Johan Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism7 June 1582, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage29 November 1599, St Peter in ThanetGHugh Wright2
Johan Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 7 June 1582.1 She was probably the "Johan Wright widowe of St Lawrence" who was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 8 July 1622.3 She married at St Peter in ThanetG on 29 November 1599, Hugh Wright.2
     Johan was named as a beneficiary in her father's will made at BirchingtonG on 23 June 1615.4 She was left a sum of £5, to be paid a year after the expiry of the lease on her father's house and land at Birchington.

Children of Johan Sackett and Hugh Wright

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "7 June/July 1582 Johan d. Thomas Sacket the younger."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "29 November 1599 Hughe Write & Joan Sacket, mayde."
  3. Burials Register, St Peter the Apostle, Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "8 Jul 1622 Johan Wright widowe of St Lawrence."
  4. Will of Thomas Sackett of Birchington, Kent, 23 June 1615, proved at Consistory Court of Canterbury, 7 November1615 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 32-44-380).
Sackett lineGranddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Sister of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited26 Jan 2021
Research StatusCompleted 

John Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism9 January 1585/86, St Peter in ThanetG,1
DeathNovember 1634
Marriage4 November 1611, St Peter in ThanetGElizabeth Kitchen2,3
John Sackett, fisherman of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, son of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in ThanetG on 9 January 1585/86.1 He died aged about 48 and was buried there on 2 December 1634.4 He married there on 4 November 1611, Elizabeth Kitchen.2,3 After John's death, Elizabeth married second at St Peter in ThanetG on 4 April 1635 Thomas Wilkins.5
     John would have been the godson John Sackett who was left £1 in the will of his grandfather Thomas Sackett the elder made at St Peter in Thanet on 30 March 1594.6 John would also have been one of the unnamed sons each left £10 in their father's will made at Birchington on 23 June 1615.
     John made his will at St Peter in Thanet on 1 April 1628. It was proved in January 1634/35 by his widow Elizabeth, to whom he left all his estate after bequests of six pence to each of his siblings.7
     The will identifies a brother Simon. The only Simon Sackett known in this period was Simon the colonist. According to the family legend, it would have been this John Sackett who accompanied Simon to the New World, and this John Sackett's son, also a John Sackett, who was later identified living in New Haven, Connecticut.
     The will reads:
Aprill the first day 1628:
Memorand that Jhon Sackett have made my last will and testament In I will and bequeath my soule unto my God Allmighty and my body to bee buryed in the pish Church of St. Peters in the Isle of Thanett in the County of Kent fisherman. In It Is my will that Elesebeth my wife shall be my whole exsteres [executrix] which I doe give unto hir all my goods and chattells shee paying my debtes and lageste [legacies] and my funerall dischardged In It is my will that my wife shall not nomain [underlined, in margin: demand hee ment] that my brother Simon Sackitt owe unto mee In my will is that I give unto all my broders and sisters vid a peece, Whereunto I Jhon Sackett have sett my usuall marke: JII. Witness George Marly to this will Wittnes to this William Kort by his marke.
Probate 8 January 1634 on the oath of Elizabeth Sackett, the widow and relict of the deceased and executrix named in the will.

     The will, while not directly disproving the legend, provides no evidence to support it.
     It would appear from his will that John Sackett the fisherman did not have children. He would not, therefore, have been the father of John Sackett of New Haven.
     John the fisherman died in his native St Peter in Thanet, not in America. As he died in late 1634 and Simon's migration was probably in late 1630/early 1631 and certainly before 1632, it would be possible for John to have accompanied him to America and then to have returned to England. There are, however, no records of this John Sackett in New England (but see commentary on the inventory of 1684 of the estate of John Sackett of New Haven).
     At the date of the will, April 1628, Simon owed his brother John a sum of money, and it was John's request that repayment not be sought. Although assigning a reason for the loan is pure conjecture, it is tempting to hypothesise that John may have set aside funds for the costs of the voyage—is it possible that they were planning to emigrate at this early date? And was this the reason for John's making his will?
     The 6d to be paid to each of his brothers and sisters was a very small sum, more token than bequest. With no other apparent heir, his wife Elizabeth would have assumed ownership of his goods and chattels regardless of a will. The possibility suggests itself therefore that the main purpose of the will may have been to clarify the status of the loan to his brother Simon.
     John was appointed executor of his sister Sara Mockett's will made in BirchingtonG on 22 March 1633. He was to distribute her estate equally to her children and was charged with bringing up and educating her three youngest children. A witness to the will, Elizabeth Sackett, would have been John's wife.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "9 January 1585/86 John s. Thomas Sacket the younger."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "4 November 1611 John Sacket & Elizabeth Kitchen."
  3. The conclusion that it was John Sackett, the fisherman of the 1628 will, who married Elizabeth Kitchen in 1611 is based on the naming in the will of his wife Elizabeth. He would have been about 25 on marriage to Elizabeth, thus giving a good age match.
  4. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "2 December 1634 John Sackett householder."
  5. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, "4 April 1635 Thomas Wilkins & Elizabeth Sackett wid."
  6. Will of Thomas Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 30 March 1594, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 2 June 1596 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-51-184).
  7. Will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 1 April 1628, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 8 January 1635 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-69-312).
Appears inNotable Sacketts
Sackett lineGrandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Brother of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited17 Feb 2023
Research StatusCompleted 

Martha Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism21 April 1588, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage26 November 1610, St Peter in ThanetGThomas Napleton2
Martha Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 21 April 1588.1 She married there on 26 November 1610, Thomas Napleton.2
     Martha would have been one of the unnamed daughters each left £5 in their father's will made at Birchington on 23 June 1615.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "21 April 1588 Martha d. Thomas Sacket."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "26 November 1610 Thomas Napleton & Martha Sacket."
Sackett lineGranddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Sister of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited2 May 2019
Research StatusCompleted 

Sara Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism13 May 1591, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage6 February 1614/15, BirchingtonGRichard Mockett2,3
Sara Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 13 May 1591.1 She died aged about 43 and was buried at Birchington, KentG, on 3 June 1634.4 She married at BirchingtonG on 6 February 1614/15, Richard Mockett.2,3 He was buried at St Nicholas at Wade, KentG, on 2 January 1627.5
     Sara would have been one of the unnamed daughters each left £5 in their father's will made at Birchington on 23 June 1615.
     Richard Mockett made his will at St Nicholas at WadeG on 30 December 1626. He left £10 to each of his sons, Valentine, John, and Richard, when they reached 21, and £10 to each of his daughters, Anne and Sara, when they reached 18. Daughter Anne was a daughter of Richard's first marriage to Catharine Coop. Richard's wife Sara was to have the use of the money for the children's education, as well as receiving the residue of the estate. The will was proved on 24 January 1627.
     Sara made her will in BirchingtonG on 22 March 1633. She appointed her brother John as executor and left her estate to him in trust to bring up her three youngest children, and to distribute her estate equally to all her children as they came of age. A witness to the will, Elizabeth Sackett, was probably John's wife. The will was proved on 12 June 1634. John died later the same year, presumably leaving Sara's children to the care of other family members.
Abstract of Will of Richard Mocket, yeoman of St Nicholas at Wade, Thanet, Kent.
Src ref: KAO PRC 32/47-45.
Date: 30 Dec 1626.
Probate: to Sara Mocket, Consistory Court of Canterbury, 24 Jan 1626/27.
Sons Valentine, John, and Richard, £10 each at 21.
Daughters Anne and Sara, £10 each at 18.
Wife Sara, use of children's portions for their education, residue of estate.
Executrix: Wife Sara.
Witnesses: Henry Stancombe, Richard See.
Abstract of Will of Sara Mockett, widow of Birchington, Thanet, Kent.
Src ref: KAO PRC 32/50-315.
Date: 22 Mar 1633.
Probate: Consistory Court of Canterbury, 12 Jun 1634.
Brother John, of St Peter, all goods & chattels in trust to bring up and educate 3 youngest children, and to distribute equally among all children as they come of age.
Executor: Brother John.
Overseer: trusted friend George Stancombe.
Witnesses: Andrew Binge, Elizabeth Sackett.

Children of Sara Sackett and Richard Mockett

Will transcript
Probate Register - Consistory Court of Canterbury
KAO PRC 32/47-45

Richard Mockett

In the Name of God Amen
December 30th 1626 I Richard Mocket of the parish of St Nicholas Atwade in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent yeoman being sicke in Body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be unto Almighty God therefore do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz
     First I commend and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my mercifull maker trusting onely by the merritts of Jesus Christ my gratious Redeemer and all sufficient Saviour to obtain everlasting salvation both of Soule and body, and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of St Nicholas aforesaid
     Item I give and bequeath unto my three sonnes Valentine Mocket John Mocket and Richard Mocket unto each of them ten pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto each of them by my Executrix hereunder mentioned as soone as they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares And if any one or more of them die before he or they come to his or their full age of one and twenty yeares as aforesaid then my will and meaning is that the survivor or survivors shall be heir or heirs unto their or his dead brother or brothers and enjoy his or their portion or portions so dying before he or they came to his or their said age of one and twenty yeares
     Item I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Anne Mocket and Sara Mocket to each of them ten pounds of like English money to be paid unto them likewise by my said Executrix when they shall accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares And if either of my said two daughters do dy before they come to that age my will and meaning is that then the survivor shall be her sisters heire and enjoy the portion of her dead sister so dying before she come to her age of eighteene yeares
     Item my will and meaning is that Sara my Wife shall have the education and bringing up of all my said five children And that she shall have the use of their severall shares and portions for and towards their education until the time come that they shall severally receive the same unto their own hands as I have before willed
     All the rest of my goods and chattells ungiven and unbequeathed (my just debts, Legacies and funeral expenses paid and discharged) I give and bequeath unto Sara Mocket my Wife whome I make constitute and ordain my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former willes whatsoever
     In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
          Richard Mocket
Witness hereunto
          Henry Stancombe
          Richard See

Probate granted to Sara Mocket 24 January 1626/7

Will transcript
Probate Register - Consistory Court of Canterbury
KAO PRC 32/50-315

Sara Mockett of Birchington c1595–1634

In the Name of God Amen
March 22th 1633 I Sara Mockett of Birchington in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent widow being sicke and weake of body but sound and perfect of mind and memory thankes bee given to Almighty God therefor doe make this my last will and testment in manner and forme following
     First I Comitt and comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my mercifull maker trusting only by the merits of Jesus Christ my gracious redeemer and all sufficient Saviour to obtain everlasting salvation both of my soule and body, And my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Birchington aforesaid
     Item all my goods and chattels I give and bequeath unto my natural and welbeloved brother John Sackett of the parish of St Peter the Apostle to this only use and impose viz. that he useth part thereof doe educate and bringe upp my three youngest children or dispose of them to fitting and convenient Masters to be educated and bought upp And that he doe equally distribute the overplus and remainder of the same amongst all my children by equall and even portions as they grow upp and come to age.
     And I doe make constitute and ordayne my said brother the sole Executor of this my last will and testament And I desire my trusted and welbeloved friend Mr George Stancombe to bee the Overseer of this my last will and testament to see the same executed according to my true meaning and intent.
     In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year abovewritten
          Sarah Mockett
As witnesses hereunto
          Andrew Binge
          Elizabeth Sackett

Probate granted 12 June 1634

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "13 May 1591 Sara d. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "6 February 1614/15 Richard Mockett of St N & B & Sara Sackett (Lic)."
  3. Marriage Licences, Canterbury, Kent, "5 February 1614/15 Richard Mockett of Birchington & Sarah Sackett of same, virgin. At same."
  4. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "3 Jun 1634 Sara Mockett vidua."
  5. Emails from Paul Martin-Dickin to Chris Sackett, April 2005.
Sackett lineGranddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Sister of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
John Mockett & Anne Sackett relationship chart
Last Edited17 Feb 2023
Research StatusCompleted 

Thomas Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism5 August 1593, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Thomas Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 5 August 1593.1 He died aged 25 and was buried there on 16 April 1619.2
     Thomas was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made at BirchingtonG on 23 June 1615.3 He was appointed joint executor with his mother Martha and was left a sum of £10 to be paid a year after the expiry of the lease on his father's house and land at Birchington.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "5/7 August 1593 Thomas s. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "16 April 1619 Thomas Sackett."
  3. Will of Thomas Sackett of Birchington, Kent, 23 June 1615, proved at Consistory Court of Canterbury, 7 November1615 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 32-44-380).
Sackett lineGrandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Brother of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019
Research StatusCompleted 

Simon Sackett the colonist

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism23 November 1595, St Peter in ThanetG,1
Deathbetween 5 and 10 Oct 1635, NewtownG,2
Marriage2 November 1618, St Peter in ThanetGElizabeth Boyman3,4
Marriage6 August 1627, St John in ThanetGIsabel Pearce5,6
Simon Sackett's legacy
Undoubtedly the most significant migration in the history of the Sackett family was that of Simon Sackett who, with his wife Isabel and their infant son Simon, emigrated from St Peter in Thanet, Kent, England, to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in America.
     Despite a short life—he had probably not reached forty when he died in 1635—Simon Sackett the colonist enjoys a pivotal position in the history of the Sacketts, becoming the progenitor of the major part of the American branch of the family.

Simon Sackett, of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, and Newtown (later Cambridge), Massachusetts Bay Colony, son of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in ThanetG on 23 November 1595.1 He died in NewtownG between 5 and 10 Oct 1635.2 He married first at St Peter in ThanetG on 2 November 1618, Elizabeth Boyman.3,4 She died after only seven years' marriage and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 27 February 1625/26.7 He married second at St John in ThanetG on 6 August 1627, Isabel Pearce.5,6 After Simon's death, Isabel married after June 1636 and before 1639, probably in Hartford, ConnecticutG, William Bloomfield.8 Isabel died after 1 April 1682 (date of will made at Newtown, Long Island, New York.)9
     Simon would have been one of the unnamed sons each left £10 in their father's will made at Birchington, KentG, on 23 June 1615.
Simon and Isabel's emigration
Simon and Isabel emigrated from England to the Massachusetts Bay Colony at about the time of the Winthrop fleet of 1630. Their names have not been found on passenger lists reconstructed by researchers of the early immigrants to New England. However, there is good evidence that they had settled in Newtown probably in 1631 and certainly by 1632.
     Charles Weygant, in The Sacketts of America stated that they made the journey on the Lyon, leaving Bristol, England, on 1 December 1630 and arriving at Nantasket Roads, off Boston, on 5 February 1631, after an unusually severe voyage. He further stated that among the heads of families on the Lyon were Roger Williams, Simon Sackett, John Sackett (who would be Simon's brother), John Throkmorton, and Nicholas Bailey.
     Weygant does not explain his conclusion that Simon came on this ship. It is a reasonable hypothesis, but supporting evidence has not been found. The Lyon's arrival date (February 1631) is a good match with the first record (1631 or 1632) of Simon in New England. And the presence of Williams and Throkmorton on this voyage is confirmed by Winthrop's Journal, Winthrop also recording the names of Perkins and Ong (but not Bailey or Sackett), "and others, with their wives and children, about twenty passengers".
     Other ships on which Simon may have travelled are possible. A fleet of six ships, carrying a group of some 350 settlers led by the Puritan minster Francis Higginson sailed from Gravesend in April and May 1629 for Salem. Numbers of the passengers on these ships settled in Boston, Charlestown, and other Bay Colony places as well as in Salem.
     Gravesend, in the Thames estuary on the north coast of Kent, and only 60 miles from Thanet, commends itself as a starting point for Simon's voyage, and is perhaps more likely than the Lyon's departure port of Bristol in the west of England.
     The possibility of Simon's migrating in Spring 1629 rather than in Winter 1630–31 would also fit better with the fact of his brother John's making his will in April 1628.
     It is possible, too, that Simon went with the main Winthrop fleet of eleven ships. The first five of these sailed from Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, in April and May 1630, arriving at Salem in June and July, but, perhaps of more interest, are ships setting out from Gravesend or London. The Thomas and William sailed from Gravesend in May, and the Handmaid from London in August.
     John Winthrop's wife and children made the voyage the following year, 1631, sailing from London in August on the Lyon and arriving at Nantasket on 2 November. Charles Banks, in The Planters of the Commonwealth, identified a number of residents of Newtown who he thought probably came in this ship. These residents first appear in Newtown records on 7 January 1632/33. Simon could have been a passenger on this ship, although it is clear from the town records that Simon was in Newtown at an earlier date than these other residents, and probably by July 1631. The conclusion by the Cambridge Historical Commission that Simon Sackett and others had settled there by 26 July 1631 is discussed below
Simon in Newtown
Simon and Isabel were among the first settlers of Newtown, arriving in 1631 or 1632, and remaining there until Simon's death just a few years later in 1635.
     Newtown had been identified by Governor Winthrop and the "Assistants" of the company as a suitable site for a fortified town and he and Deputy Governor Dudley and Secretary Bradstreet as well as other senior men had committed to build houses there in the Spring of 1631 and to settle there before the following winter. (Winthrop did indeed have a house erected there but later took it down and re-erected it at Boston.)
     At the front of The Towne Book of Newtowne (later The Records of the Town of Cambridge (formerly Newtowne), Massachusetts, 1630–1703), Simon's name appears in an undated list, but either 1631 or 1632, of the first eight settlers of Newtown: "The Towne, Newtowne, Inhabitants then, Tho = Dudly Esqr, mr Symon Bradstreet, mr Edmond Lockwood, mr Daniell Patrike, John Poole, William Spencer, John Kirman, Symon Sackett."10
     The Cambridge Historical Commission have placed a historical notice in Winthrop Square stating that these men had completed and occupied houses in Newtown by 26 July 1631. This precise date would appear to refer to an order made at a meeting of the Court of Assistants held in Boston on that day that "eu'y first Friday in eu'y moneth there shalbe a gen'all traineing of the remaindr of them who inhabitt att Charlton, Misticke, & the new towne, att a convenient place aboute the Indian wigwams, the traininge to begin att one of the clocke in the afternoone."
     It would seem unlikely that an order for a general training would have been made for a smaller number of men than the eight named in the undated list. It is therefore likely that the list refers to those resident by July 1631. The Towne Book was started in 1632 and there is missing data from the first two pages. The words "Inhabitants then" introducing the list clearly relate to an earlier date, now missing or illegible in the original. (The transcription "Inhabitants then" appears in the transcription made by the Cambridge City Council in 1901. Lucius Paige's transcription in his 1877 History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 16301877 reads "Inhabitants there".)
     The settlement grew rapidly with the arrival of the Braintree company in the summer of 1632, and it was decided to secure with fencing a substantial area of common land. By a decision of a town meeting on 7 January 1632/33, these "common pales", of a length of some 580 rods, were divided among the then 42 landholders. Simon was allotted 6 rods (equal to 33 yards). On 5 August 1633, he was granted half an acre for a cowyard in Cambridge.11 On 20 August 1635, he was granted a one-acre share of land at Fresh Pond meadow.12
     Subsequent land records relate to Simon's widow Isabel. An inventory of land taken on 10 October 1635 (within days of Simon's death) and recorded in The Register Book of the Lands and Houses in the "New Towne" listed several lots in the name of Sackett: a house in the town at Long Street with about half a rood (i.e. one-eighth of an acre), half an acre at Cowyard Row, five and a half acres at Small Lott Hill, one acre and a rood at Long Marsh, and five acres in the Great Marsh.13
     Administration of Simon's estate was granted by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Company to his widow Isabel on 3 November 1635.14,15
     "Widdow Sackett" was listed in the Cambridge Town Records on 8 February 1635/36 as a householder. She owned one of the 76 houses in the town.
Isabel's removal to Hartford and remarriage
After Simon's death, Isabel removed with her young sons Simon and John to Hartford, Connecticut, travelling in the Spring of 1636 with the hundred-strong Hooker congregation, including William Bloomfield who had immigrated from England and settled at Cambridge in 1634. Isabel's sons Simon and John, about six and four respectively, accompanied her, and William's three-year-old daughter Sarah Bloomfield also made the journey. Isabel and William Bloomfield were married sometime after 8 February 1635/36 when Isabel was listed as a widow and householder in Cambridge and before about 1639 when William and Isabel's first son Daniel was born, presumably in Hartford. William and Isabel had two more sons, both born in Hartford, John in 1645 and Samuel in 1647.
     William and Isabel removed to Newtown, Long Island, in 1662. William died there in 1667 or 1668. Isabel survived him. She made her will at Newtown on 1 April 1682, leaving her share of the "housings and lands" left to her by her husband William to their son Daniel Bloomfield.
     Isabel's son Simon Sackett married his stepsister Sarah Bloomfield in Springfield, Massachusetts, in about 1652
Simon's reasons for emigrating
Early migrants from England to the New World had various motivations for seeking a new life in a virtually unknown country and for undertaking the hazardous journey. Many fled religious persecution, but others removed in hopes of a better, more prosperous future. England had entered on a half-century of chronic trade depression. Propagandists for the Massachusetts Bay Company, which had been founded in 1629, were active in the recruitment of settlers. And there was the promise of boundless fertile lands. Some were escapees from threatening plague or famine. Survival in the new land would depend crucially upon the application of essential practical skills; thus, many were farmers or were engaged in allied trades. Well-placed migrants took with them their servants and these, too, were to become founding fathers of America.
     Simon's reasons for embarking on his American adventure are not known. Nor do we know his occupation. Given the documentation of the time, it would seem likely that, had Simon emigrated for reasons of religious conviction, there would remain recorded evidence of the fact. But it is dangerous to speculate as to his reasons; it is to be hoped that further information will come to light. It is worth, however, considering Simon's family circumstances at the time.
     Simon Sackett was born, probably in November 1595 (he was baptized on 23 November 1595), in the small rural parish of St Peter in the Isle of Thanet on the north-east coast of Kent. He was the sixth of nine children, and third of five sons, born to Thomas and Martha Sackett. Simon's father, Thomas, who had died when Simon was 20, was a yeoman farmer in Birchington, a parish some five miles west of St Peter. Thomas had evidently established a farm at Birchington some time after the birth of his youngest child, Elizabeth, in 1604.
     The description of Thomas, in his will made in 1615, as a "yeoman" implies that he owned at least some of his land. However, the term does not necessarily imply significant wealth and it is clear from his will that his house and land at St Peter's were mortgaged and that his house and land at Birchington were rented. His will directed that the St Peter's property be sold to pay his debts and legacies. Thomas had inherited lands and a tenement at St Peter's from his father, also Thomas. Thomas the elder, although possessed of property, described himself in his will as a "labourer"; again, that will does not suggest significant wealth.
     Simon was about 35 years old when he made his fateful decision to emigrate. Two of his brothers had died, older brother Thomas some eleven years earlier, and younger brother William about fifteen years earlier. Although there is no direct confirmatory evidence, it is possible that they were victims of plague or other epidemic which occurred frequently in Birchington in the early part of the 17th century16. His eldest brother John, later identified by his will as John Sackett the fisherman, survived. There is no evidence that John or Simon were possessed of lands.
     Simon had been married twice; first in 1618 to Elizabeth Boyman, and following her death in 1625/26, second to Isabel Pearce in 1627. Elizabeth had borne him three daughters, Christianna in 1620, Elizabeth in 1623, and Martha in 1625. Of these, only Christianna is known to have survived to adulthood, marrying Thomas Tanner in 1641. No death or burial records for Elizabeth or Martha have been found but it is reasonable to assume that they died in infancy or childhood, perhaps the victims of plague. In any event, when he emigrated, Simon left at least one young, motherless, daughter behind, presumably in the care of one of his brothers or sisters.
     The will of Simon's brother John, made in 1628, reveals that Simon owed his brother a sum of money. It would be stretching the evidence to conclude that this would have been a loan to help finance Simon's voyage (emigration may not even have been under consideration at this early date), but it does indicate that Simon was not a man of means. As a second son, probably without land, his prospects in Thanet may have seemed limited. In the absence of evidence of a religious motive, it is probable that Simon was attracted by the promise of a more prosperous future in New England. Or, he may have been motivated by both religious and economic factors.
Simon and Isabel's voyage
Although Weygant gives specific details of the dates and method of Simon's journey to Boston, Massachusetts, on the Lyon from Bristol on England's west coast, it has not yet proved possible to verify from primary sources that he was a passenger on that particular voyage.17,18 Weygant's version is probable but it is known to be inaccurate in the important particular of Simon's origin, Weygant stating this to be the Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, instead of the Isle of Thanet, Kent. Other writers have proposed various dates for Simon's migration (Riker, "about the year 1628 or '29"; Savage and Anderson, 1632). The earlier dates would seem less likely as there were relatively few settlers before the sailing of the Winthrop fleet of eleven ships in 1630. If Simon was indeed on this Lyon voyage then he would certainly have met John Winthrop as the latter boarded the ship on 8 February 1631 as it rode at anchor off Long Island.19
     Weygant records Simon as being engaged, with others, in building dwellings in Newtown, Mass., in 1631. Confirmation of this date would be of help in determining Simon's date of migration. Although it is likely that Simon was there in 1631, it has not been possible to confirm this. The first record of Simon found in Newtown (Cambridge) is in the undated list (almost certainly of 1632) in the Cambridge Town Records.
     The Cambridge Historical Commission have placed a plaque in Winthrop Park stating that Dudley, Bradstreet, Lockwood, Poole, Patrick, Spencer, Kirman, and Sackett had completed and occupied houses in Newtown by 26 July 1631. However, study of the Commission's source (Lucius Paige's History of Cambridge) suggests that this rather stretches the evidence. It would perhaps be more accurate to say that Dudley and Bradstreet had built houses in Newtown by 1631 and it is likely that the others had also done so.20
The family tradition
Weygant relates the family tradition as told to him by his father-in-law, Samuel Bailey Sackett, that Simon with his brother, John, travelled on the Lyon in company with Roger Williams. The existence of this brother has since been challenged (by Anderson) and our further researches have revealed that Weygant's primary evidence in support of the family tradition, that John Sackett, Simon's alleged brother, filed an inventory of his own son's estate (in 1684), was mistaken. With the removal of Simon's brother, John, the question is opened of the relationship between Simon and John of New Haven (claimed by Weygant to have been the son of Simon's brother)—and, indeed, the migration of this John Sackett.
DNA test results
An early objective of the Sackett DNA project was to see if there was a genetic link between the lines of Simon Sackett the colonist and John Sackett of New Haven. Given the family tradition, it was fully expected that a match would be found. However, test results for a significant number of present-day descendants in each line suggest that Simon and John were not related
Hooker's Company Reach the Connecticut
Src: Wikipedia, publishers: Estes & Lauriat, 1879

Children of Simon Sackett the colonist and Elizabeth Boyman

Children of Simon Sackett the colonist and Isabel Pearce

The family tradition related to Charles Weygant by his father-in-law Samuel Bailey Sackett.
About ten years after the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth, Simon and John Sackett, brothers, came from England to Massachusetts, in company with Roger Williams. John Sackett followed Mr. Williams to Rhode Island and finally settled at New Haven, becoming the founder of the New Haven branch of the family. Simon Sackett remained in Massachusetts, was one of the founders of the City of Cambridge, and is the progenitor of the Massachusetts and Long Island, N.Y., branches.

1. Simon Sackett 160?-1635. On December 1, 1630 the ship Lyon, laden with provisions consigned to colonists who had the preceding year accompanied or followed Lord John Winthrop to New England, sailed from the seaport city of Bristol. The passenger list of the Lyon on this particular voyage contained 26 names, a little band of well-to-do Puritan colonists who had voluntarily left comfortable homes in the land of their birth, where liberty to worship God in accordance with the dictates of conscience was by law denied them, and seeking new places of abode, with such fortune as might await them on the rugged shores and in the primeval forests of the New World. Among the heads of families of this pioneer band were Roger Williams, Simon Sackett, John Sackett, John Throkmorton and Nicholas Bailey. The family of Simon Sackett included his wife Isabel, and their infant son, Simon Sackett Jr.
     This mid-winter voyage of the ship Lyon was unusually severe. She did not reach Nantasket Roads, off Boston town, the port of her destination, until February 5, 1631. About a month previous to her arrival, Governor Winthrop, Deputy Governor Dudley, and the "Assistants" to whom and their successors, King Charles had committed the charter government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, had formally selected, a few miles from Boston, on the Charles River, a site for a new town, which it was their avowed purpose to fortify and make the permanent seat of government. It was understood and agreed that the Governor, Deputy Governor, and six of the eight assistants, should each erect on the site selected a permanent house, suitable for the accommodation of his family, in time to spend the following winter there. But shortly thereafter several of the assistants became deeply interested in private business projects at Boston and other settlements and neglected to carry out their part of the agreement. The undertaking was not, however, abandoned or long delayed, for in the spring of 1631, Winthrop, Dudley and Bradstreet, together with six other "principal gentlemen," including Simon Sackett, "commenced the execution of the plan" by erecting substantial dwellings. The house built and occupied by Simon Sackett and his family stood on the north side of what is now Winthrop Street, in the centre of the block, between Brighton and Dunster Streets.
     From the commencement of the settlement records were made of the "agreements of its inhabitants" touching matters of mutual interest, as well as of the public acts of town officials-all of which have been preserved to the present day. Wood, in his "New England's Prospects", written in the latter part of 1633, gives the following description of the place, which at that time was called Newtown, but three years later was re-christened Cambridge:
This is one of the neatest and best compacted towns in New England, having many fair structures, with many handsome contrived streets. The inhabitants, most of them, are very rich and well stored with cattle of all sorts, having many hundred acres of land poled in with general fence, which is about a mile and a half long, which secures all their weaker cattle from the wild beasts.
     Newtown did not, however, become the permanent seat of government of Massachusetts Bay Colony, but it did become, is to-day, and will undoubtedly long remain the seat of America's most famous university.
     In the founding and laying out of this embryo "city in the wilderness", Simon Sackett was a potent factor, but the exposure and privations of his mid-winter voyage on the ship Lyon had undermined his health, which continued to decline until October 1635, when he died. On the third day of November following, widow Isabel Sackett was granted, by the court, authority to administer on his estate. At same session of court, the memorable decree was entered which banished Roger Williams from the colony. Mrs. Williams had come to Newtown with her husband on that occasion, "he being in feeble health", and it is altogether probable they were entertained at the home of their bereaved friend and fellow passenger on their voyage from England, whose dwelling was convenient to the public building where the court was held.
     Widow Sackett's name appears on the Newtown records for the last time under date of February 8, 1636. In June of that year the Rev. Hooker's congregation, having either sold or leased their dwellings, removed to Connecticut - widow Sackett and her boys forming part of the migrating company. Dr. Trumble give the following account of their journey:
About the beginning of June 1636, Mr. Hooker and about 100 men, women and children took their departure from Newtown and traveled more than a hundred miles through a hideous wilderness to Hartford. They made their journey over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were not passable but with great difficulty. They had no cover but the heavens, nor any lodgings but those that simple nature offered them. They drove with them 160 head of cattle and carried their packs and some utensils. This adventure was the more remarkable, as many of the company were persons of figure, who had lived in England in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were entire strangers to fatigue and danger.
     After Mr. Hooker's migrating company had become established at Hartford, widow Isabel Sackett became the second wife of William Bloomfield.
Simon Sackett and his wife Isabel were the parents of:
     3. Simon Sackett, b. 1630; d. July 9, 1659; m. Sarah Bloomfield.
     4. John Sackett, b. 1632, d. Oct 8, 1719; m. Abigail Hannum.

See also
Early American Sacketts timeline
Notable Sacketts timeline
The Great Migration Begins, Simon Sackett21
Simon's brother John Sackett

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "23 November 1595 Symon s. Thomas Sackett."
  2. "The American Genealogist" (American Ancestors image), 1988, 63:179, (the range of death dates being established from inventories of lands held by neighbours abutting his and his widow's lands as recorded in The Register Book of the Lands and Houses in the "New Towne").
  3. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "2 November 1618 Simon Sackett & Elizabeth Boyman."
  4. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700" (American Ancestors transcript), "Simon1 [Sackett] (–1635) & Isabel ___, (–1635+) m/2 William Bloomfield; by 1630; Cambridge. "
  5. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "6 August 1627 Matrimonius est solemnizatum inter Simone Sacket et Isabella Pearce."
  6. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700", "Simon1 (-1635) & Isabel ___, (-1635+) m/2 William Bloofield; by 1630; Cambridge. "
  7. Burials Register, St John the Baptist, Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "27 Feb 1625/26 Elizabetha uxor Simonis Sacket."
  8. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700", "BLOOMFIELD, William & 2/wf Isabel (___) [SACKETT], w Simon; aft 8 Feb 1636, bef 1645; Hartford/New London ."
  9. Town Minutes of Newtown 1653-1734: Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York (New York: Historical Records Survey, 1941).
  10. Cambridge City Clerk, publisher, Town Records of the Town of Cambridge (formerly Newtowne) (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge City Council, 1901), 2, Earliest settlers, undated list, but probably 1632, the first dated entry being 24 Dec 1632 on p4, "The Towne, Newtowne, Inhabitants then, Tho = Dudly Esqr, mr Symon Bradstreet, mr Edmond Lockwood, mr Daniell Patrike, John Poole, William Spencer, John Kirman, Symon Sackett."
  11. Cambridge City Clerk, Cambridge Town Records, 4–5, "The 7th of January 1632[/33] ... Comon Pales divided as Follo—[Totals of 42 names, 581 Rodd/Rod (1 rod = 5½ yards), including:] Symon Saket 6 Rod." "The 5th August 1633, Lotts Granted for Cowyardes. [Totals of 28 names, 12½ acres & 23 roods (1 rood = ¼ acre), including:] Symo Sakt ½ akr."
  12. Cambridge City Clerk, Cambridge Town Records, 12–13, "Division of Fresh Pond Meadow. Att A General Meeting of the whole Towne the 20th August 1635. Itt was ordered that William Spencer and Georg Steele should measuer all the meaddow ground undivided belonging to the Newtowne: and when it is measuered and divided to every man his proporcion they are to: measuer every mans severally and Cause stakes to bee sett at each end and to have three pence the Acker for the same and whosoever shall not pay for measueringe wthin one yeare then the ground to returne to them for measueringe. Further it is ordered that the same shalbee divided acordinge to every mans severall proporcion hereunder written untill it bee all dispossed off viz [Totals of 71 names, 118½ acres, including:] Sy. Saket 1 [Ackr]."
  13. The Register Book of the Lands and Houses in the "New Towne" and the Town of Cambridge with the Records of the Proprietors of the Common Lands, being the Records generally called The Proprietors' Records (Cambridge, Massachusetts: J Wilson & Son, 1896), 33.
  14. Nathaniel B Shurtleff, Editor, Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628–1686 (Boston: , 1853–1854), 155, "Att the Court, Novembr 3, 1635. There is adm'strac'on graunted to Isabell Sackett of the goods & chattells of her husband, lately deceased."
  15. Lucius Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts 1630-1870 (Boston: Houghlin & Co, 1877), 651.
  16. R K I Quested, The Isle of Thanet Farming Community: An Agrarian History (Ashford, Kent: Wye College Press, 1996), pp47-8.
  17. The names of some passengers on this voyage of the Lyon were recorded by John Winthrop in his Journal: "Febr: 5 [1630/31] The shippe Lyon with mr Wm: Peirce master, arived at Nataskat, she brought mr williams (a godly man) with his wife, mr Throgmorton, [blank] Perkins, [blank] Onge & others with their wiues & Children, about 20: passingers, & about 200: tun. of goodes: she sett sayle from Bristow december 1: she had a verye tempestuous passage, yet through Godes mercye all her people came safe, except waye his sonne, who fell from the spritsayle yarde in a tempest & could not be recovered thoughe he kept in sight neere 1/4 of an howre: her goodes allso came all in good condition." [Richard S Dunn, James Savage, and Laetitia Yeandle, editors, The Journal of John Winthrop 1630–1649 (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996), 44–45.]
  18. An article on Roger Williams in The Genealogists' Post (May 1964) states: "Among the passengers [on the Lyon] was the Reverend Roger Williams and his wife Mary; John Throckmorton with his wife Rebecca and children, John and Patience; John Perkins with his wife Judith and children John, Elizabeth, Mary, Thomas and Jacon; Edmond Onge and his wife Frances and children Simon and Jonah; and William Parke."
  19. Dunn, Savage, and Yeandle, editors, The Journal of John Winthrop, 45–46, "8: [Feb 1630/31] The Governor went aboard the Lyon rydinge by longe Ilande." "9: [Feb] The Lyon came to an Anchor before Boston, where she rode verye well notwithstandinge the great drifte of Ice." "10: [Feb] The frost brake vp, & after that, thoughe we had many snowes & sharpe frostes yet they continued not, neither were the waters frozen vp as before: (it hathe been observed ever since this baye was planted by Englishmen viz. 7: yeares) that at this daye the froste hathe broke vp everye yeare. The poorer sorte of people (who laye in tentes &c:) were muche afflicted with the Sckirvye, & many dyed, especially at Boston & Charles towne, but when this shippe came, & brought store of Iuice of Lemons, manye recovered speedylye. It hathe beene alwayes observed heere, that suche as fell into discontente & lingered after their former Conditions in Englande, fell into the skirvye, & dyed."
  20. A plaque placed in Winthrop Park in Harvard Square by the Cambridge Historical Commission in 1980 states, "By July 26, 1631, eight houses were completed and occupied by Dudley, Bradstreet, Lockwood, Poole, "Capt." Patrick, Spencer, Kirman, and Sackett." Enquiries made by Lester L Sackett in 2004 reveal that the Commission's source for the 1631 date was Lucius Paige's History of Cambridge (Riverside Press, 1877). However, study of Paige's work suggests that the Commission's conclusion, that these eight men were established in Cambridge by July 1631, rather stretches the evidence. Indeed, Paige was careful to state that he had no "certain proof". Referring to the Town Records, Paige stated, "But this Book of Records was not commenced until 1632, several months after Dudley and Bradstreet performed their promise 'to build houses at the New Town.' Whether more than the before mentioned eight persons, and indeed whether all these resided in the New Town before the end of 1631, I have not found any certain proof. The number of inhabitants in that year was doubtless small, yet there were enough able-bodied men to be specially included in an order of the court passed July 26, 1631, requiring a general training of soldiers in all the plantations." There would seem, therefore, to be satisfactory evidence that Dudley and Bradstreet had built houses in Newtown in 1631. While it is likely that others had also done so, there is no direct evidence of this.
  21. Robert Anderson, The Great Migration Begins - Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, vol. III (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995).
Appears inNotable Sacketts
Sacketts who migrated
Sackett lineGrandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Thanet DNA chart 1
Sackett Family Association descendants
Fred Sackett, Rev Thurmon Eugene King, Darlene Sackett, Patty Sackett Chrisman, Alyce Elaine (Antle) Beggs, Ray J Sackett, Jeanette Boden, Tom Smith, Marie Reid, Donn Patrick Cutler, Sharon Allen, Cindy Torres Owens, Jack Hume, Carroll M Lawson, Ida Ruth Elzey, Patty Bohler, Pam Schuster Offerdahl, Steve & Debbie Barbee, Bob Schuster, Charles L Sackett, Karen Gerke, Don Robinson, Diane Francis, Lynette Sackett Wilkerson, Dianne Cobb, Ted Smith, Diane Lanctot, Barbara Bell, Sheryll Howard Dreelan, Eugene Venne, Susan Lynne Sackett, Debra Leffler Streeter, Teri Stanek, Kari Roehl, Charles Crain, John L Sackett, Catrina Kohl, Ross Hadley, Barbara Barbarow, Karen Pritchett, Kathleen Giusti, Ron Grammer, Floyd Oster, Brian Williams, Rachel Ann (Foster) Stella, Theresa Cotton, Brian William Sackett, Charles Sterling, Jane Kirkendall, Kathy James, James R Klim, Lynn Tinsley, Sheila Partington, Steven W Frank, Jean Carpenter, Louella Sexsmith, Terry Sackett, Martha Thayer Evans, John Howard Sackett, Richard Keir, Ned Randall, Jan Roberts, Deborah Burnett, Michelle Pearce, Becky Moncrief, Marlene Bekey, Leo Grant Sackett, Irene Haas, Josh Sackett, Carol Sackett, Christina Sackett, Tonya Hartman, Eva Adams, Donna Spink, Sharon Powalka, Rear Admiral Albert Monroe Sackett, Pat Stempski, Michael E Gray, Glenn Glaus, Daniel Scott Sackett, Cathy Schraeder, Rita E Sackett, Joe Sparks, Elizabeth Hoening, Michelle Morris, Peter Derrick Michael Sackett, Beverley Service, Michelle Marolis, Mike Fisher, Dennis Gottier, Kay Prindle Corwin, Ron Ruberstell, Molly Sackett, Alvin Oglesby, Wanda Phillips, Michael Leroy Trickey, Lisa Owens, Pat Williamson, Eva Saether, Claire Tschirky, Pamela Fletcher, Anne Murray, Amanda Ihde, Chet McLaren, Terri Seeba-Cariello, Jim Gould, Roland Gautier, Jodee Thomas, Kent A Mauk, Debbie Hill, Janet French, Glen Sackett, Jeff Bellairs, Jo Gillausseyn, Peter Sackett, Gary Rood, Matthew C Sackett, Linda Hare, Anna Tabor, Carolyn Dark, Kaitlynn Santeford, Rebecca Hall, Melissa Hall, Joe Hart, Kathy Stinson, Larry Youmans, Elizabeth Anne "Beth" Sackett, James Sackett, Richard Hearn, Sandra Kelly, Amy Crooks, Marc Howard, Kerri Kafut, Terry Lee Williams, Kelly Wauthier, Marti Prespentt, DeAnna Sackett Johnson, Donna Grote, Cinda Simmons, Paul S Sackett, Kathleen "Kathi" Normandeau, Jennifer Walz Selby, Chris Kimball, Schuyler Sackett, Ann Parmenter, Craig Behrens, Katharine "Kate" Sackett Baxter Visser, Michelle Pandolfi, Katie Menon, Byron Sackett, Caroline Lloyd, William Charles "Bill" Bonnet, Gene Theroux, Stephen Richard "Steve" Sackett, Mildred Irene "Millie" (Mason) Smith, Lyle Brelsford, Diane Touzet, Brandy Harris-Hodnett, Gay Wernett, David Staynor, Walter Pogue, Byra G Sackett, Aleta Pogue, Jenn Amundson, Timothy Stemper, Owen Leslie Hill, Marvin L "Bud" Wood, Debbie McDonald, Bridget Schuelke, Susan Teagarden, Ken Buscho, Sarah Sackett, Dawn Howe, Tyler Visser, Toni Sackett Reyes, Jill Ruggiero, Margaret Russell, Debra Curry, Teggy Peterson, Name Withheld, Donald "Scott" Lee, Angela Bean, Richard Albert Price, Steve O'Brien, Denise Sackett, Brian Archer Sackett, Connie J Koran, Ann Irving, Rhonda Gower, Ansley Sackett, Bob Buie, Kimberley Stewart, Kay Stewart, Henryk Dubicki, Ronald Ty "Ron" Sackett, Fred Ewins, Midgie Bardo, Shannon Watts Michael, Carolyn Sturdy, Jessica D’Errico, Carrie Sackett Riddick, Karen Sackett, Steve Sackett, Chuck Fullhart, Kim Polzin, John & Cindy (Sackett) Rogers, Joshua Leewarner, Sue Mehal, Nina J Rhys, Gidgett Guillotte, Mary Harrison, Kevin Kelley, Sally Trabun Arsove, Sandra Bell, Denise LaPare, Marcia V Daly, Michael Maggs (non-descendant researcher), Kaelyn Sackett, Jeff Goodfox, Lois Landvoigt, Larry Dale Weller, Carol Davis Mckinney, Susan Nykamp, Kevin M Sackett, Bec Koshak, Steven Solberg, Carolyn Kramer, Sally Day, Susan MacEwen, Kristin Burt Cooper, Myra Roper, Patricia Stahnke, Kimberly Oberholtzer, Richard McClellan, Rebecca Henry, Stacy Crabbs, Susan Peck, Donna Loscalzo, Kelly Schlabach, Theresa Lincoln, Rebecca Oswalt, Jim Carr, Bette Procknow, Cynthia D McGee, Patricia Roberts, Amanda Keefer Peterson, Virginia May "Ginny" Marsh, Darcy C Hoisington, Patrick Kelly, Jessie Kelly, Jennifer & Carol Zadrozny, Lucy Weber, Phyllis Johnson, Teresa M Miller, Mary Graff, Anthony Austin, Maggie Wisnasky, Teresa Smith, Polly Thomas, Scott Wludyga, Nan McRee Williams, Linda Sargent Reinfeld, Scott McKennon Sackett, Ellen Sackett Brettell, Richard "Rick" Brettell, Nancy Daugulis, Amy V Lederman, Jennifer Lundgren, William "Bill" Schlabach, Sharon Dahlstrom, Norma Rye, Kelly Mercer, Matthew Castillo, Warren Clements, Hollie Sackett, Taylor Sackett, Joy Guyer, Alexis Dunham, Steven Applegate, Tami Bailey, Aaron and Ashton Grass, Michael Ann Sackett, Russell Edward Sackett Jr, Michelle Sackett Ellis, Karen J Wisener, Susan Sackett Simmons, Angelina Pease, Breffni McGuire, Henry DeJulia, Trudy Roley, Warren Adams, Valerie Villarreal, Amanda Winebrenner, Galen C Fields, Ronald R Ulseth, Diane Achuff, Dennis Watts, Shannon Miller, Pat Hemphill, Scott L Nelson, Donna Yarbrough, Maria Courtney, Richard Breck, Martin Price, Julie Baughman, Colleen Andrews, Brody Finney, Kourtney Sackett, Cora Sackett, Tammy Martin, Evelyn Everett, Zachary Price, Jared Price, Debra Bellanti, Debra Blake May, Grant Werner (non-descendant researcher), Ronald Lee Sackett, Brenda Link, Aaron Brendel, Alma Berridge, Kyle Thomas Clark, Joel Graham, Christina Polston, Judy Oliphant, Leah Shindelman, Anthony Oderlin, Sally Maly, Wendy Ayers, Shep Glennon, Michelle Eaton, Franklin and Patricia Harrah, Betty Rossi, Christine Brimblecom & Barbara Goeckner, Jon Sackett, Craig Love, Alexandra D "Ali" Sackett, Kristin Sackett, Meredith Chilson, Kevin Sackett, Gary King, Jeff Randall, Clyde Martin, Rachel Elaine Campbell, Jason Donald Sackett, Jon Eisenberg, Luis Valentin, Travis Gregory, Doug Greenhill, Shannon Ormonde, Elizabeth Stroud, Kathy Brenner, Aaron Reed, Stacia Larson, Jackie Jordan, Lynn Bumbalough, Evelyn Alden, Joe Warring, Chuck Pegg, Mark Tenniswood, Michael Allen Sackett, Jayson King, Sarah K Curtis, Tim Sackett, Rebecca Lewis, Charlyn Sackett Abler, Teresa Sackett Freeman, Amanda (Sackett) Aleman, Michelle Henning, Jon Sackett-Williams, Chris Lauderdale, Kelly Everding, Adel Fredenburg, Mark Halle and Donna Kay Treibel.
Last Edited15 Feb 2025
Research StatusCompleted 
See also Sackett Database
1 Simon Sackett the colonist

William Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism19 February 1597/98, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
William Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 19 February 1597/98.1 He died aged about 18 and was buried at Birchington, KentG, on 15 September 1615.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "19 February 1597/98 William s. Thomas Sacket."
  2. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "15 September 1615 William s. Thomas Sackett."
Sackett lineGrandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Brother of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019
Research StatusCompleted 

Henry Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism1 February 1600/1, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Henry Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 1 February 1600/1.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "1 February 1600/01 Henry s. Thomas Sacket."
Sackett lineGrandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Brother of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited18 Mar 2019
Research StatusCompleted 

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism29 January 1603/4, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
DeathDecember 1672
Marriage18 July 1625, St Lawrence in ThanetGNicholas Stephens2
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 29 January 1603/4.1 She died aged about 69 and was buried at St Lawrence in ThanetG on 22 December 1672.3 She married at St Lawrence in ThanetG on 18 July 1625, Nicholas Stephens.2
     Elizabeth would have been one of the unnamed daughters each left £5 in their father's will made at Birchington on 23 June 1615.

Children of Elizabeth Sackett and Nicholas Stephens

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "29 January 1603/04 Elizabeth d. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St Lawrence in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts; Society of Genealogists), "18 July 1625 Nicholas Stephens & Elizabeth Sackett."
  3. Burials Register, St Lawrence in Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "22 Dec 1672 Elizabeth widow Stephens."
Sackett lineGranddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Sister of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019
Research StatusCompleted 

Place names

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven