1928. She had worked for Dr. Charles Dean before her marriage. Survivors, besides her husband and parents, include four daughters, Carol Ann, Charline, Sharon and Mary; and two brothers, Charles Donnelly of Millbrook and James Donnelly of Newark.
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 28 Dec 1961, p 24
    Sackett—Entered into rest Monday, Dec. 25, 1961, Ruth Tillman Sackett of 250 Renouf Dr., Gates, N Y. She is survived by her husband, Carl G. Sackett; two daughters, Mrs. James (Marie) O'Neil ond Mrs. Timothy (Elaine) Doyle; her mother, Mrs. Sarah Tillman; two sisters Mrs. Charles (Clara) Haslip, Mrs. Ted (Phyllis) Mocny; five grandchildren; also several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Semper Fidelis Class of Trinity Lutheran Church and the Altar Society of St. Helen's Church.
    Friends may call from 2-5 ond 7-10 p.m at the funeral home of Norbert E. Vay, 604 Maple St. (cor. Calvin) where services will be conducted Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment Riverside Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Elmira Advertiser, Elmira, New York, 1 Jan 1962, p 20
    Nathaniel P. Sackett, 75, of 327 Elm St., Penn Yan, Friday, Dec. 29, 1961. Survived by wife, Mrs. Eleanor Bolger Sackett; son, Leland J. with the Air Force in Florida; daughter, Miss Natalie A. Sackett at home; brothers, Clayton and Bert of Keuka. Body at Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan. Calling hours: today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer service there Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., Requiem Mass at 9 in St. Michael's Church, Penn Yan. St. Michael's Cemetery. Recitation of Rosary today at 8 p.m.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Poughkeepsie Journal, Dutchess County, New York, 6 Oct 1964
    "Mrs. Nina Cornelius, 93, a lifelong resident of Stanfordville, died there yesterday after a long illness. Mrs. Cornelius, the former Nina Wilbur, was the daughter of the late Frank B. and Mary Sackett Wilbur. She was born in Attlebury, town of Stanford on March 12, 1871. She was married to Henry E. Cornelius, who died in 1948. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Elinor Beckwith, Stanfordville, Mrs. Edwin Brenner, Poughkeepsie, Mrs. Donald Wilson, Ledgewood, N.J., and Mrs. A.C. Wintringham, Glenridge, N.J.; three sons, Frank, Deanborough, N.Y.; Henry E, Stanfordville; and Eugene S., Stuart, Fla; 20 grandchildren; 51 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery."
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Poughkeepsie Journal, Dutchess County, New York, 28 Aug 1967, page 18
    "Mrs. Elliot, Town Resident
    Mrs. Anna Sackett Elliott, 31, of 2 Silver Lane, Town of Poughkeepsie, died yesterday at Highland Hospital, Beacon, after a short illness.
    Mrs. Elliott was born in Poughkeepsie on Dec. 26, 1935. She was the daughter of Benjamin Sackett, Staatsburg, and Ruth Pataki, Poughkeepsie.
    On Dec. 17, 1955, she married Frank L. Elliott in Pleasant Valley. She was a communicant of St. Mary's Church, Wappingers Falls.
    In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Elliott is survived by three sons, Dale Robert, Gary Frank and Kevin Joseph; three daughters, Linda Marie, Debra Ann and Patricia Ann; four brothers, Charles, Hyde Park, Joseph Vienna, Va., and Frederick and James, Poughkeepsie; one sister, Mrs. James (Edna) Schwartz, Rhinebeck, and several nieces and nephews.
    Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 9:15 a.m. at McCornac Funeral Home, 11 N. Clinton St., and at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Church, Wappingers Falls, where a Mass of Requiem will be offered. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Wappingers Falls.
    Friends may call at 11 N. Clinton St., Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m."
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 Jul 1968, p 16
    Sackett, Mrs. George (Emma) B.
    Emma Sackett of Heath Markham Rd., Honeoye Falls, N.Y. In Rochester, July 23, 1968. Survived by her husband, George; two daughters, Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; one sister, Mrs. Ethel McCarthy of Victor; one brother, Herman Leizert of Prescott, Ontario, Canada; ten grandchildren; one great-grandson; also several nieces and nephews.
    Friends may call Wed. and Thurs. 2-5, 7-9 at the Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, 59 Monroe St., Honeoye Falls, where services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. Arthur Guild officiating. Interment, Honeoye Falls Cemeterv. Those wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 11 Jul 1971, p 26
    The Conklin Forks United Methodist Church was the setting yesterday for the 1 p.m. marriage of Mrs. Carolyn Ann Sackett Ralston and Fred Eugene Gregory. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Jones.
    Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Sackett of Muckey Road, Binghamton RD 1, are the parents of the bride. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Gregory of Binghamton RD 1.
