Will of Joane Sakett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent
Date: 31 March 1501
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-8-61
Testatrix: Joane Sakett, widow of Solomon Sakett, St Peter's
Agnes grannt my goddaughter, Thomas Sprakling, Margaret Sprakling, Margerye Sprakling, [Denise] Cakelyn, Johane Sprakling, Richard Sprakling, Willia- Sprakling, our lady of Wallsingh-m, hym that shall labour to our Lady of Walsingham, Alice Lidered, Elene Sprakling, Margery Lidered, Edward Lidered
Thomas Sprakling, Edward Lidered
Sr Hugh Hugh vicar, Richard Sprakling, Willia-
"In the name of god Amen the last day of the monyth of March the ye-r of the Incarnation of our lord god m ccccc and one I Johane Sakett the widowe of Sal-mon Sakett of the p-ishe of Saynt Peter in the Ile of Thanet of pfyt mynde and good remembrance in this ma-n forme folowing make my testament First I bequeth my soule to allmighty god to our lady Saynt Marye and all the Sayntes of heven my body to be buried in the churchyard of Saynt Peter aforesaid Also I bequethe to the high auter of the said churche 12d It-m to every lyght in the said churche of the whiche I am sister a busshell of whete It-m to Agnes grannt my goddaughter 1 busshel of whete It-m I bequethe to Thomas Sprakling a brasse pott a ketill 2 disshes of peutre a tabillclothe 1 payer of shetes It-m to Margaret Sprakling a nother brasse pott a panne a payer of shetes a blankett a cov-lytt a [laber] a candelstikke a chist a [kirtill hal_] my best clok a tableclothe 2 pillowes 2 peutre disshes It-m I bequethe to Margerye Sprakling my russet kyrtill my
wt [bokram] and a payer of beddes Also I beque-the to [Denise] Cakelyn a chest my velett hoode and a peutre disshe Also I bequethe to our lady auter in the churche my best tableclothe It-m to Johane Sprakling 1 peutre disshe a candellstikk and a litle brasse potte It-m to Richard Sprakling a payer of shetes a coverlitt and a peutre disshe It-m to Willia- Sprakling [Jnr?] 1 [bering] shepe It-m to the foresaid Thomas Sprakling my second
and a litle chest Also I bequethe to our lady of Wallsingh-m my best [beedes] wt a ring of silv- Also I bequethe to hym that shall labour to our Lady of Walsingham to offer the said beedes and ring for hys labr and expense 10s Also I bequethe to the rep-ations of the churche friers in Sandwiche 10d Also to Steven Sprakling 1 busshell of whete It-m to Alice Lidered a litle chest to the said churche workes a shepe Also I bequethe the said Thomas Sprakling iij shepe Also I bequethe the daughter of the said Thomas Spraking a shepe Also I bequethe to the aforesaid 4 shepe Also I bequethe to Johane and Elene Sprakling the other half p-te of my clok And to the said Elene Sprakling my red hode and a peutre disshe It-m to Alice Sprakling daughter of the said Thomas Sprakling a lambe and to Alice Sprakling her sister a lambe also I bequethe to [iche] of the children of the sayd Thomas Sprakling a lambe
of peutre Also I bequethe to Margery Lidered my vulett kyrtill Also I will that ther be
for the helth of my soule at my forthbering 6 masses wt [placebo] and dirge At my monithes day and 12 monyth day every of them 6 masses wt placebo and dirge The residue
of all my goodes aftre my dettes and bequethes payed I geve and bequethe to the said Thomas Sprakling and Edward Lidered that they therof dispose for the helthe of my soule as they for best to be [dooi goe] for to [pleace] and my soule to
whyche Thomas and Edwarde I ordeyne and make my executours Also I bequethe to [Iche] of my said executrs for there labr 20d This wittnessith Sr Hugh Hugh vicar of the said churche Richard Sprakling Willia- [-oblet] [p;others]
Probatium ixmo Junij Jura Sprakling & [-oblett]
est adm-stratio executveibnt