John Sackett

FatherHenry Sackett (1710/11-1790)
MotherElizabeth Clifford (c 1709-1786)
Baptism1743, Birchington, KentG,1
Death1827, St Peter in ThanetG
Marriage1773, St John in ThanetGCatherine Andrews2
John Sackett, yeoman of Northwood, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, son of Henry Sackett and Elizabeth Clifford, was baptized at Birchington, KentG, on 20 December 1743.1 He died aged 83 in St Peter in ThanetG on 11 March 1827 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 17 March 1827.3,4,5 He married at St John in ThanetG on 19 May 1773, Catherine Andrews.2 Catherine was born in about 1753.6 She died aged 78 in St Peter in ThanetG on 9 October 1831 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 15 October 1831.4,5,7
     John made his will in St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 26 April 1823, naming as beneficiaries his wife Catherine, his sons Vincent, John and Jeremiah, his daughters Elizabeth, Mary and Ann, and his grandson Edward Sackett.8 John left a house and garden at Northwood to each of his daughters Elizabeth and Mary. Bequests to his daughter Ann and sons, John and Jeremiah, were in the form of the waiving of existing loans. His son Vincent was left the residue of the real and personal estate. John's widow Catherine was to be maintained by half-yearly payments from each of her children. John's will named only one of his many grandchildren; his grandson Edward was left an amount of £30, his being singled out perhaps suggesting that he was a godson.
Abstract of will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 26 April 1823.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 7 April 1827.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-107-362.
Testator: John Sackett, yeoman of St Peter in Thanet.
Daughter Elizabeth Sackett, house & garden at Northwood, where she now lives, provided she pays his grandson Edward Sackett £30 at age 21. If Edward dies before 21, she pays £30 to the Executors.
Daughter Mary Fox, new house & garden at Northwood, now occupied by Francis Davis, provided she pays £30 to his son John Sackett within 12 months.
Son Vincent Andrews Sackett, residue of real estate.
Son John Sackett, forgiven repayment of loan of £20.
Son Jeremiah Sackett, forgiven repayment of loan of £100.
Daughter Ann Cook, £100 to be paid to her out of the money owed by her husband John Cook.
All above legacies conditional that each of them contribute 20/- per year, in equal half-yearly payments on 10 April & 11 October, towards support of their mother & his wife Catherine Sackett.
Son Vincent Andrews Sackett, residue of personal estate, conditional on payment of debts, etc., & on paying anything extra needed for maintenance of widow Catherine Sackett.
Executors: Vincent Andrews Sackett & Jonathan Baker of Northwood.
Witnesses: Edward Dering of Margate, Wm Brooks clerk to Mr Dering.

Children of John Sackett and Catherine Andrews

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (transcript), "20 December 1743 John s. Henry & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "19 May 1774 [1773?] John Sacket of St Peter's & Catherine Andrews of this parish."
  3. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "17 March 1827 John Sackett, Northwood, 83."
  4. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St Peter's Thanet, Kent, head & body stone, "John Sackett 11 Mar 1827 aged 83; Katherine ux. 9 Oct 1831 aged 78; (Hannah 13 Jul 1816 aged 55 [crossed out]); Henry Sackett 20 Jan 1818 aged 81." [John & Henry were brothers].
  5. Memorial Inscriptions, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Pat Tritton, Canterbury Cathedral Archives), "Sacred to the memory of Henry son of John and Katherine Sackett of Northwood, who died in the West Indies the 19th June 1806 aged 18 years also Edward, son the above who departed this life October the 21st 1818 aged 27 years Likewise two of their children who died in infancy Also of the above named John Sackett who departed this life March 11 1827 aged 83 years also of Katherine Sackett wife of the above who died October 9 1831 aged 78 years also of Vincent Andrew Sackett who died June 5, 1883, aged 90 years."
  6. Date of birth based on age at death.
  7. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, "15 October 1831 Katherine Sackett, Northdown, 78."
  8. Will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 26 April 1823, proved at Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 7 April 1827 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-107-362).
Appears inSackett snippets
Sackett line4th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 4 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
Henry Sackett & Elizabeth Sackett relationship chart
John Jeremiah W Sackett & Julia Catherine Cook Sackett relationship chart
Sackett shipwrights of London
Last Edited23 Oct 2022

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven