Ann Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism14 December 1707, Birchington, KentG,1
Ann Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 14 December 1707.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "14 Dec 1707 An Sackett bapt."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Thomas Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism2 November 1709, Birchington, KentG,1
Death1764, BirchingtonG
Marriage29 December 1735, Monkton, KentGJane Austin2
Thomas Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 2 November 1709.1 He died aged about 54 and was buried there on 5 April 1764.3 He married at Monkton, KentG, on 29 December 1735, Jane Austin.2 She was buried at BirchingtonG on 5 November 1779.4

Children of Thomas Sackett and Jane Austin

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "2 November 1709 Thomas s. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett." [date recorded as 6 November 1709 in Bishops' Transcript].
  2. Marriages Register, Monkton, Kent (Bishops Transcript), "29 December 1735 Thomas Sackett & Jane Austin (Banns)."
  3. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "5 April 1764 Thomas Sackett."
  4. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent, "5 November 1779 Jane Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Joan Leary and Scindia Cutler.
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Henry Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism18 February 1710/11, BirchingtonG,1
Death1 October 1790, St Peter in ThanetG
Marriage8 April 1733, St John in ThanetGElizabeth Clifford2
Henry Sackett, yeoman of Birchington, Kent, son of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at BirchingtonG on 18 February 1710/11.1 He died aged about 80 in St Peter in ThanetG on 1 October 1790 and was buried there on 7 October 1790.3,4 He married at St John in ThanetG on 8 April 1733, Elizabeth Clifford, daughter of Thomas Clifford and Elizabeth Bedingfield.2 Elizabeth was born about 1709.5 She died aged 77 on 11 January 1786 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 22 January 1786.4,6
     Henry Sackett is the most recent common ancestor of the great majority of present-day English Sacketts.

Children of Henry Sackett and Elizabeth Clifford

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "18 February 1710/11 Henry s. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "8 April 1733 Henry Sackette & Elizabeth Clifford."
  3. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "7 October 1790 Henry Sackett, 80."
  4. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St Peter's Church, Thanet, Kent, head & body stone, "Henry Sackett 1 October 1790 aged 80; Elizabeth ux. 11 January 1786 aged 77; Mary their daughter 9 April 1759 aged 11; Benjamin their son lies in Birchn. yd. ob. infant. " [Henry & Elizabeth had two sons whom they named Benjamin, one the twin of Jeremiah born in 1749, and the other born in 1756. Both died in infancy].
  5. Date of birth calculated from age at death.
  6. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, "22 January 1786 Elizabeth Sackett, 77."
Appears inSackett snippets
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Alan Francis Pettman & Phyllis Mary Pemble relationship chart
Henry Sackett & Elizabeth Sackett relationship chart
Henry Sackett & Mary Brasier relationship chart
Mary Sandwell Sackett & Daniel Church Brasier relationship chart
Sackett shipwrights of London
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism8 March 1712/13, Birchington, KentG,1
Marriage7 April 1740, BirchingtonGBenjamin Watson2
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 8 March 1712/13.1 She married there on 7 April 1740, Benjamin Watson.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "8 March 1712/13 Elizabeth d. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "7 April 1740 Benjamine Watson & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited2 Nov 2019
Research StatusPartly researched 

John Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism20 February 1714/15, Birchington, KentG,1
Death21 September 1798, St John in ThanetG
Marriage20 October 1735, St John in ThanetGMary Austin2
Marriage21 December 1762, St John in ThanetGElizabeth Smith3
John Sackett, of St John in Thanet, Kent, son of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 20 February 1714/15.1 He died aged 84 in St John in ThanetG on 21 September 1798 and was buried there on 28 September 1798.4,5 He married first at St John in ThanetG on 20 October 1735, Mary Austin.2 Mary was born about 1715.6 She died aged 47 on 22 June 1762 and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 27 June 1762.5,7 He married second at St John in ThanetG on 21 December 1762, Elizabeth Smith.3 Elizabeth was born about 1710.6 She died aged 85 on 17 February 1796 and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 4 March 1796.5,8
     John died intestate and his estate was not finally settled until 1813 when letters of administration were granted to his only surviving child Henry.9
Letters of administration of the estate of John Sackett of Margate, Kent.
Granted by: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 14 October 1813.
Source: National Archives, PROB 6/189/F262-313.
John Sackett, late of Margate, widower.
Letters of administration granted to Henry Sackett, natural & lawful son & only child, he having been duly sworn to administer.

Children of John Sackett and Mary Austin

 Notes & Citations

  1. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "20 February 1714/15 John s. Tho & Elisabeth Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "20 October 1735 John Sackette & Mary Austin."
  3. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "21 December 1762 John Sacket & Elizabeth Smith."
  4. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "28 September 1798 John Sacket, 84."
  5. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St John's Church, Margate, Kent, stone tomb, iron railings, "John Sackett, 21 September 1798 aged 84; Mary ux., 22 June 1762 aged 47; John their son, 27 November 1745 aged 9; Elizabeth their daughter, 4 April 1753 aged 15; Ann their daughter, 3 June 1758 aged 17; Mary their daughter, 27 June 1758 aged 17; Elizabeth his 2nd ux., 17 February 1796 aged 85; Hannah Sackett, daughter of Henry & Hannah, 18 November 1799, 11y 10m."
  6. Birth date calculated from age at death.
  7. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "27 June 1762 Mary Sackett wife of John."
  8. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "4 March 1796 Elizabeth Sacket wife of John, 85."
  9. Letters of administration of the estate of John Sackett of Margate, Kent, granted at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 14 October 1813 (National Archives), "John Sackett, late of Margate, widower.
    Letters of administration granted to Henry Sackett, natural & lawful son & only child, he having been duly sworn to administer."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Sackett shipwrights of London
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

William Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism28 April 1717, Birchington, KentG,1
Death24 March 1805, St John in ThanetG
Marriage7 October 1745, St John in ThanetGElizabeth Dawson2
William Sackett, of St John in Thanet, Kent, son of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 28 April 1717.1 He died aged 87 at St John in ThanetG on 24 March 1805 and was buried there on 30 March 1805.3,4 He married at St John in ThanetG on 7 October 1745, Elizabeth Dawson.2 She died aged about 62 on 24 May 1784 and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 1 June 1784.4,5

Children of William Sackett and Elizabeth Dawson

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "28 Aprril 1717 William s. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "7 October 1745 William Sackette & Elizabeth Dawson."
  3. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "30 March 1805 William Sacket, 89."
  4. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St John's Church, Margate, Kent, headstone, "William Sackett, 24 March 1805 aged 89; Elizabeth, ux., 24 May 1784 aged 62; William their son, 24 October 1782 aged 32; Susanna their daughter, 10 April 1783 aged 20; Martha -ditto- ob. infant."
  5. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "1 June 1784 Elizabeth Sackett wife of William, 60."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Alan Francis Pettman & Phyllis Mary Pemble relationship chart
Henry Sackett & Mary Brasier relationship chart
Mary Sandwell Sackett & Daniel Church Brasier relationship chart
Sackett shipwrights of London
Last Edited2 Feb 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Richard Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism3 January 1719/20, Birchington, KentG,1
Richard Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 3 January 1719/20.1 He died in infancy and was buried there on 20 September 1720.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "3 January 1719/20 Richard s. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "20 September 1720 Richard s. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Mary Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism28 January 1721/22, Birchington, KentG,1
Mary Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 28 January 1721/22.1 She died in infancy and was buried there on 10 April 1722.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "28 January 1721/22 Mary d. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "10 April 1722 Mary d. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Mary Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1676-1760)
MotherElizabeth Nuby (1680-)
Baptism11 August 1723, KentG,1
Mary Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Elizabeth Nuby, was baptized at Birchington Church, KentG, on 11 August 1723.1 She may have been the Mary Sackett who married Richard Fowler at St Lawrence in Thanet on 30 March 1752.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "11 Aug 1723 Mary d. Thomas & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line3rd great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 3 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Last Edited18 Jan 2025
Research StatusCompleted 

Place names

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven