New York Times, 28 May 1911
Mrs. John Good of Brooklyn announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Marie Good, to Austen Townsend Sackett, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sackett of 863 Park Avenue, this city. Miss Good is the daughter of the late John Good. The marriage will take place in New York on June 15."
New York Times, 13 June 1911
"Waller-Sackett Wedding on July 20.
The wedding of Miss Audrey Townsend Sackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sackett of 863 Park Avenue, and Stewart Waller, son of Robert Waller of this city, is to be celebrated on July 20 at the country home of the bride's parents at New London, Conn.
Mr. Waller is a graduate of Harvard, class of '03, and is a grandson of John A. Stewart. He is a member of the Union, Racquet and Tennis, and Tuxedo Clubs.
Miss Sackett's brother, Austen Townsend Sackett, is to marry Miss Marie Good, daughter of Mrs. John Good of Brooklyn, Thursday, at Delmonico's. Stewart Waller will wait upon Mr. Sackett as his best man."
New York Times, 15 June 1911
"To-day's Weddings.
Miss Marie Good, daughter of Mrs. John Good of Brooklyn, and Austen Townsend Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sackett of this city, will be married to-day at Delmonico's with only relatives and a few intimate friends present. Mr. Sackett and his bride will spend the Summer on Long Island."
New York Times, 16 June 1911
"Miss Marie Good a Bride.
Daughter of Mrs. John Good Married to Austen T. Sackett at Delmonico's.
The wedding of Miss Marie Good, daughter of Mrs. John Good of Brooklyn, and Austen Townsend Sackett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles a Sackett of 863 Park Avenue, this city and New London, Conn., took place yesterday in the red rooms at Delmonico's. Only relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. Father Appo of Brooklyn.
The bride wore a gown of white satin, trimmed with duchesse lace, and a tulle veil, which was fastened with a chaplet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and orchids.
Mrs. Arthur B. Maillefert of Brooklyn was the bride's only attendant. She wore a costume of pink marquisette and silver lace and a leghorn hat, trimmed with pink roses and tulle. She carried pink roses.
Stewart Waller waited upon the bridegroom as best man.
After the ceremony a wedding collation was served, after which the couple left on their honeymoon. Mr. Sackett has taken a house for the Summer at Larchmont."