Newspaper Abstracts, Iowa
28 records
- Hamilton Freeman, Webster City, Iowa, 5 Aug 1874
Departed this life on Saturday morning last, Mrs. Caroline Halsey, the good and aged mother of Mrs. T. A. Conklin.
Short funeral services were held at the house of Mr. Conklin, one and one-half miles southwest of this city, on Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Rev. G. R. Ransom, who has been the good mother in Israel's pastor for several years, officiated sympathetically and timely. A large concourse of the citizens accompanied cortigue [sic] from Mr. C's residence to the depot, when, on the 10 o'clock train, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin accompanied the deceased to Ottumwa [sic], Ill., for interment. The funeral sermon will be preached at the Congregational church by elder Ransom, on Sabbath morning, the 16th inst.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett] - Davenport Democrat, Scott County, Iowa, 3 Feb 1890.
"The funeral of William S. Atwood took place this forenoon at 10 o'clock from his late residence on east Third street. It was well attended. The services were conducted by the Rev. J. S. McIntyre of the Fourteenth street Methodist church and were very impressive indeed. The pall bearers were all old friends of the deceased. They were T.W. McClelland, James Thompson, E.P. Sackett, Henry Dorman, Paul Dentsch, and S.A. Bishop, the only survivor of the Seminole war and army comrade of Mr. Atwood residing in the city. The interment was in Oakdale."
[Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett] - Brooklyn Chronicle, Iowa, Sep 1896
Died, at his home, south of Brooklyn, Thursday morning, Sept. 3, 1896, of apoplexy, Edwin Sackett, age 73 years, 4 months and 28 days. Deceased was born near Buffalo, N. Y., April, 6, 1823, and left the state of his nativity ten years later, locating in Berien County, Mich., where in the year 1850, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Hall. By this union twelve children were born, ten of whom, with the faithful wife, survive to mourn the loss of a loving father and husband. In 1855 he moved to Poweshick County, Iowa, where he resided until his death. He was one of the pioneer settlers of this county and was known far and wide for his cordial hospitality. He was a man whose honesty and integrity were never questioned; a good neighbor a firm friend, and perfectly upright in his dealings with his fellowmen. For his many traits of character he was esteemed by a large circle of friends. He was industrious from youth and provided a good home for his family, to whom he was greatly attached. His last illness was of short duration. He arose in the morning and was engaged in the performance of his ordinary duties when taken sick. He continued to grow rapidly worse. All that human hands could do was of no avail, and within two hours he passed into the valley of the shadow of death. The funeral services were held at his late home Saturday, at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. S. Knight, after which the remains were laid at rest in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by friends and neighbors, 123 teams being at the house. There were thirty-three grand children, twenty-nine of whom were present at the funeral. The family have the sympathy of all in this great hour of sorrow.
[Transcribed from The Sacketts of America] - Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 25 May 1928, p 7
Civil Veteran Is Dead
Orange E. Sackett, 86, Lived Here for Thirty Years.
Orange E. Sackett, 86, retired farmer and veteran of the civil war, died Thursday night at 11:45 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hazel Young, 3647 Avenue C. Death was caused by infirmities of old age.
Mr. Sackett had been a resident of Council Bluffs for thirty years. He was a member of the G. A. R. and the First Congregational church.
The body was removed to the Cutler mortuary.
Besides Mrs. Young, Mr. Sackett is survived by one other daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Sparks of Chicago, Ill.; three sons, Robert Sackett of Casper, Wyo., Dwight Sackett of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Alton Sackett of Waterloo, Ia.; and fifteen grandchildren.
[Researched by Myra Roper & transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Thursday April 13, 1933
Special to The Nonpareil.
GREENFIELD, April 13.—Relatives have received notice of the death of Gibson Sackett, former Adair county resident, who died at Washington, Kansas. Funeral services were held last Thursday. Mr. Sackett is survived by his widow and two daughters. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis."
[Researched by Ted Smith.] - Globe-Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, 17 Jul 1933, p 2
Four Killed in Iowa Accidents
Four persons were killed and more than a dozen others were injured in Iowa accidents over Sunday.
The dead:
Mrs. N. R. Sackett, Tekamah, Nebr.
Mrs. Sackett was killed when the car in which she rode with her husband sideswiped the rear of another machine near Dow City. The Sackett car was overturned and thrown into a ditch. Mr. Sackett was not seriously injured.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Traer Star Clipper, Tama County, Iowa, 26 November 1937, p 1
J. W. Sackett, 85, who has lived in or near Traer sixty years, died at his home in Traer Wednesday morning. Mr. Sackett experienced what was practically his first illness five years ago. He has been gradually failing for two years and was confined to his home during most of that time but suffered little pain. Death was the result of troubles of old age.
John William Sackett was born in Wisconsin, April 19, 1853. He was only three years old when his father died. He came to Iowa in 1860 with his mother and three sisters and was married September 12, 1883 in Toledo – fifty four years ago – Lena Hansen. The couple farmed sixteen years and lived in Dysart one year. The remainder of their married life was spent in Traer. Mr. Sackett was a familiar character here since the early years of the town. For years he was interested the horse business, at a time when livery barn s flourished, and Traer was a leading center for purebred, horses in Iowa, with as many as four, breeding stables in town and a number of noted stallions owned by farmers near Traer.
He is survived by his wife and three in children—a son, Frank, of Traer, and two daughters, Mrs. Chris Hoeppner, southeast of Traer, and Mrs. Louis Peters, of Buckingham; also, by a sister, Mrs. Hattie Olson, of Baker City, Oregon. There are six grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Mr. Sackett's mother died in 1914, and two sisters were taken in 1923 and 1929.
The funeral is to be at the home in Traer at 2 p. m. Friday afternoon, the service to be conducted by the Rev. C. E. Luce , Traer Methodist pastor. Hymns will be sung by Mrs. Glen Stavenhagen and Mrs. Elmer Taylor Jr. with Mrs. W. A. Dean at the piano. Burial will be in Buckingham cemetery.
[Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 10 Dec 1937, p 18
Delhi — Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Sackett, 50, were held Thursday at the Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. W. D. Bostron, pastor. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. As Emma Pearson, she was born at Mount Pleasant, Wis., June 6, 1887, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearson. She was married at Cedar Rapids Feb. 1, 1911, to Thomas C. Sackett, who survives with two sons and one daughter, Laurence Sackett of Delhi, Orville Sackett of Manchester and Mrs. Almeada Foss of Forks, Wash.; one sister, Mary Townsend of Ainsworth; and two grandsons.
[Transcribed from image by Ted Smith] - The Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 2 Oct 1949, p 11
Robert M. Sackett
Word was received here Saturday of the death of a former resident, Robert M Sackett, 58, superintendent of the Rocky Mountain division of the Ohio Oil company at Jasper, Wyo.
Born at Central City, Neb, Sackett moved to Council Bluffs 50 years ago where he lived until after he returned from service in world war I. He was a member of Masonic Excelsior lodge 259 in Council Bluffs, and of the Casper American Legion post.
Survivors are his widow, Mary, a daughter, Mrs Mary Denes of Chicago; a son, Robert, jr, of Casper, two brothers, A. V. Sackett of Waterloo, ard Dwight P Sackett of Sunnyside, Wash.; a sister, Mrs Hazel Sackett Young of Council Bluffs; and two grandchildren.
Funeral services and burial were at Casper.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa, 25 Sep 1950, p 16
Wed Sunday — Miss Phyllis Lorraine VanTheemsche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanTheemsche, 1627 Fourteenth street, Rock Island, became the bride of Duaine J. Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duaine S. Sackett, Litchfield, Ill., at 2:30 p. m. Sunday in the First Baptist church, Rock Island. Rev. Vernon MacNeill officiated.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Charles E. VanTheemsche, wore a gown of lace and net over satin, fashioned with a long train. Her fingertip length veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of white carnations.
Mrs. Charles Brotherton, Washington, Ia., sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Mrs. Al Cooper, Rock Island, was bridesmatron and Miss Pauline Oches was bridesmaid. Ginny D. Nierengarten, Rock Island, was flower girl, and Johnnie Kisk, Rock Island, was ringbearer.
Charles Brotherton was best man. Guests were seated by Thomas Martzahn, Davenport, and Clifford Schade, Rock Island.
A reception for 200 guests was held from 4 to 10 p. m. at the Moose home, Rock Island. For traveling on a short wedding trip, the bride chose a blue suit with blue accessories.
Mrs. Sackett attended Rock Island high school and is employed at J. J. Newberry Co., Rock Island. Her husband was graduated from Litchfield high school and served three years in the army. He is employed at the National Tea Co., Bettendorf. The couple will reside at 924½ Fourteenth-and-a-half street, Rock Island.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Des Moines Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa, 5 Jun 1953, p 15
Iowa Licenses to Wed.
John W. Sackett, 25, Van Meter, and June Sterling, 20.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 29 Mar 1957, p 6
Vinton — Oscar Anderson announces the marriage of his daughter, Marcia, to Martin Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sackett, Brandon. The wedding was Sunday in Vinton Presbyterian church. The couple will live on a farm near Walker.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa, 25 Sep 1960
Wed to Robert Sackett
Julianne Elizabeth Read, daughter of Mrs. Maurice Dexter Read of Minneapolis, Minn., and the late Mr. Read, was married to Robert Wilson Sackett Saturday afternoon at the Church of St. Patrick of Edina in Minneapolis. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Wilson Sackett of Spencer.
The couple was attended by Mrs. Walter E. Krafft and Michael Tangney.
The bride attended Iowa State University at Ames and received her degree from the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. The bridegroom, a graduate of Iowa State and Drake University law school, is practicing law in Spencer with his father. He is a member of Delta Theta Phi law fraternity. The couple will live in Spencer after a trip to northern Minnesota.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 23 Jan 1962, p 8
Patricia Smith Wed To John L. Sackett
Hopkinton — St Luke's Catholic Church provided the setting Saturday at 10 for the marriage of Miss Patricia Smith to John L. Sackett. The Rev. Leo O'Connell performed the service.
Parents of the couple are Mrs. Eugene Smith of Monticello and the late Mr. Smith, and the Leonard Sacketts. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Stuart Smith of Sterling, Ill.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Glen Flannagan of Marion, sister of the bridegroom. Miss Mary Winicamp of Anamosa was bridesmaid. Serving as best man was Mr. Flannagan and as groomsman, Donald Chapman. Ushers were Dennis O'Rourke of Dyersville and Herman Hessing of Lisbon.
A dinner was given at the Monti cafe in Monticello, followed by a reception for 200 guests at the Community hall in Hopkinton.
The bride has been employed as a dental assistant in Monticello and the bridegroom, by Yonkovic garage here, where they will make their home.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Quad-City Times, Davenport, Iowa, 26 Nov 1966, p 13
Mrs. Sackett
Mrs. William Paul Sackett, 68, of Garland, Kan., mother of two area residents and former resident of East Moline, died Thursday in her home after a brief illness. Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the Cheney Chapel, Fort Scott, with burial in Clarksburg Cemetery.
Lillie Pyle was born in Fort Scott, Kan., and was married to Mr. Sackett in 1916.
The couple lived in East Moline until his retirement from Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. in 1958.
Mrs. Sackett is survived by her husband; a daughter, Georgia, in California; and sons, Darold, in North Carolina; Clifford, Fort Scott; Robert, Moline, and William, East Moline.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 22 Jul 1971, p 3
Marriage Licenses. Walter D Sackett and Sharon K DeSotel, both of Walker.
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett] - Des Moines Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa, 4 Nov 1981, p 32
Polk County, Marriage License Applications, James E. Sackett, 50, Urbandale, and Karen L. Alloway, 43, Norwalk.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa, 3 May 1984, p 21
Irene D. Sackett
Irene D. Sackett, 91, of Parkridge Manor, 4755 Parkridge Ave. in Pleasant Hill, died of a heart ailment Wednesday at Mercy Hospital Medical Center. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Hamilton's Funeral Home, and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery in Pleasant Hill.
Born in Greenfield, Mrs. Sackett lived in Des Moines many years and was a retired saleswoman for Wallaces Farmer magazine. She was a member of American Legion Auxiliary.
Survivors include three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Friends may call after 1 p.m. today at the funeral home.
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 8 Sep 1985, p 22
Ina B. Sackett, 80, died Saturday at her rural Center Point home following an extended illness.
Ina Winch was born July 15, 1905, at Buck Creek. She married Roy Sackett on Nov. 30, 1929, at Monticello. Mrs. Sackett was affiliated with the Walker United Methodist Church and was a former member of the Presbyterian Church of Hopkinton. Surviving are her husband; three sons, Martin of Walker, Norman of Center Point and David of Central City; three daughters, Jennie Smith of Palo and Carol Poyner and Jean Whitehead, both of Cedar Rapids; three sisters, Ethel Marugg and Gretchen Allen, both of Monticello, and Jennie Winch of Hopkinton; 21 grandchildren; and three great-granddaughters.
Services: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the United Methodist Church, Walker, by the Rev. Lee Wiley and the Rev. Mark Tuttle. Burial: Walker Cemetery. Friends may call at the Murdoch Funeral Home in Walker after 4 p.m. Monday.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa, 20 Mar 1987, p 23
Edith Murphy Sackett
Spencer, IA. — Edith Rose Murphy Sackett, 85, of Spencer, former commissioner for the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, died of a heart ailment Monday in Oceanside, Calif. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. today at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Mrs. Sackett had also been a teacher, served on the Drake University Alumni Board and was the wife of attorney Wilber W. Sackett. In 1969 she was named Iowa Mother of the Year and was inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame. In 1960 she and her husband were named Drake University Parents of the Year. Survivors in addition to her husband include three daughters, Elizabeth Fleming of Minneapolis, Sarah Eick of East Lansing, Mich., and Mary Coffman of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.; a son, Robert of Spencer, and 17 grandchildren.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 14 Mar 1989, p 8
Sharon Kay Sackett, 35, died of complications of pregnancy Saturday in St. Luke's Hospital, Cedar Rapids. Her infant daughter, Alisha Beth, also died.
Born July 5, 1953, at Manchester, she married Walter Sackett July 22, 1971, at Marion. She had been a Girl Scout leader at Newhall.
Surviving in addition to her husband are three sons, Mathew, Scott and Travis, and two daughters, Vicky and Kelly, all at home; her mother and stepfather, Betty and Lester Koster of Cedar Rapids; a brother, Tom DeSotel of Keystone; three sisters, Carol Wilson of Walker, Karen Tate and Theresa DeSotel, both of Cedar Rapids; two stepbrothers, Ross and Victor Koster, both of Blairstown; three stepsisters, Karen Edwards and Angie Sickles, both of Cedar Rapids, and Corliss Sackett of Ely; and a grandmother, Hazel Beers of Cedar Rapids.
Services: 11 a.m. Wednesday, Turner Chapel West, Cedar Rapids, by the Rev. Jack Hooten of Sharon United Methodist Church. Burial: Troy Mills Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel from noon to 9 p.m. today and after 9 a.m. Wednesday. A memorial fund has been established.
[Transcribed from by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 27 Aug 1993, p 10
Roy F. Sackett, 90, of Sunnycrest Nursing Home, Dysart, formerly of the Walker and Urbana area, died Wednesday evening, Aug. 25, 1993, in Virginia Gay Hospital, Vinton, after a brief illness. Services: 10 a.m. Saturday, Murdoch Funeral Home, Center Point, where friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. today. The Rev. Mike Townsley will officiate. Burial: Walker Cemetery.
Survivors include three sons, Martin of Walker, Norman of Center Point and David of Central City; three daughters, Jennie Smith of Palo, and Carol Poyner and Jean Whitehead, both of Cedar Rapids; four brothers, Bill of Walker, Ellis of Monona, Jim of Cedar Rapids and Leonard of Hopkinton; and two sisters, Grace Rickels of Anamosa and Dorothy Frank of Wyandotte, Mich.
Also surviving are 21 grandchildren, 20 great-granddchildren, and many nieces, nephews and friends.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ina; his parents; a brother, Walter; and a sister, Marie Hoch.
Born Feb. 1, 1903, in Anamosa, to Matthew Dunham and Bertha King Sackett, he married Ina Beatrice Winch on Nov. 30, 1929, in Monticello. She died Sept. 7, 1985. An avid fisherman, Mr. Sackett was a retired cream hauler and farmer.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 24 Apr 2005, p 20
John L. Sackett, 69, died Friday night, April 22, 2005, in Regional Medical Center, Manchester, following an extended illness. Services: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, St. Luke's Catholic Church, Hopkinton, by Father John Kremer. Burial: Hopkinton Cemetery. Friends may call from 1 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Goettsch Funeral Home, Monticello, with a parish Scripture service at 7 p.m.
Thoughts, memories and condolences may be left for the family at www.goettsch
Survivors include his wife, Patricia; eight children, Jeff (Nyla) Sackett and Norma Sackett, both of Iowa City, Leonard (Jennifer) Sackett of Pasadena, Calif., Brian Sackett of Honolulu, Hawaii, Robert (Elaine) Sackett of Hopkinton, Jennifer Sackett of North Liberty, Alan Sackett of Marion and Daniel Sackett of Cedar Rapids; four grandchildren; and six sisters, Virginia Flannagan of Marion, Mary Soukup of Las Alamos, N.M., Charlotte Zumbach of Denver, Colo., Judy (Merle) Boeckenstedt of Manchester, Sharon (Mick) Jones of Independence, Mo., and Diane (Robert) Ray of Marion.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
John Leonard Sackett was born April 8, 1936, in Iowa City. He was the son of Leonard and Anna Kirby Sackett. John graduated from the Hopkinton Community Schools with the class of 1954. He then worked at Johnson Feed Mill in Hopkinton before serving in the U.S. Army for two years. John was employed by Wilson Foods in Cedar Rapids and later as a mechanic for Roy Yonkovic.
John Sackett and Patricia Smith were married Jan. 20, 1962, in St. Luke's Catholic Church in Hopkinton. Over the years, John was employed by the DX Station, Bill Murray Feeds and Dircks L.P. Gas. He also operated a bulk milk route for Swiss Valley in Hopkinton. For 26 years, he was employed by Lewis Systems in Monticello. He retired from there in 2001.
John was a member of St. Lukes Catholic Church. He loved to go fishing whenever he had a chance.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Hawk Eye, Burlington, IA, 26 Sep 2005
Mrs Agnes Farris, 73
Born Oct. 14, 1916, in Decatur, Neb., she was the daughter of Charles Dudley and Retta Anna Rumbley Lockhart. She first married Edgar Harris "Ned" Sackett. He later died. She later married James David Farris. He died in 1989.
Mrs. Farris was a dress buyer for Brandeis in Omaha, Neb., and for the May Co. in Denver and in California.
She was of the Presbyterian faith, and enjoyed playing bridge and social activities.
Survivors include one son, Ned L. Sackett of Daphne, Ala.; one stepdaughter, Patricia Shamburg of Tekamah, Neb.; four granddaughters; 11 great-grandchildren; one brother, Charles Lockhart of Tekamah; three sisters, Florence Mae Palmer of Tekamah, Helen Matzen of Blair, Neb., and Bernice Jean Ericksen of Omaha.
Besides her husbands, she was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters, and two brothers.
There will be no visitation. The body has been cremated.
The private family service for Mrs. Farris will be held at a later date.
Barr Memorial Chapel in Fort Madison is handling arrangements.
[Transcribed from GenealogyBank image by Chris Sackett] - The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 22 Feb 2011, p 10
Martin M. Sackett (1933-2011)
Walker — Martin Matthew Sackett, 77, died Wednesday, Feb. 16, at Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House, Hiawatha.
He was born Aug. 1, 1933, in Monticello, son of Roy and Ina Winch Sackett. He married to Marcia Anderson on March 24, 1957.
Mr. Sackett graduated from Urbana High School, then served in the U.S. Navy in Japan. He was a farmer for 53 years and was the mayor of Sackettville (population 6).
He was a member of the Hawkeye Antique Tractor Pullers, Walker American Legion, the Hawkeye Vintage Farm Machinery Association and Farm Bureau.
Survived by: his wife; three sons, Mark, Mitchell and Monty (Kaylene), all of Walker; eight grandchildren, Aaron and Ella Sherman, Martin Sackett II (Heather Dake), Madison Sackett (Kalli Wittenburg), Cody Sackett (Courtney Lappe) and Chase Sackett, all of Walker, Jessica Sackett of Minneapolis and Morgan Sackett (Grant Kocer) of Rochester, Minn.; three great-grandchildren, Charli and Jake Sherman and Hayden Drake; two former daughters-in-law, Sherry Sackett, of Walker and Robyn Sherman of Cedar Rapids; two sisters, Jennie (Frank) Smith of Palo and Jean (Ron) Johnson at Atkins; two brothers, Norman (Zelda) Sackett of Center Point and David (Helen) Sackett of Anamosa; two brothers-in-law, Tommy Poyner of Cedar Rapids and Otis Anderson of Ankeny; and many nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by: a sister, Carol Poyner; a brother-in-law, Mick Hilleshiem; a sister-in-law, Delva Sackett; a nephew, Jeff Smith; and close friend, Phil Airy.
Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Walker United Methodist Church, Walker, with visitation from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. until services Saturday. Burial will be in Walker Cemetery. Reiff Funeral Home & Crematory, Independence, is in charge of arrangements.
Condolences may be left at under obituaries.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa, 25 Jun 2012, p A5
Ray Sackett
Schaller, Iowa | Ray Sackett, 71, of Schaller died Saturday, June 23, 2012, in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Services will be 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Schaller. Burial will be in St. Joseph Cemetery, Schaller. Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, with a rosary at 5 p.m., at Fratzke & Jensen Funeral Home in Schaller.
[Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, online edition, 27 Apr 2021
John 'Jack' Sackett
Cedar Rapids
John "Jack" Sackett, Ph.D., 93, it is with sadness that we announce the death of John "Jack" Sackett on April 23, 2021, of heart failure. Services: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Teahen Funeral Home by the Rev. Scott Meador of Lovely Lane United Methodist Church. Burial: St. Joseph Cemetery. Friends may visit with the family from 9:30 a.m. until the time of the service. Per COVID-19 guidelines, attendees are required to wear masks and practice social distancing.
John was born April 1, 1928, to C.V. and Lydia (Westerhoff) Sackett in Sioux City. The family moved to Van Meter when he was a young child, and he attended school there, graduating in 1946. Jack was very athletic and played basketball and baseball. He also sang in the chorus with a fine tenor voice and solo work.
Jack enlisted in the Marine Corps training at Camp Pendleton and then San Francisco, where he was on the basketball team which took the 12th Naval District Championship. He later enlisted in the active Marine Reserves. Jack returned to Van Meter and worked in Des Moines, where his employer told him he should go back to school, so he enrolled at Drake University. A short while later, Jack was recalled to the Marines and ultimately sent to Korea. He suffered three wounds in combat, receiving three Purple Hearts and the Gold Star.
After returning home he met his forever love, June Sterling, whom he married on May 31, 1953. Jack resumed classes at Drake, graduating in 1955. He was employed by the Beaman School District, where taught the sciences and social studies, and coached boys and girls basketball and baseball. Jack later earned a Master's degree in 1961, a Ph.D. in 1977, and worked for the Cedar Rapids School District for 23 years as an elementary principal. He was a member of the American and Canadian Legion, the VFW, the Marine Corps League, the Downtown Rotary, Lovely Lane United Methodist Church and a former member of the Izaak Walton League.
For 40 years, Jack loved spending summers at their family-built cabin on the shores of Wenesaga Lake in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. He enjoyed fishing, hunting and cutting his own firewood. Jack also liked ballroom dancing, the theatre and Psalm 23. He was a friendly, outgoing person who could talk to anyone, and his students and fellow teachers loved him. Jack will be deeply missed.
He is survived by his wife, June; and daughter, Joni Sackett; and many nephews and nieces and their children.
He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Robert; sister, Betty Kluber (Arnest); and son, John W. Sackett II.
The family would like to thank UnityPoint Hospice and Teahen Funeral Home.
Memorials may be directed to Unity Point Hospice, Lovely Lane United Methodist Church or the American Heart Association.
Online condolences can be left at
[Transcribed from The Gazette, online edition, by Chris Sackett] - The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, online edition, 13 Sep 2023
Marcia Sackett Obituary
On Sept. 9, 2023, heaven called home a remarkable woman who left an everlasting mark on her community. Marcia Lee Sackett, age 86, of Walker, Iowa, peacefully passed away at the Hiawatha Care Center in Hiawatha, Iowa.
Born on Jan. 20, 1937, in Vinton, Iowa, Marcia was the daughter of Oscar L. and Hester (Stone) Anderson. Her early years in Vinton were but the prelude to a life filled with boundless community spirit.
In 1956, Marcia graduated from Vinton High School and embarked on a journey that would see her passionately involved in the heartbeat of her hometown. She lent her dedication to her family's shoe store in downtown Vinton before marrying Martin M. Sackett on March 24, 1957. Together, they built their life on a picturesque farm in rural Walker, Iowa. Marcia's love for her family was evident in the way she raised her three boys, Mark, Mitch, and Monty, and actively supported their involvement in 4-H, sheep, and cattle shows at the county fairs. Her tireless commitment ensured that things were not just done, but done the right way!
Marcia's legacy extended far beyond the Sackett farm. She emerged as an integral part of the Walker community, becoming the driving force behind numerous local initiatives, including the restoration of the Walker Depot. Marcia was the backbone of Walker Pickle Days for several decades, orchestrating the homecoming celebration that brought her community together. As the president of the Hawkeye Antique Tractor Pullers she worked tirelessly organizing tractor pulls that drew crowds from far and wide. Her dedication transcended even further, as she actively supported the Walker American Legion Auxiliary for 60 years, earning herself a trip to Washington, D.C. in 2015, where she received the distinguished honor as Iowa Unit Member of the Year. Marcia remained a devoted member of the Walker United Methodist Church for many years, actively participating in various church circles and most recently baptized into the Catholic Church on May 20, 2023.
Marcia's friendship, leadership, and unwavering commitment to her community were her defining qualities. Her impact will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.
Marcia is survived by her children, Mark and Mitchell Sackett, along with daughter-in-law Kaylene (Jeff) Squires; seven grandchildren, Aaron (Amanda) Sherman, Cody (Courtney) Sackett, Chase Sackett, Jessie (Patricia Leleu) Sackett, Martin (Brittney) Sackett, Morgan (Grant) Kocer, and Madison (Matt Russell) Sackett; along with 12 great-grandchildren, Charli, Jake, Chloe, Chet, Myles, Summer, Hazel, Raelyn, McKale, Lute, Haidyn and Nash; and her brother, Otis Anderson of Ankeny, Iowa. She also leaves behind several nieces and nephews.
Marcia was preceded in death by her parents, Oscar and Hester Anderson,; her beloved husband, Martin Sackett; her youngest son, Monty Sackett; her sister, Maude Hilleshiem; and a special uncle, Dudley C. Stone.
A Mass of Christian burial in celebration of Marcia's life will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Walker, Iowa, with Rev. James Brokman presiding. Her final resting place will be the Walker Cemetery.
Visitation will be held on Friday, Sept. 15, from 4 until 7:30 p.m. at the Reiff Family Center Funeral Home & Crematory in Independence, Iowa. A rosary will be said at 3:45 p.m., followed by a Parish Vigil Service at 7:30 p.m. on Friday at the funeral home.
To leave an online condolence please go to under obituaries.
[Transcribed from The Gazette, online edition, by Ted Smith]