Criminal Petitions re Thomas Baker Sackett. 1827. HO 17/93 (item Rm 22) Series 1 (1819-1839), National Archives, Kew, London. (Researched by Marion Sackett).
[This is a bundle of 10 documents, several undated, which did not appear to be in any particular order within the bundle. In this transcript, I have put them into what appears to be a sensible order. Some signatures on the petitions are difficult to decipher with certainty. — Marion Sackett.]
Undated Petition – but with internal reference to “this present Month of September 1827”:
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty
The Humble Petition of Thomas Sackett
a Prisoner under Sentence of Death in your Majestys
Gaol of Newgate
Most Humbly Sheweth
That your petitioner was at the Session
holden for the City of London this present Month of September 1827 Tried before
Newman Knowlys Esquire Recorder of the said City upon an Indictment and
charging him with Assaulting James Sharp on the Highway putting him in fear
and taking from his person and against his will a pocket Book containing Bills
of Exchange and other securities for Money his property convicted thereupon and sentence
of death was passed upon your unhappy Petitioner for the same.
Your Petitioner most ^humbly craves leave to represent unto your most gracious Majesty that he is wholly and entirely innocent of the Charge of which he hath been found guilty and that from the Evidence upon the Trial of the said Indictment when Reported to your Majesty given against your petitioner it will appear that that Evidence was not sufficient to satisfy a Jury to come to the conclusion they did by pronouncing a Verdict of Guilty although your unhappy petitioner doth not mean in any manner in this humble petition to say or insinuate that they intended to give a Verdict contrary to Evidence but your Petitioner fears that they were a little biased by the foulness of the Crime with which your Petitioner was charged and he your Petitioner being at the place caused them to come to the conclusion they did for the only Evidence that appeared against your Petitioner was as far as he can recolect That there were several persons in the passage where the Prosecutor was who surrounded him and at which time he lost his pocket Book That your unhappy Petitioner was there and appeared to be picking up some thing he had drop’t – upon which he was charged as one of those who surrounded the Prosecutor but it was also in Evidence that he your petitioner was ^not seen to do anything and not so near to the person of the Prosecutor as to have taken his pocket Book That your Petitioner was searched and nothing found on him and he expressed his surprise at the Charge and expressed his readiness to accompany the person or persons who so charged him to go where they pleased to take him which your Petitioner did in the most submissive manner being conscious of his innocence.
Your Petitioner most humbly craves leave further to represent unto
your most gracious Majesty that he hath arrived at the Age of Twenty eight
Years and hath been brought up respectably and carried on the Trade
of a Butcher and a Farmer having in the year One thousand eight hundred
and Nineteen taken a farm at Butsbury in the County of Essex
of Two hundred and fifty acres under Thomas Pouton Esquire of Mayfair
in the County of Middlesex and paid his Rent to C.G. Parker Esquire of
Chelmsford in the County of Essex but on Account and through the
depreciation of Corn and the great distress in agricultural business your
Petitioner became reduced in his circumstances and left the Farm in the
Year One thousand eight hundred and twenty three with Credit and respectability
and afterwards carried on his Trade and Business of a Butcher in the
Commercial Road ^Whitechapel Road and lived there to January last (One thousand eight
hundred and twenty seven) when on account of unavoidable losses and
misfortunes and his Business not succeeding to his wishes he sought for
and got employ occasionally by assisting Butchers when he could get employ
and which he did with credit to himself and satisfaction to his employers
and always supported and deserved the Character of an Industrious honest
Man which was proved on the Trial of your Petitioner and never until
the fatal moment which hath reduced your wretched Petitioner to his
present deplorable state had he been charged with or Guilty of any offence
against the Laws of his Country and laboured hard to support himself
from an early period in life And he well hopes that from the Evidence
against your petitioner some circumstances will appear warranting your
Majestys most tender consideration his former good character his great
and unavoidable misfortunes and distress; and induce your most gracious
Majesty in your great Wisdom and Mercy to spare the life of your
wretched Petitioner well knowing when he is supplicating the fountain
of Mercy where a doubt may exist of the Guilt of the wretched being
mercy will be extended – and should your gracious Majesty be graciously
pleased to spare the life of your wretched Petitioner he will ever conduct
himself in the strict path of rectitude and virtue and every way a
deserving object of such great mercy and goodness.
Your Petitioner therefore most humbly Implores
your most generous Majesty to be graciously pleased
to take his case into your Majestys most tender
consideration and spare his life on such condition as
your most gracious Majesty in Your great Wisdom
and Mercy shall be graciously pleased to direct
And your Petitioner as in Obedience and
in duty bound will ever Pray &c
Thomas Sackett
We the undersigned most humbly beg leave to reccommend to the gracious consideration and Mercy of His most gracious Majesty his Majestys humble and wretched Petitioner Thomas Sackett
James Sharpe,Prosecutor
[Caroline A__________]
G H Smyth,Berechurch Hall, Colchester
Willm Meller,Thudeick
Andw Gibbs,57 Aldgate High St, London (his late Master)
William Sum[dle],Salesman,Raignham, Essex
[Isaeen Mickins],Salesman,Hornchurch, Essex
William Finch,Salesman,Margaretting, Essex
Robt Claridge,Salesman,Finchley, Middlesex
John Monk,Salesman, East Wickham, Kent
Thos Brough, Bass Inn, Smithfield
John Jones, Banker, West Smithfield
Thomas Upton, 91 Watling St, Storehouseman
John Rogers,16 Bridge St, Blackfriars, Warehouseman
Charles Spurden, 42 Friday St, Warehouseman
George Frederick Minton, Warehouseman, 128 Cheapside
John Flower,Warehouseman, 61 Bread St, Cheapside
John Moss, Warehouseman, 61 Bread St, Cheapside
Allan [?] Greeth, [Pecary?] Ct, Wholesale Draper
Robt Thing,Salesman, Leadenhall Markett
Geoe Smith,Mandford Le Hope, Grays, Essex
Tho White,Butcher, 74 Aldgate High St
Robt Cook,Salesman, Welling, Kent
Willm Eve, Do, Grays, Essex
[Jexl] Mason, Salesman, Danbury, Essex
John Butcher, Maida Vile West
Josh Scales,59 High St, Aldgate, Salesman
Joseph Giblin, Farmer & Appraiser, Upminster, Essex
Salmon, Warehouseman, Old Change, Cheapside
William [Frichd], Church St, Bethnal Green
Willm Bawtree & Co,Bankers of Colchester
T. J. Turner, [Mayto] of the County of Essex
Firmin Fenton & Co, Chemists, Colchester
Walford & Garrard, Auctioneers, Colchester
Charles [Pugers], Wood Green, [ _____ ]
John Clay, Mayor of Colchester
Mr Smith, a magistrate for the Boro of Colchester
[W. Harling], a magistrate for the Borough of Colchester
F. T. Abell, A magistrate for the Borough of Colchester
Edward Clay, a magistrate for the Borough of Colchester
John Taylor, Alderman of the Borough of Colchester
[H.] Osborne, MerchantColchester
J G Sarjeant, Attorney at Law, Colchester
Charles Edward Perry, Colchester, Gentleman
Thos Blyth, Alderman of the Borough of Colchester
Saml Daniell, Attorney at Law, Colchester
Thos Creek, Merchant, Colchester
Danl Pellikin, Merchant, Colchester
[A. F. Mills ?], of Colchester, Gentleman
Wm Bilton Smith, Alderman of the Boro’ of Colchester
J. Haddock Brothers in Law
Lnl Garrard of Thos Sackett
Dorse:Thos Sackett
Old Bailey Septr
Session 1827 –
Highway Robbery
Considered at
Report in
Council 16 Nov r
and subsequently
Memorial dated 2 Oct 1827:
To the Honble Newman Knowlys Esqr
Recorder of London
The Memorial of we the undersign’d
Most respectfully Sheweth
That we humbly beg leave to represent, that we feel very seriously impressed with the distressing and awful situation of Thos Sackett, who was Capitally Convicted at the last Old Bailey Sessions.
That in consequence of having known the said Thos Sackett to have been an Apprentice to Mr Andrew Gibbs of Aldgate High Street, Carcase Butcher, who joins us in this our Memorial and who with ourselves testify that during the time he served, he discharged his Duty with Industry, Integrity and Humanity and was frequently entrusted with four to five hundred Pounds, to take to his said Masters Bankers, Messrs Fuller & Compy.
That previous to his being out of the term of his Apprenticeship, he became entitled to a considerable property, which induced him, by the advice of his ^late Father, to solicit his Master to allow him the remainder of his time, which he did, but very reluctantly, but it was with the prospect before him, that the said Thomas Sackett, would in all probability become an opulent, and most useful Member of Society.
That after this period, he took a poor Farm at a place call’d Buttsbury near Billericay in Essex, where he expended about £1500 in improving the Land, and after all his endeavring in bringing the same to a fair state of Cultivation, he was compell’d to leave the same in consequence of the reduction in all Agricultural produce, which took place in the Year 1824 he then return’d to London, and took a Butchers Shop – in Whitechapel Road, with ev’ry prospect of doing well, and after two Years trial, it did not answer his expectation.
That after this second disappointment, he went again into the Country and remain’d a long time, and then again return’d to London where he got a living by way of his Business.
That during the time we have known him we never knew that he was any Desperate Character, or ever guilty of Felony – and the more so that he never committed any Act of Cruelty towards dumb Animals.
That under all the circumstances stated, and well knowing that you do not delight in Death, but doth in the pleasure of preserving Life, therefore we most fervently beseech and implore your Honor, to be mercifully and graciously pleased to spare the Life of the unfortunate individual in question, in doing of which, we hope and trust that his future conduct will be beneficial to himself, and useful to Society in General, and for which your Memorialists will, as in duty bound ever pray.
2nd Octr 1827 James Sharpe, Prosecutor
Andw Gibbs, 57 Aldgate High St / his late Master
Josh Scales, 59 High St, Aldgate
Peter Perry, Common Council Minnies
John Prested, Common Council Man
Robert Carter?, - Do - Minories
John Smith, - Do - Minories
John Hayward, Churchwarden, St Botolph, Aldgate
E Calebatch, Deputy, Minories
Ann Nelson, Bull Inn, Aldgate
George Adams, Minories
Saml Thenston & John [Sheeh], Minories
John [Flornan / Hornan], Aldgate High St
George Bullas, A^ldgate High St
Christr Mattews, Whitechapel High Street
James Spencer, No 52 Aldgate High Street
Saml [Fravell], Common Council
Ed. Edwards – by desire of his Brother Thomas Edwards No 5 Old Broad Street – Witness against the Prisoner – who is absent from London
Dorse :Rm 22
Petition on behalf
of Thomas Sackett
Highway Robbery
Sept Sessions 1827
Considered at Report in
Council 16 Nov r 1827
Letter from D W Harvey, MP, dated 16 Oct 1827:
7 Great George Street 16th Oct 1827
My Lord
In most respectfully requesting
your Lordships early and earnest attention
to the enclosed petition I feel that nothing
which could be urged by me could add
to the pretensions of the numerous and
respectable persons who have interested
themselves in the fate of the unhappy
man to whom it refers. But I have
felt it my duty to see the afflicted
Relatives of the convicted Party, and
from their statements and my own enquiries
I continue to express my humble but decided
conviction that Sackett is innocent of the
offence imputed to him. At the same
time they and he would gratefully [bow] to
any mitigated sentence that the ends of
justice may demand, and that no sacrifice
would be spared to enable the unhappy
man, wherever sent, to redeem his
reputation by those exertions which are
too often unavailing when not cheered
by the assistance of Friends.
Any enquiries which your
Lordship may direct shall be pursued
with the most faithful promplitude
and I may be allowed to add that the
pleasure I shall feel in having contributed
in any way to mitigate the sentence passed
upon the Culprit and thus to soothe the affliction
of his respectable connections, will be no
ordinary degree enhanced by the circumstance
of its being effected through your Lordship.
I have the honor to be
my Lord,
Your Lordships
most obedient Servant
David W Harvey
To the Marquis of Lansdowne
His Majestys Principal Secretary of State
for the Home Department.
Dorse:Great George Street
16 Oct 1827
Mr W Harvey
Case of Thos Sackett
Letter from D W Harvey, MP, dated 20 Nov 1827:
7 Great George Street
20th Nov 1827
Sir Upon the Receipt of your letter this morning, I proceeded immediately to make those enquiries which appeared to me best calculated to meet the suggestion of the Marquis of Lansdowne in reference to the case of Thomas Sackett by the “production of testimonials to his character, down to the recent period before the prosecution, signed by responsible Individuals”. The result of my exertions will be found in the accompanying documents to which I respectfully solicit his Lordshipps attention. Feeling that the value of Mr Gibbs testimony mainly depended upon his respectability, I applied to Mr Alderman Thorpe late M P for the City, and in whose immediate vicinity he resides, for his character. The answer is enclosed. As it regards the reputation of those persons who have signed the same general memorial, I have to state, that I am authorized by Sir James [Shane?] Bart, the alderman of the Ward in which they chiefly dwell, to say, that he knows the greater part of them to be respectable trader – people, and that he will cheerfully answer any official enquiry respecting them. The shortness of the time, has necessarily confined my enquiries, but I have reason to believe that should the Marquis of Lansdowne desire it, the most satisfactory testimonials to the general and morall character of Sackett may be obtained from his Landlord, and the Clergyman and Overseers of the parish in which he occupied nearly 300 acres of Land.
I have only to add, that the two Sisters of the unfortunate man, who are respectably connected and have large families, are now in Town, in a state of the most distressing anguish, waiting their Brothers fate – and that nothing will afford me greater pleasure than to be the medium of cheering tidings.
I have the honor to be
[your Lordships ?]
David W Harvey
S M Phillips Esq
Dorse:7 Great George St
20 Nov 1827
Mr Harvey
Letter from Alderman J T Thorp, dated 20 Nov 1827:
[Underlining was done in a darker ink.]
Nov 20th 1827
Dear Sir
In reply to your
Enquiry respecting the character of
Mr A Gibbs – of Aldgate High St
I have the pleasure to inform you
that – I have known him full
28 years – that he is a Man of
Substantial Means and of the
Integrity & Respectability that whatever
he may state carry the fullest
Credence. I [remain ?] Dear Sir
Yrs truly
J T Thorp
D W Harvey Esq MP
Dorse;Thos Sacket
Undated testimonial from A Gibbs:
[Underlining was done in a darker ink – perhaps by the recipient?]
57 Aldgate High St, London
My Lord
Thos Sackett the unfortunate man order’d for Execution
on Thursday next, was an apprentice
to me as a Wholesale Butcher & Saleman
during the whole of which time he
conducted himself in all respects in
the most exemplary manner, so much
so indeed, that I parted with him
with great regret, and when
he some time since, commence’d the
Business of a Butcher in this neighbourhood
(after he had been reduce’d by Farming
an extensive tract of bad Land in Essex)
I readily gave him Creditt to
Considerable extent.
It is something more than Twelve
months since when he left this
business, but he has not been
lost sight of by me, for I have
frequently seen him, and that up
to a period shortly before his late
apprehension, and though I have
no intimate accquantance with him,
he allways appeare’d to me, to be correct
in his Conduct, and I certainly
consider him incapable of the crime
of which he has been convicted
I have reason to believe that Sackett
was imploy’d by Mr C Matthews a neighbour of mine even a short time
before he was taken up and should
your Lordship be addressd by Mr Matthews
upon the subject I beg to [subjain] that
reliance may be placed upon his
statements. I have the Honor
to be your Lordships
Most Obedient Servt
A Gibbs
To the Most Noble
Marquiss of
Lansdown &c &c &c
Undated general testimonial:
[Underlining was done in a darker ink – perhaps by the recipient?]
To the Marquis of Lansdowne, his Majestys Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department
My Lord
We the undersigned
humbly represent to your Lordship
that we have known Thomas
Sackett, now under Sentence of
Death, for some Years past and
to a period not distant from
that of his apprehension, and
that from the opportunities we
have had of observing him and
his conduct, we considered him
to be of sober demeanor, honest
principles and of industrious
habit and certainly incapable
of committing the offence of which
he has been convicted –
George Bullas, No 58 Aldgate High St
Josh Scales, 59 Aldgate High St
Rd Smith, 60 Aldgate High St
Jas Kilby, 63 Aldgate High St
N Woodley, 64 Aldgate High St
[ __ Gadely?], 72 Aldgate H. St
J Goulding, 73 Do
R LeDoridge, 65 Do
R Brookman, 16 Great Pearl Street, Spitalfield
[Al Saul], 56 Aldgate High Street
James Spencer, 52 Aldgate High Street
Edwd Trench, 49 Aldgate High St
Jos Brown [?], 48 Aldgate High St
Michl Scales, 44 Aldgate High St
Saml Seul, 43 Aldgate High St
Louis Alexander, 4 Smiths Burs Somerset St
Meny Staples, 14 New Road
Benjamin Ward, 3 White Chaple Hy St
Daniel Felgate, 2 White Chapel High St
P Silvester, 51 Aldgate High St
David Davies, Cannon St Road
Dorse:Thos Sacket
Testimonial from Christopher Matthews, dated 20 Nov 1827:
[Underlining was done in a darker ink – perhaps by the recipient?]
To the Marquis of Lansdowne, his
Majesty’s Principal Secretary of
State for the Home Department &c &c
My Lord
I beg humbly to represent
to your Lordship that I have known
Thomas Sackett for several years
and that up to a few Days previous
to his apprehension – my dealings
with him as a carcase Butcher
have been considerable, and that
in all our transactions I have
found him honest, industrious
and sober, and that nothing surprised me more than to hear
he had in any way rendered himself
amenable to the Laws of his country
and tho’ I should be the last to
question the correctness of the verdict
by which he was pronounced guilty
I really believe him incapable of a
criminal action – In addition to
the above statement, I beg further
to say that for some months before
Sacketts apprehension and up to
the Saterday sennight previous I
regularly employed him to superintend my shop, when considerable
sums of Money have passed thro’
his hands, and I always found
him deserving my fullest confidence.
I have the honor to be
My Lord
Your Lordships Ob. Servt
Christopher Matthews
High St Whitechapel
Novr 20 1827
Dorse:Thos Sackett
Undated document which appears to be a summary of the preceding papers, with some extra family details:
Thos Sackett upon whom Sentence of Death was passed at the Old Bailey Session Septr last is a Young Man, Son of Respectable Parents, late of Hornchurch in the County of Essex.
By the Will of his Grandfather he was entitled to Property to the Amount of £3000 – he received a liberal Education at a highly reputable Academy in Bedfordshire, and, at a proper Age, was put Apprentice to Mr Anthony Gibbs of Aldgate in City of London Butcher, where his conduct received the appreciation of his Master, but, coming of Age before the Expiration of his Time, and thereby entitled to the Property under the Will of his Grandfather, his Master, at his request, gave up the Indenture of Apprenticeship in order to enable him to go into Business for himself. He hired a Farm in the Neighbourhood of Billericay in Essex, which he held for about three Years, but he found by reason of the great Depression of Agricultural Produce that it did not Answer, and in the Year 1824, he left the Farm, having lost, during the Occupation, upwards of £1500 of his Property. He then took a Shop in Whitechapel Road, where he carried on Business as a Butcher for about 2 Years, and that his Conduct merited and received the approbation of his Neighbours at that Time, is Evidenced by the Signatures to a Petition to the Recorder of the City Imploring him to be Merciful and to spare his Life – he found in this attempt he lost most of the Property which he possess’d on leaving the Farm, in consequence of which he gave up the Business, and went into the Country amongst his Friends for nearly twelve months when he again returned to London, with the Intention of pursuing his Business in a humbler Walk. It seems however that he was still unfortunate, but little or nothing of his Connexions of the present Year was known to his friends, untill the Account of the Trial appeared in the Newspapers.
It may, therefore, be stated with Confidence that, during the whole period alluded to, (except only during the present Year) the conduct of this Young Man (for he is now only abt 28 Years of Age) was uniformly such as to gain him the respect of his Friends and Acquaintances, and if he really was concerned in the Street Robbery for which he was tried, it was, unquestionably, the First Offence, – a point of some Importance in the Law for punishing offenders.
The unfortunate Youth has two Sisters of highly respectable Character and Situation in Life residing in Colchester, one of them married to a Gentleman connected with the Banking Establishment of Messrs Mills, Bautree and Compy – and the other, to Mr Lionel Gerrard of the same place, Silk Mercer, and the distress of these Sisters, their Husbands and Families, may be more easily conveyed to the Mind of a Feeling Individual by the Strength of Imagination, than by the Power of the Pen.
The Good Character of the Youth for at least 27 Years of his Life – (he is now only 28) – that (if Guilty) it is his first offence, – and the Situation of his Relatives and Friends are powerful Inducements to any one, who is capable, to exert his Endeavours to obtain Mercy – Add to this that there was no Evidence on the Trial of any Threats used, or Violence committed by the unfortunate Youth, – a trait in our Law, which used to distinguish the Offence commonly called Picking of Pockets, from the far more serious one of Highway Robbery.
Letter dated 21 Nov 1827:
Nov r 21st 1827
My Lord
I beg leave most respectfully
to acknowledge receipt of a Respite
for Thomas Sacket who was before
ordered to be Executed
I am
My Lord
with the greatest Respect
Your Lordships
most Humble Servt
Jno Montner
Keeper of His Majestys
Gaol of Newgate
To the Most Noble
the Marquis of Lansdowne