Newspaper Abstracts, Massachusetts

101 records

  • Boston, various newspapers, 8 May 1727, death, "Sackett, Richard, Rev., at Greenwich, 8 May 1727. Jour." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:45, 1810 March 7, "Married, New Lebanon, Feb 25, Mr Noadiah Sacket, of Berlin, N.Y. to Miss Sophia Allen, of this town."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 14 Mar 1810, marriage, "Sacket, Noah, of Berlin (N.Y.), m. Sophia Allen of Pittsfield (Mass.) in New Lebanon (N.Y.)." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 22 May 1813, death, "Sacket, Ebenezer Capt d. in Westfield and his wife." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:70, 1814 May 12, "Died, This town, May 9, Mr Solomon Sacket."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 18 May 1814, death, "Sacket, Solomon, d. in Pittsfield." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:80, 1816 March 21, "Died. This town, a few days since, Mrs. Sacket, relict of late Mr. Erastus Sacket, ae 88."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 8 Jun 1816, death, "Sacket, Elizabeth (Mrs), wife of Samuel Sacket d. in New York." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 29 Jun 1816, marriage, "Sally Sacket of Pittsfield m. James Hart, in Middletown, Conn." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 22 Jan 1817, death, "Sackett, Charity (Mrs), wife of Charles C Sacket d. in New York, aged 24." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 13 Mar 1822, death, "Sacket, Samuel Esq, d. in Brooklyn, LI, aged 57." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Hampden Federalist (Springfield, MA), July 10, 1822, Volume XVII Issue 28 Page 111
    At Westfield, on the 26th ult. Mr. John Pomroy Sacket, aged 21."
    [Sacketts of America had 3 July 1822] [Researched by Terri Carlson]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:139, 1824 April 22, "Died. This town, Ap'l 20, Capt. Daniel Sacket, in 90th yr. See notice."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 28 Apr 1824, death, "Sackett, Daniel Capt d. in Pittsfield, aged 89." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 15 Jun 1825, marriage, "Noah Edwards Sackett m. Catherine Goodrich in Boston, Sunday." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:162, 1826 Oct 26, "Married, New Lebanon, Oct. 15, Mr Chauncy S Chase, of this town, to Miss Malinda Sackett, of Westfield"
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • New England Inquirer, Amherst, Massachusetts, 39.3, Feb 16, 1827, "Marriages, Westfield, 31st ult., Mr Caleb Williams to Miss Mary Sacket, dau. of Mr Aaron Sacket"
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 28 Apr 1827, death, "Sackett, Judge, of Newbury, d. in Albany." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:188, 1829 Nov. 26, "Died. This town, Nov. 19, Mrs. Mehitable Sacket, relict of late Capt. Daniel Sacket, in 89th yr."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 18 May 1831, death, "Sacket, Stephen, form. of Westfield, aged 53." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 15 Oct 1831, death, "Sackett, Julia Ann, dau of Aaron Sackett d. in Westfield, aged 15." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 2 Nov 1831, marriage, "George Sackett m. Lucy A. Cowles in Westfield." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:212, "1832 Sep 27, Died. Michigan, a few weeks since, Mr. Lemuel Sacket, formerly of this town, ae 64."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 23 Mar 1833, marriage, "Sacket, Lucinda, m. Thomas H. Parker in Springfield." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:219, "1833 May 2, Died. This town, Ap'l 30, Mrs Ruth, consort of Mr Erastus Sackett, ae 75"
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 6, 10, & 13 Sep 1834, death, "Sacket, Nancy (Mrs), wife of James Sacket d. in Westfield, aged 59." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • The Pittsfield Sun, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 8 Jun 1837, p 3
    To the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Berkshire.
    The Petition of Calvin Martin, of Pittsfield, in said County, Guardian of Erastus Sacket, of said Pittsfield, a person incapable of taking care of himself. Your petitioner respectfully represents that the said Sacket is seized and possessed of certain real estate lying in the town of Lenox, in said County, and bounded south by the road leading from the County Road to East Street, west on land formerly owned by Samuel Judd, deceased, north on land lately owned by Thomas Tracy, east by land lately owned by Simeon Stoddard, containing, by estimation, five acres and fifty-five rods of land. Said real estate is destitute of a fence and of an oblong form, and the expense of fencing would be great and disproportionate to the incomes arising from the cultivation of said land: and your petitioner would further state, that it would be for the interest of said Sacket, and all others interested therein, that said real estate should be sold and the avails thereof put out on interest.—Wherefore your petitioner prays, that he may be empowered and licensed to make sale of said real estate agreeably to the law in such case made and provided.
    Calvin Martin.
    June 5, 1337.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Columbian Centinel, Massachusetts, 4 Apr 1838, marriage, "Jane Sackett m. John Hardy, of Kittery, Me., in Boston." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:293, 1838 Oct 3, "Died. This town, Sep 28, Mr Erastus Sackett."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:302, 1839 April 11, "Died. Sandisfield, Mar. 24, Sarah, wife of Mr. Ezra Sackett, in 56th yr."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:316, 1840 Jan 30, "Died. New Lebanon, N.Y., Jan 19, Capt Buel Sacket in 75th yr. Rev. soldier. Was one [sic: ?"on"] guard at execution of Maj. Andre."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:341, 1841 July 22, "Married, New Lebanon, July 5, Mr Benjamin C Bailey, of Hancock, to Miss Ann Sackett, of Sandisfield."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:392, 1843 Sept 21, "Married, West Springfield, Sep 14, Mr Stephen Warren, of this town, to Mrs Sarah Sackett, of West Springfield"
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:395, 1843 Oct 12, "Married, Hudson, Oct 5, Mr Abram M Haight to Miss Sarah E Sackett, dau. of Mr Norman Sackett, all of New Lebanon."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:417, 1844 Sept 5, "Died. This town, Aug 31, child of Erastus Sackett, ae 14 ms"
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:420, 1844 Sept 26, "Died. Aug 13, Mrs Huldah, wife of Solomon Sackett, ae 50."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Pittsfield Sun, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1:423, 1844 Nov 21, "Married, New Lebanon, Nov. 9, Mr Allen B Davis to Miss Delia M Sackett, all of New Lebanon."
    [Transcribed from the Cooke Collection at Berkshire Athenaeum by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 6 Nov 1851, p 2
    "Died. At Westfield, 4th, Lester Sackett, 50."
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Evening Transcript, 21 October 1852
    "The Yankee Card Writer has been presented with the freedom of the city of New York in a gold box—(or probably will be)—and is now enjoying himself at the Irving House, where he will remain for a few weeks, then honor Baltimore with a visit, and probably shake hands with the "solid men of Boston" some time in December."
    [Orsemus Sackett]
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, MA, 16 Feb 1854, p 2
    At Southwick, 11th, Pliny Sackett, 58.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, MA, 21 Feb 1854, p 3
    In Southwick, Feb. 11, Pliny Sackett, aged 58.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Springfield Daily Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 22 Feb 1855, p 1
    Westfield — Dudley Day of Westfield has been committed to jail for the murder of Richard Sackett of the same town who died on Monday morning from the effects of a pistol shot received Saturday. Sackett had been on a fishing excursion in company with four men and returning called at Day's house where he received the shot which entered his left side and passed through the left ventricle of his heart. Day says he fired the pistol to scare Sackett away, not knowing who was knocking at his door.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Daily Atlas, Boston, MA, Monday, October 1, 1855; Issue 78; col. B
    "We are indebted to Mr. O. Sackett, the Yankee card writer, for a card case and a pack of visiting cards executed in the neatest possible style. Mr. Sackett is to be found at the Revere House."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Lowell Daily Citizen and News, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Tuesday, April 07, 1857; Issue 291; col. E
    "The "Yankee Card-writer" was subjected to a horse whipping at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, recently, for having sent a couple of ladies a bouquet with a card attached, stating that he wished to make their acquaintance. An uncle of the young ladies took umbrage at the supposed insult, and castigated the gentleman accordingly."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Boston Post, 14 May 1857
    "The report that the "Yankee Card Writer" had been horse whipped at New Orleans is untrue. The Y.C.W. is not a man to submit to any personal indignity."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Westfield News-Letter, Westfield, Massachusetts, 23 Aug 1872, p 2
    The Heaviest Tax Payers.
    The following list includes, we believe, the principal tax payers of Westfield. [List of about 500 names includes:] Marshall A Sackett $55.83; Sackett Est of H $53.65; Sackett Noah $102.42; Sackett James M $71.17; Sackett & Cadwell $78.45; Sackett Roland $97.80; Sackett Martin $91.40; Sackett George $67.26; Sackett Enoch $101.60; Sackett Henry $132.65; Sackett Chas D $ 92.57.
    [Transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett]
  • Fall River Daily Evening News, Fall River, Massachusetts, 1 Apr 1873, p 2
    Superior Court,—Pitman, J. Monday, March 31. No. 215. Charles L. Borden vs. Almeron R. Sackett. An action under the landlord and tenant process, for the possession of certain premises. Verdict for plaintiff. J. M. Morton, Jr., for plaintiff. J. M. Wood for defendant.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 13 Jul 1881, p 5
    The Sandisfield Outrage
    Likely to Prove Fatal—The Full Story of the Brutal Assault on Mrs. Sullivan.
    The assault on Mrs. Johanna Sullivan at Sandisfield early Sunday morning was one of the most brutal affairs yet recorded from southern Berkshire, a section which has gained an unpleasant prominence in late years for revolting crimes. Not only was the woman covered from head to foot with tar, but her assailants kicked and pounded her so badly that it is feared she may die. She is still in Great Barrington, where she was taken to attend the trial Monday, and the doctors say that she cannot be moved with safety. One of the party who broke into her house is in jail and the officers are trying hard to get the others.
    Apparently Mrs. Sullivan hasn't been an amiable neighbor, but she has had a hard lot in life, with many things to sour her temper, and all Sandisfield sympathize with her in this trouble, and denounce those who have injured her. She is a thrifty, hard-working Irish woman of 40, talkative and aggressive, and supports herself and six children, the oldest a boy of 14, on a farm near the Sandisfield church. She has no husband, though the father of her children acted generously toward her when the way he had wronged her was discovered. Several years ago he deserted his wife and went to Ireland, where he married Johanna, and the two came to this country together, earning the farm Mrs. Sullivan now tills in Sandisfield. One day Sullivan’s first wife appeared on the scene. There was a grand hubbub and explanation, and after deeding the farm to Johanna, Sullivan left the town and has not since been heard from. Mrs. Sullivan pluckily accepted the situation, and has toiled hard to support herself and children. She has been in hot water with her neighbors most of the time, resenting both insults and injuries in the court, and there is no doubt that she has been largely to blame for the frequent quarrels in which she has been conspicuous.
    Her story of the assault is corroborated by her oldest boy, Mathew. About 1.30 Sunday morning she was awakened by the men breaking in the outside door. Jumping out of bed she ran into a clothes-press, the door of which swung inward, and as thus able to keep in safety for a while. Her boy bravely stood in front of the door in defense of his mother, but one of the miscreants choked him and threw him out of doors. Hearing one of the men call for an ax, Mrs Sullivan threw open the door and jumped out of the window, the men in close pursuit. By this time the children were aroused and ran screaming after their mother, the whole family being in their night-clothes. Two of the men overtook Mrs. Sullivan a short distance from the house, and threw her to the ground, and while one held her feet the other pulled her clothes up over her head and smothered her cries. White then came up with a bucket of tar, and while the little boy stoned the brutes to make them desist, poured the black stuff all over her body, afterward pulling her clothes down, and covering her face and head with it. Not satisfied with this, they jumped upon her and kicked her until she was half unconscious, when they left her groaning upon the ground. She remained there some 10 minutes, her children finally assisting her into the house.
    Two men have been arrested on suspicion of the crime, Harlan B. Sage, who lives near Mrs. Sullivan, and George L. White, his father-in-law, who lives with him, and both have been held for the grand jury in January. Mrs. Sullivan also accuses Fred Sackett and a stranger, whom she thinks she saw drive into Sage's yard Saturday night. The stranger is described as a stoutly built man, and the descriptions given of him by the boy and by those who saw him at Great Barrington agree perfectly. The circumstances which have led to the outrage show a degraded condition of things, as well as that Mrs. Sullivan had a genius for getting into trouble. A few days ago she obtained a warrant for the arrest of Sage's wife for throwing stones at her and other abuses, and the trial was to take place at Great Barrington Monday, but on Saturday, Mrs Sullivan says, Mrs Sage called out to her: "You old devil, you won't be in Great Barrington Monday, for you'll get fixed." Sage and Sackett have been accused by Mrs Sullivan of attempting to outrage her, but a recent trial was discharged. Her barns were burned three years ago, she claims by incendiaries. Sage has obtained bail, but White still remains in jail, unable to find any bondsmen. Neither he nor Sage made any defense in Monday's court at Great Barrington, but claims that the charge is trumped up against them. White says he slept all night in a house but five rods from Mrs Sullivan's, but in the morning, hearing outcries, he and his wife got up and looked out of the window, but offered no assistance. Sackett will be arrested in Bridgeport, where it is supposed the tar was brought from.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, 18 Mar 1882, p 4
    New England Items.
    Oscar J. Sackett of Hartford, Conn., aged 35, committed suicide yesterday by cutting his throat with a razor.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 27 Jul 1882, p 6
    Berkshire County.
    Trial of the Sandisfield Woman Tarring Case.
    The trial of Sage, White, Sackett and Belknap was continued yesterday in the superior court and will occupy the most of to-day, but the indictment against them for breaking and entering the house of Mrs Sullivan was quashed as not setting up any offense. George Butler, in his cross-examination, admitted that the reputation of Mrs Sullivan and her children for truth and veracity was bad. Mary Sullivan, 13 years old, was on the stand an hour and a half, and her story was similar to that of her three brothers on Tuesday. She plainly identified Sackett, White and Sage as the parties committing the assault, and saw Sage and Sackett pull up her mother's clothing out of doors, on the green, while White applied most of the tar. The child said she was close to her mother during the affair. She did not identify Belknap as the stranger who was with the other three. Deputy Sheriff Humphrey testifed that on the Sunday he and Officer Langdon arrested Sage and White, they were at work in their hay-field, that on the way to Great Barrington, White admitted that he and Sage saw a difficulty out of doors, but that they thought it was a family row between Mrs Sullivan and her children. Humphrey kept the can of tar, and he said he found in Bridgeport similar cans, with the same private cost mark on them as was on the one found at Mrs Sullivan's. Johanna Sullivan's story of the affair was similar to that of her children. She recognized Sackett as one of the three men driving into Sage's yard the evening of the assault by the light of the lantern which Sage held. Fearing danger she laid down on a bed in the bed-room, and had fallen into a doze when the breaking in of the door aroused her. Sackett and Sage entered first and the stranger brought in the light from the kitchen. She recognized Sackett's voice while she was in the clothes-press, and she otherwise corroborated her children's story of the affair. She denied having admitted that she could not identify her assailants. Lawyer Slocum opened for the defense, which is an alibi for Sackett and Belknap and the claim that White and Sage were at home on the night of the occurrence. There being no evidence identifying George D. Belknap as the stranger with the other three, he was discharged at the suggestion of Judge Bacon. There were 24 witnesses called for the defense. Frederick E. Sackett, one of the defendants, testified that he left Bridgeport June 29 for a week's vacation; reached his father's July 2, and left Sandisfield on the night of July 8, going to Winsted with his brother. The following morning he went to Goshen, Ct., where he remained until Monday morning, and he then returned to Bridgeport. Landlord Sandam of Goshen testified that Sackett spent the night mentioned at his hotel.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Springfield Daily Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 27 Nov 1882, p 5
    Sandisfield Tar and Feathers.
    New Arrests In Connection With the Johanna Sullivan Outrage.
    Interest in the tarring and feathering of Johanna Sullivan at Sandisfield in July, 1881, is revived by the arrest of two Connecticut men for committing the outrage, and their extradition for examination at Pittsfield to-day. These men are Andrew Sackett, formerly of Winsted and now of Waterbury, and W. H. Rugg, employed in the rule-shop at Riverton. Last July Frederick B. Sackett, Harlow B. Sage and Andrew White were tried at Pittsfield for the crime, Mrs. Sullivan and her children identifying them positively, but the jury disagreed. Preliminary to another trial at the coming January term, District Attorney Waterman put the case in the hands of State Detective Kellogg, instructing him to investigate especially Fred Sackett's claim of an alibi. While doing this, the officer learned at Winsted that Andrew Sackett had foretold the outrage, and obtained the affidavits of several persons who heard his prophecy. The story was that Sackett and Rugg, both of whom had lived in Sandisfield and had trouble with Mrs. Sullivan, met at Winsted the night of the outrage, drove 15 miles, left their team at Stickles's place, a mile away from the victim's house, and committed the deed. Other Kellogg obtained requisitions from Gov. Bigelow, arrested the men Saturday and took them to Pittsfield, where they will be examined before Judge Tucker this morning. They will waive examination and give bail. Mrs. Sullivan and her family still insist that the other three defendants were her assailants, and many believe that the present move is to draw suspicion from the guilty ones and throw it on two men against whom there is no proof besides the stories they are alleged to have told themselves.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire County Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 11 Jan 1883, p 2
    Mrs Abigail Collins, who recently died at Huntington at the age 92, had been for a long time the oldest person in town. Her father, Zavan Sackett, was one of the early settlers of Norwich—now Huntington. Sackett built the bouse occupied by the late Garry Munson at Norwich Bridge, and there his daughter Abigail was born. In 1816 she married Charles Collins, who, in company with his father, was proprietor of the "tavern" at Falley's X Roads, now Huntington village. Mr Sackett, with his family, removed to Ohio, when he attained the same great age of the daughter who has just died. All his seven sons lived beyond three-score-and-ten, and were eminent for piety and influence. Mrs Collins was early left a widow with six children, all of whom reached maturity. Her eldest son, Henry, a merchant in New York and a member of Plymouth church, died at his residence in Brooklyn the past year. The children who survive are: Havington C. Collins of Huntington, Mrs Charles Pitt of Pittsfield, Erastus Collins of Westfield, James Collins of Philadelphia and Mrs Frances Gleason of Huntington. Mrs Collins was one of three or four women who began holding little prayer-meetings in the Falley X Roads schoolhouse, which eventually led to the first church organization in the place. To the last she retained her interest in church and society. Mrs Emmeline Lindsey, whose funeral took place on the day of Mrs Collin's death, was scarcely less remarkable for energy and mental activity. She was the mother of Sheriff G. M. and James V. Lindsey, and was 86 years of age. Mrs Collins and Mrs Lindsey had been neighbors for many years, and were the two oldest members of the Second Congregational church.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, 28 Jul 1883, p 6
    Pleaded Guilty and Paid Up.
    Four Defendants in the Sandisfield Case Have Their Cases Placed on File.
    [Special Despatch to The Boston Globe.]
    [:TAB:]Pittsfield, July 27.—In the Superior Court this morning, when the Sandisfield case was called, the defendants submitted a proposition to District Attorney Waterman, which was accepted this afternoon. Four defendants, Rugg, Clark, Andrew Sackett and George Hall, pleaded guilty and their cases were put on file. The cases against the others were not called. Nine of the party combine to pay Mrs. Sullivan $600, and $500 to the Commonwealth for costs. Altogether it has cost the party over $2000 for the night's work. The defence got frightened, as every member of the party was willing to turn State's evidence and save himself and throw the blame on Rugg, who was simply invited to attend the dance. Smith Sackett, father of two of the defendants, will be bankrupted by the affair.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 9 Mar 1885, death, "Sackett, Maj. Delos B, d. 8 Mar 1885." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 21 Dec 1893, death, "Sackett, Dr Solon P, d. 18 Dec 1893." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 7 Sep 1895, death, "Sackett, Mr W A, d. 6 Sep 1895." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 23 Jul 1896, death, "Sackett, Alonzo F, d. 23 Jul 1896." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • The Recorder, Greenfield, Massachusetts, 8 Aug 1896, p 8
    In Northampton, July 27, Daniel Sackett of Westfield, aged 75.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 19 Aug 1896, death, "Sackett, Obadiah, d. 18 Aug 1896." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 19 August 1896
    "Yankee Newsman Dead.
    Obadiah Sackett, Native of This City, Manager of Lecture Bureau and Friend of Horace Greeley.
    Grand Rapids, Mich. Aug 18—Obadiah Sackett, known all over the United States as the "Yankee News Man," died this evening of old age, aged 77.
    The deceased was a native of Boston, and for years was manager of a lecture bureau and managed Horace Greeley's first tour through the west.
    For the past 16 years he has resided in this city and conducted a news agency.
    The deceased leaves three sons, one a coffee broker in Brooklyn, N.Y.
    His estate is estimated at $50,000."
    [Orsemus Sackett]
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, 3 Mar 1897, p 2
    Death of Justin Sackett.
    Springfield, Mass, March 8—Justin Sackett, 82, died early this morning of old age. He was one of the best known landscape gardeners in his day and located Forest park in this city.
    He served on the board of public works, and for nine years, from 1860, was superintendent of streets.
    He leaves three children, Edward I. Sackett, division superintendent of the Boston & Albany railroad; James Sackett and Mrs Charles Rust, all of this city.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 4 Mar 1897, death, "Sackett, Justin, d. 3 Mar 1897." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Transcript-Telegram, Holyoke, Massachusetts, 29 Dec 1897, p 8
    Golden Wedding at Westfield
    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sackett of Westfield celebrated their golden wedding anniversary yesterday. Mr. Sackett is 80, and was born at Westfield. He was the son of Russell Sackett. His ancestors were among the original settlers of the town, and the early records show that citizens of that name were among the prominent property owners of the settlement. Mr. Sackett lived as a boy on the north side of the Westfield river. As a youth he worked on the old canal and drove a horse while the feeder at Salmon Falls was being constructed. He is one of veteran whip makers of Westfield, and in the early days worked in various shops. He was one of the earliest retailers of beef in Westfield, and was engaged in the meat business for thirty-seven years, retiring in 1888. Mrs. Sackett is sixty-seven and was also born at Westfield. Her maiden name was Sophia Hanchett, and her father was Samuel Hanchett. She was seventeen when married. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Minor Raymond, a Methodist minister, afterward principal of Wesleyan academy at Wilbraham. Mr. Sackett's sister, Eliza Sackett, and a man named Sanderson stood up for the couple. Mr. Sackett is the last of a family of ten children, while Mrs. Sackett has a brother and three sisters living. The sisters are: Mrs. Mary A. Meeker of Northampton, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen of Westfield, and Mrs. Sarah M. Brown of Springfield. All three were present at the anniversary yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett have but one child, Frederick H. Sackett, cashier of the National bank of Westfield.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Transcript-Telegram, Holyoke, Massachusetts, 17 Jan 1899, p 8
    Loomis J. Sackett, 75, one of the wealthiest men of Southwick, died last night. He was born in Westfield, but had lived in Southwick for about fifty years. He was a successful farmer and retired twenty-five years ago. He was town treasurer at one time, but had held no other public office. He was a member of the Congregational church. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Eddy of St. Louis, Mo. [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Republican, 24 Nov 1900, p 12
    Collector's Sale for Non-Payment of Taxes.
    The owners and occupants of the following described parcels of real estate, situated in the City of Springfield, County of Hampden, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the public are hereby notified that the taxes and assessments thereon severally assessed for the year 1899, according to the list committed to me as collector of taxes, for said city, by the assessors of taxes, and the legally constituted authorities, remain unpaid, and that said parcels of real estate will be sold at public auction at the collector's office, City Hall, on Tuesday, the fourth day of December, 1900, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the payment of said taxes, and all incidental charges and expenses, unless the same shall have been previously paid.
    Clarissa Ashley.
    The lot of land, containing about 9899 feet, with building thereon, situated on the southerly side of Carew street, adjoining estate of Dorothy Ann Tone, and numbered 179 on said street.
    Tax of 1899 ... $25.84
    Watering streets .. 1.17
    Total ... $27.01
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 21 May 1905
    "Death of Sackett Baby.
    Special Justice George M. Stearns Heard the Evidence—Will Report to the District Attorney.
    The inquiry into the cause of the death of Marion A. Sackett, the 3-weeks-old baby of Mr and Mrs Geo. R. Sackett of Revere, begun in the Chelsea court yesterday forenoon, was finished shortly after 4 yesterday afternoon.
    In all over a dozen witnesses were examined, Special Justice George M. Stearns hearing the evidence. The evidence will be considered by Judge Stearns, who in turn will make his report to the office of the district attorney.
    Among those who were examined were Dr Charles H. Shackford and Silas R. McVey, both of Chelsea, the latter a druggist. The child was attended by Dr Shackford and the prescription was filled in Mr McVey's store.
    In the prescription were powders and after taking one the child's condition became serious, went into a state of coma and died the next day. Before the child died Dr Park of Revere was called in and diagnosed the case as one of opium poisoning.
    The child died on Feb 21 last."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Hampden County Leader, Westfield, Massachusetts, 1 Feb 1907, p 1
    Attendance of 1,000
    With Many Odd Costumes and Local Hits of Masked Variety
    There were a thousand people in attendance and 164 couples in the grand march at the 13th annual masquerade of the Young Men's Social club in Columbia Hall Wednesday evening. ... The grand march was lead by Geo. M. Clark and Miss Gertrude M. Sackett. ... The following prizes were awarded: Best dressed couple, George M. Clark and Miss Gertrude M. Sackett; ...
    [Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Valley Echo, Westfield, Massachusetts, 2 Feb 1907, p 1
    Merry Dancers in Costume
    Young Men's Social Club Masquerade a Success.
    ... Under the leadership of George Clark and Miss Gertrude Sackett the maskers marched around the hall finally ending up in rows of eight. It was a beautiful sight and brought forth considerable applause from the spectators. The judges were L. R. Sweatland, Parker Montgomery and Walter J Smith, and after some time they announced their awards as follows: Best dressed man, George Clark, leader of the grand march; best dressed woman, Miss Gertrude Sackett, with Mr. Clark in the march. ...
    [Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Globe, Boston, Massachusetts, 26 Jul 1907, p 1
    Suicide by Hanging.
    May Belcher Sackett. Member of Prominent Danbury, Conn, Family, Found Dead In Cellar. Danbury. Conn. July 25. — May Belcher Sackett, aged 35. a member of a prominent family here, committed suicide by hanging today at her home. Her body was discovered suspended from a beam in the cellar and cut down by her sister. No reason is assigned for the suicide.
    [ image researched by Jon Eisenberg]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 9 Jan 1908, p 10
    Sister Resides Here.
    Mrs. Corlestia Sackett, 84, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, J. N. Sackett in Holyoke. Mrs. Sackett was the widow of Daniel Sackett, her maiden name being Corlestia Loomis. She was a native of Westfield, and had always lived in that town until the death of her husband 11 years ago, when she went to Holyoke to live with her son. She was a member of the Methodist church in Westfield. She leaves, beside her son, one sister, Mrs. Lemuel Barlow of this town, a granddaughter, Mrs. Charles P. Randall of Holyoke, two grandsons, L. J. Sackett of New York city and Arthur S. of Chicopee Falls, and five great-grandchildren, Misses Stella and Gladys and Stewart Randall of Holyoke, and the two daughters of the late Leslie Smith at Mittineague. Prayer will be offered at the home of her son, J. N. Sackett tomorrow morning with funeral services at the Park Memorial church in Westfield tomorrow afternoon. The burlal will be in Westfield.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Valley Echo, Westfield, Massachusetts, 29 Feb 1908, p 1
    Masquer's Great Hit
    Young Men's Social Club Scores A Great Success.
    ... best dressed couple, Gertrude M. Sackett and George M. Clark. ...
    [Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 12 September 1908
    "Abner Rice, Lee, Dead.
    Town's Leading Citizen Lived to Age of 88 Years.
    High School Principal for 31 Years and a Representative.
    Lee, Sept 11—Abner Rice, 88 years old, Lee's most prominent citizen, died this morning after a brief illness. … He is survived by the following children: Mrs Augustine Sackett of New York, …."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 8 September 1909
    South Easton Young Couple Are Wedded at Home of the Bride, Under a Floral bell.
    South Easton, Sept 7—At the home of Mr and Mrs George Sackett this afternoon their daughter, Miss Helen Sackett, was married to William H. Lathrop. The ceremony was performed by Rev William H. Fryling, the couple standing under a floral bell. The Episcopal service was used with the single ring ceremony. Miss Mildred Drake, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid and the best man was Russell G Alger of Taunton.
    The bride was dressed in a white messaline and wore a bridal veil caught up with lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. The bridesmaid wore a yellow silk and carried white asters.
    The ushers were Erving Lathrop and John Chillingworth. The groom's gift to the best man and ushers was a gold scarf pin. The bride's gift to the bridesmaid was a solid gold brooch.
    After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served and Mr and Mrs Lathrop left on a wedding trip."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Transcript, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, December 8 1909.
    "Genealogical Column
    3. Atherton. Mary Atherton married Ezekiel (6) Sackett of Dutchess County, New York, Nov 13, 1759. She was a daughter of James Atherton, who came from Canterbury, Conn., to Dutchess County, New York. When was she born and what is the ancestry of her father, James Atherton, and his wife? A. R. B. S." [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Hampden County Leader, Westfield, Massachusetts, 11 Mar 1910, p 8
    Searching for Sackett Girls.
    Atty. Harold P. Moseley is trying to locate Bertha and Gertrude Sackett daughters of Seymour A. Sackett, sometimes known as S. Arthur Sackett, who lived in Westfield more than 30 years ago. The two women are heirs to the estate left by Mrs. Ellen Shattuck, who died a short time ago. When last located they lived in Hartford, Conn., but are believed to have married and left that section, as no information concerning them has been secured.
    [Researched by Ralph Silberman & transcribed from Westfield Athenaeum image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 10 Oct 1913, death, "Sackett, Gen Frederick M, d. 9 Oct 1913." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 14 May 1914, p 2
    Mrs Frederick Sackett.
    Mrs. Mary Sackett, aged 45 years, wife of Frederick Sackett of West Lebanon, N, Y., died this morning at the House of Mercy hospital. She was a native of Brainard, N. Y., and had resided in West Lebanon for some time. She came to this city Tuesday and underwent a serious operation at the hospital yesterday. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, the Misses Maud, Eva and Edna Sackett, and her father, George Marshall, all of West Lebanon.
    The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the home of her father and burial will be in West Lebanon.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Daily News, Springfield, Massachusetts, 15 Jan 1916, p 7
    Was Civil War Veteran and Formerly Engine Dispatcher on B. & A. Railroad
    George L. Sackett, 76, a civil war veteran and a pensioned Boston and Albany railroad company employee, died this morning at 5:25 o'clock at his home on Cottage street following an attack of grip.
    He was born October 3, 1839, in Northampton, the son of Rufus and Frances Sackett of that town. When the civil war broke out, he enlisted with the volunteers of Connecticut and served throughout the war. At its close he came to West Springfield and secured a position with the Boston and Albany railroad as engineer and later became engine dispatcher. He retired from the road in 1899 with a pension. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of this town and of Hampden Lodge of Odd Fellows of Springfield.
    He leaves a son, George H. Sackett, and four sisters, Mrs. Josephine Dickinson of Boston, Mrs. William R. Allen and Mrs. E. Durant, both of New Haven, Ct., and Mrs. A. Goodwin of San Francisco, Cal.
    The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the funeral parlors of Julius A. Morrill on Main street. Burial will be in Tatham cemetery. Rev. W. L. Atherton of the First Baptist church will officiate.
    [Transcribed from by Ted Smith]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 16 February 1916
    William Pearson of Boston Best Man at Wedding in First Congregational Church, Providence.
    Providence, Feb. 15—In the First Congregational Church (Unitarian) at 6 o'clock tonight, Miss Sarah Sheldon Sackett, daughter of Mr and Mrs George O. Sackett of this city, was married to A. Chester Snow, son of George M. Snow. The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr Augustus M. Lord.
    The bride was attended by Mrs Charles B. Rockwell Jr as matron of honor and the bridesmaids were her sisters, Misses Josephine P. Sackett and Roberta S. Sackett. William Pearson of Boston was best man and the ushers were Nelson R. Sackett, Claude B. Branch, Robert R. Jones, Walter G. Brown, Edward Palmer of Providence and Thornton Snow of Boston."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 20 September 1916
    "Holyoke, Sept 19—The funeral of George L. Thorpe took place this afternoon …. The bearers were …, Dr H.R Sackett, J.H. Sackett, … of New Haven …."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Springfield Daily Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 25 Aug 1917, p 10 Westfield
    Mrs. Lydia Caswell Dead
    Aged Resident Had Spent Most of Life in Town
    Mrs. Lydia Caswell, 98, of 27 Bartlett street, one of Westfield's oldest residents, died at her home yesterday morning after an illness of several months. She had lived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wetmore of Bartlett street for many years.
    Mrs. Caswell was born in Middle Farms, December 28, 1819, and was one of a family of six girls and three boys, of whom she was the last survivor. She was the daughter of Asah and Lucretia (Gaylord) Chapman. She often spoke of her girlhood days, and of many of her playmates of that period, many of whom attained prominence in the world in later years. She had been a resident of Westfield practically all her life and had seen many changes in the town.
    Mrs. Caswell injured one of her eyes a few years ago, and her hearing was also slightly impaired by the accident, but she had retained most of her faculties up to a short time before her death. She was a fine conversationalist and a great reader. She was a singer of note during her younger days, and was much in demand at church and concert affairs. She rode on the second train that was run over the Boston and Albany railroad, from Hinsdale to Westfield.
    Mrs. Caswell was twice married, her first husband being Lemuel Sackett, by whom she had five children, one of whom, Mrs. Hebert L. Sackett, of Pochassic street, survives. Her second husband was Hiram Caswell, a veteran of the civil war, by whom she had one son, Hiram Caswell, Jr., who is now living in Springfield. She was a member of the Methodist church.
    The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at Parks chapel. Rev. Robert Tucker will officiate. Burial will be in Pine Hill cemetery.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Boston Daily Globe, 24 November 1918
    "Fishing Companion of Millionaires Dead
    Lenox, Nov 23—Isaac M. Sackett, 68, friend of millionaires and fishing companion at Lake Mahkeemic, died of heart failure in a Pittsfield restaurant tonight. He was born in West Stockbridge and had lived for 30 years on the east shore of Mahkeemic Lake, in the heart of the millionaires' belt, where he sold live bait and rented boats.
    The late Joseph Choate and Dr Charles McBurney regarded hin as the best posted fisherman in Berkshire County. The only one who approached him in big catches in the last three years has been Andrew Carnegie. he leaves a widow and two daughters."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Springfield Daily Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 8 Aug 1922, p 6
    Mrs Martha Sackett
    Resident of Southwick for Many Years Dies at Home of Daughter
    Southwick, Aug. 7—Mrs. Martha Sackett, 85, died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. J. Hudson. She was born at East Barnard, Vt., in 1837 and was married to Frank Tupper in 1857. She lived for many years at Kossuth, Ia. After the death of her husband she came back East and later married Loomis J. Sackett, a prominent Southwick citizen, who died in 1899. Mrs. Sackett was an active member of the Congregational church of Southwick and was widely known in this vicinity. She had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Hudson, since the death of her second husband.
    Besides her daughter, she leaves two grandchildren, Clarence A. Hudson of Southwick and Harold L. Hudson of West Springfield. The funeral will be held at the home at 2 Thursday afternoon. Burial will be in Fine Hill cemetery, Westfield.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 21 Aug 1925, p 22
    Death of Mrs. Augustine Sackett
    Mrs. Augustine Sackett of New York city, aged 77 years, died last evening in her summer home at Warren, Ct. She was born in Wayland, October 16, 1847, the daughter of Abner and Nancy Reaves Rice. Mrs. Sackett was educated in Lee and was married there to Mr. Sackett of Warren, who died several years ago.
    She is survived by two daughters, Miss Edith Sackett and Mrs. George Miles of Warren and three brothers, Dr. Clarence Rice of New York city, William Rice of Appalachicola, Fla., and James A. Rice of Lee. Also, one sister, Miss Sarah Rice of this town. Mrs. Sackett was a member of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian church in New York city of which Rev. Sloane Coffin is pastor.
    The day and time of the funeral has not been arranged as yet. James A. Rice, her son left for Warren this morning. Interment will be in the family plot of the Fairmont cemetery of Lee.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 14 Feb 1928, death, "Sackett, Edward I, d. 14 Feb 1928." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Boston Transcript, Massachusetts, 16 Jul 1930, death, "Sackett, Fred S, d. 14 Jul 1930." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 24 Feb 1931, p 6
    Charles A. Sackett
    Charles A. Sackett, 48, of 378 Main street, Agawam, died Sunday night at his home. He was born at West Springfield, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Sackett of Cottage street, and for the past 15 years was storekeeper at the Boston & Albany railroad shops. He was a member of the Mount Orthodox lodge of Masons, of the the Boston & Albany Craft club of West Springfield, and of the Smith and Wesson Revolver club. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Clara Sackett, one son, Grant, who is a pupil at the Agawam High school; one sister, Mrs. Murray J. Rott of West Springfield, and his parents. The funeral will be held at the Church of the Good Shepard tomorrow afternoon at 2, Rev. Arthur W. Brown officiating. Burial will be in Tatham cemetery at West Springfield.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 6 Feb 1939
    SACKETT—At Wesson Memorial Hospital, the 5th, George H. Sackett, 79, of 42 Cottage street, West Springfield, retired engineer, B. & A. railroad. Funeral will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd in West Springfield, Wednesday at 2:30. Mr. Sackett may be seen at the Merrill parlors until noon Wednesday.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Ted Smith]
  • Springfield Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, 6 Feb 1939, p 4
    Retired B. & A. Engineer Was Member of Masons and Odd Fellows
    George H. Sackett, 79, of 42 Cottage street, West Springfield, retired veteran of 51 years service as an engineer and fireman with the Boston & Albany railroad, died yesterday at Wesson Memorial Hospital after a short illness.
    He was born in Chicopee, but had lived in West Springfield for 65 years. He began his service with the railroad in 1877 as a fireman for his engineer-father, and was promoted to an engineer berth four years later. He retired 10 years ago.
    Mr. Sackett was a member of the Hampden lodge of Masons, the Craft club, Amity lodge of Odd Fellows and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He leaves one granddaughter, Mrs. Doris Hendrickson; one grandson, Grant Sackett, and two great-grandchildren, all of West Springfield.
    The funeral will be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd, of which Mr. Sackett was a member, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Burial will be in Tatham cemetery. The body may be seen at the Morrill funeral parlors until noon Wednesday.
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Ted Smith]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 25 Jan 1940, p 13
    Mrs. Eva Stanton Of Tyringham Dies at Hospital
    New Lebanon, N. Y.,—Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton, 47, a native of this town, more recently of Tyringham, died this morning at Hillcrest Hospital, Pittsfield, following an operation.
    She was born Jan. 3, 1893, the daughter of Frederick G. Sackett and the late Mittie (Marshall) Sackett. She was twice married, her first husband, Herbert Owens to whom she was wed in 1916 having died in 1921. Later she married Junius Stanton of Tyringham who survives her.
    There are also two sons, Herbert and Eugene Owens, a son, Robert Stanton, her father, two sisters, Mrs. Maude Drowne of New Lebanon, Mrs. Edna Sackett of Pittsfield, Mass., two uncles and an aunt.
    For over 12 years Mrs. Stanton was a telephone operator at West Lebanon.
    Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
    The body has been taken to the Wellington Funeral Home, 220 East Street.
    Members of the family will meet friends at the funeral home tomorrow afternoon from 2.30 to 4 and tomorrow evening from 7 to 9.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 26 Jan 1940, p 6
    Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton
    Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Sackett Stanton will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 at the Wellington Funeral Home, 220.East Street. Burial will be in the Evergreen Cemetery, New Lebanon, N. Y.
    Members of the family will meet friends at the funeral home this afternoon from 2.30 to 4 and tonight from 7 to 9.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 23 Jun 1954, p 15
    Gardner Girl, Russell Sackett To Wed Sept. 25
    Gardner—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jillson of 186 Chestnut St. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Faith Elizabeth, to Russell Dean Sackett of 62 Wellington Ave., Pittsfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sackett of Westfield. The wedding will take place Sept. 25.
    Miss Jillson, a 1946 graduate of the University of Massachusetts, is a registered medical technologist.
    Mr. Sackett, who is a draftsman in the power transformer department of GE in Pittsfield, graduated in 1940 from Springfield Technical High School.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Boston Herald, 25 May 1964
    "Reginald Sackett, Orchestra Leader, Rites Wednesday
    Reginald L. Sackett, 63, of 46 Upham St., Melrose, dance orchestra leader, died yesterday.
    He organized and led the band that bore his name, and was widely-known throughout Greater Boston during the early 1950s.
    Born in Glen Falls, N.Y., Sackett was a member of the Wyoming Lodge, A.F.&A.M. and other Masonic bodies.
    He leaves his wife Doris (Estes) and two sons, David Peter, a student at the University of Massachusetts and Richard E. of Wakefield.
    Services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Robinson Chapel, Melrose."
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • Boston Traveler, 26 May 1964
    Deaths, "Sackett—Suddenly, in Melrose, May 24 Reginald L. of 46 Upham St. husband of Doris (Estes) and father of Richard E. and David P. Sackett. Services at Robinson Chapel, 809 Main St., Wednesday at 2:30. Friends may call Tuesday 7 to 9."
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Boston Globe, Massachusetts, 24 Jul 1970, Page 28
    "SACKETT—Of Boston, July 22, formerly of Somerville, Harry, father of George R. of New Jersey and Mrs. Mildred K. Noel of Winchester. Funeral from the Funeral Home of John Bryant's Sons, 181 Broadway, Somerville, Saturday, July 25, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Friday 2-4 and 7-9. High Mass of requiem at St. Benedicts Church at 10 a.m."
    [Transcribed from by Ted Smith]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 14 Feb 1981, p 6
    On dean's list
    Martin Alan Temple of Cummington and Russell Dean Sackett Jr. of 476 Crane Ave. are among students at the University of Maine at Orono who have been named to the dean's list for the fall semester.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Springfield Union, 6 Mar 1988
    "Doris E. Kenyon.
    Amherst—Doris (Estes) Kenyon, 80, formerly of Riverside Park Apartments, died yesterday at a local nursing home. Born in Cambridge, she was graduated from Everett High School and the Bryant and Stratton School of Business in Boston. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Melrose. She lived in Stoneham and Melrose before moving to Amherst in 1978. Her first husband, Reginald L. Sackett, died in 1964, and her second husband, Roland A. Kenyon, died in 1978. She leaves two sons, David P. Sackett of Hadley and Richard E. Sackett of Waltham, and five grandchildren. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at Douglass Funeral Home, with burial in Lindenwood Cemetery, Stoneham. Memorial contributions may be made to the Amherst Nursing Home."
    [Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 30 Jun 1991, p 10
    Russell D. Sackett Sr.
    Pittsfield — Russell D. Sackett Sr., 69, of 476 Crane Ave. died Friday at his home of cancer of the pancreas and liver and hyperparathyroidism.
    He was born in Springfield on Oct. 16, 1921, the son [of] Herbert H. and Jennetta Dean Sackett. He graduated from Springfield Technical High School in 1940, after which he entered the GE apprentice program.
    Mr. Sackett retired from GE as a manager of computer and control drafting with 42 years of service.
    An Army veteran of World War II, Mr. Sackett served with the 307th Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, Company F. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on Okinawa. Mr. Sackett was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a charter member of the Springside House Greenhouse Group. He was also a member of the GE Quarter Century Club and the Retired Drafting Organization and was Boy Scout Troop 1 committee and merit badge counselor.
    He was an avid gardener and was known for his flowers and tomato plants. He enjoyed fishing for trout and woodworking.
    He leaves his wife, the former Faith E. Jillson, whom he married Sept. 25, 1954; a son, Russell D. Sackett Jr. of Pittsfield; a daughter, Miss Rebecca D. Sackett of Pittsfield; two sisters, Mrs. Janet S. Meacham of Westfield and Mrs. Ruth S. Thomas of Columbia, S.C., and five stepgrandchildren.
    He has donated his eyes to the New England Eye Bank and has donated his body for research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Cremation will follow.
    There will be no funeral. A memorial gathering will be Tuesday from 7 to 9 at First United Methodist Church.
    In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 13 Mar 2008, p 14
    Faith J. Sackett
    Pittsfield—Faith J. Sackett, 81, formerly of Crane Avenue, died Monday afternoon, March 10, 2008, at Hillcrest Commons after a long battle with diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease.
    Born June 17, 1926 in Gardner, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Jillson, she was a 1943 graduate of Gardner High School. She also graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with a degree in medical technology in 1946.
    After graduation, she began her career as a medical technologist in the laboratory at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, Conn. Faith worked in Leominster Hospital before moving to Pittsfield in 1954. She was employed at the former Pittsfield General Hospital and Hillcrest Hospital in the chemistry department of the lab for many years, retiring in 1982.
    Mrs. Sackett was a member of the First United Methodist Church. She was member of the American Guild of Organists and was a substitute organist for many area churches.
    She enjoyed gardening, bowling, traveling, baking pies for church dinners, singing in the choir, playing bells in the Aldersgate bell ringers and playing the organ and piano. After retirement, she assisted her daughter with running a home daycare.
    Her husband, Russell D. Sackett: Sr., whom she married on Sept. 25, 1954 in Gardner, died in 1991.
    She leaves a son, Russell D. Sackett Jr., and a daughter, Rebecca D.,Sackett, both of Pittsfield; a sister, Janet Morse of West Hartford, Conn.; five step-grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren.
    Funeral notice: Faith has donated her body to the University of Massachusetts Medical school. A memorial gathering will be held Wednesday, March 19, 2008, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 55 Fenn St.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 29 Mar 2017
    Pittsfield – Rebecca Diane Sackett, 57, of North Pearl Street, died at Berkshire Medical Center on Saturday, March 18, 2017. She had been a patient at the Hillcrest Commons Nursing Home since January of this year.
    Born in Pittsfield on August 22, 1959, she was the daughter of the late Russell Dean Sackett and Faith Elizabeth Jillson Sackett. Rebecca was educated in the Pittsfield Public School System and was a 1978 graduate of Pittsfield High School. After graduation she ran a home-based family daycare for many years, and volunteered in the First United Methodist Church Sunday School nursery.
    Rebecca enjoyed listening to music, and kept up with current events by watching television and reading the newspaper. She liked to remember her friends and relatives by sending them cards on their birthdays and on holidays. Her constant companion was her cat, Sneakers.
    She is survived by her brother Russell D. Sackett, Jr. and his wife Mary-Jane Ryba Sackett of Pittsfield. She also leaves several cousins, nieces and nephews.
    Services: There are no funeral services planned. Donations in Rebecca's memory may be made to the American Diabetes Association or to the National Kidney Foundation.
    [Transcribed from by Ted Smith]
  • Daily Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, Massachusetts, 22 Dec 2018
    "A Look Back, 200 years ago today.
    One cent reward! Ran away from the subscriber on the 4th inst., an indebted apprentice boy by the name of Isaac Sacket, supposed to have been enticed from his master's service; is about 20 years of age, light complexion, has a knavish look, a quarrelsome disposition, knows more than anybody else, is a great liar and tattler."
    [Comment submitted by Joe Manning to Thurmon King's New Sackett Family Database]

Website Newspaper Abstracts (
"Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & Death Announcements, 1851–2003," digital image,
Website GenealogyBank (
Cooke Collection of Massachusetts Genealogical Records (Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, MA).
American Antiquarian Society, "Newspaper Extractions from the Northeast, 1704–1930," digital image,