Newspaper Abstracts, Wisconsin

37 records

  • Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI, Saturday, October 29, 1853, col. F
    "The "Yankee Card Writer."—Those who wish neatly and tastefully written cards can obtain them by leaving their orders at WHITTEMORE & Co.'s or PERRY & HULL'S, for Mr. A. Kidder, the "Yankee Card Writer." A sample of his workmanship may be seen in our office."
    [Orsemus Sackett, aka Mr. A. Kidder!]
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Milwaukee, WI, Saturday, November 5, 1853, col. E
    "Yankee Card Writer"—This very neat card writer is still in our city, tho' he remains here but a few days longer. If any of our readers desire to avail themselves of his services they can leave their orders at A. WHITTEMORE & Co.'s.
    [Orsemus Sackett]
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Waukesha Freeman, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 3 Oct 1878, p 2
    Sackett.—At Waukesha, Sept. twenty-second, 1878, Mr. Squire Sackett, aged 70 years.
    The deceased had resided here a good many years and enjoyed the utmost respect of all who knew him.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, November 13, 1878
    From Our Own Reporter
    Weyauwega, Nov. 12—Phillips, Wis., has quite an addition to its population. Mr. Chas. Roser of Phillips and Miss Etta Meiklejohn, daughter of Peter Meiklejohn of this place, and F.W. Sackett, Editor of the Phillips Times, and Miss Emma Hunt, daughter of J.B. Hunt of this place were married to-day."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Stevens Point Daily Journal, Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin, November 16, 1878
    At Weyauwega, Nov. 12, Mr. F.W. Sackett, editor of the Phillips Times, and Miss Emma Hunt, of Weyauwega."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Burlington Standard, 17 Apr 1880
    In Burlington, on Tuesday, April 13th, 1880, Mr. J. R. Hart, aged 82 years 10 days.
    The relatives of the deceased wish to take this opportunity to express their heartfelt gratitude and thanks to their many friends for their kindness and aid in this sudden bereavement.
    [Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Reedsburg Times-Press, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, 22 Apr 1880, p 1
    Wisconsin State News.
    Mr. J. R. Hart, eighty-two years old, was struck by a passenger train a mile east of Burlington on the morning of the 13th, receiving injuries from which he died in half an hour.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Portage Daily Democrat, Portage, Wisconsin, 30 Apr 1886, p 2
    Death of an Old Settler.
    Waukesha, April 29.—Sarah S. Sackett, relict of Squire Sackett, one of the first settlers of Milwaukee, died yesterday afternoon, after a prolonged illness. She was in her 77th year.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Waukesha Freeman, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 27 May 1886, p 5
    Sackett—At Waukesha, Wis., Apr. 27th, 1886, Mrs. Sarah S. Sacket, widow of the late Squire Sackett, aged 77 years.
    Mrs. Sackett was a native of Winsted, Conn., and was married at New York City in 1835. Two years later she came with her husband to Milwaukee, at which place they continued to reside until 1855, when they removed to Waukesha. Her husband preceded her in death.
    Two children survive her, Mrs. Sarah J. Teed, of Kansas City, and Miss M. Sackett who resides here. A son died while in the service of his country, at Nashville, Tenn. He was a member of the 24th Wisconsin Volunteers.
    Mrs. Sackett was a lady of very highly esteemed by all her acquaintances, among whom she will long be mourned.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Milwaukee Sentinel, Wisconsin, 2 Dec 1888, p 3
    Died—Sackett—On Friday morning at forty-five minutes past 6 o'clock, Nov. 30, 1888, at her home, 494 Milwaukee street, Mrs. Eliza A. Sackett, aged 75 years 2 months and 25 days, wife of Lorenzo Sackett. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Dec. 2. Troy and Oswego, N.Y., and Pittsfield and Sandisfield, Mass., papers please copy. [Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett]
  • The Daily Leader, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Friday August 9, 1889

    Freeman Sackett keeps the model printing office of the Northwest. A place for everything and everything in its place. He is an old warrior, and a stand of rifles and bayonets glitter on the rack, which is ranged along the wall. He holds the "Times" newspaper and everything else down in Phillips. Everyone reading the Times, the spiciest sheet in the three-counties. Employees come from far and near to work at the Times office, and no wonder, Editor Sackett keeps a billiard table in the large well lighted airy department. Should the compositor feel weary, or the night editor downcast, he can take a fling at the balls; make a grand carom and write up a runaway; pocket his opponent's ball and work up a fish story; make a bank shot and set up an obituary; go in for "a big push" and settle down on dynamite and a sharaxari[?]. Talking about a sharavari [KR—I think they mean shivaree], Sackett is just as young as any of the boys."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • The Stoughton Courier, Stoughton, Wisconsin, 31 Oct 1890, p 1
    Lorenzo Sackett Passes Away at His Milwaukee Home.
