Repudiates the Son Who Deserted Him in His Poverty
Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 6
Hackley Sackett, the silhouette artist arrested in Topeka after eloping with an Elkhart heiress, today wired his father, who lives here, a pathetic appeal for funds to help him out of his scrape. The message was returned to the telegraph office marked "refused." Thirty years ago Sackett senior was one of the best known lecture and concert managers in the country, and he gave his boy a superior education. When he lost both his health and money the boy ignored him, and the broken-down old man came here and began peddling newspapers about the hotels. He is still doing this, and is now worth $12,000 or $15,000. The old man states that his son has a wife and three children in the East. He married a sister of Mrs. Howe, the wife of the Eastern Manager of the American News company, and the deserted family is now living with the Howes in their New York home.

The Chicago Tribune, 7 Feb 1894