Extracts from
Franklin Dexter, New Haven Ancient Town Records,
vol. 1 (1649-1662), vol. 2 (1662-1684), vol. 3 (1684-1769)
Vol.1 Index.
Sacket, John: 271, 278, 391, 511.
Stolya/Stolyon: no refs.
Vol.2 Index.
Sacket, John: 173, 302, 316, 408.
Sacket, John, Jr.: 423, 425.
Stolya/Stolyon: no refs.
Vol.3 Index.
Sackett, Sacket, Sackitt
John (d.1684): heirs proprietors in 1685, 321.
John (1653-1703): 43, 142, 145, 200, 435, 500.
Sackett, John (1653-1703)
hayward 17, acquires land 18, 83, 109, 115, 116, 212, 225, n.15, 241, 296, 333, 341, 428, 438, 481, 504, 522; constable 60, on committee 82, sawmill 90, 115, 120, 156/7, fence viewer 108, 164, released 166, 175, selectman 114, 124, 136, 143, 149, 163, freeman 194.
Vol.1 p271
[Seating plan for Town meetings, Feb. 11, 1655-56]
Against ye Souldiors Seats:
1. Jno Sacket: ...
Vol.1 p278
[1.Cattell trouble, record of 19 May 1656]
[2. Catching wolves, same date]John Sacket, William Willmot, Edwa. Camp, and Ralph Loines were complained of because their cattell trouble the cowheards, and was advised to take care that it may be no more so; and Jno Sacket was warned of a bull, wch is (as the Court is informed) wont to runn at some people, and to take care that he be securied, that hurt may not come thereby, for if it doe, after this warning, the blame will lye wholy vpon him:/
John Sacket also informed that he had made a pitt to catch woolues, & last haruest, when they looked not after it, a woolfe was catched in it, but so deuouered by flyes before they knew it, as the head was not fitt to bring to the Treasurer, and he refuseth to pay, yet he can proue that it was a woolfe, & desires that he may not lose all. The Towne agreed that if he can bring sufficient proofe, wch the Treasurer accepts, he shall be alowed halfe, wch is ten shillings:/
Vol.1 p390-391
[Brooke at John Sacketts]
The Gouernour declared that he vnderstands that ye Committee have taken the advice of Goodman Bushnell about ye mill intended, the result of wch advice they desire to acquaint the Towne with, ...
... he advised to make a dam ouer ye creeke, about Mathew Rowes house, & there to sett vp a brest mill, wch wth the help of the brooke at John Sacketts (wch he was informed of) he judged would be sufficient to serve ye towne,...
Vol.1 p511
[Seating plan for Town meeting house, 1661]
The Committee appointed Jan 20, 1661, to seat people in ye Meeting house declared to the Towne what they had done in that business wch was read, & is as followeth.
In the side seates, aboue the doore,
4. John Sackitt, ...
Vol.2 p173
[John Sackett vs Samll Andrewes]
Milford, fifth day of March 1665/6.
John Sackett Plaintiffe
Samll Andrewes DefendantIn an action of ye Cafe, for Cureing of a horfe, wth dammage to the value of 20s: The Plaint declared, That ye defendt had put a horfe to him (yt was foundred) to be cured, & he had beene at trouble & Charge with him 5 dayes & had cured him, & therefore demanded 20s: The Defendt denied yt he had Cured ye horfe, or yt he was foundred.
The Court haveing heard both Plaint: & Defendt by way of fentence declared, That they find for ye plaint: five fhillings & Coft of Court:.
Vol.2 p302
[Hye way through John Sackett’s land]
Jno Cooper fenior & Jeremiah Ofborne returned unto ye towne what they had done about ye hie way through the playne field, vizt. That they had agreed with John Sackett, that the towne fhall have a hye way through his Land, & he to maintayne ye barrs; for which they have given him a piece of fwampy land about ye quantity of three acres./ — —
Vol.2 p316
[Jno Sackett to burne part of ye woods]
After ye names were called, Captn Jno Nafh from ye townesmen informed ye towne of fundry things, vizt. That Jno Downe & Jno Benham burne ye woods on ye weft fide from ye fea up to Milford path; Jno Clarke & Daniell Thomas from Milford path up to Paugafett path; Ralph Lines & Richard Sperry from Paugafett path up to ye round hills; Willm Wilmott the weft rockes; Jno Sackett & Edmund Dorman from ye weft rockes to ye Mill river; David Atwater & Ifaac Turner from ye mill rockes to Jofeph Bradlyes; Jofeph Manffield & Richard Little from Jofeph Bradlyes up to ye blue hills; George Pardee to burne about Dragon point to ye frefh meadowes; Alling Ball from his farme up to Hercules Playne; and Mercy Mofs & John Brockett junior from Hercules playne up to Wallingford Line.
Philip Leeke, Timothy fford, Jno Punderfon junr & Thomas Sanford is apointed to fee after rayfeing a calfe in each herd they belong too for a bull, & make returne whofe they are./ ”
Vol.2 p408
[Town meeting 20 December 1680]
[Division of land on Western side]
The perfons that are to haue theyer diuifion of Land on ye Western fide of the Towne: Hear followeth theyer Names in ye order theyer Lott came forth from ye firft throughout to the Laft:
Names heads Eftates Acres ... John: Sackett 8 83 48½ ...
Vol.2 p423
[grant of land to John Sackett, Jr. to establish business as glazier]
The orders of ye Last Towne meeting were read:
The orders of ye Last Generall Court were read./...
The Townfmen propounded on ye behalfe of Jno Sackett Jur that ye Towne would graunt him fom Land by ye Creeke fide below Jonathan Atwaters to build upon, he intending to Sett up ye trade of glafing and he defyers to be near ye water fide as best for his trade;
And allfoe it was propounded on ye behalfe of Mr Tho: Trowbridge that the Towne would graunt him Land by ye water fide, on ye west of Mr Baches warehoufe, or if not there on ye East of the fd warehoufe, to build a warehoufe upon:
The Towne defyred & appointed ye Townfmen to veiw both the places and to make returne at another meeting.
Vol.2 p425-426
[grant of land to John Sackett, Jr. for house and glazier’s shop]
Allfoe ye Townfmen made theyer returne that according to former order they had veiwed ye place by ye creeke wch John Sackett Junor mooued the towne to graunt unto him of 70 foot broad by ye street to build a houfe & a shop for his trade of a glafier, And they faw noe inconuenience to graunt it: And ye Towne by Vote graunted unto John Sackett Junior a peec of land by ye Creeke fide, between Mr Trowbridges warehoufe & Jonathan Atwaters his houfe, of feuenty foote wide by ye streete, and to run down to ye Creeke, ye street to be kept its widenes, and this is prouided that hee ye faid Sackett build upon it according as he propounded within ye Space of two years next enfuing: and ye Townfmen were appointed to Lay out and state it according to ye graunt & make return for record:/
Vol.3 p319-322 [re John Sackett who d. 1684]
(heirs proprietors in 1685)
[Town meeting report of 22 Dec. 1712 gives a list of proprietors in 1685]
The names of the propriators of N-Haven in the year 1685.
John Sackets heirs
John Sacket, Junior
Vol.3 p43
[Town meeting of 27 Dec. 1686]
Allsoe the highway out of the plaines through Sackets or Dormans feild that leadeth to the commons behind Dormans to be continnued as it hath been for the common use of the Towne: alsoe another high way through this feild to be settled for common use to pass into the wood behind Sacketts.
Vol.3 p142
[Town meeting 28 Mar. 1698]
[reference to Ensign John Sackett land application]
Vol.3 p145
[Town meeting 26 Apr. 1698]
[reference to Ensign John Sackett land application]
Vol.3 p200
[Town meeting 22 Mar. 1703]
[John Sacket (amongst others) appointed “a sizer to size the Land to be laid out som of them to atend the survayor at all times.”]
Vol.3 p435
[Town meeting 20 Sep. 1720]
[ref. to “Lieut. John Sackett”]
Vol.3 p17
[Town meeting 28 Apr. 1685]
Jno. Sackett and Thomas Leeke were Chosen heywards for the Governors quarter.
Vol.3 p18
[at same meeting]
Jno. Sackett mooved to have som land allowed in leiu of a highway that the Towne hath through theyer land at the plaines.
Vol.3 p60
[Town meeting 21 May 1688]
Sergt. John Sacket, and Nath’ll Mix were Chosen Constables for Newhaven for the yeare ensueing and sworne.
Vol.3 [subsequent index records not researched]
Franklin Dexter, New Haven Ancient Town Records, New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Connecticut (1917). (Researched by Chris Sackett).