TSFA Committee elections 2014
Nominations for this year's elections to the Sackett Family Association committee, to serve for a three-year term as the class of 2017, are:
- Lyle Brelsford
- Richard Price
- Byra G Sackett
- Charles "Chuck" Sackett

Lyle Brelsford
"I would be interested in serving. When I first joined, this site was very helpful in filling gaps in my family genealogy. I don't spend as much time anymore since those gaps are filled. I became quite familiar with ancestry.com and finding those missing links. I still support the Association and what it stands for. So much history and seeing all those who came from the same ancestors has been fun. As I am on disability and no job, I have plenty of free time that could be utilized for productive work. It would be nice some day to attend a reunion and meet my new found family members."
—Lyle Brelsford

Richard Price
"Long time Southern California resident living on the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Born in Detroit in 1953 when it was still a city. Moved to Bellaire / Clearwater Florida in my teens and attended Clearwater High School. Moved to California in the late 1970's.
Interested mostly in water related activities and I am a Staff Commodore of Newport Harbor Elks Yacht Club. I am currently on the board as Vice President of the International Order of the Blue Gavel – District 21.
I also served as President of the Navy League of the United States- Newport Beach Council in 2001. We formally adopted the USS John C Stennis and went out to sea many times as an honored guest later to become an honorary crew member.
I am now joining the Sons of the American Revolution through my 5th Great Grandfather Major Buell Sackett. My 10th Great Grandparents are Simon and Isabel (Pierce) Sackett.
I am my family historian and have done extensive genealogical research in the past few years while at the same time discovering the Sackett Family Association. The website is great and I learn more everyday. I have now found the other half of my family that I never knew completely. I am willing to help in an entry level position on the Committee."
—Richard Price

Byra G Sackett
"I am nominating myself Byra G Sackett. I live in Utah, south of Salt Lake City, retired from the military since 2008, and love family history."
—Byra G Sackett

Charles "Chuck" Sackett
"Am a 55 year old resident of Warren NH. I am very active in various ways in my community from operating the local water district to serving in my 11th year as a selectman in town. I am not very versed in electronic devises. e-mail is about my limit.
If I can be of any help please consider my application."
—Chuck Sackett Jr.