US City Directories, Michigan

430 records

Adrian | Ann Arbor & Washtenaw County, incl. Augusta Township | Battle Creek | Calhoun County | Dearborn | Detroit | Grand Rapids | Hastings | Kalamazoo


Adrian City Directory, 1870.

  • Sackett Luther L., Passenger Conductor, res. 13 Toledo (old No. 11).
  • Sackett Miss Maria, bds. L.L.Sackett.

Adrian City Directory, 1932.

  • Sackett John W (Marie M) teleg opr h1138 E Hunt
  • Sackett Marie r Ora S Wolff
  • Sackett Milford J student r1138 E Hunt
  • Sackett Richd J student r1138 E Hunt
  • Sackett Zoa B Mrs dom h Ora S Wolff

Adrian City Directory, 1934.

  • Sackett John W (Marie M) towermn NYCRR h1419 W Maumee
  • Sackett L O Paul student r1419 W Maumee
  • Sackett Milford J r1419 W Maumee
  • Sackett Richd J student r1419 W Maumee

Adrian City Directory, 1936.

  • Sackett John W (Marie M) teleg opr h ns W Maumee 1 w W Maple av
  • Sackett Milford J poultry farmer r ns W Maumee 1 w W Maple av
  • Sackett Paul student r ns W Maumee 1 w W Maple av
  • Sackett Richd r ns W Maumee 1 w W Maple av

Adrian City Directory, 1938.

  • Sackett John W (Marie M) towermn NYCRR h620 State
  • Sackett John W jr student r620 State
  • Sackett Mary r1094 Bohn
  • Sackett Milford J carpet layer A B Park Co r620 State
  • Sackett Paul L r620 State
  • Sackett Richd B r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1942.

  • Sackett John W (Marie M; 1) teleg opr NYC System h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona; 2) carpet layer A B Park Co h1361 Terrace av
  • Sackett Paul L (Alberta) slsmn Lindy's Motor Sales r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1944.

  • Sackett Jas A lab BF&WCo r803 N Broad
  • Sackett John W (Marie M) teleg opr NYCSys h620 State
  • Sackett John W jr USA r620 State
  • Sackett Marie M Mrs inspr AC&CCo h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona M) carpetlyr h1361 Terrace av
  • Sackett Owen (Alberta) drill press opr h795 Division
  • Sackett Richd J USA r620 State
  • Sackett Suzanne L slswn Maurice's r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1950.

  • Sackett Bros (Milford J Sackett) fl coverings 127 Market pl
  • Sackett Harold (Ruth) asmblr Stearns Mfg r Onsted
  • Sackett Harold lab Oro Mfg r Onsted
  • Sackett Herbert (Dorothy) wldr Kewaunee Mfg r RD 1 Clinton
  • Sackett Jas lab r235 S Main
  • Sackett John W (Eliz M) fl lyr Sackett Bros r Toledo O
  • Sackett Marie (wid John W) smstrs Sackett Bros h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona; Sackett Bros) h632 State
  • Sackett Paul (Alberta) fl lyr Sackett Bros r Manitou Beach
  • Sackett Richd J clk Sackett Bros r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1956.

  • Sackett Bros (Milford J Sackett), "Floor Covering Specialists," Carpets, Rugs, Tile and Paint, Floor Sanders for rent, Kitchen Cabinets and Planning Service, E Toledo rd, US 223 at Treat, Tel COlfax 3-1244
  • Sackett Carrie Mrs r4530 W Maumee
  • Sackett Jas r1023 E Maple av
  • Sackett Marie (wid John W) h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona; Sackett Bros) h632 State
  • Sackett Richd J sls mgr Sackett Bros r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1958.

  • Sackett Bros (Milford J Sackett), "Floor Covering Specialists," Carpets, Rugs, Tile and Paint, Floor Sanders for rent, Kitchen Cabinets and Planning Service, E Toledo rd, US 223 at Treat, Tel COlfax 3-1244
  • Sackett Carrie r4530 W Maumee
  • Sackett E Thos emp Wrigley's r632 State
  • Sackett Jas h215 E Hunt
  • Sackett Marie (wid John) h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona; Sackett Bros) h632 State
  • Sackett Richd J sls mgr Sackett Bros Floor Covering r620 State

Adrian City Directory, 1960.

  • Sackett Bros (Milford J Sackett), "Floor Covering Specialists," Carpets, Rugs, Tile and Paint, Floor Sanders for rent, Kitchen Cabinets and Planning Service, E Toledo rd, US 223 at Treat, Tel COlfax 3-1244
  • Sackett Jas h215 E Hunt
  • Sackett Jas M clk Sackett Bros r632 State
  • Sackett John stockmn Wrigleys r632 State
  • Sackett Marie M (wid John W) h620 State
  • Sackett Milford J (Leona M; Sackett Bros) h632 State
  • Sackett Richd J mgr Sackett Bros Floor Covering r620 State
  • Sackett Thos E emp Wrigleys r632 State

Ann Arbor & Washtenaw County

Ann Arbor City Directory, 1886.

Augusta Township Directory, 1886.

  • Sackett A H, 3 Newcomb.

Battle Creek

Battle Creek City Directory, 1956.

  • Sackett Henry L r511 E Michigan av
  • Sackett Lewis L (Roma A; Sackett's Super Serv) h44 Anderson ct
  • Sackett Marion pkr Norris Mach & Mfg Co r RD 3 Bellevue Mich
  • Sackett Maxine Mrs h96 Poplar
  • Sackett Robt W (Patricia A) atndt Sackett's Serv Sta h70 Athea av
  • Sackett's Super Service (Lew L Sackett), Sinclair Products, Lubrication, Tires and Batteries, 238 Upton av, Tel Woodward 5-9259
  • Sackitt Clifford D (Wava) cement mason Weyne Walker Homes h95 W Fountain
  • Sackitt Wilford E (Betty M) turbine opr Consumers Power h153 Rook av

Calhoun County

Calhoun County Directory, 1897.
[Name, business, section number, acres, township, PO address]

  • Sackett Ann, f, 10, 35, $1200, Marshall, Marshall.
  • Sackett L D, f, 21, 83, $3400, Eckford, Eckford.
  • Sackett Morrison (est), f, 18, 80, $3980, Marengo, Marshall.
  • Sackett Wm F, f, 4, 160, $5600, Marshall, Marshall.


Dearborn City Directory, 1946.
p. 431

  • Sacket Helen waiter Fordson Grill r5001 Palmer
  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriet M) clk Cadillac Motors h605 Nightingale
  • Sackett Lester auto mech Howard's Garage h 24909 Michigan av apt 1

Dearborn City Directory, 1948.
p. 458

  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriett M) emp Cadillac (Det) h605 Nightingale
  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) eng Seaboard Properties Co (Det) h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Clyde W eng Dearborn Inn r14249 Greenview (Det)
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 14405 Michigan av h18182 Outer dr
  • Sackett Kath W Mrs clk PO h24526 Chicago

Dearborn City Directory, 1953.
p. 590

  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriett M) supvr Cadillac h451 N Highview
  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) eng Oakwood Hosp h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 4700 Schlaff rd h201 Hampshire ct
  • Sackett Lester driver Corrigan Moving & Stge r5316 Calhoun

Dearborn City Directory, 1955.
p. 581

  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriett M) supvr Cadillac h451 N Highview
  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) eng Oakwood Hosp h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 4700 Schlaff rd h201 Hampshire ct
  • Sackett Lester driver Corrigan Moving & Stge Co r5316 Calhoun

Dearborn City Directory, 1956.
p. 585

  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriett M) supvr parts dept Cadillac (Det) h451 N Highview
  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) eng Oakwood Hosp h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 4700 Schlaff rd h201 Hampshire ct

Dearborn City Directory, 1958.
p. 583

  • Sackett Ansel L jr (Harriett M) supvr Cadillac h451 N Highview
  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) eng Oakwood Hosp h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 4700 Schlaff rd h201 Hampshire ct

Dearborn City Directory, 1959.
p. 512

  • Sackett Clyde W (Kath W) sta eng Oakwood Hosp h24526 Chicago
  • Sackett Francis L (Mary D) dentist 4700 Schlaff rd h201 Hampshire ct
  • Sackett Lester driver Corrigan Moving & Stge r Wayne


Detroit City Directory, 1888.

