Sara Sackett

FatherThomas Sackett the younger (c 1557-1615)
MotherMartha Strowde (c 1560-1631/32)
Baptism1591, St Peter in Thanet, KentG,1
Marriage1615, BirchingtonGRichard Mockett2,3
Sara Sackett, daughter of Thomas Sackett the younger and Martha Strowde, was baptized at St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 13 May 1591.1 She died aged about 43 and was buried at Birchington, KentG, on 3 June 1634.4 She married at BirchingtonG on 6 February 1614/15, Richard Mockett.2,3 He was buried at St Nicholas at Wade, KentG, on 2 January 1627.5
     Sara would have been one of the unnamed daughters each left £5 in their father's will made at Birchington on 23 June 1615.
     Richard Mockett made his will at St Nicholas at WadeG on 30 December 1626. He left £10 to each of his sons, Valentine, John, and Richard, when they reached 21, and £10 to each of his daughters, Anne and Sara, when they reached 18. Daughter Anne was a daughter of Richard's first marriage to Catharine Coop. Richard's wife Sara was to have the use of the money for the children's education, as well as receiving the residue of the estate. The will was proved on 24 January 1627.
     Sara made her will in BirchingtonG on 22 March 1633. She appointed her brother John as executor and left her estate to him in trust to bring up her three youngest children, and to distribute her estate equally to all her children as they came of age. A witness to the will, Elizabeth Sackett, was probably John's wife. The will was proved on 12 June 1634. John died later the same year, presumably leaving Sara's children to the care of other family members.
Abstract of Will of Richard Mocket, yeoman of St Nicholas at Wade, Thanet, Kent.
Src ref: KAO PRC 32/47-45.
Date: 30 Dec 1626.
Probate: to Sara Mocket, Consistory Court of Canterbury, 24 Jan 1626/27.
Sons Valentine, John, and Richard, £10 each at 21.
Daughters Anne and Sara, £10 each at 18.
Wife Sara, use of children's portions for their education, residue of estate.
Executrix: Wife Sara.
Witnesses: Henry Stancombe, Richard See.
Abstract of Will of Sara Mockett, widow of Birchington, Thanet, Kent.
Src ref: KAO PRC 32/50-315.
Date: 22 Mar 1633.
Probate: Consistory Court of Canterbury, 12 Jun 1634.
Brother John, of St Peter, all goods & chattels in trust to bring up and educate 3 youngest children, and to distribute equally among all children as they come of age.
Executor: Brother John.
Overseer: trusted friend George Stancombe.
Witnesses: Andrew Binge, Elizabeth Sackett.

Children of Sara Sackett and Richard Mockett

Will transcript
Probate Register - Consistory Court of Canterbury
KAO PRC 32/47-45

Richard Mockett

In the Name of God Amen
December 30th 1626 I Richard Mocket of the parish of St Nicholas Atwade in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent yeoman being sicke in Body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be unto Almighty God therefore do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz
     First I commend and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my mercifull maker trusting onely by the merritts of Jesus Christ my gratious Redeemer and all sufficient Saviour to obtain everlasting salvation both of Soule and body, and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of St Nicholas aforesaid
     Item I give and bequeath unto my three sonnes Valentine Mocket John Mocket and Richard Mocket unto each of them ten pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto each of them by my Executrix hereunder mentioned as soone as they shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares And if any one or more of them die before he or they come to his or their full age of one and twenty yeares as aforesaid then my will and meaning is that the survivor or survivors shall be heir or heirs unto their or his dead brother or brothers and enjoy his or their portion or portions so dying before he or they came to his or their said age of one and twenty yeares
     Item I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Anne Mocket and Sara Mocket to each of them ten pounds of like English money to be paid unto them likewise by my said Executrix when they shall accomplish their severall ages of eighteene yeares And if either of my said two daughters do dy before they come to that age my will and meaning is that then the survivor shall be her sisters heire and enjoy the portion of her dead sister so dying before she come to her age of eighteene yeares
     Item my will and meaning is that Sara my Wife shall have the education and bringing up of all my said five children And that she shall have the use of their severall shares and portions for and towards their education until the time come that they shall severally receive the same unto their own hands as I have before willed
     All the rest of my goods and chattells ungiven and unbequeathed (my just debts, Legacies and funeral expenses paid and discharged) I give and bequeath unto Sara Mocket my Wife whome I make constitute and ordain my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former willes whatsoever
     In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
          Richard Mocket
Witness hereunto
          Henry Stancombe
          Richard See

Probate granted to Sara Mocket 24 January 1626/7

Will transcript
Probate Register - Consistory Court of Canterbury
KAO PRC 32/50-315

Sara Mockett of Birchington c1595–1634

In the Name of God Amen
March 22th 1633 I Sara Mockett of Birchington in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent widow being sicke and weake of body but sound and perfect of mind and memory thankes bee given to Almighty God therefor doe make this my last will and testment in manner and forme following
     First I Comitt and comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my mercifull maker trusting only by the merits of Jesus Christ my gracious redeemer and all sufficient Saviour to obtain everlasting salvation both of my soule and body, And my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Birchington aforesaid
     Item all my goods and chattels I give and bequeath unto my natural and welbeloved brother John Sackett of the parish of St Peter the Apostle to this only use and impose viz. that he useth part thereof doe educate and bringe upp my three youngest children or dispose of them to fitting and convenient Masters to be educated and bought upp And that he doe equally distribute the overplus and remainder of the same amongst all my children by equall and even portions as they grow upp and come to age.
     And I doe make constitute and ordayne my said brother the sole Executor of this my last will and testament And I desire my trusted and welbeloved friend Mr George Stancombe to bee the Overseer of this my last will and testament to see the same executed according to my true meaning and intent.
     In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year abovewritten
          Sarah Mockett
As witnesses hereunto
          Andrew Binge
          Elizabeth Sackett

Probate granted 12 June 1634

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "13 May 1591 Sara d. Thomas Sackett."
  2. Marriages Register, Birchington, Kent (Transcript), "6 February 1614/15 Richard Mockett of St N & B & Sara Sackett (Lic)."
  3. Marriage Licences, Canterbury, Kent, "5 February 1614/15 Richard Mockett of Birchington & Sarah Sackett of same, virgin. At same."
  4. Burials Register, All Saints, Birchington, Kent (Findmypast image), "3 Jun 1634 Sara Mockett vidua."
  5. Emails from Paul Martin-Dickin to Chris Sackett, April 2005.
Sackett lineGranddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
Sister of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
John Mockett & Anne Sackett relationship chart
Last Edited17 Feb 2023

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American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven