Newspaper Abstracts, New York City
114 records
- New York Weekly Museum, 7 Dec 1793, marriage, "Goodwin, Oliver, druggist, mar. Wed. last to Miss Sophia Sacket, only dau. of the late Samuel Sacket, of this city." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 27 Jun 1795, marriage, "Sackett, Augustus, of this city, mar. Fri., the 19th inst., at Catts-Kill, to Miss Minerva Camp, dau. of the late Dr. Elisha Camp of Catts-Kill." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 16 Jan 1796, marriage, "Tingley, Capt. Daniel, mar. Thurs., the 7th inst., to Miss Eliza Sacket, dau. of Dr. Sacket of this city." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 11 Jul 1812, marriage, "Lawrence, Joseph, of this city, mar. Miss Mary Sackett, dau. of John Sackett, of Newtown, L.I." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 30 Oct 1813, marriage, "Sacket, Charles, mar. Miss Charity Fordham, both of this city." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 20 Jan 1816, death, "Sacket, Miss Milisent, died, aged 52." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Weekly Museum, 8 Jun 1816, death, "Sacket, Mrs Elizabeth R, wife of Samuel Sackett of Brooklyn, died." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Spectator, New York City, digital image, New York's Historical Newspapers, 1733–1922 (New York State Library), 28 Dec 1830, "Died. On Wednesday evening, the 22d inst. Elizabeth Gibbs Sacket, daughter of the late John Sacket, of Newtown, L.I."
[Researched by Terri Carlson] - Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 5 Oct 1833, death, "At Onondaga, N.Y., Mr Edwin K Sackett, eldest son of the late Samuel Sackett of Brooklyn, L.I." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 25 Aug 1835, marriage, "By the Rev. S H Meeker, on the 17th inst., Mr. William Leverich to Hannah Sackett, both of Newtown, L.I." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 8 Jan 1837, marriage, "At Williamsburgh, L.I., on Monday evening, the 26th ult., by the Rev. James Demarest, Mr. James Joseph Sackett of Bridgeport, Conn. to Miss Harriet Capes of the former place." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 5 Aug 1837, marriage, "On Thursday morning, the 27th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Goldsmith, Peter Gorsline, Esq. to Miss Anna, daughter of the late John Sackett, Esq., all of Newtown, L.I." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 19 Aug 1837, marriage, "On the 13th inst, by the Rev. G.I. Garretson, Mr. John Powell to Miss Hetty Sackett, both of Newtown." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 28 Nov 1840, marriage, "At Bushwick on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Meeker, Mr. James Quinn to Patience, daughter of the late Jacob Sackett of Newtown, L.I." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Times, December 8, 1854 page 4 column 4.
Yesterday morning the principal officers of the Market Bank, in Pearl street, discovered that William P. Sackett, the receiving teller, has proved a defaulter to the amount of $25,000. He managed this by balancing his books fraudulently. The first information of the fraud was obtained through the assistant receiving teller, who observed the discrepancy in Sackett's account and last Sunday morning informed the Secretary of the Bank. This led to an immediate investigation of the books, which furnished sufficient grounds for Sackett's arrest. He was taken into the custody of a Committee of the Bank on Monday last, but has not yet been handed over to the officers of justice. The directors of the bank are awaiting the arrival of Sackett's father, who resides on Long Island, when an examination will take place.
Sackett has a wife and one child and resides in Brooklyn. The bank think they will secure a portion of the amount taken, and that their loss will not exceed $15,000.
[Researched by Thurmon King] - The New York Herald, 9 Dec 1854
"The directors of the Market Bank were engaged yesterday afternoon in investigating the defalcation of the second teller, Mr. Sackett. It was said that the bank would, under no contingency, lose more than $12,000 or $14,000. It was reported that when Sackett was asked what he had done with the money, he stated that he had spent it in "spreeing" it with Candee; that he had enjoyed good things at Mr. Candee's, and gave them in return, and that if the directors had allowed him four days he would have added $20,000 more to the sum [?] his defalcation. It was said that he used to drive a pair of very fast gray horses, and dash about Y[?]kers with them, where he had a country residen[ce] and frequently in company with his fast confrére of the same place. Sackett was formerly assistant teller of the American Exchange Bank. From what we could learn, the bank directors were trying to see if they could not, through the aid of the young man's father or otherwise, fall upon some plan to have the amount of the deficiency made up."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 4 Jan 1855, marriage, "By Rev A Berky, on the evening of December 24th, Casper Korb to Margaret Sackett, both of this City." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- The New York Times, February 13, 1855
"New-York City
The Market Bank Defalcation
The Recent Embezzlement of $25,000
Arrest of the Receiving Teller
Yesterday evening Sergeant Mansfield and officer Patterson, of the Lower Police Office, returned to the City from the South end of Long Island, having in custody a young man named William Post Sackett, Receiving Teller of the Market Bank. In December last Sackett was detected in embezzling a large amount of funds from the Bank. An investigation was at once commenced by the Bank officials and the result of their labors exhibited a deficiency in the accounts of Sackett, to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars. At the time of the discovery of the felony, the Teller was privately arraigned before the President, Cashier, and Directors of the institution, where he confessed his guilt, and restored a large portion of the missing funds. The brief particulars of the affair were given in the Daily Times, shortly after it occurred, and the Bank officers made no attempt to bring the offender to justice, and the case has been kept in secret until within a few days past.
Meanwhile, Sackett was allowed to go on his parole, and finally proceeded to the farm-house of his father-in-law, at Smithtown, near Suffolk, L. I. On the 6th instant, Richard S. Williams, Esq., President of the Market Bank, appeared before Judge Connolly, at the Halls of Justice, in Centre-street, and made a long affidavit, wherein he accuses Sackett of purloining $25,000, during his two years connexion with the Institution in the capacity of Teller, for receiving all funds from depositors and others, doing business with the concern. Upon these representations of Senator Williams the magistrate issued his warrant of arrest for the defaulter.
When the officers arrived at their destination, they had to proceed some four miles to the wherabouts of Mr. Sackett. The accused was brought to the City by the Western train from Greenport, and the sitting magistrate being absent, he was placed in custody of officers Webb and Patterson by Justice Welsh. Henry L. Clinton, Esq. is engaged for the defence, and a further hearing in the matter will take place some day this week. The prisoner states that during his employment in the above Bank he speculated rather heavy in Railroad Stocks and Bonds, and was, at one period, worth over $20,000 clear of the world, but in consequence of the hard times, he met with extensive losses and was unable to make good his account in the Bank. He also asserts that he returned all his assets, bonds and notes, amounting to some $17,000, to the Bank, and could not pay up the balance."
[Researched by Thurmon King] - Evening Post, New York, NY, 13 Feb 1855, p. 3
"Embezzlement of the Funds of the Market Bank.
Arrest and Examination of the Receiving Teller.
Bail Fixed at $10,000.
It will be recollected that in the early part of last December it was stated that William Post Sackett, the receiving teller of the Market Bank, in this city, had absconded, after a defalcation discovered in his accounts to the amount of $25,000. The accompanying affidavit furnishes the history of the transaction, and as a result, a warrant was entrusted to Sergeant Mansfield and office Patterson for the apprehension of the defaulter. It was only yesterday they received information that Sackett was living on Long Island.
They set out by the railroad for the place at which they hoped to find him. On arriving at the depot they observed a person among the passengers waiting to come to New York by the 1 o'clock train, who answered to their description of Sackett, and without further ado they took him into custody and brought him to the city.
The affidavit of "Richard S. Williams" upon which the warrant was issued, recites that he resides at "No. 16 Jefferson street, in the city of New York." He "says that he is the President of the Market Bank, that William Post Sackett was receiving teller of said bank, and was engaged at a yearly salary; that he was in the said situation from November 1, 1852, to December 2, 1854, and that during that period he has embezzled the funds of the said bank to the amount of $25,000.
Deponent further says that on the 2d of December last, it was discovered that the footing up of his accounts was wrong on his books, by making false entries of figures, thereby intending to mislead and deceive the officers of the said bank.
Deponent also says that he was informed by a clerk of the bank, namely Walter Hendrick, that he examined the accounts of Sackett on Saturday afternoon, the 2d December, after bank hours, and that Hendrick informed deponent that he told Sackett in the bank that the footings of his accounts were wrong, and that Sackett said that he would come down on Monday morning and make it right.
Deponent says that Sackett did not come to the bank on Monday, but on Monday evening Sackett called on deponent at his residence, and acknowledged to deponent that his accounts were wrong, and that he had abstracted at various times from the bank, and in all the sum of $25,000.
Deponent further says that he charged the said Wm. Post Sackett, while he was in employ of said bank, as receiving teller, with having feloniously embezzled and converted to his own use the sum of $25,000, thereby cheating and defrauding the officers and stockholders of the said Market Bank out of the said amount.
Richard S. Williams
Sworn before me, February 5, 1855,
Michael Conolly, Police Justice.
At 11 o'clock this morning, the accused, accompanied by his professional adviser, Mr. Clinton, appeared before Police Justice Conolly. Mr. Williams, President of the bank, and Mr. Garnett, one of the bail for Sackett, being present, the object being to determine and state the amount of bail to be taken for his appearance. The Judge fixed the amount at $10,000. Mr. Garnett offered to become bound for one half that sum. The case was adjourned until half past 4 this day, when it was expected Sackett's mother would take the other half."
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Herald, 13 Feb 1855
"William Post Sackett, late receiving teller of the Market Bank, of this city, was arrested yesterday, on Long Island, and brought to this city, to answer the charge preferred against him of embezzling twenty-five thousand dollars of the funds of the bank."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Title not recorded.
"On February 24 and 28, 1855 the case was argued before Justice Connolly. Mr. Clinton, counsel for Sackett, presented a three and a half hour closing argument. He contended that the Bank had treated the matter as a loan account, rather than embezzlement, by accepting payment from Sackett and several others to reduce the amount of the indebtedness. One payment he cited:
"Received, Dec. 4, 1854, of Mrs. Jerusha Sackett, a certificate of deposit for four thousand one hundred and forty-three 40/100 dollars, on account of money due the Market Bank [signed] by Richard S. Williams, President"
At the close of the day, the case was handed to the court."
[Researched by Thurmon King] - New York Daily Times, Saturday, March 24, 1855
"The Market Bank Embezzlement.
The examination which recently took place before Justice Connolly, in regard to the charge against Sackett, for embezzling the funds of the Market Bank, was closed several weeks ago, but as yet no decision has been rendered by the Magistrate. It will probably be given to the public in the early part of the coming week."
[Researched by Thurmon King] - Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York, 29 Mar 1855, marriage, "In East Brooklyn, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Meeker, John Jay Bell of Darien, Conn. to Mrs. Harriet Sacket." [American Antiquarian Society, Newspaper Extractions]
- New York Observer, 23 Oct 1856, "At Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Oct. 15th, by Rev. Walter P. Doe, of Providence, R.I., Mr. Edward Sacket, of Chicago, Ill., to Miss H. Louise Doe, of the former place."
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - New York Herald, New York, NY, Tuesday, February 2, 1858, p. 3, col. B
"C. S.—Mr. S., THE CELEBRATED YANKEE CARD writer at the date of his retiring from the profession, had a large quantity of his metallic pencils on hand which will be sold at half price and sent, postage free, to any address. Orders enclosing twenty-eight cents in cash or postage stamps should be addressed to O. SACKETT, New York."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Thursday, February 18, 1858, p. 3, col. D
"MR. JAMES—"THE YANKEE CARD WRITER'S" metallic pencil was sent as ordered. They are always sent postage free to any address upon receipt of 28 cents (in stamps). Ladies use them extensively in writing their own visiting cards. Enclose price to O. SACKETT, New York Post office."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New York Herald, New York, NY, Saturday, February 20, 1858, p. 7, col. A
"MISS LIZZIE—THE "YANKEE CARD WRITER" HAS retired from the profession. You can write your own visiting cards, however, by sending for one of his celebrated metallic pencils; they are selling at half price, and sent to any part of the country, postage free, on receipt of twenty-eight cents (in stamps). Address O. Sackett, New York Post office."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Saturday, March 20, 1858, p. 8, col. D
ATTEND TO THIS—CUT IT OUT AND KEEP IT FOR YOUR REFERENCE—The "Yankee Card Writer", having retired from the profession, and dealrous [sic] to occupy his leisure, will send to any address in the United States and Canadas, postage free, as follows:- one of his wonderful magnetic pencils enabling ladies and gentlemen to write their own visiting cards for 28 cents; 50 beautiful enameled cards and one pencil for 70 cents; one dozen packs, ladies' size $3; one dozen do. Gentlemen's $2.50; 50 cards, single name, beautifully written $4; wedding and invitation cards one line $6, each additional line $2 per pack of 50; Any greater or less number at prices in proportion. Write your name legibly. Wedding and other stationery stamped with initials or plain sent at short notice on receipt of letter of inquiry, with return stamp. European and California arrivals and departures of friends, & c. ascertained at once and communicated, debtors found and collections made, physicians, lawyers and other consulted, sales of property of any description attended to, with ample security, rooms secured at hotels , patterns of newest fashions, and prices of any articles required ascertained and sent, friends and acquaintances looked after, subscriptions for magazines, newspapers and publications effected at publishers' rates. Letters requiring attention out of office must enclose 28 cents. Direct as follows (enclosing gold, par bills or stamps) O. Sackett, general Post office, New York."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Sunday, March 21, 1858, p. 8, col. F
AGATHA, DON'T FAIL TO READ IMPORTANT information from the "Yankee card writer" headed "Attend to This," in special notices in another column of to-day's Herald."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Wednesday, March 24, 1858, p. 8, col. D
"EXCELSIOR—YANKEE CARD WRITER'S WONDERFULLY metallic pencil, with instructions sent, postage free, on receipt of 28 cents, in stamps. Letters of inquiry from ladies and gentlemen in any part of the States or Canadas, regarding debtors, friends, arrivals in steamers, prices of stock, merchandise, fashions, &c. enclosing 28 cents, will be answered promptly. Any article bought and sent on receipt of price. Cut this out for reference. Address O. Sackett, Post office, New York."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - (same page)
"JOHN—READ THE YANKEE CARD WRITER'S MANIFESTO, headed "Excelsior," in special
notices in another column."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Wednesday, April 07, 1858, p. 7, col. D
"AMERICAN"—"THE YANKEE CARD WRITER'S" wonderful metallic pencils are nearly sold. A few left will be sent, postage free, at half price, to any address for 28c. The celebrated "pocket card case" fitting size of any card, sent free for 50c. Send price in stamps in letter to O. SACKETT, Post office, New York.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Friday, April 30, 1858, p. 6, col. A
AGENTS WANTED—TO SELL THE "YANKEE CARD WRITER'S" "pocket card case," and the wonderful metallic pencil; affords large profits. Sample and prices sent postage free, to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps. Send letters to O. Sackett, station D, Bible House, Post office, N.Y."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The New York Herald, New York, NY, Saturday, May 15, 1858, p. 2, col. F
"LADIES—THE YANKEE CARD WRITER sends his celebrated written visiting cards, by the pack or less, postage free, to any address. Specimen card.—Circulars and prices of his new pocket card case and the metallic pencil, sent on receipt of six cents (in stamps, as postage). Address O. SACKETT, station D, Post office, New York."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New York Times, June 11, 1860
"The Japanese Embassy.
The Japanese Envoys are at last on their way to New-York. They have seen the last of the American Tycoon, "His Majesty the President;" the last of Washington hotels and Washington hacks, of affectionate little negroes making advances of friendship to them through carriage windows, and of inquisitive young ladies inspecting them at the table and at the toilet, with, a thirst for knowledge and an innocence of evil perhaps unrivalled since the days before the fall. They are still undergoing a good deal of complimenting and parading, however, at Philadelphia, the Fathers of that friendly city having resolved, as the faithful telegraph assures us, to "outdo the metropolis with a third of the capital;" and they are probably destined to "pay with their persons," as the French express it, for the determination with which BOOLE and VAN TINE will resent this insolent pretension of the rectangular Quakers, when their Excellencies and suite shall be fairly caged in the Metropolitan.
Dim rumors precede the progress of the princes of Niphon, hinting that all these splendid rivalries in the way of receptions and hospitalities have begun to pall upon their feeble palates; that the shaking of Occidental hands has begun to lose its charm for them; that they no longer devote themselves with exuberant assiduity to the delightful taste of emulating the Yankee card-writer in the chirography of Japan.In a word, if the princes of Niphon were simply so many French or English gentlemen of rank visiting America on a mission of public importance, and not merely princes of Niphon, those who have seen the most of them within the last few days would not hesitate to say they are evidently "bored to death," and that they want nothing so much as to be allowed to go home at the earliest possible day."
[See Orsemus Sackett]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New York Clipper, Aug. 14, 1869, p. 151
"O. Sackett was taken sick with the small pox while with Campbell's Circus, and was taken to the hospital in Montreal."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Examiner and Chronicle, New York, NY, 18 Nov 1869, p 5
In Bennettsburg, N.Y., Sept. 10th, Mrs. Gratia Sackett aged 82 years.
She became a member of the Baptist church in early life, and was permitted to witness the conversion of her husband and a large family of children. A mother in Israel has gone to her reward.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - New York Herald, New York City, 25 Oct 1872, p 5
Sackett.—In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, October 23, 1872, William H. Sackett, aged 73 years.
Notice of funeral in to-morrow morning's papers.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Ted Smith] - New York Herald, New York City, 26 Oct 1872, p 8
Sackett.—In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, October 23, 1872, William H. Sackett, aged 73 years, for many years associated with the Mercantile Agency, New York.
Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, at his late residence, 42 Fort Greene place, Brooklyn, on Sunday afternoon, October 27, at half-past two o'clock.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - New York Herald, New York City, 16 Nov 1872
"Orchard–Sackett.—On Thursday, November 14, at St. Luke's church, Darien, Conn., by the Rev. Louis M. French, William Henry Orchard, of New York, to Hattie A. Sackett, daughter of the late James Sackett, Esq., and stepdaughter of John Jay Bell, Esq., of Darien, Conn. No cards."
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Graphic, New York, NY, 27 Jun 1873, p 6
The Death Penalty.
Execution of the Westfield Murderer.
Springfield, Mass., June 27.—Albert H. Smith, the murderer of Charles D. Sackett at Westfield, last November, was hung here to-day at 11 a.m.
Second Despatch.
Springfield, June 27.—Smith was visited yesterday by a large number of persons, including his brother Charles, who arrived to take the body to Baltimore. No other relative of the prisoner was here. His so-called confession contains nothing new, but is simply a narrative of the murder and the causes leading to it, which Smith has been writing for a week. All has been admitted by Smith, except as to the deliberate intention to commit murder, and on this point he confesses nothing, but still asserts strongly that the murder was the result of an insane passion which he could not control, and for which he believes he never was morally responsible. He says that it was on that fatal 28th of November night that he went to Westfield to see Jennie Bates, not knowing that she was at the theatre at the time. He startted up to her house, but on the way he found out she and Sackett had gone to the theatre. "There I was," he says, "and felt like one that could die, and all the feelings that ever animated human breast were in mine. I was like one that was mad, and in fact I must have been partly so, from what was said on trial against me. I know nothing after that hour. Sackett was with Jennie. I know nothing of what Boderay or the two night watchmen said I did at the depot. All is new to me. If I was in the condition they say I was in, I was a wild or crazy man. I remember meeting Jennie and Sackett together on the sidewalk. Then, as a wild man still, I shot down Sackett; but as for the shooting of the girl I will say and always have said it was through an accident. When I heard she was shot, I felt sorry, and have shed many tears for her, because she was shot by me. I knew not what I was about or doing." On hearing the order given yesterday to get the cap for the execution, Smith remarked, "Get any old cap; one or two sizes too large will do just as well, and save the county two dollars."
Last night he partook of a hearty supper, and read the paper containing the account of Wagner's escape from the jail at Alfred, Me. It seemed to make no impression on him. His conversation ran on Jennie Bates, and he said: "I don't want to live if I can't have her." Also, "I would rather be hung than be in jail for life."
Those who conversed with him during the last few days noticed that he sometimes betrayed considerable agitation and nervousness. A prayer meeting was held in his cell last night.
The gallows was tested yesterday with a sand bag weighing 200 pounds, and worked all right. The platform was about ten feet high, giving about nine feet of a fall.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, New York, New York, 1 Sep 1880, p 5
Sackett.—On Thursday, Aug, 26, at Cleveland, Ohio, Israel Sackett, in the 72d year of his age.
The remains were interred at Woodlawn, New York.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, December 26, 1880
A Woman Prisoner who Says the Checks were Given her in Payment for a Farm—A Similar Instance of Fraud Recalled.
In the case of the forged checks for $2,950 signed by Gill, Baird & Co., of Brooklyn, and drawn upon the Commercial Bank of Brooklyn, in which Henry W. Sackett, a young lawyer, the partner of Mr. C.A. Runkle, and Adolph Bessie of 786 Monroe street, Brooklyn, a real estate broker, were arrested, the Brooklyn police yesterday arrested Mrs. Josephine Trau of Westbury, L.I. Mr. Sackett's innocence of any complicity in the transaction was promptly shown, as his story that all he knew about the case was that the check was given to him by Mr. Runkle to be certified was corroborated by Mr. Runkle. The latter said that Adolph Bessie had given him the check for $1,150, and offered to pay him five per cent upon the amount if he would get it cashed. He had a slight acquaintance with Bessie, having been his counsel in some unimportant matters, and he requested Mr. Sackett to go over to Brooklyn to get the check certified.
Although the Commercial Bank had paid, on Dec. 22, a similar check for $1,800 to a woman who was identified by a Mr. Davis, who was known at the bank, the forgery had not been discovered when the second check was presented. On Thursday Mrs. Trau came with the $1,150 check, but the cashier refused to pay it. His reason, which he did not then give, was that the account of Gill, Baird & Co. was not good for that amount. Mrs. Trau was requested to leave the check until later in the day, and then to call to get the money upon it, but she refused to leave the check, promising, however, to call the next day. When Mr. Sackett offered the check for certification on Friday it was known that the paper was forged, and he was held. The search for Mrs. Trau was then begun by a policeman, who assumed the role of a real estate dealer. It was learned that Mrs. Trau was the sister of the wife of Adolph Bessie, who gave the check to Mr. Runkle. The detective learned at 8 o'clock on Friday evening that Mrs. Trau had gone to her farm at Westbury, L.I. Bessie was arrested. He said that all he knew personally of the check was that Mrs. Trau told him that she had received it in a real estate transaction from one John Steele, and asked him to get it cashed for her, promising him a consideration. Bessie is a Holland Jew. Early yesterday morning Detective Chambers went to Westbury to arrest Mrs. Trau. She is a comely widow, about 48 years old, and has five children. She lives in a pleasant farm house about a mile from the depot. When she was told of the cause of her arrest she expressed great surprise, and said that she had deeded her farm to the man who gave her the checks as a consideration, and that she was the greatest loser of all. She could produce only $469.30 of the $1,800 she had received. She surrendered this sum, and said that she could not give up any more, as she had returned $1,000 to Steele, had given $100 to Mrs. Bessie, $50 to Bessie, and had spent the remainder for various purposes. Mrs. Trau was taken to Brooklyn.
She said to a SUN reporter that some time in the early part of November, on a Monday, a man drove to her farm in a buggy drawn by a fine horse and showed her a letter he had received from her through the Herald office in answer to an advertisement concerning real estate. "I knew the envelope he showed me," she added, "and recognized my daughter's writing. I cannot recollect the date of the advertisement, and I do not remember the name or address given by the man except that I think the advertisement was signed 'O.K.' The man said that he came to look at my farm, and that from the description in the letter he thought it would just suit him. I showed him about the place, and he inquired all about it. He said that he did not care to look over the house. I told him I wanted $10,000 for the place, and he asked me for the lowest figure. I said that it depended upon how much cash I received on the day of the sale. He went away, saying that he would see me again. He gave the name of J. Steele, and said I might see him at the United States Hotel. I went there, but he was not there, but some days later I met him in Fulton street, New York. He said that he would let me know his decision in a few days, and I arrange to meet him in the New York Post Office building at a time to be fixed in a letter he was to write me. A postal card came a few days later, and my daughter read it to me. It simply said, 'I can see you on Wednesday, Dec. 1, P.O.' I asked her whether that was all there was on the card, and she said yes. I told my daughter to put the card away, but we have been unable to find it.
"I met the man at the New York Post Office, and he offered me $8,500 for the farm, saying that he was going to pay $3,000 cash, and that he was ready to take the farm in fifteen or eighteen days. I told him $9,000 was my lowest figure, and he agreed to meet me the next day at Adolph Bessie's, make the contract, and pay $50 upon it. He told me that he did not want possession for several months. It was then arranged that the title should be passed Dec. 22, and that I should meet Steele near the Commercial Bank. I met him on Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, on Dec 22, and he gave me the $1,800 check, which I got cashed. He promised to bring me the rest at 2 ? o'clock P.M. at the Post Office. He was glad to learn that I got the money, although when I started into the bank he took a car. He came back, as he said, and told me that he needed $1,000, because of a disagreement with his brother-in-law, and handed me his note for that sum, which , he said, he had secured by a second mortgage. He offered me the check for $1,150, and assured me that it was as good as gold, as it was signed by one of the best firms in Williamsburgh. I paid him back $1,000 and took the other check, believe it to be good.
"As it was too late to get the check cashed I went to Mr. Bessie's and told him that I supposed everything was all right, and he might record the papers which had been left in his hands subject to my orders. When I failed to get the $1,150 check cashed the next day, I hurried to Mr. Bessie's, but found that he had gone to Jamaica to have the papers recorded. I telegraphed him, but he did not get the despatch (sic) in time. When he came back we talked about the check, and agreed that he should give it to Mr. Runkle to get it cashed, and I promised to pay the collection fees."
"Where did Steele say that he lived?"
"He told me once that it was in Sheffield avenue, New York."
When Mrs. Bessie was taken to the police station she positively denied that she had received the $100 Mrs. Trau said was given to her. Mrs. Trau furnished to the police a description of Steele, but as they have no other clue, and as no one is known who professes ever to have seen him except Mrs. Trau and Bessie, they say it is doubtful whether he will ever be found. Mrs. Trau was locked up for the night. She took her arrest composedly.
Capt. Campbell had a similar case some time ago, when the name of County Treasurer Schenck was forged to checks upon the Brooklyn City National Bank. One Charles Barnard, believe to be a myth, as he has never been heard of, appeared in this case as the purchaser of real estate in East New York, and the persons who were arrested threw all the blame of forging the checks upon him. Capt. Campbell said last night that he was sorry to have been forced to detain Mr. Sackett in a cell, but it seemed absolutely necessary, in order to get a proper start in the case, that the prisoner should be kept from communicating with any one."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, December 31, 1880
The Lawyer who was Arrested for Unsuspectingly Presenting a Forged Check.
Henry W. Sackett, the young lawyer who was arrested in Brooklyn upon a charge of uttering a forged check of $1,150, which he had presented by request of Mr. C.A. Runkle to the Commercial Bank for certification, was before Justice Walsh, in Brooklyn, yesterday morning for examination. The testimony given upon the examination of Adolph Bessie, a real estate broker, and Mrs. Josephine Trau, by C.A. Runkle, proved that all Mr. Sackett had to do with the check was to carry it to the bank and ask for its certification, and his arrest and incarceration for that have been characterized by many lawyers as an outrage. Mr. Sackett happened to present the check when the bank's officers were sore over the swindle perpetrated two days before upon them by a similar check for $1,800, which they paid to Mrs. Trau, and they held Mr. Sackett, at once adopting the theory that he was connected with the forgery of the name of Gill, Baird & Co., which appeared upon both checks.
Mr. Sackett's innocence was made very plain, and he was discharged."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, May 2, 1881
"WANTED—A strong boy to carry out parcels; must be well recommended. Call at JAS. H. SACKETT'S, 122 Liberty st."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[2348 James Horton Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, March 18, 1882
HARTFORD, March 17.—Oscar J. Sackett, age thirty-five, committed suicide here to-day by cutting his throat with a razor. The head was nearly severed from the body. He was insane."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, August 7, 1882
NORWICH, N.Y., Aug. 5—At Clinton, up in Oneida County; at Plymouth, eight miles northwest of here, and at this place, are now being entertained the party of children sent out by THE TRIBUNE Fresh Air Fund on Wednesday last. The children were remarkably well behaved on the journey. One little fellow was so polite to a gentleman on the cars who talked with him that the man gave him a dollar, to which another dollar was immediately added by a man who overheard the conversation. There were few incidents on the journey. The children went to sleep on the boat in an exemplary manner, and kept their heads and arms inside the car windows on the way from Troy. The party numbered fifty-two. It was divided at Utica, seventeen going to Clinton, twenty-six to Plymouth, two to Norwich and seven to Earlville, to complete the quota for that place. At Utica the party was met at the station by a delegation of the Citizens' Corps, consisting of J.C.P. Kincaid, the retiring Collector of Internal Revenue for the district, who so handsomely entertained the party which passed through Utica the day before, M.J. Brayton, George J. Buchanan and C.H. Thorne.
The citizen-soldiers took the party captive and carried them to their armory. By 12:30 every child had reached the armory, and the children highly enjoyed the cool water provided for their ablutions after their hot and dusty ride. In the course of time every little face rose like a new moon from its cloud of dirt and cinders. Then they were ready for their dinner. Tables had been spread for them in the large drill-room of the armory, and there was on these an abundance of cold meat, bread and butter, fruit and milk. Most of the provisions were supplied by business men of the city. The meat was furnished by Otto E.C. Guelich. T. Graff gave two dozen oranges, Job Parker's Sons fifty oranges, George Young 200 biscuits, Butler & Hamilton the butter, and James Hemmens a quantity of doughnuts. For the purposes of the children's toilet, Glenn & Co. gave one dozen towels and John Buckley a half dozen. James Hone provided one dozen combs and John B. McMillan two dozen cakes of soap. The members of the Citizens' Corps were assisted in their attentions to the children by the following persons: Miss Cicely Baker, Miss Lottie White, Miss Stearnes, Miss Ada Reed, the Misses Roerlin, Miss Anna Harrison, Mrs. W.C. Rowley and Mr. and Mrs. Rathbone. When dinner was over the children were formed in a line and marched to the depot, Major Evarts and several other gentlemen of the corps accompanying them. Before leaving the armory the children gave three cheers for their entertainers.
The children for Plymouth, Earlville and this place embarked on the 1.30 train on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The Clinton party were obliged to wait until 5:15 for their train, so Major Evarts took them up to his home, where they enjoyed themselves playing about his house and grounds until it was time for them to leave the city. Norwich and Plymouth are situated in the beautiful hilly country of the Chenango Valley, Norwich being on the river and Plymouth on a tributary stream. However hot it may be in the daytime it is always cool at night, and when the dews lie thick on grass and flower and the fresh winds blow from the scorched hill-sides and field of hops and new-mown hay, the contrast to the reeking tenement houses of the city makes one wish that the two weeks' vacation of the children could last forever.
The children destined for Plymouth left the train at Norwich and were taken over to Plymouth by the people who were to entertain them there. The children at this place and at Plymouth are being entertained by the following persons: Mrs. F.A. Doney, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. J.H. Dimmock, Mrs. Edwin Stanton, Mrs. Blodgett, Mrs. H.C. Stanton, Mrs. Giles Stewart, Mrs. F. Stewart, Mrs. J.H. Stanton, Mrs. H.B. Sackett, Mrs. J.H. Dommick, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. R. Banden, Mrs. Mathews, the Rev. C.S. Crane and Mrs. Ownes. The two at this place are being entertained by J.S. Shattuck.
At Clinton the children are entertained by the following persons: Professor A.C. Benedict, principal of Houghton Seminary; Mrs. C.W. Stone, Mrs. J. Goodfellow, Miss C. Lathrop, E. Crossman, H. Payne, E. Waters, T. Waters and Phineas Miller, jr. Mrs. Jane Hauck, of Amsterdam, and Mrs. M. E. Phelps, of Solsville, have one visitor each in their families."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, November 6, 1882
"WANTED—Strong boy to carry parcels; must come well recommended and live in Brooklyn or Jersey. Call at J.H. SACKETT'S, 122 Liberty st."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[2348 James Horton Sackett] - New York Tribune, New York City, November 14, 1882
DOMESTIC— … Paine & Sackett, woollen [sic] manufacturers, Providence, R.I., have failed, with liabilities of $300,000 —"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New York Tribune, New York City, March 15, 1883
WASHINGTON, March 14,—The following business was transacted in the Supreme Court of the United States to-day: … No. 152-John A. Elliott, appellant, agt. George A. Sackett and others—Argument begun. Adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, July 3, 1883
The taxes received last week amounted to $11,670 97.
William E. Sackett, Editor of The Sunday Tattler, was ordered to appear before Justice Davis, yesterday afternoon, and give bail to answer a charge of libel preferred by William H Lange, Inspector of Police. He gave bail to await the action of the Grand Jury.
John Halliard, who wrecked the Mechanics and Laborers' Bank of Jersey City, while president of it, surrendered himself to Sheriff Crouan yesterday morning and was taken to Trenton to serve his term in State Prison. Halliard was convicted and sentenced about a year and a half ago, but the case was appealed to the Supreme Court and his sentence was affirmed about two weeks ago. He was out West, but when he learned of the decision he returned, and after closing up some business matters surrendered himself yesterday."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5080 William Edgar Sackett Jr] - New-York Tribune, New York City, September 16, 1883
Dr. S.P. Sackett, of Ithaca, who has been the physician of Charles E. Courtney, has a novel physiological theory by which to account for the most of that oarsman's aquatic vagaries. The doctor says that several years ago, before the oarsman had made any of his successive failures, and after a regatta at Watkins in which he had been the victor, Courtney came to consult him as to the effects of a sunstroke received during the race. The results were severe, and Courtney continued to express apprehension that any intense rowing efforts to the fullest extent of his powers would produce another similar stroke that might prove even more serious. Although he has had no subsequent attacks, the physician thinks that Courtney's fears of such a consequence have had more to do with his failure to row a race in his best time than any of the reasons that disappointed betters have attributed to him. Courtney is now said to be under a pledge to endeavor to beat the record by rowing against time at a regatta upon Cayuga Lake within the next few weeks. If the physician's idea be correct, the oarsman certainly ought not to be afraid of sunstroke in the present condition of the atmosphere, and might be expected to make his best time—or some new explanation will have to be forthcoming."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[3077 Dr Solon Philo Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, October 20, 1883
Striking and Tugging at Each Other all up the Aisle—What Marred the Harmony of a Church Oyster Supper in Bayville.
LOCUST VALLEY, Oct. 19.—Bayville, which is between Locust Valley and Oyster Bay Harbor, raises the finest asparagus on Long Island. An old resident said to-day that the people there were so very quiet and peaceable that the least thing would raise a tremendous row. On Thursday night the Methodist Church gave an oyster supper. It began at 8 o'clock and nothing occurred to mar the harmony of the occasion until 11. John Sackett, the Captain of a brick schooner, sat in the front pew, close to a candy stand which stood against the altar rail. He was alone in his pew, and in the aisle a number of children were playing. Couples were walking up and down, and many people were in the pews.
Capt. William Henry Smith, who owns a schooner, and whose sister is Sackett's wife, walked down the aisle to the pew in which Sackett sat, leaned, and spoke to him. He had said only a few words when both clinched, and Sackett took a saw handle from under his coat or from the pew and struck Smith several violent blows with it. They struggled, fell on the floor, got up again, dealt numerous and heavy blows on each other's faces, and finally fell over on the candy stand and smashed it.
Women and children screamed and ran from the church to the street, while others ran to see the fracas. The Rev. William Taft and six or seven of his parishioners ran down the aisle to the two fighters and did their best to separate them. Smith and Sackett struck at each other over the minister's head, and some of the other peacemakers were actually struck by the enraged combatants and they still bear marks of the blows.
Capt. Smith and Capt. Sackett fought and rolled over and tugged at each other all up the aisle, while women screamed and children cried. At last they reached the street, and were there separated by force of numbers.
Smith's face was badly bruised and cut, and one of his eyes was nearly closed. His head was cut deeply in two places. Both men were taken home by their friends. Captain Sackett's injuries were less severe, though he also bore marks of the fray. Pastor Taft was indignant at what had occurred, and several women became hysterical.
All the residents of Bayville agreed yesterday that Smith had been worsted but they could not agree as to who had struck the first blow. Captain Sackett and his friends say he acted simply in self-defence, and that Smith struck him without provocation. The assault, they say, grew out of an old family quarrel.
"About 9 o'clock on Thursday night," Capt. Smith said yesterday to a reporter, "as I was on my way to church and was passing the street well, almost opposite the church, a man, who was crouching on the ground, struck me on the head with a club, and I fell to the ground unconscious. I lay there a long time, and when I came to and went into the church to see Sackett, he, without warning, pulled the saw handle from under his coat and struck me with it. Then I struck him, and the fight began. It was an old family quarrel revived and I knew he was the man who struck me at the well. I did not intend to strike him in the church. I was going to ask him to come outside to speak with me.
"I shall probably get out a warrant for his arrest, and he may do the same for me. I am right in the matter. The cause of the old quarrel I can't explain. It is a private family matter."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, 20 Oct 1883, p 1
A Fight In A Church.
Captain Sackett and Captain Smith, of Locust Valley, Break up a Fair in the Methodist Church.
Last Thursday night there was a fair in the Methodist Church in the Village of Locust Valley. The object of the fair was to obtain money to supply the church with fuel during the Winter. At 11 o'clock the fair was at its height, The attendance at that hour was confined to the young people. John Sackett, a sea faring man, sat in a front pew in deep meditation. He is captain of a brick schooner. Captain William H. Smith, who owns a schooner, was in another part of the church. Captain Smith's wife is Captain Sackett's sister. Smith walked leisurely up to where Sackett was sitting, leaned over tho pew and spoke to him. Neither party is willing to repeat what was said. While Smith leaned over the pew Sackett made a motion to get up, and Smith seized hold of him. Sackett got up, however, and had in his hand a heavy picce of wood with which he struck Smith several blows on the head in rapid succession. The men fell on the floor, and Sackett lost his weapon. They got up and dealt each other several blows in the face, causing the blood to run, and finally fell over on a candy stand and smashed it.
The Minister Interferes.
The Rev. Wm. Taft, pastor of the church, interfered at this point and tried to separate the combatants, but the men continued to strike at each other over the minister's head and many of the blows took effect. At this juncture the men who were present were more interested in saving the minister's head from being knocked off by the fierce blows than in quelling the disturbance, and many persons were struck but not injured. The fight was carried on all the way up the aisle, the sluggers and the peacemakers getting down on the floor and rolling over each other in a mad sort of way. At last the men were got into the street and separated. Smith's face was badly bruised and cut, one of his eyes was closed and his head was cut in two places. Captain Sackett's injurles were not severe. It appears that when Smith was on his way to the church a man jumped out from behind a well and knocked him senseless with a club. When he recovered consciousness he went to the church and accused Sackett of having committed the assault. Both men say that the fight was the result of a family quarrel, the nature of which they will not disclose. Warrants will probably be issued to-day.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sun, New York, New York, 21 Oct 1883, p 5
Capt. Sackett has Capt. Smith Arrested.
Capt. William H. Smith, who fought with Capt. John Sackett at the church festival in Bayville. L. I. on Thursday night, was arrested yesterday, and will have an examination on Monday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, New York, 21 Oct 1883, p 7
Long Island.
Justice Frost, of Glen Cove, issued a warrant yesterday for the arrest of William H. Smith, who assaulted Capt. John Sackett at the church festival at Bayville on Thursday night, Smith was arrested by Officer Sheridan, and will have an examination on Monday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, New York, 21 Oct 1883, p 8
The Battle of Bayville.
Bayville, Long Island, is a quiet and picturesque village, inhabited by Captains engaged in the oyster, blue-fish, and Summerboarder industries, and by the families of Captains with incidental cows and other live stock. Among the public buildings of Bayville is a Methodist meeting-house, and thither all Bayville flocked the other night to engage in solemn oyster-service, with a view to repainting the partially sacred edifice. The service was conducted with much skill and in a most gratifying way by the Pastor and the young ladies who sold stewed oysters, and it was affording a beautiful illustration of the truth that brethren should eat oysters together in unity when suddenly Capt. William Henry Smith fell upon Capt. Sackett.
The difficulty between Capt. Smith and Capt. Sackett created an immense excitement among the other Captains and their families The friends of each of the combatants threw themselves into the fight with great ardor, and the minister and the friends of peace rushed among the combatants and were impartially beaten by the Smithites and the Sackettarians. The air was filled with the torn garments and strong language of scores of valiant Captains, and when the lights were accidentally put out every Captain fell upon his nearest neighbor, regardless of party or sex. It took nearly half an hour for the infuriated Captains to exhaust themselves, and when at the end of this period they had paused for breath, and the lamps were relighted, Capt. Sackett drew weapon, variously described as a "saw-handle," a "saw-horse," and a "buck-saw," and with it smote Capt. Smith over the head, compelling him to give up the fight. Raw beefsteak was then applied to the minister's eyes, and the wearied Captains, in various stages of dilapidation, limped homeward with their demoralized families.
There are two theories as to the cause of the original disagreement between Capt. Smith and Capt. Sackett. It is said that Capt. Smith found an oyster in his stew, and that Capt. Sackett set up an unwarranted claim to it. This, however, is improbable. Sixty-three Captains are prepared to swear that two dozen oysters were used to make the oyster stews for the supper service, and where there was such an unprecedented number of prizes Capt. Sackett would hardly bave forgotten himself so far as to claim another Captain's oyster. The other theory, to the effect that the oyster stew made with two dozen oysters was so stimulating that it intoxicated men previously accustomed only to the usual sort of religious stew, is much more probable. Suppose that Capt. Smith was overcome by finding three oysters in his stew; that under the influence of excitement he struck Capt. Sackett, and that the other Captains, with their brains heated by the excessive strength of their stew, recklessly joined the fight, and we have a full and broad explanation of the great Bayville battle.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, March 9, 1884
"Treasurer McMahon Not Yet Heard From.
Mayor Timken and the five members of the City Council of Hoboken who with him constitute the special committee of investigation into the accounts of the missing Collector of Taxes, John McMahon, met in the Mayor's office in Hoboken yesterday morning. An expert safe maker, with a heavy bundle of tools, which looked like a bank burglar's outfit, presented himself before the committee for the purpose of opening the safe, but it was found that William E. Sackett, who had been employed as an expert accountant, was not read to enter upon an examination of the books, and for that reason the opening of the safe was postponed to 10 A.M. to-day. McMahon has not yet been heard from.
"The money from each annual tax levy," said Mayor Timken yesterday, "was only a part of what passed through the Collector's hands. He also handled all the special levies for the local improvements and all the delinquent water taxes.""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, May 20, 1884
"A STRONG BOY to carry out parcels; must come well recommended. JAS. H. SACKETT, 122 Liberty."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[2348 James Horton Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, January 6, 1885
ELMIRA, Jan 5.—The village of Havana was aroused by the announcements this morning that Elbert P. Cook, of the banking house of Cook & Sackett, had become an embezzler and had disappeared. The fact of his flight was first made know when Mr. Sackett went to the bank and on opening the safes and money drawers ascertained that all the money and valuables had been taken. Robbery was first thought of, but as nothing had been broken, Mr. Sackett made inquiries concerning his partner which resulted in facts that Cook left on Sunday evening at 10 o'clock for Elmira. At 1 o'clock this morning Cook arrived at Homestead Hotel here with his horse and buggy. He left the hotel in a few minutes, and, it is believed, took the Erie morning train for Canada.
Cook is a nephew of Charles Cook, the founder of the village of Havana, and Cook Academy. The bank was the only one in the village, organized by Elbert P. Cook and B.G. Sackett, the latter putting in $50,000, while Cook put in nothing, his sureties being reputed wealth and real estate. Sackett's capital and at least $30,000 of deposits are gone. Cook's property, so far as can be learned, consists of 100 acres of marsh land worth $600. Cook was a church member and the treasurer of the village, besides being the financial man of several societies.
Deposits were received at the bank till the close of business Saturday, notwithstanding that on Thursday Cook telegraphed ex-Senator T.L. Minier, of this city, that the bank was in trouble and asking him to go there and assist in straightening them out. On Saturday Mr. Minier received a message that he need not come."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, January 6, 1885
He Didn't Leave a Cent for the Depositors in his Private Bank.
ELMIRA, Jan 5.—Elbert P. Cook of the firm of Cook & Sackett, private bankers at Havana, Schuyler county, is a defaulter, and has disappeared. He left his home in Havana on Sunday night, drove to this city, eighteen miles, and is supposed to have taken an early train on the Erie for Canada, which he could reach in six or seven hours from here. B.G. Sackett, Cook's partner, furnished all the money in the bank, Cook being simply manager. Sackett was worth about $40,000, but the defalcation will clean him out. All the property belonging to Cook is $600 worth of poor land. The deposits are supposed to have amounted to $30,000. Cook left the books in such shape that nothing can be stated definitely until Sackett's assignee, who was appointed to-day, gets to work.
Cook was the nephew of Charles Cook, founder of Havana, and has stood very high in the community. His defalcation is a profound surprise. Cook told his wife, whom he left in Havana, that he was going to the Pacific coast; but his friends think he is now in Canada, as telegrams to the Chiefs of Police of many cities to arrest him have not led to his discovery.
Cook came to Elmira last week and told a friend he was in trouble and wanted him to help him out. The friend was to visit Havana on Saturday, but after returning home Cook postponed the visit by telephone until Monday. All the money in the bank was gone when Mr. Sackett opened it this morning. Cook was a prominent church member and a Sunday school teacher."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, June 14, 1885
The opening of the Coney Island Jockey Club meeting, which took place on Thursday, probably interfered somewhat with the regatta. There was good attendance, but the crowd was unamiable [sic], and, it thought, with good reason. The indignation of the ladies at the interdict on betting was expressed in terms that were both loud and deep, and many of them tearfully contrasted the scene with that of a year ago, when the button boys ran frantically to and fro from the betting stand to the boxes, buying tickets and making bets for the fair ones. The boxes in this opera house race course were all well filled. Mrs. Buchanan Winthrop took a party down, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sackett, Miss Kate Bulkley, and Mr. Winfield Hoyt. Mrs. Sackett, as a matter of course, looked extremely well, but it was rather in spite of than because of a most eccentric bonnet, made entirely of grass of the most vivid and rural yellow green. As a suitable accompaniment, she carried a parasol with a Dresden parrot forming the handle, whose feathers exactly matched the grass green of the bonnet. Among others in boxes were Mr. and Mrs. Heckscher and their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Redmond, and Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Pierson.
When the races were over the tumult began in the dining rooms at Manhattan Beach—every one wanted to dine, every one wanted a table and a waiter, and, as usual, the supply was unequal to the demand. The new amphitheatre, that has been put up for the better hearing of the music and admiring the fireworks, was generally approved. And take it for all in all, with its fireworks, its music, its good cuisine, its fine Atlantic breezes, and its slight flavor of vulgarity, there are few places that have more attractions than Coney Island.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, July 10, 1885
At the meeting of the Cornell Alumni Association, of this city on Tuesday called to take appropriate action concerning the appointment of a successor to President White, some reference was made by one or two members present to a charge of plagiarism that had been preferred more than ten years ago against Professor Charles Kendall Adams, one of the three chief candidates for the presidency of Cornell University. Mr. Adams was then, as he is now, professor of history in the University of Michigan. When his book, "History of Democracy in France," was first published, some one (commonly supposed to have been an undergraduate at Cornell) wrote to The Nation, pointing out what he considered to be flagrant instances of appropriation by Professor Adams of the ideas of Buckle. The answers of Professor Adams and of President White at the time were considered by the friends of Mr. Adams to be an absolute refutation of the charges. Nothing further was heard of them publicly until reference was made to them in the recent meeting of the Cornell Alumni. The publication of some of the most pronounced of these remarks created considerable commotion among the alumni. At the adjourned meeting of the Alumni Association held at the office of Henry W. Sackett in THE TRIBUNE Building yesterday this was the chief theme of discussion. The most of the members felt that the association of a few individual members. All of those present were opposed to the selection of Professor Adams as president of Cornell, but the opposition was based upon other grounds than that of plagiarism. It was urged that although he had passed middle life he was still a comparatively unknown man, and that he never had had the experience nor shown that he possessed the qualifications which the position demanded. The meeting was as unanimous in expressing the opinion that General Francis A. Walker was the right man for the place.
A letter was received from John DeWitt Warner, one of the alumni trustees, protesting against the suggestion of the charge of plagiarism against Professor Adams. Mr. Warner wrote that he was no partisan of Professor Adams; but it seemed to him to be "unfair to Professor Adams and unfortunate for the association that a serious charge should be bandied under circumstances which make it impossible fairly to convict and almost equally so, effectively, to acquit." The writer thought that a charge, the mere mention of which was an injury, should not be mooted except over the name of him who was responsible for it, which responsibility the association should not assume. Appended to Mr. Warner's letter was an indorsement [sic] of its sentiments by the Rev. George R. Van De Water, the recently elected alumni trustee.
Some of the members were rather disposed to resent what was termed the attempt by Mr. Warner to lecture the association for something which it had not done. But the final outcome of a long and animated discussion was the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That the secretary be instructed to inform Mr. Warner and Mr. Van De Water, and to request them to inform the Board of Trustees, that this association has neither taken any action upon charges of plagiarism against Professor Charles Kendall Adams nor authorized any investigation thereof, nor are any such charges before this association for its action; but that the association is strongly opposed to the election of Professor Adams to the presidency of Cornell University.
There were several attempts made to formulate the objections to this candidate in exact language; but as the majority would not agree upon these grounds, or at all events the statement of them, the resolution was left as above. There was no dissenting voice to the proposition that all were opposed to the selection of Professor Adams. In order that the views of the association might be properly presented to the trustees, the chairman, Eugene Frayer, was instructed to appoint a committee to proceed to Ithaca and present those views to the Board. The committee were also instructed to request the Board of Trustees to delay action upon the appointment of president so that fuller discussion might be had. Mr. Frayer appointed as such committee, John Frankenheimer, T. Perry Sturges, Dr. L.L. Seaman, Henry L. Sprague and Henry W. Sackett."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, 3 Jun 1886, p 3
Sackett—On Tuesday, June 1, Margaret J. Allen, widow of Israel Sackett, in her 74th year. Funeral services at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Randall, 572 Monroe st, Brooklyn, on Thursday, June 3, at 5 p.m. Interment at Woodlawn on Friday morning.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, June 16, 1886
ITHACA, June 15 (Special)—To-day's class day exercises certainly sustain the prediction that the commencement of 1886 would be the most brilliant for years. This beautiful town is crowded with visitors. Charming weather prevailed. The first part of the ceremonies was held in the armory. An immense audience was present, but the arrangement was such that the speakers could easily be heard in all parts of the hall. It was full to the doors. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. W.D. Wilson, who last week delivered his last lectures on moral philosophy. He is now emeritus professor. The roll of the graduating class was called by A.E. Dunham. The class oration was delivered by E.D.A. Delima. W.E. Hugill read the class poem, and Miss A.M. Paddock the class essay. The class memorial, consisting of $1,000, to be used as a junior contest fund, was presented to the university by J.T. Sackett, and was accepted in a happy speech by President Adams. A.S. Norton, president of the class, delivered the closing address. The seniors and audience then went out to the centre of the campus where stands an enormous pine tree. Ten young ladies of Sage College, who received their degrees with the young men of '86, marched out with them, and at the same time donned mortar boards like their brethren. Their delicate features looked charming under the old scholastic bonnets. Together all the graduates gathered under the great tree, for many yards in a circle around them, extended the gay and brilliant gowns of ladies, with fewer gentlemen; and outside of this circle was another of many carriages, with an occasional four-in-hand from Auburn or some other neighboring city. Here the class ivy was planted, while the band played. Then H.C. Charpiot delivered the ivy oration. After a class song, a box containing the sacred relics of the class was buried, C.H. Hull read the class history, and E.H. Doud the class prophecy. The historic class pipe was presented to the present junior class by W.G. Barney, and it was received on behalf of the younger class by P.B. Roberts. After another class song, there was a farewell visit to the college balls, and the exercise ended in general merriment. To-night the class ball is being held at the armory, and is in every respect a brilliant and successful affair."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[7581 John Thompson Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, March 8, 1887
"Presidential Postmasters Appointed.
WASHINGTON, March 7.—Presidential Postmasters were appointed to-day as follows:
John McGonigle at San Buenaventura, Cal., vice Mrs. Jennie Goodwin, resigned; James L. Scot at Mattoon, Ill., vice John Cunningham, resigned; George Procaskey at Rockport, Ind., vice Lyman S. Gilkey, commission expired; Susan K. Burch at Georgetown, Ky., vice Milton Burch, deceased; Samuel A. Laning at Bridgeton, N.J., vice John Trenchord, commission expired; James W. Erickson at Freehold, N.J., vice M.L. Farrington, commission expired; John Johnson at Peterson, N.J., vice John L. Conklin, commission expired; Charles E. Kinder, at Miamisburgh, O., vice Henry Bolton, commission expired; John B. Sackett at Buffalo, N.Y., vice John M. Bedford, commission expired; Henry Davie at Delhi, N.Y., vice H.N. Buckley, commission expired; Samuel J. Brown at Havana, N.Y., vice M.H. Weaver, commission expired; Benjamin Rhodes at Niagara Falls, N.Y., vice Franklin Spalding, commission expired; James S. Davenport at Richfield Springs, N.Y., vice E.A. Hinds, commission expired; Frank G. Bolles at Unadilla, N.Y., vice Henry Van Deusen, commission expired; Thomas O'Connor at Wellsville, N.Y., vice W. W. Nichols, deceased; Charles M. Felton at Waterville, N.Y., vice John L. Bissell, commission expired; Edward J. Wood at McMinnville, Tenn., vice Richard Kennedy, removed.
Reappointments were made in cases on which the Senate failed to act."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[1647 John Blakeley Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, March 22, 1887
An attempt was made yesterday by Dr. Joseph Hornblower to horsewhip Wlliam E. Sackett, Editor of The Sunday Morning News, of Jersey City. Hornblower is a young man and the son of Dr. Josiah Hornblower. A week ago last night he was at the ball of the Police Mutual Aid Association, and being under the influence of wine he desired the local reporters to mention that he was in the company of Nellie Lennox, a well known young woman. His request was complied with, but when the young man saw his name in print the next day he was full of regret and sent a letter to Mr. Sackett requesting that his name be omitted, or at least separated from that of Nellie Lennox. No attention was paid to the letter. Yesterday Dr. Hornblower walked into the editorial room and asked Mr. Sackett for the name of the reporter who furnished the report of the ball. Mr. Sackett declined to give it, and Hornblower pulled a rawhide from under his coat and struck him two blows on the shoulders. Sackett and his father seized the irate doctor and ejected him from the office."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5080 William Edgar Sackett Jr] - The Sun, New York City, March 22, 1887
"Dr. Hornblower Loses a Horsewhip.
Young Dr. Joseph Hornblower attended the police ball in Jersey City on Wednesday night. The Sunday Morning News of that city had a report of the ball in which Dr. Hornblower's name was coupled with that of Nellie Lennox. It was added that he had brought her to the ball and had asked a reporter to mention that fact. Yesterday morning Dr. Hornblower called on William E. Sackett, the editor and publisher of the paper, with a horsewhip concealed under his overcoat. Before Mr. Sackett was aware of his intention he had drawn out the whip and struck one blow over Mr. Sackett's shoulders, but before a second blow could be given the editor had seized the Doctor and taken the whip from him. "I then ordered him out of the office," said Mr. Sackett yesterday, "and he lost no time in obeying my command. It was a funny affair, the Doctor acting as though he was glad to get away with his life. He left the whip behind him."
Dr. Hornblower is the son of Dr. Josiah Hornblower, one of the best-known physicians in Jersey City."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5080 William Edgar Sackett Jr] - The Sun, New York City, December 22, 1887
"The Senate has confirmed the recess nominations for Postmasters, including the following: New York—M. Allison, Canisteo; S.O. Arnold, Katonah; W.M. Baird, Ogdensburgh; F.G. Bolles, Unionville; S.J. Brown, Havana; W.R. Brown, Newburgh; F.O. Cable, Owego; Henry Davie, Delhi; T.M. Davis, Alfred Centre; J.S. Davenport, Richfield Springs; E.G. Dean, Deposit; C.J. Neland, Fairport; J.C. Fairchild, Mamaroneck; C.M. Felton, Waterville; A.M. Field, West Chester; Valentine Heckenstein, Rochester; J. L. Gallup, Greenport; Sophie J. Gaydon, Port Jefferson; S.F. Gould, Avon; T.D. Jones, Attica; S.T. Kilpatrick, Irvington; J.H. Larkin, Cohoes; A.J. Loveice, Adams; A.J. Moore, Goshen, Frank McKeon, Dobbs Ferry; J.A. McKenna, Long Island City; W.P. McCarty, Allegany; Burr O. Newton, Bolivar; Thomas O'Connor; Wellsville; N.O. Odeli, Tarrytown; W.E. Perry, Cold Springs; W.J. Phillips, Walcott; Benjamin Rhodes, Niagara Falls; W. K. Roy, Wappinger Falls; Marvin Sackett, New Lebanon; J.B. Sackett, Buffalo; D.A. Sackrider, Randolph; G.G. Schwinger, Tonawanda; A.A. Slawson, Waverly; E.L. Now, Le Roy; C.R. Street, Huntington; B.M. Tasker, Fort Edward; L.L. Thayer, Warsaw, P.S. Wicks, Bay Shore.
New Jersey-G.H. Lindsay, Rahway; Edgar F. Dell, Woodbury; Norman R. Burghardt, South Orange; James W. Errickson, Freehold; George B. Givens, Belvidere; John Johnson, Paterson; John Kennell, Passaic; Samuel A. Laning, Bridgeton; Cyrus F. Osgood, Hammonton; Wm. H. Price, New Brunswick; Victor C. Roberts, Moorestown; Alfred R. Toland, Asbury Park."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[3085 Marvin Sackett]
[1647 John Blakeley Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, January 15, 1888
Dances were given last week b Mrs. Lyman, No. 8 East Sixty-fifth st.; Mrs. Henry S. Kingsley, No. 16 West Twenty-seventh-st.; Mrs. Lucien B. Chase, No. 481 Fifth-ave.; Mrs. J.J. White, No. 560 Fifth-ave.; Mrs. Peck, No. 111 East Thirty-fourth-st.; Mrs. Sackett, No. 121 East Tenth-st.; and Mrs. J. Hood Wright, No. 584 Fifth-ave. This last was a charming ball, numerously attended by fashionable people in the banking and foreign exchange line. The house was beautifully decorated, and the music and refreshments were all that any one could ask for.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, February 14, 1888
His Reverence had Appointed a Lot of New Members to Outvote Them—McMackin Against George—Pentecost Vs. McGlynn.
Things were hot last night at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Anti-Poverty Society in Room 30, Cooper Union. Dr. McGlynn was there. Henry George was not. He was on his way to Chicago, but his lieutenants, W.T. Croasdale, Thomas L. McCready, and J.W. Sullivan, were there with plenty more George men. They were going to suspend Dr. McGlynn from the Presidency of the Anti-Poverty Society for his desertion of Henry George. But the Doctor—well, he stole a march on them by exercising the power given him by the society, and appointing ten new members of the Executive Committee, who were in sympathy with himself. He did this before the Executive Committee met. Before the meeting was fairly under way, Dr. McGlynn announced the appointment. W.T. Croasdale was in the chair at the time, and had not yet called the meeting to order when the Doctor made his announcement. In making the announcement the Doctor said that the members were St. Stephen's people and the Malones of Brooklyn, who had taken so much interest in the society.
Louis F. Post and E.J. Schriver were on their feet in an instant. The substance of their protest was that the President's power of appointment was to be exercised in good faith, and only with the approval of the Executive Committee. At this the Doctor got highly excited.
"My power as President is despotic," he cried.
But the opposition were not to be ruled. They did not propose to be bulldozed. One of them moved to suspend the reading of the minutes so that business might be completed before any of the "preked crowd" (as one expressed it) got in.
In a twinkling this was carried by a vote of 11 to 10, six of the new appointees being on hand to vote "no." Schriver moved to suspend Dr. McGlynn. A row followed, and at 8:45, three-quarters of an hour after the meeting opened, the George men left the meeting room and adjourned to the New York Hotel, where they prepared an appeal to the Anti-Poverty Society.
The McGlynn faction continued its meeting and read out of the committee the members who had departed, appointing Dr. Coughlin Chairman and Sylvester Malone Treasurer. They also prepared an appeal or address written by Prof. Clarke, who acted as the spokesman of Dr. McGlynn. They say that Dr. McGlynn, with the best interests of the United Labor party at heart, and with the intention of carrying on the work of propaganda, had criticised Henry George because he was averse to putting a candidate for President in the field this fall. Mr. Croasdale's intention was to bring upon him the censure of the Executive Committee. Failing in that the disaffected members retired.
The Secretary, Michael Clarke, says that to summon the Executive Committee together Croasdale broke into his private desk. Croasdale says he had the right to look over the list of the committee. He says that when his friends walked out of the meeting there was not a gentleman left in the room. Those that went out with Croasdale were Benjamin Urner, E.J. Schriver, Louis F. Post, Thomas L. McCready, Jerome O'Neill, the Rev. Hugh O. Pentecost, William McCabe, A.J. Steers, J.W. Sullivan and Henry W. Sackett.
Among Dr. McGlynn's henchmen, so to speak, were John McMackin, Chairman of the United Labor Party County Committee; James P. Archibald, Michael Clarke, Prof. William B. Clarke, Dr. Gottheil, son of Rabbi Gottheil; Sylvester L. Malone, John J. Bealin, and Dr. Coughlin. Both factions said, after things had sobered down last night, that they were going to take the very first opportunity of finding how the whole body of the Anti-Poverty Society feel on the matter. It's bound to split the society, likewise the United Labor party."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - The New-York Tribune, New York City, September 2, 1888
Kingston, N.Y., Sept. 1 (Special). The tide of Catskill travel has now begun to turn. The children and the big trunks are coming back and the downward trains are daily growing longer, and yet the arrivals of the week have been numerous, and the hotel books still show many engagements.
Recent arrivals include the following:
Grand-C.A. Lange, W.A. Schraum, Charles Fishel, G.W. Cassedy, M. Lowenstein, E. Peyser, Ambrose Wood and wife, R.H. Thomas and wife, E. Gutman, F.B. Hibbard, Julian Ralph, J.H. Lee, W. A. Ballantine, H.J. Chapin, H.F. Randolph, S. Klaber, M.W. Majer, D. G. Crosby, W.G. Schuyler and family, Miss Burchel, W.H. Brown, H.P. Mason and family, George M. Lewis, F. A Flager, H. Newburger, Charles Wise, Miss Eva Ballantine, J.A. Armstrong and wife, Miss K. Crowley, W. E. Crowley, W.R.Rose and wife, C. Van Pustan, New-York; George M. Fuller, Henry Webb, C.H. Bissel, Miss Hayden, Mrs. J.A. Parsons, George H. Smith and family, Mrs. W.P. Gilbert, Brooklyn; Amos M. Clarke, John J. Jackson, S.H. Cramp, F.D. Stinsen, Miss Nothrup, Philadelphia; Miss C.C. Foodick, P.E. Tucker, Boston; H.O. Deming, Hartford; Dr. M. Thorner, Cincinnati; J.C. Cox and family, South Carolina; Dr. A. Holland and family, Orange, N.J.: Mrs. Isaac Jennings, Fairfield, Conn.; Mrs. J.W. Hoagland and daughter, Flushing; Mrs. J.A. Van Aker, Newtown, L.I.; P.J. Ferris, Buffalo; Mrs. And Mrs. C.A. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryant, Albany; Mrs. A.H. Raynol and family, Hoboken; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ray, Rochester: Mrs. A.R. Sackett, Bridgton, N.J.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, November 29, 1888
MORGAN-SACKETT—On Tuesday, November 27, at St. James' Church, Madison ave. and 71st st., by the Rev. I.N. Stanger, D. D., Major R. Morgan, of Foxburgh, Penn., to Adaline Mead, youngest daughter of Sara E. and the late Amos M. Sackett, of New-York City."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[4857 Adeline Mead Sackett] - Brooklyn Eagle, 1889 January 10, p. 6
On the Day that Her Sister Was Married.
She Was Sure She Would Get Well and Looked Forward Joyfully to the Wedding—The End Came Unexpectedly.
All yesterday morning Bessie Hedges Sackett lay on a couch in her room. Her oldest sister, Susie Dorsch Sackett, was to be married last evening, and for some days wedding gifts had been pouring into the house. Each as it arrived was taken to Bessie's room. On Tuesday Bessie asked to be shown the dress that she expected to wear at her sister's wedding. She was told that it was not finished. She seemed satisfied, though, that it would be ready to be worn last evening when the wedding took place. No thought entered her mind that anything would intervene to prevent her presence at the ceremony. Death came at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon and the marriage ceremony took place seven hours later. Bessie was 10 years of age and was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sackett, of 525 Madison street. She had been in poor health for a long time, but it was not thought by her family or the attending physician that she would die so soon. Bessie herself, at no time, had any idea that her illness was a fatal one. Invitations had been sent to a number of relatives and friends bidding them to the wedding of Mr. Sackett's daughter Susie to Mr. Frederick Baker Norris. When Bessie grew worse the question of postponing the wedding was considered, but the family physician advised that it had better take place, saying that he thought the little girl would linger for some time yet. Early yesterday morning a serious change for the worse was noticed in Bessie and the doctor was hastily summonded. He saw then that the end was near and notified the family. When death came it was decided to have the wedding take place, as many guests had been invited from a distance, but to dispense with a reception. Many of the guests, as soon as they reached the house and heard the sad intelligence, went away. The wedding took place at 8 o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Robert J. Kent, of the Lewis Avenue Congregational Church. About sixty guests were present and condolence accompanied congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Norris, immediately after the ceremony, left on a brief visit to friends. Their wedding trip will be deferred until after the little girl's funeral. Services will be held to-morrow evening at her parents' residence and the interment will take place Saturday morning in Woodlawn Cemetery."
[6056 Bessie Hedges Sackett & 6051 Susan Dorsch Sackett daus George Washington Sackett & Josephine Dorsch]
[See also Pittsburg Dispatch] [Researched by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, January 18, 1889
The Story of Mr. Potter's Relations with Mrs. Plume and his Persecution of her when they had Ceased Brought Out in the Trial of a Libel Suit in Jersey City.
A Hudson county jury will try to determine to-day whether Thomas Potter, a wealthy Jersey City contractor, is morally fit to represent the county in Congress. The case has been on trial in the Court of Sessions for two days and was practically concluded yesterday. Potter is well known in Jersey City. He was long a member of the Board of Education and was for a time President of the Board. It is alleged that he secured the appointment as a teacher in the public schools of Mrs. Julia Plume, a widow, with whom he had been acquainted from childhood and who had lived at his house with his wife and eight children since 1865. While President of the Board of Education, Mr. Potter on several occasions had Mrs. Plume promoted from one school to another. Mrs. Plume had a son Robert, who grew to manhood while living at Potter's house. Potter gave him a place in his Boston office as superintendent of his business there. The son did not like his employer's conduct toward his mother, it is said, and in 1884 he induced her to leave the house. Potter was enraged at this, and told Mrs. Plume that she could choose between her son and him. If she chose to go with her son he would follow them wherever they went and would persecute them. Mrs. Plume defied him, and accompanied her son. Potter then accused the son of embezzling $50 while he was in his employ. In the mean time the Plumes had gone to Portland, Oregon. Mr. Potter employed a man named Atwood in Portland to watch the Plumes and keep him informed as to their doings. He wrote Mrs. Plume letters accusing her son of theft, and he also wrote letters to Atwood concerning young Plume. Plume finally came East to Boston and demanded an examination of the charge of embezzlement. He was acquitted at once and returned to Portland. Potter had an advertisement printed in the Portland Oregonian to annoy Mrs. Plume. Finally, the Plumes say, his persecution became so unbearable that they left Oregon and went to California. Potter, it is alleged, followed them there by means of his agents. Then they both came East. Young Plume began a suit against Potter for defamation of character. He got $500 damages, and Potter paid it in silver dollars. Mrs. Plume then began a suit against Potter for malicious persecution and defamation of character. Potter filed a remarkable plea in answer to the suit, alleging that Mrs. Plume had been his mistress for more than twenty years, and giving the dates and places of alleged illegal acts. He mentioned in the plea nearly 100 dates, and concluded with, "and hundreds of other times." To save herself, it is said, Mrs. Plume did not push the suit.
The Sunday Morning News, a Jersey City newspaper, in commenting on the result of young Plume's case against Potter, denounced Potter in unmeasured terms. Potter caused the arrest of William E. Sackett, the editor and proprietor of the News, on a charge of criminal libel. Sackett commented on his arrest and was again arrested. He went on commenting until he had been arrested eight times. The Grand Jury, however, did not indict him.
In the recent campaign Potter was mentioned in the Jersey City Journal, the Republican organ in Jersey City, as a possible candidate for Congress. That same week Potter made a speech at a Republican meeting in Newark, and was hooted by a gang of hoodlums. The following Sunday Sackett said editorially that if the people of Newark had known Potter's reputation as well as the people of Jersey City knew it, Potter would have received a warmer reception that he did. Mr. Sackett also said that he did not think the Republican managers would dare insult the morals of the voters of the city by placing a man of Potter's character in nomination for Congress. The next day Sackett was arrested. This time the Grand Jury indicted him. The last clause of the indictment is, in substance, that Sackett meant by his editorial to say that Potter was not a fit man to be a Congressman.
District Attorney Winfield refused to prosecute the case against Sackett, so Lawyers Rowe and Black were engaged. Allan McDermitt, Chairman of the State Democratic Committee and Clerk to the Court of Chancery, and Lawyer Thompson volunteered to defend Mr. Sackett. The defence was that the editorial was a statement of facts, and that Potter was not fit to be a Congressman; therefore the alleged libel was justifiable. To prove this, Potter's plea in Mrs. Plume's case was offered in evidence, and Potter himself was placed on the stand as a witness for the defence. He confessed that he had employed agents to shadow Mrs. Plume and her son, and that he had written annoying letters to her because he was angry with her. He admitted that his plea in Mrs. Plume's suit was signed by him.
"Did you think she was a proper person to place in charge of a public school to teach the young?" asked Lawyer McDermitt.
"Yes," replied Mr. Potter.
"Do you consider chastity a requirement in a female school teacher?"
"Not altogether."
"Is your plea that Mrs. Plume was your mistress for twenty years true?"
"I decline to answer," replied Potter, "because to answer truthfully would tend to degrade me."
The specific charges made in the plea were then taken up one by one. The witness declined to say whether they were true or not. He was cool as a cucumber all the time.
"Do you think you are morally fit to go to Congress?" was asked.
"I am afraid my morals might be corrupted if I went there," replied the witness.
A series of letters was introduced in evidence yesterday morning, and Potter was again called to testify. The letters had all been written by him to Mrs. Plume or her son, and they showed how he had pursued and persecuted them. Potter identified each letter before it was read. The first was addressed to the son. In it Potter said:
I shall follow you to the ends of the earth, and every one shall know the record of yourself and your mother and your base ingratitude to me. Your mother was my willing mistress for years.
The witness explained that he wrote the letter in all kindness to Mr. Plume and he did not consider that the statement about the mother was harsh. "I never wrote a kinder letter in my life," he said, and he looked at Mr. Plume who was in the court room and smiled.
The second letter was to Mrs. Plume. Potter addressed her as "My Dear Julia," and accused her of base ingratitude. He wrote that at least fifty people knew that he had taken a trip to Boston with her one night on the steamer Massachusetts. He concluded by saying that he could not forget that once he loved her better than all the world with a pure and hallowed love.
The third letter was also addressed to Mrs. Plume. It contained most of the dates given in the remarkable plea. When McDermitt had finished reading it he turned to Mr. Potter, and asked:
"Potter, do you keep a diary of dates on which you break your marriage vows?"
"No, sir," replied Mr. Potter, not in the least put out by the question.
"Well, you had a record of the dates you mention in your plea, hadn't you?"
"I think I must have had at the time. I don't remember, though."
The next letter was written on Aug. 9, 1884. In it Mrs. Plume was informed that she had descended to the lowest depths of perfidy. Another letter was written after the trial of the suit of young Plume against Potter. Potter still addressed Mrs. Plume as "Dear Jule." and threatened to publish the testimony taken at the trial, and send it all over the world. He concluded by speaking of her as his "twenty-year friend." In the next letter he spoke of her son's ingratitude, and threatened to follow him as long as he lived, and to inform his fiancee and her family what kind of a mother he had. "Ye gods!" he concluded, "how I would like to pay him in kind."
In the next letter Mrs. Plume is addressed simply as "Mrs. Julia A. Plume." In it Potter speaks of her "cussedness." "I was a fool to grieve over the loss of something that was never worth anything," he says. "Your acquaintances all over the world, wherever you go, shall know you as a false ingrate and wanton."
In another letter Mr. Potter said he had never been unjust to any one. The discrepancy in young Plume's accounts had been explained satisfactorily, and he was sorry he had accused him of stealing. When the letter was read Mr. Potter said he had written it under a misapprehension, and that he found out afterward that the son was guilty.
The next letter stated that Potter had just made a will, and had put aside half his fortune to be used in following and persecuting Mrs. Plume.
Mr. Potter admitted he had communicated with Mrs. Plume lately. He had sent her a newspaper within a month, he said. It was a copy of the Sunday Morning News, and contained allusions to the Potter-Plume case.
The defence rested, and Mr. Potter drew a long breath and began to testify for himself. He had never sought a nomination for Congress, he said, and wouldn't accept a certificate of election as a Congressman if it were handed him on a platter.
"Did you make speeches during the campaign?" asked Mr. McDermitt, on redirect examination.
"I made alleged speeches," responded Mr. Potter modestly.
"Did you speak on the Mormon question or the Blair Educational bill?" asked Mr. McDermitt sarcastically.
"I did not," answered Mr. Potter, unmoved.
It was shown that Potter had been arrested and held to bail for sending an obscene letter through the mails. That letter and many others were admitted as evidence that were unfit for publication. A dozen or more telegrams, some of them of a threatening nature, sent to Mrs. Plume by Potter, were read.
Mr. McDermitt summed up for the prosecution. He devoted almost the hour and a half that he talked to an attempt to show that Potter, by his persecution of Mrs. Plume, had forfeited all right to be respected, and was therefore not fit to be a Congressman.
Lawyer Rowe summed up for the defence. He did not attempt to justify Potter's pursuit of the woman, but asked for a verdict of guilty because he thought Sackett had been actuated by malice. Judge Lippincott will charge the jury this morning."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5080 William Edgar Sackett Jr] - New-York Tribune, New York City, March 10, 1889
A well-attended meeting of the Union League Club of Brooklyn was held at Arlington Hall, at Gages and Nostrand aves., last night. The election of officers was the first business of importance transacted. The old officers were re-elected. They are: President, Francis H. Wilson; first vice-president, John W. Hussey; second vice-president, D.M. Munger; treasurer, John S. Nugent; recording secretary, John T. Sackett; corresponding secretary, Frank B. Moore; executive committee, D.G. Harriman, A.G. Bailey, Guernsey Sackett and H.M. Smith; finance committee, J.D. Ackerman, O.B. Lockwood, E. V. Crandall, A. G. Perham and F.E. Barnard; membership committee, C.C. Ryder and E.T. Weymouth.
The committee appointed to select a site for a club-house reported that it had been unable to decide on a place. A motion was made that the committee purchase a site in Bedford-ave. The discussion was long, but it was finally agreed that the executive committee should be appointed to act with the site committee and have full power."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[7581 John Thompson Sackett]
[4390 Guernsey Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, March 29, 1889
The ninth annual dinner of the New-York Association of Cornell University Alumni was held at Delmonico's last evening. Although the University is only in its twenty-first year the sons of Cornell proved that they were able to rival successfully the alumni of the older colleges in the keenness of their appetites, in the strength of their digestive powers, and in the enthusiasm for their Alma Mater. The dining hall was tastefully decorated with red and white streamers and American flags. Music was furnished by Cappa, and the singing of "Alma Mater," the "Owl Song," "Cornell," "Smoking Song," "The Chimes," and other college songs was a pleasant feature of the evening.
Walter C. Kerr, president of the association, guided the alumni through the courses of the dinner with judgment and discretion. With him at the guest table were Professor Goldwin Smith, Joseph C. Hendrix, the Rev. Dr. Robert Collyer, Asa A. Alling, ex-Governor Alonzo B. Cornell, General Alfred C. Barnes, and Professors Horatio S.W. White, E.P. Roberts, Brainard G. Smith, Herbert Tuttle, and W. T. Hewitt. Among others present were Forrest M. Towl, S. Perry Sturges, L.G. Rosenblatt, Henry W. Sackett, John Frankenheimer, Henry W. Sage, William H. Sage, H.R. Ickelheimer, Neil Stewart, jr., Hiram W. Sibley, J.J. Chambers, Clarence H. Esty, J.M. Ashley, William a. Mosscrop, Dudley R. Horton, P.J. Eidlitz, George Donaldson, Charles D. Baker, L. L. Seaman and C.E. Emory.
At a business meeting held before the dinner it was decided to change the name of the association to the Cornell University Club. The executive committee was instructed to secure the incorporation of the club. The board of governors will include the executive committee, the president, secretary, treasurer and the ex-presidents of the association in the city and its vicinity. The Board of Governors was instructed to appoint committees on entertainment, library and collections and permanent headquarters. These officers were elected: John De Witt Warner, '72, president; G.P. Serviss, '72 first vice-president; John W. Boothby, '73, second vice-president: Asa A. Alling, '83, third vice-president; Charles H. Johnson, '80, secretary, and Otto M. Eidlitz, '81, secretary, Executive committee, Dudley R. Horton, chairman; Charles D. Baker, Merritt E. Haviland, Frank A. Wright, Ira A. Place, John T. Sackett, John De Witt Warner, Charles H. Johnson and Otto M. Edlitz."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett]
[7581 John Thompson Sackett] - The Sun, New York City, March 30, 1889
"The Albemarle Bowling Club of New York was entertained by the Our Own Bowling Club of Brooklyn on the latter's alleys, at Hincks street and De Kalb avenue, on Thursday evening. A match game with nine men on a side was rolled with the following result: [scores clipped]
Umpire—Herman Roehrig. Scorers—George W. Sacket and Andrew Sweeton."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, April 4, 1889
A motion made on behalf of Thomas F. Treacy [or Trescy: hard to read] to have the proceedings before Referee Henry W. Sackett, brought by Mrs. Ella A. Treacy to obtained [sic] the permanent custody of their boy Thomas Fergus Treacy, reopened was denied by Justice Beach in the Supreme Court Chambers, yesterday. The case had been closed, but the referee has not yet made his report."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, April 19, 1889
Sackett, Fredk, to Annie Sheriden, Nos 316 and 318 Henry-st., 1 year. $21,000"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, April 19, 1889
Perry Plant, steam ferryboat "Fort Lee," franchises, &c.
Elisha W Sackett and wife to Riverside and Fort Lee Ferry CoÉÉÉ. 1
Same property; W E Stillings to E W Sacket ÉÉÉÉ7,000"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[3263 Elisha Wells Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, June 16, 1889
The Chinese Dinner at the Montauk Club—Rumors of Changes at the Navy Yard—News of the National Guard—Races of the Long Island Wheelmen—The Brooklyn Canoe Club Races Stopped by Rain—Items of General Interest.
The interest of the members of the Union League Club in their new club-house continues to increase, and last Thursday's meeting was the largest held since the idea of building a clubhouse was first started. Nearly 100 members were present, including William H. Waring, Howard M. Smith, D.W. Northrup, D.G. Harriman, Guernsey Sackett, William Creighton, Charles Cooper, J.O. Carpenter, F.R. Moore, A.G. Bailey, F.E. Barnard, A.G. Perham, H.C. Larowe, J.D. Ackerman and O.B. Lockwood. The president, Francis H. Wilson, presided, and the Building Committee, consisting of John W. Hussey, D.M. Munger, Andrew D. Baird, J.P. Puels and E.T. Weymouth, were all present.
Their report was the principal feature of the meeting. They announced through their chairman, Mr. Hussey, that the bids for the new building would be opened on Monday. Then followed a discussion about the signing of contracts, and the meeting authorized the president, the treasurer, J.S. Nugent, and the recording secretary, J.T. Sackett, to sign them when the Building Committee declared them to be satisfactory. The strong degree of confidence which the members of the club fee in this committee was expressed in various other ways during the evening, and it is proper to add that they are practical men of eminent fitness, fully alive to the responsibilities of the position they hold. Upon them, assisted to some extent by the Executive Committee, will devolve the practical supervision of the construction of the new building so soon to be begun. Next Thursday's meeting of the club, which will probably be the last one held before next September, will decide just when ground shall be broken and the digging of the foundations begun.
The large colored elevation of the new building was completed by Architect Laritzen and shown to the members. They not only renewed their praises of the design of the building, but have caused it to be placed in the show window of a store at Fulton and Bedford aves., where crowds gather every day to look at it. Every one is anxious to see the new building begun, and to have the bids disposed of as quickly as possible. It is said that it will be an easy matter to make a selection from the many competent builders who are competing, and their rivalry is so sharp that if seems safe to say that none of the club's money will be wasted, whoever the fortunate bidders may be.
C.J. Sands, chairman of the committee on membership, reported that a large number of applications still remained to be acted upon. Among the applicants was Eugene G. Blackford. The clubhouse has been situated in the heart of the district that rolls up the largest Republican majorities and the members of the club say that they mean to make it "a monument to the patriotism of the Republican party."Among the prominent members are S.V. White, Franklin Woodruff, William C. Wallace, Theodore B. Willis, William H. Lyon, State Senator Eugene F. O'Connor, Joseph Aspinall and Timothy L. Woodruff. The subscriptions to the club-house bonds are now approaching $60,000, and no more anxiety on the subject of funds is felt by the finance committee.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[4390 Guernsey Sackett]
[7581 John Thompson Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, December 3, 1889
James C. Carter was the counsel and Sackett & Bennett were the attorneys for The Tribune Association."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, January 3, 1890
York, to all persons interested in the estate of William K. Curry, assigned to William Jewett for the benefit of creditors:-
Sackett, Lang, Reed & McKewan
Attorneys for Assignee
21 Park Row
N.Y. City."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, February 2, 1890
Buffalo, Feb. 1 (Special).—Ex-Senator Platt and State Committeeman Warren have sprung a surprise on "Fred" Busch, who expected to be appointed Internal Revenue Collector for this district. According to news from a trustworthy official late to-night, Editor Fitch, of Rochester, will be appointed collector and the office will probably be moved to Rochester. Busch had many supporters among the German-Americans here, to pacify whom, it is stated, Postmaster Sackett will be ousted to make place for some prominent German-American; rumor says Police Captain Kraft, whom Editor Warren is supporting. Congressman Faquhar was and is a Busch man, and intimates that if Fitch is made collector, he (Farquhar) proposes to name the postmaster, or keep Sackett, a Democrat, in office. It is said that the President, who has been in favor of Busch, will consent to the new arrangement, if assured that the Germans, who are strong here, will be satisfied."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, June 7, 1890
RIKER—Suddenly, at Seabright, N.J., on June 5, 1890, Elizabeth Anna, wife of Richard Riker, and only child of Margaret L. and D. Sackett Moore, in the 23d year of her age.
The funeral services will be held at the Church of Heavenly Rest, 5th-ave, and 45th-st., on Monday, June 9, at 3 p.m.
Interment at Woodlawn."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Sun, New York City, October 2, 1890
Manchester, Emily J . to Marcus Sackett and ano, n s 116th st. e 1st ave. 8 yrs $12,000."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - New-York Tribune, New York City, October 23, 1890
The representatives of the East River, Central Park and North River Railroad were met before the Railroad Committee of the Board of Aldermen yesterday by a formidable opposition, on the part of property-owners, to their proposed route connecting the East and North rivers through Central Park. The proposed route is from the East River, through Fifty-fourth-st., up Avenue A, with double tracks; through Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth sts with single tracks; through the Transverse Road of the Park, West Eighty-sixth-st., Ninth-ave. and Seventy-ninth-st., to the North River. Property-owners in West Eighty-sixth-st. were represented by George C. Lay and Herbert S. Ogden; in East Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth sts., by Sackett & Bennett, and in other portions of the East Side by H.T. Lippold and John Grant.
Henry W. Sackett presented a remonstrance against the railroad, headed by John D. Crimmins, and signed by owners of property in East Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth sts. Assessed at about two and a quarter millions, or considerably more than one-half of the assessed valuation of the property in those streets along which the road would run. Mr. Sackett argued that the local authorities should not grant their permission to the company unless it was apparent that the necessary consent of property-owners could be obtained, except under extraordinary circumstances of public necessity. Here it was apparent from the remonstrance that such consent could not be obtained in those streets. Moreover, the public needs were already met by the street railway running through Eighty-sixth-st., from Avenue A to Madison-ave. The necessity for a road through Central Park was admitted; but Mr. Sackett urged that the Park Commissions were now constructing such railway through the Transverse Road, and they had authority to connect it with the railroad in Eighty-sixth-st. If, therefore, the petitioner was permitted to cross the Park, it should only be allowed to connect with Avenue A by running over the tracks already constructed in Eighty-sixth-st., which was a wide street well suited for the purpose, while Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth sts. were narrower and were built up with fine residences.
Mr. Lippold and Mr. Grant emphasized the points made by Mr. Sackett, and also pointed out the unnecessary danger to children from the building of railroads through three successive parallel streets. Mr. Lay and Mr. Ogden showed that West Eighty-sixth-st. was one of the finest streets west of the Park, and that to allow this railroad to run through it, instead of through some less important street, would be to do vast damage to the property in that part of the city. The representatives of the company made an answer to these arguments, and the committee adjourned without reaching a conclusion, the chairman saying that notice would be given of another hearing."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl]
[5786 Henry Woodward Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York City, November 28, 1890
The Westchester Hounds had another brisk run at White Plains yesterday afternoon, after an aniseed bag. The chase was led by the master, T.A. Havemeyer, jr. Among those who participated in the run were E.C. Potter, Howard Potter, Robert Potter, Major Cooley, Edward Randolph, Hawley Faile, F. Vankleeck, L.L. Safford, Lambert Sackett, L. Jacobs, H. Sedgwick and J.G. Bassford. Miss Carey, of this city, was the only lady rider who participated in the chase. She was mounted on a spirited horse and was well up in front with E.C. Potter, E. Randolph, H.N. Potter and J.G. Bassford at the finish, which took place on the Charles Carpenter farm. There were no mishaps during the hunt. A large number of the friends of the club followed the hunt in all manner of vehicles."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Kari Roehl] - The Standard Union, Brooklyn, New York, 7 May 1892, p 1
Guernsey Sackett.
Yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his office in Park Row, New York, Guernsey Sackett of the firm of Sackett & Long, sank back in his chair and died. He had complained during the morning of feeling badly, and a carriage had been sent for to take him home. His son, who is a member of the firm, had noticed the symptoms of his father's illness and became very anxious, but no such sudden termination was expected. His sudden decease is attributed to heart failure, superinduced by an attack of the grip dating from last January. The body was removed to his home, 477 Greene avenue, this city, later in the afternoon.
Mr. Sackett studied law with Ira O. Miller in the old American Exchange Building in the years preceding the war, and finally took charge of the real estate law department of Boardman & Boardman. He was an expert in real estate law, and looked upon as an authority. In his younger days he was considered an athlete. He was a large, fine-looking man, and unusually strong. He never lost that strength until his last attack of illness. With gray hair and full gray beard, well formed, Mr. Sackett was one of the class of men who attract instant and particular attention.
Always an active Republican, in his younger days he was a decided Abolitionist. He supported John C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln in strong and earnest speeches. In his later days he applied himself to business, and was not often seen on the political platform; but when he did appear, it was always with wise counsel born of experience.
He was a member of the Union League Club and of its governors, a vestryman of the Church of The Reformation, and a member of many of the Masonic organizations of high degree.
Mr. Wilson, ex-president of the Union League Club, called at Mr. Sackett's office shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday and tendered his services. He spoke in high terms of Mr. Sackett as a lawyer and as a citizen, and expressed a very high appreciation of Mr. Sackett's valuable services to the Union League Club, of which he was a charter member.
"During the first three years of my administration," continued Mr. Wiilson, "Mr. Sackett was a regular attendant upon the meetings of the club, and took a very earnest interest in its welfare. I frequently sought his advice in matters pertaining to the administration of its affairs. During the past year, owing to ill-health, his presence at the meetings has been less frequent. His sudden death will be a great shock to the members of the club, and therre will be very deep sympathy with the stricken family."
The Executive Committee of the Union League Club will meet to-morrow at 3 P.M. at the clubhouse to take action on the death of Guernsey Sackett, one of the founders of the club, and will pass resolutions of sympathy and respect.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Brooklyn Citizen, Brooklyn, New York, 7 May 1892, p 1
Death of Guernsey Sackett.
Guernsey Sackett, the well-known lawyer, who for sixteen years had lived at No. 477 Greene avenue, died suddenly yesterday in his office, No. 27 Park row, New York. He was seized with faintness and died before a physician arrived. Mr. Sackett was 58 years old and was born in Stamford. His partner was Frank C. Lang. Deceased leaves a widow and a son and a daughter. He was a member of the Union League Club of this city.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, Thursday, 26 Jan, 1893, p. 14, col. 5.
"Names 4 Co-respondents.
President Robert L. Sackett's Woes Lead Him to Sue for Divorce.
His Wife Has a Fancy for Singing and a Stage Career.
She Goes to the Berkeley Lyceum School of Acting, Calls Herself Adele Le Clair, and Lives Apart from Her Husband—A Guest at the San Remo, Savoy, Imperial and Other Hotels—Theory that Her Mind Is Affected.
Robert L. Sackett, President of the Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Company, which does the lithgraphing for Judge, and is in the same building, on the northwest corner of Fifth avenue and Fifteenth stret, has brought suit for absolute divorce from his wife, who is at present living in the San Remo Hotel, Central Park West and Seventy-fifth street.
Mrs. Sackett left her husband last April, and has been known since then as Miss Adele Le Clair. Mr. Sackett's lawyers are Smith & Martin, of No. 49 Broadway, and Howe & Hummel represent the defendant.
In his complaint Mr. Sackett named as co-respondents Edward H. Colell, manager of Chickering Hall; Dr. Hugh H. Hagan, of No. 47 West Fiftieth street; Edward Pelper, once connected with Mayer's Dramatic Agency and afterwards connected with an extravaganza troupe managed by Wemyss Henderson; a Mr. Allen, and others. Mrs. Sackett makes a general denial, and it is hinted that she will make unpleasant counter-charges.
Mrs. Sackett is a very handsome woman, about twenty-six years old and is said to be an excellent musician. She is a native of this city and was a Miss Wall before she married. She has been preparing for the concert stage since she left her husband and lately has been studying for the dramatic stage also. She has been attending the Berkeley Lyceum School of Acting, and a friend who called on her recently found her deep in the study of "The School for Scandal," which, in the light of late events, he considered very apropos.
Mr. Robert L. Sackett was seen last night at the Hotel Kensington, northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Fifteenth street. He is a quiet unassuming business man. He is of medium height, well built and wears a small, light mustache. He is somewhat bald, has large blue eyes and wears gold-rimmed spectacles.
On a bureau in Mr. Sackett's room are two photographs, one the picture of his daughter Clara, a pretty little girl with long dark hair, the other in a silver frame represents Mrs. Sackett and Clara. Mrs. Sackett wears a white dress, which shows her handsome features to good advantage. The picture represents a very good looking woman with dark hair, a high forehead and small, plump hands. She appears to be of medium height. "I am very sorry," said Mr. Sackett, "that it has become known that I have applied for an absolute divorce from my wife. I would prefer not to say anything on the subject. My lawyers know all the facts in the case. They know them much better than I do. They are in possession of all the information you want."
When the reporter informed Mr. Sackett that his wife had made a general denial of all the allegations contained in the complaint, and that she was about to bring some charges against him, Mr. Sackett said:
"Of course she will deny my charges. I expected that. Any woman would deny them. But we have all the necessary proof. I really don't know all the facts. Yes, it is true that we had private detectives to obtain that information for us. My wife has been aware of the fact that I was to bring suit for absolute divorce. She has applied for several reputable lawyers to represent her, but they declined to have anything to do with her case. You say Mrs. Sackett will bring a countersuit. What does she charge me with?"
The reporter informed Mr. Sackett that Mrs. Sackett had not yet been definite on this point.
"What can she mean? I have no idea. Ah! But my reputation is A1. Nobody can say one single word against my character. I am prepared to meet any and all accusations.
"I have done all within my power to avoid this. I begged her at the time she left me to consider well the step she was about to take. This was April 1 last. We had both agreed to a mutual separation. I was to retain the full possession of out little daughter. I agreed to pay Mrs. Sackett $30 a week. We were living at the Kensington Hotel at the time. Before I signed the papers I told her that I would give her two weeks to consider. She said she wanted no time. She left."
"And why did you separate?" asked the reporter.
"She came near ruining me financially. Her extravagance knew no bounds. She spent money so foolishly. The hotel bills ran up to $100 a week when they should not have exceeded $40 or $45. There were messenger and telephone charges amounting some weeks to $8 and $9. And then there were so many livery bills and goodness knows what."
What led to the separation was the following advertisement which appeared in The World March 12, 1891:
To whom it may concern—All persons or firms are cautioned against giving credit in my name or charging goods to my account, as I will not pay any bills unless authorized by myself in writing. R.L. Sackett, 110 fifth ave.
When seen by a World reporter at that time Mr. Sackett declined to say who had been ordering goods without his consent.
That Mr. Sackett was called upon to pay bills contracted by his wife after the publication of the above advertisement is known, because on Aug. 10, 1892, he caused the following to be published in a morning newspaper:
To whom it may concern—I take this method of again notifying all persons and firms that I am not responsible for any bills or debts which may be or have been contracted since March 12, 1892, by my wife, Clara A. Sackett. All persons or firms are again cautioned against giving credit in my name or charging goods to my account, as I will pay no bills unless they are authorized by myself in writing. Robert L. Sackett, 150 5th ave.
"Here is her picture," said Mr. Sackett, as he took the photograph from the bureau, "and this is my little girl. See what a beautiful woman Mrs. Sackett is. She is very handsome, but—never mind, I'll not say one word against her.
"My little girl is now in the country. She is all I have left. I have always treated Mrs. Sackett with the utmost kindness. She lived a life of luxury. I pity her. What future has she before her now? Her own parents will have nothing to do with her. They know how she has acted. She is young yet. She will be twenty-seven on her next birthday."
"Are you acquainted with Dr. Hugh H. Hagan, Edward H. Colell, manager of Chickering Hall, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Pelper, manager of a theatrical company, whom you name as co-respondents in your complaint against Mrs. Sackett?"
"I am not. We have all the proof we want, though," was Mr. Sackett's reply.
He said he had been given to understand that Dr. Hagan and Mr. Cobell had said they would sue him for defamation of character because he (Mr. Sackett) had accused them with having been intimate with his wife.
"You say that it has been stated that my wife's mind is affected?" asked Mr. Sackett. "That is not true. Her mind is perfectly sound. I had her examined by two prominent physicians in this city some little time before we separated. They assured me that Mrs. Sackett was of sound mind. We were married nine years ago."
Mr. Sackett said he had done all he could for his wife. He said that until three months ago he had paid her nearly $100 a week instead of $30 as per agreement.
"You say she accuses me of being of a very jealous disposition," said Mr. Sackett in an answer to the reporter's question. "That is not true. I am not jealous."
Mr. Sackett said his wife was a good pianist, but that she could not sing.
"She has no right to call herself Miss Adele Le Clair," said her husband. "She is Mrs. Sackett; that's all. Le Clair is not even her maiden name. I don't know how she came to adopt that name."
Since her separation from Mr. Sackett, Mrs. Sackett has been living at various hotels. At the Hotel Savoy, her husband says, she owes a bill of $200.
Mrs. Sackett, or rather Miss Adele Le Clair, has been stopping at the Hotel San Remo, Central Park West and Seventy-ninth street since Jan. 10. A reporter for The World called to see her there last night. Miss Le Clair declined to make a statement. She referred the reporter to her counsel, Abe Hummel.
Mr. Cobell was not at Chickering Hall last night. He could not be found.
Dr. Hagan lives at No. 47 West Fiftieth street. He was not at home. He was said to be at No. 56 West Forty-Sixth street, where the doctor had formerly been living. He could not be found there either.
A mutual friend of both husband and wife said yesterday: "I am very sorry that a divorce suit has been begun, and it was done much against my advice. I really think that Mrs. Sackett is not of sound mind. She has been in several sanitariums during the past two years, for she was constantly running up immense bills, as she considered herself very rich, and her husband had to pay hundreds of dollars to big dry goods stores and other places."
Since Mrs. Sackett left her husband she has been living in the biggest and most fashionable hotels of the city. Somehow her stay was not long in any of them. Besides the Hotel Savoy, the Gedney House and the Imperial, Grenoble and Westminster Hotels have been favored by her. At the Savoy it was said last night that her bill was still unpaid, but that her husband had notified them a day or two ago that he would pay it.
It was said that the Savoy people had paid for many C.O.D. packages. St the Gedney House her trunk is now being held for debt. The Gedney House people were warned against her by the Grenoble's employees. It was also said last night that Mrs. Sackett is known at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C."
[Robert L Sackett]
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - New-York Tribune, New York, New York, 27 Mar 1893, p 7
Captain John Sackett.
Captain John Sackett, of Long Island City, died suddenly yesterday while at Roslyn, L. I., on business. Captain Sackett was the owner of a sandyard in New-York, and was interested in a line of sloops that ply along the Atlantic Coast. He was forty-nine years old.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, 17 Dec 1894, p. 8, col. 2.
"Smashed Up By a Trolley Car.
An Undertaker's Wagon Wrecked, and Two Men Were Injured.
A trolley car ran into and wrecked an undertaker's wagon at Third avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-first street yesterday afternoon. Albert Jennys, the driver, and Charles Sackett, who was with him, were thrown to the ground. Jennys was picked up unconscious and carried to a near-by drug store, where he was revived. Sackett was cut about the head, but his injuries were not serious.
The wagon was struck about the middle, pushed along the track several yards, where one end struck an "L" road pillar, and it then fell apart. The horse had by this time got clear and ran away, but was caught by a policeman. Motorman Wall of the trolley car was locked up at the Morrisania station.
The wagon belonged to Michael Duffy & Sins, of No. 1852 Third avenue. Spectators say that Jennys and Wall were about equally to blame for the accident."
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, 21 May 1895, p. 12, col. 4.
"A. & F. Rolker, Auctioneers,
will sell at auction
Wednesday, June 13, at 387–91 Greenwich st., at 10 A.M. by order of R.J. Dean & Co.,
also at 544–550 West 14th st., same day, at 11.45 A.M., 40 cases Lithographs, acct. Sackett & Wilhelm Lithograph Co."
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, 31 May 1896 (Sunday), page 13
Died on a Visit to his Wife's Grave
William Sackett, of No. 2467 Seventh avenue, identified yesterday the body of the man who died Thursday of heart disease on the steps of the Sandman Hotel, White Plains Road, as that of his father, Charles Sackett.
The elder Sackett had left home to visit the grave of his wife in Woodlawn and had stopped at the hotel for shelter during a thunder storm. The body was removed from the morgue to the undertaker's.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The World, New York City, 10 Dec 1896, p. 10, col. 2.
"Recorded Transfers.
Cherry St, no 350, n f, 103.3 ft s of Montgomery st, 22.9x lrreg:[?] Herman Wolff, as trustee, to Frederick Sackett.......$26,230
Same property: Frederick Sackett & wife to Henry Golschen.......[$]1"
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, 30 Mar 1897, p. 10, col. 6.
"For Sale—An opportunity is offered to purchase the hardware stock of the late firm of John Swan & Co., 33 Fulton st., N.Y., at exceptionally low figures. A copy of the inventory can be seen at the assignee's office. John T. Sackett, assignee, 99 Nassau st., N.Y."
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - Brooklyn Life, Brooklyn, New York, 2 Apr 1898, p 12
One of the large Easter week weddings will be that of Miss Fannie Bertine Sackett, daughter of the late Guernsey Sackett, to Mr. Arthur Jewett Harrison, of the law firm of Warbasse & Harrison. The ceremony will be performed at the Church of the Incarnation, by the Rev. Dr. Bacchus, at half-after eight in the evening of April the twelfth, and will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's mother, 477 Greene avenue. The bride's gown will be of white satin and point lace; the bridesmaids, Miss Sarah I. Kelly and Miss Mae Lang, will wear white organdie over pink silk, while Miss Marie J. Delatour, as flower girl, will appear in pink silk. The best man will be Mr. Frederick Goodrich Bagley, a well-known young lawyer of Buffalo; and the ushers, Mr. Benjamin A. Hawley, and his brother, Mr. Amos P. Hawley, both well-known in society on the Heights and Hill; Mr. George R. Sheldon, of the Heights, and Dr. James P. Warbasse, of the Hill, all boyhood friends of the groom. Mr. Harrison is a young lawyer, and attained some reputation as a speaker during the first "Reform" Democratic campaign, under Edward M. Shepherd, and was nominated Assemblyman at that time.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Times Union, Brooklyn, New York, 2 Apr 1898, p 10
In the World of Society
Among the Easter week weddings will be that of Miss Fannie Bertine Sackett to Mr. Arthur Jewett Harrison. The ceremony will take place Tuesday evening, April the twelfth, at half-past eight in the Church of the Incarnation.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Times Union, Brooklyn, New York, 13 Apr 1898, p 11
One of the prettiest pink-and-white weddings of the season was that of Miss Fannie Bertine Sackett to Arthur Jewett Harrison, which took place last evening in the Church of the Incarnation, Gates and Franklin avenues. The ceremony was performed in an imposing manner by the Rev. J. G. Bacchus, pastor of the church, at 8:30 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Guernsey Sackett of 477 Greene avenue, and is prominent in Bedford district society, while the groom is a prosperous lawyer of this city. By the time set for the performance of the ceremony the church edifice was crowded with a fashionable assemblage of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Decorations on an elaborate scale added an indescribable beauty to the scene, the beautiful and fragrant groups of azaleas and other cut flowers being set off in artistic manner with stately palms and ferns. The bride, followed by her train, proceeded down the aisle, resting on the arm of her mother, she being attired in a white satin gown, with point lace trimmings and pearl ornaments, while her mother wore a black velvet dress with point lace trimmings. Miss Sackett's gown was surmounted by a tulle veil, caught up with a knot of orange blossoms and carried a large bouquet of white roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Marie Josephine Delatour, the maid of honor, wore pink silk, and the bridesmaids, Miss Mae E. Lang and Sarah T. Kelley, organdy over silk. The ushers were Dr. James P. Warbasse, George R. Sheldon, Amos P. Haerley and Benjamin Haerley, and the best man Frederick Bagely, a lawyer from Buffalo. The bride was given away by her brother, John T. Sackett. After the ceremony the relatives and near friends repaired to the home of the bride, on Greene avenue, where a reception was held, and an abundant wedding breakfast was served. The many ornamental and useful presents received were displayed to good advantage in an upper room, and were admired by all. After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Harrison left the city on a ten days' trip to Washington, to reside on their return at the bride's home, where they will start housekeepiing. They have also decided to hold two receptions, May 3 and 10, for which extensive preparations will be made.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Brooklyn Citizen, Brooklyn, New York, 13 May 1900, p 2
Sackett—On Friday, May 11, Gertrude Rebecca, widow of the late Guernsey Sackett, in her 65th year.
Funeral services at her late residence, 477 Greene ave, Monday, May 14, at 8 p.m. Interment at Armenia, N.Y.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, 9 Dec 1901, p 5
Harrison—On December 8, 1901, Arthur Jewett Harrison, husband of Fannie Sackett Harrison.
Funeral services at his late residence, 477 Greene av, Brooklyn, on Wednesday, December 11, 1901, at 8 P.M. The members of Orion Lodge, F. and A. M., and of General Putnam Council, Royal Arcanum, are requested to attend. Interment at convenience of family.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, 10 Dec 1901, p 3
Arthur Jewett Harrison.
Arthur Jewett Harrison, who died at his residence, 477 Greene avenue, on December 8, after a lingering illness, was born in Brooklyn and resided here all his life. He was a lawyer of the firm of Warbasse & Harrison, Montague street, and had a large practice both in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Mr. Harrison was an athlete and was fond of all outdoor sports. He was up to two years ago a member of the Atlantic Yacht Club and the Knickerbocker Golf Club, and the owner of the sloop yacht Tiger. It is supposed that through undue exposure he contracted the troubles, which though anticipated for some time by his family, terminated in his death last Sunday. He was a member of Orion Lodge, F. and A.M., and of General Putnam Council, Royal Arcanum, whose members will take charge of the funeral services, which will be held from his late residence, December 11, at 8 P.M.
He is survived by his widow and one son. Interment will be in Amenia Cemetery, Dutchess County, N.Y.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, Thursday, 25 Dec 1902, p. 4, col. 5.
"38 New Roundsmen Created by Retiring Police Commissioner
… Commissioner Partridge promoted thirty-eight patrolmen to the rank of roundsman. … Following are the names of the men who received roundsmen's shields: … Byron R. Sackett, …"
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - The World, New York City, Wednesday, 1 Apr 1903, p. 10, col. 2.
"Piper Extends His Crossing Rule.
Stations Five Policemen at the Junction of Duane Street and Park Row.
Order Brought Out of Previous Chaos.
Many Drivers Obstreperous at First, but Soon Agree to New Plan.
Deputy Police Commissioner Piper yesterday added another congested centre of traffic to the list that he has "Londonized" with specially-trained policemen. …
In charge was Roundsman McCullagh and Patrolmen Hewitt, Burns, Sackett and Redmond, all of whom had received instruction in the "London system." …
Roundsman McCullagh stood in the middle of Park Row and signalled for vehicles on that thoroughfare to stop to permit those on Duane and Chambers street to cross, and when these latter were to stop he gave a signal to enable teams and trolley cars to proceed on Park Row. Many of the more obstreperous truckmen got into arguments with the policemen, as some of them appeared to have no idea as to the purpose or object of the new system. …
"Whenever any of these drivers becomes unruly and insulting arrest him, Roundsman." said the Commissioner. …
Policeman Stephen W. Sackett, of the West Twentieth Street Station, one of Capt. Piper's men, was caught between two Third avenue trolley cars and bruised, early in the day, and his shoulder dislocated. He returned to his post."
[Transcribed from World Vital Records image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, New York, New York, 11 May 1914, p 11
Augustine Sackett Dies.
Inventor of Plaster Board Served in Navy in Civil War.
Augustine Sackett, the founder of the Sackett Plaster Board Company, 1,170 Broadway, died yesterday in his home at 1,219 Madison Avenue. Mr. Sackett was born in March, 1840, on a farm near Warren, Conn., which was bought by his ancestors from Indians in Colonial days. The farm has remained the Sackett family ever since, and after Mr. Sackett moved to New York he built a Summer home upon it.
Mr. Sackett entered the United States Navy at the beginning of the civil war. He was on one of the ships of Admiral Farragut's fleet when it sailed up the Mississippi River.
Mr. Sackett began business in New York, and was successful with the plaster board he invented. He was a member of the Loyal Legion, the Republican Club. and the Metropolitan Museum. He retired from active business five years ago.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - New-York Tribune, New York, New York, 11 May 1914, p 9
Augustine Sackett.
Augustine Sackett, a manufacturer, died yesterday at his home, 1219 Madison av. Mr. Sackett was born in Warren, Conn., in 1842. After graduating from Phillips Andover Academy he went to the Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute. He was a student at the start of the Civil War. When Sumter was fired on he quit college and offered his services to the government. Through the four years of the war he served in the navy.
He was with Farrugut when the latter ran past the Confederate forts at Vicksburg. He saw active service on the Chippawa, The Mattaoessett and the Wissahicken.
Mr. Sackett had been interested in manufacturing concerns, and was the inventor of a plaster board for wall covering. In 1871 he married Miss Charlotte G. Rice, of Lee, Mass. Two daughters survive him. He was a member of the Republican Club, of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and of the Metropolitan Museum. Mr. Sackett was an elder of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The New York Times, May 19, 1922
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sackett Married in Old First Presbyterian Church.
The wedding of Alfred Purdy Hodgman, a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Barker Hodgman, and Miss Beatrice Sackett, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sackett, took place yesterday afternoon in the Old First Presbyterian Church, on lower Fifth Avenue, the Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick officiating.
The bride … was attended by her sister, Miss Eleanor Sackett, as maid of honor, … and the bridesmaids … were the Misses Dorothy Hodgman, Katherine Hurd and Hulda Fox. Mrs. George B. Hodgman Jr. was also an attendant.
Alexander C. Neave was best man, and the ushers were R. McAllister Lloyd Jr., B. Theodore Hodgman Jr., George B. Hodgman Jr., F. Thayer Hobson, Guy Richards and Barclay Robinson. The wedding reception was held at the Sackett residence, 247 Fifth Avenue. On their return from their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Hodgman will spend the Summer in Bronxville."
[Transcribed from The New York Times image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, June 19, 1922
Inspector Sackett Digs Up Ancient Ordinance and Serves Five Summonses.
Inspector Byron R. Sackett, who recently caused cheesecloth to be draped about some plaster-of-paris Venuses on Surf Avenue, has determined to make Coney Island not only moral but retiring and shy. He sent out two policemen yesterday to see to it that show managers along the avenue obey a forgotten ordinance which forbids street shows. Five summonses were served, and the issue will be fought out before Magistrate Reynolds in the Coney Island court this morning.
Inspector Sackett said that it was his purpose to prevent crowds from collecting in front of these shows and obstructing the sidewalk in the time-honored Coney Island custom. …"
[Transcribed from The New York Times image by Chris Sackett] - The New York Times, December 10, 1929
"COL. H.W. SACKETT DIES AFTER STROKE; Noted Corporation Lawyer Had Practiced at the Bar for Half a Century./ PUBLICATION LAW EXPERT/ Counsel for New York Herald Tribune—Defender of Beauty of Central Park.
Colonel Henry Woodward Sackett, prominent lawyer and authority on the laws of libel, died last night at his residence, 515 Madison Avenue, of pneumonia, after a stroke of paralysis suffered ten days ago. His age was 76. A sister, Miss Sarah Sackett of Ithaca, N.Y., survives. Funeral arrangements will be announced later."
[Transcribed from The New York Times image by Chris Sackett] - New York Times, 5 May 1934
Arthur J. Harrison, son of the late Arthur Jewett Harrison, died yesterday of pneumonia at his home, 150 Willow St., Brooklyn. He was 33 years old and had been ill about 10 days. Mr. Harrison was born in Brooklyn, Dec. 14, 1900, was graduated from Boys' High School, later attending Rutgers College, from which he was graduated in 1924, and from Columbia Law School in 1927. He had since been associated with the law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett of 120 Broadway, Manhattan. Mr. Harrison had been active in Republican politics in Brooklyn and had been a candidate for Assembly from the First District. He was a member of the board of directors of the Little Italy Neighborhood Association of Brooklyn, First Assembly District Republican Club, Heights Casino, and a number of other political, civic and fraternal organizations in Brooklyn. Funeral services are to be conducted at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Grace Church, Grace Court, Brooklyn, with the Rev. David Atwater, pastor, officiating. Mr. Harrison leaves a widow, the former Margaret Grout, and a small son, John Grout Harrison.
[Find A Grave] - Harlem Valley Times, 10 May 1934
Arthur Jewett Harrison, 33, nephew of John T Sackett of South Amenia & Brooklyn, died Friday of last week at his home in Brooklyn. In addition to his widow, he is survived by a child, 14 months old. Burial in Amenia Island Cemetery.
[Find A Grave] - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 3 Nov 1941.
"B. E. Sackett, FBI Chief Here, Resigns
B. Edwin Sackett, special agent in charge of the New York Division of the FBI, today announced his resignation, effective Nov. 13.
Sackett said he had "yielded to the importunities of my family to enter civilian life." He added he was ready to answer any "call" the Government may make in the present emergency. He has served in the FBI for 13 years."
[Researched by Ted Smith] - The New York Times, digital image, (, 19 May 2015.
"Dr. David Sackett, Who Proved Aspirin Helps Prevent Heart Attacks, Dies at 80
Dr. David Sackett, whose clinical trials proved the value of taking aspirin in preventing heart attacks and strokes, and who helped pioneer the use of exacting statistical data in treating patients, died on May 13 in Markdale, Ontario. He was 80.
The cause was cancer, said a family spokesman, Dr. R. Brian Haynes of the department of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Dr. Sackett founded the department in 1968.
Within his profession, Dr. Sackett was known for helping to develop evidence-based medicine, which is defined as making treatment less subjective by integrating a doctor's clinical expertise with the results of carefully controlled studies.
Dr. Sackett also developed methods for evaluating health care innovations and for teaching medical students how to apply research results in their clinical practice.
In addition to benchmark studies on the benefits of aspirin, his research teams showed the value of surgically removing arterial plaque, developed news ways to treat high blood pressure and demonstrated the effectiveness of nurse practitioners.
Doctors now routinely recommend daily doses of aspirin for many patients who have had a stroke or heart attack or who face even a relatively low risk of one in the next decade.
Dr. Sackett was the author or co-author of 10 books, including Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine. He remained at McMaster for 26 years and served as physician in chief of medicine and head of the division of general internal medicine at Chedoke Hospital, also in Hamilton.
In 1994, he left to establish the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine as a professor at the University of Oxford in England. He retired from clinical practice in 1999 and returned to Canada.
David Sackett was born on Nov. 17, 1934, in Chicago. He said he adopted the middle name Lawrence when he was baptized as an adolescent because his older brother was attending Lawrence College, in Appleton, Wis., and his girlfriend had a younger brother named Larry.
His father, DeForest, was a designer and artist. His mother, the former Margaret Ross, was a homemaker. Bedridden for months as a child with polio, David recovered and exercised to develop into an accomplished runner. He also became a voracious reader and, he said, the youngest member of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartets Singing in America (also known as the Barbershop Harmony Society).
He graduated from Lawrence College, where he was torn between a career in zoology and one in physiology, he recalled in an oral history. (The closest he had come to epidemiology, he said, was reading Sinclair Lewis's novel "Arrowsmith," about a doctor who deals with an outbreak of bubonic plague.)
Teachers and friends convinced him that he could better understand physiology by becoming a physician. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine and a master of science degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. He was recruited by the United States Public Health Service and sent to the Chronic Disease Research Institute in Buffalo.
Dr. Sackett was invited to join the faculty at McMaster's newly opened medical school when he was 32.
Dr. Sackett, who lived in Markdale, is survived by his wife, the former Barbara Bennett; four sons, David, Charles, Andrew and Robert; eight grandchildren; and a brother, Jim.
He said in the oral history interview that he was most proud of "the brilliant young people I taught and mentored" and of his "ability to translate, demystify, explain, promote and popularize research methods."
His colleagues also appreciated his sense of humor. He recalled that while he was testifying in a case as an expert witness, a lawyer handed him a research paper supposedly proving the safety of a drug that was in dispute. He read the paper and concluded that it was flawed.
"Well, I could take several more days and show you dozens more papers on this topic, but the jury would probably want to lynch me," the lawyer insisted.
"I would welcome that," Dr. Sackett said.
"Well, we could meet after the trial and go over these papers together," the lawyer suggested.
To which Dr. Sackett replied, "No, I meant that I would welcome the lynching."
[Transcribed from The New York Times image by Chris Sackett]
"Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers," digital image, Library of Congress (
Website GenealogyBank (
New York Spectator, New York City, digital image, New York's Historical Newspapers, 1733–1922 (New York State Library).
Website World Vital Records (, digital image.
The New York Times (, digital image.
Website (, digital image.
American Antiquarian Society, "Newspaper Extractions from the Northeast, 1704–1930," digital image,