Martha Wright

FatherHugh Wright (say 1578-)
MotherJohan Sackett (1582-1622)
Baptism13 September 1600, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Martha Wright, daughter of Hugh Wright and Johan Sackett, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 13 September 1600.1
     Martha was named as a beneficiary in her grandfather Thomas Sackett's will made at BirchingtonG on 23 June 1615.2 She was left a sum of 50 shillings.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "13 Sep 1600 Martha Wright d. Hugh Wright."
  2. Will of Thomas Sackett of Birchington, Kent, 23 June 1615, proved at Consistory Court of Canterbury, 7 November1615 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 32-44-380).
Sackett lineGreat-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Niece of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited17 Mar 2019

Hugh Wright

FatherHugh Wright (say 1578-)
MotherJohan Sackett (1582-1622)
Baptism16 April 1603, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage26 November 1629, Birchington, KentGJoanna Day2
Hugh Wright, son of Hugh Wright and Johan Sackett, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 16 April 1603.1 He married in Birchington, KentG, on 26 November 1629, Joanna Day.2
     Hugh was named as a beneficiary in his grandfather Thomas Sackett's will made at BirchingtonG on 23 June 1615.3 He was left a sum of 50 shillings.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "16 Apr 1603 Hughe Wright s. Hughe Wright."
  2. Marriages Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "26 Nov 1629 Hugo Wright & Joanna Day."
  3. Will of Thomas Sackett of Birchington, Kent, 23 June 1615, proved at Consistory Court of Canterbury, 7 November1615 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 32-44-380).
Sackett lineGreat-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Nephew of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited10 May 2019

Christianna Sackett

FatherSimon Sackett the colonist (1595-between 5 and 10 Oct 1635)
MotherElizabeth Boyman (c 1600-1625/26)
Baptism30 July 1620, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage28 November 1641, Minster in ThanetGThomas Tanner2
Christianna Sackett, daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist and Elizabeth Boyman, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 30 July 1620.1 She died aged about 68 and was buried at St Lawrence in ThanetG on 28 February 1688/89.3 She married at Minster in ThanetG on 28 November 1641, Thomas Tanner.2 He was buried at St Lawrence in ThanetG on 21 July 1682.4

Child of Christianna Sackett and Thomas Tanner

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "30 July 1620 Christiana Sacket filia Simonis Sacket."
  2. Marriages Register, Minster in Thanet, Kent (Transcript U3/143/1/1 - Debretts), "28 November 1641 Thomas Tanner & Christiana Sackett."
  3. Burials Register, St Lawrence in Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "28 Feb 1688/89 Christian widow Tanner."
  4. Burials Register, St Lawrence in Thanet, Kent,, "21 Jul 1682 Thomas Tanner."
Sackett lineGreat-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherSimon Sackett the colonist (1595-between 5 and 10 Oct 1635)
MotherElizabeth Boyman (c 1600-1625/26)
Baptism20 April 1623, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist and Elizabeth Boyman, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 20 April 1623.1 It may have been this Elizabeth Sackett who married at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 19 September 1644, Abram Browning.2 It may have been this Elizabeth Sackett who married at St Peter in ThanetG on 14 October 1649, John Chittenden.3 (Other candidates are Elizabeth, daughter of Paul Sackett, and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Sackett.)

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "20 April 1623 Elizabeth Sacket filia Simon Sacket."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "19 September 1644 Abram Browning & Elizabeth Sackett."
  3. Marriages Register, St Peter the Apostle, Thanet, Kent (Ancestry transcript), "14 October 1649 John Chittenden & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett lineGreat-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019

Martha Sackett

FatherSimon Sackett the colonist (1595-between 5 and 10 Oct 1635)
MotherElizabeth Boyman (c 1600-1625/26)
Baptism19 June 1625, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Martha Sackett, daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist and Elizabeth Boyman, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 19 June 1625.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "19 June 1625 Martha Sacket filia Simonis Sacket."
Sackett lineGreat-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Daughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited16 Sep 2019

