Nathaniel Sackett

FatherNathaniel Sackett (1737-1805)
MotherMary Rogers
Death1854, Monroe, Butler County, OhioG
Marriage1792Elizabeth Terboss1
MarriageJane Stitt
Nathaniel Sackett, son of Nathaniel Sackett and Mary Rogers, was born on 21 October 1768.1 He died aged 84 in Monroe, Butler County, OhioG, on 5 June 1854 and was buried at Monroe CemeteryG.2,3 He married first in about 1792, Elizabeth Terboss, daughter of Jacob Terboss Jr. and Sarah Dubois.1 Elizabeth died in MonroeG in 1822. He married second Jane Stitt.
     Nathaniel was listed in the census in 1800 and 1810 as a householder in Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York StateG.4,5
     In 1820 and 1830 he was a householder in Lemon, Butler County, OhioG.6,7 In 1840 he was a householder in Middletown, Butler CountyG.8
Nathaniel Sackett (1769–1854), Monroe Cemetery, Butler County, Ohio
(Src: Find A Grave, Eileen Shelton)

Children of Nathaniel Sackett and Elizabeth Terboss

463. Nathaniel Sackett 1768–1854, of Dutchess County, N. Y., and Butler County, Ohio, son of (148) Hon. Nathaniel and Mary Rogers Sackett, was married in 1792, to Elisabeth Terboss, daughter of Jacob Terboss, Jr. and his wife Sarah Dubois. Elisabeth Terboss Sackett died in 1822, and Nathaniel Sackett, at an unascertained date, was married to his second wife, Jane Stitt, of Woodford County, KY. Mr. Sackett, shortly after his marriage to Miss Terboss, settled on a farm near Wappingers, Dutchess County. Just how long he remained there is uncertain, but in 1814 he was a resident of Fishkill, in same county. In 1816 he determined to remove to the "far west," and disposing of his property in Ulster County, he set out with a two-horse conveyance on a seven hundred mile journey to Cincinnati, Ohio. He took with him his wife and two children, together with such provision and household goods as would be needed in camping out along the way, for a considerable portion of the route to be traversed ran through a wild and uninhabited country. Cincinnati was, at that period, a flourishing city of about twenty thousand souls.
     It was Mr. Sackett's intention when he started on this long journey, to make Cincinnati his permanent home, but on reaching that city concluded he could best provide for the future of his family by settling on a farm within marketing distance of the place, especially as farming land was cheap, rich and easily cultivated, while the market value of all farm products was unusually high. He therefore joined with a Mr. Piatt in the purchase of an extensive tract at what was then called Baker's Hill, in Butler County. Now Baker's Hill was in fact an extensive plain and a hill only in the sense that it was the highest ground in all that region. Nearly four long years passed away after Nathaniel Sackett left his home on the banks of the Hudson before his relatives in that vicinity heard a word from him. Then there came a long letter which eventually found a place among the treasured archives of the family. This well written old letter, folded after the manner of those days, is inscribed:
Mr. Samuel Sackett 25c
Monticello, Sullivan County
State of New York.

Opening it with care and spreading it out we read:
Ohio, March 12, 1820.
Dear Brother:
     Next May it will be four years since I had the pleasure of seeing you. Then you would not believe I would move to this country. I am engaged in farming. The land here is far richer than I expected to find it. In some places there are large plains of the richest and finest soil, without any trees growing on it, and then there are large tracts of equally rich land covered with timber. Black walnut, ash, buckeye poplar abound. Other land not quiet so rich is covered with white oak, beech, and whitewood. All the trees grow large and tall. There are no mountains, rocks, or stones. The land is very easy to plow. We use but two horses to turn the stiffest sod. Everything grows larger than with you. If well cultivated it is the best land I ever saw for rye, wheat, oats, Indian corn, flax, potatoes, and all kinds of fruit and vegetables that can be grown in New York State.
     I have this season killed 7,000 weight of pork, all of my own raising. I have a good stock of cattle and 4 horses, one of which is the sorrel I had when I lived in Fishkill. The other three are just as good. I have 45 sheep and we make plenty of homespun cloth and blankets. I have fatted a great deal of beef as well as pork and it is all first-rate. I feed all my stock all they will eat the year round.
     We are in a favored land. But I have nevertheless had many a heartache since I saw you last, thinking of relatives and friends and native country seven hundred miles away, and I, with my little family among strangers in a strange land. We live in a thickly settled neighborhood of friendly people many of whom came in this country when land was cheap and now have large and well cultivated farms that are worth many times what they cost. If some of you would only come and spend a little time with us how it would sweeten our solitude and cheer us up.
     I have laid out a town on my farm and sold a number of lots. There are already 20 houses up and two stores and two taverns, and there is a Presbyterian Meeting-house in sight. I have called it Monroe. Where are John and Nathaniel, and what are they doing? And where are Joshua Arkills and his family, and Betsey Sackett, and what are they doing? What has become of Ananias? I forgot to mention that my wheat weighed from 62 to 66 lbs. per bushel. I must stop writing now for Betsey claims part of the paper on which to write to Polly
Your affectionate brother,
Nathaniel Sackett.
[to] Mr. Samuel Sackett.
Dear Sister:
     It is a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you. Perhaps the time seems longer to me than it does to you. When traveling over craggy mountains and through lonely vales, leaving all my near and dear relatives and friends far behind, no one with me but my little family, many a tear trickled down my cheek. But my Heavenly Father was my stay and support, and his providence has brought us safely to this goodly land, where everything needed for the support of man and beast is in abundance. I want for nothing essential that the world affords, only the good company of you and some of my old friends. I think it would be better for you and yours here than where you are. We have no banks where there are notes to pay off. I will try to tell you what we have accomplished since we came here with our wagon load, not quite four years ago. This summer we will milk fifteen cows. Last summer I sold a great quantity of butter, and this year shall sell a great deal more. We sell our butter for from 2 to 3 shillings per pound: and for cheese we get 16 and 18 pence. We have 15 cows, 4 horses, a yoke of oxen, between 30 and 40 hogs and young cattle and 46 sheep, nearly all of our own raising, from which and their product I clothe my family.
     I have made since we came here about 100 yards of fulled cloth and blankets. This year I have made 4 very handsome red and blue coverlets, besides linen and a piece of diaper. It makes me proud when I put the scissors into a piece of it, for, as you know, it is a thing quite new to me. We have poultry of all kinds, and frequently go to market with a load. Turkeys sell for 8 and 10 shillings each, fowls 3 and 4 shillings a pair, ducks 4 and geese 8 shillings a pair. I have three firkins of lard and a cwt. of butter now ready for market. And now you will want to hear about my children. Almira has grown to be a woman. She is about the size of her Aunt Betsey and looks very much like her. William A. has grown very much and is now going to school. He ciphers to the rule of three and is studying grammar. How are all your children? O how I long to see you all ! Give my love to all your family, not forgetting Nan, if she is alive. My children want to be remembered to you all.
Your ever affectionate sister,
Elizabeth Sackett
[to] Mrs. Mary Sackett

Mrs. Elisabeth Terboss Sackett died suddenly in her home in Monroe, Butler County, Ohio, a little less than two years after writing above letter. Her death was supposed to have been the result of copperas poison contained in some pickles, of which she partook at a dinner party given at the house of a neighbor.
Nathaniel Sackett died in 1848. He was buried in the village graveyard at Monroe, which during his life time had become a settlement of nearly three hundred inhabitants. He has founded and named the place and no other man had done so much for it as he. The sites of its churches, schools, a public park, and a cemetery, were his free gifts, and its townsmen sincerely mourned his loss.
1002. Almira Sackett, b. Sept. 4, 1804, d. in year 1882; m. George P. Williamson.
1003. William A. Sackett, b. Sept. 8, 1808, d. Mar. 6, 1891; m. Mary G. Ross.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "463. Nathaniel Sackett, b. Oct. 21, 1769; m. Elizabeth Ter Boss."
  2. Find a Grave, Monroe Cemetery, Butler County, Ohio, "Nathaniel Sackett / Proprietor of the Town of Monroe / Died June 5, 1854 / Aged 85y 7m & 12d."
  3. Age at death, 85y 7m 12d, calculates to a birth date of 24 Oct 1768. Weygant had 21 Oct 1769.
  4. 1800 United States census, "Nathaniel Sacket Jr, Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York State, 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-15, 4 males 26-44, 1 female 16-25, 1 female 26-44, total 8."
  5. 1810 United States census, "Nathaniel Sacket, Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York State, 1 male under 10, 1 male 16-25, 1 male 26-44, 1 female under 10, 1 female 16-25, 1 female 26-44, total 6."
  6. 1820 United States census, "Nathaniel Sacket, Lemon, Butler, Ohio, 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 45 and over, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 45 and over, total 5."
  7. 1830 United States census, "Nathaniel Sacket, Lemon, Butler County, Ohio, 1 male 5-9, 1 male 15-19, 1 male 60-69, 1 female 30-39, total 4."
  8. 1840 United States census, "Nathaniel Sackett, Middletown, Butler County, Ohio, 1 male 70-79, 1 female 40-49, total 2."
Sackett line5th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
3rd great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Susan Wise.
Last Edited27 Apr 2024
Sackett Database7350 Nathaniel Sackett

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven