Newspaper Abstracts, Utah

11 records

  • Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah, 15 Feb 1895, p. 8
    Warned Against the Silhouette Artist who "Did" Salt Lake.
    After Attempting Suicide Here He Went to San Francisco Where He Figures in Other Sensations.
    Salt Lakers will easily remember X. Ackley (that individual's interpretation of the word exactly) Sackett, the famous silhouette artist, who for nearly a year was so familiar a figure about the amusement resorts in and near this city.
    During the last days of the Wonderland performances and for a considerable time prior thereto he amused and astonished large numbers of people by his remarkable skill as a silhouettist. When summer came last year he was a constant operator at Saltair, Garfield and the parks, and did a rushing business in his line. While he made money in large amounts he spent it very freely and lead a life that was gay in the extreme. During the latter part of the season he entered upon a round of dissipation which was brought to a termination by the artist attempting suicide in an East Temple street saloon one night by repeatedly stabbing himself in the breast with a pen knife. Companions prevented him carrying out his intentions and he was placed under restraint and watchcare for a few weeks and on recovering he quieted down and a little later disappeared from the city.
    Wednesday's San Francisco Chronicle contains a lengthy account of another sensational chapter in the artist's life together with two silhouette cuts of himself one of them his own work, the other by a "brother artist." The article was as follows:
    It was with feelings of surprise akin to horror that the Pure Food people at the Pavilion learned that a gay Lothario was lurking in their midst. The news came from Denver, where a confiding maiden is supposed to be pining away all for love of X. Ackley Sackett, the charming silhouette artist of national fame.
    In a letter sent to the Food Exposition X. Ackley was depicted as a truly phenomenal cracker of hearts. He was alleged to have left a trail of those bleeding organs from one side of the continent to the other, and was looking for fresh conquests. For the future peace and happiness of maidens fair, the Denver correspondent suggests that Sackett be chucked out bodily from the food tournament.
    X. Ackley has a stand or booth in the Pavilion where he cuts silhouettes in black and white and smiles upon the passing throng. He does not look like a gay deceiver and denies that he is one. If love-lorn ladies persist in following Mr. Sackett around at their own expense that is no fault of his, the artist argues. It is due to his winning ways.
    The charge made against the picture cutter is that he once eloped with an $80,000 heiress from Elkhart, Ind., and spent the honeymoon, such as it was, in jail. As X. Ackley had a wife and three children at the time, the friends of the girl naturally objected to his conduct. So they had the silhouettist locked up in Topeka, Kan., and took the girl home. The artist admits that he was at one time quite gay and debonaire, but that did not coax the maiden from her own fireside. She followed him in spite of his strenuous efforts to elude her vigilance. According to the stories published at the time Sackett dropped in on Elkhart last February and went to making pictures of prominent citizens.
    He was accompanied by a pet dog and a woman supposed to be his wife. During the week that X. Ackley operated in Elkhart he made the acquaintance of a young woman, the daughter of a state Senator, who had $80,000 in her own right. They eloped but were captured and wrenched apart in the bleeding state of Kansas.
    Sackett was not prosecuted, as the girl was of age and supposed to know what she was doing. relatives in Denver took charge of her and she is there yet.
    About three months ago the silhouette artist came to this city, and has since been plying his vocation in prominent localities. He has a stand in the Baldwin hotel lobby. Not long ago X. Ackley achieved some notoriety and a black eye in the famous conflict between actors and waiters in the Louvre. When the food show opened, the artist opened a booth at the Pavilion, but as business was not very good he closed the engagement.
    In reference to the elopement Sackett says that the girl followed him away from her home. On leaving Elkhart he went to South Bend and then to La Porte, at both of which places the heiress telegraphed her intention of joining the fascinating artist. But he said, "Nay, nay, Pauline," or words to that effect, so he says. On departing from La Porte Mr. Sackett was joined by the foolish maiden, who accompanied him to Chicago. She had some money and a trunk full of clothes, so the pair journeyed westward together. They stopped a while in Kansas City and then journeyed on to Topeka. Meanwhile all the detectives in that quarter of the globe were camping on the trail of X. Ackley.
    "When we got to Topeka," Sackett said last night, "I went into the depot for breakfast. On going back to the train I found the girl under arrest, and the officers took me on a charge of having swindled a bicycle firm. But that was only a trick to keep me in jail until the relatives of the girl could take her away. Then I was set free."
    As to the charge of having two wives, one in Washington, D.C., and the other in New Jersey, the silhouettist says the ladies are one and the same. He and his wife used to live in Washington, but she is now selling peanuts on a Jersey ferryboat. They were married fourteen years ago, but separated in 1884. Sackett says he intends to remain here and secure a divorce."
    [Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 14 Nov 1920, p 3
    Pioneer Utah Woman Dies on the Coast
    Special to The Tribune.
    Beaver, Nov. 13.—Mrs. Frank Low has received news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. P. E. Sackett of Long Beach, Cal., who passed away in that city November 11.
    Mrs. Sackett was one of the early pioneers of Utah. She was born in Salt Lake City, February 27, 1849, and was the daughter of Ethan Barrows of that city. She was united in marriage to Theo N. Sackett at Salt Lake in 1868. Mr. Sackett died two years ago.
    Mr. and Mrs. Sackett, for thirty years prior to their departure for California, operated the Southern hotel at Frisco. Mrs. Sackett is survived by two sons, Hugh B. and Frank Sackett, both of Long Beach, Cal.; two daughters, Mrs. George Ellison of 453 North, First West street, Salt Lake, and Mrs. David Powell of Long Beach, Cal.; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Stewart of Salt Lake, and two brothers, Leonard Barrows of Shelley, Idaho, and B. Y. Barrows of South Paff, Wyo.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Beaver County News, Milford, Utah, 17 Nov 1920, p 1
    Pioneer Utah Woman Dies
    Mrs. Frank Low has received news of the death of her aunt, Mrs. P. E. Sackett, of Long Beach, California, who passed away in that city on November 11.
    Mrs. Sackett was one of the early pioneers of Utah. She was born in Salt Lake City, February 27, 1849, and was the daughter of Ethan Barrows of that city. She was united in marriage to Theo N. Sackett at Salt Lake in 1868. Mr. Sackett died 2 years ago.
    Mr. and Mrs. Sackett, for thirty years prior to their departure for California, operated the Southern hotel at Frisco. Mrs. Sackett is survived by two sons, Hugh B. and F. Sackett, both of Long Beach. California; two daughters, Mrs. George Ellison of 453 North First West St., Salt Lake, and Mrs. David Powell of Long Beach, California; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Stewart of Salt Lake, and two brothers, Leonard Barrows of Shelley, Idaho, and B. Y. Barrows of South Paff, Wyo.
    Mrs. Sackett was well known in Beaver county. She was a woman of Stirling qualities and great strength of character. She made a world of friends and always retained them. She was a devoted wife and loving mother. Her hospitality as hotel keeper was widely renowned. She was loved by all who knew her.
    [Transcribed from image by Chris Sackett]
  • Salt Lake Telegram, 11 Apr 1931, p. 15
    "Mary Sackett
    Mrs. Mary Sackett, 70, wife of Samuel A. Sackett, died at the family residence, 256 Iowa street, Friday morning of complications following a stroke suffered some time ago. She had resided in Salt Lake since 1922, coming here from Provo. She and Mr. Sackett were married in Brigham City in 1867 [sic: 1876], moving to Provo shortly afterward. Mrs. Sackett was a member of the L.D.S. church Relief society.
    Besides her husband, ten of her sixteen children survive: Mrs. Anneta Hudson, Harry, Ephraim, Golden, Ervine and Don Sackett, all of Salt Lake; John L. Sackett of Ogden, Esdrus M. Sackett of Brigham City, Mrs. Alvir Gilbert of Ogden and Mrs. Julia Jones of Provo."
    [Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
  • Salt Lake Telegram, 11 Apr 1931, p. 15
    Sackett—Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Sackett, who died at her home, 256 Iowa street, April 10, will be held at the Eleventh ward chapel Sunday at 1 p.m., after which the body will be taken to Brigham City, where services will be held at the First ward chapel. Friends may call at the family home, 256 Iowa street, Sunday morning. Interment will take place at the Brigham City cemetery, under the direction of Lindquist Sons-Carlquist company."
    [Transcribed from Utah Digital Newspapers image by Chris Sackett]
  • Provo Daily Herald (Provo, Utah), 1 Oct 1931, p. 1
    "Thistle Man Meets Death
    J. Sackett, 37, of Thistle, was instantly killed at his home Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 when the body of an automobile he was repairing dropped several inches, crushing his head between the rear right wheel and the fender.
    Sackett was removing bolts from the rear spring of the car at the time, according to Deputy Sheriffs J.P. Gourley and Walter Durrant, who made an investigation of the death. It is presumed that as he removed one of the bolts the prop that held the body of the car broke with the result that his head was caught between the fender and the wheel.
    Hearing the crash, his widow, Mrs. Florence Sackett, ran into the back yard where her husband had been working and found him caught between the fender and the wheel. She screamed for help and D.C. Kirkwood, Harry Lombardi, Frank Edwards and Leslie Kirkwood responded and extricated the body.
    In addition to his widow, he is survived by three children, Thela, 11, Billy, 9, and Ruth, 7; also his father, who lives at Clay Springs, Arizona, and three sisters. The body was taken in charge by a Spanish Fork mortician. Funeral announcement will be announced later."
    [Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
  • Provo Daily Herald (Provo, Utah), 2 Oct 1931, p. 5
    "Accident Victim's Funeral Announced
    Funeral services for J.E. Sackett of Thistle, will be held in the Provo Masonic temple, Sunday at 1:30 p.m. The body may be viewed at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Millie Courture, 185 South Fourth West street, this city, from 12 to 1 o'clock on the day of the funeral. Interment will be in the Provo city cemetery.
    Mrs. Courture is a sister to Mrs. Sackett.
    Mr. Sackett was instantly killed at his home in Thistle Wednesday afternoon, when the body of an automobile he was repairing dropped several inches, crushing his head."
    [Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
  • Provo Daily Herald (Provo, Utah), 6 Oct 1931, p. 7
    "J.E. Sackett Laid at Rest
    Funeral services for J.E. Sackett, resident of Thistle, were held in the Masonic temple in Provo Sunday afternoon, with William Cornaby of Spanish Fork in charge.
    Mr. Sackett was instantly killed at his home Wednesday afternoon, when a car which he was repairing dropped several inches, crushing his head.
    Lee Taylor offered the invocation and the benediction eas pronounced by Grant Robinson of Spanish Fork. Remarks were made by Mr. Bills of Soldier Summit, Lawrence Pace of Thistle and Hawley Cornaby of Spanish Fork.
    A vocal solo, "O My Father," was rendered by Eldon Bills of Soldier Summit, and Mrs. Leona James of Helper sang "I'm a Pilgrim." Two vocal solos, "Lay My Head Beneath a Rose," and "Face to Face," were furnished by Ed Williams.
    Interment was in the Provo city cemetery. The services were well attended and the floral offerings were many and beautiful."
    [Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
  • Salt Lake Telegram, 20 Feb 1932, p. 13
    "Samuel Arthur Sachett [sic]
    Samuel Arthur Sackett, 90, retired contractor of Brigham City, who resided at 256 Iowa street, died in a local hospital Saturday at 2 a.m. of bronchial pneumonia.
    Mr. Sackett was born in Rockland, Ill., November 22, 1841. He had been a resident of Utah for 60 years and for the last 11 years he had resided in Salt Lake.
    Surviving are nine sons and seven daughters: John of Ogden; Estress, Orvil and William Sackett of Brigham City; Ephraim, Harry and Ervin Sackett of Salt Lake and Don Sackett of Park City; and Golden D Sackett of Los Angeles; Mrs Annetta Hudson of Los Angeles; Mrs Elvira Gilbert of Ogden; Mrs Alma Jones of Provo; Mrs Laura Gilbert and Mrs Ella Johnson of Brigham City; Mrs Maude Rock of Salt Lake and Mrs Ruby Okey of Parkway, Wyo.; and his widow, Laura Andrea Sackett of Brigham City.
    Funeral services will be held in the Brigham City First ward L.D.S. chapel Tuesday at 1 p.m. The body may be viewed in the chapel from noon until 1 p.m. and interment will be in the Brigham City cemetery."
    [Transcribed from Utah Digital Newspapers image by Chris Sackett]
  • The Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Aug 1973, p C23
    Orel Don Sackett
    OREM – Orel Don Sackett, 71, died Aug. 4 in a Provo hospital of natural causes.
    Born March 28, 1902, in Brigham City to Samuel Arthur and Mary Peterson Sackett. Married Ruby Wright, 1927. She died in 1931. Married Leola Kohler, Noveber, 1933, in Salt Lake City. Marriage later solemnized in Salt Lake Temple. Employee of Geneva Plant of U.S. Steel 22 years. High priest.
    Survivors: widow, son, daughters; Ervin, Mrs. John (Marie) Carr, bothe Granger; Mrs. Joet (Ruby) Salazar, Taylorsville; Mrs. Merrill (Louise) Nelson, Hunter; brothers, sisters, Orvil, William, Mrs. Henry O. (Ella) Jonson, all Brigham City; Mrs. Julia Jones, Orem; Mrs. Theron (Ruby) Ockey, Salt Lake City; 19 grandchildren.
    Funeral Tuesday, 1 p.m., Orem 43rd Ward Chapel, 1090 N. 400 East, Friends Call Sundberg Otpin Mortuary Monday 7–9 p.m. and at church Tuesday hour before service. Burial Charleston, Wasatch County, Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from Find a Grave image by Chris Sackett]
  • Deseret News, Utah, 13 Jul 2008
    Louisa Mae Proctor Pritzkau passed over to our Heavenly Father on July 8, 2008.
    Born February 26th, 1929 to Roland and Louise (Peacock) Proctor. She was the eldest of seven. She married Clifton E. Pritzkau on October 7, 1955. They have five children, twelve grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. She loved spending time with her family. She had a very caring heart. She was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was a member of the Eagles Ladies Auxiliary. She was an avid crocheter and loved to embroider. She was always looking for new crafts and patterns to make for Christmas. Most of all her gifts were handmade. She also enjoyed all the different activities she and Clifton did with their children and horses. Her favorite was Christmas caroling, hay rides, and the Fourth of July parade.
    Survived by her loving husband, Clifton E. Pritzkau. Children, Kayleene (Russ) Driggs of Salt Lake City, UT; John Pritzkau of Battle Mtn., NV; Marie Peasnall of Battle Mtn, NV; and Milo (Tiffany) Pritzkau of Erda, UT. Twelve grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Brother, Edwin (Judy) Proctor, sister, Carolyn Proctor. Preceded in death by her parents, one son, four sisters, and two grandsons.
    Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday, July 15th at 11 a.m. at the Tooele 19th LDS Ward Chapel, 1030 South 900 West. A Viewing will be held on Monday, July 14th from 6-8 p.m. at Tate Mortuary, 110 South Main Street, Tooele and from 9:30-10:30 prior to the Funeral at the Church on Tuesday.
    Interment will be in the Tooele City Cemetery.
    [Transcribed from Find a Grave by Chris Sackett]

"Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers," digital image, Library of Congress (
Website Utah Digital Newspapers, (, digital image.