John Sackett

FatherWilliam Sackett (early 1520s-1572)
MotherJohan ___ (c 1520-after 1572)
Marriage1588, St Peter in ThanetGAgnes Sampson4,5
John Sackett, yeoman of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, son of William Sackett and Johan ___, was baptized at St Lawrence in ThanetG on 22 October 1564.1 He died aged 59 at St Peter in ThanetG on 24 February 1623/242,3 and was buried there on 27 February 1623/24.6,7 A memorial brass plate on a pillar in St Peter's Church reads
Here lyeth interred the corps of John Sackett
late of this Parrish who yelded his Spirit
into his Saviours hands in the 59 yere of his
age upon the 24 of February Anno Dn'i 1623.
John married at St Peter in ThanetG on 14 October 1588, Agnes Sampson.4,5 She was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 5 February 1630/31.8 (Agnes was so named in her marriage record, but was Ann or Anna in John's will and in her will and in her burial record. The detail of the wills makes it clear that Ann and Agnes were the same.)
     John was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made at Jordan Dane, St John in ThanetG, on 20 December 1572.9 John was just eight years old when his father died but his father created a Trust providing that, upon reaching 20, he was to inherit a tenement and lands at Church Hill, St Peter's, and other lands at Mill Dane and Bennett Hill.
     John was listed on the militia muster roll for Thanet on 11 August 1599, having furnished arms for one of the St Peter's armed men and for one of the calivers. On the 16 August 1599 roll, he was listed as a member of the St Peter's Pikes.10 On the muster roll for St Peter's on 12/13 October 1614, he was listed as John Sackett senior, bound to furnish two corslets (light body armour.)11 He may have been the John Sackett listed as a corslet (armoured soldier) in Thanet on 1 April 1619.12 (This John Sackett was not identified senior or junior. He would not have been Rev John Sackett who was at university, but may have been John Sackett (the fisherman).
     The muster rolls give a clue to John Sackett's status and prosperity. In 1614, St Peter's parish as a whole furnished 25 corslets. Of the parishioners bound to furnish them, one provided three corslets, and two parishioners, of whom John was one, provided two corslets each, the remainder being furnished one per parishioner so bound.
     John is recorded as having given his consent in the marriage licences of his son Richard and of his daughter Ann, both marriages taking place in 1620.13,14
     John made his will in St Peter in ThanetG on 8 February 1623/24.15 He named as beneficiaries his wife Ann, his sons, William, Richard, John, and Stephen, his daughters, Margaret, Marie, and Ann, and his granddaughters, Ann, Elizabeth, and Margaret Cleybrooke. (The granddaughter Elizabeth named in his will is assumed to have been a transcription error for Etheldred). John was a prosperous yeoman farmer and he left farms to each of his four sons, that to his youngest son Stephen being held by John's widow Ann until Stephen came of age. The will was proved in the Archdeaconry Court of CanterburyG on 14 April 1624.
     After his death, John's widow Ann would appear to have moved to Swalecliffe, KentG, where her daughter Margaret and son-in-law Rev Thomas Cleybrooke lived. She made her will there on 31 January 1630/31.16 She named as beneficiaries her sons, William, John, Richard, and Stephen, and her daughters, Margaret, Marie, and Ann. She left twenty shillings to each of her daughters and five shillings each to her sons, William, John, and Richard [they having already inherited land in their father's will]. The rest of her estate went to her son Stephen, who was also appointed executor. Her will was proved on 15 February 1631 in the Archdeaconry Court of CanterburyG.
Abstract of will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 8 February 1623/24.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 14 April 1624.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-66-354.
Testator: Johannis Sackett, yeoman of St. Peter in Thanet.
Daughter Margaret, wife of Thomas Cleybrooke, £5.
Daughter Mary, wife of William Jenkin, £5.
Daughter Ann, wife of Daniel Pamphlett, £5.
Grandchildren Ann, Elizabeth & Margaret Cleybrooke, 50/- each; children of William & Mary Jenkin, 50/- each.
Wife Ann, half household goods, farm at Boars Hill for life, farm at Reading Street until son Stephen reaches age 21, reversion to Stephen.
Son William, farm & lands in which his father lived, other tenements & lands.
Son Richard,     farm & lands at East Northdowne, house at Margate near to the sea.
Son John, residue of lands & tenements.
William, John & Richard, & to divide other half of household goods.
Abstract of will of Ann Sackett of Swalecliffe, Kent.
Date: 31 January 1631.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 15 February 1631.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-67-505.
Testatrix: Anna Sackett, widow, of Swalecliffe.
Daughters, Margaret Cleybrooke, Mary Jenkin, Ann Pamphlett, 20/- each.
Sons, William, John, Richard, 5/- each.
Son Steven, residue.
Executor: son Steven.
John Sackett (1564–1624), memorial brass plate, St Peter's Church, Thanet, Kent

Children of John Sackett and Ann/Agnes Sampson

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Lawrence in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "22 October 1564 John s. William Sackett."
  2. Thanet Obituary ().
  3. John Lewis, The History & Antiquities of the Isle of Tenet (1736).
  4. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "14 October 1588 John Sackett & Agnes Samson."
  5. She was referred to as Agnes on her marriage record but as Ann in both her husband's will and her own will and on her burial record; it is clear from the contents of their wills that Ann and Agnes were the same.
  6. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "27 February 1623/24 John Sackett householder."
  7. Monumental inscription on the grave of John Sackett (St Peter's Church, Thanet, Kent).
  8. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, "5 February 1630/31 Ann Sackett, widow, wife sometymes of John."
  9. Will of William Sackett of Jordan Down, St John in Thanet, Kent, 20 December 1572, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 4 February 1572/73 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-41-360).
  10. Militia List for Thanet parishes of St John, St Peter, & Birchington, 1599 (Kent Family History Society, microfiche 1114), "11 Aug 1599, St Peeters Armed Men: Matthew Hardinge – Furnished by John Sackett, St Peeters Callivers: Silvester Lewes – Furnished by John Sarkett." "16 Aug 1599, St Peeters Pikes: John Saket – Furnished by P. Se [sic]."
  11. Archaeologia Cantiana (Kent: Kent Archaeological Society), "Among the Domestic State Papers are many which illustrate the condition of St. Peter's Parish during the seventeenth century. In the Muster Roll, October 12th and 13th, 1614, we find that St. Peter's furnished 25 corslets. Amongst the inhabitants bound to furnish them were, John Thatcher 1, Silvester Tirrett 1, Richard Culmer 1, Thomas Fleete 1, James Boykett 1, Thomas Craft (of Bromatone, probably) 2, Manasses Norwood gent. 3, John Sackett sen. 2, Edward Dyer 1, Robert Norwood 1, Anthony Norwood 1, etc. etc. (D.S.P., James I, vol. lxxviii., No. 72).
  12. Archaeologia Cantiana, "The Muster Roule (Domestic State Papers, James I, vol. cviii., No. 9.) of the Select Compani in the parishes of St Johns St Peeters and Burchington in thyle of Thanett in the County of Kent containeing the names of the Captain officers and souldyers of the same.
    Paule Cleybrooke, captaine, esquire. Manasses Norwood, Liuetenant, gen. William Cleybrooke, ensigne, gen. Richard Gosby, Thomas Crafte, Sargants. Henry Jones clerke. Nathaniell Waighyll Drummer. Corsletts [58 names, including:] John Sackett. Musquets
    [84 names, including:] William Sackett senr, William Sackett junr, Daniell Pamphett, Richard Mockett. Waggons two. Waggoners Robert Reade, Robert Edinger. (Signed) Paule Cleaybrooke, Capt. Apryll the first 1619."
  13. Marriage Licences, Canterbury, Kent, 25 Jan 1619/20 Richard Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, yeoman, bachelor, about 18, son of John Sackett same parish, yeoman who consents & Susan Lunce of Swalecliffe, maiden, about 17, daughter of Joan Lunce same parish, widow, who also consents. Thomas Claybrooke, Clerk of Swalecliffe, parson, bondsman.
  14. Marriage Licences, Canterbury, Kent, Daniel Pamflett of St John in Thanet, yeoman, bachelor, about 22 & Ann Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, maiden, about 17, daughter of John Sackett, same parish, yeoman, who consents, at St Mary Bredman’s Canterbury. John Sackett of Sidney College Cambridge BA & Isaac Elvin of Canterbury, clerk, bondsmen.
  15. Will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 8 February 1624, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 14 April 1624 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-66-354).
  16. Will of Ann Sackett of Swalecliffe, Kent, 31 January 1631, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 15 February 1631 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-67-505).
Sackett lineGreat-grandson of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Joan Leary, Anthony Donovan and Alan Laming.
Last Edited6 Jan 2023

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