Newspaper Abstracts, Michigan
81 records
- Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 16 Oct 1847, p 2
Melancholy Occurrence.—On Sunday last, two young men, one of them named Benjamin Sackett, a brother of Thomas Sacket, of Frederick, the other named Little, were hunting wild turkies near the residence of Mr. Cambell; the former, while in the bushes, attempting to call the turkies by imitating them, was mistaken for one by Little, and shot at, the ball striking him in the breast. He has since died from the effects of the wound.—Mt. Clemens Pat.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Monroe Commercial, Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, 13 Oct 1859
"Died—on Tuesday, the 4th of October, at the residence of her brother in Raisinville, Achsah Miranda Sackett, in the fifty-fourth year of her age. The deceased had been for forty years an exemplary Christian, manifesting in her life and acts the power of grace and the influence of the gospel of Christ; and this fact afforded great consolation to her friends, in as much as during her last illness she was not in that state of mind which would have enabled her to prepare for an untried future, showing the importance of preparing for death while in health and the full exercise of the mental powers."
[Researched by Myra Roper (Monroe County Museum)] - Monroe Commercial, Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, 9 Sep 1869
"Leander Sackett, an old well known and highly esteemed resident of Monroe County, died at his residence in Raisinville, on Thursday Sept. 2, after a protracted illness of tumor in the stomach. Mr. Sackett was born in Windham, Connecticut, in April 1794, and was therefore in the 76th year of his age. His father's family removed from Connecticut to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, when he was a lad of ten or twelve years, the trip being made with ox teams, and occupying six or eight weeks. In 1822, Mr. Sackett, having then married, came to Maumee with his wife; and associated with Mr. Vantosole, established an Indian Mission, some 30 miles above Toledo. Here he remained until 1829, when the Station was abandoned; the Indians having been removed farther west. He then resided some three or four years at Maumee City, during which time he married Miss Eliza Conant, having lost his first wife while at the Mission Station. In 1832 or 33 he removed to Monroe, where he remained until 1836, as proprietor of the old Mission House, the leading hotel, which occupied the present site of Dansard Bank. Mr. Sackett then removed to a farm on the banks of the River Raisin, in Raisinville, and there he spent the remainder of his days. He was a man of great energy and activity, with an unusual developement of hopeful enthusiasm, and became intimately connected with every movement for the benefit or improvement of the town or community, frequently neglecting his own interests and bearing burdens alone that should have been shared by others. In 1852, Mr. Sackett was a delegate to the Buffalo Convention that formed the Free Soil Party. He has been an enthusiastic and earnest advocate of its principles. He leaves a wife and one son, S.M. Sackett, Druggist of this City."
[Researched by Myra Roper (Monroe County Museum)] - Jackson Citizen, Jackson, Michigan, 6 May 1873, p 5
Awaiting the Gallows
Springfield, Mass., May 5.—Albert M. Smith was to-day sentenced to be hanged, for the murder of Charles D. Sacket at Westfield, last November.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Ted Smith] - Jackson Daily Citizen, Jackson, Michigan, 27 Jun 1873, p 6
Hanged for Murder
Springfield, Mass., June 27.—Albert H. Smith was executed in this city this forenoon for the murder of Charles D. Sacket of Westfield, committed on the 28th of last month.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 18, 1893
"Newsman Sackett and the Girls
"Yankee" Sackett, the newsman, will give his sleigh ride to the little girls of the public schools tomorrow afternoon. The sleighs will call at the schools between 3 and 4 o'clock, and after a slide through the country the little ones will be let down at their homes."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 18, 1893
Sackett Among the Great
An amusing incident occurred in a Madison Avenue school room not long ago. It was shortly after the girls' sleigh-ride given by Mr. Sackett and the teacher was questioning the pupils in regard to what great man's birthday was to come soon. Many of the replies were merely guesses, but they included Grover Cleveland and General Jackson. Finally on e little girl in the corner raised her hand and upon receiving permission to reply, said: "I know, it is Mr. Sackett's."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 27, 1893
Sackett's New Suit
Sackett, "the Yankee Newsboy" came out this afternoon looking very swell in a brand new suit and a straw hat. Of course the suit is made of navy blue cloth like his other suits but the buttons are different this time. The coat buttons are Columbian souvenir half-dollars, the buttons on the sleeves are dimes of the new issue and the waist coat buttons are 1803 quarters. The old boy created quite a stir in the Morton and when one of the boys asked where he got his suit he said, "Bought it of my friend May at the Giant, New York, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Rocky Mountain News, Illustrated American, Truth, Puck or Judge." and with a serious expression on his face he walked on in his familiar and peculiar gait.
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - The Saginaw News, August 16, 1893, p. 1, col. 4.
A Former Grand Rapids Man Arrested For Fraudulent Marriage.
RACINE, Wis., Aug. 16.—William Wallace Sacket, formerly of Grand Rapids, was arrested here as an accessory to a fraudulent marriage between himself and Mrs. Ida A. Clark. About three years ago Sacket came here. Recently he became acquainted with Mrs. Clark, who is the daughter of a prominent citizen and related to one of the leading families of the town. On July 20 last he went to the home of the lady. With him was one J.S. Brown, a friend of Mrs. Clark. Sacket informed Mrs. Clark that Brown was a United States secret detective and that as such officer he had the power to contract a marriage.
He was desirous of marrying Mrs. Clark and the mock ceremony was performed by Brown, Mrs. Clark believing that it was legal. Discovering that she had been duped into an illegal marriage she informed the chief of police and warrants were issued for both Sacket and Brown. The former was caught and was held to the circuit court. The sheriff has gone into the country after Brown. It is claimed that Sacket has a wife living at Grand Rapids from who he never was divorced. He is 50 years old and Mrs. Clark is about 30."
[Researched by Terri Carlson] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, December 22, 1894
"Wanted To See Fred
Sackett, the Newsman, Invaded the Superior Court
Sackett, the newsman, with whiskers, eyeglasses and a tottering step, walked into the Superior court this morning while it was in session and began calling "Cincinnati," "Chicago," etc. The court deputy rapped for order, but Sackett didn't hear him. He slapped a bundle of papers and magazines down on a table with a resounding whack and then threw down another lot. Then he picked up a paper and began shaking it at one of the lawyers. Finally Judge Burlingame had to call him down, but he didn't pay any attention to the court. Finally his honor sent the messenger to inform Sackett that his demonstrations were out of order. After repeated efforts the old man "caught on," but was dismayed.
"Can't hear a word," he declared. Then, turning toward the judge he asked: "Where is Fred Adams?"
The messenger showed him where the clerk was, and the court resumed business."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, December 31 1894
"Yankee Sackett to the Public
I am sure every man, woman, and child in Grand Rapids will witness that I have done as much to entertain and amuse the newsboys and school girls as any other party, and am not disposed to quit. I wish to explain a slight misunderstanding which does me an injustice. Last Saturday Mr. Sprout of The Democrat told me they were making a float on which I was asked to ride with a small boy, and told me to call on Mrs. Schultz, the costumer, who desired to fix appropriate costumes. He did not tell me I was to represent Time, Santa Clause or a clown. I called Sunday morning on Mrs. Schultz, who told me I was expected to represent Time with a scythe. I replied that any one would answer for that, but it would wholly destroy my individuality, and I respectfully declined. Mrs. Schultz agreed with me as to it unfitness. I only wish to be taken as I am. My self-respect will allow me no other course. I met Mr. Sprout this morning at The Democrat office and he roughly said, "You have done a smart thing, haven't you?" "What," said I, "you never told me that I was expected to appear in the procession in any character but my own." "Well," said he, "we are done with you and don't want anything more to do with you; you are not needed at the newsboys' dinner, Fifty gentlemen at The Morton last evening said it was just like you; you were always a crank."
I have not put myself forward for my recognition by the dinner committee, and if neighbors send in as usual I will probably get a dinner.
I am consoled by the fact that my ancestors fought, bled, died and almost suffered in the Revolution, that my father served in the war of 1812 and lived on horse beef at Sackett's Harbor, and that I did volumes of Union talk during the war and made some money out of the rise in gold."
O. Sackett."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 13, 1895
"Sackett's Carnival.
O. Sackett, the Yankee newsman, will soon give his annual sleighing carnival to the newsboys of Grand Rapids. A cordial invitation will be sent to the teachers of every school district in the township of Grand Rapids, outside of the city, and the residents of each district owning teams, will gladly volunteer to bring the scholars to the carnival, giving them a delightful gala day. The procession will start from Campau place about noon on a Saturday and end in ample time for the visitors to reach home before dark. The name and number of each outside district should be conspicuous on the sleighs. Due notice will be given of the date of the carnival and sent to the outside schools."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 19, 1895
"The Newsboys' Ride
Sackett, the Yankee Newsman, Will Give It Next Saturday.
A newsboys' grand sleigh ride will be given by O. Sackett on Saturday, Feb. 23. Visitors and boys will assemble on Campau place at 12:30. The procession will move at 1 p. m. and end at 3 p. m., in time for visitors to reach home before dark.
A cordial invitation is extended to the teachers and scholars of the schools of the township of Grand Rapids and out of the city. It is believed that the residents of the districts will kindly donate teams to bring them in.
No city newsboys will be admitted to the sleighs without a badge or check from the papers."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 24, 1895
"It Made Him Hot
Queer Effect of Cold Water on "Yankee" Newsman Sackett.
The prosecuting attorney's force are now puzzling themselves over a hard problem. Yankee Newsman Sackett complains that James Bayliss of the Morton House news stand has committed an assault upon him. "The Yankee" says Bayliss threw water on him and his papers the other morning while he was holding forth in front of the hotel. It is a grave legal question whether the application of water in some instances may not be reckoned a meritorious deed instead of an assault: but "Yankee" says his papers and his personal tranquility were greatly damaged by the transaction. Wherefore he asks redress from the law."
[Orsemus Sackett].
[Researched by Kari Roehl]. - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 24 May 1895, p 5
Stanley Sackett is the new clerk at the bank.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 19, 1896
"Sackett Is No More
The Old "Yankee Newsman" Died last Night
A Man Of Mystery
Who Made Fortunes and Lost Them Again
Closed His Business a Few Days Ago and Death Quickly Followed His Release From Toil.
O. Sackett, The "Yankee Newsman," is dead. His peculiar and familiar cries of "Cincinnati," "New York," "New Orleans," etc., will be heard no more on the streets nor in business places. For eighteen years he had been a conspicuous figure in Grand Rapids. His traits of character indulged many that were called eccentric, but, with all his oddities, he counted many warm friends. In his younger days Sackett was a successful amusement manager, having directed the tours of such famous lecturers as Horace Greely and George Francis Train. Many stories of more or less authenticity have been told of the fabulous fortunes that have been amassed by Sackett in amusement enterprises, but it was said he lost them. No one tells, however, of the manner of their loss. It was, perhaps, the fact that his early life was shrouded more or less in mystery that made him the more interesting to those with whom he came in contact.
Sackett was especially fond of telling anecdotes of his earlier experiences in the amusement line and was evidently proud of associates of former years. He had been engaged in selling newspapers and periodical literature on the streets of Grand Rapids nearly all of the time since he came here. Last year he sold photographs of himself, upon the back of which was a "sticker," bearing the following printed advertisement:
"The oldest newspaper man in the world, 75 years old July, 1895. Started in 1889 with 50 cents. Saved, up to December, 1894, $16,000.
"Beat it!
"Has no News stand, but solicits, sells and delivers papers and magazines from all cities in the United States, Mexico and Europe.
"Covers 15 to 25 miles daily. Send postal with name of paper to O. Sackett, postoffice, and I do the rest."
The old man's health had been failing for several years and his feebleness became very noticeable six months ago. Several times during the summer he was overcome by the heat or other causes and had fallen on the streets exhausted. On these occasions he was cared for by friends or was taken to his boarding place, 162 Ottawa street. Last week he was attacked by jaundice, and on Friday took to his bed. He was attended by Dr. Amanda Evans and two nieces, Anna and Eva Sackett, of Croton, Newaygo county. Anna has been in the city for two weeks caring for her aged uncle. Notwithstanding the best of nursing, he gradually sank, and passed away last night at 6 o'clock.
The last time Sackett appeared on the streets selling papers was on Tuesday, Aug. 11. He was so feeble that he was prevailed upon to "close out" his business, as he expressed it, and he was making plans to go to St. Paul to superintend the construction of some houses upon lots which he had purchased there some time ago. He purchased an invalid chair and insisted upon being taken out on the streets as late as last Friday. He refused to entertain the idea of death, expressing the strongest determination and expectation of recovery up to the very last.
The old man made a will about six months ago, the document being drawn by Hon. John Patton, jr. C. B. Kelsey was named as executor of his estate. Mr. Sackett leaves three children, T. Ackley Sackett of Minneapolis, Fitch Carl Sackett of Brooklyn, N. Y., and another son, whose whereabouts are at present unknown. The deceased had been married twice. After the death of his first wife he married again, but did not live happily, and was divorced from her thirty years ago. The divorced wife has been remarried more than twenty years. Mr. Sackett also left a brother in Croton, Newaygo county, and several nephews and nieces.
For all of his eccentricities, Sackett enjoyed the friendship of hundreds of newsboys, and the annual sleighrides given to the boys by him will be missed. A week ago last Sunday Sackett struggled about the streets in an endeavor to conduct his business as usual, but the extreme heat compelled him to spend most of his time reclining in shady doorways. Here he was attended by the little newsboys, who took turns in relieving the old man's distress by fanning him.
The funeral will be held from O'Brien's undertaking rooms on Friday at 2 p. m. C. B. Kelsey and Henry Spring have charge of the arrangements. It is desired that all the newsboys in the city attend the funeral, and they are therefore requested to meet at The Evening Press office on Friday at 1 p.m., from which place they will go to the funeral in a body."
[Researched by Kari Roehl.] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 21, 1896
Grand Rapids' Famous Old Newsboy Is Dead—Left a Fortune.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 20—Orsemus Sackett, "the newsboy," is dead. He was 72 years old, had been peddling papers here for 10 years or more and leaves a fortune of several thousand dollars. He was born in New England and as a young man grew rich in piloting George Francis Train, Horace Greeley and other famous lecturers about the country. He lost his money speculating in oil, and in an unfortunate venture in Western lands, and when he came here he "went broke." He began selling papers in a modest way and soon became a familiar character. It was his boast that he could furnish papers from any city on the globe. At one time he made a sensation by appearing in a suit of clothing with $5, $10 and $20 pieces as buttons. Two sons survive him."
[Researched by Kari Roehl.] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 21, 1896
"Kind Words For Sackett.
The Newsboys' Band Sorrows, for a Friend Has Passed Away.
Peioskey, Mich., Aug. 21.—The members of The Evening Press Newsboys' band have been the jolliest resorters in Michigan, but when they heard of the death of O. Sackett, the veteran newsboy, they looked very sorry indeed and at once drafted resolutions of respect. The boys had been treated well by the aged newsman, and they are not the sort to forget a friend. The resolutions were characteristic and read as follows:
Whereas, We liked Mr. Sackett, the oldest newsboy in Grand rapids, very much, and
Whereas, He was always good to us and gave us jolly times by his yearly sleighrides for the newsboys, be it
Resolved, that we are very sorry to hear of his death and regret that we cannot show our respect by going to the funeral. We wish we could send some flowers, but we shall never forget him, and maybe that would please Mr. Sackett just as well.
(Signed) Geo. Simmons, Arthur Thomas, Frank Pla?s."
[Researched by Kari Roehl.] - Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 22, 1896
"One Dollar Each
Sackett's Sons Are Cut Off by His Will.
His Money to Lie in Bank Nineteen Years Before Being Divided
As soon as the relatives returned from the funeral of Newsman Sackett yesterday they assembled at the People's Savings bank and listened to the reading of the last will and testament of the deceased. After directing that all just debts and funeral expenses be paid, the sum of $1 was bequeathed to each of the three sons. To his nieces, Anna and Eva Sackett, was given his gold watch and amethyst ring. The residue of the estate is bequeathed to the grandchildren, Geraldine, Irving and Byron Irving of Brooklyn, N. Y., and to his great grandchildren, Althea Wade and William S. Wade of Hurley, Wis., and the nieces, Anna and Eva Sackett, of Croton, Newaygo county, Mich.
It is directed that the estate be converted into money as soon as possible and deposited in the Peoples Savings bank, to be kept there, with accrued interest, for nineteen years and then distributed equally among the heirs named.
Charles B. Kelsey is named as executor of the will. He places the value of the estate at from $5,000 to $7,000, allowing for the valuation placed upon the St. Paul property by the deceased.
After the reading of the will Mr. Kelsey brought out a small tin box containing the keepsakes and other treasures of the dead man. They were family pictures, a few pieces of old silver, an ancient deed to some lots in Grand Rapids, two marriage certificates and a copy of a decree of divorce dated 1891. A tattered piece of paper bore the family record, showing that the deceased was born in Chili, Monroe county, N. Y., July 19, 1826."
[Researched by Kari Roehl.] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 13 Jan 1897, p 8
Real Estate Transfers.
Andy Sackett to Stanley Sackett; par s w q 17 Pine Grove; $800.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 7 Jun 1899, p 5
Stanley Sackett returned last week from a visit in the country.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 14 Feb 1902, p 5
County and State.
The former cashier of the bank, Stanley Sackett, has gone into partnership with Gilbert Mitchell and they have purchased the bank at Gobleville.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 6 Nov 1903, p 5
Real Estate Transfers.
C H Babcock to Andy Sackett and w; s e ¼ n e ¼ 17 Pine Grove; $900.
Andy Sackett to Stanley Sackett; s w ¼ nw ¼ 16 Pine Grove; $1.
Stanley Sackett to Andy Sackett and w; same as last above; $1.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 10 Jun 1904, p 1
County Judicial Convention.
The county convention to choose delegates to the state judicial convention met in the same hall at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon...
The following delegates were chosen: Stanley Sackett, Bloomingdale [1 of 17 delegates]
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 2 Sep 1904, p 8
Stanley Sackett of Gobleville was in Paw Paw, Monday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 13 Jan 1905, p 8
Circuit Court.
Stanley Sackett et al. vs. Gobleville Canning company; assumpsit; on trial.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 20 Jan 1905, p 8
Circuit Court.
Stanley Sackett vs. Gobleville Canning Company; two judgments for plaintiff $4,991.50 and costs.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 15 Dec 1905, p 7
Real Estate Transfers.
J F Leeder to Stanley Sackett; lot 6 blk 2 Killefers add Gobleville; $75.
Emily Mitchell et al to Stanley Sackett; lot 15 blk 2 D & W add South Haven; $100.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 12 Jan 1906, p 5
Stanley Sackett, Frank Freidman and Ed. M. Bailey assisted Willie Markillie invoice his stock at Bradley last week.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 20 Jul 1906, p 4
A. W. Myers, Orla Graham, Phil Bush, Stanley Sackett and J. C. McFellin of Gobleville, Editor Russell of Bangor, Austin Conway and Fred Knolls of Hamilton, Oliver Wiles of Keeler, Harris Hilliards of Hartford and E. A. Chase of Waverly were in Paw Paw on business Thursday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 14 Sep 1906, p 5
Real Estate Transfers.
