Correspondents & Warrants re Thomas Baker Sackett. 1827-1828. HO 13/50, National Archives, Kew, London. (Researched by Marion Sackett).

[These are “office copies” of correspondence, in approximate date order in a bound volume. The index booklet mainly references the recipient of the communication.]

Index booklet

Pardons Conditional
Sackett Thomas,Old Bailey,p.120

Sackett Thomas,Newgate,p.105

Letters Promiscuous
Harvey D.W. Esq.,p. 105


The Sheriffs of
London and Middlesex
Whitehall 21 Nov r 1827
I am to signify to you the Kings Comands, that the execution of the Sentence of Death passed upon Thomas Sacket, now in the Gaol of Newgate, be Respited until further signification of His Majesty’s Pleasure.
I am &c

D.W.Harvey Esq. M.P.
The Marquess of Lansdowne presents his Compliments to Mr Harvey, and has the satisfaction to acquaint him that in Consequence of the documents inclosed in his letter to Mr Phillipps in favor of Thomas Sacket, Lord Lansdowne has felt himself warranted in transmitting to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, an authority for Respiting the Execution of the Prisoners Sentence Whitehall
21 Nov r 1827

p. 114

Sheriffs of London & Middlesex
Usual letter to remove Thos Sacket, Chas Hendrick, Hy King, Thos Sheffield als Browne, Hy Rogers, Edwd Sadler, Jno Sadler, Timy Dogerty, Wm Watson, Wm Ramsdale, Rd Barnett, Thos Perry, Wm Penny als Buckly, Geo Nelson, Ambrose Blackford, Jno Riley, Edwd Read, Jas Buchell, Jas Davies, Thos Knight Jas Langham, Geo Bullard, Wm Cain, Chas Hawkins & Geo Haig to the York 27 Nov r 1827

J H Capper EqDo to receive the above

[The York was a hulk at Portsmouth]


John White et al

George R
Whereas at the Sessions holden at the Old Bailey in September last the following persons were tried & convicted of the Crimes hereafter mentioned & had Sentance of Death passed upon them for the same viz John White, Robert Martin, Catherine Conjuet, Harry Hale, Thomas Ferry, James Davies, George Ballard, William Cain & Henry Rogers of Housebreaking; Sophia Gunyon, William Goodrich, Charles Hendrick, Richard Barnett, Geo Nelson, James Bushell, Sarah Elliott & Thomas Knight of Larceny value £5 in a dwelling House; James Gardner of Larceny value 40/- in a dwelling House; Timothy Dogerty, William Ramsdale, Ambrose Blackford, John Riley & Edward Reed of Highway Robbery: Harry King of Robbing near the Highway: Thomas Sacket & James Langham of Robbery from the Person: William Watson, Charles Hawkins & Thomas Heffield als Brown of Horse Sts; James Southgate of Stealing Sheep; Margaret Cavenagh & Ann Lynch of Traitorously colouring base coin; George Haig of Uttering a forged order for payment of Money & William Penny alias Buckly of feloniously being at large before the expiration of the time for which he had been sentenced to be Transported. We in consideration of some circumstances humbly represented unto Us are graciously pleased to extend our Grace & Mercy unto them & to grant them Our Pardon for the Crimes of which they stand convicted on condition of their being ^severally Transported to New South Wales or Van Diemans Land or some one or other of the Islands adjacent for & during the Term of their respective Natural Lives: Our will & pleasure therefore is that you do give the necessary directions accordingly: And for so doing &c       26 Nov r 1827

To our Trusty & Welbeloved
our Justices of Gaol Delivery
for the City of London & County
of Middlesex; the Sheriffs of
the same City & County & all
others whom it may concern
By H.M. Command

p. 190

The Commrs of the Navy
Whitehall 15 Jany 1828
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 11th Inst reporting for the information of the Marquiss of Lne that you have chartered the Ships “Bussorah Merchant” & Phoenix the former for the Transportation of 170 & the latter of 190 male Convicts , & I am to desire that the “Bussorah Merchant” may be directed to embark the whole of her complement at Shereness & the Phoenix at Portsmouth & Devonport & proceed with such Convicts to Port Jackson in New South Wales.
I am &c
J M Phillipps

[The Phoenix was the ship on which Thomas SACKETT was transported to New South Wales. The Bussorah Merchant was later instructed to sail to Van Diemans Land, now Tasmania.]

p. 210

The Commrs of the Navy
Whitehall 23 Jany 1828
With reference to my letter of the 15th Inst I am directed to acquaint you that it is desirable that the ship Phoenix instead of embarking her complement of convicts at Portsmouth & Devonport should embark the whole of them at the former Port.
I am &c
J M Phillipps

p. 249

J H Capper Esq
[Usual letter] to remove 100 [male convicts] from the Leviathan to the “Phoenix” 11 Feb [1828]
J H Capper Esq
[Usual letter] to remove 90 [male convicts] from the York to ["Phoenix"] 11 Feb

[Leviathan & York were hulks moored at Portsmouth]

p. 285

R W Hag Esq
Whitehall 4 March 1828
Inclosed I transmit to you by direction of Mr Sec Peel a List of 190 Male Convicts embarked in the Ship Phoenix & I am to desire that you will lay this document before Mr Secr Huskisson & move him to be pleased to formard the same to the Governor of New South Wales.
I am &c
J M Phillipps

p. 286

The Commrs of the Navy
Whitehall 4 Mar 1828
I am directed by Mr Secr Peel to acquaint you that the Bonds & Contracts for the Transportation of 190 Male Convicts embarked in the ship Phoenix having been entered into it will not be necessary to detain that vessel any longer on account of this office.
I am &c
J M Phillipps