    The bride was given in marriage by her father.
    The Misses Linda and Sue Gregory were maid of honor and bridesmaid. Both are sisters of the bridegroom.
    Richard Tripp was best man and Francis Shields ushered. Junior ushers were Paul Sackett, brother of the bride, and Grant Russell, cousin of the bridegroom.
    A garden reception was given at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins of the Town of Binghamton.
    The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Susquehanna Valley High School. Mr. Gregory served with the U.S. Air Force and is employed by New York State Electric & Gas Corp.
    The Gregorys will live in Binghamton after a wedding trip to Lake George and the Adirondacks.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 4 Feb 1973, p 50
    Sackett, George
    George Sackett of Lima, N.Y. In Geneseo February 2, 1973. Survived by two daughters Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; ten grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Anna Frederick of Honeoye Falls; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia; Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; several nieces and nephews.
    Friends may call Sunday and Monday 2-4 ond 7-9 at The Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, 59 Monroe St., Honeoye Falls, where funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m., Rev. Arthur Guild officiating. Interment Honeoye Falls Cemetery. Friends wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund or the Memorial fund of the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, N.Y. in his memory.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Livonia Gazette, 8 Feb 1973
    George Sackett
    George Sackett, of Lima, passed away on Friday, Feb. 2, 1973 in the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, where he had been a patient for the past six and one-half years.
    Mr. Sackett was born in Mendon to Frederick and Johanna Peglow Sackett. He married the former Emma Leizert of Ontario, Canada on Jan. 5, 1915. They celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in January of 1968. Mrs. Sackett passed away in July of 1968.
    The early part of his life he lived in Ionia, later moving to their home on the Gilbert Mills Rd., residing there until 1924, when they moved to their farm on the Heath-Markham Rd., which Mr. Sackett farmed until ill health forced him to retire from active farming.
    He is survived by two daughters Wenonah Prescott of Rochester, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia; one son, Herman of S. Lima; ten grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Anna Frederick of Honeoye Falls; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia, Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; several nieces and nephews.
    Mr. Sackett was a member of the Honeoye Falls Grange for over 50 years. He also enjoyed playing cards, especially the game of euchre, with several of his friends and relatives.
    Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 6 at the Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, Honeoye Falls, with the Rev. Arthur Guild, pastor of the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church officiating with interment in Honeoye Falls Cemetery. Friends wishing may make contributions to the Honeoye Falls Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund, or the memorial fund of the Livingston County Infirmary, Geneseo, in Mr. Sackett's memory.
    [Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 15 Apr 1973, p 52
    Frederick, Anna Caroline
    April 12, 1973, Anna Caroline Frederick, aged 89, of Avon. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Pearl Wood and Mrs. Grace Gunn, both of Rochester, and Mrs. Oakley (Pauline) Barnhardt of Avon; two sons, Arthur of Avoca and Chester of Mendon; two brothers, Fred Sackett of Ionia and Carl Sackett of Honeoye Falls; nine grandchildren; twenty-nine great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
    Friends may call Friday 7-9 and Saturday 2-4, 7-9 at the funeral home of Stephenson and Son, Inc., 350 Genesee Street, Avon, where services will be held Sunday at 2:30. Interment, Plttsford Cemetery. [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 27 Apr 1974, p 11
    Stoddard—Chauncey L. Stoddard, 76, Hancock, died at Read Memorial Hospital, Thursday. He is survived by a daughter Mrs. Donald (Ruth) Cole, Binghamton; one son Clarence Stoddard, Susquehanna; a sister Mrs. Pearl Ray, Hancock; one granddaughter and one grandson; several nieces and nephews. He was a retired State Highway Department Employee, Binghamton, he was a World War I veteran and a member of the VFW Hancock Post. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Henderson-Biedekapp Funeral Chapel, Hancock. The Rev. Harold K. Justesen pastor of the Hancock Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hallstead. Friends may call at the funeral home this afternoon and evening.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 13 Feb 1976, p 48
    Sackett, John L.
    84, of Elmcrest Nursing Home, Churchville and formerly of Palmer Rd., Churchville. Feb. 9, 1976, in Rochester, husband of the late Florence Wells. Survived by three daughters, Mrs Otto (Jane) Uhle, Rochester, Mrs. Merle (Janice) Williams, Corfu and Mrs. Ralph (Joan) Spalding, Madison, Wis.; a son, John L Jr., Byron and four grandchildren.
    Memorial service 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21 at Clifton Community Church. Memorials to the Memorial Fund of the Church or the American Cancer Society.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Wellsville Daily Reporter, Wellsville, New York, 15 Sep 1976, p 3
    Florence H. McNinch
    Belmont—Mrs. Harry T. McNinch of 16 Triana St. in Belmont died this morning at Jones Memorial Hospital. She was born July 15, 1891, the daughter of James K. and Mary (Graham) Hall. In 1913 she married Harry T. McNinch who predeceased her in 1962.
    Mrs. McNinch was a member of the First United Church of Belmont. She was a former regent in the D. A. R. She was also formerly librarian of the Belmont Free Library. She had served as a member of the Belmont School Board.
    She is survived by five sons, James, Robert, and Harry T., II, all of Belmont, Louis of Atlanta, Ga., and John of Wellsboro, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Mary) Rhodes of Royal Oak, Mich, and Mrs. Austin (Louise) Morris of Nunda; 19 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
    Friends may call at the Embser Funeral Home in Belmont on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Friday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Bertram Croop, pastor of the First United Church in Belmont.
    Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery in Belmont.
    If so wished, memorials may be made in her name to the Belmont Free Library, Amity Rescue Squad or to the charity of the donor's choice.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York, 1 Jan 1978, p 11
    The Tioga County (N.Y.) Sheriff's Department said a passenger was injured about 8:25 p.m. Friday when an auto driven by Melvin H. Sackett, 45, of Lockwood, went out of control on the Day Hollow Road in the Town of Owego.
    Deputies said the vehicle travled 270 feet off the road until coming to rest on a lawn owned by Raymond Hallett.
    The passenger Mrs Jane L. Sackett, 35, was taken to Ideal Hospital in Endicott for treatment of minor injuries and was released.
    Deputies said Sackett was ticked for failure to keep right.
    The Campville Fire Department Emergency Squad assisted at the scene.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 23 Nov 1979, p 19
    Mr. Charles Sterling of Hallstead, Pa.
    Mr. Charles Sterling, 80, of RD2, Hallstead, died Thursday morning at his home after an illness. He is survived by his wife, Julia (Sackett) Sterling, RD2, Hallstead; two daughters, Mrs. Robert (June) Klipera, Mill Neck, Long Island; Mrs. Marion Hillier, Raleigh, N.C.; two sons, Charles J. Sterling, Great Bend, Pa.; Frank W. Sterling, Montrose, Pa.; 15 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; one niece. He was a plumber for 60 years and was a member of the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union, No. 112, Binghamton, N.Y.
    Funeral Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday from the Bartron Funeral Home, Inc., 74 Church St., Montrose, with the Rev. John H. Dabback of the First Presbyterian Church of Hallstead, officiating. Interment will be in the Lawsville Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday evening.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 24 Sep 1982, p 20
    Sackett, Mildred (Reynolds) RN.
    BERGEN: On Thursday. September 23, 1982, age 72, she is survived by 3 sons, Bruce of MT., Ronald of Bergen and Roger of IN.; 2 daughters-in-law, Barbara of IN. and Joan of Marion; 9 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Harold Reynolds of FL., Merton Reynolds of Bergen; 2 sisters, Mrs. Walter (Edna) Rowe of Fishers and Lois McCall of Macedon; several nieces and nephews.
    No prior calling. A memorial service will be held Saturday, September 25 at 2 p.m. from the Methodist Church of Bergen. Interment Mt. Rest Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Friends wishing may make contributions to the Bergen Methodist Church or the Bergen Rescue Squad. Reference, Foweir Funeral Home Inc., Brockport.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 11 Jul 1989, p 10
    Charles J. Sterling Sr.
    of RD#1, Great Bend, PA
    Charles J. Sterling Sr., age 60, died suddenly Monday, July 10, 1989. He is survived by his wife, Rita Sterling; a son, Charles J. Sterling Jr., both of Great Bend; three daughters and one son-in-law, Deborah Warren, Vero Beach, Fla., Kimberly and Kevin Gorman, of Kirkwood, Rebecca Sterling, of Great Bend; three grandchildren; his mother, Julia Sterling, of RD#2, Hallstead, PA; a brother, Frank Sterling, of Reno, Nev.; two sisters, June Klipera, of NY, Marion Hillier, of NC; also several nieces; nephews and cousins. He was a member and elder of the First Presbyterian Church, Hallstead. He was employed as a painter with the Squires Painting Company and was a member of the Painters Union Local 103.
    Funeral services will be held Thursday at 11am at the Harold E. Tuttle Funeral Home, Hallstead, PA with the Rev. John H. Dabback, officiating. Burial will be Lawsville Cemetery, Liberty Township, PA. The family will receive friends Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9pm at the funeral home. Contributions may be made to the Memorial Fund of the First Presbyterian Church, Hallstead, PA, in his memory.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 20 Aug 1991, p 56
    Sackett, Herman G.
    South Lima: Suddenly, August 19, 1991. Survived by his wife, Mildred; his daughters and sons-in-law, Beverly and Michael Hallett of Avon, Suanne and James Kretchmer of Conesus; his son and daughter-in-law, Raymond and Donna Sackett of Geneseo; 7 grandchildren; his sisters, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Murphy of Livonia and Mrs. Leonard (Wenonah) Prescott of Farmington; nieces and nephews.
    Friends may call Wednesday and Thursday 2-4, 7-9 at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc., Rt. 15, Livonia, where Services will be held Friday at 11 am. Burial Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneseo. Memorials to the First Presbyterian Church, Avon, NY 14414.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 19 Feb 1993, p 12
    Timothy F. Sackett of Binghamton
    Timothy F. Sackett, 42, 8 Carey St, Binghamton, died Wednesday, February 17, 1993 at Lourdes Hospital after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his mother Ruth Sackett; his two brothers, Frank and Michael Sackett, Binghamton; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Shirley and Robert Williams, Binghamton; Susan and. Charles Wagner, Binghamton; and his sister Donna Sackett, Binghamton. He served in the Vietnam War. He was employed by the City of Binghamton.
    Funeral services will! be held Saturday, 10 a.m. at the Frank L. DeMunn Funeral Home, 36 Conklin Ave, Binghamton, with United Methodist Minister Rev. Robert G. Patterson, Sgt. 1st Class, officiating. Visiting hours will be Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the DeMunn Funeral Home. Burial will be at Vestal Hills Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Lourdes Hospice for American Cancer Society.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Poughkeepsie Journal, Dutchess County, New York, 31 Aug 1993
    "Lakeland, Fla—Eugene Sackett Cornelius, a former resident of Bangall, died Saturday at Lakeland Memorial Hospital. Mr. Cornelius was also formerly of Stuart, Fla. Mr. Cornelius graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in tree surgery. Born Oct. 14, 1906 in Bangall, he was the son of Henry E. and Nina Wilbur Cornelius. On Nov. 11, 1928, In Hyde Park, he married the former Helena E. Wheeler, who survives at home. Also surviving are two daughters, Mary Jane Gelsomino of Port St. Lucie, Fla, and Virginia E. Garrison of Lakeland; a sister, Marcia C. Brenner of Highland and a brother, Henry E. Cornelius, Jr. of Stanfordville. He was predeceased by four sisters, Mary C. Wintringham, Eleanor C. Beckwith, Hilda Mae Wilson, and Dorohty C. Earle, and a brother, Frank Wilbur Cornelius. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery."
    [Transcript, Find A Grave]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghampton, New York, 30 Nov 1993, page 9
    Gerald L Sackett of Binghamton
    Gerald L. Sackett, 54, of Loder Ave., Endicott, formerly of Binghamton, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, November 27, 1993 at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was predeceased by his father, William, and a brother, Leon. He is survived by one son and daughter-in-law, Gerry and Julie Sackett of Binghamton; his mother, Louise Rhodes; five grandchildren; four brothers, brothers, Melvin, James, John, and Devillo Sackett; one sister, Juanita Allen; three stepchildren, Sally Coleman, Chuck and Michael O'Daniels; also his former wife, Beverly Sackett; several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Fairview United Methodist Church of Binghamton and was a veteran of the US Air Force.
    Funeral and interment services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, December 1, 1993 at the Coleman & Daniels Funeral Home Inc., 300 E. Main St, Endicott. The Reverend John Goodell, pastor of his church, and the Reverend Donald J. Schalk, pastor of the Vestal Center United Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be at the family's convenience at Vestal Hills Memorial Park. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Wednesday from 10 a.m. until service time at 11 a.m.. Those wishing may make contributions in his memory to the American Heart Association, Broome County Chapter, 26 S. Washington St., Binghamton, N.Y. 139034.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghampton, New York, 25 Oct 1995, page 11
    Melvin H. Sackett of Halsey Valley
    Melvin Howard Sackett, 63, of 207 Hamilton Valley Road, passed away suddenly on Monday, October 23, 1995, at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa. He was born on August 14, 1932, in Binghamton, N.Y., one of seven children to Mary Louise DeMunn and the late William John Sackett. Mel attended schools in Binghamton and later joined the U.S. Army and had completed 21 years of service, retiring as a Staff Sgt. On May 10, 1965, in Sayre, Pa., he married Jane (Bensley) Sackett and together they made their home in Halsey Valley. Mel was an avid wood carver and made many fine pieces of furniture for his family. He took great pride in his "Black Foot Indian" heritage, spending many hours enjoying Mother Nature's countryside. His love for his family and friends, through his acts of kindness, will never be forgotten. In addition to his mother, Mary, he is survived by his wife of 30 years, Jane; daughters and sons-in-law, Sonja and J.R. Craft, Linda and Thompson Kithcart, Diana and Harold Kithcart, Margaret Sackett; sons and daughters-in-law, David Bensley, Mark and Brenda Sackett, Michael and Terri Sackett, Daniel and Irene Sackett, and Harold Sackett; his brothers and sisters-in-law, John and Cathy Sackett, Devillo and Cindy Sackett, James and Bertha Sackett; his sister, Juanita Wage; sisters-in-law, Beverly Sackett and Marjorie Sackett; seventeen special grandchildren; a great granddaughter; several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his father in 1964; his brothers, Leon in 1985 and Gerald in 1993.
    Funeral services will be held on Friday, October 27, 1995 at 2 p.m. from the Sutfin Funeral Chapel, Main St., Nichols. Interment will follow at the Nichols Cemetery. The family will receive their friends on Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Chapel. The family would like to say thanks to the Halsey Valley and the Tioga Center Emergency Squads for their fast response, care and concern.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 6 Aug 1996, p 9
    Muriel J. Pratt of Binghamton
    Muriel J. Pratt, 68, passed away Friday, August 2, 1996 in Erin, Tenn. She was predeceased by her parents, Arthur and Margaret Collins. She is survived by her husband, Harold B. Pratt, Binghamton; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Judy and James DeVaul, Binghamton, Margaret Middleton-Sackett and Edward Middleton, Binghamton, Danielle Pratt, Binghamton; one son, Harold Sackett, Fla.; three special grandchildren, Stephanie Beale, Justin Finch and Aminah Shabazz; also several other grandchildren; four great grandchildren; several nieces, nephews and cousins; one uncle; two foster daughters, Tina Turner, Binghamton, LuAnne White,, Binghamton; and many close friends.
    Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. from the Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, 44 Exchange St., Binghamton, with the Rev. Gary Doupe officiating. Burial will be in the Islamic Cemetery of the Southern Tier, Maine, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 29 Sep 1996, p 28
    Uhle, Otto D
    9/20/95. Beloved husband of Jane (Sackett); brother of John (Kathy), Helen (Walter) Senger, Marion Kunkle, Robert (Elma Mae), Ted (Connie); nieces, nephews and cousins.
    Otto graduated from Penn State with a Master's Degree in Chemistry. He was a retired chemist with Eastman Kodak Co.
    Services at the convenience of the family. Contributions in Otto's memory may be directed to BANC, Box 17164, Rochester, NY 14617 or the C.S. Society of Spencerport, 251 Union St, Spencerport, NY 14559.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 4 Feb 1997, p 9
    Bert E. Sackett of Conklin
    Bert E. Sackett, 74, died Sunday, February 2, 1997 at the Binghamton General Hospital. He is survived by his wife Edith Sackett, Conklin; his children, Edward Sackett, Whitney Point, Lewis and Linda Sackett, Whitney Point, Carolyn Gregory, Scranton, Pa., Paul and Amy Sackett, Portsmouth, Virginia, Cheryl and Ronald Seaks, Red Lion, Pa.; seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He was a member of Local #203 United Slaters, Roofers and Tile Setters, an Army Veteran of WWII in the 82nd Airborne Division and was a recipient of the Silver Star.
    Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the Barber Memorial Home, Inc., 428 Main Street, Johnson City. Burial will be in Floral Park Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the Barber Memorial Home on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 3 Sep 2002, p 4
    Sackett, Gale Y.
    BERGEN: Died Monday, Sept. 2, 2002, age 59. Wife of Ronald Sackett; mother of John (Diane) Prince Jr., Scott (Yvonne) Prince, Karen (Don) Marenus and the late Kathy L. Prince; step-mother of Valerie Spencer; sister of Sharon (Robert) Woodley and Paul (Marie) Koppen; six grandchildren; several nieces & nephews. Calling 2 to 4 & 7 to 9 PM Wednesday at H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home, 51 S. Lake St., Bergen, where Services will be Thursday at 10:30 AM. Burial, Mt. Rest Cemetery. Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton, New York, 14 Apr 2009, p 6
    Pastor Devillo R. Sackett of Binghamton, NY
    Pastor Devillo R. Sackett, 65, went to be with the Lord on Saturday April 11, 2009. He was predeceased by his wife Cynthia Sackett, parents William and Louise Rhodes, brothers Melvin, Gerald, James and Leon Sackett, and his grandson Steven Barton, Jr. He is survived by four daughters and three sons-in-law; Michelle and Jessie Leal, Jolene and Steven Barton, Danielle Hallett, Melissa and Ron Brown, his son, Derek Hallett, his grandchildren Darrell, Heather, Shayna, Stephanie, Seth, Joshua, Devon, Victoria, Debbie, Cyndi and Grace, one brother John Sackett, and one sister Juanita Allen. Pastor Devillo was a Minister at Christian Faith Center, Binghamton and was a Vietnam Veteran serving in the US Navy.
    A Funeral Service will be held at the Thomas J. Shea Funeral Home, Inc. 137 Robinson St. Binghamton, NY on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Burial will be in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton. The family will receive friends at the Shea Funeral Home on Thursday from 9 a.m. until the time of the service.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Press-Republican, Plattsburgh, NY, 20 Jan 2011
    James L Sackett
    Saratoga Springs — James L. Sackett, 75, formerly of Plattsburgh, N.Y., passed away on Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011, at the Wesley Health Care Facility in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
    He was predeceased by his wife, Bertha (Ducatte) Sackett.
    He is survived by two sons and their wives, Dennis and Susan Brault of Altamonte Springs, Fla., and Greg and Debbie Sackett of Winter Springs, Fla. He is also survived by five grandchildren, Jason Brault of Rouses Point, N.Y., David Brault of El Paso, Texas, Rebecca Holcomb of Winter Park, Fla., Renee Sackett of Winter Springs, Fla., and Mark Sackett of Winter Park, Fla.; and by five great-grandchildren, Taylor Perez, Cogan Brault, Andrew Brault, Payce Brault and Ryleigh Holcomb.
    Originally from Binghamton, N.Y., James served in the U. S. Air Force at the former Plattsburgh Air Force Base. Upon his discharge, he worked as a civilian employee at the base until his retirement. After retiring, James went to college at Plattsburgh State University College and received a bachelor's degree in business administration.
    A private service for the family will be held and burial will be at the Saratoga National Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Ted Smith]
  • The Batavian, New York, 3 Jun 2015
    Janice Sackett Williams
    Much beloved Sister, Aunt, Teacher, Coach, Mentor, and Friend, Janice Sackett Williams, born in Riga, New York, passed away peacefully on Friday, February 27, 2015, at the age of 89.
    Janice graduated from Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA, and went on to teach physical education and coach women's field hockey for over 45 years, the predominance of which were spent at Akron Central School, Akron, NY. She still holds a record as one of the most "winning" coaches in women's high school field hockey in the state of New York. More importantly, she was ahead of her time in teaching young women that they were not second class citizens to young men, and impressing upon her corner of the world that she expected her female students and athletes to be treated equally with the male students and athletes. After her retirement, she spent time with her friends and family, travelled the world, and enjoyed her life to the fullest. She will be greatly missed, was one of a kind, a force to be reckoned with, and loved dearly.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, John Lemuel and Florence Wells Sackett, her husband, Merle F. Williams, and her nephew John L. (Rose) Sackett, III.
    Janice is survived by her three siblings, Jane S. Uhle, Joan S. (Ralph) Spaulding and John L. (Jean) Sackett, Jr., her two nieces, Deborah S. (Jay) Miller and Alexandra Spaulding, a nephew, Charles (Amy) Sackett , several grand-nieces and nephews, and many, many dear friends.
    A Celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2015, at the Akron Masonic Lodge, 63 John Street, Akron, N.Y., from 3-6pm, with a Tribute to Janice beginning at 4pm.
    In lieu of flowers, donations to the U.S. Field Hockey Association, Lock Haven University, The Heifer Project, The Community School of South Tamworth, N.H., your local Humane Society or the charity of your choice would be appropriate. Expressions of condolence may be shared with the family at:
    [GenealogyBank transcript]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 16 Apr 2016, p A19
    Sackett, Mildred B.
    Avon: On April 14, 2016 at age 87. Predeceased by her husband, Herman; her brother, Harold Rountree and niece, Bonnie Peffley. She is survived by her children, Beverly (Michael) Hallett, Raymond (Donna) Sackett, Suanne (Jim) Kretchmer; 7 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The family would like to thank the staff at the Avon Nursing Home for their wonderful care of Mildred.
    Friends may call Sunday 4-7PM at the Stephenson-Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc., 350 Genesee St., Avon where her Funeral Service will be held Monday at 11AM. Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneseo. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, 5605 E. Avon Lima Rd., Avon, NY 14414 or Teresa House, 21 Highland Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454. To share a memory, please visit;
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Daily News, Genesee County, New York, 3 Apr 2017.
    "Ralph E Sackett, 91, passed away on April 2, 2017 at Cedar Ridge Center in Skowhegan, Maine.
    He was born Sept. 27, 1925 in Bergen, last of nine children of Burt and Mary Sackett (seven boys, two girls)—all born in the family home located on Rochester Street. In 1932, at the age of 7 he was inflicted with polio. This was the same year the buildings on east side of Main Street burned.
    He attended Bergen High School, leaving when he was a senior to work on an agricultural farm (Curtis Brothers) due to war, working there until August of 1950. In 1950, he began work at Gerber Baby Foods, working there until 1980 when the plant moved to North Carolina. At this time, he began work for the DOT in Spencerport and The Park Way until his retirement in 1992.
    He married Dorothy Stein in 1947 and they had three children. He built his home on Leroy Street in Bergen in 1950 to 1951, living there until 1993 when he moved to Florida. He lived in Florida 1993 to 2007, moving to Maine to live with his son Michael.
    He was an active member of the Bergen Fire Department until 1980, being assistant chief for many years. He was one of the five founding members of Bergen Rod & Gun Club started in 1949. He was a member for a short time of Odd Fellows.
    He is predeceased by his wife Dorothy and a daughter MaryBeth. He is survived by a son Michael Sackett (Nancy) of Solon, Maine and a daughter Anne Maturi (George) of Gettysburg, Pa.; five grandchildren—Teresa Matthews, Jennifer Park, Sarah Raji, Nicholas Maturi and Brenda Maturi; nine great-grandchildren and three great great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.
    In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Mount Rest Cemetery Association, 76 South Lake Road, Bergen, NY 14416.
    Graveside services will be held at Mount Rest Cemetery at a later date."
    [Transcribed from The Daily News, online edition, by Chris Sackett]
  • Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 8 Oct 2019, p A8
    Jane S. Uhle
    Riga - 10-6-19 at Olean, NY beloved wife of the past Otto Uhle, Sister of John L. (Jean) Sackett of Byron, NY, Janice Williams, deceased and Joan Ralph Spaulding, deceased, Nieces and Nephews including Alexandra Spaulding of WI and Debra Miller of Freeville, NY and Charles Sackett of Caneadea, NY.
    Friends are invited to a Memorial Service to be held at Treusdell Funeral Home, Belfast, NY on Thurs. 10-10-19.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Olean Times Herald, 8 Oct 2019
    Jane Uhle Obituary
    Caneadea - Jane S. Uhle, 95, of 7316 County Road 46, passed away Sunday (Oct. 6, 2019) at The Pines Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Olean.
    Born March 23, 1924, in the Town of Riga, she was the daughter of John L. and Florence Wells Sackett. She was married to Otto Uhle.
    Jane had grown up on a farm in Riga and attended the Riga School District, graduating in 1944. After high school, she attended college.
    During WWII she was employed at a Rochester factory making ammunition for the war and later at Social Services in Monroe County as a caseworker.
    She was a member of the Rochester Christian Scientist Church and the bird watching Audubon Society.
    She enjoyed gardening, bird watching and traveling and her cat. She loved her family and spending time with them.
    Surviving are a brother, John L. (Jean) Sackett of Byron; and several nieces and nephews, including Alexandra Spaulding of Wisconsin, Debra Miller of Freeville and Charles Sackett of Caneadea.
    She was predeceased by two sisters, Janice Williams and Joan Spaulding.
    Friends are invited to attend a memorial service to be held at 2 p.m. Thursday (Oct. 10, 2019) at the Treusdell Funeral Home in Belfast. Burial will be in Belcodia Cemetery in Riga.
    [Transcribed from by Chris Sackett]
  • Poughkeepsie Journal, Poughkeepsie, New York, 28 Jul 2020, p A5
    Charles "Chuck" Sackett
    POUGHKEEPSIE, NY - Mr. Charles H. "Chuck" Sackett, age 91, went to eternal rest on July 25, 2020, at Vassar Brothers Medical Center after a long illness. Many of his friends called him Chuck, which he preferred. Born on August 28, 1928, he was close to celebrating his 92nd birthday, but God needed him home to celebrate there.
    Chuck was predeceased by his first wife, Agnes Donnelly Sackett in 1961; his three brothers, Benjamin, Jimmy and Fred Sackett; two sisters, Anna Sackett Elliot and Edna Sackett Swartz; his son, Charles Joseph Sackett in 2006 who he shared with his second wife, Bernice Sackett who is also predeceased.
    Chuck is survived by his brother, Joe Sackett, and his children all of whom he remained close to. His daughters Carolyn Shackelton, Charlene (Gary) Bedell, Sharon (James) Chapman, and Mary Scott; two stepchildren, Raymond and Jackie, and 16 grandchildren, Carrie, Kathy, Bruce, Michelle, Jaime, Jackie, Dale, Lisa, Brad, Tanya, Kristi, Danielle, Amanda, Ryan, Charlie Jr., and Christy as well as many nieces, nephews, and great-grandchildren.
    Chuck worked for many years as a master carpenter of which he was proud of.
    Chuck had many hobbies including golf, cards, hunting, horse-racing, cooking, baking, bird watching and his dogs. He lived life to the fullest.
    May God watch over us and give us peace. May the Angels guide him to his new home.
    Thank you to all his friends and family that made his life complete.
    Calling hours will be from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, on Friday, July 31, 2020. Funeral services begin at 12:00 PM on Friday, at Sweet’s Funeral Home, Inc., 4365 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538. Burial will follow at Union Cemetery of Hyde Park.
