John Sakett

John Sakett, of Sandwich, Kent, was born presumably in the late 1300s. In his will made on St Thomas's Day (21 December) 1444, he left £5 to buy three ornamental altar cloths for the side altars in St Peter's Church, Sandwich.1
Extract from will of John Sackett of St Peter's, Sandwich, Kent, St Thomas's Day (21 December) 1444

"ITEM: Lego ad opus Ecclesie fratrum, in Villa Sandwich decem solidos, ut fratres dicerent unum trentall, pro anima mea et pro quibus teneor. Lego quinque libras legal. monete Angl. que sunt in manibus Nicholai Underdown, ad emend. tres palles, pro dicta Ecclesia, pro tribus Altarbus, viz. Sanctorum Jacobi Apostoli, Marie de la Petye, et Margarete.—Testam Joannis Sakett dat. Festo St Thome Apostoli 1444.
(ITEM: I leave for the use of the church of my brothers in the town of Sandwich ten shillings, in order that the brothers may say one trental [a mass] for my soul and for those to whom I am held [indebted]. I leave five pounds in legal English money which is held by Nicholas Underdown, to purchase three coverings, as chosen by the Church, for the three altars of St James the Apostle, Mary of Pity, and St Margaret.)"

 Notes & Citations

  1. John Lewis, The History & Antiquities of the Isle of Tenet (1736).
Last Edited5 Nov 2018

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven