TSFA Committee elections 2013
Candidates nominated for election to the Committee of the Sackett Family Association are:
for a three-year term (class of 2016)
- Terri Carlson
- Patty Chrisman
- Anne Murray
- Chris Sackett
for a two-year term (class of 2015)
- Darlene Sackett

Terri Carlson
"I am a retired Public Health professional who specialized in information systems, data management, and controlled vocabularies. A passionate genealogist, I volunteer for the Southern California Genealogical Society by providing database and Web site support. I also serve as implementation lead and system administrator for the library information management project. I have been a TMG (The Master Genealogist) user since 2008 and following the 2012 Reunion agreed to act as emergency backup for the TSFA databases.
My g-g-g-g-grandfather, Daniel Sackett, is my most challenging brick wall. In 2010 my niece Jeanette (TSFA member #265) disproved the ancestral lineage for Daniel found in Weygant’s The Sacketts of America. Since that time my main research emphasis has been to identify potential candidates for Daniel’s ancestry and to prove or disprove their relationships using vital and other historical records. Along the way I have collected many unrelated Sackett citations, which I have attempted to document and forward to other interested parties.
My interest in becoming a Committee member arises from my appreciation of TSFA as a singularly well-established and effective surname association. I applaud the degree of activity among the Association members, who promote the research of all Sackett lines in an effective and unbiased manner. I support the dissemination of research results in a Web-browsable format, thereby encouraging contributions of all types from as-yet unknown sources. For these reasons I would be honored to serve as a Committee member."
—Terri Carlson

Patty Chrisman
"Patty Sackett Chrisman, one of the founding members of TSFA, lives in Maplewood, NJ. Originally from Oregon, Patty has an MS in Historic Preservation from the University of Oregon as well as a BFA. She works at the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and serves as Vice-Chair of her local historic preservation commission as well as a trustee of the Durand Hedden House and Garden Association—Maplewood's local historical society. She and her husband have two sons. They enjoy skiing, hiking and bicycling. Patty's hobbies, besides genealogy, are hand-spinning and knitting."
—Patty Chrisman

Anne Murray
"Family History is my main endeavor—competing with the demands of my garden. All of my maternal grandmother's ancestors, including Simon and Isabel Sackett, settled in New England between 1630 and 1650. I was delighted to visit some of those communities for the first time in connection with the 2012 Sackett Reunion. I enjoyed the relationships at the 2012 reunion so much that I am willing to serve on the Committee.
I'm a Fort Wayne, Indiana, native, now living on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Washington State with my husband. I have one passionate son, who is a professional percussionist and percussion educator in Oregon. I write clearly; during the 1990s I wrote grants for homeless programs."
—Anne Murray

Chris Sackett
"I would be pleased to serve on TSFA Committee for a further term. I have been researching Sacketts since the early 1990s, was a founder member of the Association, and have been much involved in Association affairs over the years. I'm an enthusiastic attender of TSFA reunions and am webmaster for the Association website. I enjoy problem solving, whether it be the thrill of a genealogical chase or grappling with the intricacies of a computer program that stubbornly refuses to do what it's told. I like to contribute to discussions on the Sackett mailing list when I can."
—Chris Sackett

Darlene Sackett
"I've been involved with TSFA since its very beginning. I have been interested in genealogy since high school. I've been researching my lineage as well as my husband's. After my daughter was born two and a half years ago I haven't had as much time to research, but I feel by helping with the association I am at least helping others in their research and learning new things to apply to my own research when I am able to return to it. Currently I am a full time Mom, but I am a trained counselor and have spent my professional years working with adolescents in need of counseling services."
—Darlene Sackett