Edward B R Sackett

FatherJabez B Sackett (1788-1870)
MotherAnna Dewey (1794-1832)
Marriage1839, MeadvilleGSabrina Sheldon Wright1,2,3
Edward B R Sackett, farmer, of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, son of Jabez B Sackett and Anna Dewey, was born in Norwich (later Huntington), Hampshire County, MassachusettsG, on 6 July 1816.1,2,3 He died aged 73 in Crawford County, PennsylvaniaG, on 27 February 1890 and was buried at Greendale Cemetery, Meadville, Crawford CountyG.4,5 Edward was usually named in documents, including in his father's will, as "E B R", suggesting that this was how he was commonly known. He married in MeadvilleG on 25 April 1839, Sabrina Sheldon Wright, daughter of Gideon Wright and Sabrina Sheldon.1,2,3 Sabrina was born in Norwich, MassachusettsG, on 3 November 1809.4,3 She died aged 87 on 19 October 1897 and was buried at Greendale Cemetery, MeadvilleG.4
     Edward removed with his parents from Massachusetts to Crawford County, PennsylvaniaG, in 1824.3
     Edward was listed in the 1840 census as a householder in Mead, Crawford CountyG.6
     In 1850 Edward was living in MeadvilleG and was recorded in the census as E B R Sackett, a farmer, aged 34 and born in Massachusetts. Living with him were his wife Sabrina, 40, and their children, Flavia, 8, and Edward, aged two.7
     In 1860 he was living in MeadG and was recorded as Edward B R Sacket, a farmer, aged 44. Living with him were his wife Sabrina, 50, and their children, Flavia, 18, and Edward, aged twelve. Also in the household was EBR's uncle, Joseph
Sacket, 60.8
     In 1863, Edward witnessed and supported an application in the Crawford County Court of Common Pleas for a Civil War mother's pension by Pamelia, widow of his uncle Rolin Sackett.
     In 1870 he was living in MeadG and was recorded as Edward B R Sacket, a farmer, aged 53. His wife Sabrina, 58, was living with him. Joseph Sacket, 70, Edward's uncle, was also in the household. Edward's farm was next door to the family farm, still occupied by his father and stepmother but now taken over by Edward's brother Levi Dewey in accordance with their father's will.9
     Edward was ordained and installed as an elder of the Central Presbyterian Church, MeadvilleG, on 12 November 1871.5
     Edward was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in MeadG on 9 May 1862 and proved on 3 January 1871. He was to inherit 25 acres of land, which he had already taken possession of.
     In 1880 he was living in MeadG and was recorded as Ebenezer [sic] Sackett, a farmer, aged 63 (the census enumerator evidently heard "E B R" as "Ebenezer"). His wife Sabrina, 70, was living with him.10

Children of Edward B R Sackett and Sabrina Sheldon Wright

1300. Edward B. R. Sacket, 1816–____, of Meadville, Pa., son of (579) Jabes B. and Ann Dewey Sacket, was married, Apr. 25, 1839, to Sabrina S. Wright.
3300. Frances Almena Sacket, b. Feb. 8, 1840, d. Sept. 3, 1847.
3301. Flavia S. Sacket, b. Apr. 3, 1842.
3302. Edward Payson Sacket, b. Jan. 20, 1848, d. June 23, 1862.

Golden Wedding.
Of 'Squire and Mrs. E.B.R. Sackett, Mead Township
The fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of 'Squire and Mrs. E.B.R. Sackett was happily celebrated, Thursday, at their pleasant home in Mead township. The affair was not a surprise, as the aged couple had made full preparation for the event and issued numerous invitations. The response must have been almost general, as the house was filled to overflowing, a goodly share of the guests being from this city.
     A special program had been arranged for the day, and about 1 o'clock the exercises began with the singing of the familiar hymn, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." Rev. T. H. Delamater followed with the reading of Scriptural selections, and James Kepler offered prayer.
     After the singing of the hymn, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," Judge Henderson made the presentation speech in his most happy manner. He touched upon the sacredness of the marriage relation, (something he has not learned by experience, but by observation) and referred to the great change which had been wrought since the bride and groom of half a century were made one. Judge Henderson's remarks were of the most happy nature, and his effort was well received.
     The response by the host was a brief history of his own life and that of his wife. He feelingly referred to the fact that three children—two daughters and a son—were born to them, but God had taken them unto Himself, and the parents were left to tread the path of life childless. One daughter died at the age of seven years, the son died on his fourteenth birthday, and the other daughter was permitted to fill the place of wife and mother ere she was called to a higher life. The speaker fervently thanked all present for their kindness to him and his.
     After the singing of two verses of the beautiful hymn, "Sweet Bye and Bye," refreshments were announced, and soon after, the guests were conducted to the well filled tables. Some had not partaken of food for several hours, and all were well prepared for the feast which had been spread.
     After dinner, letters of regret from those who were unable to be present, were read. Mr. James Graham read a letter from Rev. T. D. Logan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Ill., which was full of good thought. Hon. G. B. Delamater read a letter from John Brown, Jr., son of the martyr-hero. John Brown, Jr., was a pupil of Mrs. Sackett when she taught school in Richmond Township, about sixty years ago. The letter contained many compliments for his former teacher.
     Edward B. R. Sackett was born in the town of Norwich, Hampshire County, Mass., in the year 1816, and came to Crawford County with his parents in the year 1824. Sabrina Wright was born in the same town, in the year 1809, and came to this county in the year 1826. She taught school several years, and among her pupils was Edward B. R. Sackett. It is safe to say that he loved his teacher, as he is still her pupil. They were married April 25, 1839, by 'Squire Justin Dewey, father of Dr. E. H. Dewey, of this city, and their home has always been in Mead township.
     "Uncle Edward," as he is familiarly known, has led a blameless life, and no one can truthfully say ill of him. For many years he has been a member of the Second Presbyterian Church of this city, and has been clerk of the congregation for thirty-three years, and of the sessions of the church fifteen years. He is also a ruling elder in the church. He is a consistent Christian, and a firm believer in the Golden Rule.
     "Aunt Sabrina" is a worthy helpmeet of her husband. She has reached the great age of four score years, but is still quite active and enjoys life. She still presides over the affairs of her household, and takes as much pride in making good butter as she did in the days when she first began housekeeping. She is a woman whose life has been made up of good deeds, and none know her but to love her. She has a sister living in Michigan, who has reached the almost patriarchial age of 91 years.
     On a table in the parlor could be seen an array of presents which had been bestowed upon the aged couple by loving friends. The tokens of esteem consisted of books, pictures, lamps, articles of gold, and a goodly supply of coin of the precious metal.
     Among those who attended the golden wedding from this city were Hon. John J. Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Dewey, Col. and Mrs. J. B. Compton, Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, Mr. and Mrs. James Kepler, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roberts, Joshua Douglass, Esq., Hon. and Mrs. M. H. McNair, Hon. G. B. Delamater, Rev. T. H. Delamater, Councilman and Mrs. J. C. Smith, Mrs. P. A. Laffer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Miss Lillian Burns, Miss Anna C. Mechtersheimer, and Mr. Alex. C. Pardee, of the Evening Republican.
     The celebration of their golden wedding will ever remain a green spot in the memory of "Uncle Edward" and "Aunt Sabrina" Sackett.

Evening Republican, Meadville, PA, 27 Apr 1889

The Sacket Golden Wedding.
More Concerning the Interesting Event of Last Thursday.
Dear Mr. Editor:—With many others, I was highly pleased with the account published in your daily paper of the 27th instant of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. R. Sacket, and while your worthy and competent reporter accomplished his part admirably, as he always does, and knowing very well, as I do, that you seek brevity, and do not allow things of this kind to be overdone, there are some things additional that I know would be glad to have made to Mr. Pardee's report, which he did not get. As this is the only golden wedding they will ever have, it would be very pleasing to them to have the names of friends published, whose presence from other places than our city was a benediction, such as Rev. W. W. Dewey, wife and daughter Mabel, from Spring Corner; Mr. and Mrs. Edson Sacket and daughter, Almina, from Bloooming Valley; Mr. Frank Rouche and Ida, his wife, from Guy's Mills; Miss Blanche Compton and her sister, Mrs. Olds, from Minnesota; Messrs. James and Eugene Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewey, Mrs. William Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis, Mrs. L. D., May and Hermon Sacket, Mr. and Mrs. Almond Wright and daughter Eveline, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns and daughter Phebe, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wright and sons, Artie and Bertie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. William Burns, Mr. David Ellis, Mrs. A. A. Banta.
Beside the "after dinner letters" read were others full of the kindest expressions of love and good wishes, but for the want of time could not be read, viz: Mrs. Flavia Pitt, Pittsfield, Mass; Mrs. Sabrena Howe, Iowa; Mr. Lafayette Dewy, Illinois; Mrs. Frances Gleason, Massachusetts; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mahoney and daughters, city; Mrs. Jane Johnson, New York; Hon. S. Newton Pettis, city; Mrs. Martha Hazen, Illinois; Mrs. Caroline Covert, Ohio; Miss Anna A. Sackett, Michigan; Mr. Horatio L. Vosburgh, Illinois; Miss. I. E. Wright, Massachusetts. Besides the presents on the parlor table, were a suit of very nice clothes (coat, vest and pants) for Mr. Sacket, and a very fine dress for Mrs. Sacket. These gifts were highly appreciated, and the givers will ever be held by them in loving remembrance.
And further, I know these friends feel very thankful to Mr. Pardee for his faithful and flattering report, and the same to all who helped to make the celebration interesting.
One who was Present.

Evening Republican, Meadville, PA, Apr 1889

Called Home.
Edward B.R. Sackett Goes to His Reward. A Blameless Life.
Edward B. R. Sackett is dead. The hand trembles with an anguished emotion as we pen these words. True, he had lived beyond the time that is said to be allotted to man to dwell on the earth, and his condition during the last few days of his life was such that all those who gathered around his bedside fully realized that he was in the relentless grasp of a disease which was fast consuming his body, and that there was no hope of a renewal of health and strength. He passed peacefully away at his home in Mead township, east of the city, at 12 o'clock Thursday night. Never has it been said of any man, with a greater degree of truth, than of the man whose death we record: "He died at peace with God and his neighbors."
     Edward B. R. Sackett was born in the town of Norwich, Hampshire county, Mass., July 6, 1816, and when he was 8 years old, his parents came to Crawford county. The boy was educated in the common schools, and was also a pupil of the Parkman Academy, in the state of Ohio. Among his teachers was Miss Sabrina Wright, who was born in Norwich, Mass., in the year 1809, and came to Crawford county in the year 1826. His love for this teacher ripened into a strong affection, and they were married on April 25, 1839, by the late 'Squire Justin Dewey, of Wayland. Many of our readers were privileged to attend the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sackett on April 25, 1889, and will ever remember the happy occasion. The greeting of the aged couple, to all those who called on them, was of the most cordial nature, and the tokens of esteem and friendship which were bestowed upon the bride and groom of half a century attested to the fact that their lives had not been lived in vain. Mr. Sackett's address on that never-to-be forgotten occasion was well-worded and vigorous, and no one present could have been led to believe that he would so soon be laid low by the never-vanquished conqueror.
     In speaking of the life of our late friend, what can be said to add to what is known concerning him? Sixty-six years of his life were spent in Crawford county, and nearly all of that period in one community. How many of those who read these lines have partaken of the hospitality of the "Home by the Beach Spring." How many have entered the yard at the old homestead, to drink from the crystal waters of the spring, and have heard the ever-kindly voice of the master of the domain, as he said: "Come up on the porch and rest yourself." These words are remembered at this time, now that the voice of the speaker has been stilled in death. "Uncle Edward," as he was familiarly known, was the offspring of Christian parents, and he ever trod the straight and narrow path which leads to a happier and better life. He was a member of the Second Presbyterian church, of this city, and was a ruling elder. He was church clerk for a period of about thirty-four years, and clerk of the sessions for about sixteen years. He was a pious man, and was never known to be antagonistic to the will of the Most High. He fully believed that the providences of God are merciful, and that all things, however dark they may appear, when viewed by mortal eyes, and judged from a human standpoint, are, in the end, for the best. It was God's will that all the children of Mr. and Mrs. Sackett should be taken from them, by death, and the parents left childless, and yet their faith was strong and neither complained because of bereavement. How often has the father been heard to say, "My children are not dead. They have only gone before." Mr. Sackett never engaged in any enterprise or undertaking without first bowing the knee and praying to God to bless all that was good in what was about to be performed. The family Bible and hymn book were opened every day in the year and a chapter read and a hymn sung. He was much interested in Sunday schools. Thus all along the journey of life, Edward Sackett was a truly religious man, and found enjoyment in earthly existence. Politically he was a Whig, in early life, and became a Republican at the formation of the party.
     The widow of the deceased, at the extreme old age of 81 years, is left alone, in a certain sense, but is not friendless. He who walked by her side for more than fifty years has been taken away, but she has an unfaltering trust in Him who consoles the widow, and to this source looks for comfort in her great trial. It is only a separation for a time, and soon the husband and wife will be reunited in that land where sorrow and parting are unknown.
     In the death of Edward B. R. Sackett we feel that this community has lost an honorable and upright man. He will be missed by the family circle and church, and his familiar form will be seen no more on our streets. He lived a long and useful life, and was, truly, "An honest man, the noblest work of God."
     The funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.

The Evening Republican, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 28 Feb 1890, p 1

Funeral of E. B. R. Sackett.
The Solemn Services Attended by a Large Concourse.
The late Edward B. R. Sackett, of Mead township, was respected in life, and the throng of persons who gathered at the family residence, Sunday afternoon, to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory, attested to the fact that all who knew him were impressed with the feeling that a good man had been taken from earth to a brighter home. The rooms of the house were filled with sorrowing relatives and friends, all feeling a personal bereavement in the loss of him whose inanimate clay was about to be consigned to its mother earth.
     The funeral services were conducted by the venerable Dr. Jonathan Edwards, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, who preached the sermon and offered a fervent prayer. The choir sang hymns which were favorites of the deceased— "What a Friend we Have in Jesus," and "Rock of Ages."
     Rev. W. W. Dewey, pastor of the Baptist churches of Linesville and Springboro, and a nephew of the deceased, spoke feelingly of his aged relative, saying his late uncle had a great influence on his life, and by him was regarded as the next person to his father. Rev. Dewey's eulogy was a beautiful one, and came direct from the heart.
     Rev. T. H. Delamater added a word, and referred to the long and useful life of Mr. Sackett. His address was brief, but full of meaning.
     Opportunity was then given to those present to look for the last time on the face of the dead. It bore a calm and peaceful expression, indicating that the life of this good man did not end with a struggle.
     The casket was borne to the hearse by six elders of the Second Presbyterian church—James D. Roberts, John B. Compton, James Kepler, Richard Graham, Milton H. McNair and James Graham. The remains were interred in Greendale cemetery.

The Evening Republican, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 3 Mar 1890, p 1

Death of Mrs. Sabrena Wright Sackett.
Died suddenly at the home of her grandsons in Mead township, on Tuesday night, Oct. 19, Mrs. Sabrena Wright Sackett, widow of the late E. B. R. Sackett, Esq. She waa born at East Hampton, Mass., Nov. 3, I809, and was the youngest daughter of Gideon and Sabrena Wright. Early in life she came to Mead townsnip with her father's family, where she married and for many years enjoyed the happiness of having her brothers and three sisters very near her. Her first great trial was the death of a bright daughter. Next she had to part with her only son at the age of about 13. The last of her children was Mrs. Flavia Wright, first wife of the late Horatio Wright.
     At last she was called upon to part witn a husband, who was also a lover for more than fifty years of wedded life, and whose care of her and devotion was a phenomenal human experience.
     "Aunt Sabrena" was loved by everyone who knew her, for a gentler, sweeter, more loving and appreciative nature could not well be given to a human being. The light of heaven seemed to continually radiate a singularly beautiful face, and no one could even look upon it without an uplifting of the soul. Early in life she became a member of the Second Presbyterian church of this city, never failing to attend its services so long as she was able. She was a woman of the loftiest Christian faith and of the strongest Christian principles. Until recently she was able to read daily a Bible in fine print, given to her by her mother in 1827, and without the aid of glasses.
     Only a few days ago all of her nephews and nieces in this vicinity paid her a visit that was realized by all as the last general one to be made and it was sadly interesting, for with the happiness of seeing her dear sweet face, beaming with the old-time love, was that other thought that very soon must come the summons to pay reverent respect to the dead.
"How strange it seems with so much gone
Of life and home, to still live on."
"For life to me is as a station
Wherein apart a traveler stands.
One absent long lrom home and nation,
In other lands.
And I as one who stands and listens,
Amid the twilight's chill and gloom,
To hear approaching in the distance,
The train for home."

At last the signal came and she departed to join that greater throng, of the loved on earth.
The funeral services will be announced later.

Sackett—At her home in Mead township, Oct. 19th, Mrs. Sabrena Wright Sackett, widow of the late E.B.R. Sackett, Esq., in the 88th year of her age. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of Mead township, and was beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. She was a member of the Second Presbyterian church of Meadville and an exemplary Christian woman. The funeral services will be held at the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Crawford Journal, Meadville, PA, 21 Oct 1897, p 8

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "1300. Edward B. R. Sacket, b. July 6, 1816; m. Sabrino S. Wright."
  2. Adelbert M Dewey, Life of George Dewey, Rear Admiral, U.S.N., and Dewey Family History, Dewey Publishing Company, Westfield, MA (1898), digital image, Ancestry.com, p314, "Edward B. R. [Sackett, son of Jabez Sackett & Ann Dewey], b. July 6, 1816; a farmer at Meadville, Pa.; m. April 25, 1839, Sabrina S. Wright; they had Frances A., b. Feb. 8, 1840; d. Sept. 3, 1847; Flavia S., b. April 3, 1842; Edward P., b. June 20, 1848; d. June 23, 1862."
  3. "Golden Wedding", Evening Republican, Meadville, PA, 27 Apr 1889.
  4. Find a Grave.
  5. "U.S., Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1970" (Ancestry image), Register of Elders, Central Presbyterian Church, Meadville, Pennsylvania, "Edward B R Sacket, ordained & installed 12 Nov 1871, d. 27 Feb 1890."
  6. 1840 United States census, "Edw B K Sacket, Mead, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, 1 male 20-29, 1 female under 5, 1 female 20-29, total 3."
  7. 1850 United States Federal Census, Roll 770, p 169a
    Meadville, Crawford, Pennsylvania
    Sackett, E B R, 34, farmer, b. MA
    Sackett, Sabrina, 40, b. MA
    Sackett, Flavia, 8, b. PA
    Sackett, Edward, 2, b. PA.
  8. 1860 United States Federal Census, Page 1084, FHL film 805100
    Mead, Crawford, Pennsylvania
    Sacket, Edward B R, 44, farmer, real estate $4000, personal estate $500, b. MA
    Sacket, Sabrena, 50, b. MA
    Sacket, Flavia, 18, b. PA
    Page 425, FHL film 805099
    Meadville, Crawford, Pennsylvania
    Sacket, Edward, 12, b. PA
    Sacket, Joseph, 60, farmer, real estate $500, personal estate $40, b. MA
    [Census record for this family split over two FHL films].
  9. 1870 United States Federal Census, Roll M593_1330, p 212B, FHL film
    Mead, Crawford, Pennsylvania
    Sacket, Edward B R, 53, farmer, real estate $5000, personal estate $410, b. MA
    Sacket, Sabrina S, 58, keeping house, b. MA
    Sacket, Joseph, 70, b. MA.
    [Next door to Levi Sacket]
  10. 1880 United States Federal Census, FHL 1255119 NA T9-1119/235A
    Mead, Crawford, Pennsylvania
    Sackett, Ebenezer, head, 63, farmer, b. MA, father b. MA, mother b. MA
    Sackett, Sabrena, wife, 70, housekeeper, b. MA, father b. MA, mother b. MA.
Sackett line6th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
4th great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited29 Nov 2023

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