Simon Sackett

FatherSimon Sackett the colonist (1595-between 5 and 10 Oct 1635)
MotherIsabel Pearce (say 1610-after 1682)
Birthabout 1630, Thanet, KentG,1,2
Death9 July 1659, Springfield, MassachusettsG,1,3
Marriageabout 1652, SpringfieldGSarah Bloomfield1,4
Simon Sackett, son of Simon Sackett the colonist and Isabel Pearce, was born, presumably in Thanet, KentG, about 1630.1,2 He died in Springfield, MassachusettsG, on 9 July 1659.1,3 He married in SpringfieldG about 1652, Sarah Bloomfield, daughter of William Bloomfield and Sarah ___.1,4 Sarah, Simon's wife, was born in EnglandG about 1633.1 After Simon's death, she married second by 1663, Lambert Woodward.5
     Simon Sackett was, according to Weygant, taken to New England by his parents when he was a babe in arms. It is to be assumed that he was born in his father's native Thanet, in Kent, England, although a record of his birth or baptism has not been found. The failure to find such a record may indicate that his parents had disaffiliated from the mainstream Church of England and that this was a factor in the family's decision to emigrate to the New World. However, no corroborative evidence has been found for Simon the colonist's religious beliefs and such a theory can only be guesswork.
     Simon junior was only five years old when his father, the colonist, died in 1635. The following year, the six-year-old made the epic overland trek from Newtown, Massachusetts, to Hartford, Connecticut, with his mother and younger brother John. The boys' mother Isabel married William Bloomfield in Hartford, and their stepfather's daughter Sarah, who thus became a companion during their childhood, was eventually (in 1652) to become Simon's wife.
     The only "official" record of Simon in Hartford was that of a hearing of the Particular Court on 7 September 1652 when he was fined forty shillings (two pounds) for "keeping company" and "drinking excessively and unseasonably".6 He pledged his heifer as security for the fine. Simon would have left Hartford for Springfield (where he and Sarah were married) very soon after this incident, raising the question of whether this may have been a farewell party or, worse, the cause of his moving.
     Simon acquired lands in Springfield, by grant and by purchase, in 1653. His brother John also moved to Springfield and became a landowner there in 1653. The brothers swore the Oath of Fidelity at Springfield in 1656.7
     Simon died at the age of only 29 in 1659, leaving a son Joseph, then aged three years. It is believed that an older son, Samuel, died in infancy.
     Administration of Simon's estate was granted on 14 July 1659 by the General Court in Springfield to his widow Sarah & her father William Bloomfield.8 An inventory of his estate was taken on 15 July.3

Children of Simon Sackett and Sarah Bloomfield

3. Simon Sackett, 1630–1659, son of (1) Simon Sackett and his wife Isabel, was born in England and brought to New England by his parents before he was one year old. About the year 1652 he was married to his step-father's daughter, Sarah Bloomfield, who had been his companion and playmate from early childhood. His home at the time of his marriage was at Springfield, Mass. The records of that town show that in 1653 he was granted several town lots as an inducement to make it his permanent place of abode, that on March 15, 1653, he purchased from "William Brooks 20 acres of land fronting on ye Great River", and that on March 13, 1653, he subscribed to the "Oath of Fidelity". So far as known he continued to reside at Springfield on the banks of "ye Great River" to the day of his death.
     William Bloomfield, 1604–1664, the father of Sarah Bloomfield Sackett, was born in England. In 1634 he sailed for New England in the ship Elisabeth, which left Yarmouth in the month of April and reached Boston the following June. He brought with him his wife Sarah, aged 25, and their only child, an infant daughter, named for her mother, aged about one year. The Bloomfields on disembarking at Boston seem to have proceeded immediately to the comfortable home of Simon Sackett, at Newtown. The two families doubtless had been neighbors and friends in England, and they were destined to become more closely united in the New World. Sarah, wife of William Bloomfield, probably died soon after their arrival in Newtown. The records show conclusively that William Bloomfield did not remain for any considerable length of time in Newtown after Mr. Hooker and his congregation removed to Hartford. Paige, in his "History of Cambridge," states that William Bloomfield was there in 1635 and removed to Hartford, Conn. Hartley's "Hartford in the Olden Time" records the fact that William Bloomfield, as a citizen of that town, participated in 1637, with Captain Mason and his ally, the Indian Chief Uncas, in their short and decisive campaign of extermination against the Pequots. The Newtown, Mass records show that in 1638 William Bloomfield transferred to Robert Stedman the house and lot "on the north side of Winthrop Street, between Dunster and Brighton Streets," which property, according to Paige's "Map of Cambridge in 1635," was the Sackett Homestead. "Porter's map of Hartford in 1640," shows the dwelling of William Bloomfield in the centre of a spacious corner lot near "Little River," on road from "Mill to Country." The historical catalogue of First Church of Hartford records the fact that William Bloomfield and family remained there until 1648, when they removed to New London. It is not known how long they remained in New London, but in 1656 they were at Springfield, Mass., and shortly thereafter at Middleberg, Long Island, where for the remainder of his life William Bloomfield was recognized as a leading citizen. In 1663, when the English towns of New Netherland rebelled against Dutch authority, the civil affairs of Middleberg were by the choice of the inhabitants placed in charge of William Bloomfield and five other "trusted citizens."
Children of Simon Sackett and Sarah Bloomfield.
     6. Samuel Sackett, baptized at Springfield, Mass., in 1653.
     7. Joseph Sackett, b. Feb. 23, 1656, d. Sept. 23, 1719; m. 1st, Elizabeth Betts.

[Note: Oath of Fidelity. Weygant has 13 March 1653. Pynchon Court Record shows 23 March 1655/56.]

Inventory of Estate of Simon Sackett 1630-1659
from the Pynchon Court Record
p173 (Introduction. Civil Jurisdiction)
(Estate of Simon Sackett)
"On July 14, 1659 the commissioners entered an order of administration upon the estate of Symon Sackett."
p241 (Pynchon Court Record)
(Simon Sackett's Estate)
"(*80) An Order of Administration upon the estate of Symon Sackett deceased who died the 9th day of July 1659: which Order was graunted by the Commissioners the 14th day of the Same Month.
Symon Sackett of Springfeild who deceased the Ninth of July 1659 dyinge intestate; and it beinge necessary that Administration be made upon the said Symons Estate; And William Blomefeild of Hartford appearinge to be assistant to his Daughter wife of the said deceased party to Administer to the aforesaid estate; therefore the said William Blomefeild is hereby allowed and appoynted to be Administrator and Sarah his Daughter wife of the said deceased party to be Administratrix to the Estate of the said Symon Sackett deceased:
An Inventory of the Estate of Symon Sackett deceased taken the 15th day of July 1659 by Richard Fellowes and Samuell Chapin:
Inprimis one barne      6. 00. 00
Item 3 piggs      1. 01. 00
Item one sow and a pigg       1. 00. 00
Item a chayne       0. 08. 00
An axe 3s, a pott with the hookes. 6s. 6d       0. 09. 06
A parcell of brass with old Iron      0. 02. 00
      9. 00. 06
One chape for a cart       0. 02. 00
a sickle 6d 2 fork tynes--2s       0. 02. 06
a bed tick with a pillow       0. 06. 06
a cellar .1£ 4 score rayles. 12s       1. 12. 00
1 tray, and a half bushell the 1/2 bushell John
Dumbleton had       0. 04. 00
2 barrells       0. 02. 00
2 acre and neere a quarter of wheat at 38s
per acre       4. 05. 00
7 bushel of wheat to be paid by William Brookes       1. 04. 06
4 bushel of wheat from Joseph Crowfoote       0. 14. 00
1 acre of Pease       1. 10. 00
One parcell of Indian that Obadiah Miller bought       2. 00. 00
One parcell of Indian and the grass       1. 16. 00
A parcell of Oates with the Oates in the
Orchard and water mill:       0. 16. 00
an acre of Oates       1. 15. 00
a plough share       0. 12. 00
a garden that Richard Fellowes bought       0. 10. 00
a cart with Irons to it       1. 05. 00
a spade 2s 3 pounds tallow 1s 6d       0. 03. 06
a steer       1. 15. 00
a yoke staple and ring       0. 03. 06
Item 8s due from Daniel Blomefeild       0. 08. 00
An Oxe       6. 10. 00
2 hoggs if found       2. 00. 00
A Canow to Richard Fellowes       0. 08. 00
     30. 04. 06
all the Oates and pease and water-millions and the use of half the barn is for Richard Fellowes for to pay 3£ 12:
On the other side 9. 00. 06
     39. 05. 00
This is a true account as we judge witnes both our hands: July 15, 1659
     Samuell Chapin, Richard Fellowes
theres due Goodwoman Sackitt from Goodman Bloomfeild 4s
Onely the heiffer and steere to Daniell for 3£ 17s that Simon oweth Daniell:
1. Steere yeere and vantage 1£ 15s.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "3. Simon Sackett, b. 1630; d. July 9, 1659; m. Sarah Bloomfield."
  2. A birth/baptism record for Simon has not been found.
  3. Joseph Smith, editor, Colonial Justice in Western Massachusetts, 1639-1702: The Pynchon Court Record, an original judges' diary of the administration of justice in the Springfield Courts in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1961), p241.
  4. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700" (American Ancestors transcript), "Simon [Sackett] (?1630–1659) & Sarah [Bloomfield], m/2 ?Lambert Woodward; ca 1652; Springfield. "
  5. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700", "Simon (?1630-1659) & Sarah [BLOOMFIELD], m/2 ?Lambert Woodward; ca 1652; Springfield. "
  6. Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663 (Connecticut Historical Society, 1928), Symon Sackutt John Masters Abigaill Marven Sarah Spenser for theire missdeamenors in keeping Company, drinking excessiuely and vnseasonably are fyned 40s a peece And they are to pay or secure theire fynes within a fortnight, or such as faile are to suffer Imprisonment: William Waller vndertakes to pay his Sisters fyne Thomas Spenser vndertakes the payment of Sarah Spensers fyne. Symon Sackutt Byndeth his heifer for the securing of his fyne. Edward Stebbing vndertakes for John Masters his fyne. Thomas Seamer is to pay the penalty of the order for drinking excessiuely and vnseasonably: wch is for excessiue drinking 3s 4p, and for drinking vuseasonably 5s 0. Thus far the fynes are dd in to the Marshall."
  7. Joseph Smith, Pynchon Court Record 1639-1702, p217 "March 23rd 1655/56 being a Trayning day these underwritten took the oath of fidelity (23 names including Symon Sackett and John Sackett)."
  8. Joseph Smith, Pynchon Court Record 1639-1702, pp173, 241.
Appears inSacketts who migrated
Sackett lineGreat-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Son of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Thanet DNA chart 1
Last Edited8 Aug 2024
Sackett Database3 Simon Sackett

John Sackett

FatherSimon Sackett the colonist (1595-between 5 and 10 Oct 1635)
MotherIsabel Pearce (say 1610-after 1682)
Marriage23 November 1659, Northampton, Hampshire County, MassachusettsGAbigail Hannum3,4,5,6,7,8
Marriage15 January 1690/91, WestfieldGSarah (Stiles) Stewart3,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
John Sackett, son of Simon Sackett the colonist and Isabel Pearce, was born in Newtown (later Cambridge), MassachusettsG, in 16321 and died at the then great age of 87 in Westfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsG, on 8 April 1719.2,3 He married first in Northampton, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG, on 23 November 1659, Abigail Hannum, daughter of William Hannum and Honor Capen.3,4,5,6,7,8 Abigail was born in 16406,16 and baptized at Windsor, ConnecticutG, on 22 November 1640.6,17 She died in WestfieldG on 9 October 1690.3,6,9,18,19,20 He married second in WestfieldG on 15 January 1690/91, Sarah (Stiles) Stewart, daughter of John Stiles and Rachel (___) Stiles.3,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
     John made his will in Westfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsG, on 10 May 1718, naming as beneficiaries his wife Sarah, his son John, his daughters Hannah, Mary and Abigail, his grandson William Sacket,and the unnamed children of his sons William and Samuel. Unusually, he appointed as executor his grandson William, who was still a minor (he was 17 at the date of the will). The witnesses to the will, who included the testator's grandson Joseph Sackett, referred the matter to the Probate Court which appointed John Sackett, the deceased's eldest son, as administrator of the will until William reached 21. The will was proved in the Probate Court at Springfield on 20 May 1719.
John's date and place of birth
Weygant's statement that John was "so far as known, the first white child born in Newtown" has not been proved, although the date of birth of 1632 is in accord with Riker (Annals of Newtown)21—which Weygant is known to have used as a source—who recorded that John died at the age of 87 in 1719. Anderson in The Great Migration22 gives John's date of birth as "say 1630". Since Anderson assumes the date of migration to have been 1632, he must have assumed that John was born in England. No birth or baptism record has been found in English records, although the absence of such a record could also be explained if his father had been a Church dissident.
     Whatever the precise date of John's birth, he would have been a young boy when his father died in 1635 and he would have been brought up by his mother Isabel and her second husband William Bloomfield.
Annals of Newtown
Riker's21 reference to John is brief: "His [Simon the colonist's] sons Simon and John removed in 1653 to Springfield, on the Connecticut River, where they took the oath of fidelity, Mar. 23, 1656. John afterwards removed to Northampton, and thence to Westfield, where he d. in 1719, a. 87. His posterity have been numerous in Westfield and its vicinity, and are also found in western New-York."
History of Springfield
John Sacket appears in the Springfield records when he was granted land at Woronoco in 165823.
     He was also listed on 23 December 1659 in the seating plan in the meeting house. John was placed, with others, in the ninth of ten allocated seats, indicating he was at this date fairly low in the Town's pecking order.24
Histories of Westfield
Josiah Holland, in his History of Western Massachusetts (1855)25, records an Indian raid on Westfield in October or November 1675 during King Phiilip's War:
This occurred just after the murders at Northampton, and, at the same time, the Indians burnt in Westfield the house of a Mr. Cornish, and John Sackett’s house and barn, with their contents.

John Lockwood, in his Westfield and Its Historic Influences (1922)26, includes numerous references to John Sacket:
11 Feb 1667. A town meeting orders that a gate be erected by Sacket's house.
12 Mar 1667. John Sackett's "five acres over the brooke."
16 Feb 1669. John Sacket is appointed one of three men to lay out grants of land.
23 Mar 1669/70. The three men are sacked for neglecting their duties and are replaced.
Sackett's Brook was originally called "Tomhaumucke.
Not dated. Original allotment of land.
In a short biography of John, Lockwood states that John was born in 1632, three years after Simon and Isabel came from England. This implies a migration in 1629.
Not dated. John is included in a list of settlers who have taken an oath of allegiance to the King.
Autumn 1675. John's house and barn are burnt by the Indians.
15 Jan 1675/76. John Sacket, as Constable, writes with details of the expense of maintaining a garrison of soldiers.
26 Mar 1676. John Sacket is a co-signatory to a document setting out land improvements to be carried out by townsmen.
17 Aug 1684. John Sacket is a juror in a hearing into the death of Eleezer Weller. The jury finds that death was caused by suicide by hanging.
Autumn 1685. John Sackett is sued for infringing the rights of a neighbour by setting a mill higher up the brook.
John's daughter Elizabeth & Indian Chief Sackett
It has been conjectured that John's daughter Elizabeth, recorded as having died in Westfield in 1682, was instead captured by the Indians in a raid on Westfield, brought up by them, marrying into the tribe and having a son later known as Chief Sackett. A detailed account appears on Elizabeth's record.
Abstract of will of John Sacket of Westfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay.
(Full text is in Weygant, The Sacketts of America).
Date: 10 May 1718.
Proved: 20 May 1719.
Wife Sarah, use of all estate real & personal during her lifetime.
Son John, 5 shillings.
Grandchildren, children of son William, 5 shillings.
Grandchildren, children of son Samuel, 5 shillings.
Grandson William, son of Samuel dec'd, after wife's death, team & tackling, 2 plows, harrow.
Daughters, Hannah Merryman, Mary Maudsley, Abigail King, after wife's death, rest of moveable estate in equal division, except for great brass Kettle which goes to Mary.
Rachel Stiles, a cow & a pair of sheets.
Executor: grandson William.
Son John appointed administrator by probate judge until grandson William reaches 21.

Children of John Sackett and Abigail Hannum

4. John Sacket*, 1632–1719, son of (1) Simon Sackett and his wife Isabel, was, so far as known, the first white child born in Newtown (now Cambridge), Mass. In 1653 he became a resident of Springfield, Mass., receiving from the town commissioners a gift of four pieces of land, agreeable to an ordinance passed to encourage the speedy settlement of that place. On November 23, 1659, he was married to Abigail Hannum, 1640 - 1690, daughter of William Hannum (colonist), and his wife, Honor Capen, of Dorchester, Windsor and Northampton. A short time after date of his marriage to Abigail Hannum, John Sacket sold his land at Springfield and removed to property he had purchased some fifteen miles up the Connecticut River at Northampton. There he and his family lived until 1665, when he again sold out and moved to a farm purchased of one Chapin near Westfield, on what are now called Sacket's Meadows. Mr. Sacket's removal to Westfield was at the date of the first permanent settlement of that town, and about ten years previous to the commencement of King Philip's Indian wars. There Mr. Sacket built a house and barn, both of which were burned, Oct. 27, 1675, by the Indians, who, at the same time, destroyed a large amount of other property, and drove off his cattle. He rebuilt his house and barn, and also erected a saw mill on a creek which ran through his farm and emptied into the Waronoco (now Westfield) River.
     The building of a dam on this creek was the occasion of a vexatious lawsuit, brought against him by Thomas, Jedediah and Jonah Dewey, who claimed that by reason of Sacket's saw mill dam the water was backed up on their grist mill. The case was tried at Springfield before a jury, who found for plaintiff, but the court in giving judgment, recited that it was a hard case for the defendant and "therefore ordered that the plaintiffs should, with a hired man and oxen, work with said Sacket 9 days in taking down and removing said dam."
     At a town meeting held in 1672 at Westfield, John Sacket was chosen a selectman, and as late as 1693 he held the same office.
     Abigail Hannum Sacket died October 9, 1690, and about a year later John Sacket was married to Sarah, daughter of John Stiles and widow of John Stewart of Springfield. He continued to reside on his Westfield farm to the day of his death. His will, dated in 1718, and probated in 1719, reads as follows:
In the name of God Amen, the tenth day of May in the year of our Lord God 1718. I John Sacket Sen'r, of Westfield in the county of Hampshire in ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay, in New England, being aged and under the decays of nature, but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given to God therefor, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, & knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament, yt is to say principally & first of all I give & reccommend my Soul unto the hands of God that gave it, and as for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christianlike & decent manner at the direction of my Executors, nothing doubting but at ye Gen'll Reserection I shall receive the same again by ye mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and devise & dispose of the same in the following way and manner.
Imprimus. I give and bequeath to Sarah my well beloved wife, all the use & improvement of all my Estate both real and personal during the whole of her natural life if she shall outlive me, that is to say, all that I shall be possessed of at my decease.
Imp'rs. I give to my son John Sacket five shillings, and to my son William's children five shillings, and my son Samuel's children 5 shillings.
Imp'rs. I give to William Sacket my Grandson, the son of Sam'll Sacket deceased, after myself and my wives decease, my Team and Tackling & all ye furniture thereunto belonging and two plows, cart wheels & all belonging unto them, and a harrow & what belongs to it, and I likewise make & ordain him viz. - my grandson William Sacket, Executor of this my last Will & Testament.
Imp'rs. After my own and my wives decease I give to my well beloved daughters viz. - Hannah Merryman, Mary Maudsley and Abigail King all the remainder of my movable estate in an equal division amongst them all, excepting my great brass Kettle the which I give unto my daughter Mary Maudsley, above her share in the movables, to be at their own disposal.
Further - This may inform all concerned that all my lands are disposed of by deed of gift, therefore no Inventory to be taken of them.
Imp'rs. I give to Rachel Stiles a cow and a pair of sheets. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills, & Legacies, Bequests & executors, by me in any way before this time named, willed and bequeathed. Rattifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in ye day & year above written.
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by ye s'd John Sacket as his last Will & Testament. In Presence of us ye subscribers, viz:
John Root
Jedediah Dewey
Joseph Sacket. John Sacket (s)
Hampshire s.s;
Springfield May 20, 1719. John Root, Jedediah Dewey & Joseph Sacket, the witnesses of the foregoing will appeared before me underwritten, Judge of ye Probate of wills & co for ye County afores'd made oath that they saw John Sacket subscribe unto the foregoing instrument, Sign Seal Publish & Pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and Testament, and that he was of sound mind & Perfect memory when he did it to the best of their understanding. Which s'd Will I approve & allow of, and do appoint John Sacket ye son of ye said deceased to be an administrator on ye said will with ye Executor in the said will named till ye said Executor comes of ye age of twenty one years.
Samuel Partridge
Children of John Sacket and Abigail Hannum.
     8. John Sacket, b. Nov. 4, 1660; d. Dec. 20, 1745; m. Deborah Filley.
     9. William Sacket, b. Apr. 20, 1662; d. Mar. 28, 1700; m. Hannah Graves.
     10. Abigail Sacket, b. Dec. 1, 1663; d. July 3, 1683; m. John Noble.
     11. Mary Sacket, b. in year 1665; d. Nov. 19, 1667.
     12. Hannah Sacket, b. Mar. 7, 1669; d. Aug. 3., 1749; m. 2nd, Ben Newbury.
     13. Mary Sacket, b. June 8, 1672, d. in year 1729; m. Benj. Moseley.
     14. Samuel Sacket, b. Sept. 16, 1674; d. Nov. 8, 1709; m. Elizabeth Bissell.
     15. Elizabeth Sacket. b. May 27, 1677; d. June 16, 1682.
     16. Abigail Sacket, b. in year 1683; d. Sept. 1721; m. David King.
* This John Sackett dropped the final "t" in signing his name and several generations of his descendants followed his example, but nearly all of his living descendants have resumed its use.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "4. John Sackett, b. 1632, d. Oct 8, 1719; m. Abigail Hannum."
  2. Sacketts of America.
  3. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (Boston: NEHGS), vol 6, July 1852, "Marriages, Births and Deaths in Westfield", p 266, "John Sacket, wife Abigail; chn. Mary, b. June 8, 1672; Samuel, b. Oct. 18, 1674; Elizabeth, b. Aug. 28, 1677, d. June 15, 1682. Abigail, his wife, d. Oct. 9, 1690. He married Sarah Steward, 1691. John Sacket, d. Ap. 8, 1719."
  4. John (Rev) Lockwood, Westfield and Its Historic Influences 1669-1919, published by the author (1922), (23 Nov 1659; at Northampton).
  5. Robert Anderson, The Great Migration Begins - Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, vol. III (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995), p 1615 [Pynchon VR 141].
  6. NEHG Register, vol. 90 (1936): 158–9, William Hannum and Some of His Descendants, "Abigail [Hannum], [d. William Hannum & Honor Capen], b. in 1640 and bapt. at Windsor, Conn., 22 Nov. 1640; d. probably at Westfield, 10 Oct. 1690; m. 23 Nov. 1659 John Sackett of Northampton and Westfield, b. probably at Newtowne (now Cambridge), in 1632, d. probably at Westfield, in 1719, son of Simon Sacket."
  7. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700" (American Ancestors transcript), "John [Sackett] (1632–1719) & 1/wf Abigail Hannum (1640–1690); 23 Nov 1659; Northampton/Westfield/Springfield. "
  8. "Vital Records of Northampton, Massachusetts (Corbin Collection)" (American Ancestors transcript), "Saccot, John, married Nov. 23 1659 at Northampton to Abigall Hannum" TR-OB-95.
  9. Vital Records (LDS), Westfield, Massachusetts.
  10. Robert Anderson, The Great Migration Begins, p1615 [Pynchon VR 31, 61].
  11. NEHG Register, vol 123, October 1969, "Judge Pynchon's Marriage Record: 1685-1711", p 262, "Jan.15.90: John Sackcut widdower & Sarah Stuart wid: Joined in Marria___."
