Newspaper Abstracts, Jacob Edwin Sackett
85 records
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Sackett, Jacob Edwin (c1850–1898) was a flamboyant impresario who sought his fortune by entertaining the masses with everything from freak shows to opera. |
- Evening Post, New Zealand, 23 September 1877, p. 3.
"Theatre Royal
…. E. Sackett (Manager)"
[Transcribed from Papers Past by Sheila Phythian] - Evening Post, New Zealand, 5 October 1877, p. 3.
"Theatre Royal
…. Business Manager...Edwin Sackett"
[Transcribed from Papers Past by Sheila Phythian] - Evening Post, New Zealand, 4 May 1878, p. 1.
The New Zealand Herald of the 25th ult. says:—Some considerable sensation was caused in town last night when it was rumored abroad that two ladies who had erstwhile adorned the well known hotel of Mr. Perkius, of the Occidental Hotel, had entered into the bonds of matrimony. One wedding was entirely unexpected, save by those who were in the secret, and so little publicity was given to the affair that the bride simply asked another person to attend to her duties, went away attended by her fair compagnen du barriere, "the ring was placed, the deed was done," and the pair returned to the Occidental within one hour. When this was known, great was the talk thereof. That some were disappointed was undoubtedly true, but all who heard it came hastily round to wish the bride and bridegroom's life a long and happy one. The bride, Mrs. Sackett nee Miss Brewer, of Sydney, has been here but a short time, but has made many friends; the bridegroom, Mr. Sackett, is, or rather was, a member of Cooper and Bailey's Circus Company, and returns, we believe, to Melbourne. His engagement to Miss Brewer was not a thing of yesterday, as he has known his present wife for some time. The other marriage partook somewhat of the character of an elopement, so 'tis said, inasmuch as the bride, also formerly connected with the Occidental, arranged to meet her husband, was married at the Registry Office, and went with him to spend the honeymoon in more secluded parts than Auckland. Like her sister bride, she was exceedingly popular here. In connection with the above, the following announcement appears in the same journal:—"Married. Sackett–Brewer—Mr. J. E.Sackett, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A., to Miss Margaret Brewer, Melbourne, Victoria. No cards. No cake. Nobody's business." "
[Transcriber's note: New Zealand BDM Records show Margaret Brewer married Jacob Edwin Sackett in 1878]
[Transcribed from Papers Past by Sheila Phythian] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1885, p. 3. col. 3.
"Amusement Notes.
Sackett & Wiggins' museum will open tomorrow, which will be the amusement event of the week."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1885, p. 3. col. 6.
Dime Museum!
214 and 216 Hennepin Avenue.
Grand Opening, Monday, Sept. 28,
Open Daily there after, from 1 to 10.30 P. M.
Curiosity Hall!
Monster Museum!
Lecture Room and Luxurious Theatorum!
All that experience can suggest or money procure been placed on this building. The elegant and comfortable folding opera chairs are from the American Desk and Stool company, Chicago; the carpets from Folds & Griffith's; artistic furniture, curtains and mirrors from Bradstreet. Thurber & Co's; magnificent gas fixtures from Benner Brothers; wallpaper and decorations from Rickey, Middlemists & Taylor's; frescoing and artistic painting by W. W. Sly. Total expenditure $15,000.
Our design is to furnish a popular resort for the masses (especially ladies and children, for whose patronage we cater particularly at a price within the reach of all), 10 cents, one dime. No feature that would offend the most fastidious will be permitted in or about the premises. First-class in all its appointments, the Museum furnishes innocent and attractive amusement. The proprietors having successfully established and now conduct similar institutions at 236 Westminster street, Providence, R. I; 189 Superior street Cleveland, O.; corner Washington and Tennessee streets, Indianapolis, and see no reason to doubt success in Minneapolis. You might wish to know what we exhibit, but the list of attractions is too great to enumerate.
Come and see for yourself and you will find that we have prepared a series of delightful surprises. We have no excuses to make for anything. We are satisfied with the elegance of the appointments and all the details of our establishment. We can exist only by the patronage of the respectable classes and do not cater for any other.
Our entertainments are of a high moral tone, with nothing said or done to impair the morals of your children.
The Parlor Entertainments are Designed to take place Hourly.
We reserve the Right to Refuse Admission to any one.
Reserved chairs in Theatorum, 5 cents. No other charges.
N.B—Sackett & Wiggins' New Dime Museum in ST. PAUL opens MONDAY, OCT. 12. Location: New three-story building, property of Mark L. Potter, Seventh street, near Jackson."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, October 4, 1885, p. 3, col. 3.
Fred Bryton's "Jack o' Diamonds" closed a fairly successful engagement at the Grand last night, and will move eastward today. The Catharine Lewis Opera company in "Circus Queen" will be the attraction for the first three days of this week. Seats are now on sale.
The Comique for this week will have a new lot of stars and specialists and a roaring burlesque, "The Wrong Scratch," will conclude each evening's performance.
"The business last week has more than pleased us," said Manager Sackett of the Dime museum yesterday, "and we have every reason to believe that the people of Minneapolis will support us. It is our intention to make it as pleasant for them as we can, and if they won't support us then we have no complaint to utter."
"We shall give them changes in the performances and curiosities quite often and we will present during the season the greatest wonders before the public. The Dime museum has indeed done nicely the past week, thousands visiting it during that time, and the performances and curiosities have well pleased the patrons. Next week Sir Walter H.Stuart, an armless wonder will be on exhibition in curiosity hall and other new faces will be seen on the stage. The permanent features of the museum are alone worth the price of admission and it is the intention to increase them. Among the many animals may be found a capa bara, a blue-nosed mandril, an armadillo, a kangaroo, the fruit hunters from Panama, Australian bears, a crocodile, East India cockatoos, rocky mountain goat, besides golden pheasants and mamazettes."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, December 1, 3, 9, 1885
[Advertisements for Sackett & Wiggins not transcribed]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 6, 1885, p. 3, col. 3
Notes of Attractions at the Several Amusement Temples.
This week's bill announced for Sackett & Wiggins' Dime museum will include many new novelties. The first appearance of the famous Maramba band will, no doubt, attract considerable attention, both musicians and instrument. The Brazilian dwarf No-No, Boz, the wonderful trained dog, Eli Bowen the legless wonder, and Barney Nelson, the mouth wonder and other novelties, come to curiosity hall. On the stage the dissolving views of Prof. Strong. which are said to equal Ragan's, and Middleton's marionettes, in a new program will be the chief attractions. Clarence Boyd, Charles Howe and J. M. Waddy will furnish fun and amusement to the patrons."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 6, 1885, p. 3, col. 2–3
"No Robbins There.
To the Editor of the Globe:
The following item appeared in yesterday's issue of the Globe:
Complaint was made at the police headquarters that a man named Aluggo had his pockets relieved of $38 at the dime museum yesterday afternoon. Two well-known young men were accused by Aluggo, and they were promptly arrested by Detective Quinlan, but upon searching them the detective was convinced of their innocence and they were allowed to go.
In view of the publication, we beg leave to state that such was not the case. Yesterday morning Aluggo came to the box office of the museum and stated that he had found his lost pocketbook in some boot and shoe store, where he had been previous to our establishment. The implication that patrons are liable to robbery in our establishment is of course a detriment to our business, and we take this means of assuring the public that pockets are not one of our attractions.
We would also state that we have special officers on every floor of our house for the protection of patrons and that there has at no time before occurred anything of the kind that Aluggo, or whatever his name is, stated. At times people lose various articles which are returned to the manager's office, and which have been returned to the owners. At this time there are purses and articles in our desk that include the category, awaiting rightful owners, which can be had by proof of ownership. Remaining the public's servant, we are respectfully,
Sackett & Wiggins."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 27, 1885, p. 8, col. 2.
"The Seventh Street Museum.
The dime museum of Sackett & Wiggins will have a boom next week, if costly attractions will induce people to patronize the institution. Princess Lucy, the famous midget, has been engaged at a large salary, and will form the chief attraction of the week. This little mite of humanity is described as being only twenty-one inches high, weighs only twenty-three pounds, and is 18 years of age. Princess Lucy was born in New York city, and has received a polite education, and is an intelligent conversationalist. She is also the smallest actress in the world. A miniature cottage will be erected on the stage and the little lady will give daily receptions to all visitors. The management offer a prize to the child who can enter the door erect. The other features in curio hall will be the Zulus, who are splendid types of the aborigines of South Africa. Exhibitions of assegai throwing will be given on the stages. The stage performance will embrace many new faces and will be entirely new. The artists are Heffernon and McDonald the Irish humorists, Somers and Walters in a sketch introducing a trombone solo, the Powers' twins in songs and dances, Victor Geme the contortionist,and the Whitney's who will produce a travesty entitled "The Professor." The bill will run the entire week."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 27, 1885, p. 8, col. 3.
Mammoth Museum,
Menagerie and Theatorum
94 to 96 East Seventh St.
Patronized by the best people in the city. For the GLAD NEW YEAR,
Commencing Monday, Dec. 28,
Engagement extraordinary of the $10,000
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 1, 1886, p. 2, col. 2.
ROLTAIRŐS ROLLA, a wonderful illusion called Thauna, which attracted attention In New York last season at the Eden Musee, has been more than rivalled by Roltair, the magician, now in the city. The illusion, called Rolla, was contracted for in Europe by Sackett & Wiggins the museum managers, who will send it all over the country after first putting on exhibition in the Seventh street museum. The illusion which is valued at $5,000 was made in different places through plans furnished by Roltalr and La Roux tieres Paris; Kaufman, Berlin, and Tessatri of Milan, the most delicate mechanicians in the world, have labored on this illusion. The contrivance represents a living, breathing woman who appears to have her body decapitated, and whose head and upper part of the body floats in midair. It is claimed that the illusion defies detection. Among the other novelties announced for the week at the museum are Admiral Dot and Maj. Atom, and a pin machine which will manufacture 10,000 pins per minute, the motor being a silent gas engine. A new stage performance will be given by Emery & Russell's company. Hereafter the museum will open its doors from 10 a. m. until 10 p. m,, Monday's excepted, and give continuous performances."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 1, 1886, p. 2, col. 6.
"A Private exhibition
Was given last night at Sackett & Wiggins' museum to a party of gentlemen, including members of the press, of Rolla, the new illusion. The secret of Rolla remains with the inventor, but a healthy and charming young girl certainly appeared after the curtains were drawn from the cabinet, swinging in the air, apparently cut in twain at her waist. The illusion, which is claimed to be superior to anything of its kind ever placed on exhibition, is owned by Sackett & Wiggins, and cost in the neighborhood of $2,000. After remaining here one week it goes to their other houses and thence on the road.
Manager Wiggins stated to a Globe reporter that, in addition to Rolla as an attraction next week, he would present that phenomenon, George Lippert, the three-legged man."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 28, 1886, p. 6, col. 4.
"The Japanese Village.
