Elizabeth Sackett

FatherRobert Sackett (1659-1704/5)
MotherElizabeth Neame (c 1660-1715)
Baptism30 August 1685, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Robert Sackett and Elizabeth Neame, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 30 August 1685.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "30 August 1685 Elizabeth d. Robert & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Mary Sackett

FatherRobert Sackett (1659-1704/5)
MotherElizabeth Neame (c 1660-1715)
Baptism16 November 1691, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
DeathDecember 1695, St Peter in ThanetG
Mary Sackett, daughter of Robert Sackett and Elizabeth Neame, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 16 November 1691.1 She died in childhood and was buried there on 6 December 1695.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "16 November 1691 Mary d. Robert & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "6 December 1695 Mary Sackett d. of Robert & Elizabeth."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Captain John Sackett

FatherRobert Sackett (1659-1704/5)
MotherElizabeth Neame (c 1660-1715)
Baptism11 October 1697, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Death17 November 1753, MargateG,2
Marriage2 May 1728, Canterbury St Mary Magdalen, KentGElizabeth Mockett3,4
Captain John Sackett, mariner of Margate, Kent, son of Robert Sackett and Elizabeth Neame, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 11 October 1697.1 He died aged 56 in MargateG on 17 November 17532 and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 26 November 1753.5,2 He married at Canterbury St Mary Magdalen, KentG, on 2 May 1728, Elizabeth Mockett.3,4 Elizabeth was born about 1704.6 She died aged 92 in MargateG on 9 March 17972 and was buried at St John in ThanetG on 11 March 1797.7,2
     Captain John Sackett, as master of the ship Bedwell, was involved in a trade dispute in 1734/35 when he brought an action in the Court of Chancery against Richard Griffin and James Bradley, alleging that Griffin and Bradley were in breach of contract having failed to provide a cargo of 150 hogsheads of tobacco which Captain Sackett was to have shipped from Virginia to London in 1733. The defendants argued that Sackett's ship was late in arriving at Virginia because he had called first without agreement at Lisbon in Portugal, a charge refuted by Sackett who claimed the Lisbon diversion was agreed and that he had arrived in Virginia in good time.8
     The Bedwell foundered on the coast of Cadiz, Spain, on 4 July 1734, the newspapers reporting that

On the 4th Instant in the Morning, the ship Bedwell, Captain Sackett, from London, laden with Wheat, unfortunately run ashore coming into this Bay and is intirely lost, and only a few Sacks of her cargo is saved.9,10

     Captain Sackett, and his ship Prince William, survived an Atlantic storm in October and November 1738 when returning to London from Antigua. Once safely anchored at Spithead, in the shelter of the Solent estuary, and before sailing on to London, Captain Sackett reported

That on the 22d of October last, being on his Passage, in the Latitude of 41 Degrees, he met with a Storm of Wind at W.N.W. and S.W. which lasted for six Days, by which he shipp'd a great Quantity of Water; and on the 24th of November he shipp'd a Sea, which fill'd his Decks fore and aft; stav'd both his Boats, and wash'd them over-board, broke the Stancheons between Decks, stove a Hogshead of Rum in the Hold, tore up the larboard Gunnel fore and aft, broke several Top-timbers, wash'd away the Fire-place, Hen-coops, Water-casks, Binnacle, two Compasses, Spare-yards, Top masts, Booms, Fore-tops, Tarpawlins of five Hatches; so much Water fell between Decks as stove and wash'd overboard the Mens Chests, broke the Tiller, knock'd the Man down at the Helm and bruis'd him very much, and the Ship lay Gunnel under Water for two Hours.11

     In 1746 Captain Sackett's ship Sarah and Elizabeth and another ship were captured by French Men of War while returning to England from Antigua in company with the West India Fleet. Both ships were subsequently retaken by British privateers, and Captain Sackett was able to sail to Kinsale in southern Ireland.12
     John made his will in MargateG on 25 April 1741.13 He left all his real and personal estate to his wife Elizabeth, and appointed her executrix. The will was proved in the Prerogative Court of CanterburyG on 18 December 1753.
     John's widow Elizabeth made her will in MargateG on 20 April 1754, naming as beneficiaries her daughters Mary and Elizabeth.14 She made special provision for her younger daughter Elizabeth, bequeathing to her all goods and furniture in the back chamber, plus £50, "to make her equal with my eldest daughter who was so much better advanced and provided for by my late and loving husband John Sackett deceased than my youngest daughter was by him." Elizabeth made her will just a few months after the death of her husband, presumably with the intention of rectifying what she thought to have been unfair, although she was herself to live for a further 43 years. Subject to this adjustment in favour of Elizabeth, the two daughters were to share equally the remaining monies, stocks, and personal estate "both in England and in the Island of Autego [Antigua]." Her will was proved on 29 March 1797 at the Prerogative Court of CanterburyG, probate being granted to her daughter Elizabeth as the surviving executrix.
Abstract of will of John Sackett of Margate, Kent.
Date: 25 April 1741.
Proved: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 December 1753.
Source: National Archives, Kew, PROB 11/805 quire 326.
Testator: John Sackett, mariner, of Margate, Kent.
Wife Elizabeth, all real & personal estate.
Executrix: wife Elizabeth.
Witnesses: Philip Street, Wm Taylor, Edmund Amos.
Abstract of will of Elizabeth Sackett of Margate, Isle of Thanet, Kent.
Date: 20 April 1754.
Proved: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 March 1797, to daughter Elizabeth as surviving executrix.
Source: National Archives, Kew, PROB 11/1288 quire 205.
Testatrix: Elizabeth Sackett, widow, Margate, Isle of Thanet.
Daughter Elizabeth Sackett, all goods & furniture in back chamber, plus £50 "to make her equal with my eldest daughter who was so much better advanced & provided for by my late dear & loving husband John Sackett decd. than my youngest daughter was by him."
Daughter Mary Wynn, wife of John Wynn of St John, Wapping, Middlesex, pewterer; and daughter Elizabeth Sackett, equal shares in residue of monies, stocks, household goods & chattels, clothes & personal estate both in England & in Island of Autego [?Antigua].
Executors: John Wynn, son-in-law, & Elizabeth Sackett, daughter.
Witnesses: Daniel Butler, Mary Butler.

Children of Captain John Sackett and Elizabeth Mockett

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "11 October 1697 John s. Robert & Elizabeth Sackett."
  2. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St John's Church, Margate, Kent, headstone, "John Sackett, Marr. [?mariner] 17 Nov 1753 aged 57; Elizabeth, ux. 9 Mar 1797 aged 92; Elizabeth, their daughter, 7 Sep 1797 aged 65."
  3. Marriage Licences, Canterbury, Kent, "2 May 1728 John Sackett, bachelor & Elizabeth Mockett, spinster, both of St John in Thanet. At St Alphege or St Mary Magdalen Canterbury or St John in Thanet."
  4. Marriages Register, St Mary Magdalen, Canterbury, Kent, "2 May 1728 John Sackett, bachelor, & Elizabeth Mockett, spinster. Both of St John in Thanet. Licence."
  5. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "26 November 1753 Capt. John Sackett."
  6. Date of birth based on age at death.
  7. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "11 March 1797 Elizabeth Sacket wid. of Capt. John, 92."
  8. Sackett v. Griffin (1734-36), proceedings in the Court of Chancery (National Archives), transcript.
  9. British Newspapers Collection, "Newcastle Courant" (Findmypast image), 20 Jul 1734, "extract of a Letter from Cadiz, dated July 6, N.S."
  10. It is unclear whether the Chancery Court action was begun on 7 March 1734, and therefore before the loss of the Bedwell on 4 July 1734, or on 7 March 1734/35, after the ship's loss.
  11. British Newspapers Collection, "Newcastle Courant" , 6 January 1739, "Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Dec. 25."
  12. British Newspapers Collection, "Caledonian Mercury", Edinburgh (Findmypast image), 10 November 1746.
    "From the London Evening Post, Nov. 4.
    "The Elizabeth, Frazer, and the Sarah and Elizabeth, Sackett, both from Antigua, that were taken out of the West-India Fleet by the French Men of War who chased it, are retaken by the London Privateer, Capt. Barker and the Garland Privateer, Capt. Taverner. The Elizabeth is sent into Plymouth, and the Sarah and Elizabeth to Kinsale."
  13. Will of John Sackett of Margate, Kent, 25 April 1741, proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 December 1753 (National Archives, PROB 11/805 quire 326).
  14. Will of Elizabeth Sackett of Margate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, 20 April 1754, proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 29 March 1797 (National Archives, PROB 11/1288 quire 205).
Appears inNotable Sacketts
Sackett line6th great-grandson of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited22 Apr 2021

Mary Sackett

FatherRobert Sackett (1659-1704/5)
MotherElizabeth Neame (c 1660-1715)
Baptism2 November 1701, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Mary Sackett, daughter of Robert Sackett and Elizabeth Neame, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 2 November 1701.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "2 November 1701 Mary d. Robert & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Henry Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism20 February 1693/94, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Henry Sackett, son of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 20 February 1693/94.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "20 February 1693/94 Henry s. Thomas Sackett."
Sackett line6th great-grandson of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism8 November 1696, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
DeathDecember 1696, St John in ThanetG
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 8 November 1696.1 She died in infancy and was buried there on 26 December 1696.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "8 November 1696 Elizabeth d. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "26 December 1696 Elizabeth Sackett d. Thomas."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Frances Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism15 April 1699, St John in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage24 October 1725, St John in ThanetGHenry Rolfe2
Frances Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 15 April 1699.1 She died aged about 66 and was buried there on 28 February 1766.3 She married there on 24 October 1725, Henry Rolfe.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St John in Thanet, Kent, "15 April 1699 Frances d. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "24 October 1725 Henry Rolfe, bachelor, & Frances Sackette, spinster."
  3. Burials Register, St John's Church, Margate, Kent (Ancestry transcript), "28 Feb 1766, Frances Rooff, w. of Henry Rooff Sr."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Danielle Pray.
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Sarah Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism2 August 1702, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Sarah Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 2 August 1702.1

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "2 August 1702 Sarah d. Thomas & Frances Sackett."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Elizabeth Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism11 February 1704/5, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 11 February 1704/5.1 She may have been the Elizabeth Sackett who married John Hodgeman at St Peter in Thanet in 1737.2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "11 February 1704/05 Elizabeth d. Thomas & Frances Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "30 September 1737 John Hodgeman [or Hagman?] & Elizabeth Sackett."
Sackett line6th great-granddaughter of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited23 Nov 2019

Thomas Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett (1662-after 1716)
MotherFrances Cooke (c 1671-1714)
Baptism25 July 1708, St Peter in ThanetG,1
Death31 August 1775, St Peter in ThanetG
Marriage2 September 1735, St Peter in ThanetGMary Philpot2
Thomas Sackett, yeoman of Broadstairs, Kent, son of Thomas Sackett and Frances Cooke, was baptized at St Peter in ThanetG on 25 July 1708.1 He died aged 67 on 31 August 1775 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 3 September 1775.3,4 He married at St Peter in ThanetG on 2 September 1735, Mary Philpot.2 Mary was born about 1708.5 She died aged 67 on 9 September 1775, nine days after her husband, and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG.4 There were no children of the marriage.
     Thomas made his will in Broadstairs, KentG, on 9 October 1769. The sole beneficiary was his wife Mary to whom he left all his real and personal estate.6
Abstract of will of Thomas Sackett of Broadstairs, Kent.
Date: 9 October 1769.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 23 September 1775.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-99-320.
Testator: Thomas Sackett, yeoman, Broadstairs, Kent.
Wife Mary, all real & personal estate.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Findmypast image), "25 July 1708 Thomas s. Thomas & Frances Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "2 September 1735 Thomas Sacket & Mary Philpot."
  3. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "3 September 1775 Thomas Sackett, 67."
  4. Thanet Obituary (monumental inscriptions), St Peter's Church, Thanet, Kent, headstone,"Thomas Sackett, 31 August 1775 aged 67; Mary ux., 9 September 1775 aged 67."
  5. Birth date calculated from age at death.
  6. Will of Thomas Sackett of Broadstairs, Kent, 9 October 1769, proved at Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 23 September 1775 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-99-320).
Sackett line6th great-grandson of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Last Edited28 Dec 2019

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven