England, Freemason Membership Registers, 1751–1921

5 records

  • Lodge 29, Deal, Castle Inn, "1 Jul 1813, Sackett, Richard, pilot, annl pmt 13 Oct £1-6-0."
  • Union Lodge, Deal, "1 Jul 1813, Sackett, Richard, declared off."
  • Union Lodge, Deal, "6 Nov 1817, Sackett, Benjamin, mariner, Ramsgate, 1817 Dec qtr 10/6,
  • Lewises Lodge, Ramsgate, "9 Feb 1876, passing 8 Mar, raising 5 Apr, Sackett, Henry, age 35, of Ramsgate, decorator, certificate 13 Apr 1876."
  • St David's Lodge, Milford, "Initiation or joining 30 May 1882, passing 26 Sep, raising 19 Dec, Sackett, Edward Gaskell, age 32, of Milford Haven, accountant, certificate 30 Mar 1883."
  • Lewises Lodge, Ramsgate, "Initiation or joining 14 Nov 1906, passing 12 Dec, raising 9 Jan 1907, Sackett, Alexander Allen, age 25, of St Peter's Park Road, Broadstairs, house decorator, certificate 30 Jan 1907."

"England, United Grand Lodge of England Freemason Membership Registers, 1751–1921," digital image, Ancestry.com. (Researched by Chris Sackett).