During the coming week the famous Japanese village, which created such excitement in the East, will be on exhibition in Sackett & Wiggins' museum. Said Mr. J. E. Sackett yesterday to a Globe reporter: "No one who has not inquired into the matter can have any idea of the expense attendant upon the establishment of this little Japanese town In St. Paul. As a matter of fact, it required $2,000 to set the establishment up, including transportation, not including the ocean voyage from Japan or of the liberal salaries paid to artists and artisans so skilled in their several vocations as are these intelligent people.
"We took up the village as an educational enterprise, and not an ordinary show. You may read in books of the cleverness of Japanese workmen, but it is only by seeing them engaged in their works that you can form any adequate Idea of their dexterity or methods. It Is doubtful, "continued Mr. Sackett, "if any branch of the numerous arts and trades practiced by the Japanese of the little village has attracted so much attention as that of the workers of copperware. Cloisonne vases have always been objects of admiration in intelligent art circles of this and other countries, but it is doubtful if one proud possessor of Cloisonne work in a hundred has any conception of how their highly-valued treasures are made. A full exposition of its manufacture will be seen in the village.
"In addition there are silk weavers and ota workers, or, as we would call them, workers in clay. All sorts of those delicate vases and cups are made by the ota workers. The tailors, the bamboo workers, the barbers and artisans of all classes are included in this village.
"A little tea booth is one of the novelties that will be seen in the village, and visitors will have an opportunity to see how tea is made and served in Japan and how attractive the ladies of Japan are."
"The women of Japan are very noiseless in their movements," continued Mr. Sackett, "and their peculiar grace in serving the tea adds a zest indeed.
"I don't know when I have been so much interested. When I first saw the village and after I had secured it for this tour and had become acquainted with the people, I still linger at the booths, watching them fashioning and creating.
"The village is a perfect reproduction of a street in Japan, and the illusion will be further perfected by a large painting made expressly for us and representing the scenery of that country."
"How long will the village remain here?" queried the reporter.
"Next week they go to Minneapolis, then to Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati and all the principal cities of the United States.""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 18, 1886, p. 7, col. 2.
"Improper Characters Not Admitted!
Mammoth Amusement Palace!
94 to 96 East Seventh Street.
Engagement Extraordinary of the Note Scouts, Trappers and Vigilante and
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 6, 1886, p. 3, col. 3.
"Mr. Sackett, of Sackett & Wiggins, yesterday executed a ninety-nine-years lease of the ground on the southwest corner of First avenue south and Fourth street, and will begin at once the erection of their long-talked-of theater. The rent paid is $2,000 a year. Mr. Sackett states that the panorama picture of the Battle of Gettysburg is well under way and that it will probably be placed in St. Paul."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 6, 1886, p. 3, col. 6–7.
49 to 96 East Seventh Street.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 12, 1886, p. 3, col. 1.
Plans Ordered, and It Will Open on Sept. 6.
J. E. Sackett, of Sackett & Wiggins, the dime museum proprietors, arrived from Chicago yesterday morning, and within two hours had closed the purchase of a site for the new theater and ordered the plans for the building from Dennis, the architect, which are to be submitted by noon to-day.
"This will be the widest theatre in the country," he said, while looking over a hastily-prepared draught, "it being 80 feet wide by 167½ feet deep. It will seat about 2,500 people—nearly double the capacity of your present opera house, I should think. What do you say to a stage eighty feet wide and fifty feet deep? The auditorium will be reached by a lobby twenty feet wide on either side of which will be stores. The theater willbe two stories high, but the walls and foundation will be of sufficient thickness to allow us to add four stories more, as we intend ultimately to do. I intend to make the theater as comfortable and convenient as possible in its arrangements, and will do everything in my power to make this the favorite resort for the amusement lovers of Minneapolis. I estimate that the theater will cost in the neighborhood of $60,000, and perhaps more. Will it be finished this season? Why, bless you, it will be opened in first-class style on the 6th day of September. I have ordered the scenery from Sosman & Landes of Chicago, and the upholstering and furniture from the American Desk and Stool Company.""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 12, 1886, p. 3, col. 1.
J. E. Sackett returns to Chicago this evening."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, August 8, 1886, p. 5, col. 5.
[Advertisement for Sackett & Wiggins]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, August 29, 1886, p. 12, col. 5.
[Advertisement for Sackett & Wiggins]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1886, p. 3, col. 2.
What the Real Estate and Bulding Permit Records Show.
The new theater to be built by Sackett & Wiggins is an assured thing."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1886, p. 3, cols. 3–4.
Minneapolis Soon to Have a New and Magnificent Temple of Popular Amusement.
Hennepin, Near Seventh, the Location, and Christmas the Time of Opening.
Sackett & Wiggins Will Be the Lessees and F. Percy Weadon the Manager.
"After many moons of hard labor," said Percy Weadon last night, "we have gotten there, amd a tale I now unfold, concerning the new theater now in process of construction in this city."
"So the thing is fixed?" said a Globe reporter.
"For a dead certainty," replied that gentleman, '"and the most magnificent theater in the city of Minneapolis will rise like magic from the ground: and be open Christmas week, thus showing that builders in the Northwest get there in time.
"We have over ninety days to have the theater finished and we will do it, as the Columbia theater, Chicago, was built in that time, and other magnificent structures for like purposes in the same time, so, you see, 'boyees,' we will get there. I suppose you want all the details. Well, our lessors own the ground and are building for us. They are liberal, and are spending more money on the structure than we originally estimated. The location is on Hennepin avenue, near Seventh street, and the name of the theater will be the Hennepin Avenue theater.
it will approach the neighborhood of $150,000 and will be magnificent in all details. Architect Wood, of Chicago, one of the best theatrical architects of the country, has drawn the plans, part of which I have seen and an idea can be got of the general effects of the theatre. The theatre is, of course, on the ground floor and will seat 2,000 people. The entrance is in the center of the building, being 26 feet in width and 30 in depth, flanked by two handsome stores, and is elaborately finished in carved mahogany, with Tennessee marble wainscotings and relieved with intaglio work in dull green chocolate and gold. The doors will be of antique oak, with appropriate bas reliefs and the general decorations of the lobby will be most elaborate. The entrance, of course," continued Mr. Weadon, "leads the visitor into a most spacious foyer, off of which, on the right and left, are retiring rooms for ladies and gentlemen respectively. These rooms are finished with the most delicate frescoes and are jewels. The foyer is very spacious and instead of portieres closing the entrances to the auditorium, there will be mirrored doors, which, when open, are fastened in pockets on the side of the pillars, and circumscribe the foyer, like one vast mirror. There are niches for statuary, etc., at various places. The auditorium down stairs is novel: there are twelve proscenium boxes set in unique style, and seven loges in the middle of the house. Handsome and specially designed chairs will be put in all the boxes.THE SEATSJ E Sackett
throughout the house will be new patent folding chairs, like in the Union Square theater, New York, and their upholstery will be blue. The decorations will also be blue and gold. The stage will be the largest in the city, in depth, height and proscenium opening, and an iron curtain will shut off the stage from the audience. In fact, there are six fire walls, and we light by incandescent lights and heat by steam, so that, with the numerous exits, there is absolutely no danger. The house can be emptied in exactly seventy-five seconds. The carpeting, the curtains, the decorations, and all the appointments, will be in keeping with the house, and it will be a building Minneapolis can and will be proud of.
"We have secured a long lease of the theater, and will play the best attractions that money can procure, and our new scale of prices will be within the reach of all. We will have a great orchestra, and will pay especial attention to the mounting of plays."
Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins, who have secured the lease of this buildiug, have made a great success of the dime museum in this city and St. Paul. These concerns will be maintained at the "old stand." Both gentlemen have large interests in the amusement line, controling theaters and museums in Chicago, Grand Rapids and Kansas City. Recently Mr. Sackett sold his interest in the Cleveland theatre. J. E. Sackett, the general director of the various enterprises, is yet young, and has made various fortunes in the show business. He has the reputation of being the greatest hustler In the business. He resides at Chicago, where the general offices of the firm are.
E. W. Wiggins. the partner, handles the finances of the various enterprises and is a sagious and close financier. Like Mr. Sackett he has been all his life in amusements. Mr. Wiggins is living for the present in Minneapolis, having brought his family from Detroit, his old home, where he has large business interests.
The man selected for manager of this beautiful theater is the popular Frank Percy Weadon, known to newspaper men as the "impressario." Mr. Weadon is a confidential man of the firm and is just the man for the place, being very popular with everybody he meets, of pleasant address and having various talents. Mr. Weadon is also young, a graduate of DePauw university, a dramatic author, and a shrewd manager and press worker. He was admitted to the bar, entered journalism and then the theatrical business, being with Brooks & Dickson at Indianapolis and Terre Haute and New YorK. He managed George C. Miln. the preacher-actor, on his first tour, and was business manager of other companies, being with Mapleson, Fred Voltes, etc."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 16, 1887, p. 12, col. 5.
[Advertisement for Sackett & Wiggins]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, March 10 1887, p. 3, col. 2
The criminal business in the municipal court yesterday can be summed up in the single line, "two drunks and one vag." Still this is the city which certain Minneapolis papers are holding up to the world as a hotbed of vice.
W. B. Wheeler—statement that I am interested in the scheme to start a roller coaster in East Minneapolis is a mistake. I understand that the rumor originated from the fact that J. E. Sackett and a well-known Washington-avenue capitalist are to establish a balloon factory. The balloons are to be inflated with natural gas, which Sackett is to supply, and the capitalistis to buy the Site and build the works.
I understand that the quality of gas to be furnished is extraordinarily strong and buoyant, requiring that the balloons should be constructed of strong rubber, but I think the project is to be a success."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, March 13, 1887, p. 6, col. 1.
This fragile sprite and shadow of future greatness came to Minneapolis about two years ago. The legend has it that he was watted hither from Posey county. Indiana, by a summer breeze which set him down before the Nicollet house, where he greeted the porter with "Ah, there." Percy at first undertook to convince the citizens of this large and growing metropolis that a necessity to happiness was a good-sized life insurance policy. He was allowed to live, and was engaged in this humble but lucrative profession. When J. E. Sackett, a gentleman who has been connected with the debuts of several well advertised freaks, arrived in this city. Sackett intended to start a dime museum and was casting around for a spiritual adviser and press agent. Lawrence Barrett, the tragedian, happened in town the same day, and took occasion to inquire after his old friend and bosom companion, Weadon. Incidentally, Sackett happened to mention his heart's desire, and to cut a short story long, an introduction and two bottles ot white label ale settled Weadon's engagement as impressario and future manager of the Hennepin avenue theater—when they get the roof on. For the time being Percy has mingled with the freaks and freakesses, occasionally lecturing and posting bills to put in his time. His odd moments have been given to the creation of a play which he calls the "Pie Eater's Pride, or the Mystery of Bohemian Flats," in which the heroine falls in love with a cigar maker named "Posy Oscar," and impales herself with a table fork because her affection is not returned. Mr. Weadon, in appearance, reminds one of an animated clothespin. He has legs which will cover a multitude of sins and a good deal of ground in a day's time; wears a variegated mustache, which varies from old gold to sea! brown; he smokes cigarettes when he can get 'em. He is the walking delegate of the Lalah society, and has assumed a leading position among the capitalists of the city. He intends shortly that his voice shall be heard at the board of trade, among Bill King and the rest of 'em."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - Western Appeal, (Saint Paul, Minn.), April 2, 1887, p. 1 col. 6.
"ST. PAUL is to have a new theatre by next September, to cost in the neighborhood of $100,000. Sackett and Wiggins, proprietors."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 10, 1887, p. 11.
[Half page ad.]
"SACKETT & Wiggins'
Mammoth Dime Museum,
Week commencing April 11.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 12, 1887
[Advertisement for Sackett & Wiggins not transcribed]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - Western Appeal, (Saint Paul, Minn.), April 16, 1887, p. 1, col. 5.
"THE Murry Opera House company has incorporated. Capital stock, $80,000. Incorporators: W. P. Murry, St. Paul, Jacob E. Sackett and James M. Wood, of Chicago, and Enoch W. Wiggins and Frank P. Weadon, Minneapolis."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 17, 1887, p. 6, col. 5.
"ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION—We, the undersigned, do hereby associate ourselves together as and for a body corporate, pursuant to the provisions of title 2 of chapter 34 of the General Statutes of the State of Minnesota, and for that purpose have hereby agreed upon and adapted the following Articles of Incorporation:
Article 1. The name of this corporation shall be the Murray Opera House Company, and the general nature of its business shall be the building, erecting and operating a public hall or halls and opera house or opera houses within the limits of the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, and the principal place of business of said corporation shall be the City of St. Paul, in said county and state.
Article 2. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the 1st day of April A.D. 1887, and such corporation shall continue for the period of thirty years from said date.
Article 3. The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be eighty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into sixteen hundred shares of fifty dollars each. The amount of such shares shall be paid in to said corporation at such time or times and in such manner as the Board of Directors may designate.
Article 4. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation shall at any time be subject shall be the sum of eighty thousand dollars.
Article 5. The names and places of residence of the persons forming this association for incorporation are: William P. Murray, residing at St. Paul, Minnesota: Jacob E. Sackett, residing at Chicago, State of Illinois; James M. Wood, residing at Chicago, Illinois; Enoch W. Wiggins, residing at Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Frank P. Weadon, residing at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Article 6. The persons above named forming this association for incorporation shall constitute the first Board of Directors of said corporation. The government and management of the affairs of said corporation shall be vested in a Board of Dirertors, consisting of five persons, who shall be stockholders in said corporation. Said Directors shall elect from their number a President. Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager of said corporation, which officers shall be the executive officers of the same, and perform, in addition to their duties as directors of said corporation, such other duties as may be imposed upon them by the Board of Directors of said corporation: and the said Board of Directors shall have the power to make and adopt all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of said corporation.
Article 7. The shares of the capital stock of said corporation shall be sixteen hundred, of the par value of fifty dollars each.
The foregoing articles are hereby adopted, agreed upon, signed and executed by us and each of us as and for the articles of association for the above named corporation.
W.P.MURRAY [Seal.]
JAMES M. WOOD. [Seal.]
Signed and sealed in our presence:
Upon this 25th day of March, A. D. 1887, before me personally appeared William P. Murray, Jacob E. Sackett, James M. Wood, Enoch W. Wiggins and Frank P. Weadon. to me known to be the same persons who signed, sealed and executed the foregoing articles, and they and each of them acknowledged that they executed the same for the uses and purposes therein expressed and as and for their and each, of their free acts and deeds.
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed tor record in this office on the 11th day of April, A. D. 1887, at 2:45 o'clock p. m., and was duly recorded in book Q of incorporations on page 315, etc. H. MATTSON, Secretary of State.
Office of the Register of Deeds.
This is to certify that the within instrument was filed for record in this office, at St. Paul, on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1887, at 3 o'clock and that, the same was duly recorded in book D of Incorporations, pages 252 and 253.
M. J. BELL, Register of Deeds"
[The Articles of Incorporation were reprinted on April 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1887]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 17, 1887, p. 20, col. 4.
[Advertisement for Sackett & Wiggins]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, May 6, 1887, p. 3. col. 3.
"While Ralph Waldo Emerson was on his way to California, several years ago, he fell in with a gentleman who was altogether so sociable and chatty that an otherwise tedious journey was rendered as cheerful as you please. This gentleman's name was Sackett, and he told Mr. Emerson that he resided in San Francisco—this was all the information he ventured concerning himself, but from his conversation Mr. Emerson gathered that his newly made acquaintance was indeed a gentleman of intelligence and standing. Mr. Sackett pointed out all the points of interest along the way, retailed a lot of amusing anecdotes, and, best of all, was an attentive listener when Mr. Emerson fell to discoursing upon the Is, the To Be, the Seeming, and other frothy subjects with which his scholarly and saintly intellect seemed thoroughly conversant. The natural consequence was that Mr. Emerson came to the conclusion that Mr. Sackett was as charming a gentleman as he had ever met with, and it was in this positive conviction that he accepted Mr. Sackett's invitation to dine with him immediately upon their arrival in San Francisco. The next morning Mr. Emerson was well nigh paralyzed to find in all the local papers this startling personal notice: "Prof. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the eminent philosopher, scholar and poet, is in our city as the guest of Mr. J. E. Sackett, the well-known proprietor of the Bush street dime museum; matinees every half hour, admission only 10 cents. The double-headed calf and dog-faced boy this week!" Mr. Sackett is now in the amusement business in Chicago, and he refers to his experience with the sage of Concord as one of the most profitable strokes of enterprise in his long and active career.—Chicago News."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 5, 1887, p. 11, col. 4.
Foibles and Follies of Some of the Prominent Dwellers in the City
Little did the quiet throngs of spectators who lounged in the Nicollet lobby last night, and who witnessed the departure of J. E. Sackett and E. R. Richards on a finding expedition to Minnetonka, dream of the thrilling experience of the above-named gentlemen near Wayzata at 1:30 this morning. Mr. Sackett is the well-known amusement manager, and Mr. Richards is a trusted lieutenant, now enjoying his outing. Mr. Sackett had explained to a party of friends a method of fishing he had learned in New Zealand, and which he intended to try at Gray's lake. It was that of charming the fish to the surface by means of lights, songs and iodophone and then beating their brains out with boomerangs. Of course, several friends pooh-poohed the idea, but when Mr. Sackett trilled out in soft Andalusian notes a weird Maori snake song, it was unanimously agreed that it would raise any sort of fish from its spanning bed, and possibly the devil—fish. Last night, it seems, from the account telegraphed the Globe by the night operator at Wayzata, that the gentleman boarded a skiff, accompanied by Old Perry, the fisherman, and with full moon overhead, pulled out into the placid waters of the lake. The boat contained, beside the three persons named, the following:
Ten male and female boomerangs, with curved spines; 3 weinerwursts; 1 jack strap for tying fish; 18 live frogs; 3 packages of "Old Judge" cigarettes; 1 barometer: 1 stethescope; 1,000 dodgers advertising the Dime museum; 3 copies of the song "When the Rubens Nest Again;" 1 Roman toga, for picturesque effect in the moonlight, and lunch, hooks, chippy food, blue fire and other etceteras.
It seems that all went well until the boat reached deep water, when Mr. Sackett announced his determination of trying his experiment. After getting the exact longitude and latitude the boat was anchored and Mr. Sackett rose in the bow and took his boomerangs in hand. Clearing his throat he commenced to sing "Sally in Our Alley." Meanwhile Mr. Richards burned a quantity of blue light over the stern and the fishermen were rewarded by having several suckers and bass leap to the surface. These were quickly dispatched by Mr. Sackett beating their brains out with his boomerang. Messrs. Richards and Perry were charmed with their success, but the indefatigable Sackett ordered the oarsman to pull for deeper water. He wanted larger game. Commanding silence, he commenced to sing "White Wings." Suddenly the blue fire burnt out on the waters, and at that instant Perry exclaimed "My God the sea serpent." And sure enough a monster arose near the boat, evidently the same one that has been previously described in the Globe. Richards now affrighted, yelled to Sackett to throw the boomerangs, but although they were thrown with unerring aim they failed to stop the progress of the monster who kept nearing the boat. Cigarettes, barometers, dodgers, and everything was thrown at the monster, who now seemed bent on destroying boat and occupants.
But Mr. Sackett, with great presence of mind, unscrewed his cork leg and holding this in hand deftly inserted it in the monster's jaws, which clamped tight over the false limb, and soon the deepwater serpent was hors de combat. A rope was secured and after herculean efforts the monster was beached on the shore near the Manitoba depot, where he now lays. Measurements made late last night show the serpent to be eighteen feet in length, three feet over dornal fin. It has a head like a dog, with the characteristics of the squid. At a late hour a Globe reporter interviewed Percy Weadon at his residence, as to whether he had received any word from the gentlemen, but he answered in the negative. "Both are teetotallers, however," said he."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, August 30, 1887, p. 3, cols. 2–3.
A Grave State Problem Which Has Arisen to Puzzle the Jurists.
The ten-cent circus war continues unabated, and might be said to afford the only out-of-door amusement of the summer. Some thoughtful citizens, actuated by that keen financial acumen so characteristic of New Englanders, and which crops out from time to time in the conduct of municipal affairs, about two years ago had an ordinance passed providing that circuses should pay $1,000 per day for the privilege of exhibiting those wonders from the antipodes which all circuses are supposed to carry with them. As a result Minneapolis has caught about one circus a year until the advent of the 10-cent circus. Now she has two of them. Some weeks ago Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins, the dime museum proprietors, set afloat a canvas show, but took care to exclude equestrian feats, and gave an entertainment which "appealed to the refined senses of cultured audiences.'' A reformed Methodist minister was hired to advertise its merits, in connection with a gentleman who owned four or five dogs. Lately, however, a grand aggregation of concentrated wonders, a consolidation of miracles, and a combination of all things wonderful has struck the city in the shape of "Hollands & McMahan's World's circus." This latter aggregation has among its attractions several riding acts, including the dappled grey horse, upon which a lady of uncertain age pirouettes, and a clown who asks "What will the lady have next?" Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins have pointed out that the rival show had all the symptoms of being a bonafide circus, even to the sale of "lemo, ice-cold lemo." But the proprietors of this "aggregation of stupendous wonders,*' while admitting that they employ the "gentlemanly agents who will now pass among you with tickets for the mastodonic minstrel entertainment which takes place upon an immense platform erected in the pavilion," plead extenuation on the ground that it is "only a little one." Last night License Inspector Ray was one of the spectators, and watched the performance with a judicial air. lt remains with him primarily to decide what constitutes a circus, and his opinion is awaited with interest. In the meantime Sackett & Wiggin's aggregation of wonders continues to delight large audiences at the corner of Washington and Sixth avenue north, while Holland & McMahon's immensely immense show at the corner of Twelfth avenue and Third street entertains the remaining portion of the citizens of the Third ward."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, August 30, 1887, p. 3, col. 4.
Fred J. Mackley, the popular actor, is still in Minneapolis, and with his wife is resting after a hard season's work. He has severed all connection with Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 3, 1887, p. 3, cols. 1–2.
Council Thinks the Ten-Cent Shows are Circuses.
There was a slight disturbance in the council when Ald. E. M. Johnson moved that the licenses granted to Sackett & Wiggins and McMahon Bros, to run ten cent circuses in Minneapolis be revoked on the ground that the city attorney thought such a course would be advisable. Some discussion ensued, and City Attorney Smith finally took the floor. "Complaint has been made," said he, "that regular circuses are being run. Now, according to the ordinances, circuses must pay a license of $1,000 the first day and $500 each succeeding day. By granting this circus license we are simply going directly against the ordinance. We can not get around the ordinance by any such means as that."
Ald. L'Herault thought It would be a brilliant idea to have the matter referred to the city attorney to bring in an amended ordinance, as he thought these small circuses were forthe benefit of the poor people in the city. He then remarked that the whole complaint was made by Sackett & Wiggins who were displeased to see the McMahon circus getting so much patronage. Ald. Johnson retorted that he was surprised to hear Ald. L'Herault intimate that the city attorney was acting in the interest of Sackett & Wiggins. The city attorney again took the floor and denied emphatically that he was actingin the interest of Sackett &Wiggins or anyone else. "They are not the men who are doing this," said he. "I am doing it myself, and trying to enforce the laws of the city. That's all the interest I have in the whole matter." I do not want to act against the council, but when complaints are made I must do something in regard to them. The licenses, or permission to do business, granted to those circuses is not legal and would not protect them in case anyone should bring suit against them for violating the city ordinances. All I want is to have the ordinance amended so that when I prevent a party he can not claim that he is acting on permission from the council and that the council itself violated the law in granting such permission." Ald. L'Herault replied that he did not mean to insinuate that the city attorney was acting in the interests of any one party or any firm. "If you make these licenses," he continued, "you are doing these circus men a great injustice, and will either cause them to lose one week of their time or to leave the city." The motion to refer to the city attorney and the license committee was lost, but the motion to revoke the licenses was carried by a vote of 20 to 10."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 16, 1887, p. 2, col. 2
The Awarding of Prizes for Fancy Pups Completed.
The principal features of the bench show at Tenth and Jackson streets yesterday were the awarding of special prizes for the largest and smallest dog and for the best and next best decorated stalls, and the two performances, afternoon and evening, of the circus trick dogs of Sackett & Wiggins. The trick dogs provoked abundant mirth, and the children went into spasms of glee to see dogs and monkeys acting like bronchos and cowboys. The special prize offered by Kuhles & Stock of a box of cigars for the largest dog in the show was awarded to Monarch, the Leonberg St. Bernard exhibited by Miss Mary Wellesley, of Minneapolis. Campbell & Blake's little black-and-tan terrier, Tiny, was awarded the special of Beaupre, Keogh & Co., a case of peaches Mrs. C. S. Cummings, of this city, gave the special prize of a silver cup for the best decorated stall, so she did not compete for it. The cup went to Mrs.Thomas Race, of Iglehart street. Her stall was blue satin lined, with lace draping—and with a gold satin front. Jack and Gypsy, her silver grey Yorkshire terriers, have been living in it for the past few days. The special of Bullard Bros., a set of bronze placques, for the next best decorated stall, was awarded to Mrs. Cummings. Her stall contained four pugs. Tommy Nuggins, Little Chubby, Colonel and Flossie, light fawn, golden fawn, steel fawn and stone fawn respectively in color. It was decorated with bronze busts and placques, Brussells carpet, raised needle work and fancy drapings. This finishes the prizes. To-day the trick dogs of Sackett & Wiggins will give three performances."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 16, 1887, p. 3, col. 4.
Patrick O. Donnell has sued Sackett & Wiggins, the dime, museum proprietors, to recover $614 on a note."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 16, 1887, p. 3, col. 6.
Sackett & Wiggins ...... Proprietors.
F. P. Weadon .... Manager.
Commencing Monday, Sept. 19.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 20, 1887, p. 8, col. 2.
94 TO 96 EAST SEVENTH ST. a great double show, Museum!
Week of Sept. 26!
Laugh, and the World laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone.
The Ratcatcher!
And other features."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - St. Paul Daily Globe, September 21, 1887, Page 3, col. 1.
The Hennepin Avenue Theater by Electric Light—Rendition of "Hamlet."
Maud Comson Not Yet Well Enough to Appear Against Hal Reid.
The New Theater by Electricity—Booth as Hamlet.
Those who saw the beautiful Hennepin avenue theater on Monday night, echanted as they were, saw it at a disadvantage. In the rush attending the opening of a new building, the electric lights did not operate satisfactorily and the building was lighted with gas. Last night the electricity was turned on and a transformation scene could not have been more startling and beautiful. Over the proscenium arch, where the sounding board is broken into squares, a light glows in the center of each square. The pendant of each loge is a light and a row of them sparkle over the upper tier of boxes. Below the boxes the lights are uniquely grouped, and in the foyer, corridor and reception rooms they glitter in profusion. The addition is great.Sackett and Wiggins smiled when Architect Wood was pronounced a theatrical genius and Director Chase pronounced the theater the finest he had ever seen. Mr. Booth and Mr. Barrett inspected the building from the foyer and both declared themselves delighted.
Last night's inclement weather may have caused the absence of several people, but if so they were never missed, and "Hamlet" was given to a charmed audience. Usually the play is not popular, as it is made fascinating only by extreme talent in the characterization, but with Edwin Booth in the title role, its popularity was unbounded. It has frequently been said that Booth's "Hamlet" is his masterpiece, and it is not difficult to believe it, but the impression invariably prevails with an audience that the role last seen is the masterpiece. Hamlet offers the tragedian boundless opportunity for the display of power peculiarly his own the portrayal of the utmost feeling without wild gesticulation and loud oratory. The advice to the players could not have been better exemplified and the great tragedian was called before the curtain after every act. Mr. Barrett gave new importance to the part of the ghost and there was a conspicuous absence of that grumbling monotone usually considered indispensable to the part. Miss Gale's Ophelia was as winning and impersonative as Minneapolis ever knew, and the Polonconis of Mr. Rogers, the Claudius of Mr. Lane and Laertes of Mr. Buckley deserve the highest commendation. Nothing in the way of support or stage accessories was lacking and the play was a brilliant success.
To-night "Othello" will be the bill, with Mr. Booth as Othello and Mr. Barrett as Iago."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 25, 1887, p. 2, cols. 2–3.
Sackett & Wiggins Agree to Have a Play House Ready by Dec. 5.
The project of Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins to transform the Exposition rink into a commodious and handsome theater has not been dropped, as many suppose. On the contrary, the scheme is being energetically, although quietly, pushed. The success of the new Hennepin Avenue theater at Minneapolis has given a new impetus, and there is little doubt that the 1st of December will see the new theater built and equipped. The plan adopted for securing a temporary loan, not a bonus, by popular subscription seems to have met with hearty encouragement. In a brief canvass Mr. Sackett has secured subscriptions aggregating $7,000. W. R. Merriam headed the list with $500, and William Dawson, Stone & Morton, John Dowson, Philip Reiley, P.R.L. Hardenberg, Edmund Rice, Jr., B. Beaupre, and Albert Scheffer, followed with amounts ranging from $250 to $500. The form of the subscription is that the signers give the amounts set opposite their names to be deposited in the Minnesota bank and paid out for labor and material in the construction of the building upon the order of Sackett & Wiggins, approved by Architect J. M. Wood. The subscribers agree to take the amounts of their subscriptions in tickets to such entertainments as may be presented at the theater, the tickets to be charged at the current prices of admission on the books of the theater. For their part Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins agree to build and furnish a first-class fire-proof theater building by the 5th of December. Mr. Sackett said last evening: 'The theater will be in every way as handsome as the Hennepin avenue theater at Minneapolis. Its arrangement will be even better, I think, for we can seat 1,000 people on the first floor. The plans have been prepared and Tuesday next I will make a personal canvass among the business men of St. Paul. The names already secured make a good start. When such men stand ready to aid an enterprise, it means success. I have already closed with A. B. Chase for the Booth-Barrett combination for the week of April 23 at the new theater and a return engagement at the Hennepin avenue theater the week following.'"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1887, p. 3, col. 1.
Haverly Contemplating; the Erection of a Theater to Dazzle the Eye.
Talk of Col. Haverly Building Another Theater.
"Will Jack Haverly build a theatre in Minneapolis?"
The question was asked in other than theatrical circles last night. For some time the enterprising minstrel has been prospecting about the Twin Cities and to several he remarked he was very much pleased with them both. Before the Hennepin avenue theater passed finally into the hands of Sackett & Wiggins, it was street talk that he was after it and now that it has been settled it is wondered what Haverly will do. It seems very well settled that he and Dennis Ryan will build in St. Paul, and it is quite well known that to perfect success a theater in each city is necessary. Among the rumors last night was one to the effect that Haverly might purchase the Grand. Manager Conklin smiled sardonically when this was mentioned and of course said there was nothing in it."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1887, p. 3, col. 3.
"A Full House.
At the municipal court: J. E. Sackett, E. Wiggins and J. Pattie, for assault and battery, will be tried Oct. 3."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, September 27, 1887, p. 3, col. 7.
Sackett & Wiggins. ...... Proprietors.
Mr. F. P. Weapon .... Manager.
The Greatest Hit of To-day!
"Funny, Awfully Funny!""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - St. Paul Daily Globe, October 11, 1887, Illustrated Number, p. 15, col. 3.
"The case of James D. Shearer against J. E. Sackett, E. W. Wiggins and John Pattie, arising out of a misunderstanding that took place at the Hennepin Avenue theater some time ago, was decided yesterday, when Sackett and Pattie were found guilty and Mr. Wiggins discharged. Sentence was deferred until to-day."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - St. Paul Daily Globe, October 24, 1887, p. 3, col. 1.
Brief Conversations of Well-Known Citizens on Current Topics.
J. E. Sackett—Beginning with this week the Hennepin Avenue theater adopts its schedule of popular prices as originally intended. The price of seats after this will range from 15 cents to $1, except upon occasions of big attractions, when we will be compelled to advance the price of seats in order to clear expenses. Even then we shall try to make $1 the maximum price. I see by the Cincinnati Enquirer that Emma Abbott has been singing to 25-cent admission, and I think we can afford to give the people of Minneapolis a chance to attend amusements more than once or twice in a season without bankrupting them. I'd rather have a house full of people at low prices who enjoyed the play than a thin house made up strictly of aristocrats at high prices. It costs no more to heat and light the house, and I'd rather feel that the people do not regard Sackett & Wiggins as robbers: so low prices "go.""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, October 30, 1887, p. 7.
[Half-page advertisement]
And Two Theaters.
94 to 96 East Seventh Street, St. Paul.
Curiosity Parlors! 2 Great Stage Shows!"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 6, 1887, p. 8, col. 4.
Sackett & Wiggins, Managers,
214 and 216 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis.
Call and See How Spring Chickens Are Made.
Sackett & Wiggins Own Great Specialty Co.
12 STARS 12"
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 9, 1887
The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 11, 1887
The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 12, 1887
The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 18, 1887
[Advertisements for Sackett & Wiggins not transcribed]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 22, 1887, p. 3, cols. 2–3.
Next week's attraction at the Hennepin Avenue will be the greatest "Rag Baby" combination ever in the city.
Sackett & Wiggins' Mammoth Dime museum continues to draw immense crowds to see the anarchists.
The Hennepin Avenue will give three matinees this week, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 22, 1887. p. 3, col. 3.
A Man Who Was Fired From Sackett & Wiggins' Museum.
The case of William F. Casey against Sackett & Wiggins was on trial yesterday before Judge Rea. It appeared from the evidence that Casey visited the dime museum, owned by the defendants, April 1, 1887. A short time before he arrived at the museum, a disorderly person had been ejected, who resembled him both in dress and appearance, and when he presented his ticket for admission he was mistaken for the person who had just been ejected and refused admission. Casey, it seems, insisted on being admitted, when the doorkeeper called an officer and had him arrested. Casey asked for $5,000 damages, but the jury whittled it down to $300."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 22, 1887, p. 3, col. 6.
214 to 216 Hennepin Av.
Week of Nov. 21. Grand gala week.
Thursday, Nov. 24, open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Koarline, The Lady Potter; The Haymarket Riot; the Group of Anarchists; The Century's Sensation. 10c Admits to all. Saturday Children's Day. All school children on that day 5c. Open daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Continuous performances."
[Repeated 23 November 1887]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 23, 1887, p. 3, col. 3.
"In the Gladiatorial Tragedy—News of the Theaters.
Mr. Sackett of the firm of Sackett & Wiggins, declares that he is ready to close the Hennepin Avenue theater and also the dime museum when the authorities announce that all places of amusement, including the war panorama, are to be compelled to shut up shop on Sunday."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November, 24, 1887, p. 3, col. 3.
Proprietors Smilingly Plead Not Guilty and Give Bond.
The Globe announced exclusively that the grand jury had been looking into the matter of opening the places of amusement on Sunday, and yesterday morning it exclusively announced that indictments had been returned. The wicked culprits were marched into court yesterday, and treated the situation as pleasantly as it deserved.
Frederick Bock, manager of the Pence; William E. Sterling and Theodore L. Hayes, lessees of the People's, and Ida L. Sackett, J. E. Sackett and E. W. Wiggins, proprietors of the Hennepin Avenue theater and Dime museum, were arraigned on the charge of Sabbath breaking.
A plea of not guilty was entered in each case and a bond of $100 given. The several proprietors took their arrest in good part, but some of them were not at all pleased that discrimination had been practiced in the case of the panorama. It has been opened on Sunday, but was not indicted and no objection raised."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November, 24, 1887, p. 3, col. 8.
214 to 216 Hennepin Av.
Week of Nov. 21. Grand gala week.
Thursday, Nov. 24, open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 4, 1887, p. 2, col. 3.
"Things to be Done and Things Better to Leave Undone.
The Dime Museum.
Sackett & Wiggins, at the Dime museum on Seventh street, present unusual attractions this week. No better place for innocent recreation can be found in St. Paul than the museum. The best of order is maintained, and no improper characters are admitted within the walls of the museum. From the advertisement to be found elsewhere in the Globe of to-day a list of the attractions can be ascertained, and they will be found a veritable list of amusing and instructive wonders."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 4, 1887, p. 2, col. 6.
[Ad for Sackett & Wiggins.]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 18, 1887
The St. Paul Daily Globe, December 25, 1887
[Advertisements for Sackett & Wiggins not transcribed]
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 8, 1888, p. 3, col. 3.
"Adonis," underlined for the Grand, will be a leading event.
The sale for Keene at the Hennepin Avenue promises a great rush.
At "A Pair of Kids" at the Grand next Wednesday every lady occupying a seat in the circle at the matinee will receive a pair of kid gloves as a souvenir.
Mr. Wood, architect of Sackett & Wiggins' new Fourth street theater in St. Paul, was in the city yesterday. He said the new house would be ready for opening early in February.
With Hoodman Blind this week, Mr. Keene next week, Miss Maddern the week following, and "The Still Alarm" company succeeding Miss Maddern, the Hennepin Avenue will round out four weeks' of the most popular amusements of the winter. Miss Maddern became known to the Minneapolis public by her last engagement. Hereafter she will rank as a prime favorite.
The attraction for next week at the People's theater will be the brilliant English comedy entitled "The Gov'ner." This laughable comedy was first produced at Wallack's theater some six years ago and created at the time the greatest furor of any comedy ever seen up to that time. When placed upon the stage at the Boston museum it remained there the entire season and played night after night to "standing room only." Such is the record of the piece to be seen next week at the favorite Minneapolis resort."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 8, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
"The ever sprightly and enterprising Evening Journal keeps abreast of the times by publishing Poe's raven story on "Pop" Wiggins, which his wicked partner, Sackett, put up on him before they came to Minneapolis, and which appeared in the Globe nearly two years ago."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 20, 1888, p. 5, col. 2.
Enterprising Theatrical Men in Temporary Trouble.
It seems as though the financial complications of Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins, the lessees of the Hennepin Avenue theater, and proprietors of the Eden Musee at Minneapolis had reached a crisis. At any rate an attorney named Howard, is in charge of the museum, virtually acting as a receiver in representing the Northwestern bank and other creditors. Mr. Sackett is in Omaha, and Mr. Wiggins has gone to Detroit. It is understood that a temporary arrangement has been patched up with the creditors pending their return, whereby both places of amusement will continue to run. It is reported upon what appears to be trustworthy authority that the firm has paper out to the amount of $60.000. This they hope to meet by raising funds upon property in other places and their absence from the city is said to be for that purpose. It has been generally known that they have had much difficulty in keeping afloat for some months. The expensive and beautiful Hennepin Avenue theater took them beyond their depth and the undertaking to build another theater at St. Paul has been an additional burden. Their museum property has always been profitable, but its receipts have been largely absorbed by the other ventures."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 21, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
For the Hennepin Avenue Theater—Status ol the Difficulty.
Another step in the difficulties which seem to surround Sackett & Wiggins was the application made in the district court to have a receiver appointed for the Hennepin Avenue theater. J. M. Wood, the architect who built it, the Winona National bank and Torrence & Fletcher are the applicants. They are or represent creditors of the company and ask to have a receiver appointed to administer its affairs for the benefit of the creditors. The Hennepin Avenue theater is owned by a company of that name and is leased by Sackett & Wiggins. The building cost $120,000 and is heavily mortgaged, and has numerous suits against and liens upon it. The present attaches will hold on and run it in the interest of whoever may have control.
There is nothing new in the mortgage foreclosure by the People's bank. The amount due the bank, instead of $37,000 as stated in the Journal, is but $2,500, as A. D. Colton, president of the bank, states over his own signature. It is believed Sackett & Wiggins will raise this by their united exertions and keep the museum going, in which event they may yet emerge from their difficulties, In spite of the circumstances, Sackett is believed to have undaunted courage and pluck, with enough friends to hope he will weather the storm. The one idea seemed to be to complete, the St. Paul theater, so as to work the two together, after the manner of the two Grands, in which case it might be plain sailing. Wiggins and Sackett were not heard from yesterday, but will by this time have arrived at their respective destinations and may report progress to-day."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, January 29, 1888, p. 11, col. 1.
No Receiver Yet for the Hennepin Avenue Theater.
The complicated case of Sackett & Wiggins still retains its creases and knots and another week is given the versatile and energetic impressario, J. E. Sackett, in which to come to the rescue. The argument on the application for a receiver came up in the district court yesterday morning, when the attorney for Sackett & Wiggins moved that the order to show cause why a receiver should not be appointed be discharged. The petition of the plaintiff set forth that the firm of Sackett & Wiggins are indebted to the First National Bank of Winona to the amount of $1,750, to the firm of Torrance & Fletcher in the sum of $75 for attorney fees for the Hennepin Avenue Theater company, and to J. M. Wood for $1,667 for work done for the firm of Sackett & Wiggins in St.Paul and Omaha. The objections urged to this petition were, first, that there was not the proper authority from the Bank of Winona to apply for the receivership; second, that the work which Mr. Wood had performed, was not performed for the firm of Sackett & Wiggins, but for the firm of Sackett, Wiggins & Co. After a little sparring on both sides the case was continued until next Saturday."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 5, 1888, p. 11, col. 2.
For the Hennepin Avenue Theater—A Singular Mess.
The affairs of Sackett & Wiggins and the Hennepin Avenue Theater company came up for a hearing in the district court yesterday and received a partial settlement. Though separate concerns, their affairs are so closely intermingled that practically they are one. The theater company was first heard, the complainant being Stoddard & Orris, the firm having the general contract for its construction. An order was entered appointing Ralph Whelan. In the Sackett & Wiggins case claims were advanced by the First National Bank of Winona, $1,750; J. M. Wood, architect, $1,667.13; Mr. Breslauer, $110; Farnham & Baker, $43; Rasmussen & Horton, $100; Arthur C. Miller, $500, and Torrance & Fletcher, $75. All of these are for merchandise or services except the claim of Miller, which is a promissory note. Miller is Minnie Maddern's manager and exacted this note to square up with Sackett & Wiggins. They had booked Maddern to open the new theater at St. Paul, which was not completed, and before Miller would play the second time in the Hennepin avenue, he exacted this note. Argument was heard and the case continued until Wednesday next.
The history of the Hennepin Avenue theater is a peculiar one. Gates Bros, bought the land and began the erection of the theater, but reached the limit of their resources. Through a trust company they sold the land to C. B. Smith, of Dukes county, Mass., who advanced some money and took two mortgages of $30,000 each, one on the land and the other on the building. The work then went on until the money again ran out. Sackett & Wiggins then put in $15,000 in notes, and all interests were merged into the Hennepin Avenue Theater company. Smith leased the ground to the company, and the company leased the building to Sackett & Wiggins. The company agreed to turn over everything to Smith, on six days' notice, if it defaulted in rent or mortgage interest, but Sackett & Wiggins had an agreement by which they kept up both, and were credited that amount on rent. Their lease depends entirely upon keeping up the agreement between this company and Smith and if Sackett & Wiggins tide over their own difficulties and keep it up, they can hold the theater for their thirty years' lease. It is said Smith has sold one of his mortgages to the People's bank, of New Haven, which has instituted foreclosure proceedings. Altogether it is a singular muss."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 16, 1888, p. 3, col. 1.
Verdine Truesdell Appointed to Settle Up Sackett & Wiggins' Affairs.
Is Appointed for Sackett & Wiggins—A Roast by the Court.
A number of lawyers, who represented creditors of Sackett & Wiggins, gathered in Judge Hicks' court room yesterday to hear the final argument in the petition for the appointment of a receiver for the firm of Sackett & Wiggins. George H. Fletcher, of Torrance & Fletcher, attempted to introduce a third petition, the result of the meeting of the creditors last Saturday. It was claimed that this petition represented $15,000 worth of claims; but it was ruled out of the case by the court. As an argument for hurrying the appointment of a receiver, it was stated that at 9 o'clock the "Eden Musee" at St. Paul, had been disposed of, and there was danger of the "musee" in this city passing out of the hands of the firm, under the mortgage held by the People's bank. It was also stated that, unless $8,000 was raised at once, the firm would forfeit its lease of the Hennepin Avenue theater. The attorney for the defendants claimed that the plaintiffs had not been able to show a single legitimate claim against the firm of Sackett & Wiggins. The court said he thought the petitioners had been rather lax in presenting their claims in court, and if they had furnished the court with as much information as they had the newspapers the matter would have probably been settled some time ago. It was admitted that the court was in error in permitting the supplemental petition to be introduced at the hearing last week, and if the court was allowed to use any discretion in the matter the petition would not be granted, but, under the law, the court was forced to appoint a receiver, as the firm of Sackett Wiggins had been proved insolvent. The court then named Verdine Truesdell, the wood and coal dealer, as the receiver, and fixed his bonds at $10,000. Mr. Hunt, attorney for Sackett & Wiggins, gave notice that he would take an appeal. The appointment of Truesdell, as the receiver, was a surprise to most of the attorneys, several of whom made objections to his appointment."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 22, 1888, p. 3, col. 2.
Gossip of Current Attractions and Local Celebrities.
Joseph Litt & Co., the Chicago theater and museum managers, have made Sackett & Wiggins an offer to take the Minneapolis and St. Paul museums and Hennepin Avenue and the St. I Paul theaters. They offer to give $20,000 for the museums and the St. Paul theater, together with the assets of Sackett & Wiggins. They further offer $20,000 for the Hennepen Avenue theater, and assume all the debts if the property is turned over to them. Mr. Hunt, Sackett & Wiggins' attorney, regards the proposition favorably, but thinks that as Sackett & Wiggins cannot make over to Litt & Co. the leases of the museum building, the scheme is not perfectly feasible as it stands. He adds, however, that if Litt & Co. will pay the $20,000 and take their chances of obtaining the leases, the proposition will be accepted and the entire matter taken out of the courts."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 23, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
Promised Among the Possible and Would-be Purchasers of
Offers Received From Various Sources—Nunnemacher, of Milwaukee, in the Field.
It looks now as though the dime museum and Hennepin Avenue theater troubles would be settled for good, and all in a very short time. There are plans enough on foot to patch up a more serious difficulty, and there are any number of offers from which to choose. Kohl & Middleton, the Chicago dime museum men, Jacob Litt, the well-known theater manager, of Milwaukee, and Joseph McCodden, representing Bailey & Barnum, the Eastern showmen, arrived In Minneapolis yesterday morning and at once hunted up Sackett & Wiggins and other gentlemen and began talking business.
Mr. Litt, backed by Chicago men, and, it is said, J. M. Wood, a stockholder of the Hennepin Avenue theater, desires to gain control of the Minneapolis and St. Paul dime museums and theaters together. He offers to pay $20,000 for all, and assume all the liabilities of Sackett & Wiggins.
Mr. McCodden, who was in Minneapolis a short time ago with the Hoodman Blind company, is backed by Bailey & Barnum, and simply wants the theaters, not caring to assume the cares and responsibility incident upon taking the museums.
Kohl & Middleton, the Chicago men, want simply to take the dime museums, but say that if necessary to gain possession of them will take the theaters also.
All the gentlemen, with the exception of Mr. Litt, were found at the West hotel yesterday, and made these statements:
Mr. Middleton—"Mr. Kohl and myself do not care about taking the theaters, but are perfectly willing to do so if necessary to get the museums. We came up from Chicago with money enough to get hold of everything. This money is now in the Security bank, and is enough to out bid any one else. If things are worked right the creditors—and I understand they are numerous—will stand a very good show of getting their money. The matter will come up in court tomorrow, when the receiver will report the offers he has received to the judge. We will be on hand, and hope to get the museums. In regard to this matter of lease, it seems to me that Mr. Wiggins is making a great deal of trouble over nothing. I am perfectly satisfied to take the museum and then run my chances of keeping it if the court accepts my offer and sells me the leases. The thing can be worked so that all will get their money if our offer is accepted."
Mr. McCodden said he did not feel at liberty to say much in regard to the matter, but he would state that he had backing enough behind him to gain control of the theaters all right if the court should see fit to settle the matter that way.
J. M. Wood spent the afternoon in St. Paul with Mr. Litt, looking over property there. He had heard, he said, that Mr. Litt and a number of other gentlemen would like to get control of both theaters and museums, but he did not feel at liberty to state what had been done in the matter. Mr. Litt was then looking at the St. Paul property, he said, but would return in time to put in an offer for the property. In regard to the leases, he did not care much who had them, so long as he received his money. That was what he had been looking for for about a year and a half. He said that he hoped something might be done, so that the whole trouble could be straightened out.
Mr. Wood said upon his return from St. Paul yesterday afternoon, if Jacob Lett, of Milwaukee, succeeds in getting the theaters, that the creditors of the Hennepin Avenue' theater will be paid one hundred cents on the dollar, while the creditors of the museums will receive at least 75 cents the dollar. He claims that if any one else purchases the Hennepin avenue theater they will not be able to get possession of the St. Paul theater to be run in connection, which will, in that event, be run as a cheap theater.
The most interesting development in the case of a possible purchase was made last night, and the purchaser looms up in the person of Hermann Nunnemacher, of Milwaukee. The Nunnemacher brothers, Hermann and Jake, are quite well known in the theatrical world. Jake is now in New York, living on his money, while Hermann runs the Grand at Milwaukee. They and their backers have a barrel of money, and if they make up their minds to purchase here, they will probably do it. Mr. Nunnemacher has been here twice lately, but so quietly that it was not known. He is expected today, and will come prepared for business. He only wants the theater part of the Sackett & Wiggins outfit, but he is in with Kohl & Middleton, who want the museums, so there would be no trouble on that score. His scheme is a broad one and is to organize a little circuit of his own. He now owns the principal theaters in Milwaukee and Oshkosh, has some sort of a hold on the houses at Eau Claire and Stillwater and wants theaters in St. Paul and Minneapolis to complete his circuit. He figures that about 175,000 cash laid down will clear up things here. These are about the facts in the case and there is a promise of some lively scrapping when the matter reaches a climax."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, Friday morning, February 24, 1888, p. 3, cols. 4–5.
The Conflict Over Sackett & Wiggins' Affairs Deepens.
Sale Ordered This Morning—The Sheriff in Charge—Litt Gets the St. Paul House.
Several decidedly interesting turns were 'taken in the Sackett & Wiggins' muddle yesterday, and their affairs seem to be approaching a crisis, and yet the complication is as difficult as every. New Richmond's appear every day, and if the new man is not a would-be purchaser he is an unexpected creditor. This last was the case yesterday, and now the Eden Musee, on Hennepin avenue, is in charge of a deputy sheriff and Mortgagee Howard has been lifted out. The building is owned by Jacob Beck, who is in England on a visit, and who is represented by Dr. A. H. Llndley, as agent. The latter claimed to be fearful of losing rental money and yesterday began an action before Justice Tessier to eject the present holders and gain possession. In reality, both Beck and Lindley are strict Quakers and objected to Sunday openings, and it was on this account that the suit was brought. John H. Long represented the owner and made a fiery speech before the justice, in opposition to the rights and authority of Verdine Truesdell, the receiver who claimed to have something to say. The attorneys of the interested parties, including present holders, creditors and possible buyers, were on hand and legal points were rained in on the justice. He finally barred out the receiver, and ended the case by giving posession to the owner, through the sheriff, who placed a deputy in charge to hold the museum property there until the rent is satisfied. This leaves out Mr. Howard, who has been in command as holding the foreclosed chattel mortgage.
In the meantime, the would-be purchasers had grown clamorous and suspicious. Each was afraid the other had perfected some scheme to freeze him out, and all were anxious to buy the property at private sale. The creditors were pretty lively themselves, their object being to dispose of the property so as to receive the full value of their claims. Early in the morning an appeal was made to Judge Young to order the receiver to sell at private sale, but he declined to interfere, and takes Judge Hicks' place. The latter was at the Grand army encampment, and the claimants spent the entire morning in vainly trying to get the other judges to take it up. Finally, in the afternoon, Judge Hicks was caught and surrounded and the case argued. A motion was made that the receiver be allowed to sell at private sale, but was overruled and the receiver ordered to sell both museums at 10 o'clock this morning at Minneapolis. The creditors were only anxious to secure a price which would pay all the claims, and this was loudly promised by every aspirant.
It was reported last night that Judge Hicks had enjoined the sheriff and the justice from interfering with the sale, and it was also rumored late at night that an injunction would be procured from the supreme court to prevent the sale by the receiver this morning. There was a great deal of running about last night on the strength of these reports.
A new phaze was placed on the matter yesterday when Jacob Litt & Co., of Milwaukee, went to St. Paul, held a consultation with the executors of the Davidson estate, the owners of the St. Paul theater property, and obtained a ten-year lease of the place. The original lease was forfeited yesterday. This Mr. Litt and Mr. Wood had been waiting for and at once opened negotiations with the executors with the result stated. This lease is now in possession of Mr. Litt and bears date of Feb. 24, running for ten years. The new proprietors have already contracted for the finishing of the theater by next August, this money to apply on the rent of the theater. No work will be done at present. Mr. Litt is hopeful of getting the Hennepin Avenue theater as well, and will be disappointed if he does not gain possession of the museums also. He has a record of making a success of everything he has ever taken hold of, and in case he secures the theaters will not make them low-priced houses as was staled in one paper. Mr. Litt will be on hand at the auction sale of the museums to-day. The Hennepin Avenue theater matterwill not be settled for some weeks yet.
Joseph McCaddon said last evening: "I shall try to get control of the Hennepin Avenue theater, and if successful shall probably enter into some sort of an arrangement with Mr. Litt, who has secured the St. Paul theater.
James E. Purnell, the Chicago theatrical attorney, here in the interest of Sackett & Wiggins, was at the West hotel last evening. He felt confident that Kohl & Middleton would secure the museums, in view of the fact that they were to be sold at public auction. "I have," said he, "made the receiver an offer for Kohl & Middleton of $10,000 in cash as a first bid. This of course does not bar me from bidding higher. The property, in my opinion, will go for about $20,000.
Mr. Wood's Version.
To the Editor of the Globe.
Permit me to correct some errors that have appeared in several dailies of the Twin Cities, regarding my connections with different elements that are seeking to obtain possession of the museums in St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the Hennepin Avenue theater. First, regarding the proposition of Jacob Litt & Co., which I was authorized to make for them. This firm knowing the fact that the lease of thirty years of the Hennepin Avenue theater held by Sackett & Wiggins, and upon which nearly $13,000 had been paid as advance rent, creating an obstacle to the purchase of the theater until the equities of Sackett & Wiggins' in said lease could be adjudicated and that hence the affairs of Sackett & Wiggins, and the theater company were so ''Interwoven that the only practical solutionof the difficulty was a proposition to cover the entire costs of both concern. Now to refute some of the inferences nd deductions presented in afore mentioned erroneous statements I will give the proposition.
To Verdine Truesdell, Esq., Receiver Sackett & Wiggins. Dear Sir; We herewith submit the following proposition for the purchase of the estate of Sackett & Wiggins, which comprises the leases and fixtures of the museums in St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the lease of the Hennepin Avenue theater, for which we offer $21,000, $12,000 cash balance in six quarterly payments.
Jacob Litt & Co.
Ralph Whalen, Esq., Receiver Hennepin Avenue Theater Company. Dear Sir: We herewith submit the following proposition for the purchase of the assets of the Hennepin Avenue Theater company. We will pay $2,000 cash and assume all claims which have been adjudicated by the court as liens upon the Hennepin Avenue theater building, and also assume the $30,000 mortgage and ground lease.
Jacob Litt & Co.
It being understood that both propositions must be accepted, as the acceptance of one is dependent on the other.
Now to analyze these propositions. In the first proposition for the museum the offer of this firm is $20,000, $12,000 cash and balance in six quarterly payments, this being double the amount of any other proposition, and the cash part being $2,000 in excess of the amount of any other proposition.
Upon what basis of reasoning anyone can claim that a sale of the museum on an offer of $10,000 cash is better for the creditors than an offer of $20,000, $12,000 of which is cash, I cannot figure out, unless it is on the assumption of large equities in the lease of Hennepin Avenue theater, as the equity then depends mainly on the completion of payments on furnishings of theater assumed by Sackett & WIggins, which furnishings are secured by chattel mortgage, and as Sackett &Wiggins are insolvent and cannot make deferred payments, the furnishings will be sold under mortgage and will not bring amount due on them, thus all benefits to Hennepin Avenue Theater company on account of what has been advanced will be wiped out. Now as to proposition to recover of Hennepin Avenue Theater company. The $2,000 cash covers all unsecured claims and cost of care of building since it came into the hands of a receiver, all liabilities of every kind, including interest on claims to date, attorneys' fees, to be assumed and paid in full, 50 per cent of amount in cash and balance in six quarterly payments, amply secured, with 8 per cent interest, the assumption of mortgage and ground lease, thus giving to every creditor of the company 100 cents on the dollar, settling all legal complications as to priority of lien, equity in lease, etc.
Now, again, regarding my position in this transaction, I will simply say that I have had a two-fold interest in the Hennepin Avenue theater. One a matter of professional pride and a desire to see it in the hands of legitimate people; another to get a little hard-earned money that had cost me a world of care and anxiety.
When the museums were taken by mortgagee I did not hesitate as to what course to pursue, knowing so well the men we had to deal with, and almost single-handed I had to fight the plucky attorney of the debtors to secure a receiver, but at last was joined by a few other mourners, and during all the delay pending the appointment of a receiver not a solitary proposition or overture was made by the debtors looking to any settlement of their affairs or any effort to in any way aid the creditors in saving and making the most of the assets. Onthe contrary, the honest and upright members of the firm, with the moral, possible active support of the mortgagee and a few others who had been led to believe that this honest patriach would take care of them, commenced a systematic effort to destroy the value of the assets and it is only because he has been closely watched by a number of interested parties who were determined to defeat his nefarious purposes that he has not succeeded in depriving his creditors of any possible chance of getting a dollar.
As to Mr. Litt making the theater second-class, I will say that to those who know him and his standing with the profession and the character of his attractions at the Academy of Music, Milwaukee, this would be amusing, and I believe I am safe in saying that three-fourths of the leading attractions visiting Milwaukee play at the Academy of Music. I hope that this will give to the public the facts in regard to the propositions of Jacob Litt & Co.
J. M. Wood."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, Friday morning, February 24, 1888, p. 3, col. 8.
"Notice Is Hereby Given
that the undersigned receiver of Sackett & Wiggins will sell at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title and interest of the above named firm in and to the following described property, viz.: Sackett & Wiggins' Dime Museum, located at 214 and 216 Hennepin avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.; also Sackett & Wiggins' St. Paul Dime Museum, located at and in the building numbered 94 and 96 East Seventh street. St. Paul, Minn., together with all property, effects and appurtanances thereunto belonging. Said sale to take place on the 24th day of February at 10 o'clock a. m., at Nos. 214 and 216 Hennepin avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
Receiver of Sackett & Wiggins."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 24, 1888, p. 5, col. 6.
A Peculiar Lease.
The muddle over the lease of the Hennepin avenue theater is a very peculiar one and does not seem to be very well understood. In reality it is a part of the assets of Sackett & Wiggins, but is not enumerated in the order of sale published by the receiver. Sackett & Wiggins have a thirty-years' lease of the theater from the Hennepin Avenue Theater company, and have paid about $12,000 in rent as money advanced to meet the theater company's obligations. But this lease is only valid as long as the theater company has rights in the premises. There are two mortgages of $30,000 each on the property, besides the indebtedness to the contractors, and the terms of the contract are such that Smith, the mortgagee, can walk into possession on six days' notice. If the theater company loses its hold, of course the Sackett & Wiggins lease follows suit. Thus far Sackett & Wiggins had paid out $1,200 for the theater company's indebtedness and been credited on its rent account. Another thing is that the theater building is not completed, nothing but the theater proper having received attention, and some thousands of dollars will be necessary to the completion. If the purchaser of the lease can arrange the indebtedness of the theater company and satisfy the mortgages, by payment or otherwise, he would have the benefit of the credit of $12,000, with the addition of whatever may be expended on behalf of the theater company."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 25, 1888, p. 3, col. 3.
"The names of Ida L. Sackett, J. E. Sackett and E. W. Wiggins were then called to answer to the indictment of keeping open the Hennepin Avenue theater on the Sabbath day, there being no appearance on the part of the defendants, their bonds were ordered defaulted. The jury was then excused until March 5."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 25, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
The Sackett & Wiggins' troubles are rapidly assuming the proportions of a Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce case. The documents in the district court are accumulating with appalling rapidity."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 25, 1888, p. 3, cols. 5–6.
After a Free-for-All Slugging Match the Dime Museums Are Sold at Auction.
Kohle & Middleton Buy for $13,200 and Expect to Open Them Without Delay.
The Theater Trouble Still Muddy—A Sale to Satisfy the Stoddard and Orris Claim.
If the court will to-day confirm the sale of the St. Paul and Minneapolis dime museums, made yesterday to Kohl & Middleton by Receiver Truesdell, that part of the Sackett & Wiggins muddle will be cleared up. There still remains the lease of the Hennepin Avenue theater to be disposed of, but it is doubtful whether the lease will be in condition to sell. Judge Young has ordered a sale of the theater to satisfy a mechanic's lien, which seems the first step in the clearing up process there. What effect a sale will have on the lease and the prepaid rent remains for the court to determine. The speculative theater and museum men are still in the city, and may stay to get a chance at the theater. The combination story is told in the articles which follow:
Proceedings Open With a Broken Nose For Attorney Long.
The dime museums have passed into the hands of Kohl & Middleton, of Chicago, and today the sign in front of the place, indicating that Sackett & Wiggins are the owners, will come down.
… [report of free fight in which the owners' attorney, who refused to give up the building to the receiver, had his nose "knocked all out of shape" and "face all covered with blood."] …
Attorney Hunt, for Sackett & Wiggins, Files a New Complaint.
During the muss at the dime museum yesterday, C. N. Hunt, the attorney for Sackett & Wiggins, was particularly angry over the turn affairs had taken, He denounced the whole thing as a scheme and a fraud. "But they have gone a little too far," he exclaimed. "The affidavit was false under which they got that order, and I think that we can make it so warm for them that they will be unable to realize the exact state of the weather for a month.Ó Late yesterday afternoon Mr. Hunt filed a complaint in an action asking the rescinding of the order issued by Judge Young, ordering the Hennepin Avenue theater building and lease sold, and the proceeds of the sale applied in paying the liens against the same. He claims that H. C. Truesdale was the attorney for the plaintiffs when this order was obtained, and that he made false representations to the court in obtaining the order. Mr. Hunt says that he was willing to have a receiver appointed to take charge of the whole matter, and allowed Mr. Truesdale to draw the order, but that in drawing the same he exceeded his authority, and put into the same a clause allowing an absolute sale of the property. This matter will probably be argued today at the same time when the court will be asked to confirm the sale of the dime museum to Kohl & Middleton."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - Western Appeal, (Saint Paul, Minn.), March 17, 1888, p. 5, col. 1.
"The lease and interest of Sackett & Wiggins, in the Hennepin Avenue Theatre property, is to be sold to-day."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, March 18, 1888, p. 11, cols. 1–2.
The Schedule of S. H. Baker's Assets—Sackett & Wiggins Again.
The Hennepin Avenue Theater Troubles Not Yet Over.
The sale of the interests of the late firm of Sackett & Wiggins in the Hennepin Avenue theater did not come off as per advertisement yesterday, but has been postponed one week. This postponement was secured by Ralph Whelan, the receiver of the theater, who thought such a sale would be against the best interests of the creditors, as there is some $6,000 still unpaid on the furnishings, which are valued, and which Sackett & Wiggins claim to own. Mr. Whelan holds that, as Sackett & Wiggins have no other interest in the theater, no one would want the place if the furnishings were sold to some one else. So he will try to have an order made ordering the theater sold at the same time as the furnishings. The Minnesota Loan and Trust company, which holds the mortgage on the property, is willing to work in unison with the receiver in finding a purchaser for the whole thing, providing the money due can be secured in some way. But, meantime, rent goes on piling up at the rate of about $1,000 per month, and for this some one is liable to the owners."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 7, 1888, p. 4, col. 6.
"STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Hennepin.—District Court, Fourth Judicial District
In the matter of the receivership of the firm of Sackett & Wiggins, composed of Ida L. Sackett and Enoch W. Wiggins, insolvents. Minneapolis, Minn., the 18th day of February, 1888.—undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as receiver of the firm of Sackett & Wiggins, composed of Ida S. Sackett and Enoch W. Wiggins, of the city of Minneapolis, in the county of Hennepin and state of Minnesota, who have been adjudged insolvent on the petition of creditors under the provisions of chapter 138 of the General Laws of the state of Minnesota for the year 1881.
All creditors claiming to obtain the benefits of said act are requested to file their claims with the undersigned within twenty (20) days after the publication of this notice.
Receiver of Sackett & Wiggins, Insolvents.
J. H. Bearnes, Attorney for Receiver."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, April 28, 1889, p. 2, col. 2–3.
"The Davidson Estate Not Liable for Sackett & Wiggins' Debts.
Their Claim Against Sackett & Wiggins Not a Lien on the Exposition Property—Court Cullings.
Judge Brill handed down five decisions yesterday, which bear an important relation to the estate of William F. Davidson, deceased. They also seriously disappoint the efforts of five contractors of this city who brought suit against the estate to recover large sums for work done on the Exposition building during the time that property and its appurtenances was under the control of Sackett, Wiggins & Wood. On the 7th of August, 1887, the executors of the Davidson estate entered into an agreement with Sackett, Wiggins & Wood, whereby the Exposition property, including the building thereon, was leased for the period of ten years at an annual rental of $11,000. Sackett, Wiggins & Wood agreed to and were privileged to make such alterations and additions to the building as would make it fit for an opera house, the plans of the proposed alterations having been submitted to all of the executors save one, Sarah A. Davidson, who refused to join in the execution of the contract, and did not sanction it in the least.
Matters between the estate add [sic] the lessees having been settled save as to the signature of Sarah M. Davidson to the instruments conveying these rights to the opera house parties, the work of tearing down the Exposition building and reconstructing it in part according to the proposed design, was begun under the supervision and at the responsibility of Sackett, Wiggins & Wood. They employed contractors on various parts of the work, and soon the Exposition rink was in ruins and great stone walls were rising up on the rear of the lot and facing Fifth street, under the progressing work of the contractors. Sackett/ Wiggins & Wood kept up the work and paid for its performance until the 24th of January, 1888, when they became insolvent and unable to pay their debts. The contractors quit their work and came in upon the insolvent opera house firm with unpaid accounts which had accrued to that date. The five contractors instituted as many suits against the Davidson estate to recover for the work done and asked the court for judgment for their several claims and to have the same declared a lien upon the Exposition property. Nels J. Ness sued to recover $2,817.81; Thomas Looby, $1,366.61; Charles Jaggar, $1,366; the John Martin Lumber Co., $1,747.06; Edw. Siskron, about $1,400. These cases were all tried before the court without a jury and its conclusion determines that neither of the contractors are entitled to recover against the estate."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 5, 1889, p. 2, col. 1.
Herbert Sackett, the good-looking stage manager for Donnelly and Girard, has a good deal to say with reference to the mirth-provoking qualities of "Natural Gas." Everybody knows that the "business" introduced in the great "Summer Season" song is very funny, and very often people in the audience laugh so much over it that they become hysterical. "One night in Oshkosh," says Sackett "we had one of those hearty, loud-mouthed laughers in the audience. Every time one of the comedians opened his mouth this fellow came near falling off his seat. When the 'Summer Season' song was reached, the local manager, who had seen the piece before, appeared behind the scenes and requested Donnelly and Girard to omit the circus 'business.' Girard protested, claiming that the circus act was the funniest thing in the whole Show. But the local manager wouldn't have it. He said that if the circus act 'went' the man with the loud laugh would have to be carried out of the audience on a stretcher. So to save the expense of a funeral, the circus act was omitted at Oshkosh.""
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, November 5, 1889, p. 2, col. 5.
"The Northwestern Lime Company brings suit against Ferodowill & Sackett to enforce a lien for $280.49."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 1, 1890. p. 3, col. 4.
He Must Settle the Legacy of Debt Left by Sackett & Wiggins In the Agreement to Convert the Exposition Rink Into a Theater.
The ghost of Sackett & Wiggins' long defunct scheme for turning the old Exposition building, on Fourth street, into a place of amusement took an inning the supreme court yesterday, and practically put one-third of the whole expense of their building operations upon E. E. Davidson.
In August, 1887, Sackett Wiggins and Wood entered into a contract with four of the fire executors of the late Commodore Davidson, by the terms of which they were to place a building costing not less than $30,000 on the site of the old exposition building, paying a ground rental of $15,000 per year to the estate until 1892, when the property was to be revalued and the rent modified accordingly. Messrs. Sackett & Wiggins went ahead with the work until January, 1888, when they became insolvent.Their failure knocked out all possibility of the contract being carried out and left the estate badly in the soup, as the museum people had paid but one installment of $1,100 on the contract.
About this time mechanic's and material men's liens, too numerous to mention, began to be filed against the property, in four of which the supreme court decisions filed yesterday. From their decision it appears that while the will of the late Commodore Davidson granted to his executors, E. E. Davidson, Sarah A. Davidson, P. S. Davidson, Col. J. H. Davidson, and F. J. Johnson, the power to sell and convey any of the real estate it did not authorize a transaction like the deal with Sackett & Wiggins. Mrs. Davidson, however, did not join with the other four executors referred to, and, hence the supreme court holds that these liens can not hold against either her or Miss Sallie Davidson a minor who, under the will is the owner of one-third of the entire estate. For these reasons the supreme court affirms the order of the lower court, as to all parties except E. E. Davidson, and directs that a new trial be had for the purpose of determining the amount his one-third interest in the property must pay—that is, it puts the entire cost of Sackett & Wiggins' building fiasco on Mr. Davidson. The syllabus follows:
Ne!s J. Mess, appellant, vs. James M. Wood et al. respondents. Order reversed as to the defendant, E. E. Davidson. Affirmed as to the other defendants. Collins. J.
Five persons were the duly appointed and legally qualified executors of the last will and testament of W. F. Davidson, deceased. Two of these executors, E. E. D. and S. A. D. and another person, still a minor, were the devisees named in the will, having the same interest under it share and share alike, in the property. Pending the settlement of the estate in probate court four of the executors, one being said devisee E. E. D., entered into a contract with S. W. and W., with reference to the alteration and permanent improvement of a building then situate upon certain real property belonging to the estate and a lease thereof to said S. W. and W. for a period of ten years.
The plaintiff, by virtue of a contract with S. W. and W., performed labor upon and furnished materials for the alteration and improvement of said building. was. not paid for the same, and in this action demands that the value of said labor and materials be adjudged a specific lien against said real property. Held, first, that such a lien cannot be decreed against the interests of the executor and devisee, S. A. D., who refused to become a party to the original contract, or as against the interests of the minor devisee. Second, that, as against the interest of the executor and devisee, E. E. D., who signed the contract, the amount of the plaintiff's claim should be decreed and adjudged a specific lien under the terms and provisions of chapter 90. Generals Laws 1878, subject, of course, to the administration of the estate.
Order reversed as to the defendant E. E. Davidson. Affirmed as to the other defendants.
In the cases of the John Martin Lumber company vs. Sarah A. Davidson et. al., Edward Siskron vs. Sackett, Wiggins & Co. et. al., and Charles Jaggar vs. Thomas Looby et. a!., the court says: The questions presented in each of these cases are identical with those disposed of in Ness vs. Wood, just decided. For the reasons therein stated the order in each is reversed as to E. E. Davidson and affirmed as to the other defendants."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, May 27, 1890, p. 8, cols. 2–3.
"A Relic of Sackett & Wiggins and the Exposition Theater Scheme
The Davidson Heirs Sued on a Sackett & Wiggins Claim.
The cause of Charles Jagger against Thomas Looby, the executors of the estate of the late Commodore Davidson and others, is being tried before Judge Otis. It is claimed that, by the will of Commodore Davidson, the executors had authority to lease real estate for a term of years. A contract was made by the executors by which certain premises were leased to Sackett &Wiggins for a term of ten years from Aug. 17, 1887, at $11,000 a year. The erection of an exposition building was commenced on the premises and continued until January, 1888, when Sackett & Wiggins failed, leaving the building uncompleted. Jagger furnished 128,000 bricks to be used in the erection of the building, and filed a mechanic's lien for the sum of $1,024. The pending action is to enforce that lien."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, June 25, 1890, p. 4, col. 5.
"Britons Buy Freak Shows.
Omaha, Neb., June 24.—The English Syndicate, which one year ago was herald as after the dime museums of the United States, has secured control of the houses in Sackett & Lawter's circuit at Omaha, St. Joe. Mo., and Lincoln, Neb. The price paid is said to be $75,000, Messrs. Sackett & Lawter retaining one-fifth interest in the museums."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke] - The St. Paul Daily Globe, July 20, 1890, p. 2, col. 2.
Edward Davidson Must Pay the Sackett & Wiggins Exposition Bills.
Edward E. Davidson must pay the mechanics' liens filed against the old exposition rink, for materials furnished Sackett & Wiggins, and the liens are prior to the rights of Thomas Lowry in the land.
Judge Otis yesterday filed a decision in the case of the John Martin Lumber Company against Edward E. Davidson and Sackett and Wiggins, in which the mechanic's lien, filed by plaintiff in 1888 against the exposition building, and the land on which it stood, which was afterwards purchased by Thomas Lowry, is held a valid lien to the extent of Edward Davidson's one-third interest therein, and prior to the rights of Lowry in the land.
The will of William F. Davidson gave the executors of the estate power to sell any of the lands. The executors, in 1889, sold the property to Lowry. Edward E. Davidson contested the liens, and urged that the sale of the executors defeated the liens, and that no lien could arise by any contract of his as an heir to construct buildings on the estate. It appears that the John Martin Lumber company sold Sackett & Wiggins a large amount of building material, which was used by them in the reconstruction of the old Exposition rink, which they had undertaken to remodel into a theater in 1887, under a ten years' agreement with Edward E. Davidson and three other executors. Sackett & Wiggins, after using the materials in the building, abandoned the enterprise and left the city, leaving the bills for material and labor unpaid. Liens were filed, and creditors sought to hold the land for payment, and expensive litigation has followed.
Upon the first trial of this case the plaintiff was defeated, on the ground that the executors could, not make a contract under which a lien could be established against the property of heirs. The supreme court reversed that decision, and held that though the tenyears' lease with Sackett and Wiggins was beyond the power of the executors to make, it was binding upon Edward E. Davidson as an individual to the extent of his third interest inthe property, which interest he had under, his father's will. The case was again tried this month and closely contested, and Judge Otis decides that the lien is valid, and that the subsequent sale of the land to Lowry was subject to the mechanics' liens, and orders judgment that Edward E. Davidson's interest in the land be sold to satisfy plaintiff's claim.
A similar decision was rendered in the cases of Ness vs. Davidson, Jagger against Davidson and Niskern against Davidson."
[Transcribed from Library of Congress image by Karen Gerke]
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