Register 50 (1896): 71–2
Notes & Queries
In volume II of the manuscripts of the Rhode Island Historical Society are several papers relating to Captain Thomas Cheney's company, raised in Massachusetts for the expedition against Canada. The paper, numbered 364, is entitled: "A State of the Pay of the Non-Commission Officers & Private Men of Capt. Thomas Cheney's Company in the Regiment of Foot of wch the Honble Brigr Genl Dwight is Colonel, rais'd in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay for His Majesty's Service for an Expedition against Canada in 1746, & dismissed from said service 31 Octor 1747," which precedes a list of the names of the soldiers, the number of days' service and each man's full pay. The names were as follows:— [listed are 100 names including:] Benoni Sacket, [and] Benjn Sacket.