Evelyn A See and w et al to Stanley Sackett pcl n e ¼ sec 25 1-14 village of Gobleville...$600.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 21 Sep 1906, p 2
Stanley Sackett was in Chicago last week.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 31 May 1907, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
Leander Betts to Stanley Sackett pcl on n e ¼ sec 25 Bloom'dale $1100.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 28 Jun 1907, p 1
Events of a Local Nature.
Dr. C. L. Bennett and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sackett of Gobleville called on the doctor's mother Sunday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 21 Feb 1908, p 3
Probate Court.
Estate of George L. Deuel, deceased. Stanley Sackett, Gobleville, appointed administrator.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 6 Mar 1908, p 1
Events of a Local Nature.
Stanley Sackett of the Gobleville Exchange bank was in town last week.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 30 Jul 1909, p 5
Events of a Local Nature.
Stanley Sackett and Herbert McElheny of Gobleville were in Paw Paw, Wednesday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 17 Dec 1909, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
W H Blanchard to Stanley Sackett; s w ¼ s e ¼, ex pcl, sec 21 Pine Grove $900.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 21 Jan 1910, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
Saul Frank to Stanley Sackett, 4x15 rds on nw ¼ sec 30 Pine Grove twp $800.
Stanley Sackett & w to Mrs. Etta M. Wisely, 4x15 rds on n w ¼ sec 30 Pine Grove $700.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 1 Apr 1910, p 1
Bankers Oppose Saloons
Letters from Bankers of Van Buren County Telling Why They Favor Retention of Local Option Law.
Business Men opposed to the Open Saloon.
Gobleville, Mich.
I cheerfully announce that I am opposed to the saloon. I am not in favor of anything but that which brings good in some shape or another to the people as a whole, and I hope that the time is not far distant when arguments along this line will cease and sound absurd.
Stanley Sackett
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 1 Apr 1910, p 5
Events of a Local Nature.
J. B. Travis of the Globeville News and Stanley Sackett also of Gobleville were Paw Paw visitors last Friday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 10 Jun 1910, p 5
Events of a Local Nature.
Stanley Sackett of Gobleville autoed over to Paw Paw last Saturday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 30 Sep 1910, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
John L Stanton & w to Stanley Sackett; pcl n e ΒΌ sec 25 Decatur $60.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 25 Nov 1910, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
Reuben Sweet & w to Stanley Sackett, pcl sec 17 Pine Grove, $23.43.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 23 Feb 1912, p 2
Probate Court.
Benjamin Markillie, deceased. Bond filed and letters testamentary issued to Mabel Markillie. Order appointing Stanley Sackett and Anson D. Pease as appraisers. Hearing on claims June 24th.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan, 20 Dec 1912, p 2
Real Estate Transfers.
Chas Newman to Stanley Sackett, 5 a sec 7 Pine Grove $1300.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - St. Joseph Daily Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 8 Mar 1913, p 5
Gobleville Private Bank Closes Doors
Goblevillle, Mich., Mar. 8—Regarded as one of the strongest banks in Van Buren county, the Gobleville Exchange bank, operated by Stanley Sackett, reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in this part of the state, closed its doors yesterday.
The bank, which has been a private institution, carries deposits from all parts of the county, and practically every business man in Gobleville was a depositor.
Sackett left town Thursday afternoon but returned here yesterday afternoon with Judge A. J. Mills of Kalamazoo. When he stepped off the train he was met by a crowd of depositors who demanded to know why the bank had been closed.
Judge Mills mounted a platform and, in a brief address, stated he was sure his client had enough assets left in the bank to pay every depositor in full, and that the bank had been closed only because of anxiety and worry on the part of his client.
"I am sure the bank will be opening in a short time as a state bank," the judge told the depositors. The crowd demanded the bank be opened and an immediate investigation be made of the books. Finally it was decided to appoint a committee to do this.
Sackett, Judge Mills and the committee went to the bank late in the afternoon and were still there last night.
Sackett 20 years ago was a farmer boy. He suddenly decided to start a bank. His institution seemed to be a success instantly and for six years it has been one of the biggest banking institutions in the county.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - St. Joseph Daily Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 10 Mar 1913, p 1
Gobleville Bank Will Be Opened Again
Kalamazoo, Mar. 10—The Gobleville Exchange bank at Gobleville, which closed its doors Friday morning, will be reorganized within the next week and the institution will come under the control of the state, according to the statement of Judge Alfred J. Mills of this city, attorney for Stanley Sackett, president of the bank, whiich he made at Gobleville to depositors.
Sackett and a committee of depositors composed of Dr. C. L. Bennett, Fred Stark, L. O. Graham and Wm. Miller visited the building and made an inspection of the records. Up to the present time nothing which would implicate Sackett in any way has been discovered.
Judge Mills talked freely. He said: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with the bank and depositors will receive every cent which they intrusted to the care of my client. Overconfidence on the part of the president and the fact that a goodly amount of the money is tied up in real estate caused the closing."
The Exchange bank at Gobleville is the only institution of its kind in the village and every business man in the place is a depositor.
Sackett is an old resident of Gobleville and has had charge of the bank for twenty years. He is considered absolutely reliable by the citizens.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald-Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 11 Mar 1913, p 2
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 11 Mar 1913, p 6
St. Joseph Saturday Herald, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 15 Mar 1913, p 5
Gobleville Bank To Pay All Depositors In Full
Kalamazoo, March 11.—After spending most of Monday investigating the assets of the Gobleville Exchange bank, which closed its doors last week, the committee appointed by the depositors and Stanley Sackett stated that they believed that the bank would be able to pay off all of the depositors in full. There are many of the depositors who do not believe that the bank will be able to pay back in full, but Sackett declares that he has enough assets to insure a complete settlement.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - St. Joseph Saturday Herald, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 15 Mar 1913, p 6
Bank Is Closed
Angry Depositors Meet President Sackett at Train and Demand Reason.
Gobleville, March 8.—The Gobleville Exchange bank operated by Stanley Sackett, regarded as one of the wealthiest men in Van Buren county, has closed its doors and there is great excitement among the depositors throughout this section.
The bank, which has been a private institution, carried deposits from all parts of the county and practically every business man in this village was a depositor.
Sackett lef town before the doors were closed but returned later with his attorney, Judge A. J. Mills of Kalamazoo. A crowd of angry people met him at the train and demanded to know why business had been suspended.
Judge Mills mounted a platform and in a brief address stated that he felt sure that his client had enough money to pay all depositors in full, and that bank had been closed only because of anxiety and worry on the part of Mr. Sackett.
