The Times, 17 July 1820, p. 2.
"List of Bankrupts includes—
T. Sackett, Bermondsey-wall, Bermondsey, shipwright, July 22, 29, Aug. 26, at Guildhall: solicitor, Mr. Ingold, Jamaica-row, Bermondsey."

The Times, 16 September 1820, p. 4.
"Sales by Auction
To Shipwrights, Barge and Lighter Builders, Wharfingers and Others.—By Mr. Preston, at the Auction-mart, on Friday, Sept. 23, at 12, by direction of the Assignees of Mr. Thomas Sackett, a bankrupt.
DESIRABLE Water-side Premises, most advantageously situate near Mill-stairs, Bermondsey-wall, opposite to the new entrance to the London-docks, comprising a wharf of about 70 feet frontage, with excellent ways, warehouses, dwelling-houses, timber yards, saw-pits, shed, &c., in the occupation of Mr. Sackett and others, held for a long term at a low rent: also a valuable Estate adjoining, in the occupation of Mr. Moffat, barge-builder, and others, on lease granted to Mr. Joseph Smith, comprising extensive wharf and ways, dwelling-house, substantial buildings, &c.; held from Midsummer, 1817, for 34 years and a quarter, for two lives, both much advanced, and after their decease, at a pepper-corn. May be viewed; particulars to be had on the premises; of Messrs. Drew and Sons, solicitors, Bermondsey-street; at the Auction-mart; and of the auctioneer, Rotherhithe."

The Times, 21 March 1821, p. 4.
Listed in the 'From the London Gazette' column
April 21, T. Sackett, Bermondsey, shipwright."

The Times, 24 June 1822, p. 2.
July 16, T. Sackett, Bermondsey, ship-wright."