Orrin Milton Sackett

FatherAshman Sackett (1830-1914)
MotherSarah Morehouse (c 1835-)
Birth1868, IllinoisG,1
Death1933, JaliscoG,2,3
Marriage1894Anna Larson1
Marriage1926, Pachuca de Soto, HidalgoGFlorence (Baker) McKenzie4,5
Orrin Milton Sackett, miner of Colorado and later banana farmer of Mexico, son of Ashman Sackett and Sarah Morehouse, was born in IllinoisG in December 1868.1 He was first named Orange, and this is how he was recorded in the 1870 and 1880 censuses. Subsequent records have Orrin. He died aged 64 in Lake Chapala, Jalisco, MexicoG, on 28 January 1933.2,3 He was drowned when his boat capsized in a storm. He married first in about 1894, Anna Larson, who was born in Sweden and had immigrated to the United States in 1890.1 She died aged 48 in Durango, La Plata County, ColoradoG, on 31 July 1916.6 He married second in Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, MexicoG, on 21 August 1926, Florence (Baker) McKenzie, daughter of Alexander K Baker and Julie Luise ___, and former wife of James D McKenzie, who she had married in Guanajuato, Mexico, on 8 April 1918.4,5 Florence was born in about 1887.7
     In 1870 Orrin was living in DecaturG in the household of his parents Ashman and Sarah, and was recorded in the census as Orange Sackett, aged one and born in Illinois.8
     In 1880 he was living at West, McLean County, IllinoisG, in the household of his parents Ashman and Sarah, and was recorded as Orange Sackett, at school, aged 11 and born in Illinois.9
     Orrin was active in the Ancient Order of United Workmen in the late 1890s.10
     Orrin was listed as a miner in the 1897 Denver City Directory.11
     In 1900 he was living in Precinct 1, San Miguel County, ColoradoG, and was recorded as O M Sackett, tramway superintendent, head of household, aged 31. Living with him were his wife Anna, 32, and their children, Thorwald, 5, and Gertrude, aged one.12
     In 1901, Orrin was caught up in an armed riot at the Smuggler-Union mine where he was employed. Giving evidence at a court hearing in 1907, he described how he and other employees had had to run through a hail of bullets to get to the mine.
     In 1910 he was living in Pandora, San Miguel County, ColoradoG, and was recorded as Orrin H Sackett, tramway superintendent, head of household, aged 41. He rented his home. Living with him were his wife Anna, 42, and their children, Thorwald, 15, Gertrude, 11, and Orrin, aged five.13
     Orrin was badly injured in an accident in 1912. He was employed as the superintendent of tramways at the Smuggler-Union mining company and was leading a small team of men who were replacing a part of the tramway mechanism which had become detached from a cable. He climbed a tower but accidentally came in contact with a high-voltage power line, sustaining a shock which threw him to the ground some 35 feet below where he landed on a pile of rocks. He suffered cuts and severe bruising from the fall and burns from the power cable.
     Orrin was in New Jersey in 1929. His wife Florence travelled from Veracruz, Mexico, on SS Monterey, arriving in New York on 23 June 1929. She was planning to stay for six months and was to join Orrin at 1575 Palisade Avenue, Fort Lee, New JerseyG.14

Children of Orrin Milton Sackett and Anna Larson

Father of T. H. Sackett Drowns In Old Mexico
     Orin Sackett, father of Thorwald H. Sackett of the Livermore district and Mrs. Keith Bellairs of Cheyenne, Wyo., was drowned near his large banana ranch, or hacienda, in Old Mexico, Sunday morning, according to a brief telegram sent Mr. Sackett here. Thorwald Sackett left here in his airplane about 1 o'clock Sunday to fly to Mexico.
     It is understood that Mr. Sackett was drowned while in a motor boat either on a lake or on a river when a sudden storm arose capsizing the boat. When the message was sent his body had not yet been found. Whether others were drowned with him, was not learned here. From the Sackett hacienda, the people go to the nearest city by boat.
     Mr. Sackett spent most of his summers visiting at his son's home in Livermore and spent a long time there only last summer.
     Mrs. Bellairs, his daughter, will he remembered here as Miss Gertrude Sackett. She attended the Colorado Agricultural college.

Fort Collins Coloradoan, Fort Collins, Colorado, 30 Jan 1933, p 1

T. H. Sackett Returns From Father's Funeral
     T. H. Sackett of Livermore, returned Friday night from Ocotlan, Jalisco state, Old Mexico, where he attended the funeral of his father Orin Sackett, who was drowned there two weeks ago. Mr. Sackett flew to El Paso in his private plane, took the Mexican Central airlines from El Paso to Leon and then went by rail from Leon to Ocotlan, a city which is located about six miles from his father's banana plantation.
     Orin Sackett was drowned in a storm on Lake Ocotlan on the evening of Jan. 29, when a boat, powered by an outboard motor, was capsized. Mr. Sackett had sailed across the lake to Ocotlan and was returning to his home when a stiff south wind swept across the lake raising large waves.
     The boat was not more than 200 yards from the landing on the plantation when it was turned over. Mr. Sackett, who was alone in the boat, was hurled into the water and was never seen again until his body was recovered the following morning by dragging.
     Mr. Sackett is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Keith Bellairs of Cheyenne, Wyo., his son Thorwald of Livermore, and his wife Florence of Ocotlan.
     He was well known in Fort Collins and the Livermore district as he had been a frequent visitor during the summer months at his son's ranch.
     The trip by air to Mexico was uneventful, according to Mr. Sackett, as excellent flying conditions were experienced all the way.

Fort Collins Coloradoan, Fort Collins, Colorado, 12 Feb 1933, p 4

Mrs. O. M. Sackett Fails To Recover From Operation
Mrs. O. M. Sackett, who was taken to the Ochsner hospital at Durango for surgical treatment last Friday, was unable to stand the ordeal of the serious operation which was performed there Saturday, and died in that institution this morning at 11 o'clock. She was known to be suffering from appendicitis when she left here with her husband and daughter, Gertrude, and the family physician, Dr. D. A. Bronson, of the Smuggler-Union mines. It was thought that there were other complications, and when placed on the operating table it was discovered that Mrs. Sackett had a tumer and gall stones in additon to appendicitis.
     Mrs. Sackett came to Pandora many years ago, and was one of the best known and esteemed women of this section. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved relatives in their sorrow.
     Deceased was 48 years old at the time of her death. Three near relatives, her husband and two children, Gertrude and Thorwald, are left to survive her. The son, who is with the Marigold Dredging Co., at Marysville, Cal., at the present time, was wired information of his mother's demise this afternoon. H. M. Sackett, a brother of Mr. Sackett, located at South Haven, Mich., was also informed of the death.
     Mrs Sackett had been ill for some time prior to going to Durango, but was a patient sufferer, doing all she could to lighten the burden of sorrow resting on her family during the illness in which it was feared she was fast fading away. She came back from Fort Collins in April wih her children who had been attending school there and has not been at all well since that time.
     Her condition became serious on Saturday, July 22, when Dr. Bronson was called. She grew rapidly worse, and he advised taking her to the hospital during last week. Dr. Bronson left Durango Sunday morning arriving in Telluride last night. At the time he left, Mrs. Sackett seemed to be recovering from the previous day's operation, and he felt that she would soon be out of danger.
     The body will be sent from Durango tomorrow, arriving here tomorrow evening. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, 31 Jul 1916

At a regular meeting of Cornet Falls Lodge NO. 52, A.O.U.W., held last evening in Masonic hall, Deputy Grand Master Workman, W. C. Green installed the following officers of the ensuing term: M. M. W., H. R. Goff: M. W., Orrin M. Sackett: T., T. L. Sloan: O., C. R. Mc Doughal: recorder, Geo. C. Chatwin: receiver, S. B. Hall: Financier, Erl Gigelow: I. W., W. R. Collins: trustee, Geo. H. Phillips.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, Colorado, 11 Jul 1896, p 4

Cornet Falls Lodge No. 52 A.O.U.W.
Regular meetings every Friday evening at 5 o'clock in Masonic hall. Visiting brothers welcome.
Orrin M. Sackett
Geo. C Chatwin, Recorder.
L. Erl Bigelow, Financier.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, Colorado, 25 Jul 1896, p 2

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Sackett at Pandora was carrying a bottle in its hands last evening when it tripped and fell, breaking the bottle and cutting itself quite badly across the forehead, both eye lids being severed and the cut extending underneath the eye far enough to cut an artery, from which it bled profusely. Dr. Edgar Hadley was called, who treated the wound, and left the little one in as good shape as a wound of this character would permit.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, Colorado, 29 Dec 1905, p 1

Telluride Man Gives Evidence at Boise Today
O. M. Sackett Tells of Rain of Balls From Peaceful Miners at Smuggler July 3 1901 and Produces Paper Signed by St John Where the Czar Agreed to call of[f] his Mob of Murderers.
Boise, July 17:—On the opening of court this morning Richardson notified the state that the defense desired that three of the state witnesses remain in town. Judge Wood announced that prior to the opening of arguments he would notify counsel as to the main points in evidence on which he would instruct the jury. Darrow for the defense announced that the sur-rebuttal would be very short.
     O. M. Sackett, of Telluride, Colorado, for fifteen years an employe[e] of the Smuggler-Union mine, was the first witness of the day. He told of his personal experiences in the big riot at the Smuggler-Union in 1901, when, he said, he and several other employe[e]s were compelled to run through a perfect hail of bullets in order to get to the mine. He said Vincent St. John was the head of the Telluride union at the time.
     The witness next told of negotiating with St. John to have the firing stopped and reached an agreement with him.
     The witness said that as a result of the negotiations he had with St. John, an agreement between Edgar A. Collins, assistant manager of the mine, and St. John, president of the union, was drawn up and signed.
     The agreement was offered in evidence and although the defense objected, the Judge allowed it to be filed.
     The agreement was dated July 3, 1901. In it Collins agreed to cease work on the mine for a period of three days and the Miners' union agreed to refrain from violence for the same period.
     The witness then told of the killing of Arthur Collins, superintendent of the mine, the disappearance of several miners in the district and various disorders. He said the men were afraid to work and many of them were shot at on their way to the mines and it was because of these conditions that troops were brought into the district and martial law proclaimed.
     On cross-examination Sackett said the trouble in 1901 lasted only three days.
     "Then the agreement went into effect and the matter was settled and everything continued peaceful in the district until late in 1903, didn't it," asked Richardson.
     "Well, there was a sort of armed neutrality."
     Richardson read the witness and the jury another agreement entered into July 16, 1901, by the mine and the union in which it set forth that the differences between the mine and the union had been amicably adjusted, the union expressing "entire disapproval of the recent outrages: and agreeing not to molest union or non-union workers.
     Richardson asked if this agreement was not in effect up to the general strike of 1903.
     "Ostensibly." replied the witness.
     The witness justified the action of the Citizens' Alliance in taking the law into their own hands and deporting [blank space]. He said it was necessary and that they had the law of self defense to support them. He said since the deportations everything had been quiet and satisfactory in the district.
     At the luncheon recess the Judge announced that if possible he desired the state to close its rebuttal during the afternoon.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, 17 Jul 1907, p 1

Evidence Is In
Prosecution In Haywood Case Brings Case to Sudden Close
May Throw out Colorado
Fact That Hawley and Nefille Were Not Put on Witness Stand Leaves Orchard's testimony Pat.
Boise, Ida.—The great case of the people of Idaho vs. William D. Haywood is slowly nearing its end. The prosecution unexpectedly closed its case and the defense's sur-rebuttal and the judge's instructions should be disposed of quickly, so that the attorneys will probably commence their arguments by Monday morning. These arguments will last six days.
     When the state announced that it had closed, Charles Neville, the young man who was with Orchard the night the latter says he blew up the Independence depot; K. C. Sterling, the detective employed by the Teller county mine owners and who is charged by the defense with planning the Independence and other outrages; Nelson Franklin, Clarence Hamlin and A. E. Carlton were all in the chairs reserved for witnesses, waiting to be called. The failure to put them on the stand caused much commment. It is said that the state feared the testimony of more Pinkertons and mine owners would only hurt its case.
     It has been apparent that the witnesses secured by the state for rebuttal were not making a favorable impression. This was due in a measure to Mr. Hawley's handling of them, but to a greaer extent to the guelling cross-examination of Richardson.
     As an example of the showing made by some of these witnesses the testimony of O. M. Sackett, the superintendent of the Telluride Power Company, may be considered. The witness admitted assisting in the deportation of union miners. "We decided to deport all undesirable citizens from Telluride," said he. He admitted that A. H. Floaten was an exemplary citizen. He said he saw Floaten covered with blood detained on a vacant lot, hatless, coatless and shoeless, while his wife brought him clothes.
     He excused the treatment of Floaten by saying that he made speeches and harbored the unionists.
     "Don't you believe in free speech for everybody?" asked Richardson.
     "I do, providing their speech is what it should be," said Sackett.
     There was derisive laughter at this, and even Judge Wood turned to the correspondent with a deprecating smile.
     Asked to explain "harboring unionists," Sackett said Floaten was giving them supplies from his store on credit.
     "Don't you know Floaten preaches the doctrine of non-resistance?" asked Richardson.
     "That if struck on one cheek he turns the other?"
     "I never saw him do that," said Sackett."
     Judge Wood announced that he might strike out all the evidence offered by the defense relating to the conditions in Colorado. Should he insist upon this the defense will be seriously crippled in making its appeal to the jury. He will listen to arguments on this point.
     The defense will call the jury's attention to the state's failure to call Neville and Sterling. Hawley had Neville sworn but dismissed him before he could take the stand. The chief prosecutor called Sterling's name once but there was no response and he made no attempt to find the missing witness. As matters now stand the defense's charge concerning the relations between Orchard and Sterling must go uncontradicted and there is nothing before the jury to controvert Friedman's allegations concerning the methods of the Pinkertons.

Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle County, Colorado, 20 Jul 1907, p 2

O. M. Sackett Badly Injured
Just at the time of going to press the Journal was informed that Mr. O. M. Sackett, superintendent of tramways at the Smuggler-Union, had been quite seriously injured.
     Mr. Sackett was engaged in doing some work on the Little Mary tram and while on a tower came in contact with a 10,000 volt power line. He was thrown to the ground, striking on his shoulder and breaking it. At 3:45 Mr Sackett had just reached the Bullion tunnel where the doctor was making an examination to determine the extent of his injuries.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, 29 May 1912, p 1

O. M. Sackett Falls 35 feet from Tram
Came in Contact With 10,000 Volt Wire and Was Thrown to Ground Sustaining Some Severe Burns and Injuries—Not as Bad as First Reported
O. M. Sackett, superintendent of tramway for the Smuggler-Union company, met with a very serious accident yesterday while engaged in doing some repair work on the Little Mary tram. Mr Sackett came in contact with a 10,000 volt power line and was thrown to the ground, a distance of about 35 feet, sustaining some severe bruises.
     It appears that a bucket had gotten off of the tram in some manner and Mr. Sackett and his assistants were engaged in putting it back on the cable. Mr. Sackett had climbed to the highest tower of the tramway, this tower being located just at the Union dump. In some manner which he is unable to explain he came in contact with the power line and the shock which was sent through his body knocked him from the tower. He fell to the ground and landed on his back on a pile of rocks. He says he remembers nothing from the time he came in contact with the wires until he was being brought down the hill.
     He was at once picked up by his assistants who were working with him at the time and carried down to the Bullion tunnel, where he received attention until the ambulance could get there from this city and bring him to the hospital. He arrived at the hospital about 5 o'clock.
     All sorts of rumors were rife on the streets yesterday afternoon as to the result of the accident, but the Journal is gratified to learn this morning that Mr. Sackett's injuries are not nearly as serious as at first reported, although they are serious enough and will keep him on the shelf for some time. His back is very badly sprained and his shoulder is bruised up pretty badly, but is not broken as was first reported. He has a severe scalp wound and a cut over his eye. Mr. Sackett also has several burns where he came in contact with the high tension wires. One of these burns is on his leg, another on his hand and a couple on his back.
     The injured man passed a fairly comfortable night and was resting as well as could be expected this morning. The surgeons have not as yet determined whether or not he has any internal injuries, but think he has none.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, 30 May 1912, p 1

To Grand Junction.—
Mrs. O. M. Sackett and daughter, Miss Gertrude, were departures on the morning's northbound for Grand Junction, where they will visit for a short time while Miss Gertrude consults an oculist regarding some difficulty with her eyes. They expect to return home the latter part of the week.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, Colorado, 9 Sep 1913, p 4

O. M. Sackett, superintendant of tramways for the Smuggler Mining Co. accompanied by Mrs. Sackett and daughter left for Durango on this morning's train.

The Daily Journal, Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado, 28 Jul 1916

Orrin M. Sackett of Telluride spent the holidays with his children, Mrs. Keith Bellairs and Thorwald Sackett, of Livermore.

Fort Collins Weekly Courier, Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado, 11 Jan 1918, p 5

Thorwald Sackett has been entertaining his father Orrin Sackett of Telluride on an enjoyable camping trip up in the Nunn Creek country.

