Newspaper Abstracts, Henry "X" Ackley Sackett
35 records
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Sackett, Henry "X" Ackley (1859–1938), was a talented silhouette portraitist but achieved notoriety as an adventurous eloper. |
- The St. Paul Daily Globe, Minnesota, August 10, 1887, p. 2, col. 4.
"Sawed Out With Scissors.
H. Ackley Sackett, the famous silhouette artist, made an onslaught on the Globe staff last night and sawed the entire aggregation out of black paper with a pair of No. 2 scissors and pasted them on satin ribbon in about eight minutes. The profiles were so true to life, it was decided by a unanimous vote that the artist should spell his name X. Ackley Sackett, that being a more appropriate title. Mr. Sackett claims to be the original silhouette artist, and has been at the business fifteen years, during which he has traveled extensively, and in his scrap book he carries profiles of many prominent men throughout the United States."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - St. Paul Daily Globe, Minnesota, October 25, 1887, p. 2, col. 3.
A Man Who Will Serve His Constituency for a Score of Years.
H. Ackly Sackett, the silhouettist who has been going around the country seeking whom he might silhouette, turned up in St. Paul yesterday, fresh from Duluth. While there, he caught several prominent citizens. Among them was the mayor of that city, Hon. J. B. Sutphin, whom Mr. Sackett said, seemed to be more popular in his own town than any man he had met in the Northwest. The accompanying picture is said by Mr. Sutphin's admirers to be an accurate likeness of Duluth's mayor. Mr. Sutphin, so it has been given out by citizens of Duluth, has been prevailed upon to accept the mayoralty of that place for the next twenty years. This was done at the instance of prominent real estate men, who do not like the interruption to business incident to an election for mayor, and because it was a recognized fact that no one can successfully run for that office while the present incumbent wants it. The committee wanted to make the term forty years, but his honor refused, as he said he knew when he had enough. Mr. Sutphin is the most noted philanthropist that has his home anywhere near the head waters of Lake Superior."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St Paul Daily Globe, Minnesota, 4 Jan 1888, p. 2
"H. Ackley Sackett, the silhouettist, is in St. Paul after a short visit to Dakota. The reason of his return so soon is that he broke his scissors while trying to cut out the likeness of Editor Pierce as he looked while writing his letter of resigning the duties of active journalism."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The New North-West, Deer Lodge, Montana, 17 Aug 1888
"Mr. H. Ackley Sackett, a lightning silhouette artist, hailing from New York City, is on the flanks of the Montana racing circuit this season, and is profiling our people as expertly as did the masters of his art when, fifty years ago, before the camera came in use, it was about the only method by which the mass of people could have the counterfeit presentment of their features preserved. Sackett's silhouettes will remain by the thousand in Montana after he has gone again to Gotham."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, Minnesota, September 1, 1888, p. 2, col. 1.
"H. Ackley Sackett, the nomadic silhouettist, has reached St. Paul after a tour of Colorado, Utah, and other wild western regions. According to the GLOBE's suggestion, made a few months ago, Sackett now calls himself X. Ackley. He has secured the likenesses of Gov. Adams, Joshua Whitcomb, and a host of other celebrities, and last night he caught a profile of Ignatius Donnelly. Mr. Sackett undoubtedly has the largest and most varied assortment of silhouettes and autographs in the country."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, 5 Sep 1888
"H. Ackley Sackett, the clever young silhouettist, of New York city, took up his stand in the Merchants lobby yesterday and manipulated his scissors in a manner that called forth the admiration of the by-standers."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Indianapolis Journal, 4 Feb 1894, p. 2
Having Eloped with the Elkhart Heiress, He Will Live High.
Special to the Indianapolis Journal.
ELKHART, Ind., Feb. 3.—No clew has yet been found to the whereabouts of Miss Frances Davenport, the young heiress who eloped from this city with the adventurer, H. Ackley Sackett. The matter has been placed in the hands of Pinkerton detectives, and her aunt, Mrs. J.R. Beardsley, and sister Florence, are in Chicago aiding in the search. Steps have been taken to prevent Sackett getting possession of any of the girl's property, most of which is ready money in the banks here, the estate having recently been settled. Sackett is between thirty-five and forty years old and came originally from Grand Rapids. Those who knew him there say he is a villain of the deepest dye, and bold enough for any enterprise. He is alleged to have boasted at South Bend and Laporte that he would get hold of Miss Davenport's money and have a snap the rest of his life."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, 6 Feb 1894, p. 4
Harry A. Sackett and Miss Frances Davenport Stop in Topeka,
And Sackett Falls Into the Clutches of the Law—Miss Davenport Wealthy and of Good Family in Indiana—She Is Now Stopping With George W. Crane, But Her Sister Will Come for Her Today.
The second chapter in a very interesting elopement case occurred yesterday in this city and the outcome of it was the landing of Harry A. Sackett, the more or less handsome villain with the black curly hair, in the county jail and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Crane receiving Miss Frances Davenport of Elkhart, Ind., whose young and innocent fancy has been ensnared, in their home as a guest. She is the youngest daughter of the late Senator B.L. Davenport of Elkhart, Ind., and the family is the oldest, wealthiest and most aristocratic one in that part of the state, which makes the affair doubly exciting. She is very plain and quiet in appearance; short, rather stout, with hair brushed severely back from her forehead; wears spectacles, and is 21 years of age, although in experience and demeanor she seems much younger.
On Sunday afternoon she called on Mrs. Crane, who formerly lived in Elkhart and was well-acquainted with the family, and said she was taking a pleasure trip by herself through Mexico and California, that she had seen nothing of the world and wanted to visit some relatives in San Francisco and would leave the next morning. She spent the afternoon with them and insisted on returning to the Keith block, where she had taken a room for the night, "because a young man I met on the train recommended it as a desirable place if I was traveling alone." As she is worth $40,000 in her own right they thought nothing of the proposed trip and urged her to stay with them while she was in the city. It was of no avail, however. Miss Edna Crane walked part way home with Miss Davenport and she expressed a desire to get to bed immediately and not impose upon Mr. and Mrs. Crane any farther as she was extremely tired. She had incidentally asked Mr. Crane to cash a draft for her the next morning before train time, as she had spent more money in Chicago than expected and taking all things together they suspected something was wrong. Finally Mr. Crane got a clue that she eloped and so telegraphed immediately to her sister in Elkhart and received several telegrams in reply requesting him by all means to keep Sackett in custody, not to cash any drafts, and take care of the girl as she had been in Chicago ever since she left trying to get some trace of their destination.
When she came to Mr. Crane's office yesterday morning he asked her point blank if she was married to Sackett and she said: "No, but he says we will be married in San Francisco." He explained to her what the consequences of such a step would be, and that she was not only bringing disgrace upon herself and her family, but aiding and abetting a scoundrel who was after her money. Miss Davenport seemed much surprised at his accusation, but was willing to accede to Mr. Crane's wishes and told hin that Sackett was at the train waiting for her to come and that he had her baggage checks and money drafts and she must see him. They drove to the train, but in the meantime Mr. Crane went to the sheriff and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Sackett on the charge of adultery. Arriving at the train, she pointed out the man and the sheriff took him without any trouble. He was put in the county jail and his bond fixed at $1,000. He retained Aaron Jetmore as his attorney and a preliminary hearing was set for this morning. Sackett looks like a sport who had buffeted the world and all its vicissitudes and profited by his experience. He is slender, of medium height, has a flat nose and sharp chin, and aside from a low and musical voice that rolls out with musical cadence, he is hardly calculated to entrap the affections of the feminine sex at first sight. His wiles deepen, however, upon acquaintance. He has acquired the art of being a gentleman when it is necessary with perfect ease, and converses very fluently about the situation. To a Capital reporter he said yesterday: "I lived in Topeka twenty years ago. My father kept a newstand. He moved to Kansas City and I became manager of the Lyceum bureau, and traveled as advertising man for Francis Train, The Mendelssohn Quintette and other good attractions, and always went ahead and made silhouette pictures. I am not a fakir; I have worked at cutting these pictures for twenty-seven years, and it comes natural to me. (He is now 34 years old.) My father afterwards moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is now engaged in the book business and he is a man of considerable wealth. I was arrested yesterday on a telegram from Chicago that told the sheriff to hold me for grand larceny; that is simly a scheme of Miss Davenport's family to get me. There's absolutely nothing that can hold me for in Chicago I took nothing unless, oh yes, by the way I did steal away from the town. But I'm d——d sure I wouldn't take any of the town with me, and I don't think I stole the girl. Mis Davenport and I were infatuated with each other, and I told her exactly what she was doing when she came away with me and that consequences were inevitable. Our conduct may not have been right in line with society's idea of propriety, but I have a wife in Washington, D.C., who is a Catholic and she won't divorce me. I care a great deal for Miss Davenport and my program was to take in the mid-winter fair and establish a business there. After getting the business on a good paying basis, she could invest her money in it and I would manage it. I have worked in Washington, made pictures of all the famous persons there and have their autographs. We stayed several days in Chicago as man and wife, went from there to Kansas City last Thursday and registered as man and wife, and she stayed with me here as my wife. I am very anxious to see her and have telegraphed my father to help me out of this trouble."
Miss Davenport does not seem to be in her right mind since this trouble occurred and does not half way realize the enormity of her offense. She appears to be in a hypnotized state, and answers all questions passively, but without resentment, or intelligence as to what the world or her family will think of her conduct. Her friends think temporary mental aberration may account for her manner. She has been educated all her life in first class boarding schools and has attended Laselle seminary near Boston for the last five years. Sackett is probably the first man she had ever been alone with for ten minutes. She said yesterday: "I met Mr. Sackett in Elkhart when he had a place.
I did not know that Mr. Sackett was a married man, but the understanding was that as we could not very well be married in Elkhart, we would go away and be married at the first convenient opportunity. He first wanted me to go to South Bend, but I wouldn't go there on account of knowing so many people, and so he went to LaPorte in one of the leading stores as a maker of silhouette pictures and one of the clerks introduced a party of us girls to him one day. After that I met him two or three times and he professed a great admiration for me. My mother died three months ago and I have always been the odd sheep in the flock and felt that I was in the way of my two older sisters who are not married some miles nearer Chicago, and from there he wrote several letters to me urging me to meet him. He finally set the time to meet me at LaPorte on a certain train. I took the train, he got on at LaPorte and we went on to Chicago together."
Miss Florence Davenport, an older sister will arrive today to take her sister Frances back home, and a telegram received late last night indicated that an officer from Chicago would arrive in Topeka tomorrow with a requisition for Sackett on a charge similar to that preferred against him here. It is possible that the case against Sackett in Justice Furry's court will be dismissed, as the offense in Kansas is only a misdemeanor. Under the law of Illinois it is a crime punishable by a term in the penitentiary. It is said to be the desire of Miss Davenport's friends to have Sackett tried in Chicago, where justice will be meted out to him according to the enormity of the offense."
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka State Journal, Kansas, 6 Feb 1894, p. 8
And a Designing Scamp Make All the Trouble
A Friend of the Family Arrives in the City Today—Miss Davenport Staying at Geo. W. Crane's.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Crane are getting a little more notoriety out of the Sackett-Davenport affair than they expected and a great deal more than they desire. For the sake of friendship for the young woman's family, which is one of the best in Elkkhart, Ind., Mr. Crane has been acting the part of the good Samaritan and giving Miss Davenport a temporary home at his house until her relatives can come and take her back to Elkhart.
There is some doubt whether A.H. Sackett, the eloper now in the Shawnee county jail, will be prosecuted in Topeka or taken back to Chicago. Officers from Chicago, armed with a requisition from the governor of Illinois, will arrive tonight, but the case against him for criminal relations with Miss Davenport here is entitled to trial first. Whether the case against him will be dismissed, in order that he may be tried in Chicago, is a matter of considerable doubt. It depends largely on Miss Davenport herself. Sackett is confined on default of $1,000 bond for his appearance at 10 o'clock Saturday morning for preliminary hearing before Justice Furry.
Miss Davenport's friends have employed Quinton & Quinton to help conduct the prosecution. Sackett on the other hand, has engaged A.B. Jetmore to defend him.
J.T. Lenfesty, of Waldson, Illinois, arrived in the city at midnight last night. He is a cousin of Miss Davenport, and the authorized agent of her friends and relatives in the case. Mr. Lenfesty started out two days after Miss Davenport and Sackett had gone, determined to run them down if it took a year. When he arrived in Topeka he did not know the turn affairs had taken. He had simply been informed at Kansas City that the elopers had come to Topeka. He was highly elated to find that Sackett was lodged in jail on the charges named, and was very grateful to Mr. Crane and his wife for the good influence they have exerted over the girl and their interest in her case.
Mr. Lenfesty said to a Journal reporter todaay: "Miss Davenport is a girl 20 years old, but with the judgment usually found in a girl of ten. She was as innocent and unsophisticated as any girl could be and her influences have been the best. The family is one of the most respectable in Elkhart. She had simply reached that age when she wanted someone to love her and she fell in with this villain. He is a villain of the blackest type. He has a wife and three children in Washington. I have done considerable telegraphing all over the country in this case, and the chief of police informs me his wife and children live at 1116 Robinson street, S.W., Washington. He was never divorced although he had a mistress in Elkhart. Miss Davenport has $40,000 in her own name and there is no doubt but that Sackett was after the money and that only.
"She knew Sackett only four days, and we expect to prove that he enticed her away. Before she went away she expressed great abhorrence for the man. It is my firm belief that he hypnotized her. I don't know very much about it, but that is the way I account for it. Now she appears to be coming out from under the hypnotic influences and she denounces him. She is willing that he should be prosecuted."
Miss Davenport is still stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Crane, where she has been ever since her elopement became known.
It is expected that Miss Florence Davenport, an older sister of Miss Frances, will arrive tomorrow. In that case Miss Davenport may accompany her back home at once, and with the principal witness gone, the case against Sackett here muust be dropped, and the Chicago policeman will take him away, thus ending one of the most remarkable sensations in Topeka for many months.
He Says He is Sincere in His Regard For Miss Davenport.
A.H. Sackett was seen by a Journal reporter in his cell in the Shawnee county jail last night. He had previously given orders to the jailor that he would see no reporters. He had taken off his swell coat and vest, collars, cuffs and necktie, and was reclining in his shirt sleeves. His coat was folded with great care to prevent wrinkles, and he had spread newspapers over his cot, which was not clean enough for the fastidious prisoner. He was complaining lustily to his lawyer, A.B. Jetmore, about the temperature of the room, its sanitation, the fellows in the next cell, and several other details, when the reporter called.
He finally consented to say: "Miss Davenport is nearly 22 years old, and is therefore old enough to know what she is doing. There was nothing hurried or unpremeditated about our actions. We did not act hastily. I acknowledge we had known each other only a short time, but there was a mutual attachment between us that neither of us could overcome. I confess that I cannot nor do not wish to overcome it."
"How long had you known Miss Davenport?"
"About three weeks."
"Is it a fact that you are married and have a wife living in Chicago?"
"That is a question my lawyer told me not to answer."
"The papers refer to you as a 'fakir.'"
"I am not a fakir. That is what makes me more sore than anything else about the whole business. I am not a fakir, but I pride myself on being the best living artist in my line. I do not use any but legitimate methods in my trade. I do not even 'con' them into taking my pictures. They know when they place an order with me just what they will get, and they get it."
"Mr. Crane says the young lady has repented, and is willing to return to Elkhart."
"I do not believe it. I believe she is sincere towards me as I am with her. Mr. Crane may be able to influence her to some extent, but I will never believe that. Of course she is at liberty to return to Elkhart any time she chooses to do so. If she thinks she would be happier there than with me, all right."
"Are you married to Miss Davenport?"
"Didn't you register in Kansas City and other places as man and wife?"
"I do not care to answer that question at present."
"How do you expect to disprove the charges against you?"
"You will see when the time comes. I will get out of this scrape all right, you mark my words. My father has as much money as anyone and if I don't get justice he'll know the reason why. I can give bond in any sum and pay my fine if necessary."
"Is it true that you traveled all over the world with George Francis Train?"
"Not all over the world. I traveled all over this country and in several other countries with him. That was in 1873. My father was his manager the year he called himself 'the next president of the United States.'"
"Where does your father live now?"
"In Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have sent for him to come on at once."
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Indianapolis Journal, Indiana, 6 Feb 1894, p. 5
Miss Davenport's South Bend Friends Gone to Topeka After Her.
Special to the Indianapolis Journal.
ELKHART, Ind., Feb. 5.—H. Ackley Sackett, the silhouettist and adventurer, who eloped from here with Miss Francis Davenport, heiress and youngest daughter of ex-Senator B.L. Davenport, has been arrested in Topeka, Kan., and is in jail there to-day, on a charge of bigamy. Miss Davenport and Sackett, who were out of money, applied to George Crane, a Topeka business man well acquainted here, to get him to cash a draft for her. Crane telegraphed here for instructions, and was told to use his influence to detain Miss Davenport, which he did, and relatives have gone after her to bring her back here if possible. Sackett is in jail in Topeka. He is known to have a wife and three children in Jersey City, the wife supporting herself and family by keeping a confectionery stand on a ferry boat. The newspaper dispatches that have been published all over the country led to the discovery of the couple.
Miss Davenport Will Return.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 5.—A decided sensation was created here this afternoon by the arrest of Harry A. Sackett, the silhouette artist, and detention of Miss Frances Davenport, who eloped from Elkhart, Ind., some days ago. Miss Davenport to-day called on George W. Crane, of the Crane Printing Company, an old friend of the Davenport family, asking him to indorse a check. Her actions were peculiar, which led Mr. Crane to investigate. The couple were discovered in the Keith Block, and Sackett was arrested on a charge of adultery, they not having been married. Sackett says nothing criminal existed between them. Miss Davenport says she will return home with her brother and sister, who will arrive here in the morning."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Indiana State Sentinel, 7 Feb 1894, p. 8
No Clew to the Runaways—Sackett a Married Man.
ELKHART, Feb. 4.—Special.—No clew has yet been found to the whereabouts of Miss Frances Davenport, the young heiress who eloped from this city with H. Ackley Sackett. The matter has been placed in the hands of Pinkerton detectives, and her aunt, Mrs. J.R. Beardsley, and sister Florence are in Chicago aiding in the search. Steps have been taken to prevent Sackett getting possession of any of the girl's property, most of which is ready money in the banks here, the estate having recently been settled. Sackett is between thirty-five and forty years of age, and came here originally from Grand Rapids.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 4.—Special.—Harry S. Sackett, who eloped with Florence [sic] Davenport, the daughter of Senator Davenport of Elkhart, Ind., a few days ago, is a Washington man having a wife and three children here.
The oldest is a daughter twelve years old and the youngest four. He has the reputation of being a fast man here, and left his wife and children three months ago, since which time he has not supported them.
His wife is now selling peanuts and candy to support herself and children. Steps have been taken by the relatives of the wife to have him arrested and prosecuted for bigamy."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Wichita Beacon, Kansas, 7 Feb 1894, p. 4
An Adventurer Runs Off With a Girl Worth $40,000.
TOPEKA, Feb. 6.—Harry Sackett, a fakir and maker of paper pictures by profession and a breaker of feminine hearts by inclination, is under arrest in the Shawnee county jail on the charge of bigamy and improper relations with Miss Frances Davenport, a pretty young heiress of Elkhart, Ind. The arrest was made yesterday by sheriff Burge on a telegram from Chief Shea of Chicago.
Last Saturday morning Sackett, accompanied by a pretty girl 20 years old, engaged rooms at the Keith building as man and wife, and were assigned to room 21. Miss Davenport in the meantime had run out of money, and it occurred to her that Mrs. George W. Crane of this city, was an old friend of her mother's and would be able to identify her in order to get a draft cashed. Mrs. Crane did so, but in the meantime Mr. Crane had seen an account of Miss Davenport's elopement in Sunday's papers. The young woman came into Mr. Crane's office this morning and he frankly told her the great mistake she was making. Miss Davenport admitted that she had run away with Sackett and that they were not married.
She did not appear to realize the irreparable blunder she had made. She agreed to leave him for the time being until she decides what she wants to do next. She says Sackett has agreed to marry her, but she has only his word. The officers think Sackett has another wife, as if he had not he would have married his victim before this for the $40,000 in her own name.
Sackett is an expert in his particular branch of art. Give him a pair of scissors and he will turn out a first-class profile on black paper of any subject. He is swelly dressed, and prides himself on being a lady's killer. Since he came to Topeka he has been in company with Tony Brown. Sackett's father lived in Topeka twenty years ago, and operated a bookstore. The older settlers will remember him as something of a sharper himself.
The following dispatch from Elkhart, Ind., throws some light on Sackett's conduct:
"Miss Frances Davenport, handsome and charming, has prostrated her family with grief and caused a profound sensation in Elkhart by eloping with an adventurer. The young woman, who is twenty years old, is the youngest daughter of the late Senator B.L. Davenport, who, during his life was the leading banker of this city, and owned the most sumptuously appointed residence in this part of the state.
"The man with whom Miss Davenport eloped came here three weeks ago. He gave his name as M. Sackett. He earned a living by making silk pictures. He had a woman with him who he introduced as his wife and of whom he wanted to be rid. While here he drank freely and had the appearance of a man who lived by his wits. He was known by Miss Davenport's friends to have met her two or three times, but nothing was thought of it. He left here two weeks ago. Miss Davenport told her three sisters, the mother having died a few months ago, that she was going with a lady friend to spend the day in Goshen, and packed up some of her clothing.
"It was soon learned that she had not gone there and search for her was immediately begun, her uncle, ex-Senator J.R. Beardsley, taking the matter in charge. He found that she had drawn $45 from the bank, bought a ticket for Chicago, and was joined at LaPorte by a strange man. Misses Florence and Lizzie went to Chicago in quest of her, but returned, having found no trace of her. They have since received a letter from her written at Chicago saying that when they received the letter she would be married and on her way east. Sackett told some men at LaPorte before the arrival of the train that he was going to California to take in the Midwinter fair with a girl who had $30,000 or $40,000, which is about the amount of Miss Davenport's ready money. Miss Davenport is quite attractive and no breath of suspicion has ever been attached to her name, nor was she given to the society of gentlemen. She is now known to have had clandestine meetings with Sackett during his stay here.
"Sackett claims to have gone around the world with George Francis Train."
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Wichita Daily Eagle, Kansas, 7 Feb 1894, p. 5
After Running Away With an Indiana Heiress He is Arrested for Bigamy.
When the old Main street theater was running in full blast the Sacket-McCoy Comedy-company played there to crowded houses every night. Both partners were mashers, and the number of young girls that were mashed on them was alarming. The show went up like a balloon, but after a week or ten days engagement the company busted and had nothing for assets but a fine stock of cupid's darts. After leaving here they went with a traveling medicine company owned by Diamond Bell, but both of them left with company. McCoy eloped with the daughter of a Mulvane merchant and Sacket took for his partner a young girl who lived then in this city, named Fay Ellsworth. At Winfield he left her and ran away with the wife of the patent medicine doctor's, with whom he was traveling.
At Topeka a few days ago a Henry Sacket got into trouble and his description answers our Harry to a dot. It appears that he is still at his old trade pf breaking hearts and making pictures, for the Harry that was here made a peculiar kind of fancy paper pictures, while he was off the stage—between acts, so to speak.
The Topeka Journal has the following to say about the gentleman:
[There follows the same story as that in the Wichita Beacon of 7 Feb 1894, presumably also from the Topeka Journal.]
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, 7 Feb 1894, p. 5
Sackett Said to Be Wanted for Embezzlement.
A Gentleman Coming Today to Identify Him—Miss Davenport's Relatives in Topeka.
Miss Frances Davenport, the wronged girl from Elkhart, Ind., is still in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Crane. The outlook for Harry A. Sackett, the deceiver, is anything but promising, and developments yesterday strengthen the belief that he is an adventurer, who has had little education, but made up for it in experience acquired in knocking around the world. He seems to be a clever rogue and has lived up to this time very successfully by his wits. He may have an opportunity to use them in the penitentiary before long. Mr. John T. Lenfesty of Waldron, Illinois, a cousin of Miss Davenport, who has big milling interests in Illinois, and W.S. Howland, her brother-in-law, a wholesale milliner in Denver, arrived yesterday to arrange matters and commended Mr. Crane for his action in the case. Mr. C.J. Wiggemeyer, a special detective from Chicago also arrived yesterday to see that Sackett was held in custody. The sister remained in Chicago at the Grand Pacific hotel awaiting instructions, for it is probable Sackett will be taken to Illinois for trial on another charge. A woman has been out for the arrest of a man answering Sackett's description in every particular, since last August on the charge of embezzlement and the man who swore to the warrant will arrive today to identify his man. He is the manager of a large bicycle company and H.A. Sackett was a trusted agent, who got away with about $450. The name, even to the initials, is the same, and the description of this man coincides perfectly with this man, even to the peculiar nose that seems to have been broken in the middle. Mr. Lenfesty corroborated everything that had appeared in the Capital yesterday from Mr. Crane's information and added: "It is true that Frances is weak minded, and never having been in the company of men before she was easily deluded. The fact that she has not the slightest sense of shame at her conduct, and is willing to answer all questions without resentment or surprise is enough to convince anyone that she is weak-minded and partially under a power this man has wrought over her. I started out Sunday to look for her, but all day Saturday there were 160 detectives in Chicago looking for her and two or three in every theater with her picture. She left home Thursday, went directly to Chicago and they stopped there but a few hours, leaving at 6 o'clock in the evening for Kansas City. When she left home she had $80, all of which is gone, except $1 that she spent in Chicago and $1.80 that she has now. He carried the pocketbook. The draft that Mr. Crane was asked to cash would have been for $200. He wanted her to get $500 but she refused. I went to the jail yesterday afternoon to see Sackett and the moment I looked at him I remembered that I had seen him selling pictures in Chicago five or six years ago, and he acknowledged finally that he had been there. He protested that he loved Frances as much as she did him, and that his attorney had told him he could get a divorce from his wife in Washington, D.C. That I do not believe, for he is as afraid as death of his wife and confessed to someone else that if she thought there was a woman in the case, she wouldn't grant a divorce; besides, she is a Catholic."
Sackett said yesterday: "I love Miss Davenport and wanted to marry her, but —— I was married in 1881 by a Catholic priest, and have three children. My wife and I separated but made up our troubles in 1888 and lived together until last April."
Mr. Lenfesty says he has reason to believe that Sackett has another wife and child, but will not tell where they are. The wife in Washington, D.C. will come out here if her expenses are paid, if circumstances make it necessary. The requisition papers for Sackett from the governor of Illinois will arrive today, so it is probable nothing will be done with him here on the girl's account, if he is the man the bicycle manager is looking for. Mr. Lenfesty says that he has an idea that other charges will be brought against him before he gets to Chicago.
Sackett has been cautioned by his attorney, Aaron Jetmore, not to talk to anyone, and attempts were made all day yesterday to get Miss Davenport to go to the jail and consult with Sackett or Mr. Jetmore. Her relatives would not admit Mr. Jetmore to the house on any condition, and would allow no conference.
Miss Davenport is the only one who appears unconcerned in the affair. She was not at all confused when her relatives arrived yesterday, and answered their questions without hesitation. Mr. Lenfesty said to her: "Frances, didn't you know that this fellow came to Elkhart with a woman he called his wife, and that he left her to come to you?" "Yes," she replied without apparent interest. "Did you know that between LaPorte and Chicago he went into the buffet car and got liquor four times?" "Yes."
"Well are you satisfied with a man who offers you hand-me-down love of the worst kind? Can you have any respect for yourself?"
To this she gave no reply, but in the course of conversation said she was willing to go home and glad that they had come for her. "The papers have made such a fuss over it," she said, "and represented it as such a terrible misdemeanor I am glad I left him."
This speech indicates her condition. She is undoubtedly in love with Sackett and if left to herself with him free, she would yield to his persuadings, but her family will guard against anything of the kind in the future. Mr. Lenfesty says her sister is crushed over her actions and can not conceive of Frances, who has been kept such a child, running off with a man. "Why," he said, "she reads 'Little Women' and that kind of literature, and at home, was as pure-minded a girl as ever lived." She does not betray any interest at his misfortune in being in jail and is indifferent to all the circumstances. When Mr. Crane asked her if Sackett hypnotized her she said: "I couldn't help doing anything he wanted me to."
If the requisition papers arrive today Miss Davenport will be taken home and received into the family fold.
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 7, 1894, p. 5, col. 3.
"Eloper Sackett Wants Assistance.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 6—Eloper Sackett is still in jail. He has wired his father in Grand Rapids for assistance, and still is confident he will be released, as he has done nothing to cause his arrest. Miss Davenport's brother-in-law, W. H. Howland, of Denver, arrived this morning and Miss Fanny Davenport this evening. Miss Frances will probably go to Denver for a few weeks."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 7, 1894, p. 5, col. 7.
"An Eloper Caught.
Topeka, Kan., Feb. 6.—An officer arrived here this afternoon with a warrant for the arrest of Sackett, the man who eloped from Elkhart, Ind., with Miss Davenport, and he will be taken to Chicago to answer to the charge of larceny as well as bigamy. It is not decided whether Miss Davenport will go to her sister in Denver or return to Indiana."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1894
Repudiates the Son Who Deserted Him in His Poverty
Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 6
Hackley Sackett, the silhouette artist arrested in Topeka after eloping with an Elkhart heiress, today wired his father, who lives here, a pathetic appeal for funds to help him out of his scrape. The message was returned to the telegraph office marked "refused." Thirty years ago Sackett senior was one of the best known lecture and concert managers in the country, and he gave his boy a superior education. When he lost both his health and money the boy ignored him, and the broken-down old man came here and began peddling newspapers about the hotels. He is still doing this, and is now worth $12,000 or $15,000. The old man states that his son has a wife and three children in the East. He married a sister of Mrs. Howe, the wife of the Eastern Manager of the American News company, and the deserted family is now living with the Howes in their New York home."
[Researched by Kari Roehl] - Topeka State Journal, Kansas, 9 Feb 1894, p. 3
Two Dispatches Relating to Sackett Received Today.
Will Probably be Dismissed—A Requisition Issued by Gov. Matthews of Indiana.
When the case of A.H. Sackett, charged with criminal relations with Miss Frances Davenport is called in Justice Furry's court at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, it will be either continued or dismissed; continued, if officers from the east fail to arrive to take Sackett back on another charge, and dismissed if they do arrive and want him. In either event he will not be prosecuted here.
A friend of Miss Davenport told a Journal reporter today that unless Sackett could be sent to jail without the testimony of the young woman, he would never be punished. "The disgrace and humiliation of her testifying to all that occurred after their departure from Elkhart would not compensate for the satisfaction of placing the villain behind the bars, where he deserves to be. The relatives dread this more than the escape of Sackett. The fact is they are trying to materialize some of the numerous cases for which he is wanted in the east."
An Associated Press dispatch from Elkhart would indicate that quite another course had been decided upon by her relatives at home.
The Elkhart Dispatch.
ELKHART, Ind., Feb. 9.—The family of Miss Frances Davenport, who eloped with the adventurer, Sackett, has decided to prosecute Sackett. He may be compelled to serve a term of imprisonment and pay a fine of $500.
The necessary steps for the prosecution were taken in the circuit court and Sheriff Crull has gone to Indianapolis to secure requisition papers.
The Indianapolis Dispatch.
A later telegram from Indianapolis says:
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 9.—A requisition was this morning issued by Governor Matthews on the governor of Kansas for H.A. Sackett, who is wanted at Elkhart, Ind., on account of the part he took in an elopement with Frances Davenport. The sheriff of Elkhart county left with the requisition in a hurry, as the Chicago authorities want Sackett on a charge of embezzlement. He is under arrest at Topeka.
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Indianapolis Journal, Indiana, 9 Feb 1894, p. 8
Claim of the Elkhart Heiress Who Eloped with an Adventurer.
Gov. Matthews Issues a Requisition for Return of H. Ackley Sackett from Topeka, Kan.
At 7 o'clock last night Governor Matthews issued a requisition on the Governor of the State of Kansas. The document was placed in the hands of Sheriff Crull, of Elkhart county, and will, if honored, entitle him to the possession of H. Ackley Sackett, adventurer and alleged hypnotist, who is under arrest in Topeka. The papers were made out at the office of the Secretary of State last night. The officer shoved them into his satchel and snapped the lock.
"I am off on a race against time and those Chicago detectives," he sang out, as he left the Statehouse and hastened toward the Union Station. The prisoner whom he expects to take back to Elkhart in a few days is one of the shrewdest adventurers in the country, and is wanted at Elkhart for a particularly bright demonstration of his talent.
The specific charge against Sackett is fornication, although it is thought that he can be held responsible for other acts of a criminal nature. For two weeks the daily papers have been full of accounts of the sensational elopement of Sackett with Florence [sic] Davenport, the Elkhart heiress, who, it is now claimed, was under a hypnotic influence during her travels with the man. Sackett left Elkhart during the early part of last week and was joined at LaPorte by Miss Davenport two days later. They were located at Topeka, Kan., the first of this week, where Sackett was arrested on the charge of adultery. The operations of the prisoner for two months previous to his arrest were exceedingly rapid. He turned up in Elkhart about two months ago in company with a young woman whom he introduced as his wife. Sackett was an artist. He secured quarters in one of the leading business houses of Elkhart, and created something of a stir by making fine silhouette pictures, which he fashioned with perfect ease. He wore fashionable attire, was good looking, and had a bold, fascinating manner that made him the talk of the town.
Among those who grew interested in Sackett's dashing ways and his novel art was Miss Frances Davenport, an orphan and an heiress. Miss Davenport is twenty-three years old, a plump, pretty little blonde, and has in her own right a fortune of $40,000. She was prominent in society and belonged to one of the best families in the town. Her parents are both dead, and the little lady ruled the household of older sisters with a high hand. She was the pet and pride of the home. Although Miss Davenport spent a great deal of her time in the establishment where Sackett displayed his art, her name was not coupled with that of the artist by the gossips, and her conduct was not called in question. When Sackett and his alleged wife left Elkhart they went to South Bend, where they remained a few days. In the Davenport home the name of Sackett was not heard, and apparently he had passed out of the mind of the youngest daughter.
Last Thursday the young lady disappeared mysteriously, and Elkhart society circles were stirred by a mighty sensation. For twenty-four hours it was not known where the girl had gone. Her uncle, who is president of the First National Bank of Elkhart, began at once to seek for information regarding her, and was not long in learning that she had gone astray. Reports from LaPorte, one of the neighboring towns, revealed information of the missing heiress. She had been seen there with Sackett, who appeared a day or day before her arrival. He had been heard to remark that he was "solid with a forty-thousand dollar heiress," and this fact, coupled with the absence of Miss Davenport, convinced the relatives of the wayward girl that the couple had fled together. The family were in despair, and determined to pursue the couple. Until the first of this week nothing was heard of them.
On Monday a message came to the president of the Elkhart Bank. It was from the cashier of a Topeka, Kan., bank, and asked as to the credit of Frances Davenport. The Elkhart banker at once recognized the significance of the message, and wired the Topeka bank officials the story of his niece's flight. Instructions were also sent to arrest Hackett [sic], and the following day the sister and an aunt of the erring girl hurried on to Topeka. There they were put into possession of a strange story.
The young woman asserted that what she had done was through no fault of her own. She was powerless to help herself. She charged that Sackett was the possessor of a strange influence, which she described as hypnotism, and which she said he had exerted over her. She said that from the moment she met Sackett he controlled all her actions. The aunt and sister remained in Topeka but a short time, and then went back to Elkhart, arriving there yesterday. They learned that when Sackett and the girl reached Topeka they were short of funds, and Miss Davenport suggested that they go to one of the banks and secure a draft on the Elkhart bank. The plan was adopted, and the cashier, without a knowledge of the true facts, wired the Elkhart bank simply as a matter of precaution. It is understood that Sackett left his alleged wife at South Bend without money and with naught to console her but a pet dog. The family of Miss Davenport have decided to prosecute Sackett on the fornication charge, the maximum term of imprisonment for which in this State is six months and a fine of $500. The necessary steps for the prosecution were made in the Circuit Court at Elkhart yesterday. Sackett is also wanted in Chicago. It is alleged that he was formerly employed by a bicycle firm in that city and embezzled an extensive sum of money. He has a wife and two children living in Washington, D.C. He left his family abruptly a year ago. The prosecuting attorney of Elkhart county is preparing to introduce the charge of an undue influence through the medium of hypnotism, and it is the belief of the family that Miss Davenport's statement in this particular is true. Sackett is thirty-two years old, and has traveled all over the country making silhouettes and giving sleight-of-hand performances."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka State Journal, Kansas, 10 Feb 1894, p. 8
Lawyer Jetmore Thinks Miss Davenport Has Left Town.
Interesting Sparring Match in Justice Furry's Court This Morning—Some More About Sackett.
A.H. Sackett was taken before Justice Furry today for his preliminary hearing in the case of the elopement with Miss Frances Davenport of Elkhart, Ind. He was represented by Aaron Jetmore and the prosecution by Deputy County Attorney Urmy, assisted by E.S. and A.B. Quinton.
There was a lengthy legal controversy regarding the continuance asked for by the state. Mr. Jetmore objected.
"Are you ready for trial?" Mr. Quinton inquired of Mr. Jetmore.
"I decline to answer that question. The prosecution must first say whether they are ready or not."
"Do you want a jury?"
"I don't care. Are you ready for trial? Yes or no."
"I cannot say at present."
Finally Quinton & Quinton asked for a continuance on the ground that their witnesses were not present. They said they wanted to get Sackett's wife from Washington.
"I protest," said Mr. Jetmore springing to his feet. "I do not believe Miss Davenport is in the city, but on the contrary has been spirited away and has no intention of prosecuting this man. He cannot be prosecuted without her. She was subpoenaed, why is she not here? It is not our fault and under the circumstances it is customary to discharge the defendant.
"Sackett has been in jail a week and it is an injustice to keep him confined any longer on a charge that cannot be proven. Sackett may have gone astray in this instance but he is only a man. The young woman is 22 years old and did what she did with her eyes open. It is charged that Sackett has ruined her reputation forever but I will wager that her friends have done a hundred fold more to damage her than has Sackett.
"What is more his bond is unusually high. One thousand dollars for a case of this sort is extremely high. If the case must be carried out I hope to see the bond reduced to a reasonable figure which he can furnish, or else ordered out on his own recognizance. He proposes to stay and fight this case and has no intention of skipping the town."
"He is probably in love with our climate," remarked Mr. Quinton dryly.
"Will Miss Davenport be here when the case is called again?" Mr. Jetmore demanded of Mr. Quinton.
"She will be subpoenaed," replied Quinton.
"Will you give your word on your professional honor that she will be here?"
"I will answer such questions out of court."
Judge Furry surprised Jetmore by saying that his court had no jurisdiction to try Sackett, but merely to give him a preliminary hearing. The judge refused to reduce the bond, and continued the case until next Thursday, the 15th, at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Jetmore asked that his protests in the case be recorded, in order that he might get the benefit of them when the case is called again.
Sackett's Wives.
Sackett appears to be a much married man. Besides the wife and three children he is known to have in Washington, D.C., he is said to have a wife and two children in Asbury, N.J., and a wife and two children in New York, according to the press dispatches.
A dispatch from Asbury Park to the New York Herald says: "Chief of Police Shay of Chicago today sent a telegram to Chief of Police William H. Smith of this place asking him if H. Sackett, who formerly lived in Asbury Park, was married. Last week Sackett eloped with Miss Frances Davenport, youngest daughter of the late Senator L.D. Davenport. Sackett is a silhouette artist, and had a stand in the Asbury avenue pavilion at this place in 1889-90. With the assistance of Caleb L. Bailey he inaugurated and successfully carried out the first annual baby parade in 1890. His attention to women on the board walk was such that Mr. Bradley requested him to leave, and before the close of the season he packed his traps and got out of town. He has a wife and two children, and this fact has been telegraphed to Chief of Police Shay."
Another telegram from Chicago says: "H. Sackett, who eloped from Elkhart, Ind., with Frances Ddavenport, has a wife and two children in New York. Sackett married a sister of Mrs. Howe, wife of the eastern manager of the American News company, and the deserted family is now living with the Howes in their New York home."
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka State Journal, Kansas, 15 Feb 1894, p. 5
He Will Reside in Topeka For a Time.
Congratulated on His Escape from Justice by Prominent People.
Topeka is to have an addition to its criminal element, fortunately only for a short time it is hoped. Sackett is going to stay here.
Harry Ackley Sackett is a free man. When he appeared before Justice Furry this morning for his preliminary hearing the justice announced after a consultation with the attorneys involved, that the case against Sackett had been dismissed and Sackett was discharged.
Sackett is somewhat hard of hearing and he did not know what the judge said until his attorney, Aaron Jetmore, repeated it. Sackett said "Thank You," to the court and accompanied Lawyer Jetmore to his office.
He will not leave Topeka. He has been given too much free advertising not to take advantage of it. He will open up a stand at Burkhart's cigar store, 801 Kansas avenue, where he will make silhouette pictures at so much a picture, where he expects to do a big business with the curious people of Topeka.
Sackett said to a Journal reporter shortly after his release:
"I have been twelve days in jail. That is a new experience to put down on my tab. I have no complaint to make, however. At the jail they gave me the best cell in the prison and I was treated pretty well.
"I think the papers of Topeka have been too severe in their statements of the case, but under the circumstances I have no kick coming. You may say I am going to open a stand at Burkhart's cigar store, where I will be glad to see the curious people of Topeka in a professional way."
"Do you know where Miss Davenport has gone?"
"I am reliably informed that she has been taken back to Illinois by her aunt. I suppose her friends will make an effort to show that she has gone to Denver or somewhere else to hide her identity as much as possible."
"What is the truth of these stories about your wife and family in Washington being destitute?"
"My wife is making about eight or ten dollars a day. That is more than I have been making lately, but you know there are women who want the earth. We separated by agreement and she kept the children because she wanted to."
"How do you account for none of the requisitions against you having materialized?"
"That was all bluster. I am not wanted for any offense back east. If I were wanted you must know that I would have sense enough not to use my own name and continue my profession as a silhouette artist."
After Sackett's discharge a large circle of people, many of them old settlers who remembered his father, pressed around him, shook his hands and offered their congratulations. Among those who did this were G.G. Gage and John T. Morton. Sackett had admitted to reporters and in fact everybody else, that he was guilty of criminal relations with Miss Frances Davenport, but as certain technical forms of law were not complied with he goes free. He is a foul scamp and the sooner he gets out of town the better for the town.
The Family Sick of the Notoriety Given Them by the Affair.
Miss Davenport returned yesterday with her relatives, and she expresses herself as being very thankful for being rescued from the man Sackett. She was in the city, however, when Lawyer Jetmore made the charge that she had been "spirited away."
A conservator has been appointed over her property to protect her from the wiles of any other unprincipled adventurers who may try to get into her good graces on account of her wealth.
A relative of Miss Davenport says the reason Sackett was not taken back to Indiana is because the feeling against him there has run very high, and the threat has been freely made that he would tarred and feathered, and they feared serious results from violence. This would have been very distasteful to her sisters, and they were sick and completely worn out with the excitement and notoriety caused by the unfortunate occurrence.
They were in Chicago on the night of the elopement, and had as high as 160 detectives and police officers on the search with photographs and descriptions. Every theatre and place of amusement was thoroughly searched.
Sheriff Crull of Elkhart county came here last week, with a requisition from the governor of Indiana, to take him back for trial there. The principal witness against him would have been the woman that Sackett took to Elkhart as his wife, and whom he deserted for Miss Davenport.
Sheriff Crull was in the court room when the case was up for hearing last Saturday. He sat next to Sackett and while in conversation and apparently sympathizing with him, he was studying the man pretty thoroughly for a future acquaintance.
After he arrived on Friday night with the requisition, the attorneys thought it best to take a continuance in the case and in the meantime to send Crull to Wichita to get the signature of the governor to the warrant, and have it issued by him in preference to taking one that was signed by the governor and not issued by him in person. He was detained at Newton and Emporia by the snow blockade until Monday evening, when he returned. He learned that the relatives east wished to discontinue further proceedings. He remained here until yesterday afternoon in hope of a change in programme that would give him the pleasure of Mr. Sackett's company on his way home. He was sadly disappointed that he had to go home alone.
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - The Farmers' Union, Memphis, Missouri, 15 Feb 1894
"—H. Ackley Sackett, who induced Miss Frances Davenport, of Elkhart, Ind., to elope with him, is in jail at Topeka, Kan."
"—H. S. Sackett, arrested at Topeka, Kan., with an Elkhart, Ind., girl, must answer a larceny charge in Chicago."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah, 15 Feb 1895, p. 8
Warned Against the Silhouette Artist who "Did" Salt Lake.
After Attempting Suicide Here He Went to San Francisco Where He Figures in Other Sensations.
Salt Lakers will easily remember X. Ackley (that individual's interpretation of the word exactly) Sackett, the famous silhouette artist, who for nearly a year was so familiar a figure about the amusement resorts in and near this city.
During the last days of the Wonderland performances and for a considerable time prior thereto he amused and astonished large numbers of people by his remarkable skill as a silhouettist. When summer came last year he was a constant operator at Saltair, Garfield and the parks, and did a rushing business in his line. While he made money in large amounts he spent it very freely and lead a life that was gay in the extreme. During the latter part of the season he entered upon a round of dissipation which was brought to a termination by the artist attempting suicide in an East Temple street saloon one night by repeatedly stabbing himself in the breast with a pen knife. Companions prevented him carrying out his intentions and he was placed under restraint and watchcare for a few weeks and on recovering he quieted down and a little later disappeared from the city.
Wednesday's San Francisco Chronicle contains a lengthy account of another sensational chapter in the artist's life together with two silhouette cuts of himself one of them his own work, the other by a "brother artist." The article was as follows:
It was with feelings of surprise akin to horror that the Pure Food people at the Pavilion learned that a gay Lothario was lurking in their midst. The news came from Denver, where a confiding maiden is supposed to be pining away all for love of X. Ackley Sackett, the charming silhouette artist of national fame.
In a letter sent to the Food Exposition X. Ackley was depicted as a truly phenomenal cracker of hearts. He was alleged to have left a trail of those bleeding organs from one side of the continent to the other, and was looking for fresh conquests. For the future peace and happiness of maidens fair, the Denver correspondent suggests that Sackett be chucked out bodily from the food tournament.
X. Ackley has a stand or booth in the Pavilion where he cuts silhouettes in black and white and smiles upon the passing throng. He does not look like a gay deceiver and denies that he is one. If love-lorn ladies persist in following Mr. Sackett around at their own expense that is no fault of his, the artist argues. It is due to his winning ways.
The charge made against the picture cutter is that he once eloped with an $80,000 heiress from Elkhart, Ind., and spent the honeymoon, such as it was, in jail. As X. Ackley had a wife and three children at the time, the friends of the girl naturally objected to his conduct. So they had the silhouettist locked up in Topeka, Kan., and took the girl home. The artist admits that he was at one time quite gay and debonaire, but that did not coax the maiden from her own fireside. She followed him in spite of his strenuous efforts to elude her vigilance. According to the stories published at the time Sackett dropped in on Elkhart last February and went to making pictures of prominent citizens.
He was accompanied by a pet dog and a woman supposed to be his wife. During the week that X. Ackley operated in Elkhart he made the acquaintance of a young woman, the daughter of a state Senator, who had $80,000 in her own right. They eloped but were captured and wrenched apart in the bleeding state of Kansas.
Sackett was not prosecuted, as the girl was of age and supposed to know what she was doing. relatives in Denver took charge of her and she is there yet.
About three months ago the silhouette artist came to this city, and has since been plying his vocation in prominent localities. He has a stand in the Baldwin hotel lobby. Not long ago X. Ackley achieved some notoriety and a black eye in the famous conflict between actors and waiters in the Louvre. When the food show opened, the artist opened a booth at the Pavilion, but as business was not very good he closed the engagement.
In reference to the elopement Sackett says that the girl followed him away from her home. On leaving Elkhart he went to South Bend and then to La Porte, at both of which places the heiress telegraphed her intention of joining the fascinating artist. But he said, "Nay, nay, Pauline," or words to that effect, so he says. On departing from La Porte Mr. Sackett was joined by the foolish maiden, who accompanied him to Chicago. She had some money and a trunk full of clothes, so the pair journeyed westward together. They stopped a while in Kansas City and then journeyed on to Topeka. Meanwhile all the detectives in that quarter of the globe were camping on the trail of X. Ackley.
"When we got to Topeka," Sackett said last night, "I went into the depot for breakfast. On going back to the train I found the girl under arrest, and the officers took me on a charge of having swindled a bicycle firm. But that was only a trick to keep me in jail until the relatives of the girl could take her away. Then I was set free."
As to the charge of having two wives, one in Washington, D.C., and the other in New Jersey, the silhouettist says the ladies are one and the same. He and his wife used to live in Washington, but she is now selling peanuts on a Jersey ferryboat. They were married fourteen years ago, but separated in 1884. Sackett says he intends to remain here and secure a divorce."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald, Los Angeles, California, 29 Mar 1895, p. 7
We have engaged the services of Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, the greatest living Silhouette artist, who will be in our store from one o'clock today until further notice. Mr. Sackett will cut pictures from life for all who purchase 50c worth of goods or more. This will be one of the great store attractions. Come in and see how the artist does it."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Herald, Los Angeles, California, 30 Mar 1895, p. 7
Store attractions are crowding thick and fast. Tonight from 7 till 10 the store will remain open. Doh's orchestra will furnish music. You will be royally entertained with the handsomest and most extensive decorations ever put up in the West. All day Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, the greatest Silhouette artist in the world, will cut pictures free for evry purchaser of 50c worth or more of goods. He is specially good with the children's pictures. Mr. Sackett has cut pictures for the most prominent personages in the world. Hundreds took advantage of this offer yesterday and had their pictures made. Every one has been delighted. Before Daguerre was born this was the only means known for taking pictures from life. Not retrograding but progressing. We show the difference between modern photography and ancient art. When this artist leaves the city he carries with him the peculiar faculty he has developed. There is no one else his equal. For a trifling purchase you can now avail yourself of this splendid offer. …
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The San Francisco Call, California, 5 Dec 1895, p. 10
Commencing Friday, December 6, 1895, and until further notice, the celebrated Silhouette Artist, Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, will cut pictures free for every purchaser of 50 cents' worth of goods and over, at the
1028 Market Street,
Fletcher & Co., Proprietors.
Wonders in Prices.
Wonders in Drugs.
Wonders in Toilet Articles,
Call and See Our Wonders.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, 22 Aug 1896, p. 4
[A news story following the death of Orsemus Sackett, headlined HE LIVED IN TOPEKA, included the following mention of his son Henry:]
At that time nearly everybody in Topeka knew him [Orsemus], for he was then the character of the town. Two sons survive him. One of them, Harry, was his office boy while he conducted his lecture bureau. Harry figured in a sensational incident over a year ago. He eloped from Elkhart, Ind., with Frankie Davenport, a belle of the town, and the runaways were arrested at Topeka. Sackett fixed up the matter by marrying the girl. She left him afterwards and went to Washington, securing a divorce a few months ago.
[Researched by Ted Smith and transcribed from image by Chris Sackett] - Minneapolis Journal, Minnesota, August 29, 1896
He Left Three of His Sons Legacies of $1 Each
Some Valuable Lots in St. Paul Being Among the Rest Properties.
X. Ackley Sackett, a genial silhouettist, who has won many friends in Minneapolis, returned to the city yesterday from Grand Rapids, Mich., where he was summoned to attend the funeral of his father, Orsemus Sackett, which occurred a week ago yesterday.
Orsemus Sackett was 70 years of age, and was well known in his day as a newsman and amusement manager, and, though in many respects he was called eccentric, his funeral was attended by a large number of people, conspicuous among whom were the newsboys of Grand Rapids.
The pallbearers were carriers on the daily papers.
The Rev. Thomas W. Illman, who preached the funeral sermon, said of the dead man that he had not been an eccentric whose qualities were repellant, but one who attracted much sympathy. He was a man of untiring will and wonderful energy; one who did not let the grass grow under his feet.
"We do not know," continued the minister, "that he was soured against the world, but in his manner of living he separated himself from the rest of the world and lived a life apart from his fellows. He may have made no profession of religion. I am not here to make him out a saint, as is too often done in such cases. I am told that he had no belief in the hereafter. His belief or nonbelief does not alter the truth, and we believe that he knows now what we only see with the instinct of mind and heart."
The Grand Rapids Democrat, from which the above facts are taken, published in full the strange will of the peculiar old man. To his three sons he left $1 each and to his nieces, Anna and Eva Sackett of Croton, Mich., he left an amethyst ring and a gold watch, "to be divided between them as they shall agree."
To these two nieces and five grandchildren and great grandchildren the will assigns all the remainder and residue of the estate, but under the most peculiar conditions. All the property is to be converted into money, which is to be deposited with the People's savings bank of Grand Rapids, Mich., where it is to remain at interest for nineteen years, at the end of which time it is to be gradually distributed among the persons named.
As the two nieces are middle-aged women already, they will not come into enjoyment of the property until life's end is near. Immediately after the reading of the will one of the nieces said that she was sure that her uncle had intended to cancel that part of the will relating to the nineteen years before the distribution. Mr. Kelsey, the executor of the estate, said he was of Miss Sackett's opinion. X. Ackley Sackett, the silhouettist, who had been cut off with $1, though he had always been his father's favorite, assured the nieces that he would assist them in getting the objectionable clause set aside and they in turn assured him that as he had always been good to his father they would divide with him if the courts ruled out the peculiar clause. The estate is believed to be worth about $20,000 or $25,000, among the property holdings being two valuable lots at St. Paul."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - Evening Star, Washington, D.C., 12 Oct 1899, p. 10
"Ackley Sackett, the celebrated silhouette artist, has been engaged by Joseph Auerbach, the men's outfitter and hatter, 623 Pa. ave., beginning from today to Oct. 21. Mr. Sackett occupies the hat window, supplying every purchaser with his or her likeness, gratis. Standing room only."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Evening Star, Washington, D.C., 2 Nov 1899, p. 3
Entertainment at Carroll Hall for Benefit of Poor.
A feature of the evening was the work of a silhouette artist, X. Ackley Sackett. He took pictures without the aid of gas and guaranteed "the operation would be without pain, although it was a cutting affair."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - The Times, Washington, D.C., 15 Oct 1900, p. 2
To Every Purchaser This Week
We have engaged the services of Mr. X. Ackley Sackett, the greatest living silhouette artist in the world, and he will be at our store for six days only, beginning Monday, October 15. You are cordially invited to take advantage of his stay with us to secure a perfect silhouette likeness of yourself as a souvenir—FREE TO ALL PURCHASERS.
Bring the ladies—bring the children—every purchaser will receive a hearty welcome and a picture free. Mr. Sackett's "black art" is a great novelty and causes lots of fun."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Weekly Arizona Journal-Miner, Prescott, Arizona, 13 Apr 1904
"X-Ackley Sackett, the silhouette artist, left for Jerome today. He will remain there Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday will be at the opening of Granite Dells. He will put Monday in at Whipple."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 14 May 1906, p. 8
Silhouette Artist Interests Children in Behalf of San Francisco's Needy by Unique Scheme of Collecting Books
Sackett's Unique Scheme
A novel method of contributing to the cause of relief in behalf of San Francisco has been devised and put into most promising operation by X. Ackley Sackett, the local silhouette artist. Mr. Sackett, who has been one of the leading spirits in the relief work effected here, several days ago caused to be announced at the public school that to every child bringing him a school book, regardless of subject matter or condition, he would present a profile cut to order. Already the books have commenced to come in and the silhouette craze among the youngsters is assuming alarming proportions. Grammars, geographies and spelling books are spread over arithmetics and readers, some of which were undoubtedly in use before California was settled, in the none too large quarters of the artist; and the end is not yet.
Yesterday a woman promised to donate a soapbox full of books, and others have made known an intention to contribute in smaller quantities. Mr. Sackett says he knew what he was about when he undertook his contract, and claims to be immune from scissors paralysis, which complaint the undiminishing activity of the youthful population of the town seems bent on making his portion.
"Bring 'em along," is his slogan, and locally it's a three-cornered pool and take your choice on whether the kids lose interest or the supply of books or Sackett gives out first."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 31 Oct 1906, p. 5
X. Ackley Sackett, Known as "the Cuttist," Forced to Leave Venice in a Hurry to Escape Violence
Special to The Herald.
VENICE, Oct. 30—Information secretly conveyed to him, to the effect that a number of men had planned to give him a coat of tar and feathers tonight, caused X. Ackley Sackett, the Windward Pier cuttist, to hurriedly close his studio this afternoon and depart for Los Angeles.
Before leaving Sackett made the statement that he understood it was part of the program to have a charge of his having committed a vicious act trumped up against him to be used by his assailants should they be arrested or if he did not leave town quietly after the proposed assault had taken place.
Sackett, who lives in the rear of his studio, is generally credited with having brought to public notice the activities of card sharps here and the alleged neglect of duty of the local police force. He said he had been warned previously and was not taking any chances, as he feared the gang and could not depend on the police for protection."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett] - Los Angeles Herald, California, 5 Nov 1906, p. 10
Venice Pier Artist Arrested for Throwing Bottle at a Man Who Said Things
Special to The Herald.
VENICE, Nov. 4.—On complaint of Pat Bulger, a bartender, X. Ackley Sackett, the Windward pier cuttist, was arrested tonight after Sackett had thrown a bottle of ink at Bulger with the evident intention of hitting him.
Sackett was brought before Justice of the Peace Wheat at the latter's residence and was allowed to go on his own recognizance. His hearing was set for 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. His action, Sackett claims, was occasioned by Bulger, who with two friends, was standing in the center of the walk before his studio and making insulting remarks concerning his morals. Both men as well as several bystanders received a liberal splashing of the black fluid.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Chris Sackett]
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