United States census 1880 New York City

37 households

KINGS, Brooklyn
QUEENS, Newtown, Locust Valley

KINGS, Brooklyn

  • FHL 1254840, NA T9-0840/112C (TEK)
    1st Ward, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    J. R. SACKETT, head, male, married, 59, b. CT, comm'rs broker, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Mary E. SACKETT, wife, 57, b. CT, keeps boarders, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Geo. T. SACKETT, son, married, 25, b. NY, cust. house broker, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Walter L. SACKETT, son, single, 23, b. NY, lace clerk, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    F. W. SACKETT, son, single, 20, b. NY, jewlery clerk, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Robert J. SACKETT, son, single, 18, b. NY, soap clerk, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Julia MEAD, aunt, single, 61, b. CT, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Theo HUNTER, other, married, 66, b. NY, editor, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Elenor R. HUNTER, other, married, 63, b. VT, father b. NJ, mother b. NJ
    Theo F. HUNTER, other, single, 26, b. NY, clerk hardware, father b. VT, mother b. Jersey
    Elnora HUNTER, other, single, 23, b. MI, father b. VT, mother b. Jersey
    Geo. F. HEMRY, other, married, 37, b. VT, glycerine mfg, father b. VT, mother b. VT
    Emma HEMRY, other, married, 32, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Frank H. HEMRY, other, 11, b. NY, father b. VT, mother b. NY
    Harriett HEMRY, other, 5, b. NY, father b. VT, mother b. NY
    Frank LAWERY, other, single, 25, b. U.S., telegraph operator, father b. U.S., mother b. U.S.
    Chas. DAVIS, other, single, 19, b. CT, tea clerk, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    J. SCHENCK, other, male, single, 30, b. NJ, sewing machine agt, father b. NJ, mother b. NJ
    J. BUNCE, other, male, single, 19, b. CT, tea clerk, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Chs. BRUSH, other, male, 15, b. CT, clerk pipe co, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    [2219 Justus Ralph Sackett s. Justus & Clarissa (Belcher) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254840, NA T9-0840/114D (TEK)
    1st Ward, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    Chs. CAPONILLIEZ, head, married, 33, b. BEL, clerk in Navy, father b. BEL, mother b. BEL
    Ainsll CAPONILLIEZ, wife, 34, b. BEL, father b. BEL, mother b. BEL
    Fany CHOLES, other, single, 20, b. NY, father b. England, mother b. England
    E. SACKETT, other, female, single, 30, b. CT, clerk hat mfg, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Wm. H. HOBBY, other, single, 36, b. NY, clerk ware storage, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Min RYAN, other, female, 12, b. NY, at school, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Mary MURRY, other, single, 41, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Hanah SWEED, other, single, 28, b. Sweden, servant, father b. Sweden, mother b. Sweden
  • FHL 1254841, NA T9-0841/418C
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York, 14 Jun 1880
    Guernsey Sackett, head, male, married, 44, b. NY, lawyer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Gertrude Sackett, wife, married, 44, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    John Sackett, son, 15, b. NY, school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Fannie Sackett, dau, 12, b. NY, school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Annie Keetnan, servant, single, white, 28, b. NY, domestic, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254845, NA T9-0845/144B (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    James A. SACKET, head, married, 50, b. NY, clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Addie A. SACKET, wife, 43, b. France, father b. France, mother b. NY
    Everett L. SACKET, son, 9, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. France
  • FHL 1254846, NA T9-0846/684D (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    Oscor SACKETT, head, male, married, 50, b. CT, sailor, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Fannie SACKETT, wife, 45, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
  • FHL 1254851, NA T9-0851/650B (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    William CHESTER, head, married, 52, b. England, machinist, father b. England, mother b. England
    Charlotte CHESTER, wife, 46, b. Ireland, keep house, father b. SCOT, mother b. England
    Elizabeth SACKETT, other, single, 32, b. NY, seamstress, father b. NY, mother b. NY
  • FHL 1254853, NA T9-0853/113C (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    George SACKETT, head, married, 54, b. RI, merchant, father b. MA, mother b. RI
    Sarah S. SACKETT, wife, 51, b. RI, keeping house, father b. MA, mother b. RI
    Harriett S. SACKETT, dau, single, 22, b. NY, school teacher, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    Edith S. SACKETT, dau, single, 19, b. NY, art student, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    George O. SACKETT, son, single, 17, b. NY, at school, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    Herbert S. SACKETT, son, 15, b. NY, at school, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    Mary J. SACKETT, dau, 12, b. NY, at school, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    [3244 George Henry Sackett s. Isaac & Mary (Johnson) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254853, NA T9-0853/140D (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    Ana A. LOTT, head, widow, 35, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Thos. M. LOTT, son, single, 18, b. NY, custom house clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    George MITCHELL, other, single, 25, b. NY, custom house clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Robert MITCHELL, other, single, 27, b. NY, milk dealer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Robert LYNCE, other, single, 30, b. NY, dry goods clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    M. TUCKER, other, male, married, 50, b. NY, coal dealer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Thos. GOLDIE, other, married, 40, b. NY, hardware, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    GOLDIE, other, female, married, 35, b. NY, boarder, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    E. WILSON, other, widow, 40, b. NY, boarder, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Edward WILSON, other, 11, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Clara WILSON, other, 16, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    SACKETT, other, widow, 35, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    HOUSWORTH, other, widow, 32, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Geo. BACON, other, married, 40, b. NY, custom house clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Levenia BACON, other, female, [marital status not given], 35, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Mary C. BACON, other, 18, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    E. Sophia BACON, other, 14, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    H. Fannie BACON, other, 8, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    TAYLOR, other, male, single, 30, b. NY, dry goods clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Nellie KEANAN, other, single, 24, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254853, NA T9-0853/154B (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    James H. SACKETT, head, married, 44, b. NY, manfct perfinnery, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma SACKETT, wife, 38, b. NJ, keeping house, father b. NJ, mother b. NJ
    Charles H. SACKETT, son, 15, b. NY, attending school, father b. NY, mother b. NJ
    Rosa LYNCH, other, single, Asian, 29, b. VA, servant, father b. VA, mother b. VA
    Mary GETSEY, other, single, 18, b. NY, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    [2348 James Horton Sackett s. James Horton & Jerusha (Post) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254853, NA T9-0853/160B (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    Robt. Sackett, boarder, single, 35, b. NY, bookkeeper, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    [In household of Anna Anderson, widow, 48]
  • FHL 1254855, NA T9-0855/286A (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    Marcius SACKETT, head, male, married, 52, b. NY, lawyer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Susan SACKETT, wife, 42, b. OH, keep house, father b. OH, mother b. OH
    John SACKETT, son, single, 22, b. NY, shoe bus. ck., father b. NY, mother b. OH
    Greatis SACKETT, dau, 1, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. OH
    Bertha MAUHKEN, other, single, 19, b. Germany, servant, father b. Germany, mother b. Germany
  • FHL 1254855, NA T9-0855/380A (TEK)
    Brooklyn, Kings, New York
    John SACKETT, head, married, 45, b. NY, printer, father b. MA, mother b. NY
    Juliah SACKETT, wife, 40, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Clara SACKETT, dau, single, 20, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Frederick SACKETT, son, single, 18, b. NY, printer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    George SACKETT, son, 16, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Cornielo SACKETT, dau, 12, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    [3264 John Adnah Sackett s. Israel & Margaret Jane (Allen) Sackett]


  • FHL 1254866, NA T9-0866/20C (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Edwin SACKETT, head, widower, 40, b. NY, canal boatman, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Alida SACKETT, dau, single, 18, b. NY, keeps house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
  • FHL 1254867, NA T9-0867/391C (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    John SACKETT, head, widower, 49, b. CT, real estate broker, father b. CT, mother b. CT
  • FHL 1254874, NA T9-0874/17B (TEK)
    Manhattan, Greater New York City
    Rosalie WILSON, head, widow, 35, b. Canada, boardinghouse [keeper], father b. CAN, mother b. CAN
    Jean LE CARR, other, single, 40, b. France, [Occ: none], father b. FRA, mother b. FRA
    Leon JOUBAIreland, other, single, 35, b. France, music teacher, father b. FRA, mother b. FRA
    John HEIDENREICH, other, single, 25, b. Germany, [Occ: none], father b. GER, mother b. GER
    James SACKETT, other, widower, 72, b. NY, [Occ: none], father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Maria BIRD, other, widow, 43, b. NY, [Occ: none], father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Chas. T. BOOLE, other, single, 35, b. MA, tailor, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Susan L. FORGE, other, single, 24, b. NJ, gen'l housew., father b. NJ, mother b. NJ
    Mary LUNCH, other, married, 22, b. NY, chambermaid, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    [poss. 1873 James Sackett s. Joseph & Margaret (___) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254875, NA T9-0875/407A
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Morris PIKE, head, male, married, 41, b. England, actor, father b. England, mother b. England
    Adeline SACKETT, mother-in-law, widow, 58, b. NY, keeps house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Melissa PIKE, wife, married, 38, b. NY, keeps house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Edwin J. PIKE, son, single, 20, b. NY, clerk in artificial flower store, father b. NY, mother b. NY
  • FHL 1254875, NA T9-0875/407A (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    John SACKETT, head, married, 42, b. NY, leather cutter, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma SACKETT, wife, 31, b. PA, keeps house, father b. England, mother b. England
    George SACKETT, son, 15, b. NY, printer, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    William SACKETT, son, 13, b. NY, fan factory, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    Edwin SACKETT, son, 11, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    Morris SACKETT, son, 9, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    Jesse SACKETT, dau, 6, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    Jas. B. MURRAY, other, male, single, 45, b. NY, clerk in Sungates office, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254881, NA T9-0881/446C (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Charles SACKETT, head, single, 30, b. NY, cloth merchant, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Mary ELLIOTT, other, single, 20, b. NY, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Margaret SUPPLE, other, single, 25, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254881, NA T9-0881/449B (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Julia BILLINGS, head, widow, 51, b. CT, keeping house, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    James BILLINGS, son, married, 29, b. PA, at home, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Minnie BILLINGS, dau, single, 23, b. PA, at home, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Emma BILLINGS, dau-in-law, 29, b. CT, at home, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Charles BILLINGS, son, single, 20, b. PA, student, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Jennie BILLINGS, dau, 17, b. PA, at school, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    William BILLINGS, son, 14, b. NJ, at school, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Henry BILLINGS, son, 11, b. CT, at school, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Adelaide COE, other, single, 46, b. CT, house keeper, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Caroline BURK, other, widow, black, 49, b. MD, servant, father b. MD, mother b. MD
    Ellen SACKETT, other, single, 22, b. NY, servant, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    John SAUNDERS, other, single, black, 34, b. MD, servant, father b. MD, mother b. MD
    George MC CULLAH, other, married, 42, b. NJ, lawyer, father b. NJ, mother b. —
  • FHL 1254882, NA T9-0882/325C (TEK)
    11th Ward, District 26, New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Frank SACKETT, head, married, 24, b. NY, glass worker, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Nora SACKETT, wife, 22, b. Ireland, keeping house, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Mary SACKETT, dau, 1, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. Ireland
    Catharine SULLIVAN, other, single, 24, b. Ireland, tailoress, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254883, NA T9-0883/7D (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Chas. B. WHEELER, head, married, 65, b. CT, retired paper merchant, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    C. L. WHEELER, wife, 60, b. NY, keeps house, father b. England, mother b. England
    Anna KEMLETT, other, single, 23, b. NY, servant, father b. England, mother b. England
    A. W. SACKETT, other, male, single, 28, b. NY, editor, father b. England, mother b. England
    H. HAVILAND, other, male, single, 26, b. NY, law clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    James TOMPKINS, other, married, 45, b. NY, paper manufacturer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Robert ZELL, other, married, 24, b. PA, clerk for coal co., father b. —, mother b. —
    Anna ZELL, other, married, 24, b. PA, father b. —, mother b. —
    Emma TOMPKINS, other, married, 36, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
  • FHL 1254883, NA T9-0883/29B (TEK)
    16th Ward, District 17, New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Robert SIMONDEN, head, married, 40, b. NY, frame dealer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Clara SIMONDEN, wife, 35, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Edmund SCHEDWICK, other, single, 22, b. NY, clerk in store, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Solomen WILDER, other, widower, 50, b. NY, civil engineer, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Charles GULICK, other, single, 24, b. NJ, clerk in store, father b. NJ, mother b. NJ
    Louisa SACKETT, other, single, 40, b. NY, dressmaker, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Lizzie PHELAM, other, single, 28, b. NJ, saleslady, father b. England, mother b. England
  • FHL 1254884, NA T9-0884/270B (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Fanny CARNLEY, head, widow, 70, b. NY, keeping house, father b. SCO, mother b. NY
    William H. SACKETT, son-in-law, 38, b. NY, clerk in store, father b. CT, mother b. NY
    Frances C. SACKETT, dau, 37, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Fanny H. SACKETT, gdau, 16, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma SACKETT, gdau, 12, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Belle Thompson SACKETT, gdau, 6, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Catherine MITCHELL, other, single, 39, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Mary REAVY, other, single, 25, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    [4845 William Henry Sackett s. William H & Amanda (Harper) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254888, NA T9-0888/460B (BB)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Albert CHILLBORG [CHELLBORG], head, married, 68, b. Sweden, keeps bakery, father b. Sweden, mother b. Sweden
    Rosetta CHILLBORG, wife, 55, b. NY, keeps house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    [Rosetta's age is off. She was born July 4, 1819.]
    C. Frederic [Frederick] CHILLBORG, son, single, 33, b. NY, lumber, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    Gurnilla [Gunilla] R. CHILLBORG, dau, single, 31, b. NY, at home, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    Albert CHILLBORG, son, single, 29, b. NY, bakery, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    C. Sachett [Sackett] CHILLBORG, son, single, 26, b. NY, clk. in coal yard, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    Oscar H. CHILLBORG, son, single, 24, b. NY, clk. in coal office, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    Ida CHILLBORG, dau, single, 21, b. NY, at home, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    India [Julia] CHILLBORG, dau, single, 19, b. NY, at home, father b. Sweden, mother b. NY
    Mina BAER, other, female, single, 25, b. NY, clerk in store, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Denia WEST, other, female, single, 19, b. NY, clerk in store, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    E. Ann MEAR, other, single, 45, b. CT, school teacher, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Augustus MERK, other, single, 25, b. NY, drives wagon, father b. Germany, mother b. Germany
    George GAY, other, single, 22, b. NY, drives wagon, father b. Germany, mother b. Germany
    Rosa JACOBS, other, single, 45, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Margaret MITTRICK, other, single, 18, b. Germany, servant, father b. Germany, mother b. Germany
    [1902 Rosetta (Sackett) Chellborg d. Rev Nathaniel & Margaret (Lazier) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254889, NA T9-0889/537C (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Jane SWAN, head, widow, 34, b. SCO, boarding house, father b. SCO, mother b. SCO
    Maggie SWAN, dau, 11, b. England, at school, father b. SCO, mother b. SCO
    James SWAN, son, 5, b. NY, father b. SCO, mother b. SCO
    Edw. HANCOCK, other, married, 28, b. NY, printer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Ada HANCOCK, other, [marital status not given], 24, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Clarence CAMPBELL, other, married, 33, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Hellen CAMPBELL, other, married, 29, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    John SACKETT, other, married, 27, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Mary SACKETT, other, married, 22, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Henry JOHNS, other, married, 25, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Ida JOHNS, other, married, 23, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    William BURANNY, other, single, 37, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Fred FOLKS, other, single, 20, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    George ENNIS, other, married, 32, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    D. MACDONALD, other, male, married, 40, b. NY, father b. —, mother b. —
    Mary BROCK, sister, widow, 41, b. SCO, father b. SCO, mother b. SCO
  • FHL 1254889, NA T9-0889/567D (TEK)
    22nd Ward, District 31, Manhattan, Greater New York City
    Edward P. MOORE, head, married, 50, b. MA, sec'y Telegraph Co., father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Emily S. MOORE, wife, 35, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Edward T. MOORE, son, 16, b. NY, clerk in office, father b. MA, mother b. NY
    James PRICE, other, married, 57, b. England, real estate, father b. England, mother b. England
    Harriett L. PRICE, other, married, 54, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Edward PRICE, other, single, 25, b. NY, lawyer, father b. England, mother b. NY
    Harriett L. PRICE, other, single, 23, b. NY, at home, father b. England, mother b. NY
    Sarah P. POWELL, other, widow, 48, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    E. M. PETERS, other, widow, 40, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Carrie M. PETERS, other, single, 17, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    E. W. WALDRON, other, male, married, 45, b. NY, importer gums, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma WALDRON, other, married, 35, b. MA, at home, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    John ROBERTS, other, single, 40, b. SCO, clerk in office, father b. SCO, mother b. SCO
    Elisha B. SACKETT, other, widower, 70, b. CT, sec'y Mining Co., father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Ann CURRY, other, single, 48, b. Ireland, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Nellie DUFFY, other, single, 22, b. PA, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Katie ROGERSON, other, single, 20, b. Ireland, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    [prob. 2210 Elisha B Sackett s. Justus & Clarissa (Belcher) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254891, NA T9-0891/505B (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Davitt LENT, head, married, 50, b. NY, clerk in stationary, father b. —, mother b. —
    Elizabeth LENT, wife, 40, b. MA, keeping house, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Annie LENT, dau, 13, b. NY, at school, father b. NY, mother b. MA
    Mary SACKETT, niece, single, 25, b. NC, teacher, father b. MA, mother b. MA
  • FHL 1254894, NA T9-0894/110B (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Wm L. DAVIS, head, married, 31, b. NY, saloon, father b. CT, mother b. England
    Christiana DAVIS, wife, 28, b. NY, helper, father b. SCOT, mother b. SCOT
    Jinny DAVIS, dau, 3, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. SCOT
    William DAVIS, son, 3 months, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. SCOT
    Ellen SACKET, other, 12, b. NY, servant, father b. CT, mother b. CT
  • FHL 1254895, NA T9-0895/457B (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Anthony SNYDER, head, married, 65, b. NY, weighing business, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Frances SNYDER, wife, 65, b. CT, keep house, father b. CT, mother b. NY
    Henry SNYDER, son, single, 33, b. NY, clerk in shipping, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma SACKETT, dau, widow, 35, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Margaret McGuire, other, single, 24, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Mary McGuire, other, single, 29, b. Ireland, servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • FHL 1254897, NA T9-0897/253D (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    George LOYD, head, married, 37, b. NY, car conductor, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Ann J LOYD, wife, 35, b. ME, keeping house, father b. ME, mother b. ME
    William SACKETT, other, [marital status blank], 45, b. CT, car conductor, father b. CT, mother b. CT
    Chanbo BATES, other, male, single, 20, b. NY, ladies shoecutter, father b. NY, mother b. NY
  • FHL 1254899, NA T9-0899/48A (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Sarah E. SACKETT, head, widow, 63, b. NY, keeping house, father b. CT, mother b. NY
    Howard M. SACKETT, son, single, 27, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Adeline SACKETT, dau. single, 19, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Slates [States] M. SACKETT, son, married, 40, b. NY, Con. Brocker, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Harriet P. SACKETT, dau-in-law, 39, b. RI, father b. RI, mother b. RI
    Harry P SACKETT, gson, single, 16, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. RI
    Connie GILLIGHAN, other, single, white, 28, b. Ireland, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    [Sarah Elisabeth Adeline (Mead) Sackett widow of 2215 Amos Mead Sackett]
  • FHL 1254899, NA T9-0899/52A (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    E. Wells SACKETT, head, male, married, 47, b. NY, stationer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Harriet M. SACKETT, wife, married, 49, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Charles P. SACKETT, son, single, 16, b. NY, clerk in store, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Mary WELSH, other, single, white, 40, b. Ireland, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Mary MC CALLUM, other, single, white, 18, b. NY, domestic servant, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    Margaret J. SACKETT, mother, married, 68, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    [3263 Elisha Wells Sackett s. Israel & Margaret Jane (Allen) Sackett]
  • FHL 1254899, NA T9-0899/63D (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    William ROBINSON, head, married, 35, b. NY, grocer, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Isabel ROBINSON, wife, 25, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma C. ROBINSON, dau, 2, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Margaret ANDERSON, other, single, 48, b. NY, sales lady, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Gilbert ROBINSON, father, married, 73, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma L. C. ROBINSON, mother, married, 63, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Mary E. ROBINSON, sister, single, 25, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Charles E. SACKETT, other, single, 37, b. NY, grocer's clerk, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Sarah PATTERSON, other, single, black, 23, b. NY, servant, father b. SC, mother b. SC
    [3268 Charles E Sacket s. Israel & Margaret Jane (Allen) Sacket]
  • FHL 1254899, NA T9-0899/76A (TEK)
    New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York
    Anna SACKETT, head, widow, 62, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Emma EBERMAYN, dau, married, 38, b. NY, at home, father b. CT, mother b. NY
    Adolph EBERMAYN, gson, 17, b. DC, works in butter store, father b. Germany, mother b. NY
    Josephine EBERMAYN, gdau, 14, b. NY, at school, father b. Germany, mother b. NY
    Albertine EBERMAYN, gdau, 12, b. NY, at school, father b. Germany, mother b. NY
    George EBERMAYN, gson, 10, b. NY, at school, father b. Germany, mother b. NY
    Winifred SHREEHEN, other, single, 22, b. Ireland, servant, lives out, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
  • Roll: 873; Page: 212D; Enumeration District: 147
    Hester Street, New York City, New York, 7 Jun 1880
    Shachett, Moses, 48, tailor, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Leah, 43, wife, keeping house, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Polly, 18, dau, tailoress, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Marx, 10, son, school, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Joseph, 5, son, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Sarah, 8, dau, school, b. Poland, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Rebecca, 3, dau, b. England, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, Benjamin, 2, son, b. England, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland
    Shachett, John, 4/12, son, b. NY, father b. Poland, mother b. Poland

QUEENS, Newtown

  • FHL 1254919, NA T9-0919/263B (TEK/CRS)
    Newtown, Queens, New York
    Sackett LEVERICH, head, married, 22, b. NY, laborer, father b. NY, mother, b. NY
    Maggie LEVERICH, wife, 24, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother, b. NY
    Lizzie LEVERICH, dau, 2, b. NY, at home, father b. NY, mother, b. NY

QUEENS, Locust Valley

  • Roll 919, p 444b, Enumeration District 295 Locust Valley, Queens, New York Sackett, John, head, 38, sailor, b. CT, father b. CT, mother b. CT Sackett, Mary E., wife, 28, keeping house, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY Sackett, William, son, 15, at school, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY Sackett, Oscar, son, 7, at school, b. NY, father b. CT, mother b. NY Sackett, Byron, son, 5, at school, b. NY, father b. CT, mother b. NY