Will of Alexander Sackett of Warren, Litchfield County, Connecticut
Date: 19 Nov 1827.
Proved: probably 12 Dec 1829 when further items of inventory of estate were received by Court.
Testator: Alexander Sackett of Warren, Litchfield County, Connecticut.
Wife Patience, dwelling house during lifetime, movables inc. cattle, sheep, horses, & swine, household furniture, farming utensils.
Isaac Hazen, Amzi Hazen, Alexander S Hazen, Amzi Hazen's two daughters, conditional use of Mill if not needed to be sold to pay debts, use of Townhill lot.
Amzi H Gaylor, Robert Gaylor, half of home farm after wife's decease, subject to Amzi Gaylor continuing to care for Alexander and Patience during their lifetimes; remainder of home farm, subject to Robert Gaylor returning and working the farm, and paying $50 to each of Alexander's brothers, Samuel, Aaron, & Cyrus, and $20 to each of Alexander's sister Mercy Fuller's sons, Cyrus & William Fuller, and to each of Alexander's deceased sister Violitty's sons, Bennet, Reuben, & John Bates.
Executors: Joseph A Tanner, wife Patience.
Witnesses: Benjamin, Ancil, & Chloe Fuller.
In the name of God Amen
I Alexander Sackett of Warren in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut being in perfect health of mind & memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say — First, I will and give my Soul to God my Maker beseaching his most gracious acceptance of it through Jesus Christ my only Saviour — next I positively order that all my Debts be paid. In the next place I give to Patience my Dear Wife the right of soil of a meadow that lies near Capt Abner Everett's that is called the Swan Meadow. I likewise give her the use of my now Dwelling House her lifetime and one barn which she chooses, likewise the small buildings (viz) my wood house and hay/hog? house & shettle? in it all these her lifetime. I likewise give my Dear Wife the use of all my farm that I have a Deed & lease of during her widowhood & half during her lifetime, except the Mill and Mill lot & Townhill lot. Those lots I shall direct other ways. I likewise give her all my movables (viz) my neat[?meat] cattle & sheep & horses & swine to her own disposal only what I shall direct hereafter. I likewise give her all the household furniture & farming utentials and my waring apparel all these to her own disposal. I also give her all my dues (that is) all that is due to me above what is more than I owe but one debt must answer another that is to say what is due to me must go to pay what I owe and if there is not enough due to me to pay my debts there must be ten dollars paid out of the above mentioned cattle?, and if that is not enough to pay my debts the Executor must sell one quarter or one half of my Grist Mill to pay them as the ocation may require. And the other half of the Mill I give one quarter to Isaac Hazen with that part of the Mill lot to come in possession of it immediately & one quarter to Amzi Hazen to come in possession of it at me & my wife's decease. if it should not take half of the Mill to pay my debts what is left I give Amzi Hazen & Alexander S Hazen equally what is left of the Mill that I ordered to be sold if necessary to pay Debts, and the Mill lot in proportion to each part. the Mill may be sold if there is an oppertunity at any time all but Isaac Hazens part and the money divided according as I divided it above. I likewise give my Dear Wife the profits of the mill if it is not sold her lifetime, only Isaac Hazens part that Hazen is to have now and all times. I give to Amzi Hazens two Daughters my part of the Townhill lot at me & my Wife Decease that lot of land I bought of Aaron Sackett in Company with Amzi H Gaylor but I give Amzi Hazan the use of sd Townhill lot during his natural life to improve it according to his pleasure. If the Mill is sold and there should be any money left after paying my Debts I give to my Dear Wife the use of the money her lifetime and then have divided as I directed above to Amzi Hazen & Alexander S Hazen.
As to my farm here at home I give one half of my land that I have a Deed and leas of to Amzi H Gaylor with one half of my Buildings thereon at me & my Wifes Decease provided that the said Gaylor stays & lives with me & carries on the farming business to advantage and takes care of me & my Wife during our natural life. he is to have it equal to one half before I sold a piece of land to Ira?? Stone to take it out of the rest, counting in the twenty acres to his half that I am agoing to Deed to him — and if Robbert H? Gaylor should come back and will go to work with his brother A H Gaylor on my farm and will pay to my three brothers (viz) Samuel Sackett and Aaron Sackett & Cyrus Sackett each of them fifty Dollars making one hundred and fifty Dollars to them three, and one hundred Dollars to my two sisters five sons, that is to Marcy Fullers two sons (viz) Cyrus & William Fuller and to my deceased sister Violitty Bates three sons (viz) Bennet and Reuben & John Bates each of the five, twenty Dollars apiece making to the five sones one hundred Dollars, so that iit in the whole to my Brothers, and then to my Sisters Sones two hundred and fifty Dollars, he shall have the remainder of my farm that I have not desposed of before. if Robert H? Gaylor should come back & comply according to this will he may have three years to pay the money in and not pay any interest for that term of time. if Robert H? Gaylor will not within one year from date comply with what I have wrote above for him, then there must be a division of that part if any be left to my three sisters or their Mail Heirs equally alike being three parts. Lastly I constitute and appoint Joseph A Tanner Executor on this my last Will and Testament With my Dear Wife Patience Executrix of this my last will and testament. and this is to superseed all former wills and testamony — in Testamony where of I have here unto set my hand
Warren November 19 1827 Alexander Sackett
Benjamin Fuller
Ancil Fuller
Chloe Fuller
Inventory dated Warren, 5 Apr 1829, total $6,544, incl. home lot with 2 dwelling houses, cider still, 3 barns & other outhouses $3,360, Swan meadow $320, Town Hill lot $675, half share of grist mill $400. Signed Homer Curtiss, Aaron Sackett. Further inventory & lists of debts were added up to 12 Dec 1829.