Depositors demanded that a committee be appointed to go over the books of the institution. This was finally agreed to.
Sackett twenty years ago was a farmer boy. He suddenly decided to start a bank. His institution was a success instantly and for six years he has been prosperous.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Lansing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan, 4 Apr 1913, p 7
The Yale Expositor, Yale, Michigan, 10 Apr 1913, p 3
The Unionville Crescent, Unionville, Michigan, 11 Apr 1913, p 7
Kalamazoo—The private bank at Goblesville, which closed its doors six weeks ago, will reopen as a state bank. Citizens of that village have subscribed for the $25,000 stock issue. Stanley Sackett, owner of the private bank, has turned over all his holdings to a special committee and it is announced that depositors will receive dollar for dollar.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - St. Joseph Daily Press, Saint Joseph, Michigan, 4 Apr 1913, p 1
Gobleville Now Assured of New Bank
Gobleville, Mich., April 4.—As a result of the closing of the private bank conducted by Stanley Sackett some time ago, Gobleville will soon have a state bank. Citizens of that place have subscribed for $25,000 worth of stock and the necessary papers of incorporation will be returned from Lansing within a short time and the new banking institution wiill open its doors for business.
Yesterday afternoon Judge A. W. Mills, counsel for Sackett, turned over all the bank securities to the special committee of depositors appointed at the time the bank closed its doors and within a short time settlement will be made with all, it is announced.
The special committee believe that if property owned by Sackett can be converted into cash at once at the present market value that none of the depositors of the old bank will be obliged to assume a loss. Mr. Sackett will have no connection in any way with the new state bank just organized, it is said.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Progressive Herald, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 14 Jun 1913, p. 9, col. 6
Items of Interest
Stanley Sackett, until recently owner of the Gobleville Bank, has become associated with ex-Sheriff Abner Campbell of Kalamazoo, having purchased the interest of M. Myron in the firm of Myron and Campbell. The new firm will be known as the Campbell & Sackett Realty Co.
[Researched by Chris Sackett] - Battle Creek Moon-Journal, Calhoun County, Michigan, 6 Sep 1921
"Almiron Sackett Dies—Almiron E. Sackett, age 87 [sic] years, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. H. B. Whitmer, 91 North Wabash avenue, at 5:45 this morning. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his niece, his wife and one child, Mrs James Morehouse, of this city. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. No. 29 and that organization will have charge of the funeral services. Funeral services will be held from the residence Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. D. J. Van Antwerp will officiate and burial will be made in Hick's cemetery."
[Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - The Kalamazoo Star, Michigan, 29 Nov 1921, pp. 1-2
Announce Winter Series of Sunday Musical Concerts
Project Approved by Commission
Kalamazoo will have a series of community Sunday afternoon musical concerts during the winter months …
Names Citizens' Committee.
…Stanley Sackett [of about 100 names].
[Researched by Chris Sackett] - The Grand Rapids Press, 16 Oct 1937, p 2
Charles C. Sackett of Manton Passes
Cadillac—Charles Clarence Sackett, 67, Manton, died Thursday in Traverse City hospital. A heart attack suffered three days ago caused his death.
Mr. Sackett was born Sept. 2, 1870, in Chesterton, Ind. He moved to Manton with his parents in 1887 and for the last five years he had made his home with his sister, Mrs. H. B. Epelylin [sic] in Manton. He also is survived by two nephews and one niece.
Services will be held at 2 Sunday at the Muche chapel, Manton, with burial in Manton cemetery.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Telegram, Adrian, Michigan, 18 Jan 1943, p 6
Milton B. Sackett
Special to The Telegram
Clinton, Jan. 18—Milton B Sackett, 59 years old, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock in his home in Franklin township. He had been in failing health some time. He was born in Fulton county, Ohio, and had lived in this vicinity about 30 years.
He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Ilah Sackett, three sons, Harold in the Army, Herbert and Milton Jr. at home, three daughters, Mrs. Harold Patterson of Clinton and Mary and Juanita at home, one brother, John Sackett of Adrian and a half-brother, Leon Sackett of Clinton.
The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek, Michigan, 31 Jan 1943, p 13
Have Church Wedding
Miss Betty Mae Kaan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Kaan of 371 Eel, became the bride of Corp. Wilford Sackitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Sackitt, 171 Cherry, on Wednesday evening in the Central Christian church. The Rev. I. T. Rogers read the service, which was witnessed by both families. A reception followed at the Kaan home. Corporal Sackitt has returned to Camp Hulen, Tex., where he is in a field artillery unit. Mrs. Sackitt will remain here with her family.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Telegram, Adrian, Michigan, 21 Jan 1944, p 6
Marriage Licenses
Harold Frank Sackett of Clinton and Ruth Sellers of Adrian.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Telegram, Adrian, Michigan, 26 Jan 1944, p 6
Miss Ruth Sellers, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sellers of Adrian, and Pfc. Harold Sackett, Wendover Field, son of Mrs. Ilah Mae Sackett of Clinton, were married Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Church of the Nazarene. The vows were spoken before a candle-lighted altar banked with gladioluses, snapdragons, and daffodils. The Rev. George Johnston performed the ceremony.
Miss Lois Hatt played the processional. The men's trio, Lloyd Willett, Floyd Dickerson, and Harold Willett, sang "Rose of Sharon." The bridal party entered the church to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in her floor-length bridal gown of white marquisette embroidered with white sprays of lilies-of-the-valley tied with bows. Tiny satin buttons extended down the back of the gown to the dropped waistline. Long tight fitting sleeves came to points over the hands. The skirt was gathered at the hips and fell in a train. Her fingertip veil of illusion was bordered with wide white lace and fastened with a tiara of lilies-of-the-valley. The bride carried an orchid on a white Bible with streamers tied with carnation buds.
Miss Mary Sackett, sister of the bridegroom, attended the bride. She wore a pale pink satin gown and a shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Milton Sackett was his brother's attendant.
For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Sellers wore a black silk dress trimmed in white. Mrs. Sackett wore a print crepe dress.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Sellers home for relatives and attendants.
The bride is a graduate of Adrian high school and has been employed at Hurd Lock & Mfg. Co. Mr. Sackett attended Clinton high school. They will leave for Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 1.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 5 Jan 1948, p 20
Haire—Jan 3, of 2070 Cabot; Leo (nee Sackett), beloved wife of Patrick J. Haire; aunt of Helen Loeffler, Adele Nechmon and Floyd Miller. Funeral from A. Leonard Sullivan Funeral Home, 7643 Dexter Blvd., Tuesday morning at 9:30 and St. Gabriel's Church at 10:00 for blessing. Requiem mass Wednesday morning at 8:00.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 17 Jun 1958, p 3
Executive Dies In Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids — Funeral services will be Tuesday for Glenn W. Sackett, president of the Leitelt Iron Works, who died Saturday.
Sackett, 67, started with the Grand Rapids firm in 1913 as a stockroom clerk and became president seven years ago.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek, Michigan, 26 Aug 1964, p 4
Mrs. Frank B. Sackitt
Mrs. Bessie E. Sackitt, 71, of 191 East Ave., N. died yesterday afternoon in a local hospital. She had been in ill health since last September. She was born Dec. 31, 1892, in Barry County, daughter of Robert E. and Etha (Bryans) Smith. She was married to Frank B. Sackitt Dec. 13, 1915, in Bellevue. The couple moved to Battle Creek in 1920. Mr. Sackitt, a foreman for the Post Division of General Foods Corp., died Nov. 9, 1962. She was a member of Central Christian Church and Women's Benefit of America. Survivors include two sons, Everett C. Sackitt of 12741 S. Drive N. and Wilford E. Sackitt of Grand Haven; a step-daughter, Mrs. Herbert (Martha) Wells of Mt. Clemens; a sister, Mrs. Mattie McCoy of Edgemont, Calif.; a brother, Richard Smith of Union City; 11 grandchildren, two step-grandchildren and one step great-grandchild.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The Herald-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 24 Jan 1969, p 12
Heman B. Epley
Heman B. Epley, 97, 1847 Brown School road, St. Joseph, died at 7:40 a.m. today in the Shorebam Terrace nursing home where he had been a patient for ten days.
Mr. Epley, a retired rural mail carrier, was born in Jamestown Center, April 25, 1871.
On July 2, 1909, in Manton, he was married to the former Elsie Sackett who died Dec. 2, 1940.
Mr. Epley was a member of the Brown School Road Church of Christ.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Raymond (Frances) Langdon, with whom Mr. Epley had been making his home for the past 20 years; two grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. in the Dey Brothers funeral home. The Rev. James Cook, pastor of the Brown School Road Church of Christ, and the Rev. Robert Mallett, former pastor of the church, will officiate.
Following the services, the body will be taken to the Bostick funeral home at Manton where services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Fairview cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek, Michigan, 7 Feb 1977, p 5
Mrs. Orra S. Johns
Coldwater — Mrs. Zoa B. (Wolff) Johns, 80, of 550 E. Chicago St., died Sunday in the Branch County Community Health Center several hours after being admitted. She had been ill four months.
She was born in Hillsdale County and moved to Coldwater in 1955. She was the widow of Orra S. Johns.
She is survived by daughters, Mrs. Marie Finch, Mrs. Carrie Brouse, Mrs. Mary Brouse, and Mrs. Lillian Brouse, all of Coldwater, and Mrs. Hazel Gamble of Mosherville Station; sons, William Sackett of Milan, Paul Sackett of Jonesville, Roy Johns of Geneva, Ind., and Minion Johns of Coldwater; 28 grandchildren; 70 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.
Services will be held at 3:30 m. Wednesday at Putnam Funeral Home.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 6 Apr 1978, p 48
Loeher, Donald H., April 5. Dear husband of Elaine; dear father of Donald, Thomas, Mrs. Donna Grogis, Mrs. Donald (Patricia) Prosperi, Mrs. Donald (Kathy) Pikkarian, Dennis King, Mrs. William (Susan) Shaw, Mrs. John (Gloria) LaBudda; leaves 17 grandchildren and one great-grandchild; dear brother of Mrs. Bernard (Mary Louise) Moran, Mrs. Ray (Joanne) Kargula, and Joseph Loeher. Funeral Mass 10 a.m. Friday at the Ross B. Northrop & Son Funeral Home, 22401 Grand River (Redford) Rosary 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 26 Jun 1978, p 37
Lena Crosby, June 23. Dear mother of Elaine Loeher and Mrs Allen (Helen) Seward; leaves five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and one greal-great-grandson. Memorial services Wednesday 7 p.m. at the Evangelical Home for the Aged, 6700 W. Outer Dr. For further information call Ross B. Northrop & Son Funeral Home, 531-0537. Interment Allegan, Mich. Memorials suggested to the Evangelical Home for the Aged.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 20 Feb 1989, p 32
James Sakett, 59, of Warren, a self-employed plumber and inventor who held a patent on a washing machine lint filter, died of cancer Thursday at Macomb Hospital Center in Warren. He was a veteran of the Army and had been in the Merchant Marine. He was a volunteer for the Michigan Opera Theatre.
Survivors are his wife, Dolores; sons, John and James; daughter, Rochelle; his mother, Mary Sakett; seven sisters and one brother. Memorial services will be at 2 p.m. today at Unity Church, 11200 Eleven Mile Road, Warren.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Times Herald, Port Huron, Michigan, 27 May 1992, p 7
Elliott Paul Bourbonais
Portage—Elliott Paul Bourbonais died Wednesday, May 20, 1992, at Borgess Medical Center.
He was born Oct 24, 1913, in Detroit, the son of Louis and Hazel Bourbonnais. He lived in St. Clair County until 1967, when he moved to Portage.
He served with the U.S. Army during World War II and, prior to his retirement in 1975, was employed in computer operations at the Defense Logistics Service Center in Battle Creek. After 1976, he bred and raised puppies. He whelped four litters of puppies and pre-trained 13 leader dogs for the blind. He was an accomplished pianist and organist and performed in several area restaurants.
He is survived by his wife, Helen; two daughters and sons-in-law, Teresa and Peter Carlson of Crestline, Calif, and Denise and Paul Otis of Towanda, Ill.; five grandchildren; and one sister and one brother, Mrs. Muriel Ramsey and Gene Bourbonais, both of St. Clair.
He was preceded in death by two sisters, Gerardine Welch and Lois Malane. In accordance with his wishes, there will be no services or visiting. Memorial contributions may be made to Leader Dogs for the Blind, 1038 S. Rochester Road, Rochester, Mich. 48063. Arrangements are by the Langeland Memorial Chapel, 622 S. Burdick, Kalamazoo.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 22 Jun 1994, p 14
Mary Blanche (nee Vannest). Age 96. Born May 5, 1898 in Gladwin, Michigan. Daughter of Emma and Turner Vannest. Loving mother of ten children; Lorraine White (Irvine), Eleanor Ludwick, Bernice Reznick, Irene Jones, Virginia Brandt, Elva Ball, Lewis Sackett (Gail), Caryl Robinson, and pre-deceased by James Sackett (Dolores), Robert Sackett, and her husband Daniel. Also leaves 23 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren, 16 great great grandchildren and 2 great great great grandchildren. Services 1 p.m. Thursday at Ford Funeral Home 26560 Van Dyke. Visitation Wednesday 3-9 p.m. Cremains will be interred at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Dexter, Michigan near her late husband Daniel and son, Robert.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 8 Apr 1998, p 4
Ansel L. Age 78. April 7, 1998. Beloved husband of Harriet. Loving father of Linda (Kevin) Morrison and Jeff (Beth). Proud grandfather ot Matthew, Megan and Jessica. Private services to be held. A Memorial service will take place at a later date. Arrangements by McCabe Funeral Home, Farmington Hills.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 1 Jan 1999, p 12
Harriet M. Age 76, December 30, 1998. Suddenly. Beloved wife of the late Ansel Sackett. Loving mother of Jeffrey M. (Beth) and Linda (Kevin) Morrison. Proud grandmother of Matthew and Megan Sackett and Jessica Morrison. Dear sister of Al (Maxinej Lockman. Many nieces and nephews also survive. Memorial services to be held at Franklin Community Church at a later date. For information contact the church (248) 626-6606 Arrangement by McCabe Funeral Home (248) 553-0120. Memorial contributions may be made to a charity of choice or to the church.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, 27 Sep 2003, p 8
Heaton, Orville N. Age 78, September 26, 2003. Beloved husband ol Elva and the late Wilma Jeanne. Dear father of Ruth Ann Hayden and Valerie Jeanne. Two grandsons. WWII veteran, Ford Motor Co. retiree, past Commodore of Ford Yacht Club and lifetime member of the American Legion. Funeral Monday 12 noon at Querfeld Funeral Home, 1200 Oakwood, Dearborn. Visitation Sunday 1-7 p.m.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 3 Feb 2005, p 7
Frances J. Langdon
St. Joseph — Frances J. Langdon, 89, of St. Joseph died Tuesday morning, Feb. 1, 2005, at her residence.
A service celebrating her life will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 5, at First Baptist Church, St. Joseph, with the Rev. Mario O. Fritzke officiating. Burial will be in North Shore Memory Gardens, Hagar Shores. A visitation with her family will be held Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m. at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Hospice at Home of Stevensville, Animal Aid, or the church. Arrangements have been entrusted to Dey-Florin Chapel, Florin Funeral Service, St. Joseph.
Frances was born on Oct. 3, 1915, in Detroit. She formerly was employed by Grants Dept. Store and G.C.. Murphy Co. In 1950, she went to V-M Corp. where she remained until the company closed. She was a member of First Baptist Church, St. Joseph, where she had served on the Social Committee, the Women's Guild, and as a Sunday School teacher since 1941. She was also the onetime treasurer of the V-M Old Timers Club.
She is survived by two daughters, Connie Langdon Feller of St. Joseph and Nancy (Rudy) Melhorn of Holland, Mich.; and one grandson, Graham Michels of Holland.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Heman Burr and Elsie (Sacket) Epley; and her husband, Raymond E. Langdon.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Hillsdale Daily News, MI, 10 Jun 2006
Mrs Hazel M Gamble, 79
Jan. 6, 1927 - June 9, 2006
Hazel M. Gamble, of North Adams, passed away June 9, 2006 at her home at the age of 79. She was born Jan. 6, 1927, the daughter of James and Zoa (Wolfe) Sackett.
She was preceded in death by her parents; two husbands, Lawrence Whetstone and Benjamin Gamble; one son, Jerry Whetstone; brothers and sisters. She is survived by her children, Betty (James) Gamble, Daniel Whetstone, Virginia (Robert) Handy and Kristina (Ronald) Matrisch; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; one sister, Lillian Purdy of Bronson and two brothers, Minion (Sandy) Johns of Reading and Paul Sackett of Hillsdale.
Mrs. Gamble had attended Bible Baptist Church in North Adams.
A funeral service to honor the life of Mrs. Hazel M. Gamble will be held at the Hampton-Kurtz Funeral Home in North Adams on Monday, June 12 at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Paul Pickell officiating. Interment will take place in the Northlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends for visitation on Sunday, June 11 from 5-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Friends who wish may make memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Grand Rapids Press, Michigan, 21 Apr 2009
Joyce S. "Joy" Hitchcock, aged 86, a lifelong resident of Grand Rapids, left peacefully on Sunday, April 19, 2009.
Joy was an avid Contract Bridge Player. She enjoyed traveling around the world with her husband of 58 years and spending the Michigan winters on a beach in Maui, HI.
Joy was preceded in death by her husband, Craig, and youngest son, James.
Joy is survived by sons, David (Jean), LaJolla, CA, Curt, Costa Mesa, CA; grandchildren, John, Evanston, IL, Kathryn (Eric), LaJolla, CA; great granddaughter, Kora; and very special friend, Barbara Deppe, Wyoming, MI.
Funeral services will not be held at this time. A memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of Michigan. The family is being served by: Metcalf & Jonkhoff Funeral Service.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett] - The Times Herald, Port Huron, Michigan, 11 Jul 2010, p 10
Helen Welch Bourbonais
Helen Welch Bourbonais, 94, died July 6, 2010 at Lake Arrowhead, CA following a long illness.
Mrs. Bourbonais was born January 1, 1916 in Yale, MI, daughter of the late Grant and Letta Beadle Welch. She graduated in 1933 from Marysville High School, Marysville, MI. She married Elliott Bourbonais on April 2, 1948 in Smiths Creek, MI.
Mrs. Bourbonais owned and operated a beauty shop in Yale. She later worked as a sales clerk for the J.B. Sperry Co. in Port Huron. She was an ardent genealogist and family historian for over forty years. She extensively documented the roles of her husband's and her own pioneer ancestors who settled St. Clair County. Mrs. Bourbonais was also an avid flower and vegetable gardener.
Mrs. Bourbonais is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Teresa (Peter) Carlson, Lake Arrowhead, CA and Mrs. Denise (Paul) Otis, Towanda, IL; a niece, Mrs. Patricia (Haines) Layfield, Ellerslie, GA; five grandchildren, Amanda (Brian) Haber, Thousand Oaks, CA, Michelle Otis, Plymouth, MA, Jeanette Otis, Towanda, IL, William Carlson, Running Springs, CA, and Whitney Carlson, Oakland, CA; one great-grandson, Andrew Haber, Thousand Oaks, CA; several cousins, grand-nieces and -nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband Elliott, a brother, Rev. Howard Welch, and a niece, Sondra Webb.
Interment will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Yale, MI. In lieu of graveside services a memorial service will be held at a future date at the Smiths Creek Community Church, of which she was a member.
In lieu of flowers, remembrances can be made to the American Cancer Society.
The family wishes to thank Mountains Community Hospital of Lake Arrowhead, CA for their loving kindness, care, and support of Helen during her time of need.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Michigan, 4 Jan 2012, p A5
Bernard P. Sackett
Stevensville — Bernard P. Sackett, 82, of Stevensville, passed away Monday, Jan. 2, 2012 at his home.
A Celebration of Life service will be held 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 2673 W. John Beers, Stevensville. Burial will follow in Lincoln Township Cemetery in Stevensville. Friends may visit from 5 to 7 p.m. today, Jan. 4, at Starks & Menchinger Chapel, 2650 Niles Rd., St. Joseph. Memorials may be made to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, St. Paul's Lutheran Schools, or the Lighthouse Chorus. Those wishing to share a memory of Bernard may do so online at
Bernard was born May 10, 1929, in Kalamazoo to Frederick and Bessie (Olmstead) Sackett. He graduated from Paw Paw High School in 1947. On July 20, 1963, he married Donna Demorrow in Stevensville. Bernard was the owner of Lakeshore Brick and Stone/Sackett Enterprise. He was a member of the Barber Shop Choir for almost 50 years and the Cessna Flying Club in Benton Harbor. In his spare time he enjoyed fishing and hunting.
Bernard is survived by his wife, Donna Sackett of Stevensville; children Steven (Yvonne) Sackett of Bridgman, Sandra (Jerry) Bolhuis of Mattawan, Jeffery (Susan) Sackett of Portage; step-daughter Karen (Frank) Oles of Lodi, Ohio; stepson, James Rhodes of Baton Rouge, La; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; brother Richard Sackett of Florida.
Bernard was preceded in [death] by his parents, five brothers and four sisters.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Monroe Evening News, Michigan, 7 Feb 2012
Shurley Dean or Red Sackett, 87
Shurley Dean (Red) Sackett, 87, of Milan, passed away peacefully on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital after a brief illness.
He was born November 1, 1924 to Hugh Fay and Lillian (Heldt) Sackett in Maybee, Michigan. He was a proud veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Army.
On December 14, 1946, he married Evelyn Van Duser of Dundee, MI. They lived in Milan all of their married life.
Shurley retired from Universal Homes in 1988 where he worked for over 40 years.
Surviving are his wife, Evelyn of Milan, a daughter Debra of Lansing, MI, a sister-in-law, Henrietta Van Duser of Monroe, and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents, step-father, Frank White, a brother, Lester Sackett, a sister, Aliera (Sackett) Long, brothers-in-law, Leo Long and Leo Van Duser.
It was Shurley's sincere wish to have no funeral or memorial service. Cremation has taken place and burial will be in Milan Marble Park Cemetery at a later date.
In lieu of flowers/gifts, friends and family may submit a memorial contribution to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Home Care and Hospice of Ann Arbor in his honor.
[GenealogyBank transcript] - from The Daily Telegram, Adrian, Michigan, 20 & 21 Oct 2015
Ruth E. Sackett
Ruth E. Sackett, age 91, of Adrian passed away Oct. 18, 2015, at home peacefully with her family.
She was born June 14, 1924, in Lake City, Mich., the daughter of Arthur and Caroline (Eubank) Sellers. On Jan. 25, 1945, she married Harold F. Sackett. He preceded her in death in March of 1992.
Ruth was a member for many years at Bethany Assembly of God Church in Adrian. She was very gifted in several crafts. Ruth was a very loving and devoted mother and a special friend to many. She enjoyed spending much of her time with her children and grandkids whom she loved very much. Ruth will be sadly missed, as she went home to be with The Lord.
She is survived by her children, Merrill Sackett, Marty Sackett, Marianne Carmody, Max (Coral) Sackett and Michelle (Elmer) Gubbe; 16 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; three great-great-granchildren; and her brother, Hubert Sellers.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold; three sons, Monte Dale Sackett, Mark Sackett and Michael Sackett; one daughter, Marjean Sackett; one brother, Milford Sellers; one sister, Joanne Mitchell; and her second husband, Owen Smith.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, at J. Gilbert Purse Funeral Home, 2959 N. Adrian Highway, Adrian, with Pastor Ron Sparks officiating. Burial will follow at Tipton Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, at the J. Gilbert Purse Funeral Home, Adrian.
To Plant Memorial Trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.
Published in The Daily Telegram from Oct. 20 to Oct. 21, 2015.
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett] -, Canale Tonella Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Marquette, MI, 20 & 21 Aug 2022
Miriam L. Sackett, 87, of Marquette, died Friday afternoon, August 12, 2022, at Eastwood Nursing Center in Negaunee.
She was born May 3, 1935, in Marquette, a daughter of the late John "Cliff" and Loretta (Haley) Enwright. She was raised in Marquette and was a 1953 graduate of Bishop Baraga High School.
After marrying Earl Sackett, Miriam relocated to Wisconsin for several years in the Appleton area. Following her annulment, she moved back to Marquette in 1970 as a single and loving mother with her two boys. She was employed as a cook at Marquette Senior High School for many years before her retirement. She was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church and their Altar Society. She also volunteered her time with the Boy Scouts Troop 302 supporting her sons and the many projects conducted by the troop, like car washes, camping, and popcorn fundraisers. Her extended family and friends were the center of her life.
Miriam is survived by her sons, John (Terri) Sackett of Mount Holly, NJ, and Daniel "Dan" (Tyler Clark) Sackett of Marquette; a brother, Glen "Jim" (Carole) Enwright of Warren, MI, and many nieces, nephews & cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents; grandson, Christopher Sackett; and brothers, John C. Enwright, Jr., Thomas "Tom" (Marge) Enwright and George (Sue) Enwright.
A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:00 pm at St. Michael Catholic Church with Rev. Gregory Heikkala officiating. Visitation will be held for one hour prior to the Mass in the church. Interment will take place in Holy Cross Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Eastwood Nursing Center Activity Fund, 900 Maas Street, Negaunee, MI 49866.
Canale-Tonella Funeral Home and Cremation Services is assisting the family where memories may be shared at
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett]
Sources [where recorded]:
Website Find A Grave (, digital image.