The Sackett Family Association Reunion 2012
Westfield, Massachusetts
Seated: Cliff McCarthy, Patty Chrisman, Anne Murray
Standing: Thurmon King, Steve Barbee, John Sackett
(Picture: Charles Sackett Sr)
Standing: Thurmon King, Steve Barbee, John Sackett
(Picture: Charles Sackett Sr)
Abigail (Hannum) Sacket's headstone is one of the oldest in the Old Burying Ground, Mechanic Street, Westfield: "Abigail the / Wife of John / Sacket. Shee dyed / Octo The 10 Day / Ano 1690 Aged / 49 Years."
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
Planning Committee, Sharon, Patty, and Jean, at work, with Mary trying to get a look in, and Debbie keeping well out of it.
(Picture: Chris Sackett)
(Picture: Chris Sackett)
Stuart Strothman, author of Sackett, spoke to the Sackett group about his book
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
Sharon Powalka, Mary Volberding, Chris Sackett, Stuart Strothman, Gus, James Homan
(Picture: Charles Sackett Sr)
(Picture: Charles Sackett Sr)
At Sackett Tavern—Bob, Jean, Deb, Steve, Terry, Sharon, Mike, Janice, Mary, John, Patty, Chris, Anne, Tim, Stuart, Julie, Chuck, James
Sharon presented Chris Sackett with a signed limited-edition print of a painting of Westfield in recognition of his work on the Association website
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
(Picture: Debbie Barbee)
"Old Westfield" by Jackie French Koller, the limited edition print presented at the Association dinner to Chris Sackett for his work on the Sackett Family Association website.
The Congregational Church in Warren, Connecticut, was organized in 1756, with the current building, at 4 Sackett Hill Road, dating from 1818.
(Picture: Jean Carpenter)
(Picture: Jean Carpenter)
Those attending Westfield 2012 were:

Steve Barbee
Dover Plains, New York
Dover Plains, New York