Fort Collins Weekly Courier, Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado, 25 Jan 1918, p 7

 Notes & Citations

  1. Census.
  2. "U.S., Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974" (Ancestry image), Form No. 192—American Foreign Service, "Guadalajara, Mexico, February 8, 1933. Orrin Milton Sackett, 64, native [of America], d. January 28, 6:30, 1933, at Lake Chapala, Poncitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Cause: death by drowning after a small canoe with an outboard motor capsized. Remains interred on property known as San Miguel de la Orilla, Poncitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Disinterment permitted after five years. Effects in possession of widow, Florence McKenzie Sackett. Accompanied by Mrs. Florence McKenzie Sackett, Apt. 23, Ocotlan, Jal. Mex., wife; Thorwald H. Sackett, Livermore, Colorado, son. Notification sent to Mrs. Florence McKenzie Sackett by mail on February 8, 1933; Thorwald H. Sackett by mail on February 8, 1933. Signed: Charles C. Gidney Jr., Vice Consul of the USA."
  3. "Jalisco, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1856-1987" (Ancestry image), "Sackett, Orrin Milton, d. registration 1 Feb 1933, Poncitlan, Jalisco, Mexico, age 63, father Ashman Sackett, mother Sarah Morehouse, spouse Florence McKenzie."
  4. "Hidalgo, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967" (Ancestry image), Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, "21 Aug 1926, Orrin M Sackett, 57, father Ashman Sackett, mother Sarah Morehouse; and Florence McKenzie, 39, father Alexander K Baker, mother Julie Luise.
  5. "Guanajuato, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1866-1929" (Ancestry image).
  6. Obituary.
  7. Marriage record.
  8. 1870 United States Federal Census, Roll M593_249, p 376B, FHL film
    Decatur, Macon, Illinois
    Sackett, Ashmon, 40, farmer, real estate $2000, personal estate $1000, b. OH
    Sackett, Sarah, 35, keeping house, b. NY
    Sackett, Homer, 13, at home, b. IL
    Sackett, Alice, 11, at home, b. IL
    Sackett, Orange, 1, b. IL.
  9. 1880 United States Federal Census, NA T9-0230/553A
    West, McLean, Illinois
    A. Sackett, head, male, married, 50, b. OH, farmer, father b. CT, mother b. Ireland
    Sarah Sackett, wife, 45, b. NY, keeping house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Alice Sackett, dau, single, 21, b. IL, at home, father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Orange Sackett, son, 11, b. IL, at school, father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Edward Sackett, son, 6, b. IL, at school, father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Thomas Godsell, other, single, 20, b. Ireland, laborer, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland
    William Underwood, other, single, 19, b. KY, laborer, father b. KY, mother b. KY.
  10. Newspaper reports.
  11. "US City Directories, 1822-1995" (Ancestry image), Denver City Directory, 1897, "Sackett Orrin M, miner, r Howard sw cor S 5th, Colfax."
  12. 1900 United States Federal Census, Page 29, Enumeration District 0120, FHL microfilm 1240129
    Precinct 1, San Miguel, Colorado, 30 Jul 1900
    Sackett, O M, head, b. Dec 1868, 31, m. 6y, supt tramway, b. IL, father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Sackett, Anna, wife, b. Feb 1868, 32, m. 6y, 2 ch, both living, b. Sweden, immigrated 1890, father b. Sweden, mother b. Sweden
    Sackett, Thorwald, son, b. May 1895, 5, b. CO, father b. IL, mother b. Sweden
    Sackett, Gertrude, daughter, b. Jul 1898, 1, b. CO, father b. IL, mother b. Sweden.
  13. 1910 United States Federal Census, Roll: T624_125; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 0148; FHL microfilm: 1374138
    Pandora, San Miguel County, Colorado, 2 May 1910
    Sackett, Orrin H, head, 41, m1. 16y, b. IL, father b. OH, mother b. NY, superintendent, tramway, home rented
    Sackett, Anna, wife, 42, m1. 16y, 3 ch, all living, b. Sweden, father b. Sweden, mother b. Sweden
    Sackett, Thorwald, son, 15, b. CO, father b. IL, mother b. Sweden
    Sackett, Gertrude, dau, 11, b. CO, father b. IL, mother b. Sweden
    Sackett, Orrin, son, 5, b. CO, father b. IL, mother b. Sweden.
  14. "New York Passenger Lists, 1820–1957" (Ancestry image), SS Monterey, dep. Veracruz, Mexico, 15 Jun 1929, arr. New York, 23 Jun 1929, "Florence McKenzie Sackett, 43, married, ranch owner, English, b. Cedar Hill, USA, temp stay visa issued at Guadalajara, Mex, 28 May 1929, permanent address Ocotlan, Mexico, contact (Fr) Eugene Kipp, Guadalajara, destination Fort Lee, NJ, passage paid by husband, previously in US in New Orleans in 1928, joining husband Orren M Sackett at 1575 Palisade Ave, Fort Lee, NJ, intending to stay 6 months, ht 5 6, complexion Fr, hair Br, eyes Gry."
Sackett line8th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
6th great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Jeff Bellairs.
Last Edited18 Jul 2021
Sackett Database6055 Orrin Milton Sackett

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven