Newspaper Abstracts, California
128 records
- Sacramento Transcript, Sacramento County, California, Thursday Morning, June 27, 1850
"JUDICIAL—Ex rel. Falen C. RUSSELL vs. Chas. C. SACKETT—Before his Honor, E.J. WILLIS, Judge of the County Court. In this case a writ of mandamus had been granted by his Honor in vacation, directed to Justice SACKETT, requiring him to grant a change of venue in a case pending before him in which such change of venue had been by him refused."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Union, Sacramento County, California, Tuesday Morning, September 7, 1852
We publish below a complete list of the arrivals by the various routes during the last week. The anxiety of friends who are expecting relatives and friends by the way of the plains increases with the advancing season, and in order to relieve their minds, we shall give accurate and complete lists of all arrivals until the close of the season. The following persons have arrived at Placerville. This list is from the News: … J.L. Sackett …"
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Sonoma County Journal, Sonoma County, California, March 9, 1860
"Married near Petaluma, 6th inst., T.H. SITTON to Rosetta E. SACKETT."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Sonoma County Journal, Sonoma County, California, April 6, 1860
"Married at Vallejo, 29th ult., D.A. SACKETT to Emily J. STEVENS."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Sonoma County Democrat, Sonoma County, California, November 13, 1862
"D.A. SACKETT, Dr. J.Q. WILLIAMS and H.H. HARMON, were appointed viewers to locate road from Sonoma Mountain to Petaluma."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Stockton Daily Independent, San Joaquin County, California, Monday, 2 November, 1863.
"DEATH of an EDITOR—Judge C.C. SACKETT, for several years connected with the daily press of San Francisco, died at his residence in that place, on Thursday last, of consumption, in the 48th year of his age. He was known as a man faithful in his calling and charitable beyond his means."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Union, Sacramento County, California, January 1 1864
Noticeable Events During the Year 1863
October. 29th—Charles C. SACKETT, a pioneer, died in San Francisco."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Russian River Flag, Sonoma County, California, October 14, 1869
"Court Proceedings of October 4th: SACKETT vs. MOORE – case argued and taken under advisement."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Daily Bee, Sacramento County, California, Monday Evening, October 9, 1871
"ARRIVED—These passengers arrived overland to-day: … Fred. SACKETT, …"
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Russian River Flag, Sonoma County, California, Oct. 26, 1871
"Married. At Petaluma, Oct. 18, 1871, G.E. ORMSBY to Miss L.L. SACKET."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Daily Bee, Sacramento County, California, Wednesday Evening, November 15, 1871
"INDICTMENTS FOUND—The Grand Jury have found these indictments already: Henry SACKET, felony …"
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Stockton Daily Independent, San Joaquin County, California, Monday, 19 Aug 1872.
"THERE ARE probably few of the higher schools in the State but has a representative from Stockton. St. Augustine College at Benicia, also the University of California at Oakland, have pupils from this city. Last Saturday Master Dayton O’BRIEN, son of John H. O’BRIEN of this city, left for the Golden Gate Academy at Oakland. D.P. SACKET is the Principal of the latter institution."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Russian River Flag, Sonoma County, California, June 18, 1874
"Near Petaluma, June 10, 1874, at the residence of the bride's father, D.A. SACKETT; George A. LYON, Lake county to Mrs. Emma L. RANARD, Petaluma."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Winters Advocate, Yolo County, California, February 10, 1877
"B.R. Sackett, of Oakland was in town on Tuesday."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Winters Advocate, Yolo County, California, February 17, 1877
"MADISON.—We learn that B.R. Sackett, of Oakland, formerly of Winters, will erect a substantial brick building in the new town of Madison, after the style of Sackett's Hall, in this town, three stores on the first floor and a large Hall in the second story. Mansfield and Theodore will also erect a brick general merchandise store in the new town. Railroad iron for the extension is beginning to arrive freely."
[Researched by Ted Smith]
[Claire Tschirky adds that Sackett's Hall refers to the Opera House, on Main Street, Winters] - Winters Advocate, Yolo County, California, December 8, 1877
"The Sackett House, on Russell street lately occupied by J.L. Seawell, has been purchased by the Cumberland Presbyterian Society as a residence for their minister."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Napa Valley Register, Napa, California, 30 Dec 1878, p 3
Personal.—Kirk Sackett is very sick with congestion of the brain, and other members of his family are suffering with pneumonia.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Mountain Democrat, Placerville, El Dorado County, California, February 22 1879.
At the last session of the Board of Auditors the following named persons were drawn, from the several townships of the county, as regular Jurors for the ensuing year: Mud Springs township—Herman S. Sackett [1 of 24]."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Winters Advocate, Yolo County, California, April 12, 1879
"Dr. York lectured in Sackett's Hall on Monday and Tuesday evening of this week to very good audience. He left on Wednesday for his home in San Jose."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Napa County Reporter, California, 5 Dec 1884, p 3
Real Estate Transactions. Z W Garfield to Kirtland Sacket. 94 43 [sic] acres of land situated on the "Sausal Rancho" two miles north of Napa City, $7,500.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 30 November 1887
"Marriage Licenses. / Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to … Homer T. Sackett and Annie O. Zin."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, January 18, 1890
"Henry and William BRINCK, William WOLFSKILL, H.C. GOODYEAR, J.E. SACKETT and G.W. HINCLAY, members of the California Fruit Union, went to San Francisco, on Tuesday afternoon, to attend the annual meeting of that corporation."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, January 25, 1890
"J.E. SACKETT was a passenger on the South bound train Tuesday afternoon."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, February 15, 1890
"B.R. SACKETT came up from San Francisco on Saturday and went out to his brother’s."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, March 15, 1890
"Harry SACKETT went to San Francisco on Monday afternoon’s train."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, March 22, 1890
"Clarence SACKETT Was in town during the week."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, May 3, 1890
"Mr. Jones, of San Francisco, is up at J.E. Sackett's."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, May 3, 1890
"Mrs. B.R. Sackett and children are up from San Francisco visiting the lady's parents, H.P. Austin and wife, and friends in this vicinity. They will probably spend the summer here."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, May 3, 1890
"There was quite a large group of prominent fruit growers gathered on Main street yesterday afternoon. Among whom we noticed H. Brinck, W.J. and A.P. Pleasants, Fred N. Wertner, W.E. Thissell, H.P. Austin, of Pleasant valley, J.E. Sackett, H.C. Goodyear and others. All were under the spell of ye commission man."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, May 3, 1890
"A Picnic
A party of Pleasant valley people picnicked up in the Canyon on May day and from accounts had a most enjoyable time. There were games and music to enliven the senses and a famous luncheon to satisfy and cheer the inner man. Those composing the party were: Mrs. Harry Sackett, Miss Sackett [of about 60 people]."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, June 14, 1890
"B.R. Sackett is down from his quartz mine in Shasta county, and is visiting with his brother John, on the ranch west of town. Mr. Sackett says his mine is doing well, and that it never looked better than now."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, July 5, 1890
"Mrs. H.A. Loud came up from Vacaville, on Wednesday's noon train, and went out to J.E. Sackett's, her son in law."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, August 16, 1890
"Mrs. H.A. Loud of Vacaville, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J.E. Sackett."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, August 30, 1890
Institution of Winters Parlor No. 163 Last Saturday Evening. ... officers elected to serve for the first term were installed, as follows: Trustees, E.C. Rust, H.R. Sackett and T.H. Ramsey." "Following is a list of the charter members at the Institution of the Parlor: H.E. Sackett [one of about 30]."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, November 1, 1890
"Mr and Mrs. H.P. Austin went to Alameda, last Saturday, on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Sackett."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, November 8, 1890
"... wedding of August Brinck and Miss Dora Wurth. The presents were handsome, costly and serviceable, consisting of the following articles: ... Mr and Mrs. J.E. Sackett, silver forks ..."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, November 8, 1890
"Miss Ada McIntosh of San Francisco is stopping with the family of J.E. Sackett, as teacher of his children."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, November 8, 1890
"J.E. Sackett, wife and children returned home Tuesday after a three week's visit at the Bay. They bro't home a beautiful olive wood piano, of the New England make, and exhibiting the finest tone and action."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Napa Register, Napa, California, 26 Dec 1890, p 1
Chauncey Sackett, brother of Mr. Kirtland Sackett, died at the Napa Insane Asylum Thursday night. He had been an inmate of that institution for some time past. Deceased came to this county in '83. He was a single man, aged 62 years.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday, January 24, 1891
"Last Saturday night, in Masonic Hall, Past President G.A. Weihe, assisted by R.L. Briggs as Grand Marshal and Paul Morris as Grand Secretary, publicly installed the officers of Winters Parlor No. 163. The Natives inducted into office were ... Harry Sackett, [one of three] Trustees."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Winters Express, Yolo County, California, Saturday July 25 1891
"District Deputy Grand President, W.O. Russell, installed the officers elect of Winters Parlor, No. 163, N.S.G.W., on Friday evening of last week, as follows: ... Trustees: H.E. Sackett [1 of 3]."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 27 February 1892
"Licenses to Wed. / Marriage licenses were issued at the County Clerk's office yesterday to the following persons: … Alfred Sackett, a native of California, 20 years of age, to Lupa Rosa, also a native of this State, 16 years of age; both residents of Fulton Wells."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald, Los Angeles, California, 29 Mar 1895, p. 7
We have engaged the services of Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, the greatest living Silhouette artist, who will be in our store from one o'clock today until further notice. Mr. Sackett will cut pictures from life for all who purchase 50c worth of goods or more. This will be one of the great store attractions. Come in and see how the artist does it."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald, Los Angeles, California, 30 Mar 1895, p. 7
Store attractions are crowding thick and fast. Tonight from 7 till 10 the store will remain open. Doh's orchestra will furnish music. You will be royally entertained with the handsomest and most extensive decorations ever put up in the West. All day Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, the greatest Silhouette artist in the world, will cut pictures free for evry purchaser of 50c worth or more of goods. He is specially good with the children's pictures. Mr. Sackett has cut pictures for the most prominent personages in the world. Hundreds took advantage of this offer yesterday and had their pictures made. Every one has been delighted. Before Daguerre was born this was the only means known for taking pictures from life. Not retrograding but progressing. We show the difference between modern photography and ancient art. When this artist leaves the city he carries with him the peculiar faculty he has developed. There is no one else his equal. For a trifling purchase you can now avail yourself of this splendid offer. …
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 7 September 1895
"Ex-Congressman Sackett Dead. / Saratoga (N.Y.,) Sept. 6,—Ex-Congressman William A. Sackett dropped dead this noon. He was a member of the Thirtieth and Thirty-first Congresses, and was the father of Col. Sackett, who was killed at the head of his command in the late war."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Call, California, 5 Dec 1895, p. 10
Commencing Friday, December 6, 1895, and until further notice, the celebrated Silhouette Artist, Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, will cut pictures free for every purchaser of 50 cents' worth of goods and over, at the
1028 Market Street,
Fletcher & Co., Proprietors.
Wonders in Prices.
Wonders in Drugs.
Wonders in Toilet Articles,
Call and See Our Wonders.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Mountain Democrat, Placerville, California, 19 Feb 1898
El Dorado
News was received this morning by telephone from Plymouth, of the death of Mrs. H. Sackett at that place on the evening of the 15th. Mrs. Sackett was an old resident of El Dorado. She leaves four sons and a daughter to mourn her loss. [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 7 & 8 July 1899
"Death Record. / Sackett—In this city, July 6, 1899; William H., eldest son of H. D. Sackett, Hollywood. Funeral will take place from Hollywood Christian Church, Saturday, July 8, 1899, at 2 p.m. Friends are invited. Interment Rosedale Cemetery."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - The Saturday Bee, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, December 9 1905
AUBURN (Placer Co.), December 9—Mrs. K. KHOUMRIAN, of Rocklin, has begun the preliminaries for a legal separation from her husband, who is a young machinist, employed in the railroad shops at Rocklin. The Khoumrians have been married a little over a year, but the marital relations seem to have been stormy and tempestuous. An ungovernable temper on the husband's part is said to have figured conspicuously in the domestic dissensions that have estranged the parties.
The affair has been kept quiet and but little is known of the suit, as all parties connected with it are maintaining a strict silence. It is stated, however, that the plaintiff will set up some unusual allegations in her complaint.
The plaintiff was formerly Miss Edith SACKETT, of Sacramento. It is not known whether the husband will contest his wife's suit, but it has been intimated that he will not appear in the action."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 14 May 1906, p. 8
Silhouette Artist Interests Children in Behalf of San Francisco's Needy by Unique Scheme of Collecting Books
Sackett's Unique Scheme
A novel method of contributing to the cause of relief in behalf of San Francisco has been devised and put into most promising operation by X. Ackley Sackett, the local silhouette artist. Mr. Sackett, who has been one of the leading spirits in the relief work effected here, several days ago caused to be announced at the public school that to every child bringing him a school book, regardless of subject matter or condition, he would present a profile cut to order. Already the books have commenced to come in and the silhouette craze among the youngsters is assuming alarming proportions. Grammars, geographies and spelling books are spread over arithmetics and readers, some of which were undoubtedly in use before California was settled, in the none too large quarters of the artist; and the end is not yet.
Yesterday a woman promised to donate a soapbox full of books, and others have made known an intention to contribute in smaller quantities. Mr. Sackett says he knew what he was about when he undertook his contract, and claims to be immune from scissors paralysis, which complaint the undiminishing activity of the youthful population of the town seems bent on making his portion.
"Bring 'em along," is his slogan, and locally it's a three-cornered pool and take your choice on whether the kids lose interest or the supply of books or Sackett gives out first."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 31 Oct 1906, p. 5
X. Ackley Sackett, Known as "the Cuttist," Forced to Leave Venice in a Hurry to Escape Violence
Special to The Herald.
VENICE, Oct. 30—Information secretly conveyed to him, to the effect that a number of men had planned to give him a coat of tar and feathers tonight, caused X. Ackley Sackett, the Windward Pier cuttist, to hurriedly close his studio this afternoon and depart for Los Angeles.
Before leaving Sackett made the statement that he understood it was part of the program to have a charge of his having committed a vicious act trumped up against him to be used by his assailants should they be arrested or if he did not leave town quietly after the proposed assault had taken place.
Sackett, who lives in the rear of his studio, is generally credited with having brought to public notice the activities of card sharps here and the alleged neglect of duty of the local police force. He said he had been warned previously and was not taking any chances, as he feared the gang and could not depend on the police for protection."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 5 Nov 1906, p. 10
Venice Pier Artist Arrested for Throwing Bottle at a Man Who Said Things
Special to The Herald.
VENICE, Nov. 4.—On complaint of Pat Bulger, a bartender, X. Ackley Sackett, the Windward pier cuttist, was arrested tonight after Sackett had thrown a bottle of ink at Bulger with the evident intention of hitting him.
Sackett was brought before Justice of the Peace Wheat at the latter's residence and was allowed to go on his own recognizance. His hearing was set for 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. His action, Sackett claims, was occasioned by Bulger, who with two friends, was standing in the center of the walk before his studio and making insulting remarks concerning his morals. Both men as well as several bystanders received a liberal splashing of the black fluid.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - San Francisco Bulletin, San Francisco, California, 2 Dec 1906, p 35
Sackett—In this city, November 30, Olga E. Sackett, beloved wife of Harry Edward Sackett, loving daughter of John and Hannah Falk, and sister of Emma, William, Helen and James Falk, a native of San Francisco, aged 30 years, 9 months and 26 days.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 3 Dec 1906, p 2
Winters Waifs.
Mrs. Harry Sackett was taken to the city last week to undergo a surgical operation. It was said she was near the point of death, but last reports are that she is recovering."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 12 February 1907
"Marriages. / Sackett—White. Archie A. Sackett, aged 30, a native of California, and a resident of Stagg, Cal., and Maude L White, aged 30, a native of Ohio, and a resident of Los Angeles."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 26 January 1907
"Deaths. / Otis. In Hollywood, at the residence of her nephew, H D Sackett, January 24, 1907, Betsy Sackett Otis, aged 87 years. Funeral from parlors of Connell-Unterkircher-Crawford Co., No. 1031 South Grand avenue, Sunday, January 27, at 2 p.m. Friends invited. Interment, Rosedale Cemetery."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 12 Dec 1908, p 2
Weddings of Recent Date
H. E. Sackett and Miss Bryce Married at Winters
Harry Edwood [sic] Sackett and Miss Lena Bryce were married Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Bryce, of Winters. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. W. Coates of the Baptist church. The home was beautifully decorated with evergreens and hollyberries. Only the relatives of the.couple were present. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sackett. The ceremony was performed under a pretty wedding bell of holly and mistletoe.
Miss Lena Bryce, for a number of years past, has been agent for the Sunset Telephone Company at Winters and proprietor of the telephone store which was purchased by Ed Dunnigan.
Mr. Harry Sackett is a prosperous fruit grower of Winters, and a son of B. R. Sackett of Alameda.
After the ceremony the happy couple went to their future home on one of the Sackett farms. The Citizen joins with their many friends in congratulations.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - New Era, Modoc County, California, October 20 1909.
"Modoc County's Teachers Institute
Instructors and Lecturers
Geo. L. Sackett, Secretary State Text Book Committee, Sacramento.
"The Course of Study and Its Applications," Geo. L. Sackett.
"A Call Worth While," Geo. L. Sackett.
"State Text Books and Allied Problems," Geo. L. Sackett.
"Reminiscences of a School Discussion." Geo. L. Sackett.
"Modern Patriotism," Geo.L. Sackett.
"Personal Experiences of a California Legislator," Geo. L. Sackett."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - New Era, Modoc County, California, November 10 1909.
"The lecture at the church last Thursday evening by Mr. Sackett, subject, "Patriotism" was a very interesting one and was largely attended."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 18 May 1911
"Marriage Licenses. [issued 17 May 1911]. Webb—Sackett. Robert Webb, 26; Amelia A. Sackett, 19."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 11 March 1911
"Deaths. / Sackett. In this city, March 9, Mrs. Edith B. Sackett, aged 72 years. / Services at the Methodist Church, corner Third and Hobart streets, Saturday, March 11, at 2 p.m. Interment at Rosedale Cemetery."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Sacramento Union, Sacramento County, California, Friday, July 21, 1911
"Text-Book Committee Must Fill Sackett's Place
The state text-book committee will hold a meeting in San Francisco today with Governor JOHNSON and it is expected that one of the things the committee will do will be to name a secretary to succeed George L. SACKETT, who recently resigned. Sackett left Sacramento yesterday afternoon and took most of his baggage with him, planning to go on to Oakland when the meeting is concluded. Sackett resigned to accept a position as supervising principal in the Oakland schools."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The Long Beach Telegram and The Long Beach Daily News, Long Beach, California, 23 Aug 1911, p 9
Theodore N. Sackett.
Theodore N. Sackett, aged 78 years died in his home 1239 East Fourth street yesterday from illness incident to old age. Mr. Sackett has not been actively engaged in business for the last few years and had made his home in Long Beach for the last four years. The widow and three sons and one daughter survive. The funeral was held this afternoon with services in Cleveland's undertaking parlors. Interment was in Sunnyside cemetery. The decedent was born in Connecticut and was a blacksmith by trade.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Call and Post, San Francisco, California, 1 Apr 1912, p 10
Sackett—In Alameda, March 30, 1912. Buel Ruthvan Sackett, beloved husband of Florence A. Sackett, and loving father of Louis A., Chester H., Harry E. and Florence M. Sackett and Mrs. R. Dinsmore, Mrs. F. W. Avers and Mrs. Roy Wyatt, a native of New York state, aged 78 years 2 months and 26 days.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services today (Monday), April 1, 1912, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., at his late residence, 1121 Lafayette street, Alameda. Incineration Oakland crematory (private).
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Trinity Journal, Trinity County, California, August 10 1912.
"H.B. SACKETT, a lawyer of Sacramento, was an arrival last Friday and left the following day for Hyampom. He has been engaged as counsel for Samuel HELLAR, who was injured in a shooting affray at Hyampom last week."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 29 August 1915
"Pioneer Woman Passes. / Monrovia, Aug. 28.—Mrs Kate Whitaker, widow of the late W.W.Whitaker, died yesterday evening …. Pallbearers have been selected from pioneer residents and include …, W.L. Sackett, …."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Sacramento Bee, Sacramento County, California, Saturday, April 22, 1916
WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), April 22—The thirtieth annual convention of the Yolo County W.C.T.U. will be held in Winters next Thursday. … Addresses will be made by Mrs. L. SACKETT, …"
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 20 Feb 1920, p 4
Sackett—In this city, Feb. 18, 1920, Nancy Henery, relict of the late Kirkland Sackett, dearly beloved mother of George K., Samuel H. and Charles Sackett, Mrs. Hattie E Koster, Mrs. Ella Skinner of Jordan Valley, Oregon, and Mrs. Margaret Imrie of Napa, a native of Ireland, aged 84 years. (Napa papers please copy).
Remains at her late residence, 1352 20th av., until today (Friday) morning, when they will be forwarded to Napa for interment in family plot Friday, 2:30 p. m.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Long Beach Telegram and The Long Beach Daily News, Long Beach, California, 10 Nov 1920, p 7
Mrs. Permelia Sackett.
Mrs. Permelia Sackett, 71, passed. away this morning at her home, 470 Cherry avenue. She was a native of Missouri and had resided 14 years in this city. She belonged to the United Presbyterian church.
Two sons, H. B. and F. E. Sackett, both residents of this city; two daughters, Mrs. D. M. Powell, of this city, and Mrs. L. L. Ellison of Salt Lake City, and a sister and two brothers survive the decedent.
The body is at Patterson & McQuilkin's parlors.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Long Beach Telegram and The Long Beach Daily News, California, 28 Feb 1921, p 15
Allow Us To Introduce. The following among newcomers to Long Beach, reported today: Leonard Sackett, 27 Maine avenue, from Milford, Beaver county, Utah.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, 24 Aug 1922, p 6
Santa Ana Licenses
Santa Ana, Aug. 23.—Marriage licenses here: Leonard Frank Sockett [sic], 21, Cora Thelma Beggs, 18, Long Beach.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Long Beach Telegram and The Long Beach Daily News, Long Beach, California, 12 May 1923, p 5
Frank Sackett
Frank Sackett, 47, formerly of 1375 Orange avenue, died yesterday at a local hospital. He had been a resident of Long Beach during the past three years. His former home was in Salt Lake City.
He is survived by his wife, Ettie M. Sackett; four sons, Leonard S., Theodore, Clifton and Don; and two daughters Mrs. Doris Foster and Miss Merle Sackett.
The body has been placed in the Patterson and McQuilkin parlors. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 16 October 1924
"Marriage Licenses. / Sackett—Thompson. Wayne Sackett, 30; Minnie D. Thompson,38."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 21 October 1926
"Births. / Sackett, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Boys (twins.) Good Samaritan Hospital. October 18."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 11 April 1928
"Intention to Marry. / Sackett—Bothwell. Theodore N. Sackett, 21; Lora R. Bothwell, 17."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 6 April 1929
"Deaths. / Sackett. At 309 South Avenue 57, Mary A. Sackett. / Funeral services at Crease's, Highland Park, today at 1 p.m."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 23 & 25 June 1929
"Deaths. / Sackett. At the home in North Hollywood, June 21, Mrs. Ellen L. Sackett, aged 80 years, widow of the late Horace D. Sackett and beloved mother of Mary M. and Warren L. Sackett, Mrs. George H. Dunlop and Mrs. Emily Sackett Cooper. / Funeral services will be held Tuesday, June 25, at 2 p.m., from the Hollywood Christian Church, 1717 North Gramercy. Interment, Rosedale Cemetery. Connell Co., directors."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 17 June 1931
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Meyer—Sackett. John A. Meyer, 49; Rebecca J. Sackett, 39."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Imperial Valley Press, El Centro, California, 19 Sep 1932, p 2, & other newspapers
Air Accidents Cause Death and Injuries Over Week-end
Santa Barbara, Sept. 19. — (U.P.)—Gordon Sackett, 32, widely known aviator, was near death today as the result of an accident which cost the life of Francis Earl Harper, 16, wealthy student of flying.
Witnesses said Sackett apparently was teaching Harper to execute a tailspin as part of his training course. The ship fell from a height of 500 feet, and examination of the wreckage led to the belief the controls were "frozen."
Sackett suffered a severe skull injury.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Santa Maria Times, Santa Maria, California, 19 Sep 1932, p 1
Santa Barbaran Killed in Aerial Crack-Up Sunday
Santa Barbara. Sept. 19. — Plunging 500 feet to earth, an airplane crashed near Goleta at noon Sunday to kill Francis Earl Harper, 16, student flier, and severely injured Gordon Sackett, local aviator who lies in the Cottage hospital with possible fatal injuries.
Sackett was giving lessons in stunting to young Harper, nephew of Harry Hollister, when the plane crashed.
Victor Hayes, owner of the ship, last night gave a large quantity of blood in order to save Sackett's life.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express, California, 24 Sep 1932, p 2
Two Dead in Air Crash
Santa Barbara, Sept. 24.—(U.P.)—An airplane accident last Sunday during demonstration of tailspin maneuvers had taken its second life today. Gordon Sackett, prominent aviator, died from injuries. Earl Harper, 16, wealthy aviation student, died in the crash.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Evening Tribune, San Diego, California, 24 Sep 1932, p 3
Santa Barbara—Gordon Sackett, 30, is dead from injuries received in a plane crash near Goleta. Francis E. Harper, 16, was killed in the crash.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 27 September 1933
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Lester—Sackett. Harry P. Lester, 22; Dora I. Sackett, 18."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 5 October 1933
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Sackett—Pugh. Eldon D. Sackett, 26; Lucille A. Pugh, 19."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 7 Dec 1933, p 8
From the Files—25 Years Ago. A marriage license was issued this afternoon to Harry Edward Sackett and Lena Brice, both residents of Winters.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 15 December 1933
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Ullerich—Sackett. Herbert W. Ullerich, 33; Margaret L. Sackett, 33."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 9 October 1934
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Kester—Sackett. Harry Kester, 48; Lucinda H. Sackett, 40."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 5 September 1935
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Sackett—Gold. Alfred Sackett, 21; Sarah Gold, 18."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland, California, 14 Oct 1935, p 2
Miss Chamberlin Weds Harry Sackett In Sacramento
Miss Dorothy Chamberlin of Capay and Harry E. Sackett, Jr., of Davis, married Sunday in the Sacred Heart church at Sacramento.
Miss Chamberlin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Chamberlin, Capay Valley ranchers. Mr. Sackett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sackett, prominent Davis residents.
The bride wore a navy blue dress with white trimmings and navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias and lilies of the valley.
Miss Patricia Weaver of Esparto, a cousin of the bride, was the maid of honor. Miss Weaver wore a rust outfit with brown accessories, and carried a bouquet of salmon baby roses.
Albert Ichtertz of Winters, a school friend of the groom, was best man.
The couple plan a ten day honeymoon in San Francisco, after which they will return to their new home in Davis.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 20 October 1936
"Official Death List (Los Angeles). / Sackett, William, 57, Sept. 14."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 23 November 1937
"Deaths. / Sackett. Harriette E. Sackett, beloved daughter of Mrs. Eva Sackett; sister of Mrs. Grace Wrench and Robert Sackett. / Services Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Little Church of the Flowers. / Mortuary, Forest Lawn memorial Park Association, Inc., in charge."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 13 January 1939
"Intention to Marry [issued yesterday]. / Worstine—Sackett. Theron W., 23, 680 S. Westlake Ave.; Odessia L., 23, 410 W. Third St."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 28 April 1940
"Deaths. / Sackett. Robert E.L. Sackett. Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Times, 29 April 1940
"Deaths. / Sackett. Robert E.L., beloved husband of Millie B. Sackett, father of Mrs. Irene S. Cooper, Mrs. Dorothy S. Gingerich and Edward B. Sackett. / Services Tuesday, 2 p.m., at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn. Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary, directors."
[Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett] - Winters Express, Winters, California, 23 Oct 1942, p 1
Last Rites Held for Harry Sackett
Final rites for Harry E. Sackett Sr. were largely attended, Saturday a. m., at the Presbyterian church, with committal in the local cemetery. Rev. Monroe Drew brought a brief message of comfort, closing with recital of the Shepherd Psalm, the deceased's favorite Seripture. C. P.Culton sang "Abide With Me," and "Sometime We'll Understand," Mrs. H. E. Mermod, pianist.
Casket-bearers were life-long friends, E. E. Baker, Francis McGarr, Roy Wyatt, Fred Moody, Buell Dinsmore, A. C. Sullivan. Autumn flowers were lavish and beautiful, mute tributes of esteem.
Out-of-town relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wyatt, Esparto, Mrs. Brock Dickie and daughter, Mrs. Nellie May Crisp, Davis; Mrs. Harold Dickie, Dixon.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Winters Express, Winters, California, 23 Oct 1942, p 8
Card of Thanks
We extend our sincere thanks for expressions of sympathy, also for floral tributes offered in our bereavement in the loss of husband and father.
Mrs. H. E. Sackett
Harry Sackett
Buell Sackett
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Fresno Bee, Fresno, California, 21 Mar 1945, p 13
Urie—In Fowler, March 20, 1945, Mrs. Lulu Urie, a native of Wisconsin, aged 77 years. Beloved wife of George Urie; loving mother of Mrs. Hazel Mainland of Fowler, John Urie of Richmond, and Chester Urie of Oakland; one brother and one sister, Fred Sackett and Ida L. Sackett of Wisconsin; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren also survive. Friends are invited to attend funeral services to be held in the chapel of Jorgensen Funeral Home, Thursday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock. Rev. Everett 0. Williams will officiate. Interment in Fowler Cemetery.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California, 27 Jun 1946, p 11
Nevada Marriage Licenses, "Buell Arthur Sackett, 31, and Theresa O. Gonzales, 24, both of Vinters [sic], Calif."
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Union, Sacramento, California, 29 Apr 1948, p 4
Lena Sackett
Woodland—Mrs. Lena Sackett, 70, long-time resident of the Winters district, died early yesterday at the Yolo General Hospital. She was a native of Kentucky and was married 38 years ago to Harry E Sackett.
Kraft Brothers are making funeral plans.
Mrs. Sackett is survived by two sons, Buel Sackett of Winters and Harry Sackett of Sonora.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, 3 Aug 1948, p 6
Sackett Weds
San Francisco, Aug. 2 (UP)
Sheldon F. Sackett, publisher and broadcaster, was married here today to Mrs. Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe of Portland, Ore. Sackett published the Coos Bay Times and operates radio Station KOOS in Coos Bay, Oregon. In addition he has radio station KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver, Wash. He is an applicant for a television license for the bay district.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Daily News, Los Angeles, California, 3 Aug 1948, p 6
Sheldon Sackett weds
San Francisco, Aug. 3.–(U.P.)
Sheldon F. Sackett, 46, prominent West Coast publisher and broadcaster, was married here yesterday to Mrs. Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe, 38, of Portland, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 6 Aug 1948, p 19
Wedding News
Amidst the standard amount of clatter and ado that inevitably accompanies his big moments, whether they be marriages or mergers, Sheldon Sackett, radio station owner and publisher of an Oregon newspaper, was married again early this week. His first wife, Mills College Grad Beatrice Walton, had died several months previously.
The new Mrs. Sackett was formerly Mrs. Evelyn Schwabe, the divorced wife of a Portland attorney. Sackett has three children of his own and the new Mrs. Sackett brings him three more, thus increasing the population under the Sackett roof to enough to make two tables of bridge, with the parents.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 31 Jan 1950, p 10
Sheldon Sackett Weds in Piedmont
Sheldon Sackett, former newspaper publisher and now a Bay area radio station operator, was married in Piedmont yesterday to Elizabeth Worthington, Piedmont.
It was the third marriage for Sackett, part owner of radio station KROW in Oakland. The bride is a former Broadway actress, and a well known portrait and landscape painter.
Sackett, former publisher and part owner of the Oregon Statesman, lives at 171 Estates Drive, Piedmont.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - San Diego Union, 23 Jul 1954
"Mrs. Matilda S. Borden, 94, of 4659 Mississippi St. died yesterday in her home. A native of San Luis Obispo, she had lived here 22 years. She was a member of the Native Daughters of the Golden West.
Services will be held at 9:30 a.m. today at Lewis Colonial Mortuary with graveside rites to be at 2:30 p.m. at Sunnyside Cemetery, Long Beach. Survivors include two daughters, Ida M. Kennedy and Mrs. Ross M. Wilsie of San Diego."
[Transcribed from Find A Grave image by Chris Sackett] - The Times, San Mateo, California, 9 Dec 1955, p 1
Hillsborough Man Killed in Nevada Snow Accident
Percy Sackett Dies on Road West of Elko
Car Hit Icy Spot and Overturned, Throwing Driver Out.
A prominent bay area certified public accountant, Percy E. Sackett, 52, 457 El Arroyo road, Hillsborough, was killed instantly last night when his car skidded out of control in the midst of a heavy snowstorm near Elko, Nev., overturned and threw him to the pavement.
Associates at Sackett's company, the Percy E. Sackett company at 105 Montgomery street, San Francisco, said he left Hillsborough about 9 a.m. yesterday to drive to Salt Lake City for medical treatment. He had planned to go to Las Vegas on business and had expected to be away about two weeks.
Members of the accounting firm reported that they had contacted Nevada state highway patrol and learned that Sackett, who had planned to spend the night at Elko, had apparently been trying to reach Elko after leaving Reno when he became trapped in the midst of the storm, during which 10 inches of snow fell.
Although there were no witnesses to the accident, officers theorized Sackett's car hit an icy spot on the pavement, skidded around and overturned several times, throwing him out. He apparently was killed instantly when his head hit the pavement.
Other motorists found the wreckage and Sackett's body when they came upon the scene.
Before moving to the bay area about 10 years ago, Sackett practiced in Washington, D.C., where he was also registrar for Stroyer college.
A director of several large corporations, Sackett was a leading income tax expert and held accounts with many large concerns.
A Phi Beta Kappa, he was a graduate of University of Washington at Seattle.
Active in Masonic work, Sackett was a member of Burlingame lodge No. 400, F. & A. M.; the Islam Shrine in San Francisco and the Royal Order of Jesters. He was a past president of the Islam Shrine club of San Mateo.
Other organizations of which he was a member included Lodge No. 1112, B.P.O.E. of San Mateo; the Press and Union League club of San Francisco and the Accountants association of San Francisco.
Survivors include his widow, Dorothea, and two children, Jeanne Anne, 15, and Geoffrey A. Sackett, 13.
Funeral services are pending the arrival of his body Sunday at Crosby-N. Gray chapel in Burlingame.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California, 11 Dec 1955, p 53
SACKETT—In Elko, Nevada, December 8, 1955, Percy E. Sackett, beloved husband of Dorothea R. Sackett of Hillsborough, loving father of Jeanne Ann Sackett and Jeffrey A. Sackett, both of Hillsborough, and Mary G. Sackett ot West Bend, Wis., also survlved bv two sisters. A member of Burlingame Lodge No. 400, F. & A. M.; Peninsula Bodies Scottish Rite; Islam Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S.; Past President of Peninsula Shrine Club.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday, December 13, 1955, at 1 p. m., at the Colonial Mortuary of Crosby-N. Gray & Co., 2 Park Road at Peninsula Ave., Burlingame. under the auspices of Burlingame Lodge No. 400, F. & A. M. Inurnment, Woodlawn Memorial Park.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California, 22 Aug 1958, p 29
Sackett — In this city August 20 1958 Ivy V Sackett, beloved mother of Floyd and Dale D Sackett and Mrs Edith Atwood; a native of Oregon. Services 11 A M tomorrow (Saturday) at the George L Klumpp Chapel of Flowers, 808 O Street. Interment Masonic Lawn.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Times, San Mateo, California, 6 May 1959, p 30
Sackett Sued For Divorce
Oakland (AP) — Mrs. Elizabeth Sackett sued publisher Sheldon Sackett for divorce Tuesday and obtained a temporary order preventing him from liquidating any more of his holdings.
Mrs. Sackett's suit said the publisher had sold radio stations KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver, Wash., for $1,900,000 the last 60 days. Superior Judge Thomas W. Caldecott granted a temporary restraining order and set May 14 for a hearing on whether to make it permanent.
Mrs. Sackett charged extreme cruelty. She asked custody of an 8-year-old son and division of community property she valued at $3,600,000. She estimated her husband's debts at one million dollars.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, 23 Dec 1960, p 32
"Philip Campbell Eccles
British banker Philip Campbell Eccles, a leading member of the British colony in the Bay Area, died yesterday in San Francisco after a long illness. He was 53.
Mr. Eccles was the brother of Britain's education minister Sir David Eccles, and had been the Pacific Coast representative of the British banking house of Barclays for the past nine years.
He had served the bank for 33 years and spent most of his career in Africa.
Mr. Eccles lived at 2730 Union St. with his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Sackett Eccles."
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - Independent Star-News, Pasadena, California, 24 Sep 1961, p 9
Sackett—Harry L. Sackett, 73, passed away Sept. 19, 1961 at Portland, Oregon. He is survived by his wife Hildegard Sackett, son Wilbur S. Sackett of Pasadena and daughter Mrs. Robert C. Edear of West Covina, also five grandchildren. The Rev. Armin Hesse will officiate at services 11 a.m. Monday at the Mountain View Mortuary, 2400 North Fair Oaks Ave., Altadena.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, 8 Dec 1961, p 32
Sackett Pays Up Alimony and Fees
Contempt of court proceedings against Sheldon F. Sackett, publisher of a group of labor papers, were dropped today after he obeyed a court order to pay $15,445 in back alimony and attorney fees.
Sackett is being sued for divorce by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Sackett, 171 Estates Drive, Piedmont.
Superior Judge Marvin Sherwin ordered Sackett Nov. 15 to make payments covering the period up to Aug. 8.
Time for payment expired today. Myron Harris, attorney for Mrs. Sackett, notified the court that Sackett paid up yesterday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Daily News-Post, Monrovia, California, 31 Oct 1966, p 7
Louis Petrie Requiem Mass set Wednesday
MONROVIA—Louis Clinton Petrie Sr., 78, long-time resident of the San Gabriel Valley, died Friday following a long illness.
He was born in Brantford, Ont., Canada, but spent his youth in Holland, Mich., and later attended the University of Michigan.
The family moved to Monrovia in 1945 when he purchased the Monrovia Hospital, which he owned and operated until 1959.
Mr. Petrie was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion. He was a member of the Elks for over 52 years.
He is survived by his wife, Anna of Covina, four daughters, Mrs. Jean Rose of San Pedro, Miss Mary Louise Petrie of Covina, Mrs. Sally Ury of Whittier, and Miss Karen Ellen Petrie of Pasadena; two sons, Louis C. Petrie Jr. of Monrovia and George Petrie of Seattle, Wash.; a brother Dewey of New York City and seven grandchildren.
Rosary will be recited at the Chapel of the Temple and La Gorge Mortuary at 8 p.m. Tuesday and Requiem Mass celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church at 10 a.m. Wednesday, with interment to follow in Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to his name to the Jesuit Seminary Association, 233 Grant Avenue, San Francisco.
[ image researched by Terri Carlson, transcribed by Chris Sackett] - The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California, 21 Sep 1967, p 43
Yolo Record Is Purchased By Bay Publisher
Woodland (AP) Sheldon F. Sackett, San Francisco publisher, announced today the inauguration of a new newspaper, The World of Yolo County.
The World is the successor to the Yolo County Record, formerly the Woodland Record, which was published by Mr. and Mrs. G Douglas Tibbits.
Sackett announced plans in the first edition today of transforming the weekly paper into a daily in the fall, with separate editions serving Davis and eastern Yolo County.
Sackett also publishes newspapers titled The World in Burley, Idaho; Coos Bay, Ore.; Sonoma and Roseville, as well as a number of labor newspapers in California.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, 2 Sep 1968, p 55
Sheldon Sackett, Publisher, Dies
Sheldon F. Sackett, a flamboyant publisher who owned newspapers in three western states, is dead at 66.
He succumbed yesterday in a San Francisco hospital, following a lengthy illness.
Mr. Sackett, owned the Olympic Press in Oakland, the Valley Cable System in Twin Falls, Ida., and was president of World Newspapers Inc. of San Francisco and Daily World in Coos Bay, Ore. He also headed radio station KOOS in Coos Bay.
During his colorful career, in which he bought newspapers the way some people collect antiques, Mr. Sackett had owned papers in Alameda, San Leandro and Vancouver.
He also owned the old radio station KROW in Oakland and KVAN in Vancouver.
After leaving the high school in 1925, he purchased his first paper, the McMinnville Telephone-Register in Oregon.
Mr. Sackett was a co-founder of the Oregon Statesman in Salem and later bought the Coos Bay World, which he published for 38 years.
He lived for several years in Piedmont until his divorce from his second wife, actress Elizabeth Worthington, after a drawn-out and stormy legal battle that spanned six years, ending in 1965. During the court fight he revealed that his fortune was in excess of $3.5 million.
He is survived by three sons, David of Spokane, John of San Francisco and Schuyler of Piedmont; a daughter, Mrs. Marcia Kimball of Berkeley; a brother, Leland R. Sackett of Sheridan, Ore., and four grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Halstead & Co. mortuary, 1123 Sutter St., San Francisco.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Petaluma Argus-Courier, Petaluma, California, 3 Sep 1968, p 12
Cotati World Publisher Dies
Sheldon F. Sackett, 66, publisher of the weekly World of Sonoma County and several other West Coast papers, died Saturday in a San Francisco hospital after an illness of two months.
Sackett a newspaper publisher since 1925, was born in Jefferson, Ore., Aug. 2, 1902, the son of Judge Fred R. and Mrs. Sackett.
He was graduated from Willamette University, Salem, in 1922, and took graduate study at Columbia University, New York and the University of Oregon.
He purchased the Mc-Minneville, Ore. Telephone Register in 1925. In 1930 he purchased the World of Coos Bay (Oregon), which he still owned at the time of his death.
In addition to the Coos Bay newspaper he owned The World of Sonoma County; The Olympic Press, Oakland; the Valley Television Cable System, Twin Falls, Idaho; Radio Station KOOS, Coos Bay, and several labor papers in the East Bay Area.
Sackett was well known in Sonoma County, having purchased the former Rohnert Park Press, the Cotatian, the Santa Rosa News and the Sentinel, all county weekly newspapers, which he combined into the weekly World of Sonoma County in 1967. He continued publishing the local weekly up to the time of his death.
He was married twice, both marriages ending in divorce. His first wife was the former Evelyn Zingleman Schwabe, Portland, Ore., whom he married in 1948. His second marriage, to Elizabeth Worthington, took place in 1950. He was divorced from his second wife in 1965.
He was a member of the Commonwealth Club, the San Francisco Press Club, the University Club of Portland, Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, the Coos Bay-North Bend Rotary Club, the Elks, the Masons and the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association.
He is survived by three sons, David Schulyer, Spokane, Wash.; John Walton, San Francisco, and Schulyer Worthington, Piedmont; a daughter, Marcia Anne Kimball, Berkeley; a brother, Leland R. Sackett, Sheridan, Ore., and four grandchildren.
Funeral Services were held today at 3 p.m. at Halsted & Co. 1123 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Interment will be at Albany, Ore.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Santa Cruz Sentinel, California, 28 May 1976, p 34
Dorothy Adams
Died Thursday
Dorothy C. Adams, 68, a resident of Aptos for seven years, died Thursday in Santa Cruz.
A native of Winters, Calif., she was educated in her home town schools, attended Mills College and graduated from the College of the Pacific in 1930. She married a classmate, Lloyd Adams in 1930 and after three years in Honolulu and San Francisco, returned to Winters.
She was a member of the St. Andrew's United Presbyterian Church of Aptos; past president of the fellowship guild of Winters' Pioneer Presbyterian Church; past president of the Woman's Assn. and also a deaconess of church in Aptos; active in the choir; lifetime member and past president of the PTA in Winters. She was also active in cub scoutiing.
She is survived by her husband, Lloyd, of Aptos; two daughters, Claire Tschirky of Long Beach and Eva Lynn Adams of Freestone, Calif.; two sons, Gerald Adams of Loomas and Warren Adams of Winters; a brother, Hanford Beaar Sackett of Oakland; and aunt, Florence Sackett of Woodland; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be held at her church, 9850 Monroe Ave., Aptos, on Sunday at 2 p.m.
Services will also be conducted at the Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Winters. Interment will be in Winters.
Arrangements are being made by Arnold's Funeral Home.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Times-Advocate, Escondido, California, 31 Mar 1981, p 21
Sara Gillette
Escondido — Sara Gillette, 79, of Escondido died March 27 at a local convalescent home.
She was born March 25, 1902, in the Arizona Territory and had lived in Escondido for 40 years. She was graduated from Willamette University at Salem, Ore., and taught in the Oregon schools. She and her husband, Clarence J. "Jeeter" Gillette, operated a newspaper in Oregon before they came to Escondido.
Mrs. Gillette was a former member of the Garden Club, Woman's Club and Methodist Church, all of Escondido.
Surviving, besides her husband, are a son, David Sackett of La Jolla; three granddaughters; one brother; and one sister.
No formal service is planned. The family has suggested that those who care to do so, in lieu of flowers, make contributions in her memory to the Escondido Public Library.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Santa Cruz Sentinel, California, 3 Jan 1985, p 14
W. Lloyd Adams
Memorial services will be Sunday for W. Lloyd Adams, an Aptos resident, who died Dec. 30 in Walnut Creek. He was 76.
Born in San Jose, Mr. Adams was a graduate of San Jose High School. He attended Northwestern University in Illinois and graduated from College of Pacific in 1950 with a degree in music.
Active in the field of broadcasting, Mr. Adams was a master of ceremonies and announcer in San Francisco. Hawaii and in Winters. Calif. He was affectionately referred to as the 'Maestro' by his friends and colleagues.
He taught music in the Winters School District for 32 years and had his own dance band.
Mr. Adams was involved in many community organizations in Winters, Calif., and was the city's Chamber of Commerce president in 1963. He also received the Winters' Citizen of the Year Award, and was past master of the Buckeye Masonic Lodge, 195.
In 1969 he retired to Aptos where he was a member of SIRS and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. He was also the church organist.
Mr. Adams is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Adams of Aptos; sons, Gerald Adams of Auburn and Warren Adams of Winters; daughters, Claire Elaine Tschirky of Long Beach and Eva Lynn Bremer of Berlin, Germany; step-daughter, Diane Cookston of Walnut Creek; seven grandchildren, five step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Aptos.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to the American Cancer Society or W. Lloyd Adams, Music Memorial Fund, c/o Bank of America, 101 Main St., Winters, Calif., 95694 are preferred.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith.] - Santa Ynez Valley News, Solvang, California, 17 Dec 1987, p 6
Thorwald H. Sackett
Thorwald H. Sackett, 93, of Goleta, a retired county surveyor and mine operator, died Nov. 9 in Goleta after a brief illness.
Mr. Sackett was the father of the late Leslie Carricaburu of Santa Ynez. Mr. Sackett and his wife, Dorothy, who survives, often visited in the Santa Ynez Valley from their home in Colorado during the period 1947-1977.
He was born in Telluride, Colo., May 27, 1894 and received a degree in engineering from Colorado State University in 1916. He later operated lead and zinc mines until 1944. Until retiring in 1977 to Santa Barbara, he was a county surveyor for Larimer County in Colorado.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - San Francisco Chronicle, 20 Oct 1992, p 30
"ECCLES, Beatrice Sackett—Of San Francisco, October 17, 1992; age 92; wife of the late Philip Campbell Eccles, OBE, CBE; mother of Charles S. Hodgman of Cornwall, CT; also survived by four grandchildren and a niece Pilar Sacbater of Malorca, Spain.
There will be no Services. Interment will be in Winchester, England."
[Transcribed from by Ted Smith] - Santa Ynez Valley News, Solvang, California, 3 Aug 1995, p 2
Dorothy Sackett
Dorothy Emerson Sackett died July 21, 1995 in Arroyo Grande. She was born April 26, 1898 in Winterport, Maine to Metta Freeman and Horace Emerson.
She was raised on the Emerson ranch outside Livermore, Colo, and lived much of her life in Fort Collins, Colo. She and husband Thorwald Sackett moved to California in 1976 to be closer to their daughter and family.
She survived husband Thorwald, children Leslie Sackett Carricaburu and Stanley Emerson Sackett, and granddaughter Dale Carricaburu Lewis. She is survived by son-in-law Dr. John B. Carricaburu and his wife Peggy DeCastro Carricaburu of Santa Barbara; grandsons Robert E. Carricaburu of San Pedro and John Bryan Carricaburu of Wasilla, Alaska; granddaughters Sally C. Carricaburu and Janet P. Carricaburu, both of Anchorage, Alaska, and Linda Carricaburu Davis of Arroyo Grande, and many great-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be Aug. 19 at 11 a.m. at McDermott-Crocket Mortuary, 1903 State St., Santa Barbara. Father Robert Shalanar will conduct the service.
Her ashes will be interred in St. Lukes Columbarium in Fort Collins, Colo.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Democrat, Woodland, Yolo County, California, 25 Jul 2002
Harry Sackett
Harry Sackett died Wednesday, July 24, 2002, following a brief illness, at age 88.
Born Jan. 31, 1914, in Winters, Mr. Sackett came to Lodi in 1950. He married Dorothy Chamberlin in 1936. He was a district manager for Union Ice Co. and retired in 1979 after 46 years of service.
Mr. Sackett was a member of the Lodi Rotary Club for 52 years and served as secretary for 10 years, in addition he was a Paul Harris Fellow. He was also a longtime member of the Elks Lodge No. 1900 of Lodi. According to his family members his pastimes included swimming and walking.
He is survived by his daughter, Suzanne Sackett of Santa Rosa; son, Cedric Sackett of Lodi; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Mr. Sackett was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy Sackett, in 1997; and brother, Buel Sackett.
A funeral service is scheduled at 11 a.m., Tuesday, July 30, at Gierhart-Wells & Donahue Funeral Home, with clergy from St. Anne's Catholic Church officiating. Committal will be private at Cherokee Memorial Park. There will be no visitation.
The family requests memorials be directed to Lodi Rotary Club; Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 821, Lodi, 95241; or to the charity of the donor's choice, in his behalf.
[Researched by Ted Smith] - San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Sep 2002
Ethel L. Gledhill, 87, of San Diego died Sept. 7. She was born in Crossfield, Alberta, Canada, and was a homemaker. Survivors include her husband, Charles Gledhill; daughter, Darlene Johnson of La Mesa; son, Ron Gledhill of San Diego; sisters, Bernice Cissell and Hazel Farrell of Crossfield; brother, Ron Sackett of Crossfield; and two grandchildren. Services: 1 p.m. Monday, graveside, El Camino Memorial Park, 5600 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego. Donations: American Diabetes Association, 225 Broadway, Suite 1120, San Diego, CA 92101. Arrangements: Featheringill Mortuary.
[Find A Grave] - The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, 4 Dec 2002, p 38
Sackett, Jr., Harry E, (96)
Born September 24, 1906 in Beatrice, NE; passed away November 27, 2002 in Montclair, CA.
Survived by daughters Judy (Ken) Cairns and Janet (John) Bellavia, six grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, one great-grandchild, sister Mary Louise McFadden, nephew Dean R. Sackett.
Visitation services held at Rose Hills Mortuary Stateroom December 4, 2002, Wednesday, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Gate #1. Services directed bv Rose Hills Mortuary on December 5, 2002, Thursday, 1:00 PM, Memorial Chapel, Gate #1, 3888 S. Workman Mill Rd., Whittier. Interment Rose Hills Memorial Park.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, 4 Jan 2011, p 17
Sackett, Kaye Collins
November 11, 1923 - December 8, 2010
Kaye Collins Sackett lost her battle with kidney cancer at the age of 87 at her home in Pasadena, California. Kaye was born in Wylie, Texas where she lived until she and her mother moved to California during World War II. Kaye had four brothers, Millard, Dillard, Ed, and A.V.
Kaye was the director of Merryland Preschool from 1967 to 1988. Kaye became a real estate agent and assistant and worked until 2005.
Kaye is survived by her husband, Bill, two sons, Bob and Rick, her daughter, Pam, five grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. Her family attended Holliston Methodist Church in Pasadena where a memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, January 28, 2011. Donations should be made to the City of Hope at or The Convalescent Aid Society at
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Pasadena Star-News, 17 Sep 2013
Wilbur (Bill) Sackett passed away at the age of 91 on September 8, 2013.
Bill was born in Washington D.C. on August 29, 1922.
Bill's wife of over 64 years and the love of his life, Kaye Collins Sackett passed away exactly 33 months earlier.
Bill graduated from U.C.L.A. in 1943, and soon after enlisted in the Army. He eventually was a Staff Sergeant stationed at Fort McArthur in San Pedro, where he met and later married Kaye on June 15, 1946. Bill was a CPA and retired from the Internal Revenue Service in 1977 with over 31 years of service. Bill called Pasadena home for more than 70 of his years.
Bill is survived by: his sister Jean Edgar; his three children: sons Bob (Diane) and Rick (Helen), daughter Pam; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; three step-great- grandchildren and three step-great-great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on September 28, 2013 at Mountain View Mortuary (2400 N. Fair Oaks AV, Pasadena). A reception will follow the service. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Braille Institute, 741 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 or Glaucoma Research Foundation, 251 Post Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94108, can be made.
[Find a Grave] - Mountain News, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 18 Oct 2021
Richard Albert Price
November 26, 1953 - August 25, 2021
Richard Albert Price, 67, of Lake Arrowhead, died on August 25, 2021, in Oklahoma City. At the time, he was traveling from California to Michigan to attend the funeral service and burial of his father, which was held on August 26. Mr. Price was born in Detroit on November 26, 1953, the first child of Maree (Dally) Przybylski and Richard Albert Przybylski, an automotive body designer. In Michigan he learned to renovate cars and motorcycles, and also became a skilled woodworker and a talented guitar player. He moved to California in 1982, and lived in the Los Angeles/Orange County area for over 30 years. He designed custom van interiors before opening a cabinet-making shop in Irvine. He worked at rental properties in the Newport Beach area, and also learned how to renovate boats; sailing was one of his favorite activities. He was a Commodore and Esteemed Life Member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. He also graduated from Saddleback Community College with an Associate of Science degree, with an emphasis in historical geology; and he held a California real estate license. He moved to Lake Arrowhead in 2014. Mr. Price was also an Extended Leading Knight for Newport Harbor Elks Lodge No. 1757, and after moving to Lake Arrowhead, he joined Elks Lodge No. 2392 in Rimforest. He was also very interested in genealogy, and through his own research, he confirmed that his mother’s paternal side of the family were descendants of Simon Sackett, a well-known English Puritan (Pilgrim) settler who arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1631, and was one of the first inhabitants of present-day Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Price also became a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, from the Sackett family tree. He is survived by two brothers, Martin Price and Terrance Przybylski; a sister, Jill West; three nephews--Zachary and Jared Price, and Morgan West; and many cousins and friends. Cremation has been held.
[Supplied by Richard's brother, 676 Martin Price] - Tehachapi News online, Tehachapi, CA, 10 Nov 2024
Alonzo (Lon) Miles Sackett, September 21, 1934 - November 2, 2024
Alonzo (Lon) Miles Sackett was born September 21, 1934 in Ellensburg, WA. He went to be with the Lord on November 2, 2024, at 90 years old in Reno, NV. A service will be held at First Baptist Church, Tehachapi, on November 18, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
Lon worked for the State of California, CalTrans for 40 years, 1955 – 1995. He retired as a Highway Engineer. In 1954, he married Barbara (Graff) Sackett. They were married for 67 years, until her passing in 2021. In 1967, they moved to Tehachapi, where they lived for over 50 years. Lon directed the choir for 35+ years. He taught Sunday School for the adults for 45+ years.
His favorite vacation was their trip to Israel. His favorite hobby was woodworking. He was best known for his crosses where he'd take them to Susan's (his daughter) Christian bookstore and she'd sell them. His favorite book is the Bible. His favorite song is "It is Well with my Soul". Favorite ice cream – Rocky Road. Favorite Football Team – Dallas. Favorite Baseball Team – the L.A. Dodgers. Favorite Basketball Team – L.A. Lakers.
Lon was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara and daughter, Susan. He is survived by his other daughter, Sally, five grandsons, six great grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren.
[Transcribed by Chris Sackett]
"Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & Death Announcements, 1851–2003," digital image, Ancestry (
Website Newspaper Abstracts (
Website GenealogyBank (
Website (, digital image.