    Milwaukee, Oct. 27.—Lorenzo Sackett, the well known pioneer, died early on the 25th inst. at his residence here. He was 78 years of age, and has lived in Milwaukee since 1856. His name is associated with a hard-fought claim contest which he took before the legislature at several sessions. Years ago he owned the Milwaukee and Wauwatosa plank road, which is now a public highway, forming a continuation of Vliet street. The charter of the road was repealed without Mr. Sackett's knowledge, and, as he contended, without cause, and he made a claim for compensation, at first for $10,000 and afterwards for $22,000, which is the amount said to have been expended in building the road. However, he never succeeded in getting his claim allowed, and it was his intention to take the matter into the courts.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Weekly Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1 Nov 1890, p 1
    Lorenzo Sackett, the well-known pioneer, died early on the 25th at his residence, 494 Milwaukee Street. Mr. Sackett was 78 years of age, and had lived in Milwaukee since 1856. He came here from Oswego, N. Y., and for long time was engaged in the ship chandlery business on the South Side. He is sarvived by three sons, Charles E. and Capt. C. J. Sackett, of this city, and R. D. Sackett, of St. Paul. Mr. Sackett had been a Mason for many years, and was a member of Wisconsin Lodge No. 13.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Wisconsin, 6 May 1891, p 4
    Hartt—At her home in this village on Saturday morning, May 2nd, 1891, at ten minutes past ten o'clock, of old age and general debility, after an illness of several weeks, Mrs. Nancy S. Hartt, aged 86 years and 4 months.
    The funeral occurred at the house, corner of Lewis and Conkey streets last Sunday afternoon, Rev. L. A. Pettibone officiating.
    The bereaved sons and daughters of deceased have the sympathy of the entire community.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Dodge County Pioneer, Friday, 14 September 1900 (translated from German)
    "Mrs. Seve A. Sackett died in Campbellsport on Wednesday of last week at the age of 76 years after a long illness."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • The Daily Commonwealth, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, June 21, 1912
    Miss Pearl Sackett spend Tuesday with friends in Fond du Lac."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • The West Bend News, December 19, 1923, West Bend, Wisconsin
    "Austin S. Sackett
    At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bertram, on North street here, Austin S. Sackett, an old resident of Campbellsport, passed away last week Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1923, at midnight. He had been staying there for three weeks. He had been in poor health for several years, although up and around. Wednesday evening his condition grew serious, and he died shortly after. Deceased was born June 20, 1850, at Dayton, Ohio, and in his childhood moved with his parents to Waucousta. About 30 years ago he located at Campbellsport. He married Miss Mary Hixon in February, 1900 and leaves his widow, four children, Mrs. Arthur Bertram and Ruth of here, Floyd of Campbellsport and Percy, traveling the West, and three brothers, Henry F. Sackett of Fond du Lac, George Sackett of Phillips, and Simon Sackett of Marystown, California. He was a painter by trade but for many years was the flagman at the Main street crossing in Campbellsport. The remains were taken to that village on Monday, where services were held in the Methodist church in the afternoon, Rev. Garrett officiating. Interment was made in the Union cemetery of that village."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Mellen Weekly, Ashland County, Wisconsin, September 18 1924.
    "By courtesy of the Phillips Times, the pioneer newspaper of Price county since January 6, 1877, it is yet possible to trace those forerunners of the News Calumet, as well as other journalistic ventures in the southern part of Price county. The late F W Sackett (1847–1917) was founder of the Phillips Times and sometime mentor and partner with his younger brother, George E Sackett, who with the latter's son, Freeman, now owns and edits that paper. At the death of F W Sackett, he left many printed pages of an unfinished History of Price County."
    [Freeman William Sackett & George Elmer Sackett, sons of Alzerah S Sackett & Sarah Ann Harbaugh]
    [Transcribed from Newspaper Abstracts by Chris Sackett]
  • Appleton Post Crescent, Wisconsin, 31 Dec 1924
    "Unusual People
    Income Tax Hit Him
    Henry Sackett, member of the Legislature from Brown and Coleman counties, Tex., a comparatively poor man who had never paid an income tax, leased a large body of land to an oil company for a large amount and at once had to pay an income tax of $57,000. The next year his income tax was $4.16—and it was partly refunded."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Sheboygan Press, Wisconsin, 13 Feb 1925, p 10
    Mrs. Sackett, 34, Dies Early Today at the Hospital
    Mrs. Hilda Mae Sackett, 34, wife of Clarence Sackett, 162 St. Charles avenue, passed away at 2 a.m. today at St. Nicholas hospital, where she had been a patient for a few days. A few hours old baby . . . the mother in death.
    Mrs. Sackett was born in Fond du Lac on Feb. 3, 1891, and was educated there and married there on June 25, 1917. For several years the couple has been residing in this city.
    Besides the husband, the departed is survived by her father, . . . Huppard, and one brother, . . . Huppard, both of Fond du Lac.
    The remains were taken from the hospital to the Ballhorn Undertaking parlors on North Eighth street where friends may view them this evening. Saturday morning they will be shipped to Fond du Lac where funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Appleton Post Crescent, Wisconsin, 30 Mar 1925
    "George E. Sackett
    George E. Sackett, 77, died Sunday at Mellen, Wis. He was born in Whiteville, New York, in 1848, and camd to Appleton, in 1855, living here until he moved to Mellen a few years ago. He is survived by his widow and three sons, R.E. Sackett, Sheboygan; A.F. Sackett, Hurley; L.E. Sackett, Superior; three sisters, Mrs Merrill, Neenah; Mrs George Urie, Springville, Calif.; Miss Ida Sackett, Neenah; four brothers, F.E. Sackett, Marinette, Il; L. Sackett, Silverton, Ore; C.A. Sackett, Fond du Lac; F.M. Sackett, Stevens Point; and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Riverside chapel, with the Rev. Schlagenhauf of Neenah in charge. Interment will be in Riverside cemetery."
    [Transcribed from Ancestry image by Chris Sackett]
  • Iron County Miner, Hurley, Wisconsin, 3 Apr 1925, p 5
    Death of George E. Sackett
    George Emery Sackett, a former resident of Hurley, died at his farm home in the Town of Morse, a short distance from Mellen, last Sunday morning at 11:15 o'clock. He suffered a stroke of paralysis last December from which he never recovered and had been in poor health for several years. The body was brought to Hurley on Sunday afternoon and on Monday was taken to the home of his son, A. F. Sackett and on Tuesday morning the body was taken to Appleton, where funeral services were conducted that afternoon and interment followed in the Appleton cemetery.
    Deceased was 77 years of age and was born at Whitesville, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1848. In the year 1854 he moved to Appleton with his father, where he attended the public schools of that city and later Lawrence college. By trade he was a millwright and papermill builder and worked at his trade at many of the paper mills in the Appleton district. He came to Hurley in the year 1899 and resided here until 1917, when he took up his residence on a farm in the Town of Morse. Mr. Sackett was employed as a millwright at the Scott & Howe mill for a quite a number of years and was also employed in like capacity by other sawmills in this locality.
    He is survived by his wife and three sons, Archie F. Sackett of Hurley, Roy Sackett of Sheboygan, and Lee Sackett of Superior.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Sheboygan Press, Wisconsin, 16 Oct 1926, p 6
    Miss Hubbard and Clarence Sackett Wed
    Miss Helen Hubbard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hubbard, of Sheboygan Falls, and Clarence R. Sackett, Jr., of Sheboygan Falls, were united in marriage Friday at Sheboygan Falls by Rev. C. D. Mayhew.
    The bride wore a georgette dress and her flowers were pink and white carnations.
    Miss Bertha Sizonen was the bridesmaid and Joseph Marchiando was the groom's attendant.
    Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, and carnations were used in the carrying out the decorative scheme. William Hubbard, a brother of the bride, was the out-of-town guest present.
    Mr. and Mrs. Sackett have gone on a wedding trip to the western part of the state and after November 1 will be at home in this city.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The West Bend News, September 21, 1950, West Bend, Wisconsin
    "Floyd Sackett
    Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock in this city for Floyd Sackett of Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. Marvin Schilling of Beaver Dam, will officiate at the funeral services and at the committal srevices on Union cemetery, Campbellsport.
    Mr. Sackett died at Wisconsin General Hospital, Madison, on Tuesday, Sept. 19. He had been ill for the past year. Deceased was born August 30, 1902 at Campbellsport. He had lived in this city for some time, but for the past six years had been a resident of Cincinnati.
    Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mary Sackett, 228 S. Sixth ave., city; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Bertram of West Bend and Mrs. Ruth Brunner of Fredonia, and a brother, Percy Sackett of San Francisco, California."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 10 Apr 1951, p 52
    Sackett Rites Are Set at Townsend
    Special to Press-Gazette
    Suring, Wis. — Funeral services for Laurence M. Sackett, 58, will be held at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon in the Community Bible church at Townsend. The Rev Neil Martin will conduct the rites, and burial will be in the Townsend cemetery.
    The body was at the Soulek Funeral home, and was taken to the church today to lie in state until the time of the rites.
    Mr. Sackett died Friday at Ann Arbor, Mich., from a heart ailment. He had lived in Ann Arbor for the last several years. Born in Dexter, Mich., Oct. 5, 1893, he came to Oconto county 38 years ago. In 1914 he married Miss Nettie Shepherd of Townsend. He worked as a section hand for the North Western railroad 25 years.
    Survivors include his wife, of Wishram, Wash.; two daughters, Miss Helen, of Wishram, and Mrs. Charles (Norine) Ross, Long Beach, Calif.; five sons, Laurence of Beaver Dam, Wis., Richard of Carter, Wis., Russel of Newburg, Wis., Gordon of Milwaukee, and Robert, Beaver Dam, and 11 grandchildren.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Iron County Miner, Hurley, Wisconsin, 16 May 1952, p 6
    Funeral Rites Held For Lee Sackett in Superior
    Lee Sackett, 67, of 2222 E. 5th street, died on Saturday at his home in Superior. Born Nov. 22, 1884, in Appleton, he went from Hurley to Superior in 1912.
    Sackett was a retired Great Northern Railway Co. conductor. He was a member of Superior lodge No. 236, F. & A, M. and the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer.
    The Rev. Raymond Ottensmeyer officiated at 2 p. m. services on Tuesday in the Episcopal church and interment followed in Greenwood cemetery in Superior.
    Surviving are a son, Pvt. James Sackett in Korea with the armed forces; three daughters, Mrs. Raymond Dodge, Mrs. John Solberg and Miss Evalee Sackett, Superior, and two grandchildren.
    He was the brother of the late Archie Sackett of Hurley. Funeral services at Superior were attended by Mrs. Archie Sackett.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The West Bend News, January 9, 1958, West Bend, Wisconsin
    "Mrs. Mary Sackett Dies at Hospital [this is a headline news item!]
    Mrs. Mary Sackett, 225 N. Main st, city, died at St. Joseph's hospital, city, at 5:45 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 8.
    Mrs. Sackett, who made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Bertram, at the above address, was 89 years of age.
    The former Mary Hicken was born in the town of Scott, Sheboygan county, on July 15, 1858. She lived there until the time of her marriage to Austin Sackett in 1900. At that time they moved to the village of Campbellsport. Following Mr. Sackett's death in December, 1923, she came to this city to make her home with Mrs. Bertram.
    Mrs. Sackett leaves the daughter mentioned above, another daughter, Mrs. Ruth Brunner of Fredonia, five grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Two other children preceded her in death.
    Funeral services will be conducted at the Schmidt funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11 by the Rev. D.L. Wandschneider. Burial will be in the Union cemetery at Campbellsport. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday.
    Deceased was a member of the WSCS of Fifth Avenue Methodist Church and a member of the Royal Neighbor Camp 3172 of Campbellsport."
    [Researched by Kari Roehl]
  • The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 9 Jan 1958, p 16
    Mrs. Mary Sackett
    Mrs. Mary Sackett, 89, of 225 N. Main St., died Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hospital.
    The former Mary Hicken, she was born July 15, 1868, in the town of Scott, and lived in the township until her marriage to Austin Sackett in 1900. Following their marriage the couple moved to Campbellsport.
    In December, 1923, following the death of her husband, Mrs. Sackett moved to West Bend to make her home with a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Bertram. Another daughter, Mrs. Ruth Brunner of Fredonia also survives in addition to five grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Two children preceded her in death.
    She was a member of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church in West Bend and also belonged to the Women's Society of Christian Service of the church and Royal Neighbors Camp 3172 of Campbellsport.
    Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Schmidt Funeral Home, West Bend. The Rev. D. L. Wandschneider of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church will officiate and burial will be in Union Cemetery at Campbellsport.
    Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Friday.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Sheboygan Press, Wisconsin, 29 Apr 1974, p 10
    Clarence A. Sackett
    Clarence A. Sackett, 79, of 1537 Alexander Ct., a resident of Morningside Nursing Home the past two years, died there Saturday afternoon.
    Born in Fond du Lac on Sept. 23, 1894, he was a son of the late Clarence and Sarah Sackett. He attended school in Fond du Lac.
    During World War I he served in the U.S. Navy.
    On Oct. 15, 1926, he married Helen Hubbard at Sheboygan Falls.
    The couple made their home in Fond du Lac until moving to Sheboygan in 1942.
    Mr. Sackett worked at Armour Leather Co., for 18 years until retiring in 1960.
    He was a member of First Baptist Church and Barracks 2091, Veterans of World War I.
    Surviving are his widow; five sons, Clarence of Kiel, William of Manitowoc, Norman of Mabton, Wash., John of Sheboygan, and Harold of Junction City; five daughters, Mrs. Mary Halle of Plymouth, Mrs. Alex (Arline) Konz Jr., Mrs. Richard (Esther) Mueller, Mrs. Frederick (Muriel) Klaft, and Mrs. Jackie (Betty) Machtig, all of Sheboygan; 30 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and three brothers, Warren, Las Vegas, Nev., Harold of Fond du Lac, and Clifford of Sheboygan.
    He was preceded in death by a son, daughter, and three grandchildren.
    Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist Church, the Rev. Herbert Cross, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery.
    Friends may call at the Ramm-Ziegler Funeral Home from 4 p.m. Tuesday until 10 a.m. Wednesday and at the church from 11 a.m. until the time of services.
    Veterans of World War I will hold memorial services at the funeral home at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
    A memorial fund has been established in Mr. Sackett's name for First Baptist Church.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • The Sheboygan Press, Wisconsin, 6 Aug 1976, p 6
    Helen M. Sackett
    Funeral services for Mrs. Helen M. Sackett, 70, of 1537 Alexander Ct., who died Thursday morning at Sheboygan Memorial Hospital, will be held at the First Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Saturday.
    The Rev. Oliver Carlson, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Cemetery.
    Friends may call at the Ramm-Ziegler Funeral Home after 4:30 Friday until 10 a.m. Saturday and at the church from 11 a.m. until time of services.
    A memorial will be established in Mrs. Sackett's name for the First Baptist Church.
    The former Helen Hubbard was born in Sheboygan Falls on Feb. 12, 1906, the daughter of Gheron and Nettie Chase Hubbard. She attended school in Sheboygan Falls.
    On Oct. 15, 1926 she married Clarence Sackett in Sheboygan Falls. The couple lived in Fond du Lac until 1942 when they moved to Sheboygan to make their home.
    Mr. Sackett died in April, 1974.
    Mrs. Sackett was a member of the First Baptist Church, the Ruth Noren Circle and Barracks No. 2091, Veterans of World War I Auxiliary.
    Survivors include five sons, Norman of Tasco, Wash., William of Manitowac, Clarence of Kiel, Harold of Junction City, and John of Sheboygan; five daughters, Mrs. Mary Halle of Plymouth, and Mrs. Alex (Arleen) Konz Jr ., Mrs. Ester Mueller, Mrs. FrederIck (Muriel) Klaft, and Mrs. Jack (Betty) Machtig, all of Sheboygan; 30 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Ester Kohlhagen and Miss Emma Hubbard, both of Sheboygan Falls.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, one son and one daughter in infancy, two brothers and one sister.
    Baracks 2091, Veterans of World War 1 Auxiliary, will hold memorial services at the funeral home Friday at 7 p.m.
    [Transcribed from image by Ted Smith]
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 6 Apr 1984, p 27
    Nettie E. Sackett
    Nettie E. Sackett, 88, Townsend, died Wednesday at a Town of Blackwell nursing home. She was bom Oct. 13, 1895, in the Town of Maine, Wis. to William and Helen (Fuller) Shepherd. She grew up in Townsend and resided in the State of Washington for 20 years, returning to Townsend in 1960. She was retired from Connor Forest Industries.
    She married Lawrence Sackett Sr. on Nov. 4, 1914.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 10 Apr 1990, p 8
    Sackett, Mabel E., 79, Merrill. At Suminski Funeral Home, Wabeno, from 4-8 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral 11 a.m. Thursday, funeral home.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau, Wisconsin, 11 Apr 1990, p 27
    Mabel Sackett
    Mabel E. Sackett, 79, Merrill, died Monday, April 9, 1990, at Good Samaritan Health Center, Merrill. Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Suminski Funeral Home, Wabeno. Burial will be in Forest Home Cemetery, Townsend. Friends may call from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 24 Aug 1990, p 12
    Sackett, Lawrence V. Sr., 75, Merrill, formerly of Townsend. At Suminski Funeral Home, Wabeno, from 6-9 p.m. Saturday. Funeral 1:30 p.m. Sunday, funeral home.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, 24 Aug 1990, p 16
    Lawrence V. Sackett
    Lawrence V. Sackett Sr., 75, W4490 Pope Rd., Merrill, Wis., died on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1990, at the Clearview Nursing Home, Juneau.
    The funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Summinski Funeral Home, Waubeno, Wis., with the Rev. Steven Blummer officiating. Burial will be in Townsend, Wis.
    Mr. Sackett was born on April 11, 1915, in Battle Creek, Mich., the son of Melvin L. and Nettie (Shepard) Sackett. Survivors include three sons, Lawrence Jr. (Eunice) Sackett and Robert Sackett, both of Beaver Dam, Richard (Cathy) Sackett, Menomonee Falls, Wis.; four brothers, Rowland (Delia), Townsend, Wis., Russell (Edna), Newberg, Wis., Gordon (Mae), Tomahawk, Wis., Robert (Vivian), Beaver Dam; two sisters, Norine (Charles) Ross, Lapine, Ore., Helen (Michael) Wall, Blackwell, Wis.; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Mabel, in April of 1990.
    Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday at the Summinski Funeral Home, Waubeno.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, 28 Apr 1995, p 10
    Lawrence V. Sackett, sales associate with RE/MAX Town & Country Realty, 402 N. Spring St., was recently honored with the 'Executive Club' Award, at the 1995 RE/MAX Awards Banquet, held at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel in Milwaukee.
    The 'Executive Club' is one of the highest awards a sales agent can achieve within the RE/MAX organization. Sackett, a long time real estate professional, had a record breaking year in closed sales volume.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 3 Nov 2002, p 22
    Sackett, Earl H.
    Earl H. Sackett, 77, Green Bay, died Thursday, October 31, 2002, at a local nursing home. Born in New London, May 24, 1925, he is the son of the late Ralph H. and Flora C. (Jordan) Sackett. Earl was a millwright most of his life throughout the state of Wisconsin. He enjoyed cribbage, reading, walking, and conversation.
    Survived by two sons and one daughter-in-law, John and Terri Sackett of Mt. Holly, N.J.; Daniel Sackett of Marquette, Mich.; one brother, Milton (Bill) Sackett of Appleton; one sister-in-law, Mildred Sackett of Menasha; former spouse, Miriam Sackett of Marquette,, Mich.; nieces and nephews.
    Preceded in death by his parents; five brothers, Rex, Jim, Harvey, Claude and Vernon (infant); two sisters, Adelia Yappa and Garna Garen.
    Private services were held at West Mason Malcore Funeral Home, Green Bay.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]

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