Newspaper Abstracts, Illinois
88 records
- Chicago Tribune, 11 February 1872
Married. / Sackett—Adams.—On the 8th. inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, 430 West Madison-st., by the Rev. E.P.Goodwin, Mr. Chas. L. Sackett and Miss Clara Adams, both of this city.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Ottawa Free Trader, Ottawa, Illinois, 15 Aug 1874, p 1
Obituary.—Mrs. Caroline Halsey, relict of A. Halsey, dec'd., a former resident of Ottawa, died on the 31st ult, at Webster City, Iowa. She was 70 years of age.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Tribune, 19 November 1876
Deaths. / Woodruff—At Geneva, Ill., on the 12th ult., at the residence of her son-in-law, G.A. Sackett, Mrs. Lodema Woodruff, aged 87 years, mother of the late Walter N. and F. Jackson Woodruff, of this city.
[George A Sackett]
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Clinton Register, Clinton, Illinois, 13 Feb 1880, p 1
Death of Samuel Sackett.
Samuel Sackett, father of Alfred and Reuben Sackett, dled at Twin Springs, Kansas, February 9th, in his eighty-third year. Mr. Sackctt was for about twenty-five years a resident of this city, the most of that time being engaged in the drug business. A few years ago he removed to Kansas, where he haa since lived. He will be remembered by our citizens as an honorable and upright business man, a kind neighbor, a good citizen and a devoted Christian. He was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1797. Reuben left Tuesday morning, to be present at the funeral.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Leader, Bloomington, Illinois, 3 Mar 1881
Randolph. Feb. 26.—John H. Sackett, of Cowley county, Kan., has returned with his sister, who was also living in Kansas. His sister is now at her father's, Rev. Myron Sackett, where she is prostrated with that dread disease, consumption.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 3 April 1883
George A. Sackett.
George A. Sackett was born in Jamaica, L.I., July 20, 1812, consequently was 70 years of age at the time of his death, which occurred at Geneva, Ill., April 1. He was brought up in New York City, and there received a good common-school education. At an early age he went to Sackett's Harbor with his father, for whom the town was named, and when 17 years old started in business on his own account, making some very successful ventures. During the Patriot War on Canada, which gave him an additional start, he became largely interested in vessels, and was one of the first to recognize the importance of Chicago as a grain market. Here he did considerable [business] in buying and shipping to Oswego in his own vessels. In 1854 he removed to Chicago and became engaged in the iron and coal trade. In 1858 he was succeeded in this by Hale & Ayer. He was one of the earliest members of the Board of Trade, and was prominent in its dealings, remaining in the organization until 1870, when he retired from business to his home in Geneva. He was one of the earliest members of Christ R.E. Church, was one its wardens for many years, was in sympathy with the rector, the Rev. C.E.Cheney, and took part in the movement that resulted in the formation of the Reformed Episcopal Church, always maintaining the greatest interest in the new organization. He was of a quiet and reserved disposition, and passed the last years of his life in the quietude and enjoyment of his library and garden. He was sick for three months with cancer of the stomach, and passed peacefully away at the 3 April 1883 last. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Review, Decatur, Illinois, 12 Dec 1884
Mr. Horace Sackett, the gentlemanly and popular clerk at the Globe Hotel, Taylorville, was in the city a short time yesterday.
[Thurmon King's Database] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 23 Jan 1885, p4
"A Sad Divorce Suit
—Sad it is when man and wife, who have sailed together for a quarter century over the varying oceans of life, from the isles of youth until almost to peaceful harbors of shadow land find their bark wrecked upon the breakers of discord. Mrs. Martha E. Sackett, of Arrowsmith, has filed a bill for divorce against her husband, Sabina Sackett. In the declaration she relates a story that, if true, is a pitiful commentary upon life, love and matrimony. She says she married him in 1855; both were young and poor, and both worked together and accumulated land and property, until now there lies in his name 240 acres of fine land, valued at $15,000 or more; that in 1884 she was compelled to yield to his repeated cruelty, abuse, neglect, vilification and avarice and leave him, after having been a faithful wife and bearing him six children; that she is now dependent upon her daughter for support, her only asset being an investment of $1,000, which her father gave her, and which is placed in unproductive city lots. Mrs. Sackett says that her husband worked her to death, refused to obtain medical treatment for her when ill, refused to support her, and added vile insult to injury by calling her the most insulting of names implying her lack of wifely virtue. She asks for a divorce and an equitable division of the property which she helped to accumulate."
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett from image researched by Erin Dennis] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 19 Mar 1885, page 3
-Yesterday's proceedings-
A decree of divorce was granted to Martha E. Sackett, from her husband, Sabina Sackett."
[Transcribed from by Ted Smith] - Champaign County Herald, Champaign County, Illinois, April 29 1885.
Marriage Licenses:
#2570 Joseph H. Sackett, Lodge, IL age 23 and Idetta Dilsbon, same, age 18.
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Inter Ocean, Chicago, Illinois, 26 Oct 1890, p 6
Lorenzo Sackett, a man who haunted the Legislature through several sessions in an offort to secure recognition of an old claim against the State, died to-day aged 78 years. Long ago Sackett owned the Milwaukee and Wauwatosa plank road, which is now a public highway, but in 1869 the Legislature repealed his charter. Considerable time elapsed before he found out that the charter had been repealed, and he claimed that the State should have compensated him. His claim at first was for only $10,000, but he managed to make it the subject of the hottest Legislative fight of one session, and for a long time kept it before one House or the other continually. He was unsuccessful, however, and died a disappointed man.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 28 March 1892
Mrs. H.L.D. Sackett.
Ann Arbor, Mich., March 27.—[Special.]—Mrs. H. Louise D. Sackett died in this city this evening of paralysis. She gave Sackett Hall and the site on which McMillan Hall stands to the Tappan Presbyterian Association, and recently gave a $4,000 organ to the Presbyterian Church. She gave during her life fully $50,000 in benefactions.
[widow of Edward Sacket]
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Chicago Herald, November 11, 1892
Orsemus Sackett, once a great personal friend of James Fenimore Cooper and a lecturer of some note, is now half blind and destitute and peddles papers for a living on Grand Rapids streets."
[Researched by Kari Roehl] - The Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1894
Repudiates the Son Who Deserted Him in His Poverty
Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 6
Hackley Sackett, the silhouette artist arrested in Topeka after eloping with an Elkhart heiress, today wired his father, who lives here, a pathetic appeal for funds to help him out of his scrape. The message was returned to the telegraph office marked "refused." Thirty years ago Sackett senior was one of the best known lecture and concert managers in the country, and he gave his boy a superior education. When he lost both his health and money the boy ignored him, and the broken-down old man came here and began peddling newspapers about the hotels. He is still doing this, and is now worth $12,000 or $15,000. The old man states that his son has a wife and three children in the East. He married a sister of Mrs. Howe, the wife of the Eastern Manager of the American News company, and the deserted family is now living with the Howes in their New York home."
[Researched by Kari Roehl] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 9 September 1894
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 8 September 1894]. / George Wells, 36, & Bessie Sackett, 20, both of Chicago.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, June 20, 1895
How O. Sackett, of Grand Rapids, Won His Way.
Recollections of Horace Greeley's Trip to Kansas City.
One Man Who Has Gained a Competence as a Street Merchant.
One of the familiar figures on the streets of Grand Rapids is Mr. O. Sackett, a man 74 Years old, who sells papers. Nearly everybody in the thriving Michigan city knows the venerable newsdealer. He has had an interesting career. He is worth $15,000, which amount he has saved out of the earnings of his news business. He says:
I have had an interest in The Inter Ocean since its foundation, as I was acquainted with Frank Palmer, who was connected with the paper in the early days. I have watched with pride its growth to a great newspaper. I lived in Chicago when Joseph Medill was working the old lever press during the days of "Long John" Wentworth. Old residents will remember me as the "Yankee Card Writer" at the Sherman House in 1863. I was the original card-writing professor and spent my summers at Saratoga, Newport, Boston, Philadelphia, and other Eastern cities, and made much money.
At the close of the war I settled in Kansas City as manager of a lecture bureau in connection with Redpath, of Boston. His bureau sent entertainments to Chicago, and I managed them from Chicago to California. Among my attractions were Horace Greeley, John G. Saxe, Will Carleton, Susan B. Anthony, Artemus Ward, John B. Gough, and others. I was the only agent that Horace Greeley ever lectured for outside of invitations from associations and towns. I learned by the papers that he was to open the St. Louis fair and wrote him, asking for dates in Missouri and Kansas. He replied that inasmuch as he was coming to St. Louis he would give me six dates. His first lecture for me was at Kansas City. After heavy advertising I wrote to learn his price. He replied that he would not make a price, but would leave me to pay him as much as I did others who did not draw any better house than he.
Anecdote of Horace Greeley.
I sold the entire house at Kansas City for $1 a seat. I met Mr. Greeley the morning of the lecture at the depot. On the way to town I asked him if he was ever in Kansas City before. He said:
"Yes; fifteen years ago I came to Wyandotte to see John Brown. There being no livery stable at Wyandotte, they sent to Kansas City for a livery rig for me, but when they found who it was for they refused to let it come, and I had to go to John Brown's in a lumber wagon."
"What did St. Louis pay you for your two lectures?" I asked.
"They promised me $100, but have not paid me anything", he said.
Mr. Greeley would not ask pay of any man. At his death thousands of bills in notes held by him had not been presented for payment. I paid him $150 a night.
I saw Wild Bill with his revolver put thirteen bullets in the "O" of the I.O.O.F. sign at the top of the building in the market square at Kansas City, the thirteen shots making but six reports. The marks of the bullets may be plainly seen today.
I am the inventor and hold the only unexpired patent on the beautiful hotel casket now on all first-class hotel counters to hold envelopes, matches, pens, ink, etc. I have had my ups and downs, but have always managed to land on my feet. I came to Grand Rapids in 1879 with $40,000 to manufacture my hotel caskets. I was taken sick after two years and was on my back six years. I lost all my money and began life again with 50 cents. I sell in this small town between 300 and 350 papers daily. I have no news depot, but sell entirely on the street. I am today worth $15,000."
[Researched by Kari Roehl, 2008]
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Champaign Daily Gazette, Champaign, Illinois, 6 Apr 1896, p 8
A Long Life Ended
Died, Sunday, April 5, 1896, at the home of her son, John W. McLaren on North Coler avenue, Mrs. Lydia W. McLaren, in the 76th year of her age.
Lydia Wilson Sackett was born in Meadville, Pa., Nov. 12, 1820. She was married to John McLaren in Salem, O., July 30, 1849, and came to this state with him about 1855, and settled near Danville, since which time she has lived in Champaign and Vermilion counties. A great portion of her life was spent at Homer, where she has a large number of friends who will mourn her demise. She was the mother of six children, three of whom—John W. of Urbana, T. J. of Bloomington and Mrs. Angie Shepard of Mt. Pulaski—survive her. Mrs. McLaren has been an invalid for 8 years past, having never recovered from an injury received in a runaway accident. While her death was somewhat sudden, it was not unexpected by her relatives. Her children were all with her during her last days, and she passed peacefully away confident in the Christian’s hope. The interment took place this afternoon at Mt. Hope cemetery.
The family desires to extend thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted them during their mother’s illness and death.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 23 April 1896
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 22 April 1896]. / Willard Goodrich, 26, & Grace Sackett, 20, both of Chicago.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 8 Sep 1899, p 3
Will Move to Heyworth.
Rev. Myron Sackett, of Randolph, on Thursday last sold to Mr. Sylvester Peasley, a portion of his farm, consisting of 31 acres, for $2,000. Mr. Sackett will move to Heyworth to spend the remainder of his days. He is now 90 years old, but is still in full possession of his mental and physical faculties. His wife, who is in her eighties, also remains remarkably vigorous. Mr. Sackett has lived in Randolph since about 1840. Years ago he was a Methodist circuit rider.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 11 August 1900
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 10 August 1900]. / Benjamin Jansen, 21, & Hattie Sackett, 18, both of Chicago.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 20 Dec 1900, p. 4
Police Searching for s Salesman in Ohio—One Wife a Chicagoan.
Dayton, O., Dec. 20.—Benjamin F. Sackett, a traveling salesman for a Chicago rubber house, is accused of bigamy and the police of this city are searching for him. The trouble came about on account of his marriage to Miss Minnie Copp at Richmond, Ind. The young woman came to town, went to Sackett's home, 215 Clinton street, and claimed one-half of the furniture and household goods. Mrs. Sackett No. 1, who was Miss Freda Goodwin of Chicago, was greatly surprised by this invasion of her rights and called the police. When wife No. 1 heard the tale of wife No. 2 she attempted to commit suicide by taking morphine. She will recover. Wife No. 1 says she was married to Sackett in Chicago in September, 1897.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 25 December 1900
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 24 December 1900]. / Edwin S. Pearl, 33, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Adda Sackett, 29, of Ottumwa, Ia.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 18 June 1901
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 17 June 1901]. / Bert W. Sackett, 35, of Chicago; Antoinetti V. Wagner, 24, of Juneau, Wis.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 10 Jan 1902, p 5
Stories of the Aged.
People of Advanced Years Who Are Now Living in Different Towns of McLean County.
Heyworth and vicinity claims the honor of being the abiding place of some of the oldest people in McLean county.
Mr. Myron Sackett was born in Livingston county, New York, September 3, 1809, went from there to Kentucky with his parents, then came to Illinois in 1818 and settled near Belleville came to Randolph township about 1856 and has lived in the vicinity ever since. He is getting feeble and his eyesight is failing, but is pretty rugged for one of his age. He was a local Methodist preacher for a number of years some thirty-five years ago. His wife is living, and they are the parents of several children.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Daily Illinois State Journal, 1 Aug 1902
Ralph Curtiss, who was injured in a runaway on Wednesday morning of last week, died yesterday a few minutes after 12 o'clock. Mr. Curtiss was one of the oldest inhabitants of this vicinity, living south of the town for a number of years, but some three years ago moving to the city. Kind hearted, sympathetic, honest in all his acts he endeared himelf to all who knew him, and the whole community will feel in his death a personal loss.
[Transcribed from image researched by Myra Roper] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 22 January 1903
Marriage Licenses [issued by County Clerk 21 January 1903]. / Albert H. Sackett, 30; Emille C. Anderson, 27, both of Chicago.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 2 Oct 1903, p 9
Death of Myron Sackett
Mr. Myron Sackett died at his home in Heyworth Tuesday morning at 6:30 from the infirmities of old age. He was born Sept. 3, 1809, in Livingston county, N.Y. He moved with his parents to Kentucky in 1813, to Missouri in 1819, and to Randolph county, Ill., in 1820. He was married March 24, 1833, to Miss Elizabeth Hill. There were born to them nine children; two died in infancy, Sarah A. and Harriet E.; Jonathan H., Phoebe C., who grew to manhood and womanhood and afterwards died; Mrs. Mary C. Tyre of Heyworth; Sadie C. Miller, who lives in Winfield, Kas., and John H., who lives in Trinsdale, Kas. His wife died Jan. 12, 1851. He was again married July 31, 1853, to Miss Drucilla Brawnin. To this union three children were born, all of whom died in infancy. He moved to McLean county in 1856 to a farm four miles northeast of Heyworth, where he lived until about three years ago, when he moved to Heyworth. He joined the M. E. church in 1828 and was an ordained minister and was a circuit rider for a number of years. He also taught school for some time. He never held or aspired to any public office, but was a strong Republican from the time the party organized. His wife and three children survive him. He was grandfather to twenty-one grandchildren, twenty-two great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. He was always honest and upright in all his dealings. The funeral will be held at Shiloh church, four miles northeast of Heyworth, near his old home, where he used to preach. Rev. F. M. Harry will have charge. His wife is in poor health.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 6 Nov 1903, p 9
Will of Myron Sackett.
The will of Myron Sackett, of Heyworth, was admitted to probate Wednesday. To the wife, Drucella Sackett, is left the house and lot and all income therefrom and the personal property. At her death the real estate is to be sold and the money divided among the children—Zadie Catherine Miller, John Henry Sackett, Martha Humphrey, or her heirs, the grand children; Myron Tyree and Mrs. Etta Walden and a foster son, Alvah Gray. C. W. McComb is named as executor and the will bears the date of February 27, 1903.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 13 Nov 1903, p 8
To Set Aside a Deed.