  12. "Westfield, Massachusetts, Marriage Records (Dougherty abstracts)" (American Ancestors transcript), "John Sacket of W. and Wid. Sarah Stewart of W; m. Jan. 14, 1690."
  13. Vital Records, Springfield, Massachusetts, to 1850, Book 1, Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1638–1728, "John Sacket Widower & Sarah Stewart Widow were married Jan: 15: 1690."
  14. Vital Records, Springfield, Massachusetts, to 1850, Hampshire Records, Springfield Marriages, "John Sacket Widowr & Sarah Stewart Widow were joined in marriage Jan: 15: 1690."
  15. "Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700", "John [Sackett] –1719) &; 2/wf Sarah (STILES) STEWARD/ STEWART, w John; 15 Jan 1690/1; Windsor, CT. "
  16. Sacketts of America, p16.
  17. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1860-62).
  18. Sacketts of America, p17.
  19. John (Rev) Lockwood, Westfield and Its Historic Influences 1669-1919, p91.
  20. "Westfield, Massachusetts, Birth and Death Records (Dougherty abstracts)" (American Ancestors transcript), "Sacket, Abigail, w. John, d. Oct. 9, 1690."
  21. James Riker, The Annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New-York: containing Its History from its first Settlement (New York: D Fanshaw, 1852).
  22. Robert Anderson, The Great Migration Begins.
  23. Henry M Burt, History of Springfield (Springfield, MA: published by the author, 1898), p250 "John Clarke, Wm Brooks & Jno Sackat have ye land ye further side of woronoco wch is granted ym pvided they each of them build & make impvment of the land by Aprill come 12 mo. & continue so to doe 5 y. else to forfeit it. Granted Jan: 10th 1658."
  24. Henry M Burt, History of Springfield, p126-7
    The selectmen and the deacons, or a committee appointed by the selectmen, determined the order in which the seats in the meeting-houses in New England, in the early settlement, should be occupied. Ability and general regard, as well as wealth, had much to do with the order of selection. The women, as a rule, do not appear to have been assigned to particular seats, but occupied, in another part of the house, such as suited their own preferences. The lists still preserved, which give the order of seating the men and boys in Springfield, do not indicate any great regard for those having the largest possessions. At Northampton, "age and estate" determined the order, and to some extent that might have prevailed here. The first list, still of record, bears the date of December 23, 1659, and reads:- 9th Seate. - Abell Wright, Hugh Dudley, John Bagg, John Sacket, David Ashley, Samuel Bliss, John Riley."
  25. Josiah Gilbert Holland, History of Western Massachusetts, Samuel Bowles & Co, Springfield (1855), digital image, Internet Archive (
  26. John (Rev) Lockwood, Westfield and Its Historic Influences 1669-1919.
Sackett lineGreat-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Son of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Benjamin Sackett & Thankful King relationship chart
Lieut David Sackett & Lucretia Shepard relationship chart
John Noah Sackett & Francelia L Sackett relationship chart
Martin James Sackett & Susan E Bush relationship chart
Noah Sacket & Olive Nelson relationship chart
Thanet DNA chart 1
Sackett Family Association descendants
Fred Sackett, Rev Thurmon Eugene King, Darlene Sackett, Patty Sackett Chrisman, Alyce Elaine (Antle) Beggs, Ray J Sackett, Jeanette Boden, Marie Reid, Donn Patrick Cutler, Sharon Allen, Cindy Torres Owens, Jack Hume, Carroll M Lawson, Ida Ruth Elzey, Patty Bohler, Pam Schuster Offerdahl, Steve & Debbie Barbee, Bob Schuster, Charles L Sackett, Karen Gerke, Don Robinson, Diane Francis, Lynette Sackett Wilkerson, Dianne Cobb, Ted Smith, Diane Lanctot, Sheryll Howard Dreelan, Eugene Venne, Susan Lynne Sackett, Debra Leffler Streeter, Teri Stanek, Kari Roehl, Charles Crain, Catrina Kohl, Ross Hadley, Barbara Barbarow, Karen Pritchett, Kathleen Giusti, Ron Grammer, Brian Williams, Rachel Ann (Foster) Stella, Theresa Cotton, Jane Kirkendall, Kathy James, James R Klim, Steven W Frank, Jean Carpenter, Louella Sexsmith, Terry Sackett, Martha Thayer Evans, John Howard Sackett, Richard Keir, Ned Randall, Jan Roberts, Michelle Pearce, Becky Moncrief, Leo Grant Sackett, Irene Haas, Josh Sackett, Carol Sackett, Christina Sackett, Tonya Hartman, Eva Adams, Donna Spink, Sharon Powalka, Rear Admiral Albert Monroe Sackett, Pat Stempski, Daniel Scott Sackett, Cathy Schraeder, Rita E Sackett, Joe Sparks, Elizabeth Hoening, Michelle Morris, Beverley Service, Michelle Marolis, Mike Fisher, Dennis Gottier, Kay Prindle Corwin, Ron Ruberstell, Molly Sackett, Alvin Oglesby, Wanda Phillips, Michael Leroy Trickey, Lisa Owens, Pat Williamson, Claire Tschirky, Pamela Fletcher, Anne Murray, Amanda Ihde, Chet McLaren, Jim Gould, Jodee Thomas, Kent A Mauk, Debbie Hill, Janet French, Jeff Bellairs, Gary Rood, Matthew C Sackett, Linda Hare, Anna Tabor, Kaitlynn Santeford, Rebecca Hall, Melissa Hall, Joe Hart, Kathy Stinson, Larry Youmans, Amy Crooks, Marc Howard, Kerri Kafut, Terry Lee Williams, Marti Prespentt, DeAnna Sackett Johnson, Donna Grote, Cinda Simmons, Paul S Sackett, Kathleen "Kathi" Normandeau, Jennifer Walz Selby, Chris Kimball, Schuyler Sackett, Ann Parmenter, Craig Behrens, Michelle Pandolfi, Katie Menon, Gene Theroux, Mildred Irene "Millie" (Mason) Smith, Lyle Brelsford, Brandy Harris-Hodnett, Gay Wernett, Walter Pogue, Byra G Sackett, Aleta Pogue, Timothy Stemper, Marvin L "Bud" Wood, Bridget Schuelke, Susan Teagarden, Ken Buscho, Dawn Howe, Toni Sackett Reyes, Jill Ruggiero, Margaret Russell, Debra Curry, Teggy Peterson, Name Withheld, Donald "Scott" Lee, Angela Bean, Richard Albert Price, Steve O'Brien, Brian Archer Sackett, Connie J Koran, Ann Irving, Rhonda Gower, Ansley Sackett, Bob Buie, Henryk Dubicki, Ronald Ty "Ron" Sackett, Fred Ewins, Midgie Bardo, Shannon Watts Michael, Carolyn Sturdy, Jessica D’Errico, Carrie Sackett Riddick, Karen Sackett, Steve Sackett, Chuck Fullhart, Kim Polzin, John & Cindy (Sackett) Rogers, Joshua Leewarner, Sue Mehal, Nina J Rhys, Gidgett Guillotte, Mary Harrison, Kevin Kelley, Sally Trabun Arsove, Sandra Bell, Denise LaPare, Marcia V Daly, Kaelyn Sackett, Jeff Goodfox, Lois Landvoigt, Larry Dale Weller, Carol Davis Mckinney, Susan Nykamp, Kevin M Sackett, Bec Koshak, Steven Solberg, Carolyn Kramer, Sally Day, Susan MacEwen, Kristin Burt Cooper, Myra Roper, Patricia Stahnke, Kimberly Oberholtzer, Richard McClellan, Rebecca Henry, Stacy Crabbs, Susan Peck, Kelly Schlabach, Theresa Lincoln, Rebecca Oswalt, Jim Carr, Bette Procknow, Cynthia D McGee, Patricia Roberts, Virginia May "Ginny" Marsh, Darcy C Hoisington, Patrick Kelly, Jessie Kelly, Jennifer & Carol Zadrozny, Lucy Weber, Phyllis Johnson, Teresa M Miller, Mary Graff, Maggie Wisnasky, Teresa Smith, Polly Thomas, Scott Wludyga, Nan McRee Williams, Linda Sargent Reinfeld, Scott McKennon Sackett, Ellen Sackett Brettell, Richard "Rick" Brettell, Nancy Daugulis, Amy V Lederman, Jennifer Lundgren, William "Bill" Schlabach, Norma Rye, Kelly Mercer, Warren Clements, Hollie Sackett, Taylor Sackett, Alexis Dunham, Tami Bailey, Michael Ann Sackett, Russell Edward Sackett Jr, Karen J Wisener, Susan Sackett Simmons, Angelina Pease, Breffni McGuire, Henry DeJulia, Warren Adams, Valerie Villarreal, Amanda Winebrenner, Galen C Fields, Ronald R Ulseth, Dennis Watts, Shannon Miller, Scott L Nelson, Donna Yarbrough, Maria Courtney, Richard Breck, Martin Price, Julie Baughman, Colleen Andrews, Brody Finney, Kourtney Sackett, Cora Sackett, Tammy Martin, Evelyn Everett, Zachary Price, Jared Price, Debra Bellanti, Grant Werner (non-descendant researcher), Ronald Lee Sackett, Brenda Link, Aaron Brendel, Alma Berridge, Kyle Thomas Clark, Joel Graham, Christina Polston, Judy Oliphant, Leah Shindelman, Anthony Oderlin, Sally Maly, Wendy Ayers, Shep Glennon, Michelle Eaton, Franklin and Patricia Harrah, Betty Rossi, Christine Brimblecom & Barbara Goeckner, Jon Sackett, Craig Love, Alexandra D "Ali" Sackett, Kevin Sackett, Gary King, Jeff Randall, Clyde Martin, Rachel Elaine Campbell, Luis Valentin, Doug Greenhill, Shannon Ormonde, Elizabeth Stroud, Kathy Brenner, Aaron Reed, Stacia Larson, Lynn Bumbalough, Evelyn Alden, Joe Warring, Chuck Pegg, Mark Tenniswood, Michael Allen Sackett, Jayson King, Sarah K Curtis, Tim Sackett, Teresa Sackett Freeman, Amanda (Sackett) Aleman, Michelle Henning, Jon Sackett-Williams, Chris Lauderdale, Kelly Everding, Adel Fredenburg and Mark Halle.
Last Edited17 Sep 2024
Sackett Database4 John Sackett

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Sackett lines

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American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven