2004 Reunion, Salt Lake City, Utah
Fantastic Family Gathering
by Darlene Sackett
Toni Smith, Ted Sinkewiz, Glenna Hertzler
Tom Smith, Marian Sinkewiz, Chris Sackett, Don Hertzler
Wendy Sackett, Thurmon King, Liesa Robarge, Jon Tabor
Sylvia King, Darlene Sackett
Salt Lake City 2004
It is a special experience to meet people through the internet and have contact with "cousins" all over the world. It is an even more special experience to have known these cousins through e-mail contact for several years and then have the opportunity to meet them in person. My favorite memories from Salt Lake City this year will always be meeting my cousins for the first time!
After a lot of preparation by Liesa and the Reunion Committee, it was finally time for the family gathering to actually take place. We all arrived at different times, but many were able to meet up and spend some time researching at The Family History Library and tie up some loose ends. Others were able to sit down together and hash through information that had been giving them trouble.
We were able to have several meals together and enjoy each others company, but we also had some fun learning more about our heritage and how to research other aspects of it. Chris Sackett gave a great presentation on Simon Sackett (the colonist) and John Sackett of New Haven and the debate over their connection to each other. Genealogists from the library also gave presentations on migration records. Several items were brought by various members to be given away in a raffle with some very happy winners!
We even got some committee work done! We decided upon the general areas we are having our next two family gatherings and because of suggestions made during this time there will be changes in the newsletter this time as well as more coming in the future to help make it even better!
Though time together never seems long enough, the weekend eventually ended with all of us feeling richer for having had the experience. It was wonderful finally seeing the faces and hearing the voices that go along with the e-mail cousins and I can't wait for the next opportunity!