  • Sackett Andrew, engnr, h 27 Jefferson av.
  • Sackett Clark, conductor D, G H & M Ry, h 327 Warren av w.
  • Sackett Custer S, collector Det Free Press, bds 16 Spruce.
  • Sackett Eliza A, removed to Dearborn, Mich.
  • Sackett Ezekiel H, h 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Fred B, bartndr N H & H N Williams, rms 112 Washington av.
  • Sackett Miles B, propr St Charles Hotel, 91 Atwater e.
  • Sackett Wilber, collector Det Free Press, bds 16 Spruce.

Detroit City Directory, 1899.

  • Newman Diantha (wid Henry V), bds Ernest H Newman.
  • Newman Ernest H, painter, h w s Infantry av l s of Davis av.
  • Sackett Ansel L, pdlr, bds 714 Williams av.
  • Sackett Mrs Catherine, clk Newcomb, Endicott & Co, bds 57 Columbia e.
  • Sackett Charles G M, bds 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Clarissa (wid Edwin), h 714 Williams av.
  • Sackett Clark, with R Wainwright & Co, h 367 Warren av w. Tel N 472.
  • Sackett Custer S, cigars, Masonic Temple, h 388 Ash.
  • Sackett Emmett, plumber, bds 714 Williams av.
  • Sackett Ezekiel H, h 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Harry, engr, h 702 Hastings.
  • Sackett Josie E, tchr Logan School, bds 714 Williams av.
  • Sackett Lulu, music tchr, bds 2280 River.
  • Sackett Louisa (wid Miles B), boarding house, 2280 River.
  • Sackett Miles B (aged 60), died March 14, 1899.
  • Sackett Milton D, mach, bds 714 Williams av.
  • Sackett Niram B, Lawyer, 30 McGraw Bldg, bds 337 7th. Tel Det 1669.
  • Sackett Wm A, woodwkr, h 381 Trombly av.

Detroit City Directory, 1901.

  • Sackett Ansel L, milk pdlr, bds 827 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Clarissa (wid Edwin), h 827 Humboldt avenue.
  • Sackett Custer S, collr Detroit Free Press, h 406 17th.
  • Sackett Emmett, plumber, bds 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Ezekiel H, h 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Gertrude, tchr of elocution Det Academy of Music, bds 367 Warren av w.
  • Sackett Harry T, engineer, rms 51 Porter.
  • Sackett Hiram F, lab, h 749 Riopelle.
  • Sackett Joseph W, timekpr, bds 381 Trombly av
  • Sackett Josie E, tchr Logan School, bds 827 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Louisa (wid Miles B), boarding house, 2280 River.
  • Sackett Lulu G, music tchr, bds 2280 River.
  • Sackett Niram B, Lawyer, 30 McGraw Bldg, bds 434 Brooklyn av.
  • Sackett Wm A, chairmkr, h 381 Trombly av.

Detroit City Directory, 1909.

  • Sackett Annie M Mrs, h 1133 Bellevue av.
  • Sackett Ansel L (Turnbull & Sackett), h 827 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Augusta Mrs, h 371 Brewster.
  • Sackett Clarissa (wid Edwin), bds 827 Humboldt.
  • Sackett Clark S, cond G T Ry, h 630 Warren av w.
  • Sackett Custer S, cigars, 501 Grand River av, h do
  • Sackett David, clk Roehm & Davison, Ltd, h 860 Campbell av.
  • Sackett Earl, cond, bds 1101 Warren av e.
  • Sackett Harry, mold, bds 88 Wayne.
  • Sackett Ezekiel H, h 97 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Gertrude R, music tchr, 630 Warren av w.
  • Sackett John J, h 280 Harrison av.
  • Sackett Jos W, bds 358 Farnsworth av.
  • Sackett Josie E, tchr Logan Sch, bds 827 Humboldt
  • Sackett Martin V, lab, bds Wm O Sackett, G.
  • Sackett Niram B, lawyer, 528-529 Chamber of Commerce, h 1 Poplar.
  • Sackett Otis E, packer, h 1101 Warren av e.
  • Sackett Royal L, mach, h 835 Roosevelt av.
  • Sackett R Harry, cond, h 811 Humboldt av.
  • Sackett Wm A, foreman, h 358 Farnsworth av.
  • Sackett Wm O, dep collr and clk US Customs, h w s Maple Grove 2 s Grand River av, G.

Detroit City Directory, 1928.

  • Sacket Celia dom r2303 Calvert av
  • Sackett Annie M Mrs h4709 Bellevue av
  • Sackett Ansel L (Evelyn H) furnace installer h9270 N Martindale av
  • Sackett Blake C (Harriett) slsmn Sears Roebuck & Co h3996 Beaconsfield av
  • Sackett Blanche M bkpr Pioneer Mut Fire Ins Co r201 Highland av (HP)
  • Sackett Cecelia Mrs h6331 E Warren av
  • Sackett Chas G (Gertrude) pres American Butter & Cheese Co h87 Westminster av
  • Sackett Danl (Mary B) lab h1230 1st
  • Sackett Earl mach Skinner Auto Device Co h9749 Chenlot av
  • Sackett Eleanore typist Gas Co r19291 Northrop av
  • Sackett Fern H (Evelyn) emp F W Smith Co h 15014 Pinehurst av
  • Sackett Frances S student r87 Westminster av
  • Sackett Harry R (Maud) mach h9705 Yellowstone av
  • Sackett Helen C clk United Motors Service Inc r 19291 Northrop av
  • Sackett Howard carpetlyr r67 Sproat
  • Sackett Laura A tchr Hancock Sch r4058 Whitney
  • Sackett Lena Mrs (Sackett & Adams) h1575 St Clair av
  • Sackett Margt sten r381 Holbrook av apt 313
  • Sackett Martin H (Margt) fuse troublemn Edison h 15480 Turner av
  • Sackett Martina student r5240 Pacific av
  • Sackett Mary A sten Lindley Brown & MacDonald r23 Salliotte (E)
  • Sackett Maude Mrs h bsmt 201 Highland av (HP)
  • Sackett Newton F (Sarah) autowkr h225 Candler av (HP)
  • Sackett Owen r5050 Bonaparte av
  • Sackett Pierre M (Johanna) boilermkr h5240 Pacific av
  • Sackett Rex janitor r1216 W Bethune av apt B5
  • Sackett Royal L (Jessie) auto tester h13511 Cheyenne av
  • Sackett Watie B (wid Custer) h4058 Whitney av
  • Sackett & Adams (Lena Sackett, David G Adams) clnrs 10423 Kercheval av

Detroit City Directory, 1932.

  • Sackett Alf (Gertrude) seamn h2327 Hubbard av
  • Sackett Anna M Mrs h4401 Concord av
  • Sackett Ansel L (Evelyn H) furnace installer h9268 N Martindale av
  • Sackett Bernice slswn S&GCo r1230 1st
  • Sackett Blake C (Harriet) slsmn Jos A Orbits h13587 Roselawn av
  • Sackett Blanche asst sec Pioneer Reserve Mut Fire Ins Co r1216 W Bethune av apt B5
  • Sackett Cecelia (wid Casper) h63381 E Warren av
  • Sackett Cecelia (wid Otis) hsekpr 14550 Stoepel av
  • Sackett Danl H (Mary B) press opr h1230 1st
  • Sackett Earl G (Mildred) h17310 Bentler av apt 15
  • Sackett Frances librarian r87 Westminster av
  • Sackett Gertrude (wid Chas) h87 Westminster av
  • Sackett Helen E dry clnr 14935 Kercheval av r1575 StClair
  • Sackett Hiram B (Jessie) floormn h19291 Northrup av
  • Sackett Laura A tchr Oakman Sch r4058 Whitney av
  • Sackett Lena C (Crosby Cleaners) h1575 StClair av
  • Sackett Louise r8615 Northlawn av
  • Sackett Margt K Mrs tel opr City Dept of Health r381 Holbrook av apt 313
  • Sackett Martin H (Margt) supvr trouble Det Edison Co h16031 Chalfonte av
  • Sackett Martina tchr MacCullough Sch r8615 Northlawn av
  • Sackett Mary sten Berger & Berger r23 Salliott (E)
  • Sackett Maude H (wid Chas) h1216 W Bethune av apt B5
  • Sackett Mildred Mrs clk Woolworth's h17310 Bentler av apt 15
  • Sackett Pierre M (Josephine) blrmkr h8615 Northlawn
  • Sackett R Harry (M Maude) clk Swedish Gage Co of Am h9705 Yellowstone av
  • Sackett Ray C (Helen K) publicity director Advertisers Inc h1167 Burlingame av
  • Sackett Rex P (Effie) supt of bldg United Savings Bank h14441 Ardmore av
  • Sackett Royal L (Jessie) tester h13161 Ward av
  • Sackett Wadie B (wid Custer S) h4058 Whitney av
  • Sackett Willard student r87 Westminster av

East Detroit City Directory, 1954.
p. 692

  • Sackett Jas T r20861 Marie (WTwp)
  • Sackett Louis electn appr Briggs (Det) r20861 Marie (WTwp)
  • Sackett Mary B (wid Danl) h20861 Marie (WTwp)

Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1908.
p. 900

  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers Home.
  • Sackett, Orange, h 816 Wealthy av.
  • Sackett, Pierre M, boilermkr, h 21 Green.
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher Phoenix Furn Co, bds 126 W Fulton.

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1911.
p. 780

  • Sackett, Hiram, inmate Soldiers Home.
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers Home.
  • Sackett, Orange, h 229 S East.
  • Sackett, Pierre M, boilermkr, h 41 Salem.
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher, bds Derby Hotel.

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1912.
p. 895

  • Sackett, James, inmate Soldiers' Home.
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home.
  • Sackett, Orange, h 343 Eastern av SE.
  • Sackett, Pierre M, boilermkr, h 1241 Salem av.
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher, bds Derby Hotel.

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1913.
p. 872

  • Sackett, Glenn W, stockkpr Leitelt Iron Wks, bds 127 Sheldon av
  • Sackett, James, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James B, h 125½ Ottawa av NW
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, Mary E Mrs, furnished rooms 125½ Ottawa av NW
  • Sackett, Orange, demonstrator Leader Engine Co h 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Pierre M, boilermkr Couple-Gear Freight-Wheel Co, h 925 Sheldon av
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher Phoenix Furn Co, bds Hotel Derby

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1914.
p. 888-9

  • Sackett, Glenn W, bkpr Leitelt Iron Wks, bds 127 Sheldon av
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers Home
  • Sackett, Orange, h 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Pierre M, boilermkr, h 925 Sheldon avenue
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher Phoenix Furn Co, bds 357 Fulton W

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1915.
p. 868-9

  • Sackett, Glenn W, bkpr Leitelt Iron Wks, bds 526 North av
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, Orange, h 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Wm, finisher Phoenix Furn Co, bds Derby Hotel

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1916.
p. 881

  • Sackett, Ella (wid George), bds 127 Paddock av
  • Sackett, Glenn W, bkpr Leitelt Iron Wks, h 127 Paddock av
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, Orange, eng, h 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Wm, fnshr Phoenix Furn Co, bds 357 Fulton W

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1917.
p. 917

  • Sackett, Anna M, h 1 Crescent NW
  • Sackett, Ella (wid George), bds 127 Paddock av
  • Sackett, Glenn W, office mgr Leitelt Iron Wks, bds 127 Paddock av
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, Lulu Mrs, bndr J B Johnson's So Co, bds 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Orange, repr A V Dean, h 343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett, Wm, fnshr Phoenix Furn Co, bds 604 Fulton W

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1918.
p. 880

  • Sackett, Ella (wid George), bds 1005 Fountain NE
  • Sackett, Glenn W, office mgr Leitelt Iron Wks, h 1005 Fountain NE
  • Sackett, Hart, slsmn rms Hotel Hermitage
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, Orange, tester, h 343 Eastern SE
  • Sackett, Wm, fnshr Phoenix Furn Co, bds 604 Fulton W

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1920.
p. 940

  • Sackett, Anna, furn rms 335½ Bridge, h same
  • Sackett, Ella Mrs, h ns Cogswell av 5 w of Alpine av
  • Sackett, Glenn W, Treas Leitelt Iron Wks, res ns Cogswell av 5 w of Alpine av
  • Sackett, James K, inmate Soldiers' Home
  • Sackett, James P, h 443 Crawford
  • Sackett, Orange, h 343 Eastern SE
  • Sackett, Wm, sweeper, r 15 Mt Vernon av NW

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1941.
p. 691

  • Sackett Clyde H wldr Leitelt Iron Wks r903 Cogswell NW
  • Sackett Ella L Mrs h903 Cogswell NW
  • Sackett Glenn W (Dorothy N) sec-treas Leitelt Iron Wks h2725 Maplewood dr SE (EGR)
  • Sackett Joyce student r2725 Maplewood dr SE (EGR)
  • Sackett Lula (wid Orion) clk r343 Eastern av SE

Grand Rapids City Directory, 1951.
p. 802

  • Sackett Carl G (Harriet) h119 Maplelawn SE
  • Sackett Clyde H formn Leitelt Iron Wks r903 Cogswell NW
  • Sackett Ella L Mrs h903 Cogswell NW
  • Sackett Glenn W (Dorothy N) pres-treas Leitelt Elev Co and Leitelt Iron Wks h2725 Maplewood dr SE (EGR)
  • Sackett Lulu J (wid Orange) h343 Eastern av SE
  • Sackett O Harriet Mrs slswn Boston Store h119 Maplelawn SE


Hastings City Directory, 1940.

Hastings City Directory, 1944.


Kalamazoo City Directory, 1913.

  • Sackett Rush, tmstr, rms 217 E Main.
  • Sackett Stanley (Lena F), res 413 W Dutton.
  • Sackett Wm, spring mkr, rms 212 W Kalamazoo

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1914.

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1921.

  • Sackett Clarence R (Beatrice), flagmn, res 1029 N Church
  • Sackett Stanley J (Marvel R), pres Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Co, res 419 Locust

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1922.

  • Sackett Clarence R (Beatrice), res 1029 N Church
  • Sackett Stanley (Marvel R), treas and mgr Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Co, res 419 Locust

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1924.

  • Sackett Carl (Mary) h1317 Egleston av
  • Sackett Clarence R (Beatrice) h1029 N Church
  • Sackett Gard r127 Catherine
  • Sackett Howard sealer Kal Vegetable Parchment Co r807 N Rose
  • Sackett Russell (Ruth) emp Kal Vegetable Parchment Co h523 Axtell
  • Sackett Ruth Mrs sec to city mgr h523 Axtell
  • Sackett Stanley (Marvel; Successor to Kalamazoo Cooperative Union), Grocers and Meats 214 E Main, Tel 1931, h419 Locust, Tel 615-J

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1926.

  • Sackett Clarence R (Bridget) papermkr h1023 (1029) N Church
  • Sackett Elaine N student r419 Locust
  • Sackett Howard mach opr Kal Vegetable Parchment Co
  • Sackett Russell (Ruth) clk h744 Douglas av
  • Sackett Ruth J sten Kalamazoo Citizens Loan & Investment Co r744 Douglas
  • Sackett Stanley (Marvel; Sackett's Food Store) h419 Locust
  • Sackett's Food Store (Stanley Sackett), Grocers and Meats 228 E Main, Phone 1931

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1927.

  • Sackett Beatrice hd wkr Kal Paper Box Co r1503 Alamo av
  • Sackett Clarence R (Bridget) trucker h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Fred (Maude) lab h1503 Alamo av
  • Sackett Kenneth student r1503 Alamo av
  • Sackett Mabel D sten Doubleday Bros & Co r518 Pearl pl
  • Sackett Russell (Ruth) clk h744 Douglas av
  • Sackett Ruth J sten Kal Citizens Loan & Investment Co r744 Douglas av
  • Sackett Stanley J (Marvel; Sackett's Food Store) h617 W South
  • Sackett Wayne hlpr Clarage Fan Co r1503 Alamo av

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1939.

  • Sackett Clarence R (Beatrice) lab h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Emily hsekpr 2259 Tipperary rd
  • Sackett Frank G feed grinder 1408 Alamo h do
  • Sackett Fred (Bessie M) lab h1408 Alamo av
  • Sackett Fredric B city policemn h120 W South R309
  • Sackett Herbert G lab r1408 Alamo av
  • Sackett Howard (Pauline L) linoleum lyr h321 W Emerson
  • Sackett Ida L clk Grace Corset Co r1408 Alamo av
  • Sackett Kenneth (Maxine) paper wkr KVPCo h231 Nelson av
  • Sackett LaVern F r1408 Alamo av
  • Sackett Mabel D sten BPCo r138 Oak Grove av (Parchment)
  • Sackett Russell (Ruth J) clk KVPCo h219 Nelson av
  • Sackett Wayne B runner BPCo h114 S Dartmouth

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1943.

  • Sackett Clarence R (Bridget) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Howard (Gladys) fctywkr KS&FCo h1819 E Main
  • Sackett Ida L emp Allen Elec & Equip r RD 2 Gobles
  • Sackett Kenneth (Maxine) emp KVPCo h231 Nelson av
  • Sackett LaVern (Mildred M) USA r1328 Upland dr
  • Sackett Russell (Ruth) emp KVPCo h219 Nelson av
  • Sackett Stanley r721 S Rose
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) dec contr 114 S Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1948.

  • Sackett Bernard P stuffing dept Peter Eckrich & Sons r Gables
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda A) formn Farm Service Co b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Fredric B (Mary R) detective Police h429 Hutchinson
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys E) toolmkr Kal Stove h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Lawrence R linemn Consumers Power r PO Box 36 Fennville
  • Sackett Mary M clk Malnight's Bakery r702 W Cedar
  • Sackett Richd M stuffing dept Peter Eckrich & Sons r Gobles
  • Sackett Rush C (Bridget) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Russell A (Ruth E) clk KVPCo h219 Nelson av
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) pntr 114 S Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1950.

  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda A) emp Farm Serv Co b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Frederic B (Mary) detective Police h429 Hutchinson
  • Sackett Howard (Pauline) carpet layer Ideal Floor Covering Co r Gobles
  • Sackett Howard W (Gladys E) tool & die mkr Kal Stove h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) line mn Consumers Power r Fennville
  • Sackett Richd M (Shirley A) mtcemn Peter Eckrich & Sons h213 W Frank
  • Sackett Rush C (Bridget) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Russell A (Ruth E) ofc wkr KVPCo h219 Nelson av
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) pntr 114 S Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1952.

  • Sackett Bernard P (Betty J) prsmn KVPCo r926 E Walnut
  • Sackett Bridget M (wid Rush C) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda A) formn Farm Serv h1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Fredk B (Mary) detective Police Dept h433 Hutchinson
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys E) mtcemn Kal Stove h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) linemn Consumers Power r Fennville
  • Sackett Richd M (Shirley M) mtcemn Peter Eckrich & Sons h213 W Frank
  • Sackett Russell A (Ruth E) clk KVPCo h204 Nelson av
  • Sackett Wayne B pntr 209 N Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1956.

  • Sackett Bernard P (Eliz) driver Bosker Brick r5145 Keyes dr (P)
  • Sackett Bridget M (wid Rush) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett David K studt r 204 N Nelson av
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda) silo coater Farm Service b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Gary N carpet layer Vermeulen Furn h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Herbert G formn Bosker Brick Co r1721 Winters dr
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys) h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett John (Reta) dentist 3821 S Westnedge av h3311 Konkle
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) linemn Consumers Power (Fennville, Mich) r RD 1 Box 36 Fennville, Mich
  • Sackett Richd (Shirley A) mtcemn Peter Eckrich & Sons h3704 Iroquois trail
  • Sackett Russell A (Ruth E) acct KVP Co h204 N Nelson av
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) decorator 209 N Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1958.

  • Sackett Bernard (Betty) driver Bosker Brick r2212 Lansing
  • Sackett Bridget M (wid Sack D) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett David R atndt Harvey's Gulf Serv r Cooper Mich
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda A) silo bldr Farm Serv Co b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Gary N (Gail D) mach Natl Water Lift Co h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Herbert G (Pauline A) mgr Bosker Brick Co r1721 Winters dr
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys E) h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Hubert mgr Bosker Brick Co
  • Sackett John (Rita L) dentist 3907 S Westnedge av h3311 Konkle
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) linemn Consumers Pwr r RD 1 Fennville Mich
  • Sackett Nancy G ofc sec Stapleton Huff Adams & Burgie r209 N Dartmouth
  • Sackett Richd M (Shirley A) eng Peter Eckrich & Sons h3704 Iroquois trail
  • Sackett Ronald gluer Kal Staty r6273 14th
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) dec 209 N Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1959.

  • Sackett Bernard E (Betty) slsmn Bosker Brick r2212 Lansing
  • Sackett Bridgett M (wid Russell) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda) carp Farm Serv b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Gary N (Gail D) grinder Natl Waterlift h709 Stockbridge av
  • Sackett Herbert G (Pauline) v-pres Bosker Brick Co r1721 Winters dr
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys A) h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett John (Reta) dentist 3907 S Westnedge av h3311 Konkle
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) linemn Consumers Power r RD 1 Box 36 Fennville Mich
  • Sackett Nancey G ofc sec Stapelton, Huff, Adams & Burgie r209 N Dartmouth
  • Sackett Richd M (Shirley) refrigeration eng Peter Eckrich & Sons h3704 Iroquois trail
  • Sackett Ronald L cutter Kal Stationery r6273 14th
  • Sackett Wayne B (Zelma I) pntr 209 N Dartmouth h do

Kalamazoo City Directory, 1960.

  • Sackett Bernard mgr Bosker Brick r2212 Lansing
  • Sackett Bridgett M (wid Rush) h1023 N Church
  • Sackett Frank G (Wanda A) silo repr Farm Serv Silo b1320 Upland dr
  • Sackett Gary N (Gail D) grinder National Water Lift h1828 Van Zee
  • Sackett Herbert G v-pres Bosker Brick r5536 Lovers la
  • Sackett Howard H (Gladys E) h525 Trimble av
  • Sackett Jerome G floorman for TV Fetzer Broadcasting r6953 West G av RD 1
  • Sackett John (Reta L) dentist 3907 S Westnedge av r RD 7
  • Sackett Lawrence R (Martha) lineman Consumers Power r Fennville Mich
  • Sackett Margt pbx opr Kal Information Desk r6953 West G av
  • Sackett Nancy sec Stapleton Adams Burgie & Kidston r515 Larkspur

"US City Directories." Digital image. (