    To send an online condolence, or for directions, please visit
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Daily News (online), Batavia, New York, 7 Mar 2022
    Ronald B. Sackett
    BERGEN — Ronald B. Sackett, 83, of Bergen passed away on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at Unity Hospital in Rochester.
    Ron was born Monday, Jan. 2, 1939, in Brockport, a son of the late Burton Sackett and Mildred Reynolds Sackett.
    A member of the Hesperus Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons in Bergen for 55 years, Ron was a lifetime member of the Merrill-Sackett-White American Legion Post -575 where he served as commander twice and Bergen Fire Department, where he served as Fire Chief three times. A lifetime member of the Bergen Rod & Gun Club, he was an original member of the Genesee County Joint Veterans Council. An avid fisherman and hunter, he loved being with his dogs. A United States Marine Corps veteran, he proudly served his country from 1956-1959.
    Ronald is the husband of Gale Y. Sackett, who passed away on Sept. 2, 2002.
    Surviving are his brothers, Bruce Sackett of Kalispell, Mont., and Roger (Barbara) Sackett of Connersville, Ind.; stepchildren, John (Diane) Prince, Jr. of North Carolina, Scott Prince of Hamlin and Karen (Beryl) Noble of Batavia; seven grandchildren; special friends, Cynthia Mattoon of Bergen and Mimi Brown of Byron; and nieces and nephews.
    He is predeceased by his daughter, Valerie R. Spencer.
    There are no prior visiting hours. Masonic services will begin at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 13, 2022, at the Bergen Fire Department, 10 Hunter Street, Bergen. Memorial services for Ron will immediately follow the masonic service. Burial, with military honors, will follow in Mount Rest Cemetery, Bergen. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Bergen Fire Department, P.O. Box 428, Bergen, NY 14416 or the Merrill-Sackett-White American Legion Post -575, P.O. Box 207, Bergen, NY 14416. Please leave a condolence, share a story, or light a candle at
    [Transcribed from The Daily News, online edition, by Chris Sackett]
  • Livingston County News, online, 31 Jul 2023
    Beverly “Bev” Sackett Hallett
    Beverly “Bev” Sackett Hallett was born Aug. 28, 1948, at Highland Hospital in Rochester, New York. Her beautiful life ended at the same location on July 24, 2023, at the age of 74, following complications from the cancer she fiercely battled on and off for nearly 12 years. She is survived by her devoted husband of 54 years, Michael; her children, Chad (Amy) and Carrie (Michael Paris); her grandchildren, Fisher, Will and Senna; her brother, Raymond Sackett (Donna); her sister, Sue Kretchmer; and many loving brothers- and sisters-in-law, cousins, and nieces and nephews on both the Sackett and Hallett sides of the family.
    She is predeceased by her parents, Herman and Mildred Sackett of South Lima, N.Y.; her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Wilton and Dorothy Hallett of Caledonia, N.Y.; and her brother-in-law, Jim Kretchmer of Conesus, N.Y.
    Bev graduated from Livonia Central School and started her career with the Rochester Telephone Company. Bev and Mike were married on June 14, 1969, and built their home on Dutch Hollow Road in Avon, N.Y., where they raised their children and became active members of their community.
    While their kids were young, Bev provided support and assistance to Mike and his trucking business. Later, she returned to working outside of the home and worked for XLM/Hon Industries; Essex Investments; and lastly, Bryant and Stratton, where she was a receptionist/friend of everyone who walked in the door. She retired in 2014, allowing more time for her passions.
    Bev was a devoted gardener, reader, and most importantly, a friend. She was always available for a call or visit, made connections easily and readily with everyone she met, and like her gardens, cherished and nurtured her life-long friendships. She enjoyed Friday-night suppers with her friends and family, as well as breakfast gatherings with the ladies of Dutch Hollow Road and former colleagues.
    A special thank you goes out to all our friends and neighbors who have been behind the scenes supporting the family. Additionally, we are extremely thankful to the medical teams that provided her with care and support during her nearly 12-year cancer battle: Dr. Balaji and the Avon Medical Group, UR Gynecologic Oncology (Lattimore), the Highland Hospital Infusion Center; and the staff at 5 East of Highland Hospital.
    A celebration of Bev’s beautiful life will take place on Friday, Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church of East Avon, 5605 East Avon-Lima Road, Avon, N.Y., with a reception following at Willow Creek, 3100 Rochester Rd., Lakeville, N.Y.
    [Transcribed from Livingston County News, online edition, by Chris Sackett]

Website Newspaper Abstracts (
Website Find A Grave (, transcript.
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The Daily News, Genesee County, NY, online edition (
Website Fulton History: Old New York State Historical Newspapers (