A suit was entered Saturday by John H. Sackett, Zadie C. Miller, Mary Tryee, Martha Dufrene and William H. Horn against Granville Browning and Driscilla Sackett asking that a deed made by Myron Sackett on Feb. 6, 1903, be set aside. The plaintiffs allege undue influence of Mrs. Sackett and her brother and claim that the deed was given when Myron Sackett was in no condition to execute business.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 8 December 1908
Obituary. / Charles J. Sackett, who for the last twelve years has been manager of the board of trade firm of Ware & Leland, died suddenly at their offices yesterday of heart disease. Mr. Sackett had been in ill health for three years and had recently returned from a southern trip which he had hoped would benefit him.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 22 Mar 1909, p9
"Sabina Sackett Is Dead.
Mr. Sabina Sackett, another of the pioneers of this county, passed away in death Friday night at 10:30 o'clock at his home near Arrowsmlth, aged 80 years. Altho he had been in poor health for some time his final illness was only of two days duration, the end being directly due to a stroke of apoplexy, which he suffered Thursday.
The decedent was born in Delaware county, O., March 22, 1828 and his boyhood days were passed in that locality. At the age of 23 he came with his parents to Illinois, making the trip in a wagon and settling near Twin Grove, this county. On April 17, 1855 Mr. Sackett was married to Miss Martha Hill and to the union six children were born, four of whom survive, viz: William H., and Effie May, both of Bloomington, James E. and Seth T., of Arrowsmith.
In December 1865 Mr. Sackett moved to a farm near Arrowsmlth, where he continued to live ever afterwards. He was one of the first in that vicinity of that town to clear and improve his farm and as far as known he was the only old settler that was living on the farm that he originally improved. He is also survived by a brother, Charles of Greenfield, In., and five sisters, Josephine Hayward, Sarah Wills, Lydla Stears, Maris Barney, all of Jasper, Minn., and Katherine Curros of Iowa; also fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Mr. Sackett was an honest, upright man, kind and considerate in his home and of a jovial disposition. It could also be said of him that he was a good citizen. For some time he had felt that his end was approaching and recently in conversation with members of his family he expressed his readiness for the summons.
The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o'clock st the Christian church In Arrowsmith, Rev. R. Russell officiating. Interment in Greenwood cemetery."
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett from image researched by Erin Dennis] - Daily Illinois State Journal, 20 Jun 1911
Frederick Curtiss.
Waverly, June 19.—Frederick Curtiss, aged 86 years, died suddenly Monday, June 19, about 12:30 o'clock at his home in this city from the effects of heart trouble. He was born in Connecticut, and came to Illinois about seventy-five years ago, having lived here on a farm east of this city until three years ago, when he moved to Waverly. He is survived by his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Charles Swan, of Topeka, Kan., Mrs. George Hopin, Cement, Okla., Mrs. Frank Huth, of Modesto, Miss Louise Curtiss, of Waverly, and two sons, W. B. Curtiss and Frank Curtiss, residing near Waverly. An inquest was held.
[Transcribed from image researched by Myra Roper] - Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois, 31 May 1913, p 11
The funeral of Mathias C. Coburn, who died Tuesday morning, was held Wednesday afternoon in his late residence in Arcola. Mr. Coburn was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, January 27, 1834, and came to Illinois in 1859 and made his home near Warrensburg. Here he married Miss Susan Sackett, who survives him. He also leaves three children.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Quincy Journal, Illinois, 27 Oct 1913, p 7
Were Married 61 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. John Putman Quietly Celebrated Anniversary at Home of Daughter, Mrs. Edward Black, Saturday.
Saturday, October 25, 1913, rounded out the sixty-first year of married life for Mr. and Mrs. John Putman, who every winter for four years have resided at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Edward Black, 834 Oak street. On account of the feeble health of Mrs. Putman, who is in her eighty-first year, the day was only quietly celebrated, but many messages of congratulation and felicitation were received from relatives and friends in this city and other places. Mr. Putman has passed his 85th birthday, but notwithstanding his age, is hale and hearty, not having been ill in forty-seven years. His mind is as clear as a man of middle age and he takes a keen interest in the affairs of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Putman are consistent Presbyterians and the former attends his bible class and church as regularly today as he has all his life.
Mrs. Putman, on account of having suffered a stroke of paralysis, is not able to be out. She is lovingly and tenderly cared for by her husband and children and her cheerfulness and content despite her sufferings make her an example of patience to all who know her.
The worthy couple spends the summer time with another daughter, Mrs. O. T. Merkle, of Paris, Ill., and in the latter city as well as in Quincy and numerous other places where they have resided in the past, they have many warm friends. Besides Mrs. Black and Mrs. Merkle, they have two other children, Homer C. Putman, of North Dakota, and Mrs. E. P. Vail, of Chicago.
On October 25, 1852, Mr. Putman took as his bride Miss Martha A Sackett, a young school teacher of Beardstown, Ill. The bride's parental home was in Talmadge, Ohio, and she came to Illinois to teach in 1851. That same year she made the acquaintance of Mr. Putman and the following year became his bride. Mr. Putman iis a native of New York state, his birthplace having been near Schenectady. He came west with his parents when a child, Illinois having been his home 82 years. Mr. Putman was a jeweler for over 50 years, having been an especially expert watch maker. He also invented a number of useful articles. Mr. and Mrs. Putman lived for 15 years after their marriage in Beardstown and then removed to Rushville, where they lived for 15 years. They then returned to Beardstown and later to Lovington, Ill. They made their home at the latter place until four years ago, when on account of Mrs. Putman's declining health, they went to live with their daughters. Quincy has two worthy remarkable people as its residents in Mr. and Mrs. Putman for they have lived through the greater part of a century that is one of the greatest in the world's history.
[Researched by Myra Roper & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 2 March 1914
Deaths. / Larson.—Lulu Grace Larson, née Sackett, beloved wife of Louis P. Larson, fond mother of Alleen?, Anna Larson, beloved daughter of Mrs. Louina? Sackett and sister of Mrs. Leo Rece and Mrs. May Miller of Detroit, Mich. Funeral at late residence, 3008 W. George st., Tuesday, at 1 p.m. Interment at Mount Olive cemetery. Detroit papers please copy.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Quincy Daily Herald, Illinois, 24 Mar 1914, p 7
Mrs. John Putman Died Last Night
Aged Mother of Mrs. E. F. Black Died at Daughter's Home of Uremic Poisoning.
Mrs. John Putman died last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Putman had been an invalid for the past four and a half years owing to paralysis, but her condition did not become serious until a week ago Sunday, when uremic poisoning developed and this caused her death.
Mrs. Putman was born March 14, 1832, in Talmadge, Ohio, as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eleazer C. Sackett. After receiving a thorough education she took up teaching and while engaged in this work at Beardstown, Ill., in 1851, she met Mr. Putman. On October 25, 1852, they were married at Akron, O. After their honeymoon they returned to Beardstown, where they resided for fifteen years, and then removed to Rushville. After making this place their home for fifteen years, they returned to Beardstown, from where they later removed to Lovington, where they resided until Mrs. Putman was stricken with paralysis. They had made their home since with their daughters, Mrs. O. T. Merkel of Paris, Ill., and Mrs. Black of this city.
Of nine children born to them, four survive with the bereaved husband, to whom the deceased had been a loving wife for more than sixty-one years. The surviving children are: Mrs. E. P. Vail of Chicago, Mrs. O. T. Merkle of Paris, Ill., Mrs. E. F. Black of Quincy and Homer C. Putman of North Dakota.
Mrs. Putman was a member of the Congregational church at Beardstown. The funeral will be held at Lovington, but the arrangements have not yet been completed.
[Researched by Myra Roper & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 18 July 1917
Marriages. / Lieut. George Wilbur Sackett, nephew of Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout of Oak Park, will be married today to Miss Antoinette Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooper of New Rochelle, N.Y. The wedding ceremony will be performed in Chattanooga, Tenn., as Lieut. Sackett, a West Pointer of the class of 1917, is now stationed nearby in Chickamauga Park, Ga., in command of a detail of United States troops. Mrs. Trout and her son, Thomas, and cousin, Miss Caroline B. Wilbur, left yesterday to attend the wedding.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 22 July 1917
Weddings. / Lieut. George Wilbur Sackett, nephew of Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout of Oak Park, was married on Wednesday to Miss Antoinette Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooper of New Rochelle, N.Y. The wedding ceremony was performed in Chattanooga, Tenn., as Lieut. Sackett is now stationed in Chickamauga Park, Ga.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 12 March 1917
Death Notice. / Sackett—Charles Lockwood Sackett, at residence, 10 S. 5th-av., La Grange, Ill., March 11. Funeral from First Congregational church March 13 at 2 p.m. Burial at Rosehill. Please omit flowers.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 10 Oct 1918
Death Notice. / Brothwell—Gertrude Brothwell, daughter of the late Mrs. Rachel Sackett, 2705 N. Mozart-st., Oct. 6, 1918. Funeral at chapel, Rosehill cemetery, Thursday, Oct. 10, at 2:30 p.m. Sterling, Ill., papers please copy.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 23 May 1919
Death Notice. / Sackett—Amanda E. Sackett, May 22, mother of James L. Sackett. Funeral Friday at 1:30 p.m. at The Chapel, Normal-blvd.and 62d-pl. Interment at Marcellus, Mich.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 17 December 1919
Death Notice. / Sackett—Annie Whiteside Sackett, nee Chiocchi, wife of Hubert Sackett and mother of Beatrice Sackett, at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, Dec. 16, 1919. Funeral at New York. Arrangements to be announced later. Portland, Me., papers please copy.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 18, 19, & 20 December 1919
Death Notice. / Sackett—Annie Whiteside Sackett, nee Chiocchi, wife of Hubert Sackett and mother of Beatrice Sackett, at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, Dec. 16, 1919. Funeral services, St. Agnes' chapel, Trinity parish, 121 W. Ninety-first-st., New York City, Saturday, Dec. 30, at 2:30 p.m.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 23 Jan 1920, page 7
Mrs. Martha E. Sackett, who for eighty-two years has lived in the vicinity of Bloomington, died at 10:15 last night at her home at 1021 East Front street. Her death came as the result of many ills attendant upon advanced age. Mrs. Sackett was born April 17, 1832 at Twin Grove in the days when Bloomington was a little country town on the trail between Chicago and St. Louis. On April 17, 1855 she was married to Sabina Sackett. For several years they rented farms in several directions from Bloomington. In 1865 they secured a farm In the vicinity of Arrowsmlth and from that time Arrowsmlth has been considered their home. Mr. Sackett died 12 years ago. There are three sons and one daughter surviving. They are Will at 1020 East Front street; Seth, of Arrowsmlth; Irwin, of Normal; and Effie M. Doty. Mrs. Sackett was for many years a member of the First Christian church.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Decatur Daily Review, 16 Mar 1920, p 12
Mrs. Coburn, Illini Pioneer, is Dead
Aged Woman Passes Away At Arcola.
Mrs. C Coburn, one of the pioneers of the Illini neighborhood and a charter member of the Illini Congregational church, died at her home in Arcola Monday night after an illness of one week with pneumonia. She was eighty years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Coburn were residents of Decatur for several years during the '80s, later moving to Arcola. Mr. Coburn died seven years ago.
Mrs. Coburn was formerly Miss Susan Sackett, and lived in the Illini neighborhood for many years. She was married to Mr. Coburn in 1869.
She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Lucy Fleming of Kansas City and Miss Minnie Coburn of Arcola, two sisters, Mrs. Will Garlic and Flora Sackett of Kansas City, and one brother, Orange Sackett of Council Bluffs, Ia.
The funeral will be held in Arcola Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. The body will be brought to Decatur Thursday morning and taken by auto to the Illini cemetery for burial.
[Researched by Myra Roper & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Decatur Daily Review, 20 Mar 1920, p 4
Mrs. Susan Coburn Buried at Arcola
Arcola, Ill., March 20—The funeral of Mrs. Susan S. Coburn, a resident of Arcola for over thirty years, was held at the Presyterian church at eight o'clock Thursday morning, the pastor, Rev. H. E. Houser, officiating. The body was taken, via the Vandalia, to Illini township where the interment was made.
She was born at Talmadge, Ohio, May 20, 1839. In her youth her family came to Illini township where she was married Feb. 4, 1869, to M. C. Coburn, whose death occurred in Arcola about ten years ago. Three of their children died in infancy. She leaves two daughters, Minnie C., of this city, and Mrs. Lucy Fleming of Kansas City, Kan.
[Researched by Myra Roper & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 June 1922
Death Notices. / Sackett—Mrs. H.S. Sackett, wife of H.S. Sackett of 722 Bittersweet-pl., June 20. Funeral Thursday, 2 p.m., at 2701 N. Clark-st., private.
[Louise Chrisly, wife of Homer Samuel Sackett]
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Tribune, 4 Mar 1923, p 10
"Sackett—Anna K. Sackett, aged 76, at her residence, 672 Sheridan-rd., March 2; widow of Edward B., mother of Barton H. Interment at Oakwoods cemetery, Monday, March 5, 3:15 p.m."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 5 & 6 January 1924
Death Notices. / Sackett—Anna Sackett, at her home in Crawford, N.J., beloved wife of Grove Sackett, and sister of Frank D. Ray and the late Mrs. Harriet Allard. Funeral [in] chapel, 1158 N. Clark-st., Monday, Jan. [7?] at 11 a.m. Interment Graceland.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 25 March 1925
Padden—Sarah Carruthers Padden, beloved wife of the late Michael, fond mother of George, Thomas, Marie, Mrs. George Murphy, Mrs. George Sackett, and Edward, at her late residence, 7934 S. Marshfield-av. Funeral notice later. For information phone Stewart 7700.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 23 January 1927
Announcement is made by Ross O. Sackett of 2009 Argyle street of the marriage of his sister, Zoe Louise, to O. Earl Halberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Halberg of 8010 Drexel avenue.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Herald and Review, Decatur, Illinois, 25 Jun 1928, p 3
James M'Phail Dies on Sunday
Death Follows Stroke of Apoplexy Suffered Several Weeks Ago
James Hardin McPhail, 2545 East North street, died in his home at 5:30 o'clock Sunday morning. He was 63 years of age. Death was caused from a stroke of apoplexy several weeks ago, from which he never recovered.
Mr. McPhail was born in Walshville, July 10, 1864, and came to Decatur about 10 years ago. He was a member of the Methodist church of Litchfield, and a former member of the B. of R. T. For a number of years he worked as switchman on the Wabash and also on the Missouri Pacific.
He is survived by his wife, Adda Belle McPhail, and the following children: Ralph, Kenneth, and Velma Leezy of Decatur and James William of East St Louis. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Hudspeth and Mrs. Lizzie Barlow, both of Walshville; and the following brothers, Ted McPhail, Chet McPhail and Lon McPhail, all of Walshville: Charles McPhail of Oklahoma, and Hal and Bert McPhail of Litchfield; and three grandchildren.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons funeral home and will remain there until 9:50 o'clock Tuesday morning when it will be taken to Litchfield. Services will be at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in that city and burial will be in the Litchfield cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 31 March 1929
Deaths. / Verrall—Alice Ellen Verrall, March 30, 1929, at her home, 240 Leo-st., Evanston, Ill., wife of Sackett H. Verrall, mother of Edwin H. Herbert and Helen Verrall. Funeral services at 2 p.m. Monday at St. Mark's church, Evanston, Ill. Interment at Rosehill cemetery.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 2 & 3 October 1930
Deaths. / Kaiser—Minnie Kaiser, beloved mother of Gertrude Sackett, Stella Calvin, Alex, and Sidney, grandmother of Iza Henry and Dr. Joseph Calvin, great grandmother of Helene M. Henry, sister of Mrs. Lizetta Fischel, Samson, and Samuel. Funeral Friday, 2 p.m., at chapel, 936 E. 47th-st.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 11 October 1930
Deaths. / Morrill—John W. Morrill, Oct. 8, 1930, of 218 N. Mayfield-av., husband of Frankie M. Morrill, father of Mrs. Jane M. Sackett of Mount Vernon, N.Y., and Wesley F. Morrill. Funeral Saturday, 3 p.m., at funeral home, 318-320 N. Central-av., Austin. Interment Oak Ridge.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 9 March 1932
Wedding. / Sackett Hope Verrall of Evanston announces the marriage of his daughter, Helen, to John Jay Barker of Glencoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Barker of Larchmont, N.Y., on Thursday, March 3. The ceremony took place in the chapel of the First Congregational church of Evanston ….
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 27 June 1933
Miss Elizabeth Reid Sackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Sackett of Evanston, is to be married today, to Reginald David Crocker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clinton Crocker of Spooner, Wis. The ceremony will take place in the presence of the relatives and a few intimate friends in the drawing room of the home of the bride's parents on Orrington avenue, and will be followed by a larger reception in the gardens.Miss Elizabeth Reid Sackett.
[Feich Photo.]
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 28 June 1933
In a candlelight ceremony last night in the drawing room of her parents' Evanston home, Miss Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sackett, became the bride of Reginald David Crocker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clinton Crocker of Spooner, Wis.
The young couple repeated their vows after the Rev. Hugh Elmer Brown of the First Congregational church of Evanston before an improvised altar decorated with ferns, white roses, and madonna lilies.
The bride's gown was simply fashioned of ivory satin with a long sweeping train. Her tulle veil was bound to her golden head with a tiny wreath of orange blossoms. She wore her mother's wedding slippers and an heirloom cross of pearls that was her grandmother's. Her bouquet was madonna lilies.
Miss Kathleen Henneberry, a sub-deb cousin of the bride from Denver, was her only attendant.
Mr. Crocker had his brother, Walter Crocker Jr. of Eau Claire, Wis., for his best man.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 24 Dec 1933, p 2
Thomas S. Batterton.
Pantagraph Central Illinois Service.
PEKIN.—Thomas S. Batterton, 94, one of the oldest residents of Pekin died at his home on South Second street at 8:10 a.m. Friday.
He was born in Menard county, Oct. 21, 1839 a son of Levi and Darkus Sackett Batterton. He married Lucy Duncan who died 22 years ago.
He is survived by five children: Edward Batterton of Pembine, Wis.; David, of Niagara, Wis.; George, of Pekin; Anderson of Petersburg, and Mrs. Ada Collins of Colorado. Six sons and daughters have preceded him in death. The funeral will be held at Noels at 10 a.m. Tuesday and burial will be in the Topeka cemetery.
Mr. Batterton was a member of the Baptist church.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 31 December 1935
L.B. Sackett, Illinois Vet, Dies in Philippines
Manila, P.I., Dec. 30.—(AP)—L.B. Sackett, 64, retired business man, died here. A veteran of the Spanish-America war, he was a native of Chatsworth, Ill., and formerly lived at Cheyenne, Wyo.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Daily Tribune, 12 October 1937
Deaths. / Martin—Adelaide Sackett Martin of 5637 Kenwood avenue, beloved mother of Gail E., Robert S., Paul S., Oscar C., and Dorothy G. Martin. Services Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer, 56th street and Blackstone avenue. Remains at chapel, 5203 Lake Park avenue. Interment Forest Home. Please omit flowers.
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 2 May 1940, Thu, Page 5
William Sackett Dies at 82 Years
William H. Sackett, 82, died at 1:15 a.m. Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Walsh, 503 South Moore street. Mr. Sackett was a retired carpenter and had been in ill health for some time.
Funeral services will be held at home at 2 p.m. Friday. The Rev. Chester B. Grubb will officiate. Burial will be in Park Hill cemetery.
He was born Jan 15, 1858, near Bloomington. On Sept. 1, 1880, he was married in Normal to Addie Scoville who died Oct. 30, 1895. Three sons, an infant and Fay and Lucius D. Sackett and two daughters, Mrs. Lester Armstrong and Mrs. Pearl Downey, preceded him in death.
He is survived by a son, Guy W. Sackett, Anderson, Ind.; a daughter, Mrs. T. M. Walsh, Bloomington; two brothers, Irvin Sackett of Downs and Seth S. Sackett of Arrowsmith, and a sister Effie M. Doty, 923 West Moulton street. There are several grandchildren and great grandchildren.
[Researched and transcribed by Erin Dennis] - The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Illinois, October 5, 1943
Funeral Services Held.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday, October 5, at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Mary Jane Sackett, who died at St. Joseph's Hospital in Highland, Saturday, October 2. Rev. Otto Bassler, pastor of the Evangelical church at Highland officiated, and burial was made in the Marine Cemetery. Pall-bearers were Otto Deibert, Nick Wildhuber, Ben Hess, Otto Talleur, Leroy Zimmerli and Norbert Hotz. Mrs. Sackett had made her home at the Highland Hospital for the past 23 years, and death was due to complications and her advanced age of 82 years and 19 days. She was the daughter of George and Mary Ann Barrick, and was born near New Hebron, Crawford county, Illinois. On August 4, 1886 she was united in marriage to Horace Norman Sackett, at Pana, Ill. Four children were born to this union. Her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Mabel Snodgrass, preceded her in death. She is survived by three children: Mrs. Pearl Bisgen of Marine, Mrs. Mary Ochs of St. Louis, and Walter Sackett of Madison; 14 grandchildren, eight great-grandchilden, one daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law.
[Researched and transcribed by Kari Roehl] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 22 Mar 1945, p 20
Pfc. Byron Sackett Hurt in Action
Less than two weeks after his nineteenth birthday, Pfc. Byron E. Sackett of the 275th Infantry Regiment was wounded in France on Jan. 15. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Sackett of 3010 Edgewood avenue. The parents recelved a telegram from the War Department Feb. 6 informing them their son had been wounded.
A letter written on Feb. 1 in France has been received by the parents, the only one they have had from Pfc. Sackett since he went overseas. He said he was all right and described his surroundings as "fine" but said nothing of having been hurt. He said he had had his feet frost-bitten. in December soon after arriving in France.
Pfc. Sackett attended Alton High School. The family moved to Pittsfield later and he graduated there. He was born at Meredosia. Before entering the army he attended Alton Vocational School. He entered the army May 16, 1944, and had trained at Camp Robinson, Little Rock, Ark. He went overseas last November after being stationed a short while at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, 26 Aug 1945, p 22
Sackett—Barton Hill, beloved husband of Verna, nee Dark; fond father of First Lt. Barton Jr., Lt. Orville E., and Gayle Barton Sackett. Funeral at late residence, 131 Kimwood terrace, Elmhurst, Ill., Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Oak Woods.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Illinois, 2 Apr 1946, p 17
Mary Vera Lenra [sic] Sackett, daughter of Clarence Sackett and Katherine nee Schrumpff, was baptised Sunday. Her sponsors were Mary Schrumpff and Llenora Sackett.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Illinois, 2 Apr 1946, p 17
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sacket and daughter of Edwardsville spent the week end with Mrs. Mary Schrumpff.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, Wednesday, November 20, 1946, page 3
Word was received in Marine Saturday afternoon that Walter Sackett of Madison had taken his own life at his home that morning. Mr. Sackett had been in ill health for the past year having suffered a nervous breakdown.
Mr. Sackett formerly of Marine has lived in Madison for sometime and was employed with the I.C.R.R.
He is survived by his wife, the former Wilma Nemnich, three daughters, one son and one grandchild, all of Madison, also two sisters, Mrs. Joe Bisgen of Marine and Mrs. Arthur Ochs of St. Louis.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon in Madison. - Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, Friday, November 29, 1946, page 7
Funeral services for Walter E. Sackett, formerly of Marine, were held at Madison on Tuesday afternoon and burial was at Sunset Hill cemetery. Rev. Metcalfe officiated at the services.
The Ochs trio of St. Louis, nieces of Mr. Sackett, sang three songs, "It Is Well With My Soul," "Goodnight Here, Good Morning Up There" and "He Heals Every Heartache." The Mason lodge of Marine held services on Monday evening.
The Venice-Madison Post of American Legion had charge of guard duty and military rites at the grave. - The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois, 22 Sep 1950, p 21
Phyllis Van Theemsche, D. S. Sackett, Jr., To Wed; Bride-Elect Feted
The First Baptist church. Rock Island, will be the scene Sunday of the marriage of Miss Phyllis Lorraine Van Theemsche and Duaine S. Sackett, Jr. The ceremony will be performed at 2:30 p. m. and a reception in the Moose home, Rock Island, will be from 4 to 10 p.m. Hugo Beckman's orchestra will play for dancing from 5 to 9 p. m.
No invitations are being sent but all friends and relatives are welcome to attend both the service and reception.
Parents of the betrothed couple are Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Van Theemsche, 1627 Fourteenth street, Rock Island, and Duaine S. Sackett, Litchfield, Ill.
The bride-elect has been honored at several prenuptial events recently. Mrs. Vila Rea, Edgewater place, Rock Island, was hostess at a linen shower. Mesdames Hazel Seaton and Jane Cooper entertained at a miscellaneous shower in the former's home, 4422 Ninth street, Rock Island, and the bride-elect received miscellaneous gifts at a party in the home of Mrs. Ray J. Griff, 4005 Eighteenth avenue, Rock Island, when Mrs. Charles E. Van Theemsche was the assisting hostess.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 4 Apr 1951, p 9
Sackett-Taylor Wedding Friday, March 30
Miss Darlene Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taylor of 2121 Country Club drive, became the bride of Byron Sackett, son of and Mrs. Jonathan H. Sackett, 3010 Edgewood avenue, Friday, March 30, at 2 o'clock in Calvary Baptist Church, with the Rev. J. Curtis Martin officiatIng. Glenn Sackett was best man for his brother and Mrs. Maurice Elfgen, twin sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The wedding was attended by members of the immediate families. The double ring ceremony was used by the officiating clergyman.
Miss Taylor and her sister wore suits of blue and matching accessories. A corsage of white carnations was pinned to the bride's shoulder, and yellow carnations formed a corsage worn by the matron of honor.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, and later Mr. Sackett and bride left Carbondale where they are residing at 310 South Graham avenue.
Graduates of Alton High School, Mr. and Mrs. Sackett are students at Southern Illinois University. Mrs. Sackett will receive her degree in June but Mr. Sackett, who served in the Army for two years, will complete his studies next winter.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Illinois, 9 Jun 1952, page 2
Mrs. Effie May Doty, 84, who lived for 65 years at 932 W. MacArthur Ave., died at 10 a.m. Sunday at El Paso Rest Home, El Paso. She had been ill since last October.
She was brought to the Beck Memorial Home where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The Rev. George Stuart, pastor of First Christian Church will officiate. Order of Eastern Star members will perform the lodge ritual. Burial will be in Park Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Doty was born at Arrowsmith Feb. 14, 1868, the daughter of Sabina and Martha Sackett. She was married to Henry A. Doty in October of 1884 and they moved into the Bloomington residence. He died in 1909. Mrs. Doty moved to El Paso four years ago.
Surviving are a son, Earl C. Doty, Gary, Ind.; a daughter, Fern C. Hinshaw, St. Paul, Minn., and two brothers, Irwin Sackett, Le Roy, and Seth Sackett, Arrowsmith.
Mrs. Doty was a member of First Christian Church all her married life and was a member of Chapter 50, Order of Eastern Star.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The Times, Streator, Illinois, 28 Dec 1959, p 12
Miss Westwood Is Bride Of Ralph Sackett
The traditional colors of Christmas were artistically combined for the wedding of Miss Alicia Ann Westwood and Ralph E. Sackett which was solemnized in Primitive Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Parents of the principals are Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Westwood of 602 Bazore St., and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sackett of 210 John St. Collinsville.
Rev. William Waterson read the double ring rite at a candlelight service before the altar which was arranged with white flowers and poinsettias, flanked by candelabra and greenery. Mrs. Waterson was organist and played nuptial selections before and during the service; she also accompanied Gayle Hill, college roommate, who sang "Wedding Prayer," "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer."
Preceding the bride to the altar was her cousin, Miss Susan Ross as maid of honor, with bridesmaids being Mrs. Richard Bromley, of Pontiac, and Miss Mary Ellen Goddard of this city, both sorority sisters.
Best man was Donald Sackett, Granite City; with groomsmen being Jerry Westwood of this city, Robert House of Bloomington, a fraternity brother of the bridegroom. Seating the guests, George Allen, Chicago, also a fraternity brother, and Leonard Eaton, of St. Louis, Mo., his cousin. Joseph Sackett was ring-bearer for his brother.
Lovely Bride
Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attired in a beautiful gown of silk mist taffeta. It was fashioned with fitted bodice and scoop neckline appliqued with Venise lace and embroidered with seed pearls. The decorative motif was carried out in the draped skirt. Her veil was of lace imported from England which belonged to her great-grandmother and which had been brought to this country by her grandmother, Mrs. Ross Sipe. She carried a bouquet of Amazon lilies, stephanotis and ivy tied with white satin streamers.
Gowns of red velvet were worn by the attendants who also carried white fur muffs ornamented with clusters of red carnations and holly. Their headpieces were concoctions of red net. Pearl earrings were their remembrances from the bride.
To see her daughter married, Mrs. Westwood chose a dress of green and blue brocaded satin with blue accessories. Mrs. Sackett wore brown with black accessories. Both had corsages of white camelias.
Church Reception
The couple received guests in the church parlors which were festive in red and white holiday decorations. Miss Susan Blakemore registered guests with Miss Sandra Francis and Mrs. Clarence Creamean at the punch bowl. Pouring coffee were Mrs. Philip Martin, and Miss Laury Stanchfield of Arlington Heights.
The cake was cut by Mrs. James Spachman of Brookfield and Mrs. Ken Roman of Morton. Gifts were in charge of Misses Joan Keating and Judy Amell. Serving were Misses Dorothy Lebo, Janice Corrigan and Barbara Douglas. Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. John Price, Mrs. Jack Hawdon, Mrs. James Woodward and Mrs. Naomi Moore.
Mrs. Sackett was wearing a black wool sheath dress with matching accessories and a corsage detached from her wedding bouquet when the couple left for a brief honeymoon. They will live at 802 E. Washington St., Bloomington, after the first of the year.
The bride graduated from Streator high school in 1956 and is presently a senior at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington. Her husband graduated in 1956 from Collinsville high school and is also a senior at Illinois Wesleyan. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity.
The Walter Westwoods were hosts at a rehearsal supper Saturday evening.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Alton Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, 8 Oct 1962, p 21
Mrs. Sackett
In ill health for three years Mrs. Jane Bell Powers Sackett, wife of Jonathan Sackett, died at 9:45 p. m. Saturday at her home, 3010 Edgewood Ave. She had resided in Alton for 19 years.
A former resident of near Meredocia, she was born May 19, 1896, at Bluffs. She was married to Jonathan Sackett, May 11, 1921, at Jacksonville.
Mrs. Sackett was a member of Curdle Heights Baptist Church.
Surviving beside her husband are two sons, Byron, Rolling Meadows, and Glen, Alton; two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Pennock, Bethalto, and Mrs. Mary Carr, Edwardsville; a sister, Mrs. Henry Mattis, Arenzville; two brothers, L. B. Powers, Concord, and Lloyd, Meredosia; 14 grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews.
A son, Daniel, preceded her in death.
Funeral rites will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p. m. in Curdle Heights Baptist Church by the Rev. Lolard Simmons. Burial will be in Roselawn Memory Gardens.
The body is at Smith Funeral Home, Alton, where friends may call after 7 p. m. today.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, 10 Jan 1965, p 161
A summer wedding is planned by Miss Julie Anne Bradshaw and Henry Moseley Sackett III, son of the junior Mr. and Mrs. Sackett of Lynchburg, Va. Their engagement was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bradshaw of Flossmoor. Miss Bradshaw will be graduated in May with a bachelor of arts degree in political economy from Sweet Briar college. A student at the University of Virginia's law school, Mr. Sackett was graduated cum laude from Washington and Lee university.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Berwyn Life, Berwyn, Illinois, 7 Apr 1965, p 8
The department of speech at DePaul University will present its third production of the year, "Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thomas, on April 22 at the DePaul center theater, 25 E. Jackson blvd., at 8 p.m.
Listed as a member of the cast is Vincent A. Sackett, 6831 W. 31st st., a sophomore in the college of liberal arts. He was active in drama, forensics and language clubs at Morton High School and is a member of Phi Eta Sigma fraternity and a recipient of the Sol R. Crown scholarship at DePaul.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois, 25 Nov 1966, p 7
Mrs. Paul Sackett
Mrs. Paul Sackett, 68, of Garland, Kan., formerly of East Moline, died at 4 yesterday morning in her home after a short illness.
The former Lillie Pyle was born in Fort Scott, Kan., and was married to William Paul Sackett in 1916. They lived in East Moline until his retirement from Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. in 1958.
Survivors include the widower; a daughter, Georgia in California; and four sons, Darold in North Carolina; Clifford of Fort Scott; Robert of Moline and William of East Moline.
Services will be at 2 Monday afternoon in the Cheney Chapel, Fort Scott. Burial will be in Clarksburg Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Berwyn Life, Berwyn, Illinois, 28 Jun 1968, p 9
Marriage Licenses, "Vincent Anthony Sackett, 6831 W. 31st st., and Barbara Ann Lukasik, 2427 N. Mason, Chicago."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois, 25 Jan 1987, p 14
William P. Sackett, 93, Aulander, N.C., formerly of Rock Island, died Friday at a hospital in Aulander.
Services are 10 a.m. Wednesday at Chaney Funeral Home, Fort Scott, Kan. Burial is in Fort Scott.
Visitation is 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
He was born July 26, 1893, in Fort Scott, Kan. He married Lillian Lorraina Payton Nov. 2, 1916, in LaHarpe, Kan. She died Nov. 24, 1966.
He worked for Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., Rock Island, from 1928 until 1958, when he retired.
Survivors include a daughter, Georgia Cook, Milan; sons, Darrold, Aulander, N.C., with whom he resided, Clifford, Milan, and Robert and William Jr., both of Moline; 11 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The State Journal Register, Springfield, IL, 28 Dec 1999, p 32
Duaine J. Sackett Jr.
Litchfield — Duaine J. Sackett Jr., 78, of Litchfield died Monday, Dec. 27, 1999, at St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.
He was born Sept. 30, 1921, in Litchfield, the son of Duaine R. and Clarise Marie Lawrence Sackett. He married Phyllis Lorraine VanTheemsche in Rock Island.
Mr. Sackett was employed as a radio dispatcher with the Litchfield Police department before his retirement and he also owned and operated Sackett Cab Company for several years.
He was a World War II Army veteran having attained the rank of staff sergeant. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Litchfield and had served as a Sunday school teacher and youth counselor.
Survivors: wife, Phyllis; two sons, Robert Duaine Sackett of Worlan, Wyo., and Dennis Lee Sackett of Peoria; a daughter, Linda Lee Fry of Chasks, Minn.; three grandchildren; and a sister, Darlene Murray of Pana.
Services: 10 a.m. Thursday, Plummer Funeral Home, Litchfield, the Rev. Gary Allen officiating. Burial: Cedar Ridge Cemetery, South Litchfield.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The State Journal Register, Springfield, IL, 13 Jan 2000, p 34
Phyllis L. Sackett
Litchfield — Phyllis Lorraine Sackett, 71, of Litchfield died Monday, Jan. 10, 2000, in her home.
She was born July 10, 1928, in Rock Island, the daughter of Fred and Edith Putman VanTheemsche. She married Duaine J. Sackett Jr. in Rock Island; he preceded her in death in 1999.
Mrs. Sackett, a homemaker, was a high school graduate. She worked at J.J. Newberry Co. in Rock Island as a sign painter, designed window displays and was a dispatcher for Sackett Cab Co., the family business.
Survivors: two stepsons, Robert Duaine Sackett of Worlan, Wyo., and Dennis Lee Sackett of Normal; a daughter, Linda Lee (husband, Richard) Frey of Chasksa, Minn.; five grandchildren; and a brother, Charles (wife, Irene) VanTheemsche of Rock Island.
Services: 10 a.m. today, Plummer Funeral Home in Litchfield, the Rev. Gary Allen officiating. Burial: Cedar Ridge Cemetery in Honey Bend.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Belleville News-Democrat, Belleville, Illinois, 22 Jun 2007, p 15
Highland business owner dies
Highland — Billy G. Sackett, owner-manager of Oberbeck Grain Co. in Highland, died Tuesday at Anderson Hospital following a brief battle with cancer. He was 76.
Besides operating one of the most well-known businesses in Highland, Sackett was also an active community member.
"He was one of the best guys in the community and did a lot for the community," said Dale Rinderer, a longtime friend of Sackett.
Sackett had served as a director of the Highland Area Community Foundation and First National Bank of Highland.
He was a member of Highland Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5694, the Helvetia Sharpshooters, Highland Rotary Club and served on the School Land Acquisition Group. He was also active in his church, the Evangelical United Church of Christ. For his community involvement, Sackett was awarded the Highland Chamber of Commerce’s Bob Hardy Citizen of the Year Award in 2002.
One of the things Sackett did was display a Christmas tree atop the feed mill tower at Oberbeck. The tree could be seen for miles atop its lofty perch, and was the first thing many people saw when visiting or passing through Highland during the holidays.
Also around the holidays, Oberbeck stored commodities other than grain. Sackett allowed the Rotary Club to warehouse all the oranges and grapefruit there for the club's annual citrus sale.
Sackett was a Highland native and graduated from Highland High School in 1949. After serving in the Marines on the front lines in Korea, he returned to Highland to join his father-in-law, Clarence Oberbeck, working at Oberbeck Feed Store.
A grain elevator was added to the store operation in 1959 and a feed mill in 1965. Also in 1965, Oberbeck's Highland and O'Fallon locations were split, and Sackett became manager of the Highland branch—a job he continued until his death.
"He never would have retired," said Jack Klaus, who was friends with Sackett since boyhood. "He was still down there every day at six o'clock in the morning. I golf, but he didn't golf. He didn't like most any type of sport, because all he liked to do was work."
Visitation is 3 to 8 p.m. today at Spengel-Boulanger Funeral Home in Highland and 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday, with a 10 a.m. funeral at Evangelical United Church of Christ in Highland.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Quincy Herald-Whig, Illinois, 31 Jan 2013
PITTSFIELD, Ill.—Mary Delores Borrowman, 85, of Pittsfield, died Tuesday (Jan. 29, 2013) at Barry Community Care Center at Barry.
She was born Oct. 20, 1927, in Baylis, the daughter of Mert and Cora Lula Franklin Sackett. She married Charles Borrowman in 1975 in Griggsville, and he survives.
Mrs. Borrowman lived her entire life in Pike County with the exception of 10 wonderful years spent in the Pacific Northwest. Mary was an avid reader and enjoyed gardening and crafts, especially quilting and sewing.
Mary's family would like to give special thanks to the wonderful staff at the Barry Community Care Center for their care and support during this difficult time. She is also survived by three daughters, Barbara Dunbar of Toledo, Ohio, Betty (Cary) Jones of Puyallup, Wash., and Kim Bloyd of Pittsfield; five grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; one brother, Willard Sackett; and four sisters, Lula Mae Bradshaw, Juanita Miller, Cora Watts and Myrtle Tharp.
She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Russell, Lacy and Willis Sackett, and two sisters, Annabel Radefield and Hattie Taylor.
SERVICES: 10 a.m. Friday memorial service will be held in the Airsman-Hires Funeral Home in Pittsfield, with Rev. Steve Boze officiating. Private interment will take place at Oakwood Cemetery at a later date.
VISITATION: Family will meet with friends immediately following the service.
MEMORIALS: Alzheimer's Association -Central Illinois Chapter in care of the Airsman-Hires Funeral Home, P.O. Box 513, Pittsfield, IL 62363.
ARRANGEMENTS: Airsman-Hires Funeral Home, Pittsfield
WEBSITE: Condolences may be expressed online at - Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, 11 Jan 2019, p 2-6
Sackett, Daniel Peter
Daniel Peter Sackett, 86, of Darien. Beloved husband of Mary. Loving father of Mary Ellen (Scott) Kasik, Daniel, Jr. (Lynda Miles) and Michael. Devoted grandfather of Dan Miles-Sackett, Allison (Camillo) Acevedo, David Miles-Sackett, Matthew and Jonathan Kasik. Cherished great-grandfather of Eliana and Aria Acevedo. Dear brother of Florence (late Robert) Albrecht and Vincent (Barbara) Sackett. Fond uncle of many. Visitation 3 to 9pm Sunday, Jan. 13, 2019 at Hallowell & James Funeral Home, 301- 75th St., Downers Grove. Prayers 9:30am Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 at the funeral home to Our Lady of Peace Church, Darien for Mass at 10am. Interment Queen of Heaven Cemetery. Dan was a scout leader, football coach and a Eucharistic Minister. He was a pipefitter/welder and a welding instructor at the Pipefitter’s Union Local 597.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] -, Alton, IL, 24 Feb 2023
Violet Sackett
Violet L. Sackett, 92, passed away at 6:14 am, Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at Alton Memorial Hospital.
She was born on September 5, 1930, in Centralia, IL the daughter of Harold J. and Louise B. (Bauer) Meisenheimer. Violet married Glen Sackett on March 18, 1950, in Alton, IL. He preceded her in death December 23, 2011.
In her younger years Violet worked at the Catholic Orphanage, where she developed her love for Cardinals Baseball. She then started volunteering and helping out at Salvation Army. She enjoyed baking, gardening and watching the birds and squirrels. She will be remembered as wonderful mother and amazing caring woman.
She leaves behind four sons and three daughters, Eugene and Regina Sackett of Alton, Sue and George Bridgeman of WV, Glen Jr. and Jene Sackett of IA, Jane L. Augustson of East Alton, Billy Sackett (Maurita Sackett) of Caseyville, IL, Danny and Anna Sackett of IN, and Gracie and Rick Fischback of TX; sisters, Alice Clayton and Marilyn King; sister-in-law, Alvie Meisenheimer and several grandchildren, great grandchildren and one great-great grandchildren.
In addition to his parents and husband, she was preceded in death by a special granddaughter, Jane Belle Johnson; two brothers, Harold Meisenheimer and John Michael Meisenheimer; and sister, Laura Bridgeman.
Per her wishes cremation rites were accorded.
A Memorial visitation will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm at the Elias Kallal and Schaaf Funeral home in Alton, IL.
Memorials may be made to Cardinals Care.
Online condolences and guest book may be found at
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett] - The Pantagraph, Illinois, 16 Apr 2023
Denis L. Sackett
Oct. 4, 1947 - April 14, 2023
Bloomington - Denis L. Sackett, age 75, of Bloomington, IL, passed away at 6:24 AM on Friday, April 14, 2023, at his residence.
His memorial service will be 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at Calvert & Metzler Memorial Home, Bloomington, IL. Pastor Chuck Bahn will be officiating. Military rites will be accorded at the funeral home by the Bloomington -Normal American Legion Honor Guard. The family will receive friends 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon, Tuesday at the memorial home.
The family suggests memorials be made to the Bloomington -Normal American Legion Honor Guard.
Denis was born October 4, 1947, in Litchfield, IL, the son of Stella Bethel. He married Michelle Tosh on June 8, 1985, in Bloomington, IL. She survives. Also surviving are his three children: Shawne (Jason) Geisler, Olathe, KS, Kimberly (Richard) Hon, Greenwood, IN, Grant Sackett at home, Bloomington, IL; five grandchildren: Kaitlyn, Addison and Haley Geisler, Miley Sackett and Logan Hon; sister, Diana (Greg) Joiner, Carlinville, IL. Denis was preceded in death by his mother, stepfather and his brother.
Denis served in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War. He was active leader in the formation of the Bloomington -Normal American Legion Honor Guard.
Denis had worked for Unit 5 School at Normal Community High School for many years where he was the night custodian. He was a Security Officer for US Security Associates at Heartland Community College and most recently for Allied Universal Security Company at Rivian Automotive. Denis was an avid gun enthusiast with his family. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and brother. He will be missed by all who knew him.
[Transcribed from The Pantagraph online edition by Chris Sackett] - Chicago Tribune, 15 Dec 2023
Vincent Sackett Obituary
Vincent Anthony Sackett, 78, passed away of cancer at his home in Oak Brook, IL on Thursday, December 7, 2023. Vincent grew up in Berwyn, IL with cherished childhood summers in Boston, MA. He met his beloved wife, Barbara, at DePaul University and continued his education to earn a medical degree from Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. He practiced psychiatry for more than fifty years, attending Harvard School of Public Health approximately mid-career to obtain his Masters in Health Care Management and make friends with a charmingly rambunctious group of doctors. Vincent will be remembered for his generosity and love for his cherished family, colleagues, and friends. He gave his most valuable possessions, time and love, freely, unconditionally, and without expectations. Vincent is survived by his beloved wife, Barbara, his three children, Jennifer Sackett Pohlenz, Antony Sackett (Susan Connor), Olivia Sackett (Alex Cotter), and six grandchildren to whom he was known as "Baba": Maximilian, Oliver, V. Jupiter, and Wolf Pohlenz; Pia Cotter; and Rosalie Sackett. He is also survived by his sister, Florence Albrecht, sisters-in-law Mary Sackett, Kathleen (Terry) Andrews, Judith Langoni, and brother-in-law Jerome (Gail) Lukasik. A funeral mass will be held for Vincent at Notre Dame Church at 64 Norfolk Ave., Clarendon Hills, IL on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 10:00 am, followed by internment at Bronswood Cemetery, 3805 Madison St., Oak Brook, IL.
[Transcribed from Chicago Tribune online edition by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Northwestern online, Evanston, IL, 10 Jan 2024
Schieber: Remembering my teacher, Mr. Sackett
Daniel P. Sackett (Communication ’78 ’79), revered English teacher, theater director and speech team coach at Carl Sandburg High School, died Dec. 8, 2023. Beloved husband for 47 years to Lynda Miles, he was a father, grandfather, brother, son, uncle, mentor, coach and friend. He is already missed by so many. He was 67 years old.
Mr. Sackett taught at Carl Sandburg High School in Orland Park, Illinois, for 33 years, from 1983 until his retirement in 2016. At Sandburg, Mr. Sackett taught his English students how to write with a voice. Mr. Sackett taught his drama students how to act with ardor. Mr. Sackett taught his speech students to speak with precision. Mr. Sackett taught every one of his students that they have worth. Mr. Sackett taught.
The impact Mr. Sackett had on his students was determined. Mr. Sackett insisted you saw value in yourself, even if you yourself didn’t see any yet. Mr. Sackett laughed at the absurd, even when the other adults in the room held a straight face. Mr. Sackett was incisive, and knew exactly how powerful his words were. And he wielded his words with so much love. There is currently a memorial page on Facebook where Mr. Sackett’s former students, friends and colleagues are sharing their memories, and the outpouring of love and grief makes it so clear what a life Mr. Sackett lived.
I know all of this because I was one of Mr. Sackett’s students. My life’s trajectory changed when I met him. He was my freshman year English teacher, speech coach and biggest cheerleader at Carl Sandburg High School. During my time on the Sandburg speech team under his mentorship, I learned how to speak in front of large groups without fear; I learned how to stand up and make a point when it seems no one else is willing to; I learned how to set my sights on something big and to just keep chipping away until I get there. I learned how to write! I owe so much to Mr. Sackett. I found passion, self-worth and confidence because I had him in my corner.
I now see a direct link between Mr. Sackett’s lessons and the life I have led since. I teach some of the largest courses at Northwestern University with thousands of undergraduates having taken my classes. I regularly give talks on my research, and I can hold my own in any room I’ve ever found myself in.
My wife Kathleen, who I met on the Carl Sandburg High School Speech team, and I recently celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary with our 9-year-old son Elias and 7-year-old daughter Anna. My and Kathleen’s first kiss was on a bus ride coming back from a speech tournament at Downers Grove South High School. Mr. Sackett would joke that Elias and Anna were his speech grand-babies.
As an Assistant Professor of Instruction at Northwestern, I now have students who I get to watch as I build up their confidence and worth in the same way Mr. Sackett built up mine. Mr. Sackett taught me so much, and I try every day to be more like him. I am crying writing this obituary.
After graduating from Northwestern University in 1978, having majored in theatre, Daniel P. Sackett led a life worth following. He went on to build educators, inspire screenwriters, produce leaders, mentor musicians, train scientists, shape poets, create at least one sociologist and bring joy to those around him.
To my students: Never underestimate the impact you have on the people around you. Ripples turn into waves. Your impact is profound.
To Mr. Sackett: Thank you so, so much. From the tip of my toes to the top of my head, I’m alive! And darn it, I’m a winner!
David Schieber is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Sociology at Northwestern University. [Transcribed from The Daily Northwestern online edition by Chris Sackett]