TSFA Committee elections 2011
Candidates nominated for election to the Committee of the Sackett Family Association for a three-year term (class of 2014) are Debbie Barbee, Jean Carpenter, and Ted Smith.
As there were up to five vacancies, the elections are uncontested.

Debbie Barbee
"I have been involved with the Sackett group for some time now. My husband, who is of the Sackett line, is the reason I joined the group. Since joining, I have been privileged to get to know some wonderful people in this group. Not only has my genealogy work on the Sacketts been enhanced, but the group itself has helped me tremendously both personally and genealogy wise. I would like to continue to offer any small amount of help that I can to the group. I find the whole outlook of this group to be one I'm very impressed to be a part of. The scholarship, the reunions and the advancements that are used to enhance the website make me very proud to be a member. I would like to continue to work with this group in the future."
—Debbie Barbee

Jean Carpenter
"I would be pleased to serve again on the Committee. Although family
history has been an obsession with me for almost 40 years, my Sackett
line was something of a brick wall until I found the Sackett web site
several years ago. I have found my association with TSFA to be of
enormous value in my research, as well as a rewarding way to get
acquainted with previously unknown cousins and to visit ancestral
Sackett sites in both the U.S. and England. I am a retired editor and
now have the time and opportunity to devote more of my time to
research on my family and that of my late husband. My travels take me
(along with my computer and camera) to several different parts of the
U.S. and the U.K. on a fairly regular basis, and I'm always checking
out the research possibilities everywhere I go. I look forward to
continuing my participation in the goals and activities of TSFA."
—Jean Carpenter

Ted Smith
"I am willing to serve on the TSFA Committee. My short bio is below.
Ted Smith is one of the founding members of TSFA and has been researching Sacketts for more than 30 years. After 29 years as a geologist for California State government, Ted "retired" from his position as Supervising Geologist to earn a PhD in education. He currently teaches science, geography, and English courses at two universities online. Ted lives near Sacramento, California, with his wife and two sons (both currently in college). He is a descendant of Thomas Sackett the elder (c 1530-1595) and Joane, and has served as an officer of two churches plus some alumni and professional organizations. His full CV is available at http://home.surewest.net/tcsmith/cv.htm."
—Ted Smith