US City Directories, Massachusetts

1,598 records

Boston | Chicopee | Malden | Melrose | Pittsfield | Revere | Somerville | Springfield | West Springfield | Westfield


Boston City Directory, 1825

  • Sacket (Edward) & Applin, (Benjamin) housewrights, Friend
  • Sacket Stephen, Indian doctor, 14 Myrtle

Boston City Directory, 1831

Boston City Directory, 1839

Boston City Directory, 1869

  • Sackett Daniel E. 13 Otis
  • Sackett, Davis, & Co. manuf. jewellers, 114 Tremont

Boston City Directory, 1870

  • Sackett Daniel E. 13 Otis
  • Sackett, Davis, & Co. manuf. jewellers, 114 Tremont

Boston City Directory, 1878

  • Sackett, Davis, & Co. manufacturing jewellers, Studio building, 110 Tremont

Boston City Directory, 1880

  • Sackett Austin D. freight clerk, B.&A.R.R. bds. 50 Harvard

Boston City Directory, 1882

  • Sackett Austin D. bds. 50 Harvard

Boston City Directory, 1890

  • Sackett Austin D. bds. 70 Shawmut av.

Boston City Directory, 1892

  • Sackett Austin D. cigars and tobacco, 291 Tremont, bds. Hotel Windsor

Boston City Directory, 1898

  • Sackett Frederick D. printer, 201 Columbus av. h at Wollaston Heights
  • Sackett Joseph, bookkeeper, bds. 9 Adams, Chsn.
  • Sackett William E. teacher, N.E. Conservatory, bds. 477 Massachusetts av.

Boston City Directory, 1899

  • Sackett Frederick D. printer, 201 Columbus av. h at Wollaston Heights
  • Sackett Wall Board Co., C.H. Eastwick, agent, 113 Devonshire, rm. 59
  • Sackett William E. teacher, N.E. Conservatory, bds. 477 Massachusetts av.

Boston City Directory, 1901

  • Sackett Frederick D. printer, 201 Columbus av. h at Wollaston Heights
  • Sackett Wall Board Co. C.H. Eastwick, agent, 113 Devonshire
  • Sackett William E. teacher, N.E. Conservatory, bds. 446 Mass. av.

Boston City Directory, 1902

  • Sackett Frederick C. driver, bds. 1 Johnson av. J.P.
  • Sackett Frederick D. printer, 201 Columbus av. h at Wollaston Heights
  • Sackett Wall Board Co. C.H. Eastwick, agent, 113 Devonshire
  • Sackett William E. teacher, N.E. Conservatory, bds. 168 St. Botolph

Boston City Directory, 1903

  • Sackett Fred, mgr. rms. 81 Dover
  • Sackett Frederick C. driver, bds. 1 Johnson av. J.P.
  • Sackett Frederick D. printer, 201 Columbus av. h at Wollaston Heights
  • Sackett Jasper L. foreman, 404 Atlantic av. h. at Melrose
  • Sackett Screen and Shoot Co. 6 Commercial wharf
  • Sackett Wall Board Co. C.H. Eastwick, agent, 113 Devonshire
  • Sackett William E. teacher, N.E. Conservatory, bds. 168 St. Botolph
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing and Printing Co. 170 Summer, rm. 433

Boston City Directory, 1904

  • Sackett Alice widow of Horace L bds 10 Common
  • Sackett Franklin P bds Hotel Wadsworth
  • Sackett Fred H teamster bds 10 Common Chsn
  • Sackett H B Screen and Chute Co coal handling machinery 6 Commercial wharf
  • Sackett Jasper L foreman 404 Atlantic av h at Melrose
  • Sackett Jerry C barber 65 Federal bds 7 Fountain pl ward 6
  • Sackett Wall Board Co, C H Eastwick agent 113 Devonshire room 60
  • Sackett William E music teacher 168 St Botolph bds do
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing and Printing Co 170 Summer rm 433

Boston City Directory, 1906

  • Sackett Alice widow of Horace L bds 10 Common
  • Sackett Fred S law and collections 431 Old South bldg h at Revere
  • Sackett Jasper L foreman 404 Atlantic av h at Melrose
  • Sackett Wall Board Co, C H Eastwick agent 6 Beacon
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing and Printing Co 170 Summer rm 317

Boston City Directory, 1907

  • Sackett Alice widow of Horace L bds 10 Common
  • Sackett Jasper L mgr 404 Atlantic av h at Melrose
  • Sackett Plaster Board Co C H Eastwick agent 6 Beacon
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing and Printing Co 170 Summer rm 317

Boston City Directory, 1908

  • Sackett Alice widow of Horace L bds 10 Common
  • Sackett Plaster Board Co C H Eastwick agent 6 Beacon
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing & Printing Co 170 Summer rm 317

Boston City Directory, 1910

  • Sackett Fred S investigator h 74 Hollingsworth
  • Sackett Louis J salesman 8 Columbus av rms 31 St Cecilia
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing & Printing Co 170 Summer rm 302

Boston City Directory, 1911

  • Sackett Fred machinist rms 511 Mass av
  • Sackett Jasper L sec 895 Boylston h at Boylston
  • Sackett Louis J salesman 372 Boylston rms 31 St Cecilia
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing & Printing Co 170 Summer rm 302

Boston City Directory, 1912

  • Sackett Charles F salesman 36 Portland
  • Sackett Harold G picture operator h 4 Rosseter Dor
  • Sackett Louis J salesman 372 Boylston rms 31 St Cecilia
  • Sackett Meyer H asst purchasing agt 453 Wash h at Somerville
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing & Printing Co 207 Essex

Boston City Directory, 1913

  • Sackett Harold G rem to Bellingham junction
  • Sackett Louis J salesman rms 31 St Cecilia
  • Sackett Meyer H clerk 33 Broad rm 32 h at Somv
  • Sackett Raymond H clerk 15 State bds at Melrose
  • Sackett Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn

Boston City Directory, 1914

  • Sackett Fred S real estate h 63 Mountfort
  • Sackett Gordon accountant 8 Congress rm 6 bds at Camb
  • Sackett Louis J salesman h 6 Garrison
  • Sackett May Mrs h 1097 Columbus av Rox
  • Sackett Meyer H salesman 10 PO sq h at Somv
  • Sackett Raymond H clerk 15 State bds at Melrose
  • Sackett Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn

Boston City Directory, 1915

  • Sackett Gordon accountant 8 Congress rm 6 h at B'line
  • Sackett Julia widow h 22 Ardale Ros
  • Sackett Kathryn h 204 Hemenway
  • Sackett May Mrs h 1097 Columbus av Rox
  • Sackett Meyer H ins 140 Congress h at Somv
  • Sackett Raymond H clerk 15 State bds at Melrose
  • Sackett Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Co lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 509

Boston City Directory, 1916

  • Sackett Aaron E rms 316 Huntington av
  • Sackett Gordon accountant 8 Congress rm 6 h at B'line
  • Sackett H B Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Julia widow h 51 Symmes Ros
  • Sackett Louis J salesman 664 Commonwealth av bds 232 Bay State rd
  • Sackett Meyer H ins 140 Congress h at Somv
  • Sackett Raymond H clerk 15 State bds at Melrose
  • Sackett Russell M 201 Devonshire h at Winthrop
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Co lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 509

Boston City Directory, 1920

  • Sackett Gordon mgr 75 State rm 31 h at B'line
  • Sackett H B Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Louis G clerk rms 7 Haviland
  • Sackett Mary widow Louis h 19 Elmwood Rox
  • Sackett Raymond H bond salesman 15 State bds at Melrose
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 509

Boston City Directory, 1921

  • Sackett Gordon mgr 79 Milk rm 706 h at B'line
  • Sackett H B Screen and Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Mary widow Louis h 19 Elmwood Rox
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 509

Boston City Directory, 1922

  • Sackett Fred F (Hub Radio Co) 18 Tremont rm 144 h at Melrose
  • Sackett Fred L res 507 Mass av
  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h at Revere
  • Sackett Gordon mgr 79 Milk rm 706 h at B'line
  • Sackett Harold G picture opr 78 Broadway h at N Bellingham
  • Sackett H B Screen & Chute Co 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Mary widow Louis h 19 Elmwood Rox
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 505

Boston City Directory, 1923

  • Sackett Fred S treas First National Radio Corp 148½ Border E B h at Melrose
  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h at Revere
  • Sackett Gordon chartered accountant and production engineer 79 Milk rm 706 h 29 Colburne Crescent B'line
  • Sackett Harold G picture opr 78 Broadway h at N Bellingham
  • Sackett Harry A shipper h 118 Braintree Alls
  • Sackett H B Screen & Chute Co screens 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Mary widow Louis h 19 Elmwood Rox
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 44 Bromfield rm 505

Boston City Directory, 1924

  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h at Revere
  • Sackett Gordon chartered accountant and production engineer 60 State rm 409 h 29 Colburne Crescent B'line
  • Sackett Harold G operator 56 Piedmont res at Bellingham
  • Sackett Harry A clerk h 56 Hano Alls
  • Sackett H B Screen & Chute Co coal dealers' supplies 195 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Reginald salesman 104 Kingston res at Melrose
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1925

  • Sackett Fred S treas Moosehead Paper Co Inc 20 Pemberton sq rm 308 h at Melrose
  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h at Revere
  • Sackett Gordon chartered accountant and production engineer 60 State rm 710 h 29 Colburne Crescent B'line
  • Sackett H B Screen & Chute Co coal dealers' supplies 47 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Harry A clerk h 56 Hano Alls
  • Sackett Harry R mgr 900 Com'lth av h at Springfield
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1926

  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h 45 Barrett Revere
  • Sackett Gordon accountant 80 Federal rm 617 h 29 Colburne Crescent B'line
  • Sackett H B Screen & Chute Co coal dealers' supplies 47 Medford Chsn
  • Sackett Harold C salesman h 362 Columbus av
  • Sackett Harry A clerk h 20 Blaine av Alls
  • Sackett Harry R branch mgr 900 Com'lth av h at Springfield
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1928

  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h 45 Barrett Revere
  • Sackett Harry A clerk h 11 Hano Alls
  • Sackett Kate Mrs res 44 Appleton
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1929

  • Sackett Catherine E widow Henry E res 73 Savin Hill av Dor
  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h 45 Barrett Revere
  • Sackett Gordon accountant 80 Federal rm 535 h at Winchester
  • Sackett Harry A clerk h 11 Hano Alls
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1930

  • Sackett George R supervisor of machinery 1 Ashburton pl h 45 Barrett Revere
  • Sackett Gordon accountant 80 Federal rm 535 h at Winchester
  • Sackett Mary L Mrs res 14 John Eliot sq Rox
  • Sackett Screen Co coal equipment 224 State
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1932

  • Sackett Geo R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 4 Grove Winch
  • Sackett Kenneth G asst cashr 24 Federal 9th fl h 4 Grove Winch
  • Sackett Mary L Mrs rem to Norfolk Downs
  • Sackett Screen Co coal dealers equipment 51 Sleeper
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1152

Boston City Directory, 1933

  • Sackett Geo R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon (May) acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 4 Grove Winch
  • Sackett Katherine Mrs r 139 Appleton
  • Sackett Kenneth G asst cashr 24 Federal 9th fl h at Bline
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 112 Upton Melr
  • Sackett Screen Co coal dlrs equipment 51 Sleeper
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1934

  • Sackett George R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon (May) acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 483 Boylston Bline
  • Sackett Kenneth G asst cashier 24 Federal 9th fl h at Bline
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 119 W Wyoming av Melr
  • Sackett Screen Co coal dealers equipment 51 Sleeper
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030
  • Sackette Catherine E wid Henry E r 124 Dartmouth

Boston City Directory, 1935

  • Sackett Geo R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon (May) acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 483 Boylston Bline
  • Sackett Mary Mrs slswmn r 29 Milford
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 15 Hazeltine av Meir
  • Sackett Screen Co coal dealers' equipment 51 Sleeper 5th fl
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithos 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1936

  • Sackett Geo R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon (May) acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 483 Boylston Bline
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 15 Hazeltine av Meir
  • Sackett Screen Co coal dealers equipment 51 Sleeper 5th fl
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1937

  • Sackett Catherine wid Henry r 44 Dartmouth
  • Sackett Geo R supvr of machinery 20 Somerset 5th fl h 45 Barrett Revr
  • Sackett Gordon (Maisie) acct 80 Federal rm 535 h 10 Fairfield
  • Sackett Kenneth r 10 Fairfield
  • Sackett Mary L Mrs h 1 Dudley Rox
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 15 Hazeltine av Meir
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1938

  • Sackett Gordon (Maisie) paper h 10 Fairfield
  • Sackett Kenneth r 10 Fairfield
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn 200 Causeway h 123 Lincoln Melr
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1939

  • Sackett Catherine Mrs r 9 Dartmouth pl
  • Sackett Kenneth G asst dept mgr BFS Co, HP h 10 Avon Camb
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Ice Machinery Corp h 123 Lincoln Melr
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp, Danl W Anders NE rep lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1940

  • Sackett Catherine Mrs r 418 Columbus av
  • Sackett G h 108 Marlborough
  • Sackett Irene sten Eastern Overall Dry Cleaning Co r 40 Berkeley
  • Sackett Kenneth G asst dept mgr BFS Co, HP h 10 Avon Cambs
  • Sackett Mary Mrs r 39 Dwight
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Ice Machinery Corp h 123 Lincoln Melr
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp, Danl W Anders NE rep lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1030

Boston City Directory, 1942

  • Sackett Catherine Mrs r 196 W Canton
  • Sackett Gordon E (May) acct h 125 Beacon
  • Sackett Howard D veterinarian 26 Cummington h 398 Highland av Winchester
  • Sackett Irene sten Suffolk Sav Bank r 37 Grove
  • Sackett Mary Mrs r 39 Dwight
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Ice Machinery Corp h 123 Lincoln Melr
  • Sackett Robt L asst shipper York Ice Machinery Corp h 28 Felton Melr
  • Sackett & Wilhelms Corp, Danl W Anders NE rep lithographers 80 Boylston rm 1018

Boston City Directory, 1943

  • Sackett Catherine Mrs r 196 W Canton
  • Sackett Dwight P (Evenlyn M) gauger h 175 Poplar Ros
  • Sackett Mary Mrs r 39 Dwight
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Ice Machinery Corp h Melrose
  • Sackett Reginald L asst shipper York Ice Machinery Corp h Melrose
  • Sackett Robt J h 48 Beacon

Boston City Directory, 1945

  • Sackett Mary h 38 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York h Melrose

Boston City Directory, 1946

  • Sackett ins Penn Mut Life Ins Co
  • Sackett Mary h 38 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Corp h Melrose
  • Sackett Robt (Thelma) carp r 49 Maywood Rox

Boston City Directory, 1947

  • Sackett Edw field staff Comlth Fund h W Springfield
  • Sackett Kenneth G (Sally) representative Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co 61 Batterymarch 4th fl tel Liberty 2-3060 h 187 Grove Wellesley tel WEllesley 5-3731—For further information see page 171 Buyers' Guide
  • Sackett Mary h 38 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Corp h Melrose
  • Sackett Sally K, CS pract 80 Boylston rm 1003 r Wellesley
  • Sackett Thelma Mrs r 49 Maywood Rox

Boston City Directory, 1948

  • Sackett Dwight P jr, clk Int Rev 141 Milk r Melrose
  • Sackett Gordon Mrs h 142 Marlborough
  • Sackett Kenneth G (Sally) representative Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co 61 Batterymarch 4th fl tel Liberty 2-3060 h 187 Grove Wellesley tel WEllesley 5-3731—For further information see page 157 Buyers' Guide
  • Sackett Mary h 38 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Corp h Melrose
  • Sackett Sally K, CS pract 80 Boylston rm 1003 r Wellesley

Boston City Directory, 1953

  • Sackett Dwight P jr, store kpr gauger Int Rev Alcohol & Tobacco Div 55 Tremont r Melrose
  • Sackett Kenneth G (Sally) agt Penn Mut Life Ins Co h Cambridge
  • Sackett Mary h 38 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L slsmn York Corp r Melrose
  • Sackett Sally K, CSP 236 Huntington av rm 201 h Cambridge

Boston City Directory, 1957

  • Sacket Barbara r 122 Huntington av
  • Sackett Dwight P admn asst Int Rev Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Div r 15 Crescent av Meir
  • Sackett Kenneth G 236 Huntington av rm 201 r Cambridge
  • Sackett Mary h 46 Lawrence
  • Sackett Paul L br mgr York Corp r 23 Lincoln Melr
  • Sackett Sally K, CSP 236 Huntington av rm 201 h Cambridge

Boston City Directory, 1960

  • Sackett Dwight P insp Int Rev (Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Div) r15 Cresent av (Meir)
  • Sackett Kenneth G CSP 236 Huntington av R201 r Cambridge
  • Sackett Mary h46 Lawrence
  • Sackett May (wid Gordon) r262 Commonwealth
  • Sackett Paul L dist mgr York Corp r123 Lincoln (Melr)
  • Sackett Sally K CSP 236 Huntington av R201 r Cambridge


Chicopee Directory, 1895

  • Sackett Jasper, emp L Mfg Co., h 8 Fuller, C Falls


Malden City Directory, 1932

Malden City Directory, 1954

Malden City Directory, 1957

  • Sackett Flora r 490 Highland av
  • Sackett Reginald opr Friend Bros Inc r 49 Upham Melrose

Malden City Directory, 1958

Malden City Directory, 1960


Melrose City Directory, 1920

Melrose City Directory, 1922

Melrose City Directory, 1926

Melrose City Directory, 1929

Melrose City Directory, 1931

Melrose City Directory, 1933

Melrose City Directory, 1935


Pittsfield City Directory, 1941

  • Sackett Almyron, (Emily I.) emp G E Co., h 80 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Dora Miss, emp G E Co., bds 82 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Edna Miss, emp The Meyer Store, Inc., bds 62 Boylston
  • Sackett Ethebert E., (Grace C.) retired, h 45 Reed
  • Sackett Grace C. Mrs., domestic nurse, bds 45 Reed
  • Sackett Katherine S. Miss, photographic retoucher, winter res, 18 Bank Row, summer res, Lebanon Springs, N.Y.
  • Sackett Ransom G., (Katherine) prop. Sacketts Auto Body and Paint Shop, 119 South, res Lebanon Springs, N.Y.
  • Sackett Ruby, widow Lincoln, summer res, Lebanon Springs, winter res, h 18 Bank Row
  • Sackett Russell, emp G E Co., h 14 Ontario
  • Sackett William A., (Nellie A.) h 82 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett's Auto Body & Paint Shop, Ransom G. Sackett, prop., 119 South

Pittsfield City Directory, 1946

  • Sackett Almyron (Emily I) emp GE h80 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Edna emp The Meyer Store r62 Boylston
  • Sackett Ethebert E (Grace C) retired r27 E Housatonic
  • Sackett Hilda (Mrs Warren G) clk Jacob Rose res Canaan NY
  • Sackett Nellie A wid William A h82 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Ransom G (Katherine M) prop Sackett's Auto Body & Paint Shop h46 Kensington av
  • Sackett Russell USA r14 Ontario
  • Sackett Warren G r46 Kensington av
  • Sackett's Auto Body & Paint Shop Ransom G Sackett prop 119 South

Pittsfield City Directory, 1950

  • Sackett Almyron (Emily I) emp GE h80 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Edna J emp The Meyer Store r62 Boylson
  • Sackett Ethebert E (Grace C) retired h90 Orchard
  • Sackett Grace C (Mrs Ethelbert E) nurse 90 Orchard h do
  • Sackett Nellie A wid William A h82 Elmhurst av
  • Sackett Ransom G (Katherine M) emp Bull's Garage Lenox h56 West
  • Sackett Russell D emp G E r62 Wellington av


Revere City Directory, 1914

Revere City Directory, 1919

Revere City Directory, 1922

Revere City Directory, 1925

Revere City Directory, 1929

Revere City Directory, 1933

Revere City Directory, 1940


Somerville City Directory, 1892

  • Sackett Clara Miss, teacher, Pope school, b. 4 Hillside pk.

Somerville City Directory, 1893

  • Sackett Clara B. Miss, teacher, Prospect Hill school, bds. 64 Hillside Park

Somerville City Directory, 1894

  • Sackett Clara B. Miss, teacher, Prospect Hill school, bds. 64 Hillside Park

Somerville City Directory, 1895

  • Sackett Clara B. Miss, teacher, Oren S. Knapp school, bds. 6 Hillside park

Somerville City Directory, 1897

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, Oren S. Knapp school, bds. 6 Hillside park

Somerville City Directory, 1898

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, Oren S. Knapp school, b. 44 Stone

Somerville City Directory, 1899

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 31 Warren ave.

Somerville City Directory, 1900

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 31 Warren avenue

Somerville City Directory, 1901

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 31 Warren ave.

Somerville City Directory, 1902

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 31 Warren ave.

Somerville City Directory, 1903

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 40 School

Somerville City Directory, 1904

  • Sackett Clara B. teacher, O.S. Knapp school, rms. 40 School

Somerville City Directory, 1905

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 40 School
  • Sackett William T book binding 41 Arch B h 7 Campbell pk

Somerville City Directory, 1906

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer

Somerville City Directory, 1907

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer

Somerville City Directory, 1908

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer

Somerville City Directory, 1909

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer

Somerville City Directory, 1911

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 35 Laurel

Somerville City Directory, 1912

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H purchasing agent B h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1914

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H purchasing agent B h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1915

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H purchasing agent B h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1916

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 112 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H purchasing agent B h 179 College avenue

Somerville City Directory, 1918

  • Sackett Clara B teacher OS Knapp school rms 91 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) ins broker B h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1919

  • Sackett Clara B teacher Junior High school rms 91 Summer
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) ins broker B h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1920

  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) cotton goods h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1925

  • Sackett Clara B tchr SJHS res 23 Robinson
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) sales h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1927

  • Sackett Clara B tchr SJHS res 41 Vinal av
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) sales h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1929

  • Sackett Clara B tchr SJHS res 41 Vinal av
  • Sackett Ernest D student Tufts r 179 College av
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) sales h 179 College av

Somerville City Directory, 1933

  • Sackett Clara B tchr SJHS r41 Vinal av
  • Sackett Ernest D student Tufts r179 College av
  • Sackett Harry A (Mildred S) clk h43 Sydney
  • Sackett Meyer H (Minnie D) sales h179 College av


Springfield City Directory, 1854, p 123

Springfield City Directory, 1864, p 167

  • Sackett Edward, clerk W R R freight office, bds 48 Spring st
  • Sackett Justin, supt. streets, h 48 Spring st

Springfield City Directory, 1866, p 181

  • Sackett Edward J., clk H & N H R R, bds 48 Spring st
  • Sackett Elijah, laborer, h 152 E Worthington st
  • Sackett George L., emp C R R, bds 26 Vine st
  • Sackett Justin, superintendent streets, h 48 Spring st

Springfield City Directory, 1868, p 192

Springfield City Directory, 1869, p 201

  • Sackett Edward I., clk B & A R R, bds 48 Spring st
  • Sackett Elijah, landscape gardener, h Summer st
  • Sackett George, emp B & A R R, h 116 Main st
  • Sackett Justin, landscape gardener, h 48 Spring st

Springfield City Directory, 1874, p 330

  • Sackett Edward I., emp B & A R R, boards 156 Spring street
  • Sackett Elijah, (Sackett & Reynolds,) house 164 Summer street
  • Sackett Frank H., emp Sackett & Reynolds, boards 164 Summer street
  • Sackett James C., clerk Sackett & Reynolds, boards 156 Spring street
  • Sackett Justin (Sackett & Reynolds,) house 156 Spring street
  • Sackett William H., emp Sackett & Reynolds, boards 164 Summer street
  • Sackett & Reynolds, landscape gardeners rear 156 Spring street: Justin Sackett, house 156 Spring street; George Reynolds, house 355 Maple street; Elijah Sackett, house 164 Summer street

Springfield City Directory, 1880

  • Sackett D.W., emp pass and frt shops Wason Mfg Co., h 14 Grovenor
  • Sackett E.J., train despatcher B & A R R, house 153 Summer
  • Sackett Elijah, grader, h 164 Summer
  • Sackett Frank H., emp E. Sackett, house 4 Sackett avenue
  • Sackett G.H., fireman B & A R R
  • Sackett George L., engineer B & A R R
  • Sackett J.C. (Sackett & Reynolds), bds 156 Spring
  • Sackett John, emp E.H. Barney, house 80 Marble
  • Sackett Justin, contractor Sackett & Reynolds, house 156 Spring
  • Sackett Justus, boards 30 Marble
  • Sackett William H., emp E. Sackett, boards 164 Summer
  • Sackett & Reynolds (Justin Sackett, George Reynolds, James C. Sackett, William H. Sackett), landscape gardeners, office 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1882, p 279

  • Sackett Albert H., emp Smith & Wesson, boards 103 Howard
  • Sackett Bros. (Wm. H. Sackett, Frank H. Sackett), sewer contractors
  • Sackett E.I., train dispatcher B & A R R, house 153 Summer
  • Sackett Edward B., emp Dickinson Hard Rubber Co., house 103 Howard
  • Sackett Elijah, grader, h 164 Summer
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros.), house 172 Summer
  • Sackett G.H., fireman B & A R R, house W Springfield
  • Sackett George L., engineer B & A R R, house 46 Greenwood
  • Sackett J.C. (Sackett & Reynolds), bds 156 Spring
  • Sackett John, emp Dickinson Hard Rubber Co., house 1103 Howard
  • Sackett Justin, contractor Sackett & Reynolds, house 156 Spring
  • Sackett Justus, boards 103 Howard
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros.), h 164 Summer
  • Sackett & Reynolds (J. & J.C. Sackett, G. Reynolds), landscape gardeners, 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1888, p 292

  • Sackett Albert H., emp Smith & Wesson, h 34 Pynchon
  • Sackett Brothers, excavating and grading contractors 117 Summer
  • Sackett Mrs. C.A., bds 259 Carew
  • Sackett C.F., porter B & A R R depot, h W Spfd
  • Sackett Edward B., emp Dickinson Hard Rubber Co., h 24 Pynchon
  • Sackett Edward I., div supt B & A R R, h 78 Pearl
  • Sackett Elijah, h 164 Summer
  • Sackett Eugene C., clk Walker Bros. & Lewis, bds 24 Pynchon
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros.), h 172 Summer
  • Sackett Fred E., emp Sackett Bros., h 390 Worthington
  • Sackett George H., engineer B & A R R, h 109 Greenwood
  • Sackett George L., dispatcher B & A R R, h Lowell, W Spfd
  • Sackett James C. (Sackett & Reynolds), bds 156 Spring
  • Sackett John, emp Smith & Wesson, h 24 Pynchon
  • Sackett Justin (Sackett & Reynolds), h 156 Spring
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros.), h 164 Summer
  • Sackett & Reynolds, landscape gardeners, 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1891, p 281

  • Sackett Albert H., emp Smith & Wesson, h 34 Pynchon
  • Sackett Brothers (Frank H. and William H. Sackett), excavating, grading and sewer contractors 447 Worthington
  • Sackett Cordelia A., widow Heman, bds 106 Carew
  • Sackett Edward B., emp Merritt Mfg Co., h 36 Pynchon
  • Sackett Edward I., division supt B & A R R, h 78 Pearl
  • Sackett Elijah, h 418 Worthington
  • Sackett Eugene C., clerk 461 Main, bds 43 Pynchon
  • Sackett Eva B. Miss, clerk 373 Main, bds 29 Blss
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros.), 447 Worthington, h 404 do
  • Sackett Fred E., emp Sackett Bros., h 382 Worthington
  • Sackett Frederick A., clerk 24 Bridge, res W Springfield
  • Sackett George L., engine dispatcher B & A R R, res W Springfield
  • Sackett James C. (Sackett & Reynolds), 156 Spring, bds do
  • Sackett John, emp Smith & Wesson, h 43 Pynchon
  • Sackett John, conductor N Y, N H & H R R, rms (5) 251 Main
  • Sackett John R., clerk Met Mfg Co. 538 Main, h 14 Adams
  • Sackett Justin (Sackett & Reynolds), 156 Spring, h do
  • Sackett Sadie L. Miss, rem to Brooklyn, NY
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros.), 447 Worthington, h 164 Summer
  • Sackett & Reynolds (Justin and James C. Sackett and George Reynolds), excavators and landscape gardeners, 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1895, pp 323-4

  • Sackett Albert H., bds 37 Pynchon
  • Sackett Antoinette Mrs., h 414 Worthington
  • Sackett Brothers (Frank H. and William H. Sackett), excavating, grading and sewer contractors 447 Worthington
  • Sackett Cordelia A., widow Heman, bds 106 Carew
  • Sackett Denison N., carpenter, h 54 Andrew
  • Sackett Edward B., foreman Densmore typewriter Co., res W Spfd
  • Sackett Edward I., div supt B & A R R, h 78 Pearl
  • Sackett Eugene C., clerk 461 Main, bds 37 Pynchon
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros.), 447 Worthington, h do
  • Sackett Fred. rem to Boston
  • Sackett Fred E., emp Sackett Bros., h 382 Worthington
  • Sackett Frederick C., emp U S A, h 21 Dymon
  • Sackett George L., engine dispatcher B & A R R, res W Spfd
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, clerk B & A R R package room, res Merrick
  • Sackett James C. (Sackett & Co.), 156 Spring, bds do
  • Sackett John, boarding house 37 Pynchon, h do
  • Sackett John R., salesman, h 14 Adams
  • Sackett Justin (Sackett & Co), 156 Spring, h do
  • Sackett N. P., ins canvasser (2) 312 Main, res Holyoke
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros.), 447 Worthington, h 404 do
  • Sackett William R., salesman 387 Main, h 30 Loring
  • Sackett & Co. (Justin and James C. Sackett), contractors for earthwork 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1898, pp 382-3

  • Sackett Albert H., actor, bds 37 Pynchon
  • Sackett Antoinette Mrs., h 414 Worthington
  • Sackett Brothers (William H., Frank H. and Fred E. Sackett), excavating, grading and sewer contractors 447 Worthington
  • Sackett Cordelia A., widow Heman, bds 57 North
  • Sackett Denison N., carpenter, h 54 Andrew
  • Sackett Edward B., foreman Densmore typewriter Co., res W Springfield
  • Sackett Edward I., div supt B & A R R, h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Eugene C., clerk 461 Main, bds 37 Pynchon
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros), 447 Worthington, h do
  • Sackett Fred E., (Sackett Bros), 447 Worthington, h 414 do
  • Sackett Frederick C., bds 81 Wilcox
  • Sackett George R., bds 404 Worthington
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, clerk B & A R R package room, res Merrick
  • Sackett James C. (Sackett & Co.), 156 Spring, bds do
  • Sackett John, boarding house 37 Pynchon, h do
  • Sackett Nathaniel P., salesman 74 Bridge, h 464 Chestnut
  • Sackett Richard J., clerk, bds 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Sophia O., widow Justin, h 156 Spring
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros.), 447 Worthington, h 404 do
  • Sackett William R., clerk 387 Main, h 75 Marble
  • Sackett & Co. (James C. Sackett), contractors for earthwork 156 Spring

Springfield City Directory, 1905, p 498

  • Sackett Brothers (William H., Frank H. and Fred E. Sackett), excavating, grading and sewer contractors 834 Worthington
  • Sackett C. Frederick, baggage master B & A R R, rms (514) 31 Elm
  • Sackett Charles A., rem to Pittsfield
  • Sackett Clara G. Mrs., rem to Pittsfield
  • Sackett Denison N., carpenter emp A.G. Chapman, h 54 Andrew
  • Sackett Edward H., ticket clerk B & A R R depot, h 41 Ringgold
  • Sackett Edward I., h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Eugene C., clerk 461 Main, h 92 Firglade av
  • Sackett Frank H., student, bds 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Frank H. (Sackett Bros), 834 Worthington, h 831 do
  • Sackett Fred A., h 30 Allen
  • Sackett Fred E., (Sackett Bros), 834 Worthington, h 844 do
  • Sackett George I., asst engineer emp (7) 292 Main, bds 834 Worthington
  • Sackett Herbert R., clerk 439 Main, bds 59 Wilmont
  • Sackett Ida C. Mrs., opr W U Tel Co., rms (514) 31 Elm
  • Sackett Jacob R., clerk (327) 31 Elm, h 59 Wilmont
  • Sackett James C., supt Oak Grove Cemetery, office at entrance, bds 156 Spring
  • Sackett John, boarding house 44 Pynchon, h do
  • Sackett Nathaniel P., treas N.P. Sackett Co. 282 Main, h 214 King
  • Sackett N.P. Co., pianos and organs 282 Main
  • Sackett Richard J., bds 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Sophia O., widow Justin, h 156 Spring
  • Sackett William H. (Sackett Bros), 834 Worthington, h do
  • Sackett William R., clerk 387 Main, h 50 Winthrop

Springfield City Directory, 1908, p 490-1

  • Sackett Brothers (William H Frank H and Fred E Sackett) excavating grading and sewer contractors 831 Worthington
  • Sackett C Frederick baggagemaster B&A rms 83 Walnut
  • Sackett Charles A emp B&A h 24 Morgan
  • Sackett Denison N carp emp AGChapman h 54 Andrew
  • Sackett Edward I h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Eugene C clk 461 Main h 92 Firglade av
  • Sackett Frank H (SackettBros) 834 Worthington h 831 do
  • Sackett Frank H jr with SackettBros bds 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Fred E (SackettBros) 834 Worthington h 844 do
  • Sackett Herbert R clk 439 Main h 304 Central
  • Sackett Ida C Mrs opr WUTelCo bds 94 Walnut
  • Sackett Jacob R sanitary insp (8) 52 Pynchon h 83 Walnut
  • Sackett James C supt OakGroveCemetery office at entrance bds 156 Spring
  • Sackett John boarding house 44 Pynchon h do
  • Sackett Laura A wid Fred bds 83 Walnut
  • Sackett Lorenzo D com trav h 76 Bay
  • Sackett Lulu M bds 44 Pynchon
  • Sackett Margaret clk NYNH&H freight depot res Westfield
  • Sackett Nathaniel P salesman 337 Main h 550 Union
  • Sackett Richard J rem to Wilbraham
  • Sackett Sophia O wid Justin h 156 Spring
  • Sackett William H (SackettBros) 834 Worthington h do
  • Sackett William R clk 387 Main h 50 Winthrop

Springfield City Directory, 1913, p 710

  • Sackett Brothers Co (Fred E and Frank H Sackett) excavating grading and sewer contractors 862 Worthington
  • Sackett C Frederick baggagemaster B&A h 25 N Main
  • Sackett Co The (EugeneCSackett) men's furnishings 485 Main
  • Sackett Denison N carp emp AGChapman h 52 Andrew
  • Sackett Edward B typewriters supplies and multigraphing (202) 29 Worthington rms 852 Belmont av
  • Sackett Edward I h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Elizabeth A wid William H bds 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Eugen C (TheSackettCo) 485 Main res Longmeadow
  • Sackett Frank H (SackettBrosCo) 862 Worthington h do
  • Sackett Fred E (SackettBrosCo) 862 Worthington h 844 do
  • Sackett Harold R emp MBCo bds 149 State
  • Sackett Herbert R mgr Magna Automobile Co 438 Dwight h 304 Central
  • Sackett Ida C Mrs gen traffic chief WUTelCo bds 94 Walnut
  • Sackett Jacob R sanitary insp h 364 White
  • Sackett James C supt OakGroveCemetery office at entrance h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett J L foreman Van Norman Machine Tool Co rms (88) 796 State
  • Sackett Josephine Mrs h 149 State
  • Sackett Julia wid John boarding house 44 Pynchon
  • Sackett Laura A wid Fred bds 336 Central
  • Sackett Nathaniel P salesman 417 Main h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Raymond h 43 Sargeant
  • Sackett Sarah wid Frank H h 831 Worthington
  • Sackett William R clk 35 Worthington h 24 Brown

Springfield City Directory, 1918, p 867-8

  • Sackett Albert H h 147 Belmont av
  • Sackett Brothers Co Fred E Sackett pres Frank H Sackett clk and treas excavating grading and sewer contractors 850 Worthington
  • Sackett C Frederick condr B&A bds Cooley Hotel
  • Sackett Edward B typewriters supplies and multigraphing (227) 10 Broadway rms 33 Pearl
  • Sackett Edward I h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Elizabeth A wid William H h 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Eugene C men's furnishings 485 Main res Longmeadow
  • Sackett Florence bds 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Frank H clk and treas Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Fred emp BMachToolCo bds 19 Worcester av
  • Sackett Fred E pres Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 844 do
  • Sackett Harold R foreman MBCo h 47 Shillingford
  • Sackett Herbert H emp Smith&Wesson h 47 Cedar
  • Sackett Herbert R salesman 31 Winter h 77 Horace
  • Sackett Ida C Mrs chief opr WUTelCo bds 117 Massachusetts av
  • Sackett Jacob R chief sanitary insp h 364 White
  • Sackett James C supt OakGroveCemetery office at entrance h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett Jennie Mrs nurse bds 23 Church
  • Sackett Josephine Mrs h 24 Myrtle
  • Sackett Louise E wid Denison N h 52 Andrew
  • Sackett Nathaniel P pianos (212) 168 Bridge h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Nathaniel P Mrs clk 293 Bridge h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Sarah wid Frank H h 831 Worthington

Springfield City Directory, 1924, p 694

  • Sackett Bros Co grading sewer and sidewalk contractors 850 Worthington
  • Sackett Catherine Mrs h 10 Howard pl
  • Sackett C Fred res 211 Main
  • Sackett Edward B (Alice H) prop Sackett's Typewriter Exchange (628) 10 Broadway h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Edward I (Adella A) h 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Elizabeth A wid William H h 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Eugene C (Annie M) men's furnishings 485 Main h at Longmeadow
  • Sackett Frances C res 163 Albemarle
  • Sackett Frank H (Grace B) clk and treas Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Fred E (Bessie E) pres Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 844 do
  • Sackett Garry V (Martha B) com trav h 11 Trinity ter
  • Sackett Harold R (Susan) carp h 27 Shillingford
  • Sackett Herbert H (Jeanette) clk SpfdSafeDeposit&TrustCo h 47 Cedar
  • Sackett Herbert R (Bertha) salesman h 70 Vermont
  • Sackett Ida C Mrs chief opr WUTelCo res 171 Dunmoreland
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) chief sanitary insp h 55 Woodlawn
  • Sackett James C (Marion W) supt OakGroveCemetery office at entrance h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett John salesman res 773 State
  • Sackett Julia M wid John res 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Louise E wid Denison N h 52 Andrew
  • Sackett Nathaniel P (Etta) h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Sarah wid Frank H h 831 Worthington
  • Sackett William R (Emma J) h 304 Union
  • Sackett's Typewriter Exchange Edward B Sackett prop typewriters supplies and multigraphing (628) 10 Broadway

Springfield City Directory, 1929

  • Sackett Adella P wid Edward I died Jan 17 1929 age 77
  • Sackett Bros Co grading sewer and sidewalk contractors 850 Worthington
  • Sackett Edward B (Alice H) prop Sackett's Typewriter Exchange and Letter Shop (628) 10 Broadway and 29 Worthington h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Edward H slsman (219) 1618 Main h at W Spfd
  • Sackett Elizabeth A wid William H r 831 Worthington
  • Sackett Emma J wid William R emp 26 Northampton av r do
  • Sackett Eugene C (Annie M) men's furnishings 1227 Main h at Longmeadow
  • Sackett Frank H (Grace B) clk-treas Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Fred E (Bessie E) pres Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Frederick B student r 57 Woodlawn
  • Sackett Harold R (Susan R) carp h 90 Monticello av
  • Sackett Herbert H (Jenetta D) bkkpr h 15 Cedar
  • Sackett Herbert R (Bertha H) slsman h 373 White
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) agt board of health (35) City Hall b 57 Worthington
  • Sackett James C (Marion W) supt Oak Grove Cemetery h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett Josie C Mrs emp MEnvCo h 27 John
  • Sackett Nathaniel P (Etta) slsman h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Richard C clk 1227 Main h at Longmeadow
  • Sackett Richard J (Edith) r inq 46 Edwards
  • Sackett Sarah J wid Frank H h 831 Worthington

Springfield City Directory, 1937

  • Sackett Bros Co grading sewer sidewalk and concrete contractors 850 Worthington
  • Sackett Clara G Mrs dry goods 328 Orange h at WSpfd
  • Sackett David (Rose R) rem to Buffalo NY
  • Sackett Edward B (Alice H) prop Sackett's Letter Shop and Typewriter Exchange (628) 10 Broadway and 29 Worthington h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Edward H (Minnie H) slsman (404) 1200 Main h at WSpfd
  • Sackett Emma J wid William R h 69 Crystal av
  • Sackett Eugene C (Annie M) men's furnishings 1227 Main h at Longmeadow
  • Sackett Everett E (Mona O) emp WPA h 87 King
  • Sackett Frank H (Grace B) clk-treas Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Fred E (Bessie E) pres Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 844 do
  • Sackett Garry (Mary A) welder r 507 Belmont av
  • Sackett Garry V (Martha V) coml trav h 11 Trinity ter
  • Sackett Garry V Jr clk 214 Dickinson r 11 Trinity ter
  • Sackett H Stanley student r 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Harold A r 166 Warrenton
  • Sackett Harold R (Rose S) emp WPA h 166 Warrenton
  • Sackett Herbert H (Jenetta D) clk S Safe Deposit & Trust Co h 114 Rochelle
  • Sackett Herbert R (Bertha H) slsman 150 Chestnut h 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Herbert S student r 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) deputy commission and agt (35) 36 Court h (6) 71 School
  • Sackett James C (Marion W) h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett Janet S clk MMLInsCo r 114 Rochelle
  • Sackett Josephine C wid Frederick C folder USEnvCo h 21 Auburn
  • Sackett L Kathryn tchr Windsor Locks Conn 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Nathaniel P (Henrietta) h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Richard B student r (6) 71 School
  • Sackett Richard C clk 1227 Main h at Longmeadow
  • Sackett's Letter Shop and Typewriter Exchange Edward B Sackett prop typewriter supplies and multigraphing (628) 10 Broadway and 29 Worthington

Springfield City Directory, 1940

  • Sackett Beverly R asst technician 120 High r 45 Wilbraham av
  • Sackett Bros Co, Fred E Sackett pres Frank H Sackett clk-treas grading sewer sidewalk and concrete contractors 850 Worthington
  • Sackett Edward B (Alice H) h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Emma J wid William R h 69 Crystal av
  • Sackett Eugene C (Annie M) h 452 Dickinson
  • Sackett Frank H (Grace B) clk-treas Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington h 862 do
  • Sackett Fred E pres Sackett Bros Co 850 Worthington r 15 Summit
  • Sackett Frederick W emp B-DCBCo r 45 Wilbraham av
  • Sackett Garry V (Mary A) clk 386 Dickinson h 232 do
  • Sackett H Stanley eng Bethlehem Pa r 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Harold R in US Navy r 45 Wilbraham av
  • Sackett Henrietta wid Nathaniel P h 74 Ventura
  • Sackett Herbert H (Jenetta D) clk S Safe Deposit & Trust Co h 114 Rochelle
  • Sackett Herbert R (Bertha H) slsman 150 Chestnut h 46 W Alvord
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) deputy commission and agt (35) 36 Court h (6) 71 School
  • Sackett James C died Aug 20 1939 age 85
  • Sackett Janet S clk MMLInsCo r 114 Rochelle
  • Sackett Josephine C wid Frederick C folder USEnvCo h 21 Auburn
  • Sackett L Kathryn married Allan M Creed
  • Sackett Marion W wid James C r 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett Richard B clk NY r (6) 71 School
  • Sackett Richard C (Irene H) h 188 Locust
  • Sackett Rose S wid Harold A h 45 Wilbraham av
  • Sackett Ruth V r 114 Rochelle
  • Sackett's Letter Shop and Typewriter Exchange Ralph H Cooke prop complete mailing service and mimeographing-typewriters rented and repaired (628) 10 Broadway and (628) 29 Worthington

Springfield City Directory, 1951

  • Sackett Edward B h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Eugene C clk 1514 Main r 24 Harvard
  • Sackett Frank H h 862 Worthington
  • Sackett Frederick W (Agnes D) in USAirForce h 44 Granger
  • Sackett Harold A (Dorothy A) mech WMassElecCo h 952 State
  • Sackett Herbert H (Jenetta D) acct emp (410) 31 Elm h at Westfield
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) h (3) 71 School
  • Sackett John M in USAirForce r 11 Stapleton rd
  • Sackett Josephine C wid Frederick C h 21 Auburn
  • Sackett Leonora Mrs nurse MDFCo r (6) 292 Union
  • Sackett Marion W wid James C h 1803 Worthington
  • Sackett Richard B (Leonora) teller Deerfield h (6) 292 Union
  • Sackett Richard C (Irene H) asst prod control mgr PM&GCo h 24 Harvard
  • Sackett's Letter Shop (Ralph H Cooke) (503) 1653 Main

Springfield City Directory, 1952

  • Sackett Edward B h 230 Oak Grove av
  • Sackett Eugene C slsman 1514 Main r 24 Harvard
  • Sackett Frank H rem to Florida
  • Sackett Frederick W (Agnes D) in USAirForce h 44 Granger
  • Sackett Harold H (Dorothy A) mech WMassElecCo h (1-B) 58 Manor rd
  • Sackett Jacob R (Mabel M) h (3) 71 School
  • Sackett John M in USAirForce r L1 Stapleton rd
  • Sackett Josephine C wid Frederick C h 21 Auburn
  • Sackett Marion W wid James C h 1083 Worthington
  • Sackett Richard B (Leonora) rem to S Deerfield
  • Sackett Richard C (Irene H) asst prod control mgr PM&GCo h 24 Harvard
  • Sackett Robert D emp MCCo Monsanto av IO h at E Longmeadow
  • Sackett's Letter Shop (Ralph H Cooke) (503) 1653 Main

West Springfield

West Springfield City Directory, 1891, p 520

  • Sackett Clarence F., emp B & A R depot, Springfield, bds Church, Merrick
  • Sackett Denison N., carpenter, h Bosworth, Merrick
  • Sackett Frederick A., upholsterer J.D. Pierce, Springfield, h Church
  • Sackett George H., engineer B & A R R, h 3 Hill, Merrick
  • Sackett George L., engine dispatcher B & R R, h Lowell, Merrick
  • Sackett Minnie L. Miss, book-keeper Royce Laundry Co. Spfd, bds Bosworth n Merrick
  • Sackett William, emp Samuel Provost, h Main c Day, Merrick


Westfield City Directory, 1873

  • Sackett Austin, whip maker, h Elm
  • Sackett Austin, tinner, h West School n Hampden
  • Sackett Austin, Jr., tinner, h West School
  • Sackett Caleb, farmer, h Union
  • Sackett Charles D., tobacco grower, h Union
  • Sackett Cornelius, (S. & Cadwell,) bds Willmarth House
  • Sackett E.A., (S. & Benton,) h Montgomery
  • Sackett George, whip lash mfr, bds 30 Orange
  • Sackett Henry, painter, bds Elm
  • Sackett Henry, h 12 Main
  • Sackett H.A., painter, h Elm
  • Sackett James M., farmer, h Union
  • Sackett John A., (Marshall & S.,) h 40 School
  • Sackett N.D., at foundry, h 4 Hampden
  • Sackett Roland, farmer, h Franklin
  • Sackett Seymour A., tanner, h Elm
  • Sackett T.J., (Pember & S.,) bds South
  • Sackett William W., machinist, h Montgomery
  • Sackett & Benton, dress and cloak making, Union blk, Elm
  • Sackett & Cadwell, livery n Willmarth House, Elm
  • Sackett Mrs. Chloe, h Montgomery
  • Sackett Miss Eva, milliner, bds Church
  • Sackett Mrs. F., h Howard c Hancock
  • Sackett Mrs. Heman, h 4 Franklin
  • Sackett Mrs. Jane, h 43 Mechanic
  • Sackett Mrs. M., h Mill c Silver
  • Sackett Sophia C., h Thomas

Westfield City Directory, 1875

  • Sackett Austin, 1st., whip maker, h 138 Elm
  • Sackett Austin, 2nd., tinsmith, h Pleasant
  • Sackett & Cadwell, Willmarth House livery stable
  • Sackett Caleb, h Union
  • Sackett Cornelius, (S. & Cadwell,) h 53 Elm
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar maker, bds 138 Elm
  • Sackett Mrs. E.A., dressmaker, Post Office bdg. h Montgomery
  • Sackett Mrs. Frances, h Hancock c Howard
  • Sackett George, contractor, h Orange c Sackett
  • Sackett George A., dentist, bds 30 Orange
  • Sackett Harriett, h Union
  • Sackett James M., farmer, h Union
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 16 Main, h do
  • Sackett John N., (Marshall & S.,) h 38 School
  • Sackett Noble D., moulder, h off Hampden
  • Sackett Orrin D., whip maker, h 27 Orange
  • Sackett Seymour A., h 153 Elm
  • Sackett Thomas J., butcher, h 10 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1878

  • Sackett Austin, 1st, whip maker, house 138 Elm
  • Sackett Austin, 2d, tinsmith, house Pleasant corner Bush
  • Sackett & Cadwell, Willmarth House livery stable
  • Sackett Caleb, farmer, house Union
  • Sackett Cornelius (S. & Cadwell), house 51 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar maker, boards 138 Elm
  • Sackett Mrs. E.A., dress maker, house Montgomery
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Mrs. Frank, house Howard corner Hancock
  • Sackett Geo., lash manuf., house Orange corner Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. A., dentist, all dental operations will be performed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. A full line of brushes and powder always on hand, 153 Main, house Birge ave. near R.R.
  • Sackett Geo. B., farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 10 Main, house 12 do
  • Sackett James M., farmer, house Union
  • Sackett John N., (Marshall & Sackett), house 38 School
  • Sackett Mrs. Maria, house Mill, corner Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road
  • Sackett Noble, machinist, house 23 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, house 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D., whip maker, house Taylor ave. n. Main
  • Sackett Mrs. Roland, house Cowles' court
  • Sackett Sophia C. Mrs., widow, house West Farms
  • Sackett Seth, farmer, West Farms road
  • Sackett Herbert, farmer, house West Farms road
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Thomas J., butcher, house 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., machinist, house Montgomery

Westfield City Directory, 1879

  • Sackett Austin, house Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Austin, Mrs., widow, house 126 Elm
  • Sackett Austin, 2d, tinsmith, house 139 Elm
  • Sackett & Cadwell, Willmarth House livery stable
  • Sackett Caleb, farmer, house Union street
  • Sackett Cornelius (Sackett & Cadwell), house 51 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar maker, boards 126 Elm
  • Sackett Ella, Fanny, and Lydia, Union street
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett, E.R., fish, oysters, vegetables, canned goods, 7 Elm, house do
  • Sackett Geo., lash manuf., house Orange cor. Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. A., dentist, all dental operations will be performed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. A full line of brushes and powder always on hand, 153 Main, house Birge ave., near R.R.
  • Sackett Geo. B., farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Herbert, farmer, house Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 10 Main, house 12 do
  • Sackett James M., farmer, house Union near School
  • Sackett John N. (Marshall & Sackett), house 38 School
  • Sackett Lewis H., clerk, house 7 Elm
  • Sackett Mrs. Maria, house Mill, cor. Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road
  • Sackett Noble, machinist, house 23 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, house 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D., whip maker, house Taylor ave. n. Main
  • Sackett Mrs. Roland, house 8 Meadow
  • Sackett Sophia C. Mrs., widow, house West Farms
  • Sackett Seth, house 7 Elm
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Thomas J., butcher, house 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., machinist, house Montgomery

Westfield City Directory, 1880

  • Sackett Austin, h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Charlotte, Mrs., widow, h. 140 Elm
  • Sackett Austin, 2d, tinsmith, h. Pleasant cor. Bush
  • Sackett Andrew, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Edwin, mason, h. Franklin cor. Smith ave.
  • Sackett & Cadwell, Willmarth House livery stable
  • Sackett Caleb, farmer, h. Union street
  • Sackett Cornelius (Sackett & Cadwell), house 51 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar maker, boards 140 Elm
  • Sackett Ella, Fanny, and Lydia, Union street
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Geo., Mrs., h. Orange cor. Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. A., dentist, Elm opp. Baptist Church, Birge ave., near R.R.
  • Sackett Geo. B., farmer, Pleasant opp. Bush
  • Sackett Herbert, whipmaker, h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 10 Main, h. 12 do
  • Sackett Jas M., farmer, h. Union near school house
  • Sackett John N. (Marshall & Sackett), h. 38 School
  • Sackett Louis H., clerk, h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Maria, Mrs., h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Noble, machinist, h. 23 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, Mrs., h. 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D., whip maker, h. Taylor avenue near Main
  • Sackett Roland, Mrs., h. Bartlett cor. Mechanic
  • Sackett Seymour, whip cutter for J C Schmidt
  • Sackett Simeon, whip maker, boards 22 Elm
  • Sackett Sophia C. Mrs., widow, h. West Farms
  • Sackett Seth, h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Thomas J., butcher, h. 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., machinist, h. Montgomery

Westfield City Directory, 1881

  • Sackett Andrew, farmer, h. Fox district
  • Sackett Andrew, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Austin, Mrs., h. Elm
  • Sackett Austin, Jr., tinsmith, h. Pleasant cor. Bush
  • Sackett Charlotte, Mrs., widow, h. 140 Elm
  • Sackett Caleb, Mrs., h. Union near the School
  • Sackett Cornelius, choice wines, ales and liquors, 102 Elm, h. 76 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigarmaker, bds 140 Elm
  • Sackett Edwin G., ice dealer, h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Ella, and Lydia, Park's block, N. Elm
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Frank, resides with Mrs. Caleb Sackett
  • Sackett Fred H., clerk, Hamp'd Nat. Bank, h. 12 Main
  • Sackett Geo., Mrs., h. 30 Orange cor. Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. A., dentist, Temperance Union Building, h. Birge ave., near R.R.
  • Sackett Geo. B., carpenter, h. 3 Hampden
  • Sackett Herbert, whipmaker, h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 10 Main, h. 12 do
  • Sackett Jas M., farmer, h. Park's block
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Lewis H., clerk, h. Elm cor. Union ave.
  • Sackett Maria, Mrs., h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Mercy, Mrs., h. Montgomery st.
  • Sackett Nettie, clerk, Gilletts, h. Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Noble D., machinist, h. 34 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, Mrs., h. 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D., whip maker, h. 1 Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Richard A., mechanic, h. 81 Mechanic
  • Sackett Roland, farmer, h. west end of Franklin
  • Sackett Roland, Mrs., h. Bartlett cor. Mechanic
  • Sackett Seymour A., whipcutter, at 10 Mechanic
  • Sackett Sophia C. Mrs., widow, h. West Farms
  • Sackett Seth, Mrs., h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Thomas J., mechanic, h. 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., machinist, h. Montgomery st.

Westfield City Directory, 1882

  • Sackett Andrew, farmer, h. Fox district
  • Sackett Andrew, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Austin, Mrs., h Elm
  • Sackett Austin, Jr., tinsmith, h Pleasant cor. Bush
  • Sackett Charlotte, Mrs., widow, h. 140 Elm
  • Sackett Caleb, Mrs., h Union near the School
  • Sackett Cornelius, choice wines, ales and liquors, 102 Elm, h. 76 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigarmaker, bds 140 Elm
  • Sackett Edwin G., ice dealer, h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Ella, and Lydia, Park's block, N. Elm
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Hillside road, S.W. district
  • Sackett Frank, resides with Mrs. Caleb Sackett
  • Sackett Fred H., clerk, Hamp'n Nat. Bank, h. 12 Main
  • Sackett Geo., Mrs., h. 30 Orange cor. Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. A., dentist, Temperance Union Building, h. Birge ave., near R.R.
  • Sackett Geo. B., carpenter, h. 3 Hampden
  • Sackett Herbert, whipmaker, h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, 10 Main, h. 12 do.
  • Sackett Jas M., farmer, h. Park's block
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Lewis H., clerk, h. Elm cor. Union ave.
  • Sackett Maria, Mrs., h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Mercy, Mrs., h. Moontgomery st.
  • Sackett Nettie, clerk, Gilletts, h. Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Noble D., machinist, h. 34 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, Mrs., h. 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D., whipmaker, h. 1 Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Richard A., mechanic, h. 81 Mechanic
  • Sackett Roland, farmer, h. west end of Franklin
  • Sackett Roland, Mrs., h. Bartlett cor. Mechanic
  • Sackett Seymour A., whipcutter, at 10 Mechanic
  • Sackett Sophia C., Mrs., widow, h. West Farms
  • Sackett Seth, Mrs., h. Crown near Notre Dame
  • Sackett Thomas J., mechanic, h. 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., machinist, h. Montgomery st.

Westfield City Directory, 1886

  • Sackett Andrew, Loomis, South-west district
  • Sackett Ashman, farmer, h. Western ave
  • Sackett Austin Mrs., h. next Atwater block
  • Sackett Austin, Jr., tinsmith, h Pleasant cor. Bush
  • Sackett Caleb, Mrs., h. 82 Union
  • Sackett Chloe Mrs., h. 15 Chapel
  • Sackett Clara Miss, h. 15 Chapel
  • Sackett Cornelius, restaurant, 102 Elm, h. 75 Elm
  • Sackett Daniel, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar-maker, bds. 140 Elm
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia, Parks's block, North Elm
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Loomis, South-west district
  • Sackett Frank, h. 82 Union
  • Sackett Fred H., teller at Hampden National Bank, h. 12 Main
  • Sackett Geo., Mrs., h. 30 Orange cor. Sackett
  • Sackett Geo. B., whip agent, h. Day ave cor. Silver
  • Sackett Herbert L., whip-maker, h. Pochassic st
  • Sackett Henry, meat market, h. 12 Main
  • Sackett Jas M., farmer, h. Parks's block
  • Sackett Jennie E. at Mrs. J.F. Fowler's
  • Sackett Lewis, carriage-maker, West Farms road
  • Sackett Maria, Mrs., h. Mill cor. Silver
  • Sackett Martin, farmer, Granville road, West Parish
  • Sackett Mercy, Mrs., rear of Parks's
  • Sackett Nettie, clerk at Snow & Hays's, h. 1 Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Noble D., machinist, h. 37 Washington
  • Sackett Noah, Mrs., h. 58 King
  • Sackett Orrin D. Mrs., h. 1 Taylor ave.
  • Sackett Seymour A., whip-cutter, inquire Brower House
  • Sackett Seth, Mrs., h. Pochassic st
  • Sackett Thomas J., butcher, h. 10 Main
  • Sackett William W., whip-maker, h. Union ave

Westfield City Directory, 1895

  • Sackett Andrew, farmer, h Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, clerk C.N.Lewis, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, tinsmith Sprague & Son, h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Caleb Mrs., h 102 Union
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near 4-mile house
  • Sackett Chloe Mrs., nurse, h 19 Chapel
  • Sackett Cornelius, proprietor 4-mile house
  • Sackett Daniel, emp Northampton asylum, h Granville road
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar mfr, 295 Elm
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, with Enoch Sackett
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Southwest district
  • Sackett Ethel M. Miss, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer, h 102 Union
  • Sackett Fred, farmer, h near 4-mile house
  • Sackett Fred H., cashier Hampden National bank and treas of Masons' Fraternal Accident Asso'n of America, h. 39 Main
  • Sackett Geo. B., whip agent, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Henry, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Herbert L., conductor, h 105 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A., h Congress near Franklin
  • Sackett James M., farmer, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Louis H., cigarmaker Eastern Cigar Co., h 65 King
  • Sackett Maria, widow Moses, h 11 Mill cor Silver
  • Sackett Mary A., widow Orrin D., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Noble D., foreman machinist H.B.Smith Co. (north side), h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard, laborer, h off Western ave
  • Sackett Seth, Mrs., h 65 King
  • Sackett William W., h 11 Union ave

Westfield City Directory, 1896

  • Sackett Andrew, farmer, h Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette, cashier Lewis-Rich Co., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, tinsmith Sprague & Son, h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Caleb Mrs., h 102 Union
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near 4-mile house
  • Sackett Chloe Mrs., nurse, h 19 Chapel
  • Sackett Cornelius, prop 4-mile house
  • Sackett Daniel, at Northampton asylum, h Granville road
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar mfr, 295 Elm, bds Park Square hotel
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Ellen R., widow Seth, h 65 King
  • Sackett Ellen and Fannie Misses, with Enoch Sackett
  • Sackett Enoch, farmer, Southwest district
  • Sackett Ethel M. Miss, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Frank E., h 102 Union
  • Sackett Fred, farmer, h near 4-mile house
  • Sackett Fred H., cashier Hampden National bank and treas of Masons' Fraternal Accident Asso'n of America, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Geo. B., whip agent, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Henry, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Herbert L., conductor, h 35 Pochassic
  • Sackett James M., farmer, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Louis H., died June 6, 1896
  • Sackett Louis H. Mrs., widow, h 65 King
  • Sackett Loomis J., h 8 West School
  • Sackett Maria, widow Moses, died March 31, 1896
  • Sackett Mary Mrs., resides with James Blakeslee
  • Sackett Noble D., foreman machinist H.B.Smith Co., h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard, laborer, h off Western ave
  • Sackett Wm W., laborer, rooms 9 Union

Westfield City Directory, 1898

  • Sackett Andrew, farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, tinsmith Sprague & Moore Co., h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Caleb Mrs., h 102 Union
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near 4-mile house
  • Sackett Chloe Mrs., nurse, h 24 Prospect
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 105 Union
  • Sackett Dewitt C., cigar mfr, 295 Elm, h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Ellen R., widow Seth, h 65 King
  • Sackett Ethel M. Miss, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie Miss, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frank E., h 102 Union
  • Sackett Fred H., cashier Hampden National bank and treas of Masons Fraternal Accident Asso'n of America, h 39 Main
  • Sackett George B., whip agent, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Henry, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Herbert L., h 35 Pochassic
  • Sackett James M., farmer, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 65 King
  • Sackett Noble D., h 42 Washington
  • Sackett O.D. Mrs., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Richard, laborer, h off Western ave
  • Sackett Wm W., laborer, rooms 9 Union

Westfield City Directory, 1902

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, tinsmith Sprague & Moore Co., h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 7 Union
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Ethel M. Miss, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frank E., h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett Fred H. Mrs., h 39 Main
  • Sackett Fred R., laborer, bds Mrs. Persis Barnes
  • Sackett George B., whip agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harriet E., h 36 King
  • Sackett Henry Mrs., h 39 Main
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 38 Chapel
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 36 King
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., emp Bryant Box Co., bds 38 Chapel
  • Sackett Marguerite, bookkeeper Sprague & Moore Co., bds 38 Chapel
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., truant officer, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett O.D. Mrs., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Raymond S., emp Lozier, h 36 King

Westfield City Directory, 1903

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Bertha M., domestic at 37 Pleasant
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, lunch room 298 Elm, h 7 Main
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Ethel M. Miss, h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer textile, h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett Fred H. Mrs., h 39 Main
  • Sackett George B., whip agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, clerk Prout & Judson, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Harriet E., h 37 King
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow of Henry, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 21 Kellogg
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 37 King
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., emp Bryant Box Co., bds 21 Kellogg
  • Sackett Marguerite, bookkeeper Beckwith Bros., h 21 Kellogg
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., truant officer, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett O.D. Mrs., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Raymond S., emp Lozier, h 37 King

Westfield City Directory, 1904

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, lunch room 298 Elm, h 7 Main
  • Sackett Ella and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer Textile, h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett Frances C., widow Fred H., h 39 Main
  • Sackett George B., whip agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, night operator, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 60 North Elm
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 37 King
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., emp Bryant Box Co., bds 60 N. Elm
  • Sackett Marguerite, bookkeeper Beckwith Bros., h 60 N. Elm
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., truant officer, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett O.D. Mrs., h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Raymond S., emp Pope's, h 37 King
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow Henry, h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1905

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 41 Pleasant
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, lunch room 198 Elm, h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C. and Lydia E. Misses, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C., widow Fred H., h 39 Main
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer Textile, h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett George B., whip agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, night operator, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 22 Franklin
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., emp Bryant Box Co., bds 62 N. Elm
  • Sackett Marguerite, bookkeeper Beckwith Bros. & Co., 62 N. Elm
  • Sackett Maria Miss, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., truant officer, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Raymond S., emp Pope's, h 22 Franklin
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow Henry, h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1906

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 295 Elm
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C. Mrs, teacher of piano, h 49 Main
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer H.M. Van Deusen's, h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett George B., whip agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, conductor street railway, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H, student, h 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Jennie, widow Louis H., nurse, h 22 Franklin
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., emp Bryant Box Co., bds 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Lydia E. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Marguerite, bookkeeper Beckwith Bros. & Co., 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Maria Miss, Franklin near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., school janitor, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Raymond S., machinist, h 22 Franklin
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow Henry, h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1907

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 295 Elm
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin st near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence Abbott, student High school, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C. Mrs, teacher of piano, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Frank E., buffer H.M. Van Deusen's, h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett George B., agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H, student, h 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Jennie, widow of Louis H., nurse, rooms 58 School
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., bds 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Lydia E. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Marguerite Miss, 62 North Elm
  • Sackett Maria Miss, Franklin st near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., school janitor, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow of Henry, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Wm. W., h 11 Union ave

Westfield City Directory, 1908

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 295 Elm
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin st near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence Abbott, student High school, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C. Mrs, teacher of piano, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Fred R., Northwest road
  • Sackett George B., agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, bds 43 Montgomery
  • Sackett Harold, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H, student, h 11 Parker ave
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 11 Parker ave
  • Sackett Jennie, widow of Louis H., nurse, rooms 58 School
  • Sackett Jessie A. Miss., bds 11 Parker ave
  • Sackett Lydia E. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Marguerite Miss, 11 Parker ave
  • Sackett Maria Miss, Franklin st near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Maria, widow Frank E., h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett Mary A. Mrs., h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Noble D., school janitor, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Raymond, machinist, 15 Broad
  • Sackett Richard A., h Northwest dist
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow of Henry, h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1909

  • Sackett Alice R., widow Dewitt C., h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Andrew J., farmer, Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Annette Miss, h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin, prest Woronoco Heating and Plumbing Co., h 295 Elm
  • Sackett Charles, Franklin st near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelia, h near Mt. Tekoa house
  • Sackett Cornelius, h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Fanny and Ellen, h Sackett road, Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence Abbott, student High school, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C. Mrs, teacher of piano, h 39 Main
  • Sackett Fred R., Northwest road
  • Sackett George B., agent Sanford Whip Co., h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Gertrude Miss, clerk M. C. Ryan, bds Alquat
  • Sackett Harold, bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H, student, h 11 Parker ave
  • Sackett Herbert L., whipmaker, h 13 Parker ave
  • Sackett James A., farmer, h Sackett road
  • Sackett Jennie, widow of Louis H., nurse, rooms 58 School
  • Sackett Lydia E. Miss, dressmaker, h 24 Union
  • Sackett Marguerite Miss, N. H. & H. Sp'f'd, bds 11 Parker av
  • Sackett Maria, widow Frank E., h 78 Franklin
  • Sackett Noble D., school janitor, h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard A., h Northwest dist
  • Sackett Sophia H., widow of Henry, h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1910

  • Sackett Alice R widow Dewitt C h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Austin h 295 Elm
  • Sackett Charles h Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cornelius h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H music teacher 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Western av Northwest rd
  • Sackett George B salesman N E Whip Co h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Harold clk bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H bookkeeper Bryant Box Co bds 11 Parker av
  • Sackett Herbert L emp N E Whip Co h 13 Parker av
  • Sackett James A farmer h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse rms 58 School
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E h 15 W School
  • Sackett Noble D school janitor h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard A h Western av n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Sophia H widow Henry h 39 Main

Westfield City Directory, 1911

  • Sackett Alice R widow Dewitt C h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles h Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cornelius h 85 Franklin
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H music teacher 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Western av Northwest rd
  • Sackett George B salesman N E Whip Co h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Harold bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H bookkeeper 92 Elm bds 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett Herbert L emp N E Whip Co h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A farmer h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse rms 58 School
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E h 84 Franklin
  • Sackett Noble D school janitor h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard A blacksmith h Western av n Northwest rd

Westfield City Directory, 1912

  • Sackett Alice R widow Dewitt C h 50 Orange
  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cornelius h 11 Kellogg
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H music teacher 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Western av Northwest rd
  • Sackett George B salesman h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Harold rem to Boston
  • Sackett Herbert H bookkeeper 92 Elm bds 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett Herbert L emp NYNH&HRR h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A farmer h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse rms 58 School
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E h 10 Kellogg
  • Sackett Noble D school janitor h 42 Washington
  • Sackett Richard A blacksmith h Western av n Northwest rd

Westfield City Directory, 1913

  • Sackett Alice R widow Dewitt C bds 77 S Maple
  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Franklin rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cornelius h 11 Kellogg
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H music teacher 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Western av Northwest rd
  • Sackett George B salesman h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Hazel R milliner bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H bookkeeper 92 Elm bds 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett Herbert L emp N E Whip Co h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A farmer h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse rms 58 School
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 10 Kellogg
  • Sackett Noble D h 42 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1916

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Ethelbert E emp Hampden Toy Co h 34 Jefferson
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence A bds 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett George B salesman h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Hazel bds 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Herbert H rem to Springfield
  • Sackett Herbert L emp N E Whip Co h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse rms 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 10 Kellogg
  • Sackett Richard h Four Mile rd n Russell rd
  • Sackett Sarah widow Noble D h 42 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1917

  • Sackett Annette bookkeeper 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S widow George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethelbert E clerk 78 Franklin h 13 W School
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence A steno Crane Bros bds 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R farmer bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Gertrude bds 7 Sibley av
  • Sackett Herbert L emp N E Whip Co h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H rem to Fitchburg
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard h Four Mile rd n Russell rd
  • Sackett Sarah widow Noble D h 35 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1918

  • Sackett Annette bookkeeper 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S widow George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethelbert E clerk 78 Franklin h 13 W School
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Florence A steno bds 39 Main
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H music teacher 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Herbert L mech h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse bds 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard h Four Mile rd n Russell rd
  • Sackett Sarah widow Noble D h 35 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1919

  • Sackett Annette bookkeeper 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S widow George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethel H teacher bds 13 W School
  • Sackett Ethelbert E h 13 W School
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Herbert L mechanic h 55 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H nurse bds 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard h Four Mile rd n Russell rd
  • Sackett Sarah widow Noble D h 35 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1920

  • Sackett Annette bookkeeper 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S widow George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethel H teacher bds 13 W School
  • Sackett Ethelbert E h 13 W School
  • Sackett Fanny bds Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Frances C widow Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R bds Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Herbert L mechanic h 49 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie widow Louis H rem to Fitchburg
  • Sackett Lydia E dressmaker 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Maria widow Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard h Four Mile rd n Russell rd
  • Sackett Sarah widow Noble D h 35 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1921

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia res Russell rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethel H tchr res 13 W School
  • Sackett Ethelbert E h 13 W School
  • Sackett Frances C wid Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R res Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Herbert L mech h 49 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria wid Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard res Almshouse
  • Sackett Richard Mrs res Almshouse
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 39 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1922

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A res Russell rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethel H tchr res 13 W School
  • Sackett Ethelbert E h 13 W School
  • Sackett Frances C wid Frederick H teacher music 39 Main h do
  • Sackett Fred R res Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Herbert L mech h 49 Pochassic
  • Sackett James A h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria wid Frank E nurse h 12 W School
  • Sackett Richard Mrs res Almshouse
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 39 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1923

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A res Russell rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Ethel H rem to Pittsfield
  • Sackett Ethelbert E rem to Pittsfield
  • Sackett Fannie wid Herbert L h 49 Pochassic
  • Sackett Frances C wid Frederick H rem to Springfield
  • Sackett Fred R res Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie wid Lewis H res 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Richard Mrs res Almshouse
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 39 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1924

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A res Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C dressmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M wid Herbert L housekpr 3 Parker av
  • Sackett Fred R res Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie wid Lewis H res 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Maria wid Frank E h 5 King av
  • Sackett Richard A h 18 Thomas
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 48 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1925

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 84 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A r Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C drsmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen h Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie r Sackett rd Southwest district
  • Sackett Fannie M wid Herbert L housekpr 3 Parker av
  • Sackett Frances Mrs asst matron 20 King r do
  • Sackett Fred R r Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie wid Lewis H res 38 Shepard
  • Sackett Maria wid Frank E h 5 King av
  • Sackett Richard A h 18 Thomas
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 48 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1926

  • Sackett Annette bkkpr 94 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A r Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ella C drsmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Emma S wid George h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Fannie M wid Herbert L housekpr 3 Parker av
  • Sackett Frances Mrs asst matron 20 King r do
  • Sackett Frederick R died March 19 1926 age 75
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Jennie wid Lewis H rem to Boston
  • Sackett Maria wid Frank E h 6 King av
  • Sackett Richard (Beatrice) h 1 Deweys ct
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 48 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1927

  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Cordelia A died July 16 1926 age 71
  • Sackett E Annette bkkpr 94 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Ella C drsmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Fannie M Mrs died July 22 1926 age 67
  • Sackett Frances Mrs asst matron 20 King r do
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria C wid Frank E h 29 Hampden
  • Sackett Richard A (Mary Z) h 18 Thomas
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 48 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1928

  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett E Annette bkkpr 94 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Ella C drsmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett Frances Mrs rem to Agawam
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria C wid Frank E h 29 Hampden
  • Sackett Richard A (Mary Z) h 18 Thomas
  • Sackett Sarah wid Noble D h 48 Washington

Westfield City Directory, 1929

  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett E Annette bkkpr 94 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Ella C drsmkr 24 Union h do
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria C wid Frank E h 29 Hampden
  • Sackett Richard A died Jan 25 1929 age 73
  • Sackett Sarah M wid Noble D died Oct 19 1928 age 85

Westfield City Directory, 1930

  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett E Annette bkkpr 94 Elm h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria C wid Frank E h 29 Hampden
  • Sackett Mary wid Richard A r City Infirmary

Westfield City Directory, 1933

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor ave
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett James A (Nancy F) h 48 Holland av
  • Sackett Maria C wid Frank E r 12 Hampden

Westfield City Directory, 1934

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ellen F h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M r Sackett rd Southwest dist n town line
  • Sackett James A died Dec 31 1933 age 76
  • Sackett Nancy F wid James A h 48 Holland av

Westfield City Directory, 1936

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Ellen F died Apr 7 1935 age 85
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Nancy F wid James A h 48 Holland av

Westfield City Directory, 1937

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Charles B far h Russell rd n Northwest rd
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B h 14 Pleasant
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist
  • Sackett Nancy F wid James A died July 22 1936 age 87

Westfield City Directory, 1939

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Emma S wid George B died Feb 28 1938 age 81
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist

Westfield City Directory, 1940

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist

Westfield City Directory, 1942

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist

Westfield City Directory, 1943

  • Sackett Annette h 7 Taylor av
  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist

Westfield City Directory, 1945

  • Sackett Fannie M h Sackett rd Southwest dist

Westfield City Directory, 1949

Westfield City Directory, 1955

"US City Directories", digital image, Ancestry.