Oliver Sacket

FatherZebulon Sacket (1737-1777)
MotherLucy Root (-after 1794)
Oliver Sacket, son of Zebulon Sacket and Lucy Root, was born in Sheffield, Berkshire County, MassachusettsG, on 12 December 1770.1 He died aged 23 in the West IndiesG in 1794.
     Although Oliver had few possessions, literally just his clothes and $8 in cash, due process was followed in settling his affairs. His mother Lucy, now Lucy Mudge of Canaan, Columbia County, New York, by a letter of 2 June 1794, declined to act as administrator, proposing instead Solomon Mudge. Solomon, a merchant of New Haven, would have been her stepson by her second marriage. He died in New Haven on 30 June 1794. Administration of the estate was eventually completed by two other appointees more than a year later. The inventory, made in New Haven on 9 October 1795, listed Oliver's clothing, including a "coat with lappels" at 18 shillings, a pair of silk and cotton stockings 9s, a striped jacket nearly new 8s, and a pair of velvet breeches valued at 15 shillings. These quality items and his presence in the West Indies suggest that he may have been an officer on a ship.2
Administration of estate of Oliver Sacket of New Haven, 1794.
Administrators: Solomon Mudge, Jacob Pinto, appointed 25 Jun 1794. Replaced 8 Sep 1795 by Isaac Bishop & Jacob Pinto.
Letter 2 Jun 1794 from Lucy Mudge, Canaan, Columbia County, NY, "mother of Oliver Sacket whom I have heard died in the West Indies...". She declined to act as administrator, advised that Oliver's father was deceased, and proposed that Solomon Mudge of New Haven act as administrator. Letter accepted at Court by Eleazer Grant JP.
Inventory, New Haven, 9 Oct 1795, clothing £3 15 0, cash $8 = £2 8 0; total £6 3 0. Administrators' expenses £2 0 0, incl. advertisements, court fees, & administrators' time.

 Notes & Citations

  1. "Massachusetts, Town and Vital records, 1620–1988" (Ancestry image), Sheffield, "Sacket, Oliver, son of Zebulon & wife Lucy, born 12 Dec 1770."
  2. "Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609–1999" (Ancestry image).
Sackett line5th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
3rd great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited1 Jan 2022
Sackett Database19504 Oliver Sacket

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven