SABINA SACKETT. This highly respected citizen of Arrowsmith Township owns and occupies a fine homestead on section 17, consisting of 160 acres of highly improved land, with a handsome two-story dwelling, a good barn, and all necessary buildings adapted to the storing of grain and the shelter of stock. He has made the breeding of the latter a specialty, and in this, as well as in other farming operations, has met with remarkable success.

Our subject was born in Delaware County, Ohio, March 22, 1828, and is the son of Elijah G. and Malinda (Lee) Sackett, natives respectively of Ohio and New York. Elijah Sackett was born in 1804, and died July 5, 1880. He came to Illinois in 1856, whence he removed to Iowa in 1875, and was engaged in farming pursuits all his life. He was a good man in every sense the term implies, and with his wife was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The mother of our subject was born in 1804, and departed this life at her home in Adair County, Iowa, in 1880. The children born to them were, Sabina, Nancy A., who died in childhood, Hiram H., Francis, Josephine, Maria, Lyman, Charles D., Martha, Sarah E., Catherine and Lydia. Charles D. during the late war served four years in the 3d Illinois Cavalry.

Mr. Sackett came to this county in 1853, and was employed one year by David Lewis of Dale Township, for the sum of $150. He was variously occupied for about eighteen years afterward. His first purchase of land was 120 acres near Farmer City, which he finally sold and purchased a part of his present homestead. He is a thorough-going and enterprising business man, with decided opinions, and fearless in the expression of them, and glories in the fact that he is a “true blue" Republican, ready upon every occasion to defend the principles of his party, which he believes to be the best upon the face of the earth.

Portrait and Biographical Album of McLean County, Ill: Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County, Together with Portraits and Biographies of All the Governors of Illinois, and of the Presidents of the United States, Brookhaven Press, 1887.