Richard Sackett

Richard Sackett, yeoman of Minster in Thanet, Kent, was born in the mid-1500s. He died there between 31 May 1604 when he made his will and 12 December 1604 when the will was proved. He may have been a son, or perhaps grandson, of Richard Sackett of Minster in Thanet who was left land there in 1557 by his brother Thomas.
     Richard made his will at Minster in ThanetG on 31 May 1604.1 By his will, he would appear to have been unmarried and childless. He named as beneficiaries his sister Alice Sackett (now Wildbore), her sons, Jeremy and Edward, and Jeremy's daughter Barbara.1 He left to his sister Alice a tenement and lands at Totthill, Minster, with reversion to her sons Jeremy and Edward. He left £20 to Agnes Wildbore (this was probably his niece Anne) and £10 to Barbara Wildbore, daughter of Jeremy. Richard left his home tenement and lands at Minster to Denise, wife of John Peele, with reversion to Denise's sons William and John Peele. He left lands at Brooke, Minster, to Mary, wife of John Jancock [?Hancock]. The will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury on 12 December 1604.
Abstract of will of Richard Sackett of Minster in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 31 May 1604.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 12 December 1604.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-54-305.
Testator: Richard Sackett, yeoman of Minster in Thanet.
Sister Alice Wilbore, tenement & lands at Totthill, Minster, occupied by John Bright & George Wilbore.
Jeremy & Edward Wilbore, sons of Alice, reversion of above.
Denise Peele, wife of John, tenement & lands at Minster in own occupation, & lands in occupation of Richard Terrie of Chislett & Edward Allen of Minster.
William & John Peele, sons of Denise, reversion of above.
Mary Jancock, wife of John, lands at Brooke, Minster.
George & William Tomlyn, sons of John, [legacy omitted from register].
Agnes Wilbore, £20.
Barbara Wilbore, dau of Jeremy, £10.
Joane Solly, wife of Thomas, 40/-.
Denise Derrick, wife of Robert of Birchington, 40/-.
Daniel Pamphlet, residue.
Executor: Daniel Pamphlet.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Will of Richard Sackett of Minster in Thanet, Kent, 31 May 1604, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 12 December 1604 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-54-305).
Last Edited16 Dec 2019

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven