Dr James Sackett

FatherJoseph Sackett MD (1733/34-1799)
MotherHannah Alsop (1735-1817)
Birth1755, New York StateG,1
Dr James Sackett, son of Joseph Sackett MD and Hannah Alsop, was born, presumably in New York StateG, on 20 March 1755.1 He is assumed to have died before 1799 (not named in his father's will made on 12 March 1799). He was unmarried.1
     James Sackett was a surgeon's mate in the 14th Virginia Infantry during the American Revolutionary War and later became a surgeon in the Navy.2 While serving in the Virginia regiment, Doctor Sackett was court-martialled for "neglecting to visit and procure necessaries [i.e. latrines] for the sick of the regiment", and for "absenting himself and going to the State of New York without leave". He was acquitted of the first charge, but found guilty of the second, and was sentenced to be reprimanded by the Commanding Officer of his Regiment. Doctor Sackett resigned from the army later that month.3
     James was named in the will, made on 2 August 1780 and proved in New York on 20 September 1784, of his unmarried great aunt Johanna Clowes. He was to receive, jointly with his brother Peter and sister Millicent, one-seventh of the residue of her estate.4
     In 1790 James was living in New York City Montgomery WardG. In his household were one white male (16+), one white male under 16, three white females, and one slave.5

761. Dr. James Sackett, 1755–___, of Newtown, L. I., Paramus, N. J. and New York City, oldest son of (295) Dr. Joseph and Hannah Alsop Sackett, was, at the outbreak of the war of the Revolution, studying medicine with his father at Newtown, L. I. When a few months later his parents removed to Paramus, N. J., he went with them, and was there commissioned a Lieutenant in "Spencer's Additional Regiment." In the latter part of 1777, he resigned his commission in Spencer's Regiment and accepted the appointment of Surgeon's Mate in the 14th Virginia Infantry. Later he became a Surgeon in the Navy, and according to Riker, died unmarried.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "761. James Sackett, b. Mar. 20, 1755, d. unmarried."
  2. "U.S., Compiled Revolutionary War Military Service Records, 1775-1783" (Ancestry transcript), "Sackett, James, military date Sep 1777, military place Virginia, unit 14th Virginia Regiment, rank Surgeons Mate."; "Sackeet, James, [no date], military place Virginia, unit 14th Virginia Regiment, rank Surgeons Mate."
  3. Website Library of Congress, George Washington Papers (http://www.loc.gov), series 3g Varick transcripts, letterbook 3, image 157, George Washington General Orders, "Head Quarters Valley-Forge Tuesday April 14th 1778. At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Vose was President (April 6th 1778) Doctor Sackett Surgeon's Mate of 14th Virginia Regiment tried first, For repeatedly neglecting to visit and procure necessaries for the sick of the Regiment, 2ndly For absenting himself and going to the State of New York without leave, acquitted of the first charge, but found guilty of the second, being a breach of 5th Article of 14th Section of the Articles of War & sentenced to be reprimanded by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to which he belongs. The Commander in Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place tomorrow."
    This item appears also in The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799 (John C. Fitzpatrick, editor). (http://www.loc.gov). It is noted there that Dr James Sackett resigned on 24 April 1778.
  4. Sackett database, citing Abstracts of Wills, Vol XIII, 1784-1786.
  5. 1790 United States census, James Sacket. New York City Montgomery Ward, New York, NY. 1 white male (16+), 1 white male under 16, 3 white females, and 1 slave.
Appears inSacketts in the Military
Sackett line6th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
4th great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited1 Jan 2024
Sackett Database5877 Dr James Sackett

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