US City Directories, Pennsylvania

313 records

Bethlehem | Bradford | Crawford County | Meadville | New Kensington | Philadelphia | Pittsburgh (& Sewickley) | Reading | Sharon (& Sharpsville) | Smithfield | Titusville, Franklin, and Oil City


Bethlehem City Directory, 1941.

Bethlehem City Directory, 1943.

  • Sackett Cora P wid Harry P [sic] r 934 Highland av
  • Sackett H Stanley clk h 501 Center apt B

Bethlehem City Directory, 1945.

  • Sackett Cora P wid Harry O r 934 Highland av
  • Sackett H Stanley clk h 503 Center apt A

Bethlehem City Directory, 1947.


Bradford City Directory, 1909.

Bradford City Directory, 1913.

Crawford County

Crawford County Directory, 1871–72
Mead Township.

  • Sackett Roland, laborer
  • Sackett Leonard, laborer
  • Sackett W D, carpenter
  • Sackett James, R R clerk
  • Sackett Edson, farmer
  • Sackett J B, laborer
  • Sackett L D, farmer
  • Sackett Joseph, farmer
  • Sackett E B R, farmer

Crawford County Directory, 1874.

Crawford County Directory, 1897–98
Blooming Valley Borough.

Crawford County Directory, 1899–1900
Blooming Valley Borough.


Meadville Directory, 1897.

  • Sackett, A T, ticket agt Erie R R, h 488 Chestnut.
  • Sackett, Bertha, h 883 Liberty.
  • Sackett, Elizabeth, bookkeeper, h e s Park ave, 2nd n of Randolph.
  • Sackett, Etta, teacher, h e s Park ave, 2d n of Randolph.
  • Sackett, Gertrude, h 883 Liberty.
  • Sackett, J W, pianos, organs and musical merchandise, 299 Chestnut.
  • Sackett, Marion J, student, h 883 Liberty.
  • Sackett, Myron W, recorder, 920 Water, h 883 Liberty.
  • Sackett, W D, salesman, h e s Park ave, 2d n of Randolph.

Meadville City Directory, 1905.

  • Sackett, Albert T (H Virginia G) ticket agt. h 488 Chestnut
  • Sackett, Bertha, student, res 883 Liberty
  • Sackett, Edgar H, business mgr Tribune-Rep, res 883 Liberty
  • Sackett, Myron W (Sarah V) Supreme Recorder AOUW 902 Diamond sq. h 883 Liberty
  • Sackett, Ward M, electrical engineer, res 883 Liberty

Meadville City Directory, 1912.

  • Sackett, C Elizabeth, bkkpr 216 Chestnut, res 873 Liberty
  • Sackett, Edgar H, adv mgr Tribune-Republican 283 Chhestnut, res 883 Liberty
  • Sackett, Marietta, res 873 Liberty
  • Sackett, Mary, (wid J T) res 1001 Market
  • Sackett, Myron W (Sarah V) supreme recorder AOUW 244 Arch, h 883 Liberty

Meadville City Directory, 1951.

  • Sackett Chas F (Alberta) mach Barrett Mach Tool Co h424 Baldwin
  • Sackett Gerald A (Ruth M) emp McCrosky Tool Corp r RD 2
  • Sackett Iva B Mrs h567 Pine
  • Sackett John T tchr Meadville High Sch h Peninsula rd (Vernon twp)
  • Sackett Marietta r873 Liberty

Meadville City Directory, 1953.

  • Sackett Chas F (Alberta) mach Barrett Mach Tool Co h424 Baldwin
  • Sackett Iva B Mrs h567 Pine
  • Sackett John T tchr Meadville High Sch h Peninsula rd
  • Sackett Ruth (wid Gerald) h1044 S Main

Meadville City Directory, 1956.

  • Sackett Chas F jr clk Loblaw's Inc r RD 1 Saegertown Pa
  • Sackett Iva B Mrs clk County Sheriff's Ofc h567 Pine
  • Sackett John T (Jean) tchr Meadville HS h Peninsula rd (F)
  • Sackett Ruth (wid Gerald) h1044 S Main

New Kensington

New Kensington City Directory, 1911.

New Kensington City Directory, 1915.

  • Sackett Leroy S, mill wkr, res 106 Cherry.
  • Sackett Madeline L, res 106 Cherry.
  • Sackett Samuel S, billiards 106 Cherry, h same.
  • Sackett Wm E, mill wkr, res 106 Cherry.

New Kensington City Directory, 1927.

  • Sackett Leroy S (Lillian) cond A V St Ry Co h348 Mile Lock lane, Brackenridge Pa


Philadelphia City Directory, 1865.

Philadelphia City Directory, 1866.

Philadelphia City Directory, 1867.

Philadelphia City Directory, 1868.

Philadelphia City Directory, 1870.

  • Sackett Delos B., u.s.a., 217 S Broad, h 1813 Spruce
  • Sackett Jacob R., hotel, 4805 & h 4803 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett Joseph liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett, Davis & Co. (Foreign), jewellers, 38 S 3d

Philadelphia City Directory, 1871.

  • Sackett Delos B., u.s.a., 217 S Broad, h 1813 Spruce
  • Sackett Jacob R., hotel, 4805 & h 4803 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett Joseph, liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett, Davis & Co. (Foreign), jeweller, 38 S 3d

Philadelphia City Directory, 1872.

  • Sackett Belos [sic], u.s.a., h 1711 Locust
  • Sackett Jacob R., liqrs, 408 Library, h 4803 Fkd
  • Sackett Joseph, liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett, Davis & Co. (Foreign), jewellers, 38 S 3d

Philadelphia City Directory, 1873.

  • Sacket Delos B., insp u.s.a., 1139 Girard, h 1511 Spruce
  • Sackett Jacob R., liquors, 408 Library, h 4803 Fkd
  • Sackett Joseph, liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1874.

  • Sacket Delos B., u.s.a., h 1511 Spruce
  • Sackett Joseph, liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1876.

  • Sackett Joseph L., liquors, 4621 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., Jr., salesman, h 605 E Cumberland

Philadelphia City Directory, 1877.

Philadelphia City Directory, 1878.

  • Sackett Joseph, liquors Kensington av c N Front
  • Sackett Winfield S., liquors, 4704 Fkd, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1880.

  • Sackett George W., h 1944 Woodstock
  • Sackett Joseph L., liquors, 4520 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett William, salesman, 916 Chestnut, h 2816 Fkd av
  • Sackett Winfield S., h 4908 Cedar, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1881.

  • Sackett George W., bartender, h 2009 N 9th
  • Sackett Joseph L., liquors, 4520 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 2816 Fkd av
  • Sackett Winfield S., h 4908 Cedar, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1882.

  • Sackett George W., bartender, h 815 Norris
  • Sackett Joseph L., liquors, 4520 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 2816 Fkd av
  • Sackett Winfield S., segars, 4229 Cedar, h Cedar ab [sic] Foulkrod, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1883.

  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 818 Berks
  • Sackett Joseph L., liquors, 4520 Fkd, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., slsmn, h 527 E Cumberland
  • Sackett Winfield S., segars, 4229 Cedar, h Cedar n Foulkrod, Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1884.

  • Sackett E. Wayne, physician, 925 N 12th
  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 818 Berks
  • Sackett Mary, widow, h 301 Adams, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 527 E Cumberland

Philadelphia City Directory, 1885.

  • Sackett E. W., physician, 925 N 12th
  • Sackett George, clerk, h 818 Berks
  • Sackett Mary, wid Joseph h 301 Pine, Fkd
  • Sackett William P., salesmn, h 527 E Cumberland

Philadelphia City Directory, 1886.

  • Sackett Edgar W., physician, 925 N 12th
  • Sackett George, bartender, h 605 Girard av
  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 818 Berks
  • Sackett William P., salesmn, h 2128 E Cumberland

Philadelphia City Directory, 1887.

  • Sackett Edgar W., physician, 1624 N 13th
  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 1813 N 8th
  • Sackett Robert J., salesman, h 2227 Coral
  • Sackett Thomas, painter, h 668 N 8th
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 3040 Fkd av

Philadelphia City Directory, 1888.

  • Sackett Edgar W., physician, h 162 N 13th
  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 1813 N 8th
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 1009 S 49th

Philadelphia City Directory, 1889.

  • Sackett & Wilhelm's Lithogaphing Co. (foreign), 119 S 4th
  • Sackett E. Wayne, physician, 1622 N 13th
  • Sackett George W., clerk, h 1813 N 8th
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 1009 S 49th

Philadelphia City Directory, 1892.

  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Co. (foreign), 66 Forrest Bldg
  • Sackett George W., livery, 2029 & h 2036 Franklin
  • Sackett Mary A., wid Joseph, h r 4263 Fkd av
  • Sackett William A., student, h 3207 Sansom
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 1009 S 49th
  • Sackett Winfield S., segars, 2d st pk, Oxford ch

Philadelphia City Directory, 1893.

  • Sackett Edgar W., physician, 1737 N 19th
  • Sackett George W., livery, 2027 Franklin
  • Sackett Mary A., wid Joseph, h r 4200 Fkd av
  • Sackett William P., salesman, h 1009 S 49th
  • Sackett Winfield S., segars, 2d st pk c Milltown rd, Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1894.

  • Sackett & Co., Ltd, silversmiths, 924 Chestnut
  • Sackett Edgar W., physician, 1735 N 19th
  • Sackett George W., livery, 2031 & h 2027 Franklin
  • Sackett Mary A., wid Joseph, h r 4200 Fkd av
  • Sackett William P., pres, 924 Chestnut, h 1009 S 49th

Philadelphia City Directory, 1897.

  • Sackett & Co., Ltd. (Wm P. Sackett & Chas A Kurlbaum), silversmiths, 924 Chestnut
  • Sackett Edgar W., physician 1716 N 22d
  • Sackett Jos, polisher, h 1931 John, Fkd
  • Sackett Julius, waiter, h 15 Hickey
  • Sackett Wm P. (Sackett & Co., Ltd.), 1009 S 49th
  • Sackett Winfield S., inspector, 610 City Hall, h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1899.

  • Sackett Fannie Y., wid Geo W., h 7121 Woodland av
  • Sackett Jacob, polisher, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Jos, polisher, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Mary, wid Jos, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Wm P., buyer, Chestnut c S 13th, h Rittenhouse
  • Sackett Winfield S, inspector, h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1900.

  • Sackett A.H., clerk, h 1211 Green
  • Sackett Emma W., wid E. Wayne, h 1913 Master
  • Sackett Jno H., salesman, h 1526 E Montg'y av
  • Sackett Wm P., h The Rittenhouse
  • Sackett Winfield S, inspector, h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1901.

  • Sackett Albert, actor, h 710 N 8th
  • Sackett Emma R., boarding, 1913 Master
  • Sackett Fanny, wid Geo, h 7121 Woodland av
  • Sackett Jacob, clerk, h 1510 Harrison, Fkd
  • Sackett Jno, ins agt, h Oxford pk n Cottman, Oxford Church
  • Sackett Jno H., silversmith, h 1526 E Montg'y av
  • Sackett Mary A., wid Jos, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Wm P., h Hotel Rittenhouse

Philadelphia City Directory, 1902.

  • Sackett Albert, mgr, h 3845 Haverford
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Co. (foreigh), lithographers, 728 Cherry
  • Sackett Emma R., wid Edwin, h 1401 N 17th
  • Sackett Harry, dentist, 1319 S 15th
  • Sackett Jno H., silversmith, h 1526 E Montg'y av
  • Sackett Mary A., wid Jos, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Russell, ins, h Oxford rd n Parry's la, Oxford Church
  • Sackett Wm P., h The Normandie
  • Sackett Winfield S., inspector, h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1905.

  • Sackett & Wilhelms Co. (foreign), lithographers, 728 Cherry
  • Sackett Fannie Y., wid Geo W., h 6710 Woodland av
  • Sackett Fredk H., machinist, h 6032 State rd, Wissino
  • Sackett Jacob, h 1743 Gillingham, Fkd
  • Sackett Joel B., mgr, 408 Odd Fellows' Temple, h 147 N Juniper
  • Sackett Jno H., salesman, h 1526 E Montg'y av
  • Sackett J., apartments, 132 N 18th
  • Sackett Wall Board Co. (foreign), builders' mtls, 929 Chestnut
  • Sackett Wm P., buyer, h The Belgravia
  • Sackett Winfield S., inspector, h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1908.

  • Sacketa [sic] Linda, cigars, 1331 Mifflin
  • Sacketa [sic] Peter, musician, h 1331 Mifflin
  • Sackett Frances, wid Geo, W h 6934 Paschall av
  • Sackett Fredk P, supt, h 5443 Christian
  • Sackett Jos L. condtr. h 1743 Gillingham Fkd

Philadelphia City Directory, 1909.

  • Sackett Frances wid Geo W h 6934 Paschall av
  • Sackett Fredk D printer h 5443 Christian
  • Sackett Jos millwkr h 4544 Hedge Fkd
  • Sackett Linda cigars 1331 Mifflin
  • Sackett Peter musician h 1331 Mifflin

Philadelphia City Directory, 1910.

  • Sackett Frances Y wid Geo W h 6934 Paschall av
  • Sackett Fredk D supt h 5443 Christian
  • Sackett Jos polisher h 4544 Hedge Fkd
  • Sackett Linda confectr & cigars 1331 Mifflin
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Co of NY (The) machinery 1504 Real Estate Trust bldg H R Maas rep

Philadelphia City Directory, 1911.

  • Sackett Frances wid Geo W h 6934 Paschall av
  • Sackett Fredk D clk h 5443 Christian
  • Sackett Jos lab h 4544 Hedge Fkd
  • Sackett Peter cigars 1247 Wolf
  • Sackett Winfield inspr h Lawndale

Philadelphia City Directory, 1916.

  • Sackett Abraham M tailor h 424 Moore
  • Sackett Chas F mgr h 906 S 47th
  • Sackett Clifford clk h 6907 RSun av
  • Sackett Florence B bookkpr h 1005 Robbins Lawndale
  • Sackett Fredk carp h 461 Queen Gtn
  • Sackett Fredk D supt h 5443 Christian
  • Sackett's Hall 6433 RSun av
  • Sackett Harriet wid Lee h 743 McClellan
  • Sackett Harry A printer h 4403 Walnut
  • Sackett Jos lab h 1743 Gillingham Fkd
  • Sackett Linda cigars 1301 Clearfield
  • Sackett Nicholas barber h 1328 Castle av
  • Sackett Peter musician h 1301 Clearfield
  • Sackett Russell R ins agt h 4608 Paul Fkd
  • Sackett Winfield S inspr h 1005 Robbins Lawndale


Pittsburgh City Directory, 1869.

  • Sackett H. W., of Pickersgill, Lyons & Co., Gum and Bedford av
  • Sackett Samuel, restaurant, 167 Wood, h Jail ay [sic]

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1872.

  • Sackett Alexander, machinist, Mackrells row, Twenty-fourth
  • Sackett H. W., of Pickersgill, Lyons & Co., 3 Scott
  • Sackett Priscilla, wid Samuel, Mackrells row, Twenty-fourth
  • Sackett Samuel, saloon, 1 Wood
  • Sackett M W, of M W Sackett & Co, Ellaworth av, 20th ward
  • Sackett M. W. & Co., china, glass and queensware, 363 Liberty

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1877.

  • Sackett Calvin, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Edward, painter, 75 Logan
  • Sackett H W, of Sackett & Jennings, 3 Scott
  • Sackett Jennie, teacher, Hiland av, n Ross
  • Sackett M W, of M W Sackett & Co, Collins av and Hoeveler, 19th wd
  • Sackett M. W. & Co., Manufrs. of White Granite C. C. and Decorated Queensware, 29 Wood
  • Sackett Samuel S, eating house, 60 Fourth av
  • H. W. Sackett. T. Dale Jennings. Sackett & Jennings, Successors to Pickersgill, Lyons & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Looking Glasses, of Every Description; Also, Mouldings, Ovals, Chromos, Engravings, &c. 157 Wood Street.

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1878.

  • Sackett H W, of Sackett & Jennings, 3 Scott
  • Sackett Calvin, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Edward, painter, 75 Logan
  • East End Institute, for Young Ladies. Mis J. H. Sackett and Mrs. Helen S. Ford, Principals. Penn Avenue, between Station and Bridge, E.E.
  • Sackett Jennie H, prin East End Institute, Penn av, n Station, e e
  • Sackett M W, of M W Sackett & Co, h Hoeveler and Collins av, e e
  • H. W. Sackett. T. Dale Jennings. Sackett & Jennings, Successors to Pickersgill, Lyons & Co. Manuf'rs and Dealers in Looking Glasses of Every Description; Also, Mouldings, Ovals, Chromos, Engravings, &c. 157 Wood Street.
  • Sackett M. W. & Co., Manfrs. of White Granite C. C. and Decorated Queensware, 29 Wood
  • Sackett Saml S, electrician, 54 Fourth av

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1881.

  • Sackett Rev Calvin, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Edward W, painter, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Jennie H, prin East End Institute, Penn av, n R R, 19th wd
  • Sackett Saml S, electrician, 113 Smithfield

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1887.

  • Sackett Rev Calvin, teacher, 75 Logan
  • Sackett E W, painter, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Saml S, electrician, 510 Smithfield

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1888.

  • Sackett Calvin C, 75 Logan
  • Sackett Edwd W, painter, 75 Logan
  • Sackett H A, painter, 72 Third av
  • Sackett Saml S, electrician, 510 Smithfield

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1890.

  • Sackett Edwd W, painter, 73 Logan
  • Sackett Harry, warerouseman [sic], Westinghouse Elec Co, h Sewickley, PFW & C Ry
  • Sackett Saml S, electric battery, 510 Smithfield

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1891.

  • Sackett Alex, mach, 36 Third av
  • Sackett Edwd W, painter, 22 Sedgwick, A
  • Sackett Harriett, wid Calvin, 22 Sedgwick, A
  • Sackett Harry O, clk Penna Co, h Sewickley, PFW & C Ry
  • Sackett Saml, electrician, 510 Smithfield

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1892.

  • Sackett D W, painter, 22 Sedgwick, A
  • Sackett Harriett, wid Calvin, 22 Sedgwick, A
  • Sackett Harry O, clk Penna Co, h Sewickley, PFW & C Ry

Pittsburgh City Directory (Sewickley section), 1898.

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1917.

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1929.

Pittsburgh City Directory, 1932.


Reading City Directory, 1927.

  • Sackett Calvin B., (Maizie), supt, 529 Court, h 116 S 5th
  • Sackett Emily R., phone opr, h 2511 Noble, W. Lawn
  • Sackett Sabina D., pairer, h 2511 Noble, W. Lawn


Sharon City Directory (Sharpsville section), 1928.

Sharon City Directory (Sharpsville section), 1930.

  • Sackett Chas S r120 N Locust
  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) lab h120 N Locust
  • Sackett Raymond student r120 N Locust

Sharon City Directory, 1935.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) coil prsr WE&MCo h1645 Hall av
  • Sackett Raymond C r1645 Hall av

Sharon City Directory, 1937.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) fctywkr WE&MCo h1645 Hall av
  • Sackett Raymond C r1645 Hall av

Sharon City Directory, 1939.

Sharon City Directory, 1940.

Sharon City Directory, 1945.

Sharon City Directory, 1947.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) elec wkr WECorp h516 Mimick [sic]
  • Sackett Raymond C (Luella A) bus opr Shenango Valley Trans Co h361 Andrew

Sharon City Directory, 1948.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) elec wkr WECorp h516 Nimick
  • Sackett Raymond C (Louella N) driver Shenango Valley Trans Co h361 Andrew

Sharon City Directory, 1949.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) elec wkr W E Corp h516 Nimick
  • Sackett Ray C (Luella N) driver Shenango Valley Trans h361 Andrew

Sharon City Directory, 1951.

  • Sackett Lyle A (Rebecca) elec wkr W E Corp h516 Nimick
  • Sackett Raymond C (Louella N) driver Shenango Valley Trans Co h361 Andrew

Sharon City Directory, 1956.

Sharon City Directory, 1957.


Smithfield City Directory, 1931.

Smithfield City Directory, 1934.

Titusville, Franklin, and Oil City

Titusville, Franklin, and Oil City Directory, 1871.

  • Sackett Joseph S., sewing machines, 11 Seneca

Titusville Directory, 1895.

  • Sackett Homer M. h. 4 N Kerr
  • Sackett Jesse, plumber, 4 N Kerr

"US City Directories", digital image, Ancestry (